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Any substantial or systematic reproduction, re-distribution, re-selling, loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material. The Australian Geographer, XI, 3(1970), pp. 278-87 THE TERRACES OF THE LOWER COLO AND HAWKESBURY DRAINAGE BASINS, NEW SOUTH WALES Downloaded By: [Simon Fraser University] At: 21:56 14 December 2009 E . J. HICKIN* The principal aim of this study is to examine certain suggestions made by Professor G. H. Dury (personal communication) in preliminary studies of the Lower Colo Valley in 1965-6. This study includes a description of the bench levels in the Lower Colo and Hawkesbury Valleys: it has already been demonstrated that present bankfull discharge does not causally relate to these benches and that they are in fact true terraces. 1 In addition, some general comments are offered about the geomorphic history of the area. The field area The Colo drainage system, some 1,800 square miles in area, forms part of the Sydney Basin. The Capertee River (in the headwaters of the Colo drainage basin) has incised into the uplifted Permian sandstones, coal and shale, Lower Carboniferous quartz porphyry and Devonian limestone. The ingrown meanders of the Lower Colo Valley2 have formed, for the most part, in horizontal well-jointed sedimentary rock. It is likely that the Hawkesbury and Narrabeen sandstones and shales have provided most of the alluvium for the fill in the Lower Colo Valley. The most obvious influence on the development of the Colo Valley has been that phase of uplift which formed the Lapstone Monocline and the plateau to its west. Little is known of the pre-uplift pattern of Sydney's rivers. The pre-uplift course of the Colo River may probably be defined by a line of *Mr Hickin is a Teaching Fellow in the Department of Geography at the University of Sydney. 278 depression 600 feet deep, shown in the plateau surface and in the Kamilaroi Coal Measures.3 Craft suggests that the line of depression resulted from a slight roughening of the virtually undenuded surface during an early phase of uplift of the Mesozoic rock. In the light of recent work, however, a suggested stream origin based on peneplanation and rapid uplift must be treated with great caution. During uplift a considerable amount of stream derangement seems to have taken place. River gravels on parts of the Lapstone Monocline, and at Windsor and Penrith, mark a pre-uplift course of the Hawkesbury River quite different from the present course. Further evidence of stream derangement is found near several of the Hawkesbury tributaries such as the Cox, Wollondilly, and Warragamba Rivers.4 It is probable that the pre-uplift course of the Colo River also has been adjusted to the tectonically changing landmass. Once uplift had begun, the Colo River, like most rivers affected by the uplift, incised deeply into the plateau to produce ingrown meanders. Since the beginning of uplift, lateral changes in the Colo River have probably been restricted to the widening of meander belts. Although the date of uplift is usually assigned to the Upper Tertiary (coinciding with the Main Alpine phase of orogeny in Europe), there is little agreement in the period to which uplift belongs. Jensen5 suggests that the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene was the probable period of uplift, while Craft0 suggests one phase of warping in the Lower Tertiary, and a second phase (the Kowmung Warp) in the Upper Tertiary. THE TERRACES OF THE LOWER COLO AND HAWKESBURY DRAINAGE BASINS 0 5 10 15 20 Miles Downloaded By: [Simon Fraser University] At: 21:56 14 December 2009 N Upper Colo _. divide....../ j) Leets Vale Q 1 Figure 1. Location map of the study area. 2 3 A Miles 279 THE AUSTRALIAN GEOGRAPHER 280 70 60 -feet 50 H higher terrace L lower terrace R river MEROO BEND 60 30 Vertical exaggeration 6.65 20 10 feet J 100 200 300 600 Downloaded By: [Simon Fraser University] At: 21:56 14 December 2009 20 - 0 700 800 900 1000 .. / 1100 -" ® / L 30 - 10 600 H UPPER COLO 60 - 500 / f^^—^y "R, t 100 100 i l l 200 300 600 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 200 300 600 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 200 300 600 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Figure 2. Terrace sections in the Lower Colo and Hawkesbury Valleys. 