LIST OF PUBLICATIONS: Peer reviewed papers Bekchanov M., A. Bhaduri, M. Lenzen, and J.P.A Lamers, 2012 (submitted). The role of virtual water for sustainable economic restructuring in Uzbekistan, Central Asia. Lenzen M., A. Bhaduri, D. Moran, K. Kanemoto, Bekchanov M., and A. Geschke, 2012 (submitted). The role of water scarcity in virtual water flow assessments. Bobojonov I., J.P.A Lamers, M. Bekchanov, C. Martius, 2012 (under review). Options and constraints for crop diversification: a case study in sustainable agriculture. Bekchanov M., A. Karimov and J.P.A Lamers, 2010. Impact of Water Availability on Land and Water Productivity: Temporal and Spatial Analysis, the Case of the Khorezm Region, Uzbekistan. Water, 2, pp. 668‐684. Further Information:‐4441/2/3/668/pdf Bekchanov, M., J.P.A. Lamers and C. Martius, 2010. Pros and Cons of Adopting Water‐ Wise Approaches in the Lower Reaches of the Amu Darya: A Socio‐Economic View. Water, 2, pp. 200‐216. Further Information:‐ 4441/2/2/200/pdf Bekchanov M., 2009. Econometric Modeling and Prediction of Small Business Development. Uzbek Journal of Economics and Education, 4, pp. 101‐104. Book chapters & Discussion papers Bekchanov M., A. Bhaduri, M. Lenzen, and J.P.A Lamers, 2012. The role of virtual water for sustainable economic restructuring: evidence from Uzbekistan, Central Asia. ZEF Discussion Paper, No. 167. Further Information: Bekchanov, M., J.P.A. Lamers and C. Martius, 2012 (forthcoming). Coping with water scarcity in the irrigated zones of a lower Amudarya region, Central Asia. In: A. Khamzina, I. Rudenko, J.P.A. Lamers, P.L.G. Vlek (Eds.), ZEF book III. Bekchanov M., J.P.A Lamers, A. Karimov, M. Müller, 2012. Estimation of spatial and temporal variability of crop water productivity with incomplete data. Ch. 20. In: C. Martius, I. Rudenko, J.P.A. Lamers, P.L.G. Vlek (Eds.), Cotton, Water, Salts and Soums: Economic and Ecological Restructuring in Khorezm, Uzbekistan. Springer, pp. 329‐344 DOI: 10.1007/978‐94‐007‐1963‐7_11 Bekchanov M., M. Müller, J.P.A Lamers, 2012. A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis of Agricultural Development Reforms: National and Regional Perspective. Ch. 21. In: C. Martius, I. Rudenko, J.P.A. Lamers, P.L.G. Vlek (Eds.), Cotton, Water, Salts and Soums: Economic and Ecological Restructuring in Khorezm, Uzbekistan. Springer, pp. 347‐370 DOI: 10.1007/978‐94‐007‐1963‐7_11 Ibragimov N., Y. Djumaniyazova, J. Ruzimov, R. Eshchanov, C. Scheer, K. Kienzler, J.P.A. Lamers, and M. Bekchanov, 2012. Optimal Irrigation and N‐fertilizer Management for Sustainable Winter Wheat Production in Khorezm, Uzbekistan. Ch. 11. In: C. Martius, I. Rudenko, J.P.A. Lamers, P.L.G. Vlek (Eds.), Cotton, Water, Salts and Soums: Economic and Ecological Restructuring in Khorezm, Uzbekistan. Springer, pp. 171‐180 DOI: 10.1007/978‐94‐007‐1963‐7_11 Bekchanov M. and J. Djanibekov, 2009. Statistical modeling of lower amu darya water flow volatility and its impact on water availability in irrigated agriculture. In: Soliev A. (Ed.), Information Bulletin of Uzbekistan Geographic Society, Volume 34. Uzbekistan Geographic Society, Tashkent, pp. 157‐160. Papers published in the proceedings of national and international conferences Bekchanov M., K. Nurmetov, and J.P.A. Lamers, 2012 (forthcoming). The role of water pricing and irrigation investments on irrigation technology adoption in arid environment: evidence from Western Uzbekistan, Central Asia. In: Proceedings of the scientific seminar “Environmental protection in Uzbekistan: present situation and options to change”, June 6, 2012. Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources, Ministry of Education, Ecological movement of Uzbekistan, and Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration. Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Bekchanov M., 2011. Values of the parameters of Kobb‐Douglass function across the regions of Uzbekistan. In: Proceedings of national scientific conference “Factors for socio‐economic development of the Lower Amudarya economic region in conditions of economic modernization”. Urgench State University (UrSU), Urgench, Uzbekistan, pp. 63‐65. Yuldashev, I., M. Bekchanov, M. Maciejczak, 2011. Problems of livestock production in the lower reaches of the Amu Darya River in Uzbekistan. In: Annals of the Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists “The Politics and Strategies of Agribusiness and Rural Areas Development”, September 7‐9, 2011. Vol. 8, No. 6, Warszawa, Poland, pp. 260‐265.‐kz.pdf Bekchanov M., A. Bhaduri, 2011. Water markets for efficient water allocation in Central Asia. In: Book of abstracts for the international conference “International Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development (Tropentag ‐ 2011)”. University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany, p. 281. Bekchanov M. and J.P.A Lamers., 2010. Virtual water trade of Uzbekistan. In: Merz B., V.A. Dukhovny, and K. Unger‐Shayesteh (Eds.), Book of abstracts of international scientific symposium “Water in Central Asia”, November 24‐26, 2010. CAWa/SIC‐ICWC. Tashkent, Uzbekistan, p. 32. Purwaningrum F., M. Bekchanov, A. Sepulveda, and A. K. Hornidge, 2010. Innovation and knowledge adoption for local firms in the value chain: the story of “white gold” from Uzbekistan. Online paper presented at the 7th Asialics International Conference: Global Recession and Reform of Innovation System, organized by Chung‐Hua Institution for Economic Research (CIER) held in Taipei, Taiwan, April 15‐17, 2010. Bekchanov M.B., Ataev J.E., and Yuldashev I.R., 2010. Foreign economic relations of Uzbekistan in the pre‐crysis period. In: Proceedings of national scientific conference “Key tasks for strengthening economic, demographic, ecological sustainability and security” (Vol. 2), January 30, 2010. Urgench State University (UrSU), Urgench, Uzbekistan, pp. 26‐28. Bekchanov M., 2009. The role of sectoral structural changes for economic growth. In: Proceedings of national scientific conference “Main Directions of Regional Economic Development in the period of Global Financial Crysis”, December 11, 2009. Urgench State University, Urgench, Uzbekistan, pp. 116‐120. Bekchanov M., Avezov S., Sultanov M., 2009. Assessing land and water use efficiency in agriculture using CGE models. Proceedings of scientific conference “Old and new problems of Geography”, March 27‐28, 2009. Mahamadaliev R., Egamberdiyev A. (Eds.), National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, pp. 265‐267. Sultanov M., Bekchanov M., Tajiev K., 2009. Technical and economical efficiency of using siphons in irrigation practices. In: roceedings of scientific conference “Old and new problems of Geography”, March 27‐28, 2009. Mahamadaliev R., Egamberdiyev A. (Eds.), National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, pp. 279‐280. Bekchanov M., Kan E. and Lamers J., 2009. Options of agricultural extension provision for rural development in Central Asian transition economies: the case of Uzbekistan. In: Proceedings of international conference "Research for Sustainable Development", May 14, 2009. Westminster International University in Tashkent ‐ British Council ‐ TEMPUS, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, pp. 71‐81. Bekchanov M., Sharipov A., 2008. Water use efficiency and financial feasibility of different water saving technologies. In: Proceedings of international conference “Agro‐ technologies for water and soil conservation in Uzbekistan”, December 5, 2008. Scientific Research Institute for Cotton Planting, International Center for Agricultural esearch in Dry Areas (ICARDA), International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Tashkent, Uzbekistan, pp. 67‐71. Avezov S., Sultanov M., Bekchanov M., Yakubov S., 2008. GIS analysis of land ownership forms in the agriculture of the Khorezm region. In: Eshchanov R. (Ed.), Present problems of natural science. Khorezm Mamun Academy (Regional Department of Uzbek Academy of Science), Khiva, Uzbekistan, pp. 3‐6. Bekchanov