Earth Surface Processes and Landforms Earth Surf. Process. Landforms 28, 837–852INTERCHANNEL (2003) HYDRAULIC GEOMETRY Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/esp.497 837 INTERCHANNEL HYDRAULIC GEOMETRY AND HYDRAULIC EFFICIENCY OF THE ANASTOMOSING COLUMBIA RIVER, SOUTHEASTERN BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA KEVIN K. TABATA1* AND EDWARD J. HICKIN2 2 1 Department of Geography, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada Department of Geography and Department of Earth Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada Received 30 May 2002; Revised 9 December 2002; Accepted 7 January 2003 ABSTRACT The morphodynamics of the anastomosing channel system of upper Columbia River in southeastern British Columbia, Canada, is examined using an adaptation of conventional hydraulic geometry termed ‘interchannel hydraulic geometry’. Interchannel hydraulic geometry has some of the characteristics of downstream hydraulic geometry but differs in that it describes the general bankfull channel form and hydraulics of primary and secondary channels in the anastomosing channel system. Interchannel hydraulic geometry generalizes these relationships and as such becomes a model of the geomorphology of channel division and combination. Interchannel hydraulic geometry of upper Columbia River, based on field measurements of flow velocity and channel form at 16 test sections, is described well by simple power functions: wbf = 3·24Qbf0·64; dbf = 1·04Qbf0·19; vbf = 0·30Qbf0·17. These results, with other related measurements of flow resistance, imply that channel splitting leads to hydraulic inefficiency (higher flow resistance) on the anastomosing Columbia River. Because these findings differ from those reported in studies elsewhere, we conclude that hydraulic efficiency does not provide a general explanation for anabranching in river channels. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. KEY WORDS: hydraulic geometry; hydraulic efficiency; anastomosing river INTRODUCTION This paper is concerned with the morphodynamics of anastomosing channel systems in rivers and explores an adaptation of conventional hydraulic geometry to describe the geomorphology of the anastomosing Columbia River in southeastern British Columbia, Canada (Figure 1). Particular attention is given to hydraulic efficiency in relation to the number and size of channels in the anastomosing system. The hydraulic geometry of a river is the quantitative (mathematical and graphical) description of the channel cross-section size and shape, fluidflow properties and sediment-transport characteristics, in relation to the discharge being conducted by the channel (Leopold and Maddock, 1953). It is a descriptive tool, derived from the empirical relationships of regime ‘theory’ developed to aid canal design in India early last century (Lacey, 1930). The principal equations of hydraulic geometry proposed by Leopold and Maddock (1953), and used in this study, are simple power functions: w = aQb d = cQ f v = kQ m s = gQ z ff = hQ p where w, d, v, s, ff and Q are respectively width, mean depth, mean velocity, water-surface slope, Darcy– Weisbach resistance coefficient and discharge. Because continuity must be satisfied in fluid flow (Q = wdv), the * Correspondence to: K. K. Tabata, Department of Geography, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, British Columbia, V5A 156, Canada. E-mail: Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms 28, 837–852 (2003) 838 K. K. TABATA AND E. J. HICKIN Figure 1. Upper Columbia River and study reach product of the coefficients and sum of the exponents in the width–, depth– and velocity–discharge relationships must equal unity. The adjustment of channel morphology and hydraulics in response to changes in discharge has been considered in two quite different contexts: at-a-station hydraulic geometry and downstream hydraulic geometry. Ata-station hydraulic geometry describes how channel geometry and flow hydraulics change as discharge increases at an individual channel cross-section over time. In most rivers, discharge also increases in the downstream direction as tributaries join the main channel. Downstream hydraulic geometry describes how this spatially increasing discharge enlarges and shapes the channel and alters streamflow properties. In order to allow for comparisons between channel sections, these changes are referred to a discharge of constant return period or consistent relative stage. The most common reference discharge is bankfull discharge, which is often taken to be the channel-forming discharge. Hydraulic geometry forms an important core of fluvial geomorphology and much has been written on the concept. It is not the present purpose to review this work (comprehensive reviews are available in Richards (1977) and Knighton (1998)), but rather to briefly characterize hydraulic geometry as the point of departure for the present study. Because continuity is a fundamental and defining characteristic of downstream hydraulic geometry, application of this concept has excluded rivers with multiple channels, such as anastomosing rivers. It is argued in this Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms 28, 837–852 (2003) INTERCHANNEL HYDRAULIC GEOMETRY 839 paper, however, that the ideas of conventional hydraulic geometry can be usefully extended in a modified form to include the morphodynamics of anastomosing (and other types of multiple-channelled) rivers. This extension, introduced in this paper, is hereafter termed ‘interchannel’ hydraulic geometry. Interchannel hydraulic geometry describes the general bankfull channel form and hydraulics of primary and secondary channels in the anastomosing channel system. Given channel splitting and a particular reallocation of discharge among the resulting channels, interchannel