STIMULATING MINDS TO COMPETE AND INNOVATE QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. A COLLABORATIVE APPROACH TO MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL SCIENCE EDUCATION Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 A. ANIL KUMAR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING & PHYSICS ORION CIFTJA PHYSICS LINDA L. GARNER LEADERSHIP & COUNSELING PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY 5TH A Member of the Texas A&M University System CHANCELLOR’S INVITATIONAL CONFERENCE HOUSTON, JUNE 24-26, 2004 Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. WHAT WE WANT TO SHARE WITH YOU QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 Science Education - Issues and Concerns Advances at PVAMU since the last conference Science Education Center - A Report Card Approaches in other parts of the world Actions Needed Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. OUR BOTTOMLINE MESSAGE QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 Economy is becoming global. So is education. We need to stop burying ourselves in statistics and start addressing the science education issue in a truly systemic fashion. In particular, since our existing approaches are not yielding the desired outcomes, we need new, viable and global strategies. If we do not act quickly, we may lose our competitive edge globally since other developed and developing countries are making bold moves in their educational systems. Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 THE PROBLEM - MULTI-DIMENSIONAL QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. High school students are graduating with an unacceptably low level of science and mathematics skills. There is generally a declining interest in the study of science. Teachers are being blamed for having inadequate preparation and lack of competence in content and pedagogy. Students do not learn physics traditional classroom instruction. They memorize “plug and chug” techniques, get 80% on a physics exam, but only score 50% on a multiple choice concept survey. The general perception is that scientists are odd and peculiar people, scientists have few other interests but their work, scientific work is dangerous, and that physics is old-fashioned, outdated, irrelevant to modern society. concepts very well under Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. The ongoing and overwhelming need for In-service teacher enhancement programs in physics at the most basic level points to the to the failure of programs at the university level to adequately prepare students for classroom teaching. - Shaping the Future, NSF, 1996 Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 REFORMS VS. RESULTS QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. A new study asks why, despite decades of reform, massive infusions of funds, aggressive efforts by policymakers, and the strong commitment of educators, there is no significant improvement in academic proficiency of high school graduates, closure of the achievement gap, and increase in high school graduation rates. From the study, Paying For Education, Texas Public Policy Foundation co-published with the Milton and Rose D. Friedman Foundation., May 5, 2004 Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 SEEING SCIENCE EDUCATION ANEW QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. The traditional science education needs to be re-thought. Teachers have to be able to promote the student’s problem solving skills, autonomy and ability to reflect, conceptual thinking. It is important to create new teaching and learning styles supported by new media and technology, and to accommodate different learning styles. Teachers should teach at the concept level, not at a minimal level. Teachers need to see their roles more as consultants a la Peter Drucker than information conveyors. That is, schools should help students identify their potential, develop that potential and determine their potential directions of growth. Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 THIS IS NOT REALLY A NEW CONCEPT! QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. “It is necessary for the teacher to guide the child without letting him feel her presence too much, so that she may always be ready to supply the desired help, but may never be the obstacle between the child and his experience.” - Maria Montessori Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION (SBOE) PROPOSED HIGH SCHOOL SCIENCE REQUIREMENTS BEGINNING IN 2005-06 QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 One credit must be a biology credit (Biology, Advanced Placement (AP) Biology, or International Baccalaureate (IB) Biology). Two credits from (no more than one credit from each of the areas): (i) Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC), (ii) Chemistry, AP Chemistry, or IB Chemistry, and (iii) Physics, Principles of Technology I, AP Physics, or IB Physics. One credit from one of the following areas: I. Geology, Meteorology, and Oceanography (GMO); II. Environmental Systems; Little III. Aquatic Science; meaningful IV. Astronomy; content can be V. Anatomy and Physiology of Human Systems; VI. AP/IB Biology; adequately VII. AP/IB Chemistry; taught in this VIII. AP/IB Physics; way. IX. AP/IB Environmental Science; and X. Scientific Research and Design. Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. FRAGMENTATION Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 Intended What policymakers decide should be done. (minimal standards/ benchmarks) Implemente d QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Attained What teachers do. What students learn. (teach to the test) (how to pass tests) Questions: Is this adequate? Does this meet the state’s and nation’s workforce needs? P-16 alignment between various stages of the educational process is not enough. Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. CURRICULAR ALIGNMENTS! Alignment is A Good Starting Point But More is Needed! Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 School Curriculum Workforce Preparedness College Curriculum A MORE REALISTIC PICTURE partial involvement in curricular preparation Uneven Curriculum Limited Physics Requirements inadequate involvement Inadequate Teacher Preparation Inadequate # of Physics Teachers Inadequate exposure to physics Diverse Curricula Content vs. Pedagogy Lack of interested faculty poor match More focus on content, less on how to teach better match Workforce Preparedness little, if any, involvement in curricular preparation Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 WHAT IS NEEDED? Appreciation of arenas of influence Coherence in the curriculum - courses/ sequences too fragmented Awareness/interest on part of faculty to update teaching techniques, incorporate assessment Emphasis on transferable skills Feedback followed by continual quality improvement Scalability and sustainability of successful efforts QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. PVAMU’S APPROACH - A SYSTEMIC SOLUTION QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 Components of our approach: Interactive Learning Environment - Science Education Center Student projects - relevant to learning and real world Teacher-Faculty collaboration - Teacher In Residence, Faculty In Residence, continual feedback and assessment Involvement of parents and community leaders in student development Sustainability via throughout-the-year mentoring, periodic interaction with university and industry personnel, and building communities of practice. Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 SCIENCE EDUCATION CENTER Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. SCIENCE EDUCATION CENTER A BRIEF REPORT CARD QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 PROJECTS Inventor-Wild-Wind Ferris Wheel Electronic Arcade RoboLab Aircraft Carriers - Arrested Landing and Catapulting Magnetic Levitation Solar Physics - Solar House, Heat Pump Structures - Bridges, Roller Coasters Weather Analysis and Forecasting AND MANY, MANY MORE! Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 ROLE OF SEC IN TEACHER PREPARATION QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Students from the colleges of education and in-service teachers will be exposed to field-based classroom activities in addition to the laboratory sections they enroll in physical science courses. The SEC also allows students from the colleges of education start their field-based classroom activities earlier via their involvement in student projects. The SEC provides a practical perspective rather than just a theoretical approach to pedagogy. It will provide an excellent framework for teacher-faculty collaborations to explore new techniques of teaching and for publications in physics education research. It will provide an excellent venue for linking teachers with industry personnel. Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. TEACHER-FACULTY COLLABORATION Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 A Science Teacher In Residence (STIR) Program recommend to the physics faculty curricular revisions. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. to STIR can serve as a reality check for pre-service teachers and university faculty. STIR can use this experience to develop professionally, in particular obtain graduate degrees. A mentoring program conducted by STIRs can provide induction experience for pre-service and novice science teachers. Create and disseminate a list of appropriate Internet sites appropriate to age groups. Create an Internet community for each student group history, cultures, sharing of information, etc. Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. "The things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them." - Aristotle Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 TYPICAL RANGE OF ACTIVITIES QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Briefing to the students on goals, laboratory practices, safety issues, responsibilities Team assignments Project Activity – computer simulations, hands-on model construction, comparative features between the simulations, models and real live situations Open-ended investigations involving experimental design and computer simulations Reports on status - before lunch and end-of-day Final product demonstrations Debriefing for the day Follow up activities – report submission, revisit the laboratory, electronic communication, show and tell in classes Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 SEC - OUR FIRST FORAY TYLER JAMAUL TREVOR NICOLAS Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 THE FERRIS WHEEL Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 THE ROLLERCOASTER Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 THE CYBER SWARM Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 THE ELECTRONIC ARCADE Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 THE ROLLERCOASTER Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 THE PITCHER Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. SEC’S ACTIVITIES THIS SUMMER QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 4 Middle/High School students participating in a series of projects during June-July. They also participated in setting up new equipment. 17 11th-12th graders (Summer Transportation Institute) from across Texas participated in 1-day event on 23rd June. A similar event is planned with Bellville Middle/High Schools for July 2nd week A half-a-day meeting with science teachers is being planned for science and mathematics teachers from Waller, Hempstead and Royal HS in July. Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 SUMMER TRANSPORTATION INSTITUTE Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 SUMMER TRANSPORTATION INSTITUTE Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 SUMMER TRANSPORTATION INSTITUTE Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. SEC’S ACTIVITIES THIS FALL QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 Students, teachers, parents from Waller, Hempstead, Royal, and Eisenhower HS participating in 1-day project building events at least once a month. Physics Faculty/Staff visiting schools with Mobile Labs. Physics Department hosting science teachers’ webpages with news and resources updated frequently. Periodic meetings between physics faculty and science teachers to continually evaluate and assess activities, plans and determine future actions. Prepare and submit collaborative proposals for simultaneously enhancing the schools and the university. Enhance programs for teacher development - professional development and educational advancement. Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 PVAMU’S APPROACH SUPPORTS THE TEXAS SCIENCE INITIATIVE Still under development by the Texas Education Agency, the Texas Science Initiative aims to eliminate student performance gaps in science by developing and implementing training for science educators, improving the quality of science instructional materials and creating higher standards for science education. cation/perryrecord Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 ACTIONS AROUND THE WORLD - EUROPE QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. The Bologna declaration, made in June 1999 in Bologna by the higher-education ministers from 29 European nations (now signed by 40 nations), commits their governments to reforming their university systems to create a so-called European Higher Education Area by 2010. The declaration has four ambitions. (i) Improve the quality and effectiveness of the education provided by Europe's universities, particularly so that graduates are more employable. (ii) Promote mobility of students, especially graduates. (iii) Make European universities more attractive in the emerging global market for students. (iv) Extend the notion of a European "identity" from politics and economics into the cultural and educational spheres. Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 LOCAL CURRICULAR ALIGNMENTS ARE NOT ENOUGH! "Any country with an old-fashioned or peculiar degree structure will run the risk of having problems in relation to other countries, and its students may suffer when their degrees are not understood by foreign employers. If we want to create a competitive common European labor market, a common degree structure will be essential.” - Torsten Kälvemark, International Developments in higher education for the Swedish government Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. TO RECAPITULATE Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 A LOT IS EXPECTED OF TEACHERS! QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Have thorough knowledge of the subjects they teach Demonstrate the ability to assess and increase student learning Manage classrooms effectively Care about the academic, social, civic, and personal success of all students Use technology effectively to promote student learning Collaborate with colleagues, parents, & community members to advance positive learning environments Demonstrate relevance of material to real world Are active and reflective learners Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. TODAY’S STUDENT IS DIFFERENT QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 (So Called Generation Y—Millenials) 25%+ of Americans 70 Million People Value Diversity/Change Techno-savvy Want Work to be Meaningful Key Word: Realistic Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. NATURAL BUT DIFFERENT OUTLOOKS Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 Traditionalists QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Build a Legacy Baby Boomers Build a Stellar Career Generation X Build a Portable Career Generation Y Build Parallel Careers Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. We need to rethink our goals and approaches! Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 PARTING THOUGHT QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. “There are young people out there cutting raw cocaine with chemicals from the local hardware store. They are manufacturing new highs and new products by soaking marijuana in ever changing agents, and each of these new drugs is more addictive, more deadly, and less costly than the last. How is it that we have failed to tap that ingenuity, that sense of experimentation? How is it that these kids who can measure grams and kilos and can figure out complex monetary transactions cannot pass a simple math or chemistry test?” - Senator Kohl, from the U.S. Senate Hearing: "Crisis in Math and Science Education" Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 FINALLY “Children are young, but they are not naïve. And they are honest. They are not going to keep wide awake if the story is boring. When they get excited you can see it in their eyes.” - Chinua Achebe Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture. Kumar-Ciftja-Garner/Chancellor’s Conference/June 25,2004 QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Support from the Regents’ Initiative is Gratefully Acknowledged. ANY QUESTIONS? We invite you to collaborate with us. Please visit us at and/or send us an e-mail at Quic kT i me™ and a T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture.