NATIONAL SURVEY OF STUDENT ENGAGEMENT, 2008 AMERICAN DEMOCRACY PROJECT RESPONSES The questions and responses below are taken from student responses to the American Democracy Project Consortium section of the 2008 administration of the NSSE survey. To see questions and responses from the basic NSSE survey, go to To allow for easy comparison of first-year and senior responses, first-year responses to each item are presented on top; senior responses are presented below. The NSSE survey was administered to a random sample of first-year students and seniors at the University of Northern Iowa during the spring semester of the 2007-2008 school year. For specific information about the administration of this survey, go to The questions added to the 2008 NSSE survey by the American Democracy Project Consortium provide information in the following areas: Importance of various causes Sources for various kinds of information Activities students participated in during the past year and their reasons for participating Beliefs about politics The tables below provide breakdowns of responses for each of the subpart of each of the four questions. NSSE 2008—ADP Responses IMPORTANCE OF VARIOUS CAUSES (ADP Question 1) 1. How important is each of the following issues or causes to you? Col % Not at all important (1) First-year response rate Senior response rate Col % Col % Not too Somewhat important important (2) (3) Col % Very Important (4) 1a. Education 0% 0% 0% 1% 9% 12% 91% 87% 1b. Environment 0% 1% 6% 5% 42% 40% 52% 53% 1c. Healthcare 0% 1% 6% 6% 37% 38% 57% 55% 1d. Economy 0% 1% 5% 7% 44% 45% 51% 47% 1e. Entertainment & recreation 0% 1% 5% 12% 40% 43% 55% 44% 1f. Religion 6% 8% 12% 16% 29% 37% 52% 39% 1g. National security 1% 2% 8% 12% 44% 44% 48% 41% 1h. Human and civil rights 0% 0% 5% 5% 33% 33% 62% 61% 1i. Neighborhood issues 2% 2% 14% 15% 49% 51% 34% 32% 1j. International issues 1% 1% 11% 13% 57% 58% 31% 28% NSSE 2008—ADP Responses SOURCES OF INFORMATION (ADP QUESTION 2) Where do you generally get most of your information about 2a. Local news? First-year response rate Senior response rate % Choosing Response My institution (classes, organizations, etc.) 5% 4% Family or friends 28% 13% Radio 2% 7% Television 36% 46% Print newspapers or magazines 10% 12% Online resources 15% 14% Not applicable, I don’t usually pay attention 4% 3% NSSE 2008—ADP Responses SOURCES OF INFORMATION (ADP QUESTION 2), continued Where do you generally get most of your information about 2b. National news First-year response rate Senior response rate % Choosing Response My institution (classes, organizations, etc.) 4% 1% Family or friends 12% 7% Radio 1% 5% Television 47% 48% Print newspapers or magazines 2% 5% Online resources 32% 32% Not applicable, I don’t usually pay attention 2% 1% Where do you generally get most of your information about 2c. International news First-year response rate Senior response rate % Choosing Response My institution (classes, organizations, etc.) 5% 2% Family or friends 11% 6% Radio 1% 5% Television 39% 38% Print newspapers or magazines 2% 6% Online resources 33% 38% Not applicable, I don’t usually pay attention 9% 5% NSSE 2008—ADP Responses SOURCES OF INFORMATION (ADP QUESTION 2), continued Where do you generally get most of your information about 2d. Volunteering First-year response rate Senior response rate % Choosing Response My institution (classes, organizations, etc.) 49% 51% Family or friends 22% 20% Radio 0% 1% Television 1% 2% Print newspapers or magazines 6% 5% Online resources 7% 6% Not applicable, I don’t usually pay attention 15% 15% NSSE 2008—ADP Responses SOURCES OF INFORMATION (ADP QUESTION 2), continued Where do you generally get most of your information about 2e. Voting First-year response rate Senior response rate % Choosing Response My institution (classes, organizations, etc.) 12% 9% Family or friends 37% 27% Radio 2% 3% Television 24% 32% Print newspapers or magazines 4% 8% Online resources 14% 15% Not applicable, I don’t usually pay attention 7% 7% Where do you generally get most of your information about 2f. Being involved in social or political issues (organizing, petitioning, protesting) My institution (classes, organizations, etc.) First-year response rate