hydraulic geometry describes the morphology and hydraulics of divided channels at bankfull stage. The upper discharge limit of interchannel hydraulic geometry is represented by the case in which all the flow at bankfull is confined to a single channel, while the lower discharge limit is set by the size of the smallest secondary channel to form in the anastomosing system. At any given valley cross-section in an anastomosing reach, discharges through the individual channels must sum to the total system discharge. Interchannel hydraulic geometry generalizes these relationships and thus becomes a model of the geomorphology of channel division and combination. Although interchannel hydraulic geometry clearly is conceptually closer to downstream hydraulic geometry than to at-a-station hydraulic geometry, there are some important differences. For example, in an anastomosing reach, water-surface slope at bankfull discharge, and the size of boundary material, are sensibly constant in distinct contrast to the typical circumstances of downstream changes in rivers. Just as downstream hydraulic geometry can be used to deduce downstream changes in hydraulics, interchannel hydraulic geometry can be used to deduce the morphologic and hydraulic consequences of channel division within a reach. This facility is relevant to evaluating a recent general argument made by Nanson and Huang (1999) from work in northern and central Australia that, in cases where river behaviour is constrained by very low slopes, channel splitting may be a river response that leads to greater hydraulic and bedload-transport efficiency. In summary, the threefold purpose of this paper is: 1. to introduce the concept of interchannel hydraulic geometry of multiple-channelled rivers; 2. to describe the interchannel hydraulic geometry of the anastomosing reach of upper Columbia River in British Columbia; and 3. to use the interchannel hydraulic geometry of upper Columbia River to provide a particular test of the general hypothesis that anastomosis leads to more efficient hydraulic conductivity (to lower flow resistance). PHYSICAL SETTING Upper Columbia River is located in southeastern British Columbia within the Rocky Mountain Trench, an intermontane valley flanked by the Rocky Mountains to the northeast and the Purcell Mountains to the southwest (Figure 1). Its source is at Columbia Lake, near Canal Flats, BC, from which the river flows in a northwesterly direction through the Trench for approximately 320 km before turning south towards the Canada–USA border. Although there are numerous dams along the river, upper Columbia River retains much of its natural character and provides an ideal ‘natural laboratory’ that serves to address the objectives of this study. The 120 km anastomosing reach, situated between Radium Hot Springs and Golden, BC, is arguably the type example of river anastomosis in North America. The geomorphology of the anastomosing Columbia River has been the subject of numerous studies over the last few decades (see Smith, 1983; Galay et al., 1984; Makaske, 1998, 2001; Makaske et al., 2002). The most morphologically and sedimentologically significant portion of the reach, according to Smith (1983), is a 55 km section between the communities of Spillimacheen and Nicholson (Figure 1). The valley gradient is very low, estimated to be 9·6 cm km−1 by Smith (1983) and 11·5 cm km−1 by Makaske (1998); mean elevation of the reach is 790 m a.s.l. The river changes to a wandering gravel-bed stream pattern downstream from Golden. The two major tributaries of upper Columbia River are Bugaboo Creek and Spillimacheen River (Figure 1), which drain the Purcell Mountains and supply sediment to the valley. Rocks forming these mountains consist of shales, sandstones, conglomerates and slates of Proterozoic age. Locally, the Purcell Mountains rise above 3000 m a.s.l. and are capped by glaciers. The Beaverfoot and Brisco Ranges of the Rocky Mountains provide relatively little water and sediment to the valley. These glacier-free ranges rise to about 2700 m a.s.l. and consist Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms 28, 837–852 (2003) 840 K. K. TABATA AND E. J. HICKIN Figure 2. Upper Columbia River anastomosing reach downstream of Spillimacheen confluence. Aerial photos were taken during falling stage (14 September 1999) largely of calcareous shales and slates, limestones and dolomites of Palaeozoic age (Geological Survey of Canada, 1972, 1979a,b, 1980). The valley fill consists mostly of silts, sands and gravels, which were deposited during the complex geomorphic history of the area. At the end of the last glaciation, ice dams remained at Canal Flats and to the north near Donald, creating glacial Lake Invermere (Sawicki and Smith, 1992). Meltwater streams from remaining ice at higher elevations on both sides of the valley transported large volumes of sediment, depositing silt into the lake as well as forming gravel deltas. Galay et al. (1984) speculate that the ice dam failed first at Canal Flats causing the lake to drain. A channel consequently incised through the lacustrine silts and deltaic gravels forming terraces along the valley margins. Subsequently, the tributaries, which initially incised into the deltaic and lacustrine deposits, formed alluvial fans and partially blocked the southeasterly flow. Eventually, the ice dam near Donald retreated and flow reversed to its present northwesterly direction. At the same time, the Kicking Horse River and Canyon Creek alluvial fans, upon which Golden and Nicholson are located, prograded into the valley and aggraded to partially block flow. The resulting backwater effect caused sedimentation on the upvalley side of the fans and a subsequent decline in the valley gradient (Smith, 1983). Other minor alluvial fans along the Trench also blocked flow, creating