GRADUATE STUDENT FINANCIAL AID PROCESS File the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at least two months before the bill is due. Go to and file a FAFSA for the specific year. You must renew your FAFSA each year. Once you receive notification that your FAFSA has been processed, contact your loan officer if you’d like to secure a loan. To qualify for a Stafford loan, you MUST be enrolled for 6 or more credits per semester. If you enroll for less than 6 credits, you may still be eligible for an alternative loan. Contact your loan officer. If you last name begins with the letters A-L contact Janet at (201) 684-7551 or; if your last name begins with the letters M-Z contact Sussy Teijeiro (201) 684-7552 or GRADUATION INFORMATION GO TO: NEXT: Click on Graduation Instructions and Application Download application – complete and submit application before the deadline to be reviewed and signed by the Director and the Dean. Print-out the “Detail Requirements” attach with your Graduation Application. NOTE: Complete Applications (SIGNED and DATED)/Detail Requirements can be faxed, emailed, or mailed to Joyce Wilson for signatures, etc. For questions, or assistance please contact Joyce Wilson @ OR 201-684-7721. Fax# 201-684-6699 Address: Ramapo College of New Jersey SSHS Graduate Programs/Attn: Joyce Wilson 505 Ramapo Valley Road Mahwah, New Jersey 07430 STUDENT INFORMATION: Director, Master of Science in Educational Technology Dr. Richard Russo, Ed.D. Office # E222 201-684-7899 Director, Master of Arts in Educational Leadership Dr. Brian Chinni, Office # E221 201-684-7613 Administrative Assistant Joyce Wilson Office # E219 201-684-7721 Office of Graduate Admissions 201-684-7232 Bursar’s Office 201-684-7706 Registrar’s Office 201-684-7320 Health Services 201-684-7536 Public Safety 201-684-7432 Help Desk 201-684-7777 Bookstore 201-684-7800 Office# A224 Office# D128 Office# D224 FAX# 201-684-7534 Office# C102 1st floor E-Wing 2nd floor Student Center Activate your Ramapo College email after your R# has been generated. Send all requirements promptly to: The Office of Graduate Admissions ALL OFF CAMPUS COHORTS: You must submit a parking waiver each semester after you register Select Waiver Forms parking waiver Immunization Requirements: If you are a matriculated full-time / part-time Undergraduate OR fulltime/part-time Graduate Student who is under age 31 years at time of enrollment you “MUST” submit proof of the requirements listed on the form. If you are unable to provide a record of your measles, mumps, rubella and / or Hepatitis B immunizations, a positive blood titer indicating an antibody to these diseases is acceptable proof. You must submit a copy of the laboratory report in accordance with New Jersey State Law. Alert-me-now (Mandatory) Submit your contact information for emergency messages regarding weather inclement, school closing, etc. Emergency Preparedness