MAJOR PROGRAM GUIDE FOR: B.S. – FORENSIC SCIENCE CONCENTRATION: CHEMISTRY SUGGESTED COURSE SEQUENCE FIRST YEAR COURSE PREFIX OR LIBERAL STUDIES REQUIREMENT CHEM FALL COURSE COURSE NUMBER TITLE HOURS COURSE PREFIX OR LIBERAL STUDIES REQUIREMENT SPRING COURSE NUMBER 139 General Chemistry 4 CHEM 140 BIOL 140 Principles of Biology I 4 ENGL 101 Freshman Seminar COMM 201 3 3 COURSE TITLE HOURS Advanced General Chemistry Writing and Rhetoric Calculus I 4 3 *MATH 153 4 Liberal Studies 3 Requirement TOTAL 14 TOTAL 14 *Hidden pre-requisites for MATH 153 are MATH 130-College Algebra (3), and MATH 146-Pre-calculus (4). Placement into a math course is dependent upon a students SAT/ACT scores, or AP credits earned. Foundations of Communication SOPHOMORE YEAR COURSE PREFIX OR LIBERAL STUDIES REQUIREMENT CHEM FALL COURSE COURSE NUMBER TITLE HOURS SPRING COURSE COURSE NUMBER TITLE 241 Organic Chemistry I 4 COURSE PREFIX OR LIBERAL STUDIES REQUIREMENT CHEM PHYS 130 4 PHYS 131 CHEM 232 4 MATH 270 ENGL 202 Introductory Physics I Quantitative Analysis Writing and Critical Inquiry 3 Liberal Studies Requirement 242 Organic Chemistry II Introductory Physics II Statistical Methods I HOURS 4 4 3 3 TOTAL 15 TOTAL 14 * If a student adheres to this suggested course plan, upon completion of the sophomore year the student has satisfied the course requirements for consideration of admission into the Forensic Science B.S. Program. JUNIOR YEAR COURSE PREFIX OR LIBERAL STUDIES REQUIREMENT CHEM /BIOL Chemistry Concentration Elective CJ Liberal Studies Requirement Liberal Studies Requirement TOTAL FALL COURSE COURSE NUMBER TITLE 361 150 Biochemistry Intro to Criminal Justice and Criminology SPRING COURSE COURSE NUMBER TITLE HOURS COURSE PREFIX OR LIBERAL STUDIES REQUIREMENT 3 FS 466 3-4 CHEM 370 3 CHEM 352 3 General Elective (615 hours Required) Liberal Studies Requirement TOTAL 3 15-16 HOURS Physical Methods in Forensic Science Instrumental Analysis I 3 Physical Chemistry I 3 4 3 3 16 COURSE PREFIX OR LIBERAL STUDIES REQUIREMENT FS OR FS SUMMER I COURSE COURSE NUMBER TITLE HOURS 389 Cooperative Education in Forensic Science 3 380 Research in Forensic Science 3 COURSE PREFIX OR LIBERAL STUDIES REQUIREMENT SUMMERII COURSE COURSE NUMBER TITLE HOURS TOTAL 3 Students must be junior/senior status and admitted into the Forensic Science program prior to enrolling in FS 380 or FS 389. SENIOR YEAR COURSE PREFIX OR LIBERAL STUDIES REQUIREMENT FALL COURSE NUMBER SPRING COURSE NUMBER COURSE TITLE HOURS COURSE PREFIX OR LIBERAL STUDIES REQUIREMENT Crime Scene Investigations 3 FS 495 3-4 FS 463 3 CHEM 465 3 Liberal Studies Requirement 3 3 General Elective (615 hours required) 3 TOTAL 15-16 TOTAL Total Hours For Degree: 124 Total Hours of hidden Pre-Requisites: 7 Students may finish earlier if they attend summer school at WCU or another approved institution. 14 CJ 323 Chemistry Concentration Elective Upper Level Perspective General Elective (615 hours required) General Elective (615 hours required) 3XX-4XX COURSE TITLE HOURS Seminar in Forensic Science The Scientific Method 1 Forensic Chemistry 4 3