low-gradient floodplains and anastomosing reaches between fans in a steplike fashion along the river profile (Smith and Putnam, 1980; Galay et al., 1984). The anastomosing reach exhibits a pattern of interconnected sandbed channels within a 2 km wide valley (Figure 2). This planform is maintained throughout the length of the reach except where large alluvial fans encroach into the valley; for example, at Spillimacheen and Nicholson where Spillimacheen River and Canyon Creek respectively enter the valley. Individual channels are generally narrow and deep, and possess steep-sided banks, although progressively larger channels carrying greater flows tend to be significantly wider and only slightly deeper. The characteristic cross-sectional shape is largely a function of the cohesive nature of the bank material in combination with low stream power relative to bank strength. Stable channel banks allow dense vegetation to become established, further reinforcing banks and effectively limiting lateral migration of the channels (Smith, 1976). Upper Columbia River experiences flooding during the summer months due to the highly seasonal snowmelt regime and abundant summer precipitation, combined with the inability of channels to fully accommodate high flows. Locking (1983) estimates that the anastomosing reach is flooded 45 days per year on average, and has a flood frequency of every 1·01 years. Because of low channel slopes and thus low stream powers, a portion of total bedload is deposited within the channels (Smith and Putnam, 1980; Locking, 1983; Makaske, 2001), Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms 28, 837–852 (2003) INTERCHANNEL HYDRAULIC GEOMETRY 841 Figure 3. Wetland environment showing a partially flooded marsh at centre and a lake in the foreground. River flow in the valley is from right to left. Photo was taken in late May reducing their flow capacity and promoting flooding (Knighton and Nanson, 1993; Nanson and Knighton, 1996; Schumm et al., 1996; Nanson and Huang, 1999). Obstructions such as beaver dams (Gurnell, 1998), log jams (Smith, 1983; Smith et al. 1989) and ice jams (Smith et al., 1989) may also create favourable conditions for localized flooding. During overbank flows, suspended load is carried over adjacent wetlands (Figure 3). Much of the load is deposited next to the channel and contributes to levee development. The remainder is deposited on wetlands in such a manner that the volume of material declines with distance from the channel, producing the characteristic concave-up cross-sectional wetland profile (Asselman and Middelkoop, 1995; Mackey and Bridge, 1995). Consequently, a levee breach, which may begin in beaver drag trails (Smith, 1983), creates a local gradient advantage so that a portion of channel flow is drawn into the wetland. If the crevasse persists and enlarges over time, sand progrades into the wetland and is deposited as a splay (Smith and Putnam, 1980; Smith and Smith, 1980; Smith, 1983). Moreover, if an increasingly greater proportion of channel flow is captured, the splay becomes incised and a new channel may form, provided that the captured flow is connected to an existing channel at some downstream point on the wetland (Smith and Putnam, 1980; Nanson and Knighton, 1996; Nanson and Huang, 1999). Upper Columbia River valley at Golden has an annual temperature range of 39·3 °C. Temperatures reach a mean monthly low of −10.1 °C in January and a mean monthly high of 17·2 °C in July (Environment Canada, 1998). Golden also receives an average of 490·7 mm of precipitation annually. Precipitation (mostly snow) peaks in December and January, but significant amounts are also recorded during the remainder of the year with a broad secondary peak centred on July. Mean annual precipitation gradually declines in a southeasterly direction and Invermere receives about 300 mm (Makaske, 1998). In the adjacent mountains, particularly in the Purcell Mountains, precipitation is markedly greater and provides most of the flow to upper Columbia River. The drainage area above Nicholson gauging station is approximately 6660 km2 with most of the area located in the Purcell Mountains (Figure 1). Because of greater snow accumulation at higher elevations, the flow regime is dominated by snowmelt, which is enhanced by rain-on-snow events. Thus, discharge increases during the spring months and reaches a maximum monthly mean of 322 m3 s−1 in June. A minimum monthly mean discharge of 24 m3 s−1 occurs in February, during which time ice covers much of the river. Mean annual discharge is 108 m3 s−1 (Environment Canada, 2000). Figure 4 shows historic mean monthly discharges at Nicholson gauging station (Environment Canada, 2000) and mean monthly discharges for 2000 (Environment Canada, 2001). Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms 28, 837–852 (2003) 842 K. K. TABATA AND E. J. HICKIN Figure 4. Mean monthly discharges for period 1902–1999 (Environment Canada, 2000) and for 2000 (Environment Canada, 2001) at Nicholson gauging station (BC 08NA002) METHODS Field data consist mainly of measurements of cross-sectional form, water-surface width, flow depth and flow velocity at a range of discharges during the summer of 2000 between June and August, a period during which there is normally a considerable discharge range. At Nicholson gauging station (BC 08NA002), discharge peaked at 351 m3 s−1 on 7 July (Environment Canada, 2001) and then rapidly declined. This time period enabled measurements up to bankfull discharge on both the rising and falling stages so that measurements at discharges missed during the rising stage could be obtained during the falling stage. Measurements during low-flow conditions were not obtained. Data were collected at 16 stations in a 10 km reach of anastomosing channels between the communities of Spillimacheen and