Geomorphology 122 (2010) 39–55 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Geomorphology j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / g e o m o r p h Low-flow hydraulic geometry of small, steep mountain streams in southwest British Columbia Donald E. Reid a,⁎, Edward J. Hickin b, Scott C. Babakaiff c a b c BC Hydro, 6911 Southpoint Drive, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada V3N 4X6 Department of Geography, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada BC Ministry of Environment, Ecosystems Section, Surrey, British Columbia, Canada a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 5 May 2009 Received in revised form 20 May 2010 Accepted 24 May 2010 Available online 4 June 2010 Keywords: Hydraulic geometry Mountain streams Low-flow Habitat a b s t r a c t This investigation explores the at-a-station hydraulic geometry (AHG) of small, steep mountain streams at low discharge. Thirteen reaches in five tributaries of Chilliwack River, British Columbia, ranging in size from 12 to 77 km2 are examined. The resulting data set is composed of eight to twelve measurements of watersurface width, mean depth, and mean velocity at each of 61 cross sections or 625 unique combinations of the three variables. Mean velocity in a given cross section responds most rapidly to changing discharge, and 31 of the 61 cross sections have velocity exponents that are greater than the water-surface width and mean-depth exponents combined. The velocity exponent (m) averages 0.51, while the mean water-surface width exponent (b) and mean-depth exponent (f) average 0.20 and 0.29, respectively. Somewhat surprisingly, the AHG of steep mountain streams can be reasonably predicted from just a few measurements of the primary flow variables and stream discharge. While conditions at the cross section appear predictable from a few measurements, extrapolating the results from one cross section to another in the same reach involves large errors. The section-to-section variability of the exponents and coefficients, even when they are located in similar channel units such as riffles, prevents accurate extrapolation to unmeasured cross sections. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction This work explores the hydraulic geometry of small, steep mountain streams at low discharge (the lower quartile of the discharge range). In this range of flow, the study of hydraulic geometry can be thought of as the quantitative description of how stream discharge fills an essentially non-deformable boundary. The stream channel is self-formed at relatively high flow (arguably bankfull discharge) and its size and shape, as described by the hydraulic geometry, are governed by a set of imposed constraints that include the stream discharge (Q), sediment supply (Qs), sediment calibre, and geomorphic history (Hey, 1978; Knighton, 1998, p. 2). In steep mountain streams the valley slope and boundary materials (coarse and even non-alluvial in places) impose additional constraints on the channel morphology that make mountain streams unique and unlike their lowland counterparts (Jarrett, 1984, 1990; Grant et al., 1990; Rice and Church, 1996; Montgomery and Buffington, 1997; Wohl and Wilcox, 2005; Comiti et al., 2007; Wohl, 2007). Hydraulic geometry has been explored widely and remains a core technique of river science (Knighton, 1998). Despite this widespread use, the study of hydraulic geometry remains an essentially empirical ⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: + 1 604 528 1426, + 1 604 813 8507(Cell); fax: + 1 604 528 2940. E-mail addresses:, (D.E. Reid). 0169-555X/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2010.05.012 enterprise because we lack universal flow resistance and sediment transport relations (Church, 1980; Bathurst, 2002). The term was coined by Leopold and Maddock in their seminal 1953 work quantitatively describing the relationship of the principal hydraulic variables of water-surface width, mean depth, and mean velocity to changing stream discharge (Leopold and Maddock, 1953). Simple power functions remain the principal basis for describing these relationships (Leopold and Maddock, 1953): w = aQ b ð1Þ d = cQ f ð2Þ v = kQ m ð3Þ where w = water-surface width (m), d = mean depth (m), v = mean velocity (m/s), and Q = stream discharge (m3/s). If there is flow continuity, ð4Þ Q = wdv b f Q = aQ cQ kQ m = ackQ ðb + f + mÞ ð5Þ 40 D.E. Reid et al. / Geomorphology 122 (2010) 39–55 Remarkably, this model has remained the foundation of descriptions of river form and process, for over almost a half century of modern science (Clifford, 1996). Since 1953 the technique has been applied worldwide (Park, 1977) largely to determine the degree to which rivers respond to different sets of imposed constraints in varied geographic settings. Hydraulic geometry has also often been employed as an environmental and engineering design tool. Recent applications include the definition of instream flow standards (e.g., minimum environmental flow) that are set to minimize the impact of water use on fish populations (Jowett, 1998; Babakaiff, 2004). These applications have focussed attention on the lack of data in steep mountain settings and lack of understanding of low-flow hydraulics. Contributing to this data need constitutes a primary purpose of this work. Frequently, flow variables of hydraulic geometry are calculated from data collected during a range of “typical” flows centred near the middle of the discharge range (Park, 1977). This practice likely reflects the desire to understand the formation and maintenance of channels and stream morphology as they relate to sediment entrainment and erosion of the channel boundary. Yet, it is among the less frequent flows found at the upper and lower ends of the discharge range where abrupt changes in channel hydraulics (e.g., resistance at low flows, channel width at high flows) occur (Leopold and Maddock, 1953; Hogan and Church, 1989). If present, these abrupt changes (or discontinuities) are thought to appear as breaks in the slope of the log-linear relations of hydraulic geometry but are rarely measured. This study focuses on the implications of this data deficiency at the lower limits of the flow-measurement range (i.e., low flow) for the hydraulic geometry of streams in SW British Columbia. The concept of discontinuities in hydraulic geometry is not new to the literature. Ferguson (1986) noted that discontinuities separate the hydraulic geometry of one range of flow from another by physical or hydraulic differences in the cross section in each flow range. Jowett (1997) recognized at least two discontinuities in any cross section: one where the base of the channel is just filled, a second where flow spills out of the channel at bankfull. He went on to note that such discontinuities are usually most evident in rivers of moderate gradient in well-defined channels (Jowett, 1997). Knighton (1998) argued that the AHG has at least three phases: a residual phase below the threshold for bed mobilisation, an active phase when the bed is mobile, and an overbank phase at stream discharges greater than bankfull when the floodplain becomes inundated. Low-flow hydraulic geometry describes conditions in the residual phase. The literature contains examples of several other types of AHG discontinuities. Hogan and Church (1989) in their work in the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, reported a discontinuity in their relationships when flow spilled from a small inset channel onto a large lateral bar. Leopold and Maddock (1953), in their initial work on hydraulic geometry, described a discontinuity at an artificial cross section with bridge abutments. They showed that increases in lowflow discharge filled the bed of the channel until the flow had filled the available width between the bridge abutments, leading to a new relation above this point where width remained constant and subsequent increases in stream discharge led to larger increases in mean flow depth and velocity. Hickin (1995) described a discontinuity in the plot of the hydraulic parameters for a cross section of the Fraser River at Marguerite, British Columbia, where general bed mobilisation and scour above a threshold discharge leads to an abrupt change in the width, depth, and velocity curves above this value. He also argued that this discontinuity is obscured in a log–log plot and that an examination of the relationship in an arithmetic plot is always an important first step of analysis. Lewis (1966) reported hydraulic geometry discontinuities at very low discharges where low flows occupy a smaller inset channel within the larger channel and the Fig. 1. Chilliwack watershed and study basins. D.E. Reid et al. / Geomorphology 122 (2010) 39–55 width of the flow expands quickly as flow spills out of the inset channel across the entire bed of the channel. A distinction is made between AHG, downstream hydraulic geometry (DHG), and more recently, interchannel hydraulic geometry (Tabata and Hickin, 2003). At-a-station hydraulic geometry describes the relationship between water-surface width, mean depth, and mean velocity with changing discharge as each varies at a single point (cross section) in a stream network. Therefore, AHG describes the “temporal variation in flow variables as discharge fluctuates at a cross section” (Knighton, 1998, p. 180). More recently Stewardson (2005) has extended the concept to reach-scale AHG. In contrast, downstream hydraulic geometry describes the relationship between the variables at different locations within a single stream (e.g., headwaters, mid basin, and lower basin) or between streams. To allow comparison among sites of differing channel size, measurements are referenced to a single discharge with a known exceedence probability (often taken as bankfull flow). Thus, DHG can be thought of as the “spatial variations in channel properties at a reference discharge” (Knighton, 1998, p. 180). Neither of the preceding terms accurately describes the multi-channelled form of the anastomosing river system. Tabata and Hickin (2003, p.839) coined the term interchannel hydraulic geometry to describe “the general bankfull channel form and hydraulics of primary and secondary channels in the anastomosing channel system”. In summary, the purpose of this paper is to present new AHG data at the lower limits of the flow-measurement range (i.e., low-flow) from SW British Columbia, to describe the AHG relations in this flow range, 41 and to examine the data for discontinuities that might preclude the extrapolation of observations made in the typical flow range to low flow. 2. Field sites The field sites are in the Chilliwack River watershed in southern coastal British Columbia in the Skagit Range of the Cascade Mountains where local relief is high and maximum relief approaches 2000 m (Fig. 1). Five tributary basins draining watershed areas between 12 and 77 km2 were selected for study. Detailed descriptions of these field sites are available in Reid (2005). The valley was heavily glaciated during the Pleistocene leaving thick glacial deposits as tills, kame terraces, moraines, and glaciolacustrine and outwash material on the lower valley and hillslopes (Clague, 1981; Saunders et al., 1987). In addition to acting as sediment sources, these glacial deposits act as groundwater reservoirs supplying water to lowland stream channels during periods of drought. Other sources of baseflow in the watershed are the persistent winter snowpack over 800 m above sea level (B.C. Ministry of Forests, 1995) and the numerous areas of permanent ice located on the higher elevation mountains across the basin. The watershed lies in the Coastal Western Hemlock (CWH) biogeoclimatic zone (BC Ministry of Forests and Range, 2008) characterised by a dense coniferous forest and wet, mild winters. The hydrologic regime of the Chilliwack watershed is typical of coastal British Columbia (Fig. 2) in the sense that peak flows are Fig. 2. Chilliwack River annual daily-flow hydrographs for WSC gauges: Slesse Creek near Vedder Crossing (A) and Chilliwack River above Slesse Creek (B). 42 D.E. Reid et al. / Geomorphology 122 (2010) 39–55 generated in two seasons: in the spring (June and July) by snowmelt and in winter (October through January) by storms. The largest flows in the river are produced by infrequent rain-on-snow events in the fall and winter when large, warm Pacific storms affect the coast. The flood of record in the valley occurred on 10 November 1990 during these rain-on-snow conditions. Like peak flows, low flows occur during two separate periods throughout the year: the summer and winter low-flow seasons. Typically, the summer low-flow period from August through October is the more severe season in any given year in which smaller minimum flows occur over longer periods. In contrast, winter low flows are produced during cold, dry periods when the upper portions of the watersheds are frozen and precipitation falls as snow. In addition to extreme low-flow conditions, the study period includes a large flood on 17 October 2003 (Fig. 3A). The storm that produced this flood delivered 53 mm of rain in a 24-h period on 16 October 16 and an