Asian Philosophical Encounters Monday, 29 April 2013

Asian Philosophical Encounters
Monday, 29th April 2013
Daryll Forde Seminar Room, UCL Department of Anthropology,
14 Taviton Street, London WC1H 0BW
Workshop organised by the Department’s Anthropology and Asian Philosophy
Reading and Research Group.
Each panel will consist of presentations lasting fifteen minutes each, followed by one
hour’s open discussion.
9.15-9.45 – Coffee
9.45-10.00 – Welcome and Introduction (William Matthews, UCL)
10.00–12.00 Panel I: Body and Medicine in Japan and China
Chair: Dr Cosimo Zene (SOAS)
Dr Tullio Lobetti (SOAS) Embodiment in Japanese Religious Practice: Performance,
Text, and Tradition
Dr Lucia Dolce (SOAS) Ritual and the Body in Japanese Buddhism (Title TBC)
Gretchen de Soriano (UCL) Anthropological Perspectives on Japanese Kampo
Dr Vivienne Lo (UCL) Title TBC
12.00-1.00 Lunch
1.00-3.00 Panel II: Perspectives from Tibetan Buddhism
Chair: Dr Rebecca Empson (UCL)
Dr Hildegard Diemberger (Cambridge) Cross-Cultural Philosophical Encounters on
the Tibetan Plateau: an Ethnographic Perspective
Charles Manson (SOAS) The Development of the Institutionalization of
Reincarnation in Tibet (Title TBC)
Dr Ulrich Pagel (SOAS) Tensions between Buddhist Monastic Ideals and State
Legislation (Title TBC)
3.00-3.30 Coffee
3.30-5.30 Panel III: Politics, Religion, and Ritual in China and Japan
Chair: Dr Martin Hobraad (UCL)
Dr Dolores P. Martinez (SOAS) Postwar Japan, Theories of the National, and the
Role of Confucianism
Prof. Elisabeth Hsu (Oxford) Talking of Connections and Relations: What about the
Concept Ganying (Resonance)?
Dr Hans Steinmuller (LSE) Chinese Ritual and Sociological Reflexivity
Prof. Tim Barrett (SOAS) The Lack of a Concept of ‘Religion’ in Premodern China
(Title TBC)
5.30-6.00 Closing Remarks
6.00 Wine reception