Senior response rate % Choosing Response 24% 25% Family or friends 24% 19% Radio 1% 2% Television 9% 9% Print newspapers or magazines 4% 5% Online resources 7% 10% Not applicable, I don’t usually pay attention 31% 30% NSSE 2008—ADP Responses INVOLVEMENT IN ACTIVITIES: ACTIVITIES ONLY (ADP Questions 3-15) Below are some activities that you might have done in the past year. Please indicate if you did it . . . and why you did it. NOTE: The table below provides responses to the first part of this question (if the respondent did it.) Tables with responses to the second part of the question follow the responses to Question 16. First-year response rate Senior response rate Activity No Yes Total 3. Join a local community group or organization 271 (75%) 368 (73%) 97 (25%) 145 (27%) 368 513 4. Fundraise for a charitable organization 263 (73%) 308 (61%) 107 (27%) 207 (39%) 370 515 5. Participate in a fundraising run/walk/ride 249 (71%) 353 (70%) 118 (29%) 162 (30%) 367 515 6. Volunteer with a local community organization or religious group 246 (68%) 288 (57%) 124 (32%) 227 (43%) 370 515 7. Send a letter or email to the media 343 (92%) 429 (82%) 27 (8%) 86 (18%) 370 515 8. Contact public officials about an issue (e.g., mayor, secretary of state, member of congress, etc.) 352 (96%) 419 (81%) 15 (4%) 96 (19%) 367 515 9. Sign a petition related to a political or community issue 296 (79%) 376 (72%) 74 (21%) 140 (28%) 370 516 10. Organize a petition 367 (99%) 507 (98%) 3 (1%) 8 (2%) 370 515 11. Display buttons, signs or stickers about political or social issues 203 (56%) 349 (67%) 166 (44%) 167 (33%) 369 516 12. Participate in a boycott, protest, or rally abut an issue that is important to you 346 (93%) 472 (91%) 23 (7%) 40 (9%) 369 512 13. Volunteer to work on a political or issue campaign 329 (90%) 451 (88%) 37 (10%) 64 (12%) 366 515 14. Run for an elected leadership position on (e.g., student government) or off the campus (e.g., city council) 350 (96%) 475 (92%) 16 (4%) 39 (8%) 366 514 15. Vote in an election either on or off campus 168 (44%) 215 (41%) 200 (56%) 301 (59%) 368 516 NSSE 2008—ADP Responses BELIEFS ABOUT POLITICS (ADP Question 16) 16. Here are some statements that students make about politics. Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the statements. Statement Col % Strongly disagree First-year response rate Senior response rate Col % Col % Disagree Agree Col % Strongly agree 16a. I believe my coursework is preparing me to participate in politics (e.g., voting, volunteering or contributing to a campaign, or persuading others about a candidate or political issue). 26 (8%) 67 (13%) 165 (43%) 241 (46%) 156 (44%) 173 (35%) 18 (5%) 26 (6%) 16b. I believe my coursework is preparing me to discuss politics and government with my friends and family. 32 (8%) 33 (6%) 100 (26%) 131 (24%) 187 (53%) 267 (53%) 45 (14%) 75 (17%) 16c. You can trust politicians to do the right thing most of the time. 41 (11%) 64 (13%) 179 (48%) 247 (49%) 137 (38%) 189 (38%) 7 (2%) 3 (1%) 16d. Public officials are interested in what college students have to say about issues. 27 (7%) 57 (12%) 143 (41%) 218 (43%) 177 (48%) 220 (43%) 16 (4%) 10 (2%) 16e. Voting is the most effective way to ensure the government hears your voice. 17 (4%) 31 (7%) 97 (28%) 139 (28%) 198 (54%) 247 (48%) 53 (14%) 89 (18%) NSSE 2008—ADP Responses INVOLVEMENT IN ACTIVITIES: ACTIVITIES WITH REASONS FOR INVOLVEMENT (ADP Questions 3-15, continued) Below are some activities that you might have done in the past year. Please indicate if you did it . . . and why you did it. NOTE: The tables combine responses to this question—if respondents did the activity and reasons why they did it. For a table containing only responses on what activities were done, see the pages above. First-year response rate Senior response rate Activity No Yes Total 3. Join a local community group or organization 271 (75%) 368 (73%) 97 (25%) 145 (27%) 368 513 3. Reason First-year response rate Senior response rate Count Percent To feel like I was making a difference 28 54 29% 37% To satisfy a requirement 1 8 1% 5% I was inspired by a course or a professor 4 8 5% 7% Religious reasons 15 6 14% 4% My friends or family are involved 8 8 8% 6% To prepare for a job or