Communiciation Arts Outcomes and Curriculum Map Outcome 1: Demonstrate understanding of media as an economic, cultural, political and ideological force in society that changes over time. Outcome 2: Demonstrate understanding of media in a global and intercultural perspective that changes over time. Outcome 3: Demonstrate understanding of the ways in which media language (image, text, sound) constructs social reality and creates meaning in different periods. Outcome 4: Understand and be able to apply the principles of media ethics to their work. Outcome 5: Students will apply creative thinking in the work they produce. Outcome 6: Be able to write appropriately to their discipline, using proper documentation. Outcome 7: Demonstrate effective oral communication. Outcome 8: Produce advanced work making appropriate choices about tools and techniques. GUIDE I= Introduce P= Practice M= Mastery Course Name COMM 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 213 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 226 227 Digital Literacy Fund.Interact.Med Fil Rep:Rac/Cl/Gen Media Literacy Interper. Commun Fund. Of Audio Fund. TV Studio Newswriting Hist. TV/New Med. Org.Commun. Hist. of Design Vis. Storytelling Med & Cin Studies Dig. Post-Product. Dig. Filmmaking Idea Development Story Structure Speech for Comm Copy Editing Hist of Journalism #1: #2: #3: Econ, pol, Globl/interl Med Lang ideol. perspective force I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I/P P P P P I I P P P P I I I #4: Media Ethics #5 Creative Thinking I I I I I I I I #6 #7 #8 Writing/ Oral Com Adv Wor Info Lit I I I I I I I I I I I I P P P P P I I I I I I I P P P P P P P P I I I I P P P P I P 229 230 234 237 239 263 266 304 306 307 308 310 311 312 315 317 318 319 320 322 323 324 326 327 328 329 331 333 334 337 338 339 341 342 343 344 346 347 #1: #2: #3: Econ, pol, Glob/Interc Media Course Name ideol force ul Language perspective World Cin.Movments P P P Creative Writing P Intercul. Commun. P P P Graphic Design I P Typography I P Digital Imaging P Res/Writg Methods P P P Writing for Publica P Videojournalism P P P Environmtl Writing P P P Directing Documen P P P/M Apoc.Visions P P P Community Jrnlsm P P P Port/Thesis ProjDev P P Surr.Snd&3D Audio P Med. & Persuasion P P P Campgn Med&Film P P P Creative NonFiction P Wrtg for Pub Relat P P P Web Design P ProdRadDoc-Podcsts P Rptg/Wtg OnlinMed P P P Per. Theory & Prac. P P P MotGraph&TitleDes P The Narrative Art P Photojournalism P P Media Iss. & Ethics P P P Prod Newspaper P His/Aest Film Edtg P P P Directing Fict Film P/M SoundDes-DigMed P/M Publication Design P P/M TV Noir/Amer Cult. P P P Dig Cinematography P/M Cinema of Other P P P Writing Screenplay P/M Creat. Ad/PR P P P New TV Criticism P P P #4: Media Ethics I I P I I P P P P P P P I P P I P I P I I I P./M P I I I P I P I P #5 Creative Thinking P P P P P P P P P/M P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P/M P/M P/M #6 #7 #8 Writing/ Oral Com Adv Work Info Lit P P P I P I P I I P P P P P/M P P P P I P I P I P P P P P P P P I P P P P P P/M I P P P I I P P P I P P/M P P I P P I P P P P/M P P P P P/M P/M P/M P P P/M I I P P/M P/M P/M P/M 349 350 352 356 357 362 364 365 380 404 405 410 415 420 423 430 433 447 450 CNTP 308 310 312 323 325 327 328 347 348 350 363 388 404 414 487 LLAS 331 #1: #2: #3: Econ, pol, Glob/Interc Media Course Name ideol force ul Language perspective Promotions Writing P P P MedInd--Art&Econ P P P Bus Prod TV/Film P P P Media & Technolgy P P P India&GlobCultInd P P P Interact.Anima.Des P/M Dir.Actors for Film P NewsRptg:Bdct/NmedP P P/M SrPrj DFL: Proposal P/M Sr.Proj:Des&Int Med P/M Visual Identity P/M GlobMed,LocChnge P P P/M VisEffs-DVD & Film P/M Race/Eth/Cr-Cul Jrnl P P P Sr.Proj:Writing P/M Sr.Proj:Journalism P P P/M Sr.Proj:Dig.Filmkg M Sr.Proj:GlobCom P P P/M Web Series Prod P/M Soc Doc/Hum Rts Black Exp-Media Cont.Crit.: Film Gend/SexPol/FilRep Med.Sports & Soc. Glob/Mult Med Iss. Gd/Ev:Des.Film,Vis Am. Indep. Cinema Latino Imag/Holly. Digital Culture Med&Cul:Lat.Amer Co-op Cont Arts FromFict to Film TheDramtcElement FilmHisCultMyth #4: Media Ethics P P P P P I P P P/M P/M P P M P M P P P #5 Creative Thinking P P P P P/M P P P/M P/M P/M P/M P/M P/M P/M P/M P/M P/M #6 #7 #8 Writing/ Oral Com Adv Work Info Lit P/M P P P P P/M P/M M M M P/M P P I/P P P P P/M P/M P P P P/M P P P P P P/M P P P/M P/M P/M M P/M P/M P/M P/M M M M M M M M M M M P P P P P P P P P P P/M P/M P P P P I/P I/P P P I/P P P P P P P P P P P/M P P P P P P P P P P/M P/M P/M P/M P/M P/M P/M P P/M P/M M P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P I/P P/M P/M P/M I/P I/P I/P I/P I/P I/P P I/P I/P I/P P/M P/M P/M P P P P P P NY as LatinoCiyscapeP I/P