additional 95 mm of rain on 20 October at the Chilliwack River hatchery climate station (DFO, 2003; Fig. 3B). In all, the storm supplied 275 mm of rain to the watershed during the nineday storm, generating a 15-year flood in nearby Slesse Creek and likely a similar response in the study streams. Five tributaries to Chilliwack River were selected for study (Fig. 1). This data set includes a combination of purposefully selected and randomly selected basins. The purposefully selected basins are Frosst Creek and Liumchen Creek, both previously gauged by the Water Survey of Canada (2004), so a continuous record of streamflow is available for these two basins. Random selection yielded Borden, Foley, and Chipmunk Creeks in basins ranging in size from 11.9 to 78.6 km2. Thirteen reaches in the five study basins were selected for detailed study. Stream gradients range from 0.017 to 0.075, and stream morphologies vary between pool-riffle, plane-bed, step-pool, and cascade reaches (Table 1). The set of channels chosen for this study are typical of small, steep streams in SW British Columbia. 3. Methods A detailed account of the field procedures adopted in this study is available in Reid (2005), so a brief summary serves the present purpose. Hydraulic measurements were made over a six-month period from 19 June 2003 to 16 December 2003 at multiple stream discharges at set cross section locations within the study basins. Section layout was carried out in a consistent manner for each study reach. First, each reach was walked to ensure that it displayed uniform stream morphology for more than 10 bankfull widths. Only Liumchen Creek, a stream gauged by the Water Survey of Canada (2004), did not meet the general length criteria. Two shorter reaches are included here to ensure that this important gauged basin is included in the study. After walking the entire reach, an arbitrary starting point near the downstream end of the reach was selected. Cross sections were located from the starting point at equally spaced intervals of more than two bankfull widths. Again, Liumchen Creek was an exception to this protocol because of its shortened reaches; here, only three cross sections spaced one bankfull width apart are included in the study. After locating the appropriate number of cross sections within each reach, the bed and banks were surveyed by total station. To ensure that every subsequent survey reproduced the same cross section, survey pins were installed on both banks as part of the initial survey. These survey pins were used as position, elevation, and distance control for the remainder of the study. The initial survey of the cross sections included all topographic breaks across the section and included any individual large boulders located on the cross section line. At each cross section, several measurements were made of the key hydraulic parameters at a variety of stream discharges. Water-surface widths and depths were measured using one of two methods: a level survey of the water-surface or multiple direct measurements of depth along the survey line. Method one, usually employed at higher stages when wading the entire cross section was difficult, used a combination of the surveyed cross section boundary and a surveyed watersurface elevation and width at the observation date. The watersurface elevation was plotted on the surveyed cross section boundary and the total flow area (A) calculated in a computer aided drafting program. Mean depth (d) was calculated from d = A= w ð6Þ and mean velocity (v) was calculated from v = Q=A Fig. 3. Streamflow in Slesse Creek (A) and total precipitation at Chilliwack River hatchery (B) during the study period. ð7Þ Method two, used more often than method one when the section could be waded, used a technique similar to stream discharge gauging D.E. Reid et al. / Geomorphology 122 (2010) 39–55 43 Table 1 Study reach geomorphology. Stream Reach name Dominant morphologya Channel planform/ coupling to hillslopes Location — distance upstream from mouth (km) Number of cross sections Average cross section spacing (m) Reach length (m) Drainage area to head of reach (km2) Mean basin elevation (m) Bed slope (%) Mean bankfull width (m) Frosst Creek Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Middle Upper Lowest Lower P-R PB PB C F(P-R) PB S-P C PB/P-R 1.2 2.1 0.9 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.5 4.5 4.8 5 5 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 25 35 25 25 20 15 20 50 45 215 188 74 79 100 112 105 250 290 30.2 27.1 54.5 54.5 17.8 17.8 17.7 33.5 33.0 760 790 1090 1090 1260 1260 1270 1320 1320 1.9 3.1 3.5 4.9 3.5 2.9 7.5 3.4 1.7 10.0 8.6 24.4 17.7 9.9 9.4 10.2 15.5 15.9 Upper Tributary Lower PB/C PB C 5.5 0.1 0.6 5 5 5 25 25 75 134 119 367 12.8 11.9 76.9 1280 1400 1300 2.3 2.5 2.5 9.6 8.4 22.8 Upper PB/F(P-R) Straight/buffered Sinuous/buffered Sinuous/buffered Straight/buffered Sinuous/buffered Sinuous/buffered Sinuous/buffered Sinuous/coupled Sinuous/intermittently coupled Straight/buffered Sinuous/buffered Sinuous/intermittently coupled Sinuous/intermittently coupled 1.0 5 75 392 75.9 1310 1.9 23.6 Liumchen Creek Borden Creek Chipmunk Creek Foley Creek a P-R, Pool-riffle; PB, plane-bed; S-P, step-pool; C, cascade; F(P-R), forced pool-riffle (Montgomery and Buffington, 1997). where multiple direct measurements of the flow depth were made across the section using a stadia rod. Distance across the section was measured on an overhead tape for each depth measurement and for measurements of the edges of rocks protruding through the surface of the flow. From the depth and distance measurements, the area of flow for individual cells was calculated and summed across the entire cross section to compute the total flow area. As in method one, relations among continuity, stream discharge, water-surface width, and total flow area were used to compute the mean depth and mean velocity. Independent measurements of stream velocity were not made at these cross sections. Stream discharge was measured using standard wading-techniques and summing the individual discharge cells (Rantz, 1982). The average velocity in the vertical was measured at the standard 0.6 depth. Although some researchers have found that the mean velocity in the vertical is more likely to be found at 0.5 depth (0.5 d) in steep mountain streams because of the S-shaped vertical velocity distribution (Jarrett, 1990), this was not the case here. No statistical difference exists between the velocity at 0.6 d, 0.5 d, or the calculated mean for the vertical (Reid, 2005). In addition, the gauging sites for this study were located