Suspended-sediment concentration and calibre in relation to surface-flow structure in Squamish River estuary, southwestern British Columbia KENNETHM. ROOD K. Rood & Associates, 3484 Oxford St., Vancouver, B. C . , Canada V5K IN9 AND EDWARD J. HICKIN Department of Geography, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B. C., Canada V5A IS6 Received November 24, 1988 Revision accepted April 26, 1989 Surface grabs of suspended sediments from boils and the background flow in Squamish Estuary revealed strong differences between the two environments. Boils exhibit higher sediment concentrations and larger particle sizes than the background flow. The higher sediment concentrations and larger grain sizes in boils are related to tidal phase, with maximum concentrations and sediment sizes occurring in the early decelerating phase of the tidal flow. Sediment concentrations and grain sizes in the background flow are comparatively invariant with tidal phase. Boils appear to play an important, if not dominant, role in suspending and transporting sand-sized sediments in Squamish Estuary. Des prCltvements de sMiments en suspension B la surface de remous et de zones h tcoulement moyen dans l'estuaire Squamish ont mis en Cvidence des diffkrences considtrables entre ces deux milieux. Les Cchantillons provenant des remous prtsentent des concentrations de sCdiments plus grandes et avec une granulomktrie plus grosshe que ceux recueillis dans les zones B Ccoulement moyen. La concentration en sMiments la plus ClevCe et la granularit6 la plus grossitre dans les remous sont relikes h une des phases de la marte, les maxima de concentration et de grosseur des sediments apparaissent durant la phase de dCcClCration du flot de marCe. D'autre part, dam les zones B Ccoulement moyen la concentration en sCdiments et la grosseur des grains ne varient pas avec les phases de la marCe. Les remous semblent jouer un rBle important, sinon dominant, dans la mise en suspension et dans le transport des sCdiments de la grosseur des sables dans l'estuaire Squamish. [Traduit par la revue] Can. J. Earth Sci. 26, 2172-2176 (1989) Introduction Boils and other surface disturbances commonly are observed in rivers and estuaries, but their role in the suspension of bed materials has not been directly studied. Within estuaries, the general character of the flow is strongly influenced by tidal phase. Laboratory investigations (Anwar 1981; Anwar and Atkins 1980) as well as field experiments (Anwar 1983; Bowden and Howe 1963; Gordon 1975) indicate that maximum turbulent stresses (Reynolds stresses) occur during decelerating flows and are lagged relative to the mean column velocities, producing a hysteresis between velocity and turbulent stress and, by inference, between velocity and suspendedsediment concentration. Thorn (1975) was able to measure the hysteresis of sediment concentration in a deep tidal flow. The Reynolds stresses, as calculated from velocity records, generally exhibit intermittency and "peakiness" (Anwar 1981; Gordon 1975). Records are dominated by intermittent periods of high-momentum transport that are generally assumed to reflect the small-scale bursting cycle described by Kline et al. (1967) and Kim et al. (1971). This assumption is particularly appealing in the estuarine environment because the intensity and frequency of bursting increase under adverse pressure gradients (Kline et al. 1967), as are experienced in decelerating estuarine flows. There is certainly some question as to whether the large intermittent events observed on the surface of geophysical flows are actually a product of the small-scale bursting cycle. Other mechanisms also produce intermittent and large contributions to momentum transport; specifically, shedding of roller eddies from the lee of sand waves (Lane 1944; Korchokha 1968; Nordin et al. 1972). This seems a more suitPrinted in Canada / Imprime au Canada able mechanism in Squamish estuary where boils are associated with sand-wave fields and, during certain tidal phases, are clearly distinguished from the background flow by their energy and sediment content. The purpose of this note is to further elucidate the role of boils or surface disturbances, over a tidal cycle, in suspending and transporting bed sediments. Field site and methods Field observations were collected in Squamish River estuary, roughly 1 krn upstream of the delta front (Fig. 1). On the day of sampling (July 14, 1987), discharge in the Squamish River was 560 m3/s (Squamish River near Brackendale gauge; 08GA022), in excess of the long-term mean July discharge. Average suspended-sediment concentration entering the tidal reach was estimated as 180 mg/L from a rating curve developed by Hickin (1989). The Squamish is a sand-bed river within the sampling reach. During the freshet, sand waves develop on the bed of the channel whose wavelength and amplitude vary over the tidal cycle (Fig. 2). Sediment concentrations, both within boils and in the general background (interboil) flow, were