Gibbons v. Ogden

Gibbons v. Ogden
Stephen James & Vashon Wiggins
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Supreme Court Case
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• Gibbons & Ogden
• Defendant was Thomas
• Plaintiff was Aaron Ogden
• Brought to the supreme
court by appeal
Constitutional Issues
• The supreme court case interpreted the tenth
• Chief Justice John Marshall interpreted the
Constitution to give the Federal Government
the duty to determine the rules of commerce,
thereby laying the foundation for an American
"common market" nearly a century before
Europe enjoyed it. (Deposited by the U. S.
Supreme Court)
U.S Implications
• In this precedent-setting case, which
linked states' authority to license
steamboats in Federal waters with the
seemingly unrelated issue of slavery
• The cases that were affected were
Marbury v. Madison 1803, McCulloch v.
Maryland 1819, Baker v. Carr 1962.