in optimal reaches in the tailouts of pools or other deep, slow moving sections of the stream where the flow area is large and velocities correspondingly low and flow is fairly uniform across the section. Without clear evidence that it was inappropriate, the standard gauging depth of 0.6 d was adopted. To avoid the problems of flow-metering in sections not well suited to measurement, discharge in each reach was measured at an optimal gauging section and the discharge through the reach assumed constant. These optimal flow-metering sections are located in large, channel-spanning pools that are located within or close to the study reach so that significant gains or losses of streamflow between the gauging location and the study cross sections are unlikely. To test the accuracy of the discharge measurements, and to test the assumption that standard gauging techniques could produce a precise discharge estimate using a Swoffer current meter, a single cross section was repeatedly gauged on 10 June and 11 June 2003. To ensure a steady flow state, the test was conducted during a dry period and the stage at the measuring section was noted at the start and end of the test; no stage change was noted. The three discharge estimates made on each day were observed to vary b5% from the mean of that day and b5% from independent repeated discharge measurements made with a separate Price pygmy-style current meter. While the test does not confirm the accuracy of the measurements, the close agreement of independent meters and multiple measurements with each meter provides some confidence in the calculated discharge estimates and the gauging techniques employed. Several supplementary observations that allow the hydraulic geometry and resistance to flow to be related to the stream reaches and the conditions during the observations were recorded. These include overhead photographs; oblique photographs during a high, moderate and low stage measurement; bed material measurements (after Kellerhals and Bray, 1971); longitudinal profile surveys; morphologic bankfull-stage surveys; and observations of gravel bars and large-woody debris frequency. These supplementary observations are especially useful when relating flow resistance to possible form roughness contributions (Reid and Hickin, 2008). 4. Results At-a-station hydraulic geometry was determined from stream discharge and flow area measurements made at the 61 study cross sections during 8 to 14 individual stream discharges over a period of seven months from June to December 2003. The complete core data set will not be reproduced here but is available in a set of appendices in Reid and Hickin (2008). From these measurements, 61 individual sets of hydraulic geometry relationships were derived, a set of relationships for each cross section (Figs. 4–10). The data cover five orders of magnitude range of stream discharge from 0.0006 to 5.52 m3/s, with most values in the 0.1 to 5 m3/s range. This range of flow is considered low to moderate in these steep streams. On 17 October 2003, a large flood altered cross sections in five of the thirteen study reaches (lower Frosst, upper Frosst, lower Borden, middle Borden, and Chipmunk Tributary reaches). These changes are reflected in the exponents and coefficients of the hydraulic geometry when the data are analysed separately for the two periods, pre and post-flood. Data from the pre-October period are only presented in the results section. A complete analysis of the flood and its effects are included in the discussion section. After examining the hydraulic geometry of the 61 cross sections, three main relationships became evident. First, water-surface width (w), mean water depth (d), and mean flow velocity (v) all increased with increasing discharge at the section. This is described by the positive exponents of the relationships that range from 0.05 to 0.45 for b, 0.09 to 0.47 for f, and 0.17 to 0.84 for m (Figs. 4–10). Second, the power function describes remarkably well the observed relationships at each cross section with the strength of the relationships measured by R2 (Figs. 4–10). R2 values range from 0.26 to 1.00 but average 0.90; a large majority (95%) are N0.7. Only eight of Fig. 4. Hydraulic geometry of Frosst Creek — lower and upper reaches. 44 D.E. Reid et al. / Geomorphology 122 (2010) 39–55 D.E. Reid et al. / Geomorphology 122 (2010) 39–55 45 Fig. 5. Hydraulic geometry of Liumchen Creek — lower and upper reaches. 173 R2 values are b0.70. It should be noted that the relationships presented include spurious correlation because Q, by definition, is not independent of w, d or v. Spurious correlation can yield correlations of 0.7 (Schlager et al., 1998) and as high as 0.90 (Benson, 1965) for random data, and as a result, no statistical inference can be made from the R2 terms. Third, the coefficients and exponents of the relationships vary considerably between the cross sections in most of the study reaches (Figs. 4–10). This variability is measured by the 95% confidence interval (approximately equal to ±two standard errors about the mean). Standard errors range from 2% to 39% of the mean values, and Upper Chipmunk reach is the least variable while upper Liumchen reach is the most variable. The least variable single value is the velocity coefficient of Upper Chipmunk Creek where the standard error is 2% of the mean. The most variable single value is the width exponent of upper Liumchen Creek where the standard error is 39% of the mean. The study of hydraulic geometry typically concentrates on the analysis of the exponents because these provide a basis for comparison between sites and between rivers. In contrast, the coefficients can simply be thought of as the absolute value of w, v and d for unit stream discharge. The frequency distribution of the AHG exponents in this study is shown in Fig. 11. The width exponent (b) varies from 0.05 to 0.45 and has a mean value of 0.20 (the lowest of the three exponents). The distribution of the width exponents, although positively skewed, has a strong modal value between 0.1 and 0.2. The depth exponent (f) ranges from 0.09 to 0.47 and is less variable than the width exponent; it also has a slightly higher mean value of 0.29. The distribution of the depth exponent is quite symmetrical about the mean value with a strong modal value at the mean. The velocity exponent (m) ranges from 0.17 to 0.84, has a mean value of 0.51, and the distribution is also symmetrical about the mean. The distribution of the velocity exponent has much lower kurtosis than either the width or depth exponents with a similar frequency of occurrence between 0.4 and 0.7. Few values occur outside this range. The mean values of the velocity exponent are greater than the mean width and mean depth exponents combined. Another way of examining the three principal exponents of hydraulic geometry is to consider all three values simultaneously on 46 D.E. Reid et al. / Geomorphology 122 (2010) 39–55 Fig. 6. Hydraulic geometry of Borden Creek — lower reach. a ternary plot (Graham and Midgley, 2000). Each data point on the ternary plot in Fig. 12 represents the three principal exponents of hydraulic geometry for each study cross section, each plotted on its own axis. As an interpretive aid, each creek is represented by a different symbol and shading is used to differentiate between the various reaches of any given creek. Most of the data plot in the top right portion of the ternary diagram suggesting that m N f N b for most of the cross sections in the study. Indeed, m is the largest of the three exponents at 53 of the 61 cross sections, with 44 of the 61 cross sections having m N f N b and 9 having m N b N f. At 31 cross sections, the velocity exponent N0.5, and therefore greater than both the width exponent and depth exponent combined. Fewer cross sections plot with other ratios of b to f to m (Fig. 12). Three cross sections have b N m N f, one cross section has b N f N m, and four cross sections have f N m N b. 5. Discussion 5.1. Exponent comparison The mean exponents of 0.20, 0.29, and 0.51 for the water-surface width (b), mean depth (f), and mean velocity (m), respectively, are similar to values reported in the literature for gravel-bed and British Columbia rivers (Table 2). All three means and modes fall within the reported range. With the exception of Park's (1977) analysis, the studies included in Table 2 represent the highest mean-velocity exponents and correspondingly low water-surface width and meandepth exponents found in the literature. In the context of the published exponents, two characteristics of the present data stand out. First, the range of exponents calculated for the 61 study sections approaches the range calculated from a set of worldwide rivers (Park, 1977). Thus, the study exponents are highly variable in the global context. Second, the highest velocity exponents in the present data set appear to be unique. Values as high as 0.73 were reported from Bonanza Creek (Hogan and Church, 1989), but none higher. Velocity exponents as high as 0.84 seem rare, likely because of the focus on large rivers with established gauging sections reported in the world literature. Elsewhere we have reported that velocity increases rapidly as low-flow increases in these small mountain channels because of the sensitive dependence on declining relative roughness of the channel (Reid and Hickin, 2008). Interestingly, the Bonanza Creek study, with similar data collection methods applied to small ungauged creeks, reports the next highest velocity exponents reported in the literature. In 53 of the 61 study cross sections, the velocity exponent (m) exceeds the water-surface width exponent (b) and mean-depth exponent (f) and is greater than the sum of b and f in 31 of the 53 cross sections. This result is noteworthy because it demonstrates the dominant role of velocity in accommodating changing stream discharge in these steep settings. Fig. 7. Hydraulic geometry of Borden Creek — middle and upper reaches. D.E. Reid et al. / Geomorphology 122 (2010) 39–55 47 Fig. 8. Hydraulic geometry of Chipmunk Creek — lowest and lower reaches. 48 D.E. Reid et al. / Geomorphology 122 (2010) 39–55 Fig. 9. Hydraulic geometry of Chipmunk Creek — upper and tributary reaches. D.E. Reid et al. / Geomorphology 122 (2010) 39–55 49 Fig. 10. Hydraulic geometry of Foley Creek — lower and upper reaches. 50 D.E. Reid et al. / Geomorphology 122 (2010) 39–55 D.E. Reid et al. / Geomorphology 122 (2010) 39–55 Fig. 11. Histograms of the AHG exponents (b, f, and m). Fig. 12. Ternary plot of the AHG exponents (b, f, and m) with analysis subdivisions (after Rhodes, 1977). 51 52 D.E. Reid et al. / Geomorphology 122 (2010) 39–55 Table 2 Comparison of the study AHG exponents to other research with special focus on gravel-bed and British Columbia rivers. Study Study data Park (1977)a Brandywine Creekb Coast Mountain streams of British Columbiac Green and Birkenhead riversc River Bollin-Deand Bonanza and Hangover Creekse Pacific Northwest streamsf a b c d e f Number of Width exponent (b) observations Range Modal class Mean Depth exponent (f) Velocity exponent (m) Range Range 61 139 7 – 0.05 to 0.45 0.1 to 0.2 0.00 to 0.59 0.0 to 0.1 0.00 to 0.08 0.0 to 0.1 – – 0.20 Not reported 0.04 0.21 0.09 to 0.47 0.2 to 0.3 0.06 to 0.73 0.3 to 0.4 0.32 to 0.46 0.4 to 0.5 – – 0.29 not reported 0.41 0.32 0.17 to 0.84 0.4 to 0.5 0.07 to 0.71 0.4 to 0.5 0.46 to 0.69 0.5 to 0.6 – – 0.51 Not reported 0.55 0.50 8 12 2 76 0.06 to 0.22 0.1 to 0.2 0.01 to 0.33 0.0 to 0.1 0.08 to 0.35 – – – 0.11 0.11 0.22 0.49 0.26 to 0.47 0.3 to 0.4 0.26 to 0.63 0.4 to 0.5 0.09 to 0.19 – – – 0.37 0.40 0.14 0.38 0.42 to 0.62 0.4 to 0.5 0.24 to 0.68 0.4 to 0.5 0.56 to 0.73 – – – 0.50 0.48 0.65 0.13 Modal class Mean Modal class Mean Values based on worldwide analysis performed by Park (1977) on many researchers' work. From Wolman (1955). From Ponton (1972). From Knighton (1975). From Hogan and Church, 1989. From Castro and Jackson (2001). This set of AHG relations has significant implications for fish (salmonids) transiting, spawning, and rearing, in these streams. Relatively little change in the available habitat occurs as stream discharge increases because mean depth and water-surface width are relatively insensitive to changing discharge. As a result, fish must be able to (i) move to sheltered areas of the stream when velocity exceeds their sustained swimming capacity (i.e., seek refuge habitats), (ii) inhabit areas of the channel that remain wetted but are sheltered from the velocity fluctuations (i.e., inhabit voids in the substrate), or (iii) be adapted to withstand the velocity fluctuations that are typical in these settings. Subdividing the ternary diagram into a series of cells aids the visual analysis of the exponents in this m–f–b space (Rhodes, 1987). Each of the 10 cells is interpreted as a channel type; the study data plot in cells 1 to 6 and 10 in Fig. 12. The first division of the ternary diagram is made horizontally, separating cells 1 and 2 from the rest of the diagram (Fig. 12). Thirtyone of the 61 sets of hydraulic geometry plot above this line where the velocity exponent m is greater than the sum of the width exponent (b) and depth exponent (f). In these cells, the stream velocity increases faster than the width and depth combined. The next set of conditions produces a set of obliquely angled lines that cut the diagram from right to left. These conditions are m = f, m = 2/3f, and m = 1/2 f. When m N f (53 of the 61 cross sections), the mean velocity is increasing faster than the mean depth. This is interpreted as implying an increase in flow competence with increasing discharge (Wilcock, 1971). When m N 2/3f, resistance to flow as measured by Manning's n decreases with increasing discharge (Rhodes, 1977). All but cross section CHK-Trib4 meet this criterion. This lone cross section likely has a different set of exponents from the other study sections because of flow constriction and backwater effects related to an adjacent log jam in the creek. The remaining condition is m N 1/2 f. When this condition is met, the Froude number increases with increasing discharge, and critical flow is therefore possible (Rhodes, 1977). This condition is met by all but one cross section: CHK-Trib4 plots below this line again. The ternary diagram is split vertically by the condition b = f (Fig. 12). To the right of the line (cells 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10), f N b and mean depth makes a proportionally larger contribution to the increasing flow area, relative to the water-surface width, as discharge increases. Because the depth of flow increases faster than the width, the widthto-depth ratio decreases as the discharge increases. This condition is thought to reflect stable, narrow channels where the banks are relatively resistant to erosion (Rhodes, 1977). As expected, this condition corresponds to a large majority of the cross sections (47 of the 61). The banks of most of the study reaches are composed of boulders, cobbles, and bedrock and are well vegetated. Little bank erosion is evident in any of the reaches. In the study reaches, the b = f division does not separate wide, laterally unstable reaches from more stable reaches; instead the division separates the individual cross sections in a single reach. Five reaches (upper Liumchen, lower Borden, upper Borden, lowest Chipmunk, and lower Chipmunk) all have two or more cross sections where b N f. What separates many of these cross sections from the others of the same reach is the presence of bars in the channel that are emergent at low-flow and submerged at moderate-flow. As the bars submerge, the water-surface width expands quickly as discharge increases. Twelve of the fourteen cross sections where b N f have significant bars on the cross section. The other two cross sections (LCH-U1 and BRDN-U2) have very large boulders that are emergent at low-flow yet submerged at high flow. At these cross sections, the large boulders act like bars at the other cross sections (i.e., they are emergent at low-flow and are submerged at higher flow). Thus, the criterion of b N f seems to be a good indicator of bar inundation in the range of discharges observed. This explanation is not universal, however, because an additional four cross sections do not meet the b N f criterion but have bars that are inundated in the range of flow observed. At each of these sections, however, the width and depth exponents are nearly equal, suggesting that the bars have some small affect on the hydraulic geometry. 5.2. Low-flow hydraulic geometry discontinuities In general, the data do not exhibit low-flow hydraulic geometry discontinuities. Instead, the power curves fit the data remarkably well throughout the data range. This well-defined fit is reflected in the R2 values of which 95% are N0.70, leaving only eight of 173 where R2 b 0.70. With this level of accordance between the power function and the data, it is difficult to argue that discontinuities are common in these cross sections. To test for the presence of discontinuities, stream discharge was measured to extreme low-flow conditions on lower Borden Creek in summer of 2003 when the river partly dried. Despite observations to near zero discharge in this reach, no systematic low-flow graphdiscontinuity was observed in the data (Fig. 7). Perhaps the best candidate for a reach-wide AHG discontinuity is lower Frosst Creek (Fig. 4). In this reach, a transition from a low-flow geometry to a moderate-flow geometry occurs in all five cross sections at about 0.2 m3/s. Apparently, lower Frosst Creek is unique because in no other reach is a low-flow discontinuity so clearly evident although there are hints of such inflections in individual sections on other channels (e.g., see the depth and velocity trends in sections FST-U1, FST-U3, FST-U5, BRDN-L4 and BRDN-L5 in Figs. 4 and 6). When the lower Frosst Creek data are separated into two ranges at about 0.2 m3/s, very different component AHGs apply (Fig. 4). In the lower discharge range (pre-discontinuity), the width and depth D.E. Reid et al. / Geomorphology 122 (2010) 39–55 exponents are very small (even negative) reflecting the fact that the water-surface width and mean depth vary little with stream discharge. In contrast, the velocity exponents (m) are very high, ranging from 0.89 to 1.07, indicating that changes in velocity account for nearly all of the increasing stream discharge. In the higher discharge range (post-discontinuity), the response changes and the width exponent (b) increases, the depth exponent (f) generally increases, and the velocity exponent (m) decreases relative to those observed in the pre-discontinuity data range. Post-discontinuity, the exponents approach the values calculated for the other study reaches. One explanation for the abnormally high velocity exponents and low width and depth exponents in the pre-discontinuity range is that the flow is confined within an inset channel and spills out over a greater portion of the stream bed at or near the discontinuity. This explanation, however, is not supported by the surveys of the cross sections (Reid, 2005). While cross sections FST-L4 and FST-L5 do have large bars that are inundated during the observed flow range, the discontinuity does not occur at a point where flow leaves an inset channel and spills across the bar. Instead, bar inundation begins at a mean depth of 0.15 and 0.20 m, respectively, (0.12 and 0.50 m3/s), and no change to the hydraulic geometry is evident at this stream discharge. In addition, cross sections FST-L1, FST-L2, and FST-L3 do not have large bars on the cross section yet their hydraulic geometries do include a discontinuity. Also, this explanation does not explain the abnormally low depth exponents in the pre-discontinuity data. If flow