sampled from a moored boat during a falling tide (tidal range 3.3 m; Point Atkinson). Samples were surface grabs consisting of 6-9 L of water and sediment. Paired samples, one within the surface expression of a recently emerged boil and one in the general background, were collected at intervals ranging from 10 to 60 min. It was occasionally necessary to wait several tens of minutes before a boil broke the surface of the river near enough to the boat to be sampled. Velocities 1 m below the water surface were measured by a cable-suspended Model 2173 NOTES FIG. 1. Location map of the Squamish River estuary. DNC-3 (NBA Controls Ltd.) direct-reading current meter at the time of sediment sampling. Suspended-sediment samples were filtered in the field, and concentrations calculated from the dry weight of sediment and the total sample volume. Calibre of the suspended sediments was measured in a visual accumulation tube. Percent finer measurements from the accumulation tube were graphed, and the resulting curve was used to estimate the Dlo, DS0,and DgO sizes of the suspended-sediment samples. Because of the large sample volumes, the weight of suspended sediments ranged from 0.2 to 5 g, more than adequate for accurate grain-size analysis. A limited field program was undertaken on June 28, 1988 (discharge 510 m3/s), to measure the change in sediment concentration in the boils as they evolve and coarser material drops out over time. Boils in the lower estuary were grab sampled from a boat floating with the mean surface current as they broke the surface and every 5 s as they evolved downstream. Pure chance determines whether a boil surfaces in an appropriate location, and as a result, only two sets of samples were collected during the falling tide. Field observations Figure 3 plots tide heights (Point Atkinson gauge), surface - CAN. J . EARTH SCI. VOL.26,1989 flow direction A flow direction 4 metres below water surface I , l l ~ 4 -m FIG.2. Fathometer profiles of the sand-wave fields in the Squamish River estuary at 0700 July 14, 1987 (A), and at 1400 July 14, 1987 (B). O F l o w velocity (V: m l s ) @Tide heiaht (h: m) Time (hours) Q , .Bo~i ' . CO (rng/L x 0 0 1 ) . . . . . . . . 1.5. . I n t e r b o l l Co trng/L x 0.0 I ) . . . . * 1.4 k 1,'6 1:7 1.'8 . 1.9 2 Flow velocity (V: rnls) . 2.1 - 2.b -2:3 2.'4 FIG.4. Suspended-sediment concentrations (Co) and surface velocities (V); July 14, 1987. Horizontal lines through points indicate measurements during decelerating flows. 7 8 9 - 10-11 Tlrne (hours) - 12 - 13 14 FIG. 3. (A) Tide heights (h) and surface velocities (V); July 14, 1987. (B) Boil and interboil suspended-sediment concentrations (Co); July 14, 1987. velocities, and boil and interboil suspended-sediment concentrations. The boil concentrations clearly vary with the tidal phase, and both the boil and interboil sediment concentrations show a dependence on velocity (Fig. 4). Hysteresis of the sediment concentrations is weakly apparent for the boil samples and obscured for the background, or interboil, samples. This may be due, in part, to the use of surface rather than mean velocity, variation induced by the grab-sampling technique, or NOTES TABLE1. Overall statistics of the boil and interboil suspended-sediment samples (N = 25) Variable Mean Concentration (mg/L) Boil Interboil Boillinterboil Sediment size Boil D,, (mm) Dso (mm) D9o (mm) Interboil D,, (mm) D50 (m) 090(mm) Boil D5, 1 interboil D,, 304 r c o . m g / ~x 0.01 (boil mco, mg/L x I) 370 67 8.5 0.11 0.22 0.37 0.06 0.14 0.23 1.7 Minimum 87 15 1.6 790 240 36.6 29 22 16 20 32 23 36 .Boll D50 Time. s the difficulty of identifying "true" interboil periods, i.e., those unaffected by dissipating boils. Of more importance is the clear distinction between the concentrations in the boil and interboil environments (Table 1). Over all the paired samples the boil concentrations averaged eight times greater than the background concentration. The ratio of boil to interboil concentration varied widely for the individual samples: interboil concentrations were affected by the unavoidable sampling of dissipating boils. The observed boil concentrations (Fig. 3) varied with the energy of the roller or boil carrying the sediments and the time between the boil breaking the surface and sampling. Dissipation within the boils also introduces sampling variability. One sequence of samples (Fig. 5) shows the rapid decline in sediment concentration associated with evolution of the boils after they break the water surface. Results of the dissipation measurements are also variable. Continued upwelling, after the boil breaks the surface, often briefly increases sediment concentrations. Small boils, expanding within the dissipating main feature, also affect the results. Sediment sizes are less affected by factors such as varying boil strengths than the sediment concentrations. The calibre of sediment in the boils is tidal-phase dependent: hysteresis clearly is apparent for the boils but not apparent in the interboil environment (Fig. 6). Coarse sediment in the interboil samples is derived, in part, from dissipation of upstream boils. The observed sediment sizes appear to vary in response to upstream boil activity. The boil and interboil paired samples 58 81 96 0.16 0.28 0.46 0.09 0.22 0.36 3.3 0.06 0.14 0.28 0.05 0.08 0.12 1 .O 0 0 l (boil 2 ) FIG. 5. The change in suspended-sediment concentrations (Co) in evolving boils; June 28, 1988. Coefficient of variation (%) Maximum Olnterboil D50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1:9 2 Flow veloclty (V; m h ) 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 FIG.6. Suspended-sediment calibre and surface velocities; July 14, 1987. Horizontal lines through points indicate measurements during decelerating flows. are clearly distinguished on the basis of grain size (Table 1). The largest discrepancies occur during the decelerating flow when the ratio of boil to interboil DS0 averages nearly two. Discussion Despite the limitations imposed by sampling techniques and the general variability of the estuarine environment, it is apparent that boils play an important, if not dominant, role in suspending and transporting sand-sized bed sediments in Squamish River estuary. Certainly, the boils seem responsible for carrying the coarsest bed sediments to the water surface and distributing them throughout the water column. The intensity of the boil activity, measured as either concentration or calibre relative to the background flow, is strongly dependent on tidal phase. The background sediment concentration is comparatively invariant and much less affected by the measured velocities or tidal phase. The role of the boils in increasing total suspended transport past a section depends on the spatial density of boils and their size and relative sediment concentration. The first factor varies with tidal phase and discharge but can be simply resolved. The second factor is more difficult to specify and ultimately may involve measurement of correlations of vertical velocities with an array of suitable current meters. Finally, these observations of spatial inhomogeneities in 2176 CAN. J. EARTH SCI. VOL. 26. 1989 suspended transport have implications for suspended-sediment measurements. If the period between boils, T, scales approximately as UT/d = 5 (Jackson 1976), where U is a mean velocity and d is a mean depth, then the typical period between boils in the Squarnish is approximately 15 s. This scaling appears to apply over a broad water-surface area, and individual boils may not impinge on a sensor. An accurate average sediment concentration, sampled over several boils, may require more than a minute of sampling. This exceeds typical filling times for the 1 L containers used in many suspended-sediment samplers (Interagency Committee 1952). ANWAR, H. 0 . 1981. A study of the turbulent structure in a tidal flow. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 13: 373 -387. 1983. Turbulence measurements in stratified and well-mixed estuarine flows. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 17: 243 -260. ANWAR,H. O., and ATKINS,R. 1980. Turbulence measurements in simulated tidal flow. ASCE Journal of the Hydraulics Division, 106(HY-8): 1273- 1289. BOWDEN, K. F., and HOWE,M. R. 1963. Observations of turbulence in a tidal current. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 17: 27 1 -284. GORDON, C. M. 1975. Sediment entrainment and suspension in a turbulent tidal flow. Marine Geology, 18: M57-M64. HICKIN,E. J. 1989. Contemporary Squamish River sediment flux to Howe Sound, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 26: 1953- 1963. INTERAGENCY COMMITTEE. 1952. The design of improved types of suspended sediment samplers. Report No. 6. Subcommittee on Sedimentation, Federal Interagency Basin Committee, Hydraulic Laboratory of the Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research. Iowa City, IA. JACKSON, R. G. 1976. Sedimentological and fluid-dynamic implications of the turbulent bursting phenomenon in geophysical flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 77: 531 -560. KIM,H. T., KLINE,S. J., and REYNOLDS, W. C. 1971. The production of turbulence near a smooth wall in a turbulent boundary layer. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 50: 133- 160. KLINE,S. J., REYNOLDS, W. C., SCHRAUB, F. A., and RUNDSTADLER, P. W. 1967. The structure of turbulent boundary layers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 30: 741 -773. KORCHOKHA, Y. 1968. Investigations of the dune movement of sediment on the Polomet River. Soviet Hydrology, 11: 541 -559. LANE,E. W. 1944. A new method of sediment-transportation. Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 25: 900. NORDIN,C. F., MCQUIVEY, R. S., and MEJIA,J. M. 1972. Hurst phenomenon in turbulence. Water Resources Research, 8: 1480- 1486. THORN,M. F. C. 1975. Deep tidal flow over a fine sand bed. Proceedings of the 16th congress of the international association of hydraulic research, Sao Paulo, Brazil, pp. 217-223.