Harrogate (Figure 5). Station selection was based on several criteria: 1. boat accessibility: many channels, particularly smaller ones, are either blocked at the entrance by log jams making channel access difficult, or are unnavigable due to in-channel debris; 2. range of channel sizes: channels of various size, based on width, were required for sampling in order to derive the interchannel hydraulic geometry; 3. fully equilibrated channel sections: only stable channel sections were considered; for example, channel sections near a bifurcating junction were excluded; 4. straight or very low-sinuosity channel sections; 5. absence of flow irregularities at or near measurement stations: in smaller channels, subaerial beaver dams, for example, reduce their cross-sectional areas and cause local increases in flow velocity. A transect was established normal to flow direction at each measurement station. Six to ten verticals were used along each transect, depending mainly on channel width. Point velocities were measured at each vertical with a Price type AA current meter suspended from a 2·5 m inflatable boat. The first velocity measurement was made at 0·15 m above the channel bed, which was as close to the boundary as the equipment would allow. Additional point velocities were obtained at 0·31, 0·46, 0·76. 1·07, 1·53, 1·98, and 2·44 m above the bed so that increments increase with height. Each point velocity was measured over 60 s. Flow depth was measured at each vertical and water-surface width was measured with either a graduated survey line or a digital range finder. The velocity–area method (Corbett, 1943) was employed to determine the discharge for each set of measurements. The mean velocity at each vertical was calculated by averaging the values obtained at 0·2 m intervals above the channel bed. The values used for averaging were calculated with the equations derived by fitting a polynomial curve through plots of velocity against height above bed. Because of some deviation of point velocity measurements from the logarithmic profile, particularly near the water surface, this is a more accurate method than calculating mean velocity using the point velocity measurement at 0·6d, or the average of the Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms 28, 837–852 (2003) INTERCHANNEL HYDRAULIC GEOMETRY 843 Figure 5. Study reach and measurement station locations measurements at 0·2d and 0·8d. Mean flow-depth was calculated by spatially integrating the depth measurements at each vertical over the cross-section. Because the channel system at bankfull stage is ‘leaky’, with flow exchanges through bank crevasses between the channel and flood basins on the floodplain surface, strict discharge continuity between adjacent measurement stations on the channels is not met in all cases. To estimate mean flow resistance, the law of the wall was first used to determine boundary shear stress at each vertical across the channel. Spatially integrating point boundary shear stress values over the cross-section produced the mean boundary shear stress for the station. Mean flow resistance was then calculated as the Darcy– Weisbach resistance coefficient: ff = 8τ 0 ρv 2 (1) 8gRs v2 (2) Equation 1 can be rewritten as: ff = Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms 28, 837–852 (2003) 844 K. K. TABATA AND E. J. HICKIN since: τ 0 = ρgRs The variables ρ, g, R and s are respectively water density (kg m−3), acceleration due to gravity (m s−2), hydraulic radius (m) and slope. Equation 2 provides an alternative way to calculate mean flow resistance, but it may also produce less reliable results in this study because channel slope, which approximates the slope of the energy grade line, is assumed to be equal to the valley slope of 0·0001 and constant over the discharge cycle. This expediency is necessary because it is not possible to measure directly the very low channel slopes to any acceptable degree of accuracy. Regardless, the two methods of calculating flow resistance provide two independent results for comparison. Hereafter, flow resistance calculations using Equation 1 are referred to as the ‘law of the wall’ method, and those using valley slope in Equation 2 are referred to as the ‘constant slope’ method. At-a-station hydraulic geometry relationships were determined by plotting width, depth, velocity and flow resistance respectively against discharge on log–log graphs and fitting least-squares regression lines through the plots. To derive interchannel hydraulic geometry relationships, bankfull values of width, depth, velocity and flow resistance were calculated for each station. This required specifying the bankfull discharge for each station. Bankfull stage was taken as the height at which a break in bank slope occurred near the top of the bank, corresponding to the minimum width/depth ratio (Wolman, 1955). When the bankfull heights of opposite banks differed, the lower of the two was selected as the bankfull stage for that station. By plotting discharge against stage, it was possible to estimate bankfull discharge for the specified bankfull stage. For all 16 stations, nearbankfull flow measurements were obtained in the field so that extrapolation of stage relations was actually minimal. Width, depth, velocity and flow resistance were then calculated by entering the bankfull discharge value into the regression equations from the respective at-a-station relationships. Anti-log bias correction (Sprugel, 1983; Miller, 1984; Ferguson, 1986) was applied to the final values so that true values were not underestimated. Once bankfull values were determined for each channel, they were plotted as power functions of bankfull discharge. Finally, linear regression was used to derive quantitative descriptions of the interchannel hydraulic geometry relationships. STATION AND CHANNEL DESCRIPTIONS In general, all stations possess trapezoidal cross-sections, although some approach a rectangular shape. Width/ depth ratio (the form ratio) therefore is a suitable measure of cross-sectional shape. Bankfull width and depth measurements and form ratios are listed in Table I together with brief descriptions of the channels at their respective stations. Clearly, narrow channels tend to have low form ratios and small cross-sectional areas while wider channels have higher form ratios and larger cross-sections. Table I shows that all channels are generally straight (linear bank alignment) at their respective stations. Moreover, channel banks are characteristically colonized by dense vegetation, although some variability exists among stations. For example, Station 3, in addition to having densely vegetated banks, has small trees growing on the channel bed near both banks, and Stations 1, 12 and 15 have trees leaning into the channel as a result of bank failure. Stations 7 and 15 have only one bank with dense vegetation while the other is lined mainly with grass, and Stations 4 and 6 have a sub-bankfull bench with grass growth. Overhanging vegetation is present at all stations except 4, 12 and 15. These overhangs become significant contributors to flow resistance when stage approaches bankfull conditions. RESULTS: INTERCHANNEL HYDRAULIC GEOMETRY Width, depth and velocity In order to describe the interchannel hydraulic geometry relationships, bankfull values of width, depth and velocity were plotted as power functions of bankfull discharge. Bankfull values of the dependent variables are shown in Table II together with bankfull values of the form ratio. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms 28, 837–852 (2003) INTERCHANNEL HYDRAULIC GEOMETRY 845 Table I. Cross-sectional shape of channels at each station, expressed as width/depth ratio, and general channel descriptions Station Bankfull width (m) Bankfull w/d ratio depth (m) 1 52·48 2·67 19·6 2 46·06 2·25 20·5 3 29·80 2·24 13·3 4 24·75 1·11 22·2 5 17·24 1·49 11·6 6 15·07 1·93 7·8 7 131·22 2·16 60·7 8 41·73 2·02 20·7 9 23·89 3·26 7·3 10 14·91 2·39 6·2 11 18·01 2·64 6·8 12 25·73 2·99 8·6 13 13·36 1·87 7·1 14 50·11 2·09 23·9 15 20·76 2·11 9·8 16 23·80 1·51 15·8 Comments Very slight s-curve planform with station at middle; dense growth on both banks; slumping trees and overhangs affect surface flow Slightly sinuous upstream, straight downstream; dense growth with some overhangs on right bank; less growth on left bank, few overhangs Slight reverse s-curve planform, straight at station; dense growth and few overhangs on both banks; small trees on bed near both banks Straight channel; dense growth on both banks; sub-bankfull bench with grass growth at right bank Straight channel; dense growth on both banks with overhangs on both banks upstream of station Straight channel; dense growth with few overhangs on left bank; sub-bankfull bench with grass growth at right bank Very slight s-curve planform; mostly grass with few trees on right bank; more tree growth with few overhangs on left bank Slight s-curve planform; mostly flow from Spillimacheen River; dense growth and overhangs on both banks Slight reverse s-curve planform; dense growth with some overhangs on both banks Straight channel; dense tree growth on both banks; overhangs and slumping tree on left bank; few overhangs just upstream on right bank Straight at station, curves to left 100 m upstream (viewed upstream); dense growth on both banks with overhangs upstream Straight at station; dense growth on both banks; some tree growth from side of right bank; fallen tree 15 m upstream on left bank Straight channel with sharp bend 50 m downstream; dense growth with overhangs on both banks; crevasse 20 m upstream on left bank Straight at station, slight curve to right upstream (viewed upstream); dense growth on both banks; overhangs on right bank Slight s-curve; tree growth from right bank side 5 m upstream; mostly grass growth on left bank; crevasse 30 m upstream from right bank Slight channel curvature with right bank on inside of curve; dense growth on both banks; overhang 20 m upstream from left bank Despite some scatter, the interchannel hydraulic geometry relationships in Figure 6 conform to power function relationships between width, depth and velocity respectively and bankfull discharge. Among the three variables, bankfull width exhibits the greatest rate of change (b = 0·64), while the rates of change of depth ( f = 0·19) and velocity (m = 0·17) are considerably less. In other words, if a comparison is made between two typical anastomosing channels with different bankfull discharges, the greatest difference would be in bankfull width, while differences in bankfull depth and velocity would be relatively small. As with at-a-station and downstream hydraulic geometry, both the product of the coefficients and the sum of the exponents equal unity. Because of its similarity to downstream hydraulic geometry, it is useful to compare the interchannel relationships with those typically found in downstream studies. A fundamentally distinctive characteristic of anastomosing channels, which contrasts with changes downstream in a single channel, is that neither water-surface slope nor boundary materials vary in any significant way with changes in bankfull discharge. The similarity in bank materials from one sandbed anastomosing channel to another in the upper Columbia River means that changes in bank height and flow depth are quite conservative ( f = 0·19) and much lower than those for the typical downstream case ( f ≈ 0·4). The mean velocity exponent for the anastomosing channels (m = 0·17) is not unlike the exponents found in the corresponding downstream cases (m = 0·0–0·2), but the reasons for the change clearly are not the same. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms 28, 837–852 (2003) 846 K. K. TABATA AND E. J. HICKIN Table II. Various channel characteristics at bankfull stage Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Qbf (m3 s−1) wbf (m) dbf (m) vbf (m) ffbf(lw) ffbf(cs) (w/d)bf ω bf (W m−2) 87·79 63·48 43·93 10·81 10·73 12·78 200·56 42·51 34·56 15·77 15·92 44·68 11·10 46·14 16·67 15·65 52·20 46·16 29·75 24·53 16·96 14·88 131·31 41·72 23·25 14·77 17·53 25·51 13·15 49·43 20·52 23·76 2·55 2·30 2·19 0·94 1·33 1·89 2·20 2·01 3·03 2·29 2·48 2·85 1·73 1·72 1·69 1·49 0·66 0·56 0·68 0·47 0·48 0·46 0·69 0·51 0·49 0·47 0·37 0·62 0·49 0·54 0·48 0·44 0·046 0·044 0·075 0·053 0·059 0·065 0·040 0·048 0·066 0·072 0·056 0·059 0·053 0·066 0·062 0·051 0·045 0·050 0·037 0·034 0·045 0·069 0·036 0·059 0·096 0·078 0·139 0·057 0·055 0·046 0·056 0·058 20·5 20·1 13·6 26·0 12·8 7·9 59·6 20·8 7·7 6·5 7·1 9·0 7·6 28·7 12·1 16·0 1·68 1·19 2·96 0·67 0·81 0·80 1·67 0·82 1·01 0·97 0·36 1·76 0·80 1·32 0·88 0·57 Qbf = bankfull discharge; wbf = bankfull water-surface width; dbf = bankfull mean flow depth; vbf = bankfull mean flow velocity; ffb(lw) = bankfull flow resistance (law of the wall method); ffbf(cs) = bankfull flow resistance (constant slope method); (w/d)bf = bankfull width/depth ratio; ω bf = bankfull specific stream power Figure 6. Interchannel hydraulic geometry relationships of bankfull width (A), bankfull depth (B) and bankfull velocity (C) to bankfull discharge Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms 28, 837–852 (2003) INTERCHANNEL HYDRAULIC GEOMETRY 847 Among the anastomosing channels, velocity increases in response to increasing flow depth at a constant watersurface slope, and in the downstream case, the velocity exponent reflects mainly the competing effects of declining slope and the declining grain size (roughness) of channel boundary materials. Changes in flow depth and velocity exhibited by the anastomosing channels are conservative with only about one-third of the increase in discharge in the range 10–200 m3 s−1 being accommodated by combined adjustments in these variables. The width of the anastomosing bankfull channels accommodates most (two-thirds) of the change in this discharge range; b = 0·64 is a significantly higher exponent than the b ≈ 0·5 typical of downstream hydraulic geometry. Unlike downstream changes in width, depth and velocity, interchannel changes are independent of changes in drainage area. Rather, the reach comprises a number of channels that carry a proportion of total discharge and each channel independently adjusts to its imposed discharge. The manner in which total discharge is apportioned to each channel is seemingly stochastic so that the possible range of channel sizes varies from small to large in any particular anastomosing system. If total discharge is divided equally among a number of channels, the bankfull discharge for each component channel would be identical and therefore interchannel relationships become difficult to define. The upper Columbia River anastomosing reach, however, comprises channels with a range of bankfull discharges and power laws adequately describe the interchannel relationships. Flow resistance Table I indicates that the two versions of the Darcy–Weisbach resistance coefficient [ ffbf(lw) (based on Equation 1 and the ‘law of the wall’) and ffbf(cs) (based on Equation 2 and an assumed water-surface slope = a constant (0·0001) valley floor slope) ] yield generally consistent results. For the 16 stations, the ratio ffbf(lw)/ffbf(cs) has the following statistical properties: median = 0·993, mean = 1·069, standard deviation = 0·377 and standard error = 0·094. Because the log-linear velocity gradients are well defined and averaged, there is greater stability and less uncertainty associated with the bankfull values of ffbf(lw) than there is with the bankfull values of ffbf(cs). Velocity gradients at each station are based on an average of four velocity measurements in each of six to ten verticals. Semi-logarithmic regressions for velocity and height above the bed for each cross-section average R2 = 0·96 (0·85–0·99). The bankfull flow resistance–discharge relationship is shown in Figure 7. Regardless of the basis for computing flow resistance, the Darcy–Weisbach coefficient tends to decline as discharge increases. The related changes in the shape of the channel cross-section probably explain this tendency; the relation of flow resistance at bankfull stage to the channel form ratio is shown in Figure 8. These pronounced inverse relationships (based on the law of the wall and the constant slope methods) are consistent with the field observations that small, relatively narrow anastomosing channels with lower form ratios are more influenced by bank roughness (bank irregularities and vegetation) than their larger counterparts. Interpreting these inverse relationships, however, warrants caution because they obviously are characterized by considerable scatter in the data. For example, it was observed in the field that some smaller channels are more influenced by backwater effects above channel confluences than larger channels. These backwater effects probably explain the increase in the variability of ff with declining bankfull discharge evident in Figure 7. Bedforms appear to be present in most Columbia River channels and must influence the pattern of flow resistance shown in Figure 7. Dunes increase in size as channels become larger and reach their maximum size where the river is most confined to a single channel (Station 7). In consequence, form roughness increases with bankfull discharge. Bedform effects do not appear to dominate the flow resistance regime, however, and the inverse relationships in Figure 7 are consistent with the conventional view that boundary roughness is drowned out as discharge and cross-sectional area of channels