were confined within a small inset channel, both the depth of flow and velocity likely would increase rapidly as the inset channel is filled. An alternative explanation for the observations is that the discontinuity is due to measurement error. The contracting watersurface width at cross section FST-L2 and decreasing depth at cross section FST-L1 provide support for this argument because it is unlikely that either variable would decrease as more flow is conveyed through the cross section. These two negative exponents are likely due to measurement error. The changes in the hydraulic geometry observed about the discontinuity, however, are larger than those that can be attributed to measurement error alone. In addition, error is likely random, yet the discontinuity occurs at the same stream discharge in all five of the study sections. Thus, it is likely that the discontinuities do indeed reflect a physical property of the cross section and not simply measurement error. Another explanation may be that the discontinuity occurs at a stream discharge where the bed of the creek is just filled and further width expansion is limited by steeper banks. Hogan and Church (1989) observed this type of discontinuity in small creeks on the Queen Charlotte Island of British Columbia. However, like the inset channel explanation, this hypothesis is not supported by the cross section surveys. The discontinuity occurs at very low stream discharge when only a small portion of the stream bed is wet. This leaves a considerable area for the flow to widen across the bed before the banks are encountered. In contrast to Hogan and Church's data, the width exponent increases after the discontinuity. The hydraulic discontinuities may be internal to the flow (Wohl, 2007; Reid and Hickin, 2008). For example, the onset of eddy shedding may be abruptly increasing resistance to flow as discharge approaches 0.2 m3/s. But we have no direct evidence of this effect so the hydraulic geometry discontinuities in this reach remain unexplained. Despite the apparent consistency to the changes in the hydraulic geometry at stream discharge less than and greater than 0.2 m3/s, very few of these changes are significant at the 95% confidence level because of the small and variable data set. More data are required to clarify these results. 5.3. Predictability of the hydraulic geometry in steep mountain streams Somewhat surprisingly, the AHG of steep mountain streams can be reasonably predicted from just a few measurements of the primary 53 flow variables and stream discharge. The general lack of hydraulic geometry discontinuities in the range of conditions observed, combined with the good fit of the power function to the data, suggests that the relationship developed in this low-flow range can be reliably defined with fewer measurements than we have used in this study. However, like most curve-fitting exercises, the greater the range of flow observed and number of observations made, the better the confidence in the predictions. While conditions at the cross section appear predictable from a few measurements, extrapolating the results from one cross section to another in the same reach involves large errors. The section-tosection variability of the exponents and coefficients, even when they are located in similar channel units such as riffles, prevents accurate extrapolation to unmeasured cross sections (Reid and Hickin, 2008). Thus, to predict the conditions at any particular cross section, apparently measurements must be made on that cross section. Hence, for fisheries studies, the focus of study shifts to the limiting cross section for a particular life stage or species. In other words, rather than conducting a regular survey of channel cross sections such as that employed here, it likely is more effective for environmental design purposes simply to identify in reaches critical sections that are likely to limit fish survival (because of constraints on passage, food production or spawning). Once identified, the mean hydraulic conditions at those sections can be adequately described by the methods used in this study. 5.4. Temporal changes in hydraulic geometry — the effect of the October 2003 storm On 17 October 2003, a large Pacific storm on the British Columbia coast produced floods ranging in size from 200-year events in the Squamish–Pemberton corridor to 15-year events in the Chilliwack River tributaries (Fig. 2). Surprisingly, the 15-year event in the Chilliwack watershed had very little impact in most of the study reaches. Only one reach was significantly changed, while four reaches were altered at some of the sections; the remaining eight reaches appeared unchanged. The most significantly affected reach was upper Frosst Creek, which doubled in width from 8 to 15 m, a change that led us to exclude the site from further observation after the flood because the measurements would not have been part of a consistent data set. The four moderately affected reaches were lower Frosst, lower Borden, middle Borden, and Chipmunk Tributary reaches. Of the 61 cross sections in the survey, 20 showed some signs of flood alteration of the AHG and these were analysed further. Not only did the October 2003 flood produce varied results between the study reaches but it also produced varied results between the sections in the affected reaches. A complete range of results is evident from increase, decrease, or no change to the coefficients and exponents (Figs. 4–10). In spite of the varied response, however, several trends are evident. In general, the flood produced incision in the affected reaches. The incision is minor but can be seen in the AHG relationships as a drop in the water-surface width coefficient (a) and a corresponding increase in either the depth coefficient (c) or the velocity coefficient (k). The decline in the width coefficient is expected because incision in the cross section tends to narrow the section in the absence of concomitant bank erosion. Sixteen of the 20 cross sections in the affected reaches exhibit this decline in the width coefficient. The decline in width coefficient does not necessarily correspond to an increase or decrease in the width exponent (b). Indeed, the direction of the coefficient change is unrelated to that of the exponent change. This suggests that while incision has created a narrower cross section at the intercept value of 1 m3/s, it has not necessarily steepened the banks. The sideslopes of the cross section (elevated marginal bed surfaces and lower banks) control the rate of change of water-surface width as the discharge increases. Incision, apparently, 