IRDR speaker information Proforma Title (e.g. Professor, Dr, Ms, Mr etc.): Name: Job title (e.g. Head of Education, Editor, Columnist) Title of talk Brief summary of talk (100200 words) Organisation: 25 word brief description (e.g. . Professor of Geophysics at UCL. My research aims are to investigate the mechanics of the Earth's crust, directed towards studying the impacts of natural hazards ) Extended biography to be used on the IRDR website and (100-300 words) If applicable, forthcoming and latest publications (full title, date of publication, publishers) or Amazon (UK) link: URL to your homepage or blog Contact address: Email (where we can contact you to confirm arrangements for the day): Daytime telephone: Mobile telephone: Photo for website (preferably jpeg 90x90px; highest resolution possible): For Office use only: Database Biog Photo Website