281 THE TERRACES OF THE LOWER COLO AND HAWKESBURY DRAINAGE BASINS 70 feet 60 50 'WATTLE' H higher terrace L lower terrace R river Vertical exaggeration 4.65 feet 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Downloaded By: [Simon Fraser University] At: 21:56 14 December 2009 70 0 VI) 60 - LEET'S VALE 50 40 30 - 10 n R/ D r* 100 4U 30 20 _^—-^ H *>n •— 200 i t i i 300 400 500 600 WISEMANS feet i 700 i 800 i i 900 1000 © FERRY - H 10 0 1100 100 200 300 , feet r 1 1 1 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 700 800 900 1000 1100 i 40 MANGROVE CREEK 100 200 300 400 500 Figure 2. Continued. Downloaded By: [Simon Fraser University] At: 21:56 14 December 2009 282 THE AUSTRALIAN GEOGRAPHER The latter view is also held by David and Browne7 who assign one phase of uplift to the Miocene and a later phase (the Kosciusko Movement) to the Pliocene. At the present time, all that can be stated with any certainty is that uplift must post-date the cessation of deep weathering about 20 million years ago;8 that is, near the Miocene/ Oligocene boundary.9 The intermittent nature of the uplift is indicated by the valley forms of the Blue Mountains. Many of the ridges have nonstructural benches, some continuing for several miles. Yellow Pup ridge in the Cox River basin and Perry's Lookdown in the Grose River basin offer good examples. In the Colo Valley, a rock-cut surface occurs between 300 and 400 feet above river level on at least four ridges near Upper Colo. These are possibly the results of a short stable period during the general course of uplift. A much lower rock-cut surface at about 100 feet above the Colo River level is also possibly the result of uplift. This lower level seems to correspond to a similarly located surface at Glen Davis and Glen Alice. Although these lower rock-cut surfaces may not be part of one continuous surface, a fluvial origin for all is likely. Regional underfitness of stream channe j s io,n,i2 SU gg es ts that the Colo basin at times during the uplift probably had a larger runoff and a moister climate than at present. Following the end of the major phase of tectonic activity, the relatively stable coastline13 has been influenced mainly by fluctuations in the Pleistocene sea-level. During these changes in sea-level, it is likely that the Colo Valley was at times filled with alluvium in its lower reaches and completely scoured at other times. At present much of the alluvial fill remains in many of the valleys of the Hawkesbury drainage net. The terraces in section For the greater part of its length, the alluvial fill of the Colo Valley constitutes two welldeveloped terraces. Although the terraces are clearly seen in the lower reaches of the valley, they are neither clearly defined, nor indeed present, over the full length. The main array of terrace alluvium is continuous from Mangrove Creek on the Hawkesbury River to the Meroo bend on the Colo River (Figure 1). Upstream of the latter point, it occurs only on bends; it is absent from straight reaches and from the inflections of valley bends. At Hungryway Creek the terraces are poorly developed, and disappear completely a short way upstream. Aerial photographs indicate the absence of terraces between Parr South and Glen Davis. Upstream of Glen Davis to the headwaters of the Capertee River, extensive alluvium reaches a depth of at least 180 feet. The Glen Davis-Glen Alice alluvial fill has not been examined in great detail; it is provisionally taken by the author as representing a sedimentary lake, similar to those described by Taylor14 and by Craft,15 respectively on the Nepean and Cox Rivers. The narrow gorges east of Glen Davis, in association with the north-easterly dip of the rocks, suggest that the alluvium may have been deposited behind a dam formed across the Capertee River during a major phase of uplift. If this is so, the terrace levels at Glen Davis cannot be expected to correspond with those of the Lower Colo Valley. The terraces of the Lower Colo-Hawkesbury Valleys have been surveyed by dumpy level at