Curriculum Vitae  Mohammad Abdul Malek Senior/Postdoctoral Researcher at Center for Development Research (ZEF), Bonn 

Curriculum Vitae Mohammad Abdul Malek
Senior/Postdoctoral Researcher at Center for Development Research (ZEF), Bonn Contact in Dhaka
Contact in Bonn ZEF‐Dpt. of Economic and Technological Change BRAC‐ Research and Evaluation Division (RED) 75, Mohakhali, Dhaka 1212. Walter‐Flex‐Str. 3, 53113 Bonn, Germany. Bangladesh. Phone:+49.228.73‐1913 Phone:+88‐02‐9881265 Extn: 3707; +88‐01727828635 (Cell) Cell:+49‐017697811760 Fax: +49.228.73‐1869 Email: malekr25@uni‐ Education 
Ph.D. in Rural Economics, The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Tottori University, Japan, 2010. Master in Agriculture, Yamaguchi University, Japan, 2007. M.S.S and B.S.S. (with Honors) in Economics, University of Dhaka, 2000 and 1998, respectively. Research Interests  Agricultural and Rural Economics, Experimental Development Economics. Positions Held 
Senior/Postdoctoral Researcher at Center for Development Research (ZEF), Bonn from August 2012. Senior Research Fellow, Research and Evaluation Division (RED), BRAC, Dhaka, Bangladesh from May 2013. Research Fellow, Research and Evaluation Division (RED), BRAC, Dhaka, Bangladesh from January 2011‐
April 2013. Assistant Director, Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD), Comilla, Bangladesh, May 2001 – December 2010 (On study leave: May 2005‐September 2010) Visiting PhD Fellow, Institute of Microfinance (InM), Dhaka, Bangladesh, August‐October 2009. Research Intern, Center for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Dhaka, Bangladesh, January‐March 2000. Projects in Implementation 
1 Technology (ex‐ante) assessment and farm household segmentation for inclusive poverty reduction and sustainable growth in agriculture (TIGA) project funded by BMGF. Involved in project team at ZEF, Bonn with Dr. Joachim Von Braun and Dr. Franz W. Gatzweiler and Country Coordinator for Bangladesh at BRAC RED. Marginality hotspots (study Area) following GIS based mapping approach identified. Field survey (both qualitative and quantitative) completed, analyzed, and presented in the international conference. Writing paper, developing a manual for identification of small holders’ technology innovations, editing a book are in progress. AG‐WATSAN Nexus Research Project funded by BMGF. Involved in project team at ZEF, Bonn with Dr. Joachim Von Braun and Dr. Evita HP and Country Coordinator for Bangladesh at BRAC RED. Marginality hotspots (study Area) have been identified and randomized experiment is in progress. Impact evaluation of credit programs for tenant farmers (Sharecroppers development programme) working as PI with Dr. Mahabub Hossain at BRAC RED with funding from GDN/3ie. Accelerating Rice Productivity Growth in Bangladesh (ARPGB): A field experiment with SRI technology in Bangladesh working as co‐investigator with Dr. Asadul Islam, Dr. Sisira Jayasuriya, Dr. Chirstopher B Barrett, Dr. Marcel Fafchamps under Moansh‐BRAC collaboration with IGC funding. Improving educational outcomes of female and disadvantaged primary school students: randomized experiments to evaluate efficacy of greater parental involvement and supplementary teaching in Bangladesh and evaluation of BRAC Chatrabondhu (Friends of students). Working as co‐investigator with Dr Asadul Islam under Moansh‐ BRAC collaboration with AUSAID funding.  Leveraging Agriculture for Nutrition in South Asia (LANSA) working as Co‐investigator with Dr. Mahabub Hossain and Ms. Barnali Charabarti at BRAC RED under DFID funded Research Program Consortium. Projects/proposals in progress  Realizing Agricultural Technology and Innovation Opportunities for Large Segments of the Rural Poor (RATIOS) with Dr. Joachim VB and Dr. Franz GW.  ‘Improving money management behavior of the poor rural households in Bangladesh: Evidence from field experiment on financial diaries and financial literacy’ With Dr. Adadul Islam  ‘Increasing labor market participation of educated female youths through entrepreneurship development interventions in rural Bangladesh: Evidence from a randomized field experiment’ with Dr. Adadul Islam. Forthcoming Papers  Significance and growth linkages of household non‐farm enterprises in Rural Bangladesh: A Case of Advanced Villages with Koichi Usami. Paper accepted for presentation at Canadian Economic Association Annual Conference (but could not deliver due to visa matter) held at Montreal, Quebec dated May 30‐June 2 2013 and now submitted in a journal. Papers/works in progress  Manual for the identification of idle potentials of marginal rural areas and people by means of technological and institutional innovations with Franz GW.  