future career 14 33 17% 21% It’s fun or satisfying 25 25 25% 18% Other reason 1 3 1% 2% Total responses NSSE 2008—ADP Responses 96 145 INVOLVEMENT IN ACTIVITIES: ACTIVITIES WITH REASONS FOR INVOLVEMENT, continued First-year response rate Senior response rate Activity No Yes Total 4. Fundraise for a charitable organization 263 (73%) 308 (61%) 107 (27%) 207 (39%) 370 515 4. Reason First-year response rate Senior response rate Count Percent To feel like I was making a difference 66 80 63% 39% To satisfy a requirement 5 9 5% 4% I was inspired by a course or a professor 0 4 0% 2% Religious reasons 3 5 3% 3% My friends or family are involved 13 43 13% 20% To prepare for a job or future career 2 7 2% 4% It’s fun or satisfying 13 39 11% 20% Other reason 4 17 4% 9% Total responses NSSE 2008—ADP Responses 106 204 INVOLVEMENT IN ACTIVITIES: ACTIVITIES WITH REASONS FOR INVOLVEMENT, continued First-year response rate Senior response rate Activity No Yes Total 5. Participate in a fundraising run/walk/ride 249 (71%) 353 (70%) 118 (29%) 162 (30%) 367 515 5. Reason First-year response rate Senior response rate Count Percent To feel like I was making a difference 53 59 44% 36% To satisfy a requirement 3 5 2% 3% I was inspired by a course or a professor 0 2 0% 2% Religious reasons 0 0 0% 0% My friends or family are involved 26 41 23% 24% To prepare for a job or future career 2 4 1% 3% It’s fun or satisfying 29 43 24% 26% Other reason 5 7 4% 6% Total responses NSSE 2008—ADP Responses 118 161 INVOLVEMENT IN ACTIVITIES: ACTIVITIES WITH REASONS FOR INVOLVEMENT, continued First-year response rate Senior response rate Activity No Yes Total 6. Volunteer with a local community organization or religious group 246 (68%) 288 (57%) 124 (32%) 227 (43%) 370 515 6. Reason First-year response rate Senior response rate Count Percent To feel like I was making a difference 34 68 27% 30% To satisfy a requirement 10 15 9% 6% I was inspired by a course or a professor 0 5 0% 2% Religious reasons 33 39 26% 17% My friends or family are involved 14 24 11% 11% To prepare for a job or future career 5 22 5% 10% It’s fun or satisfying 25 44 20% 20% Other reason 2 7 2% 3% Total responses NSSE 2008—ADP Responses 123 224 INVOLVEMENT IN ACTIVITIES: ACTIVITIES WITH REASONS FOR INVOLVEMENT, continued First-year response rate Senior response rate Activity No Yes Total 7. Send a letter or email to the media 343 (92%) 429 (82%) 27 (8%) 86 (18%) 370 515 7. Reason First-year response rate Senior response rate Count Percent To feel like I was making a difference 9 33 32% 41% To satisfy a requirement 2 8 5% 9% I was inspired by a course or a professor 1 2 6% 2% Religious reasons 1 0 3% 0% My friends or family are involved 4 8 13% 9% To prepare for a job or future career 3 5 12% 5% It’s fun or satisfying 3 9 15% 11% Other reason 4 20 15% 23% Total responses NSSE 2008—ADP Responses 27 85 INVOLVEMENT IN ACTIVITIES: ACTIVITIES WITH REASONS FOR INVOLVEMENT, continued First-year response rate Senior response rate Activity No Yes Total 8. Contact public officials about an issue (e.g., mayor, secretary of state, member of congress, etc.) 352 (96%) 419 (81%) 15 (4%) 96 (19%) 367 515 8. Reason First-year response rate Senior response rate Count Percent To feel like I was making a difference 8 40 55% 43% To satisfy a requirement 3 15 15% 15% I was inspired by a course or a professor 0 8 0% 8% Religious reasons 1 0 5% 0% My friends or family are involved 0 5 0% 5% To prepare for a job or future career 0 1 0% 1% It’s fun or satisfying 1 7 10% 9% Other reason 2 18 15% 20% Total responses NSSE 2008—ADP Responses 15 94 INVOLVEMENT IN ACTIVITIES: ACTIVITIES WITH REASONS FOR INVOLVEMENT, continued First-year response rate Senior response rate Activity No Yes Total 9. Sign a petition related to a political or community issue 296 (79%) 376 (72%) 74 (21%) 140 (28%) 370 516 9. Reason First-year response rate Senior response rate Count Percent To feel like I was making a difference 42 76 58% 55% To satisfy a requirement 2 6 3% 4% I was inspired by a course or a professor 2 7 2% 5% Religious reasons 2 4 2% 2% My friends or family are involved 7 16 11% 12% To prepare for a job or future career 0 0 0% 0% It’s fun or satisfying 5 6 7% 4% Other reason 14 22 18% 