seven sites in the Colo Valley and three sites in the Hawkesbury Valley; the cross-sections are illustrated in Figure 2. The first upstream cross-section showing well-developed terraces is that on the Meroo bend. The higher terrace at this point is about 400 feet wide and over 50 feet above the low-flow river level. An important property of the terrace is the landward slope of the surface, a feature displayed also by the terraces at many downstream sites. This slope is unlikely to be associated with levee building; rather it is probable that very high discharges scoured the backs of terraces, producing the often pronounced landward fall away from the terrace fore-edge. Subsequent runoff from the hillslopes also follows the lower area behind the terrace fore-edge until it reaches the Colo River Downloaded By: [Simon Fraser University] At: 21:56 14 December 2009 THE TERRACES OF THE LOWER COLO AND HAWKESBURY DRAINAGE BASINS 283 Plate 1. The terraces on the downstream limb of the Upper Colo Valley bend. through very deeply incised breaches in the terrace. During heavy hillslope runoff, lakes often form at the back of the ill-drained terraces, and relatively fine material is deposited behind the terrace fore-edges. The coarse to fine gradation of sediment from the terrace fore-edge to the area at the back of the terrace is not to be confused with the similar sediment pattern usually attributed to overbank flooding and levee construction. The lower terrace at the Meroo bend is very narrow and stands 30 feet above the low-flow river level. Eight miles downstream from Meroo, at Upper.Colo, the terraces are lower but far more extensive than those upstream (Figure 2b and Plate 1). The higher terrace is 50 feet above low-flow river level, more than 1,200 feet wide, and on the line of section it has no landward slope. The lower terrace, 25 feet above river level and about 150 feet wide, has an uneven surface of local drainage channels. Between the two terraces is a 40-foot-wide intermediate feature at about 43 feet above river level. This bench may be the remains of another terrace, but seems more likely the result of recent erosion. Since the level occurs in but two of the ten sections (see cross-section for Mandalay) it has not been treated as a separate terrace, although further work might show it to be one. Gross-sections at Somerset, Mandalay and The Ruin indicate decreasing terrace height in the downstream direction (see Figures 2c, d, and e), although recent flood scour and deposition, together with human interference, have obscured the terrace levels at some sites. Discontinuous gullying and drainage net development are occurring behind the terrace fore-edges in many places (see Plate 2). At The Ruin, several hundred Downloaded By: [Simon Fraser University] At: 21:56 14 December 2009 284 THE AUSTRALIAN GEOGRAPHER Plate 2. Part of a discontinuous gully developed on the higher terrace at Moran's Rock yards downstream of the line of section in Figure 2e, a flood channel has cut into the terrace to a depth of 15 feet. This channel is not indicated by the 25-foot contour of the 1:63,360 military map (1955 edition), and may therefore have formed since the relevant survey. At the bend named Wattle 2.3 miles downstream from The Ruin and 3.1 miles upstream from the confluence of the Colo with the Hawkesbury River, the terraces are much lower than those upstream and are in consequence more frequently flooded. Scouring and deposition have considerably obscured the terrace levels. Nevertheless, Figure 2f suggests that the higher and lower terraces are respectively about 20 and 10 feet above the low-flow river level. Scouring at the rear of the 250-foot-wide terraces and deposition on the fore-edges have produced extensive landward slopes of 0.035 on the higher terrace and 0.025 on the lower terrace. The Livingstone bend, 1.7 miles upstream from the confluence with the Hawkesbury, is the last cross-section on which the lower terrace level is easily recognized. This is also the last downstream site at which distinct flood channels occur on the landward side of the terraces. The deepest part of the flood channel at Livingstone is only eight feet above