Only cereal based cropping technologies can improve food and livelihood security of the poor small holders in marginal areas of Bangladesh? with Josefa Yesmin and Md. Latiful Haque.  Agricultural technology innovations and their likely impact on productivity of the poor Small holders in marginality hotspots with agricultural potentials in Bangladesh with Md. Latiful Haque.  Intergenerational occupational mobility in Rural Bangladesh: Evidences from Longitudinal survey with Chau Nguyen and Asadul Islam.  Impact assessment of credit program for the tenant farmers in Bangladesh: Evidences from the field experiment with Mahabub Hossain, Marup Hossain, Md. Shakil Ahmed and others.  Is that farm size and tenancy relation matter for resource utilization and scale of economics in paddy production? Empirical analyses from Bangladesh with Md. Shakil Ahmed.  Dominant livelihood strategies for the tenant farm households in Bangladesh: Farming or non‐farming? With Md. Amzad Hossain and Abu Ahsan Mishu.  The Embedded Approach in a Mixed Methods Impact Evaluation design: Experiences from a field experiment with BRAC credit program for the tenant farmers in Bangladesh with Abu Ahsan Mishu. Working papers/Book Chapters/Book/Report 
2 Hossain M, Jaim WMH, Malek MA etal. (2014). Impact Assessment of Credit Programs for the tenant farmers: Baseline report 2012. Research Report. Dhaka: BRAC Printers. Hossain M, Malek MA and Das NC (2014). Tenant Farmers’ Access to Credit and Extension Services: BRAC Tenant Farmer Development Project In Bangladesh. Working paper 40, ISSN 2311. Dhaka: BRAC Printers. Malek MA, Hossain MA, Saha R and Gatzweiler, FW (2013). Mapping marginality hotspots and agricultural potentials in Bangladesh. ZEF Working Paper 114, ISSN 1864‐6638. June 2013, Bonn. Kamruzzaman M, Hossain NZ, Bhattacharjee A, Akter A, Raza W, Malek MA and Das NC (2012). Social Network and Financial Literacy among Rural Adolescent Girls: Qualitative Assessment of BRAC’s SoFEA Programme. Working Paper No. 34. Dhaka: Research and Evaluation Division (RED), BRAC. Malek MA and Usami K (2012). Determinants of Non‐farm Employments in Rural Bangladesh: A Case of Comilla Sadar Upazila. In: Bangladesh in the 21st Century: The Harvard Conference Papers – Issues in Economic Development and Finance. University Press Limited. Malek MA (2011). Non‐farm Employment and Poverty in Rural Bangladesh: A Case of Advanced Villages. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing Gmbh &Co.KG, August 2011. Peer‐reviewed Journals 
Malek MA and Usami K (2010). Do the Non‐farm Incomes really matter for Poverty among Small Households in Rural Bangladesh? A Case of Advanced Villages. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics. Vol. 2(7):250–267, July 2010. Malek MA and Usami K (2010). Determinants of Non‐farm Employment in Rural Bangladesh: A Case of Advanced Villages. Journal of Bangladesh Studies. 11(2): 20‐34, December 2009. Kashem MM, Guha RK and Malek MA (2009). Micro Enterprises in Rural Bangladesh: Entrepreneurial Process, Problems and Prospects. Journal of Rural Development, 36(1), January 2009. Malek MA and Usami K (2009). Determinants of Non‐farm Income Diversification in Developed Villages of Bangladesh: A Case of Comilla Sadar Upazila. American Journal of Economics and Business Administration. 1 (2): 141‐149, 2009. Malek MA and Usami K (2007). State of Micro‐enterprises in Rural Bangladesh: A Case in Comilla Sadar Upazila. Journal of Rural Problems. 43 (1): 228‐233, June 2007. Roy MK and Malek MA (2002). Human Development through Building Social Capital in Rural Areas: Some Experiences. Journal of Rural Development and Administration, 34, (1‐4): 37‐59, December 2002. Major Presentations  Supporting Underprivileged Students at Secondary Schools: Evaluation of BRAC’s Chtrabondhu Program. Presented in the seminar on “Improving Educational Outcomes of Rural Students” at BRAC Centre, Dhaka st
dated 21 April 2014. BRAC Tenant Farmers Development Project: Reflections from the program operation and an on‐going impact assessment study. Presented at Leveraging Agriculture for Nutrition in South Asia (LANSA) Open Forum at BRAC center, Dhaka dated 07 April 2014. Impact Assessment of Credit Program for the Tenant Farmers: Baseline study findings. Presented at A National Level Dissemination Workshop at BRAC center, Dhaka dated 15 March 2014. Agricultural Innovations and their Impact on Productivity Growth in Bangladesh with Latiful Hoque, Josefa Yesmin and Mohammad Syful Hoque. Presented at TIGA International Conference at ZEF, Bonn dated 7‐8 Nov 2013. Manual for the identification of idle potentials of marginal rural areas and people by means of technological and institutional innovations with Franz GW. Presented at 2nd TIGA Project Workshop, Addis Ababa, April 18‐20, 2013. BRAC Tenant Farmers Development