increase. DISCUSSION: CONDUCTIVITY OF ANASTOMOSING CHANNELS Developing the fundamental notion of river channel equilibrium that ‘the average river channel system tends to develop in a way to produce an approximate equilibrium between the channel and the water and sediment it must transport’ (Leopold and Maddock, 1953, p. 1), Nanson and Knighton (1996) and Nanson and Huang (1999) Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms 28, 837–852 (2003) 848 K. K. TABATA AND E. J. HICKIN Figure 7. Interchannel relationship between bankfull flow resistance and bankfull discharge. Flow resistance values are calculated using (A) the law of the wall method and (B) the constant slope method Figure 8. Interchannel relationship between bankfull flow resistance and bankfull width/depth ratio. Flow resistance values are calculated using (A) the law of the wall method and (B) the constant slope method argue that anabranching rivers (including anastomosing rivers) form and persist over time in order to maintain or enhance water- and sediment-transport efficiency. They argue that a river can increase stream power and therefore water- and sediment-transport efficiency by increasing its slope (Nanson and Knighton, 1996; Nanson and Huang, 1999). In most environments, this increase in efficiency can be accomplished by reducing channel Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms 28, 837–852 (2003) 849 INTERCHANNEL HYDRAULIC GEOMETRY Table III. Bankfull width, depth, cross-sectional area, velocity and flow resistance values for channels of various size (Qbf). Values are calculated using the regression equations describing the interchannel relationships. Qbf (m3 s−1) wbf (m) dbf (m) Abf (m2) vbf (m s−1) ffbf(lw) ffbf(cs) 100 90 80 70 60 64·39 2·58 166·1 0·65 0·050 0·047 60·18 2·53 152·3 0·63 0·051 0·048 55·80 2·48 138·4 0·62 0·052 0·049 51·21 2·41 123·4 0·61 0·052 0·050 46·39 2·34 108·6 0·59 0·053 0·051 50 41·26 2·26 93·2 0·58 0·054 0·052 40 30 20 10 35·76 2·17 77·6 0·55 0·055 0·054 29·73 2·06 61·2 0·53 0·057 0·056 22·92 1·90 43·5 0·49 0·059 0·059 14·69 1·67 24·5 0·44 0·064 0·065 wbf = 3·24Qbf0·64; dbf = 1·04Qbf0·19; Abf = wbf × dbf ; vbf = 0·30Qbf0·17; ffb(lw) = 0·07Qbf−0·06; ffbf (cs) = 0·09Qbf−0·13 sinuosity, but when valley slope is low, a river has little opportunity to increase its slope. Nanson and Knighton (1996) and Nanson and Huang (1999) argue that a single-channelled river may be able to achieve the same outcome by anabranching. In doing so, they argue, water and sediment are conveyed in multiple channels that are collectively at least as efficient as a single channel. To test this idea, Nanson and Huang (1999) developed a model based on anabranching rivers of northern and central Australia and they found that divided channels have a lower total width, greater depths and thus a lower total cross-sectional area and higher mean velocities. Furthermore, they assert that this condition maximizes sediment transport capacity, and specifically bedload transport, since it is directly related to velocity. We do not challenge the findings of Nanson and Huang (1999) for the specific Australian cases they examined, but on the basis of our observations of upper Columbia River behaviour, we do question the generalization that, in slope-constrained environments, river channels develop anabranching channel patterns in order to achieve hydraulic efficiencies. The interchannel hydraulic geometry of the anastomosing Columbia River presented in the previous section does not support this generalization. Table III presents modelling data, based on the interchannel hydraulic geometry relationships for upper Columbia River, which illustrate the consequences of several combinations of channel splitting. For example, a single channel with a bankfull discharge of 100 m3 s−1 has a width of 64·39 m, a depth of 2·58 m, and a velocity of 0·65 m s−1. If this channel divides into two equal channels with bankfull discharges of 50 m3 s−1 each, the aggregate channel width becomes 82·52 m, and the channel depth and velocity in each channel becomes 2·26 m and 0·58 m s−1 respectively. Clearly, the aggregate width becomes greater and both depth and velocity decline in each divided channel, indicating that the system becomes hydraulically less efficient. Put another way, this simple channel division into two equal-size secondary channels requires a 12 per cent increase in aggregate cross-sectional area of the channel in order to maintain the discharge. These changes are accompanied by increases in flow resistance in both divided channels. The same pattern emerges when other combinations of bankfull discharge are used. For example, if a channel with 100 m3 s−1 discharge divides into three channels with discharges of 60, 30 and 10 m3 s−1 (Table III), an even greater increase in aggregate cross-sectional area (17·5 per cent) is required to maintain the flow at 100 m3 s−1. Because of the nature of the governing equations of interchannel hydraulic geometry, upper Columbia River becomes hydraulically less efficient as a single channel divides into a progressively larger number of subchannels. Unfortunately there are not sufficient bedload transport measurements at bankfull flow available for upper Columbia River secondary channels to unequivocally specify the accompanying changes in bedload-transport capacity. Nevertheless, any changes in bedload-transport efficiency are likely to be quite small because the modest increase in aggregate bed width through channel splitting is accompanied by significant reductions in flow depth, velocity, and specific stream power (Table III). Consequently, modelling of bedload transport through the channel system using the Meyer-Peter and Muller, Engelund and Hansen, and Shields bedload formulae, for example, implies that there is no significant change in the total bedload-transport capacity accompanying anastomosis (Tabata, 2002). Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms 28, 837–852 (2003) 850 K. K. TABATA AND E. J. HICKIN These results in relation to hydraulic and bedload-transport efficiency on Columbia River are contrary to the findings of Nanson and Huang (1999) based on Australian anabranching rivers. Nanson (personal communication, December 2002) argues that these contrary results are difficult to interpret because, unlike the Australian anabranching rivers studied, Columbia River is in disequilibrium in the sense that bedload input to the anastomosing reach exceeds output. It is difficult for us to envision how channel splitting can occur in any river, however, unless channel capacity is not locally reduced by shoaling and bar formation resulting from such a disequilibrium state in the sediment flux. The reason for the usually single-channelled Columbia River developing an anastomosing reach has been suggested by others (Smith, 1983; Smith and Putnam, 1980, Galay et al., 1984) and it is a view not contradicted by the results of the present study. Downstream control in the form of large tributary alluvial fans have reduced the channel slope upstream in the backwater zone so that the capacity of the channel to transport the sediment being supplied from upstream to it is exceeded. The resulting aggradation locally raises the channel above the floodplain so that annual floods often spill out of the channel onto the wetlands with enhanced erosive force, sometimes resulting in permanent channel avulsions. The reduced hydraulic efficiency of these new secondary channels and the oversupply of sediment lead to further cycles of avulsion until a fully developed anastomosing channel system is in place. Secondary channels remain in place on the floodplain until isolated by further avulsions because the very low water-surface slope and the strong cohesive channel banks prevent significant channel migration. Anastomosis is essentially caused by the imbalance between sediment supply and sediment transport capacity that leads to superelevation of the channel, and to the avulsive behaviour of the aggrading channel. The decline in hydraulic efficiency caused by channel splitting is simply a passive accompaniment to anastomosis and cannot be construed as the cause of river adjustment. The defining system of interconnected channels in anabranching rivers does suggest some general underlying cause. It is prudent to recognize, however, that the pronounced planform differences between the anastomosing Columbia River in British Columbia and the anabranching rivers in northern and central Australia (for examples, see Nanson et al., 1986; Rust and Nanson, 1986; Tooth, 1997; Wende and Nanson, 1998) speak to strong sitespecific elements in the formative processes. CONCLUSIONS A new type of hydraulic geometry is introduced to describe the morphodynamics of multiple-channelled rivers. Interchannel hydraulic geometry describes the changes in hydraulic variables as channels at bankfull discharge become progressively larger in an anastomosing reach of a river. For the upper Columbia River anastomosing reach, the interchannel hydraulic geometry, like conventional downstream hydraulic geometry, in general is adequately described by power functions. The highest rate of change in channel geometry, expressed in the conventional power-function relationships, is found in width (b = 0·64), followed by depth ( f = 0·19) and velocity (m = 0·17). That is, the range of channel widths among channels in the upper Columbia River anastomosing reach is much greater than those for mean depth and mean flow velocity. Interchannel flow resistance–discharge relationships display a tendency for flow resistance to decline with progressively larger bankfull channels. This inverse trend is consistent with physical reasoning that suggests larger channels can be expected to be more hydraulically efficient because of the reduced relative contribution of bed and bank roughness to flow resistance. The idea proposed by Nanson and Knighton (1996) and Nanson and Huang (1999), that anabranching is a way to maintain or enhance water and sediment transport efficiency in an environment where slope adjustments are not possible, does not appear to apply to the upper Columbia River anastomosing reach. Compared to a single channel, water conveyance is less efficient in the anastomosing reach. Bedload transport also is probably less efficient. On Columbia River, the cause of anastomosis more likely relates to local oversupply of sediment, channel aggradation, and consequent enhancement of channel avulsion behaviour. Any change in hydraulic efficiency of anastomosing channels on Columbia River appears to be independent of the channel splitting process; change in channel conductivity is a result of anastomosis, not the cause of it. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms 28, 837–852 (2003) INTERCHANNEL HYDRAULIC GEOMETRY 851 Clearly, there is a need for additional studies of anastomosing stream morphology in order to establish the range of interchannel hydraulic geometry exhibited by this pattern of river and to inform any further discussion of the general cause of river anastomosis. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We acknowledge an intellectual debt to Derald Smith and Gerald Nanson whose ideas have led to the present work. We thank Gerald Nanson and Rob Ferguson for their helpful reviews of the original manuscript and He Qing Huang, Gerald Nanson and John Jansen for their insights and forbearance in discussions to reconcile the disparate results of the studies discussed in this paper. In addition, we thank Sarah Baines, Sean Todd and Chris Braybrook for their invaluable assistance in the field. 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