the low-flow river level. The lower relative altitude of the downstream terraces apparently hinders flood channel development. The higher terrace level of the Colo River corresponds to the main alluvial flat on the Hawkesbury River. At Leets Vale, 7.8 miles downstream from the Colo/Hawkesbury junction, the higher terrace, about 17 feet above river level, is 800 feet wide; the increased width reflects the relative increase in lateral activity of the larger Hawkesbury River. The lower terrace, if present, is not easily identifiable. At Wiseman's Ferry, 4.5 miles downstream from Leets Vale, the higher terrace is more than 1,000 feet wide, but is only 11 THE TERRACES OF THE LOWER COLO AND HAWKESBURV DRAINAGE BASINS Downloaded By: [Simon Fraser University] At: 21:56 14 December 2009 —40 -120 -160 1 2 3 C 5 6 Higher terrace surfec* Lower terrace surface Prese Mean sen level Present river bed Valley basement \ 10,000 2 " °° 285 0 0 * 10,000 20,000 Horizontal scale 30,000 MJOO yards N.__ , ^~~? -240 •280 Figure 3. Longitudinal profiles of the rock-cut basement, the present river bed, and the terraces of the Colo and Lower Hawkesbury Valleys. feet above river level. About nine feet below the terrace is a 40-foot-wide mud flat which may represent the lower terrace. Alternatively, the mud flat might represent the existing flood plain of the Hawkesbury River; but this interpretation would not account for the rise of the flat to a height of five feet above the tidal stream at the Colo/ Hawkesbury junction. On balance, the location of the lower terrace on the Hawkesbury River remains obscure. The terraces in profile The thalwegs of the present Colo channel, the terraces and the rock-cut valley basement are illustrated in Figure 3. Each terrace cross-section has been reduced to standard datum (mean sea-level) by one of two methods: all cross-sections upstream from Mandalay have been related to a surveyed permanent bench mark at Moran's Rock, and since the mean water surface of the Colo River at this point is at mean sea-level, all cross-sections downstream from this point have been related to mean river level and thus to mean sea-level. In addition to the levelling of cross-sections, more than 20 surveyed spot heights have been used to construct the 80 miles of stream and terrace profiles. The location of the present stream bed in the lower reaches has been obtained from the Broken Bay Admiralty chart. The profile of the valley basement has been obtained from bore logs at bridge sites. The profile of the present stream bed has been generalized to provide a smooth curve; the other profiles have also been generalized but to a lesser extent. Figure 3 shows that, for the most of its length, the valley basement slopes more steeply to the sea than do the terraces. Although the terraces and valley basement achieve a rough parallelism for some distance upstream of Meroo bend, still further upstream they converge. Between Hungryway Creek and Mandalay the valley basement probably has a relatively constant seaward slope of about 0.0014. The alternative profile in Figure 3 would only apply if rock reported in the river bed near The Ruin16 Downloaded By: [Simon Fraser University] At: 21:56 14 December 2009 286 THE AUSTRALIAN GEOGRAPHER represents the maximum depth of the rockcut valley. Field inspection suggests, however, that this is an unlikely possibility. The downstream slopes of the river bed and terraces, unlike the downstream slope of the valley basement, are reduced from 0.006 at Hungryway Creek to about 0.0003 at Mandalay. After this initial reduction in slope, the river bed displays an increasing slope to the confluence with the Hawkesbury, where like the terraces it displays an abrupt change to a landward slope before resuming a seaward slope further downstream. The resulting hump has very likely been caused by the confused stream flow at the junction of the rivers, resulting in greatly increased deposition. Farmers report that during floods on the Hawkesbury River a negligible stream velocity is experienced in the Colo for some distance upstream from the confluence. Downstream from the confluence the terraces are roughly parallel and have an average