17% Total responses NSSE 2008—ADP Responses 74 137 INVOLVEMENT IN ACTIVITIES: ACTIVITIES WITH REASONS FOR INVOLVEMENT, continued First-year response rate Senior response rate Activity No Yes Total 10. Organize a petition 367(99%) 507 (98%) 3 (1%) 8 (2%) 370 515 10. Reason First-year response rate Senior response rate Count Percent To feel like I was making a difference 1 4 33% 54% To satisfy a requirement 2 2 67% 18% I was inspired by a course or a professor 0 1 0% 14% Religious reasons 0 0 0% 0% My friends or family are involved 0 0 0% 0% To prepare for a job or future career 0 0 0% 0% It’s fun or satisfying 0 0 0% 0% Other reason 0 1 0% 14% Total responses NSSE 2008—ADP Responses 3 8 INVOLVEMENT IN ACTIVITIES: ACTIVITIES WITH REASONS FOR INVOLVEMENT, continued First-year response rate Senior response rate Activity No Yes Total 11. Display buttons, signs or stickers about political or social issues 203 (56%) 349 (67%) 166 (44%) 167 (33%) 369 516 11. Reason First-year response rate Senior response rate Count Percent To feel like I was making a difference 76 69 46% 42% To satisfy a requirement 0 4 0% 2% I was inspired by a course or a professor 4 3 2% 2% Religious reasons 3 4 1% 3% My friends or family are involved 26 35 18% 21% To prepare for a job or future career 0 2 0% 1% It’s fun or satisfying 31 27 18% 16% Other reason 25 21 15% 13% Total responses NSSE 2008—ADP Responses 165 165 INVOLVEMENT IN ACTIVITIES: ACTIVITIES WITH REASONS FOR INVOLVEMENT, continued First-year response rate Senior response rate Activity No Yes Total - Yes 12. Participate in a boycott, protest, or rally about an issue that is important to you 346 (93%) 472 (91%) 23 (7%) 40 (9%) 369 512 12. Reason First-year response rate Senior response rate Count Percent To feel like I was making a difference 10 23 51% 60% To satisfy a requirement 0 0 0% 0% I was inspired by a course or a professor 0 4 0% 10% Religious reasons 1 1 3% 2% My friends or family are involved 3 2 12% 5% To prepare for a job or future career 0 0 0% 0% It’s fun or satisfying 6 2 25% 6% Other reason 3 6 9% 16% Total responses NSSE 2008—ADP Responses 23 38 INVOLVEMENT IN ACTIVITIES: ACTIVITIES WITH REASONS FOR INVOLVEMENT, continued First-year response rate Senior response rate Activity No Yes Total 13. Volunteer to work on a political or issue campaign 329 (90%) 451 (88%) 37 (10%) 64 (12%) 366 515 13. Reason First-year response rate Senior response rate Count Percent To feel like I was making a difference 22 35 61% 54% To satisfy a requirement 0 1 0% 1% I was inspired by a course or a professor 1 2 4% 3% Religious reasons 0 1 0% 1% My friends or family are involved 3 6 8% 10% To prepare for a job or future career 0 2 0% 3% It’s fun or satisfying 7 12 17% 19% Other reason 4 4 10% 8% Total responses NSSE 2008—ADP Responses 37 63 INVOLVEMENT IN ACTIVITIES: ACTIVITIES WITH REASONS FOR INVOLVEMENT, continued First-year response rate Senior response rate Activity No Yes Total - Yes 14. Run for an elected leadership position on (e.g., student government) or off campus (e.g., city council) 350 (96%) 475 (92%) 16 (4%) 39 (8%) 366 514 14. Reason First-year response rate Senior response rate Count Percent To feel like I was making a difference 4 9 25% 20% To satisfy a requirement 0 0 0% 0% I was inspired by a course or a professor 0 3 0% 8% Religious reasons 1 0 5% 0% My friends or family are involved 0 2 0% 5% To prepare for a job or future career 8 12 60% 34% It’s fun or satisfying 2 11 10% 28% Other reason 0 2 0% 5% Total responses NSSE 2008—ADP Responses 15 39 INVOLVEMENT IN ACTIVITIES: ACTIVITIES WITH REASONS FOR INVOLVEMENT, continued First-year response rate Senior response rate Activity No Yes Total - Yes 15. Vote in an election either on or off campus 168 (44%) 215 (41%) 200 (56%) 301 (59%) 368 516 15. Reason First-year response rate Senior response rate Count Percent 131 200 66% 67% To satisfy a requirement 6 2 2% 1% I was inspired by a course or a professor 2 5 1% 2% Religious reasons 0 1 0% 0% My friends or family are involved 18 29 10% 10% To prepare for a job or future career 2 1 1% 0% It’s fun or satisfying 13 19 7% 7% Other reason 26 43 13% 14% To feel like I was making a difference Total responses NSSE 2008—ADP Responses 198 300