Program. Presented at National level Policy Workshop On “Developments in Tenancy and Credit markets in Bangladesh: Implications for strategy and policies for agricultural development” in Dhaka 14 Nov 2012. Mapping marginality hotspots and agricultural potentials in Bangladesh. Presented at 1st TIGA Project Workshop, Bonn, Sept 13‐14, 2012. Exclusion and drop out in school participation in Bangladesh: Insights from repeat household surveys with Mahabub Hossain. Presented at Pre‐conference Event: Dynamics of Rural Livelihoods and Poverty in South Asia of the 7th ASAE International Conference, Hanoi, Vietnam 13‐15 October 2011. Participation of micro‐credit borrowing households in household based enterprises in rural Bangladesh. Presented at Institute of Microfinance (InM), PkSF Building, Agargoan, Dhaka, Bangladesh dated 22 October 2009. Effects of Non‐farm Employments on Poverty among Small Households in Developed Villages of Bangladesh with Koichi Usami. Presented at 111 EAAE‐IAA Seminar ‘Small Farms: decline or persistence’ University of Kent, Canterbury, UK during 25‐28 June 2009. Human Development through Building Social Capital in Rural Areas: Some Experiences with MK Roy. Presented at Bangladesh Economic Association Bi‐annual Conference, Dhaka, 2002. Consulting Activities 3 
Worked as an Agricultural Economist with Mahabub Hossain and WMH Jaim for DFID funded 6 years (2012‐2017) Research Program Consortium ‘Leveraging Agriculture for Nutrition in South Asia (LANSA)’ during its inception phase. Worked for IRRI, Dhaka office as a Junior Consultant with the M&E team for its ‘Poverty Elimination through Rice Research Assistance (PETRRA)’ project during August 2003‐August 2004. Worked in numerous action research and research projects funded by the Government of Bangladesh (GoB), Social Science Research Council (SSRC), Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) while working with BARD, Comilla, Bangladesh during 2001‐2005. Professional Training Received/Workshop Attended  Philippines, Manila: 2014 Asia Pacific Agricultural Policy (APAP) Roundtable and Pre‐ conference Meeting for 8th Asian Society for Agricultural Economists (ASAE) conference dated 17‐18 March 2014.  IFPRI, New Delhi: GIS and Data Management Workshop organized by Center for Development Research (ZEF), Bonn, 28 Oct‐ Nov 02 2012.  ISI, Delhi Center, India: BREAD‐IGC‐ISI India Development Policy Conference and Summer School in Development Economics, 19‐25 July 2012.  M S Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai, India: Leveraging Agriculture for Nutrition in South Asia (LANSA) Inception Workshop, 19 – 20 March 2012.  BRAC – World Bank Institute, Dhaka: Course on Impact Evaluation for Development Goals, March 04‐
16, 2012.  Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, Ahmedabad, India: Managing Micro‐enterprise and Micro‐finance Development, Nov. 08‐ Dec. 17 2004.  Center for Environmental and Geographic Information Services (CEGIS), Dhaka: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Reviewer’s Course, 11‐22 July 2004.  Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS), Dhaka and World Bank Institution: Introduction to Poverty Analysis, 15‐25 July 2002. Grants, fellowships and scholarships  2012‐2014: Postdoctoral Scholarship by Center for Development Research (ZEF), Bonn.  2012: Conference and Travel grant from IGC for participating BREAD‐IGC‐ISI India Development Policy Conference and Summer School in Development Economics 2012.  2011: A Fellowship from IRRI for joining to 7th Asian Society of Agricultural Economics (ASAE) International Conference, Hanoi, Vietnam 13‐15 October 2011.  2007‐2010: The Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship for three years Doctoral Course.  2009: Institute of Microfinance (InM), Dhaka Fellowship for working as Visiting PhD Fellow, Aug‐Oct 2009.  2009: IAAE Travel Grants for 111 EAAE‐IAAE Seminar ‘Small Farms: decline or persistence’ at University of Kent, Canterbury, UK.  2005 – 2007: The Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship for two years Master Course  2004: Indian Technical Cooperation (ITEC) Fellowship for participating an International training course on Micro‐finance and Microenterprises at Indian Entrepreneurship Development Institute (EDI), Ahmedabad.  1995‐1999: Dhaka University Undergraduate Scholarship.  1992‐1994: National Merit Scholarship, The Government of Bangladesh. Professional Membership  Canadian Economic Association, Asian Society of Agricultural Economics, Bangladesh Economic Association, Bangladesh Young Economists (B_Y_E) Association. Referee Available upon request Personal information Nationality: Bangladeshi (by birth) Date of birth: January 01 1978 Married with Nilufar Rahman Rukhshana and father of two daughters. 4 