seaward slope of about 0.0003. They appear to pass beneath mean sea-level about 4 miles downstream from Wiseman's Ferry (lower terrace) and about 7 miles downstream from Mangrove Creek (higher terrace). The valley basement, which at Wiseman's and Peat's Ferries has seaward slopes of respectively 0.0004 and 0.0001, is 245 feet below mean sea-level at the headlands of Broken Bay. The general scheme of relationships, therefore, is a rock-cut valley basement sloping towards the sea more steeply than the stream channel and terraces. The terraces, roughly parallel and sloping more steeply towards the sea than the Colo/Hawkesbury low-flow river surface, pass beneath mean sea-level several miles inland of the coastal headlands. Seaward extrapolation of the terrace profiles would probably place the higher and lower levels at respective depths of about 10 and 20 feet below mean sea-level at the headlands of Broken Bay. Interpretation Although the geomorphic history of the Colo Valley is extremely complex, on the basis of the terrace character a few general remarks can be offered about some of the major geomorphic events. Since the Hawkesbury basement is 245 feet below sea-level at the present coastline, the river which formed it must have flowed to a sea-level much lower than the present one. Although the basement must relate to at least a —245-foot-level, it could well relate to a much lower one at a former eastward coastline. The level of the Hawkesbury basement at the present coastline accords with the levels of the surrounding valley basements of 181 feet (Seaforth), 203 feet (Parsley Bay), 250 feet (Georges River) and 268 feet (Hunter River at Stockton), (data from D.M.R. bore logs at bridge sites). The latest period of cutting of the Colo Valley basement is likely to have been during the last glacial (Wiirm) lower sea-level. According to Fairbridge17 this sea-level stood at about —100 metres (—385 feet), but more recent work indicates a former sealevel possibly as low as —450 feet.18 At the time of the last glacial maximum the coastline of New South Wales was probably at least 12 miles east of the present coast.19 Since the valley basement profile in Figure 3 can only be extended to —450 feet at the former 12 mile coastline by increasing its seaward slope, it probably corresponds to a river which was working to a sea-level above this low level prior to the beginning of the Recent. Since the beginning of the Recent the sea-level has risen rapidly but intermittently to reach a level close to that of the present approximately 5,000 years ago.20 The intermittent nature of the Flandrian Transgression, as this rise in sea-level is called, is reflected in the pattern of alluviation in the Colo Valley. While sea-level was still rising, the Colo River built its bed to a maximum height corresponding to the level of the higher terrace. The higher terrace formation, although of Recent age in the upper reaches of the Lower Colo, may well be underlain by varying depths of Pleistocene alluvium in the wider Hawkesbury Valley. The deposition of the higher terrace material was followed by a period of incision. This was sue- Downloaded By: [Simon Fraser University] At: 21:56 14 December 2009 THE TERRACES OF THE LOWER COLO AND HAWKESBURY DRAINAGE BASINS ceeded in turn by a further period of alluviation, during which the lower terrace deposits were laid down. Deposition of the lower terrace material was followed by a further phase of incision and subsequent alluviation to the level of the present river bed. Since the last major stage of incision, a slight submergence has taken place, drowning the Lower Hawkesbury and Colo Valleys. This submergence is probably the result of late eustatic adjustments in sea-level. Although the terrace levels in the Colo Valley correspond to certain levels of the sea, it is not suggested here that they are causally related to them. It is more likely that the climatic changes which accompanied changing sea-levels were responsible for initiating phases of incision and alluviation. The correspondence of the Colo River terraces and lower sea-levels conflicts with the interpretation of many workers. For example, Taylor, Hall, Craft, and