54 D.E. Reid et al. / Geomorphology 122 (2010) 39–55 while enough to alter the coefficient, is not great enough to alter the banks of the channel. This result is consistent with field observations made following the flood. Perhaps the most orderly changes occurred in middle Borden Creek where all of the width coefficients declined (Fig. 7). This pattern is consistent with reach-wide channel incision. In this case, the drop in the coefficient corresponds with a rise in the water-surface width exponent (b) (i.e., the water-surface width is increasing faster with increasing discharge than before the flood). Observations in the reach following the storm indicate that the channel banks were unchanged. This suggests that incision produced a narrower low-flow channel (lower coefficient) and general flattening or decrease in concavity across the streambed. The statistical significance of the changes in the coefficients and exponents at the 20 flood-affected sections were tested using a standard t-test. In general, most of the changes in coefficients (55–75% of 20 tested sections) and exponents (in 55–90% of 20 tested sections) of the AHG were not large enough to be statistically significant. This statistical indifference is due to two reasons. First, the difference between the pre- and the post-flood values are small because of the minor changes in most of the cross sections. Indeed, the changes in the cross sections are considered so minor that they did not warrant a new survey. Second, even when the change in the values is considerable, the lack of data in each period (given the variability of the data about the relationships) precludes a statistical difference. This is especially true for the Chipmunk Tributary reach where only two observations were made after the October 2003 flood (Fig. 9). Despite the lack of statistical differences in the pre- and post-flood AHG relationships, temporal analysis of the data remains important. Analysing the entire study period without considering channelaltering events can lead to false results. For example, the width exponent for the entire study period at cross section BRDN-M4, although not statistically different from zero, is −0.03 (Fig. 7). A negative exponent means that the water-surface width decreases as the stream discharge increases — an unlikely result. Instead, breaking the analysis into pre-flood and post-flood periods based on knowledge of the history of flow at the site and channel conditions before and after a large event yields a more rational result (Fig. 7). The width exponent for the pre-flood and post-flood periods are 0.08 and 0.16, respectively. These values are low but positive and significantly different from zero, and there is a distinct shift in the data for the two periods. Also of note is the improvement of the regression fit when considering pre- and post-flood periods. The width R2 term improves from a low 0.04 for the entire study period to 0.97 and 0.96 for the pre- and post-flood periods, respectively. Less dramatically, the depth R2 improves from 0.90 to 0.97 and 1.00. The velocity R2 terms stay high in all of the analyses because there was very little difference in the velocity data when the study period was split into pre-flood and post-flood periods. more variable than typical hydraulic geometry studies with a variability approaching the differences observed among rivers globally. Despite the general good fit between the power function and the at-a-station observations, some variability about the relationships still exists. Some of this variability can be attributed to temporal changes in the cross section as large floods alter the section. Splitting the analysis into pre- and post-flood time periods is an effective way of dealing with this issue provided an adequate number of observations are made in each time period. Floods do not affect all reaches and cross sections equally, however, and care should be taken to relate any changes in the calculated geometry to observations of change at the cross section. A second type of variability in the AHG is hydraulic geometry discontinuities. Splitting the analysis about these discontinuities may improve AHG, but it is important to relate the inferred discontinuities to changes in the channel geometry or hydraulics of the section. These discontinuities seem uncommon in the conditions measured, but may be more common at higher stream discharge. These findings suggest that hydraulic geometry can be considered a reasonable technique for determining minimum environmental flows and for ramping rates of mountain streams on stream habitat if information about the limiting cross section conditions for a particular species or life stage is available. In other words, if the critical conditions for a species can be quantified and the limiting cross section identified (e.g., minimum mean depth of 10 cm for rearing juvenile salmon over riffles), then hydraulic geometry is a reasonable approach to answering the question: what stream discharge must be maintained to provide these conditions? At a minimum, three visits to a properly monumented cross section spanning a reasonably wide range of flows are required to obtain an estimate of at-a-section hydraulic geometry parameters, although confidence in the estimates would be improved by additional measurements. At-a-station hydraulic geometry is not, however, generally transferable between the cross sections of a reach. Therefore, measurements are required at each cross section of interest. Acknowledgements We wish to thank field assistants Amada Denney, Emily Huxter, and Jane Bachman of Simon Fraser University, and Kaz Shimamura for his cartographic assistance. We are especially indebted to John Faustini, Robert Jarrett and an anonymous reviewer whose thoughtful reviews of the original manuscript significantly improved the paper. This research was funded in part by a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) grant to EJH and by research grants to DER from the Province of British Columbia (Ministry of Environment) and from Simon Fraser University. References 6. Summary and conclusions In general, simple power functions describe remarkably well the relationship between stream discharge and the primary flow variables of water-surface width, mean depth, and mean velocity in these small steep mountain channels. Of the 173 R2 values calculated for the study, 165 were N0.7. All of the primary hydraulic variables increase with increasing discharge, but velocity increases faster than the other two variables. 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