Law & Society 2015-2016 Outcomes and Curriculum Map Student learning outcomes: 1. Students will form a knowledge base in the foundational principles of law, justice, humanities and social science. 2. Students will be able to analyze legal, moral and scientific arguments. 3. Students will be able to compare legal systems using historical, cross-cultural, and interdisciplinary methods. 4. Students will be able to demonstrate proficiency in researching and use of primary and secondary legal and scholarly sources. 5. Students will be able to present clear oral and written argumentation on sociolegal issues. 6. Students will connect the law in action to course concepts. Curriculum map: Modes of Learning: I = Introduction, P = Practice, M = Mastery Course number Course name 131 201 Law Society Global Legal Order Revolution, Rebellion, and Democracy Law, Power, and Inequality Sociolegal Research and Writing Field Studies Directed Readings Thesis Supervision 233 251 353 321 421 431 Outcome 1: Found. principles I P Outcome 2: Legal and Moral Outcome 3: Comp. methods Outcome 4: Research & critical skills Outcome 5: Argum. skills Outcome 6: Law in action I P I I I P I P P I I P I P P I I P I P P P, M P P P M M M