Walker and Hawkins use similar terrace evidence as an indication of a higher (+20 feet) sealevel.21'22'2324 These interpretations, in the light of the present study, seem likely to be incorrect. The present evidence supports the more recent suggestions of Langford-Smith and Thorn23 and Dury20 relating the so- 287 called +20-foot-level to a lower stand of the sea. Conclusions Detailed analysis of coastal valley forms can provide much information about the climatic, eustatic, and tectonic environment in which they have evolved. The present study, although indicating a set of terraces related to lower sea-levels than the present one, has examined the evidence from only one valley system. There is a real need for similar studies of all the New South Wales coastal rivers to provide the necessary amount of data to test the tentative chronology presented in this study. It is important to note that river terraces may only be related to relative levels of the sea (i.e. lower or higher than the present). Unless the exact locations of former coastlines are known, it is impossible to relate river terraces to specific levels of the sea. The broad framework of this study was suggested by Professor G. H. Dury. The author would also like to express his gratitude for Professor Dury's constructive criticisms during all phases of the study. REFERENCES 1. E. J. Hickin, 'Channel morphology, bankfull stage, and bankfull discharge of streams near Sydney', Austr. Journ. Science, Vol. 30, 1968, p. 274. 2. G. H. Dury, 'Incised valley meanders on the lower Colo River, New South Wales', Austr. Geogr., Vol. 10, 1966, pp. 17-25. 3. F. A. Craft, 'The coastal tablelands and streams of New South Wales', Proc. Linnean Soc. N.S.W., Vol. 58, 1933, pp. 437-60. 4. F. A. Craft, 'The physiography of the Cox River Basin', Proc. Linnean Soc. N.S.W., Vol. 53, 1928. pp. 207-54. 5. H. I. Jensen, 'The river gravels between Penrith and Windsor', J. Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. 55, 1911, pp. 249-57. 6. F. A. Craft, op. cit., 1933, pp. 437-60. 7. T. W. E. David, The Geology of the Commonwealth of Australia, W. R. Browne (ed.), Edward Arnold, London 1950, Vol. 1, p. 586. 8. N. F. Exon, T. Langford-Smith, and I. McDougall, 'The age and geomorphic correlation of deep "weathering profiles, silcrete, and basalt in the Roma-Amby region, Queensland' (in press, 1969). 9. B. F. Funnell, 'The Tertiary Period', Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. 120S, 1964, pp. 179-91. 10. G. H. Dury, op. cit., 1966, pp. 17-25. 11. E. J. Hickin, unpublished data. 12. R. W. Young, 'Some Aspects of the Fluvial Morphology of the Lower Shoalhaven Basin', thesis submitted for the degree of Master of Arts, 1968, Geomorphology, Chapters 2 and 6. 13. E. C. F. Bird, Coastal Landforms: an introduction to coastal geomorphology with Australian examples, Australian National University Press, Canberra 1964, p. 23. 14. G. T. Taylor, 'The warped littoral around Sydney', J. Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. 62, 1923, pp. 58-79. 15. F. A. Craft, op. cit., 1933, pp. 437-60. 16. G. H. Dury, op. cit., 1966, pp. 17-25. 17. R. W. Fairbridge, 'The changing level of the sea', The Scientific American, Vol. 202, 1960, p. 76. 18. R. J. Russell, 'Techniques of eustacy studies', Zeits. fur Geom., N.F. Band 8, 1964, p. 39. 19. T. Langford-Smith and B. G. Thorn, 'New South Wales Coastal Morphology', in G. H. Pacham (ed.), The Geology of New South Wales, Geol. Soc. Aust. (in press, 1969). 20. J. R. Hails, 'A critical review of sea level changes in Eastern Australia since the last glacial', Austr. Geogr. Studies, Vol. 3, 1965, pp. 63-78. 21. G. T. Taylor, op. cit., 1923, pp. 58-79. 22. L. D. Hall, 'The physiography and geography of the Hawkesbury River between Windsor and Wiseman's Ferry', Proc. Linnean Soc. N.S.W., Vol. 51, 1926, pp. 555-93. 23. F. A. Craft, op. cit., 1933, pp. 437-60. 24. P. H. Walker and C. A. Hawkins, 'A study of river terraces and soil development on the Nepean River, New South Wales', J. Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. 91, 1957, pp. 67-84. 25. T. Langford-Smith and B. G. Thom, op. cit., 1969. 26. G. H. Dury, op. cit., 1966, pp. 17-25