Document 12141065

Data Security and Stewardship Committee
Cordelia Camp 101A
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Present Shea Browning, Pam Buchanan, Craig Fowler, Debbie Justice,
Scott Koger, Mike Stewart and Scott Swartzentruber
Absent Lisa Gaetano, Larry Hammer, Steve Christison, Zeta Smith, and
Kay Turpin
Guests Barry Bidwell, Josh Bright, Anna McFadden and Al Sanders
Recorder Jenny Owen
 Creation of Baseline Access Flowcharts
 Presentation: Management of HIPAA & FERPA for HHS
 HIPPA & FERPA Agreement for HHS Building
Approval of Minutes
 The minutes from the June 8, 2011, Data Security and
Stewardship Committee (DSSC) meeting were approved.
Generic Accounts &
Baseline Access for
Employees and Others
 Josh Bright (digital identity & messaging manager in Operations,
IT Division) gave a brief overview on how generic nonperson
accounts are created and managed. He said there are currently
662 generic nonperson accounts.
Action Items
 Bright will identify which generic nonperson accounts might be
considered risky.
 Anna McFadden will begin to put together a draft policy for
generic IDs.
 Bright will modify his flow charts to include how each of the
account types are terminated. Bright will email to Jenny Owen
who will distribute to DSSC members.
 Review and approval of the updated flow charts will be added to
the agenda for the next DSSC meeting. Once the flow chart
document is approved, Owen will post to the appropriate folder
on the share drive.
 Scott Swartzentruber asked Bright to send him a list the attributes
that are updated in Active Directory.
 Al Sanders (project manager for technology in the new HHS
building) gave a PowerPoint presentation on how decisions were
made regarding how to handle HIPAA and FERPA compliance
issues in the new HHS building. He explained the new
technology that will be used in this building presented some
challenges on how to do this. Sanders handed out copies of the
latest version of the agreement regarding HIPAA and FERPA in
the new HHS building.
Action Item
 Barry Bidwell will provide Sanders with a copy of the agreement
that is currently being used for the Enka simulation lab.
Misc. Action Items
 McFadden will follow up on the status of the project request for
Titanium remote access using netbooks.
 McFadden and Bidwell will schedule a meeting with
Mark Holiday to obtain additional information regarding his
department's request to move their NOAA server off site.