M., Sultanov M., Avezov S., Nurmetov J., 2008. Optimal rice production under water uncertainty: a game theory approach. In: Eshchanov R.A. (Ed.), Present problems of natural science. Khorezm Mamun Academy (Regional Department of Uzbek Academy of Science), Khiva, Uzbekistan, pp. 13‐16. Sultanov M., Bekchanov M., Avezov S., Tajiev Q., 2008. The Impact of Soil Conservation Technologies on Comparative Advantages of Agricultural Commodities. In: Eshchanov R. (Ed.), Present problems of natural science. Khorezm Mamun Academy (Regional Department of Uzbek Academy of Science), Khiva, Uzbekistan, pp. 46‐49. Yuldashev I., Bekchanov M., 2008. Economic development tendencies in the Khorezm region. In: Proceedings of the conference “Innovation Problems of Social‐Economic Regional Development”, May 20‐21, 2008. Economics Institute of the National Academy of Science of Uzbekistan, Urgench State University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, pp. 117‐118. Bekchanov M., 2008. Price Predictions and Optimal Planning of the Sale. In: Proceedings of VII‐scientific practical conference of young scientists “Main Issues of Land and Water Resources Use in Conditions of Water Scarcity in Transition Period” (Part I). Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, pp. 89‐92. Nurmetov K., Bekchanov M., 2008. Export of agricultural commodities and experiences of the world countries to increase competitive advantages. In: Proceedings of VII‐ scientific practical conference of young scientists “Main Issues of Land and Water resources Use in Conditions of Water Scarcity in Transition Period” (Part II). Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, pp. 112‐114. Bekchanov M., Sharipov O., 2008. Agriculture in the Khorezm Region. In: Proceedings of VII‐scientific practical conference of young scientists “Main Issues of Land and Water Resources Use in Conditions of Water Scarcity in Transition Period” (Part II). Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, pp. 180‐183. Bekchanov M., Ruzmetov A., Akhmedov A., 2008. Assessing the role of capital and labor resources to increase productivity in the agriculture through Kobb‐Douglas production function. In: Kurbanniyazov U. and Khudayberganov D. (Eds.), The role of young scientists in the development of science. Urgench State University and “ECO‐VOKHA” society, Urgench, Uzbekistan, pp. 42‐44. Bekchanov M., Faizullaev N., Atadjanov S., 2008. Tendencies of private ownership rights development in the agriculture: the case of Khorezm region. In: Kurbanniyazov U. and Khudayberganov D. (Eds.), The role of young scientists in the development of science. Urgench State University and “ECO‐VOKHA” society, Urgench, Uzbekistan, pp. 51‐54. Bekchanov M., Khudayberganov D., Atadjanov S., 2008. Assessing Domestic (DRC) and Private Resource Costs (PRC) of Agricultural Commodities. In: Kurbanniyazov U. and Khudayberganov D. (Eds.), The role of young scientists in the development of science. Urgench State University and “ECO‐VOKHA” society, Urgench, Uzbekistan, pp. 47‐51. Bekchanov M., Kurbanniyazov U., Rakhimov T., 2008. Optimal use of water and land resources in conditions of market economy. In: Kurbanniyazov U. and Khudayberganov D. (Eds.), The role of young scientists in the development of science. Urgench State University and “ECO‐VOKHA” society, Urgench, Uzbekistan, pp. 54‐58. Bekchanov M., 2007. Assessing comparative advantages of national agricultural products in the world market. In: Proceedings of the national scientific conference “Economic problems of developing market relations in land and water resources use”, 23‐24 November, 2007, Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration. Tashkent, Uzbekistan, pp. 326‐329. Bekchanov M., 2007. Optimization of land and water use efficiency in conditions of market liberalization and modernization. In: Proceedings of the national scientific‐ practical seminar “Economic problems of developing market relations in land and water resources”, 23‐24 November, 2007, Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration. Tashkent, Uzbekistan, pp. 323‐326. Bekchanov M., Sadullaev Sh., Rakhimov A., 2006. Comparative efficiency coefficients for assessing irrigation systems. In: Proceedings of annual conference “Present problems of agriculture and water resources management (Vol II)”, 28‐29 April, 2006. Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration (TIIM), Tashkent, Uzbekistan, pp. 235‐236. Sadullaev Sh., Bekchanov M., Turdiev Sh., 2006. The role of establishing private farming enterprises for agricultural development. In: Proceedings of annual conference “Present problems of agriculture and water resources management (Vol II)”, 28‐29 April, 2006. Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration (TIIM), Tashkent, Uzbekistan, pp. 237‐ 238. Oral and poster presentations at conferences, seminars, and workshops Bekchanov M., A. Bhaduri, and M. Lenzen, 2012. Virtual water concept for economic and ecological restructuring: evidence from Uzbekistan, Central Asia. Oral presentation at the 20th International Input‐Output Conference, June 25‐29, 2012. Bratislava, Slovakia. Lenzen M., M. Bekchanov, A. Bhaduri, A. Geschke, K. Kanemoto, and D. Moran, 2012. The role of regional disaggregation and scarcity weighting in the analysis of global virtual water flows. Oral presentation at the 20th International Input‐Output Conference, June 25‐29, 2012. Bratislava, Slovakia. Bekchanov M., A. Bhaduri, 2011. Water markets for efficient water allocation in Central Asia. Poster presentation at Tropentag 2011 Conference “International food security, natural resource management and rural development”, October 5‐7 2011. University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany. Bekchanov M., 2011. Efficient water allocation through water trading in the Aral Sea Basin. Oral presentation at the international seminar “Reserve degradation by innovation: new pathways of sustainable natural resource management”, May 30 ‐ June 1, 2011. Rural Livelihood College (RLC), Bonn University, Bonn. Bekchanov M., 2011. Scope of market based water transfers on efficient water management in the Aral Sea Basin (Central Asia). Presented at the 10th annual meeting of IPSWaT scholarship holders. July 18‐20, 2011, Bonn, Germany. Djanibekov N., I. Rudenko, A. Bhaduri, I. Bobojonov, M. Müller, M. Bekchanov, U. Djanibekov, Y. Mori‐Clement, Nurmetov K., 2011. Economy, institutions, policies, infrastructure and markets of agricultural sector. Presented in workshop “ZEF/UNESCO Project findings to policy making”. July 15‐16, 2011, Urgench, Uzbekistan. Bekchanov M. and J.P.A Lamers. 2010. Water use and supply modeling in the Aral Sea Basin”. Poster presentation at international scientific conference “Water in Central Asia”, November 24‐26, 2010. CAWa&SIC‐ICWC, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Bekchanov M. and A. Karimov, 2010. Virtual water concept for economic reforms. Poster presentation at Tropentag 2010 Conference “International research on food security, natural resource management and rural development: world food system – a contribution from Europe”, September 14 ‐ 16, 2010. ETH, Zurich, Switzerland. Further Information: Karimov, A., M. Bekchanov and K. Nurmetov, 2010. Institutional arrangements to support rural livelihoods and challenges to access European markets for agricultural products from developing countries. Poster presentation at Tropentag 2010 Conference “International research on food security, natural resource management and rural development: world food system – a contribution from Europe”, September 14 ‐ 16, 2010. ETH, Zurich, Switzerland. Further Information: Djanibekov N., Bobojonov I., Müller M., Rudenko I., Bekchanov M. and Djanibekov U., 2009. Water Availability and Climate Change in the Khorezm Region. Presented in: Training workshop “Challenges of sustainable water use in arid and semi‐arid regions (under conditions of climate change). September 28 – 0ctober 1, 2009 Tashkent/Urgench, Uzbekistan.