B Y: G L EN D A HE N S L E Y M AR CH 4 , 2 01 3 Special Report The EYE on FYE Contest is open until March 22, 2013--- Encourage your students to express their WCU journey with creativity. The contest is a wonderful assignment enhancement to any first-year curriculum or cocurriculum. For more information, please visit here. Please also mark your calendars to join us for the EYE on FYE Celebration on April 15th at 6:30 pm when we announce the winning entries, the new FYE Advocate, winners of the Bucket List, and more!!!! The winning entry may just be from a student in your class and how special it will be for them if you are there – and who knows, maybe you will also be nominated as the FYE Advocate for 2012-13! Front Line The Oxfam Hunger Banquet The Center for Service Learning and Residential Living will co-sponsor the second annual Oxfam Hunger Banquet at 6pm on Monday, March 4, in the Blue Ridge Multipurpose Room. We invite you to attend, and to help us spread the word about the event. At the banquet, participants will randomly draw tickets that assign them to different income levels, based on the latest statistics of the number of people living in poverty worldwide. Depending on where they sit, some will receive a filling dinner, while others will eat a simple meal or share portions of rice and water. The event offers participants a chance to gain a new perspective on the causes of hunger and poverty. Amy Grimes, executive director of the Sylva Community Table, is co-hosting the event with Brian Boyer and will provide insight into our local hunger and poverty issues, and lead the group in discussion. There is no cost to attend, but donations of money or nonperishable food items are encouraged. All donations will benefit the Community Table. Space is limited and you may register online at https://orgsync.com/54768/forms/68377. For more information, please contact Derald Dryman at dadryman@wcu.edu. The CORE 12th Annual Gender Conference: Women and Ethnicity March 6th 9am-4:30 pm in the University Center Students, faculty and professionals are invited to submit paper or poster presentations focusing on gender research. The keynote speaker, artist scholar Crystal Leigh Endsley, will address women's diverse experiences because of ethnic differences. Researchers who study such areas as: the intersection of ethnicity and gender in economic conditions, family relations, intimate relations, employment, education, and/or social class will present at this year's conference. For more information, contact: Dr. Marilyn Chamberlin, Director of Women's Studies 828.227.3839 Perspectives “Daisy Bates: the First Lady of Little Rock” with filmmaker Sharon La Cruise March 19th, 2013 at 7:30pm in the UC Theatre – FREE – Q&A with Sharon La Cruise after the screening Daisy Bates: First Lady of Little Rock tells the story of a seven-year journey by filmmaker Sharon La Cruise, to unravel the life of a forgotten civil rights activist named Daisy Bates. In 1957, Bates became a household name when she fought for the right of nine black students to attend the all-white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. Bates’ public support culminated in a constitutional crisis—pitting a president against a governor and a community against each other. As head of the Arkansas NAACP and protector of the nine students, Daisy Bates would achieve instant fame as the drama played out on national television and in newspapers around the world. Ultimately the fame would prove fleeting, and for her attempts to remain relevant, she would pay a hefty price. This documentary travels with Daisy Bates on her long and lonely walk from orphaned child to newspaperwoman to national Civil Rights figure to her last days in Little Rock. Link to film and trailer: http://www.pbs.org/independentlens/daisy-bates/film.html Link to event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/115742371933872/ Presented by: ACE@WCU in conjunction with South Arts, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Academy of Motion Pictures and Sciences* *The 2012-2013 Southern Circuit is a program of South Arts. Southern Circuit screenings are funded in part by a grant from South Arts in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts and local partner organizations. Special support for Southern Circuit was provided by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. CEO Reminders CALENDARS Student Life Calendar: For a complete listing of what's going on for students from intramurals, to concerts and lectures, to organizations, arts and culture, and so much more.... Events Calendar: Information on arts and culture at WCU - plays, concerts, art exhibits, films, and more... Service Learning: Current Events ACE: Arts and Cultural Events Calendar IT Training & Workshops: Calendar - For upcoming training and events, including Black Board, eBriefcase, and more and make sure to note Blackboard day on September 6th Potty Times: PEAKS communication with FY students. For more information, contact Laura Ansley. EVENTS Dance Marathon -- March 9, 2013 Hosted in the CRC from 12pm – 12am If you have any questions or concerns please contact: WCUDanceMarathon@email.wcu.edu. Jennifer Spaugh, Sponsorship Chair (336)671-5786 Office of Leadership & Student Involvement Last year WCU had over 300 participants and raised over 8,000 dollars for the Children's Miracle Network. Our goal for this year is to double that, but we cannot succeed without your help. Please plan to join the excitement! “Inflame” featuring Kumar Das – March 12 – 7:30 pm the Bardo Arts Center Presented by ACE @ WCU Kumar Das is a Bangladeshi-American who has performed internationally and throughout the U.S. Kumar has multiple National Artist’s Gold Medal Awards in Classical Tabla music. Simply defined, Inflame melds traditional Indian and Flamenco music in a magnificent solid combination, creating a whole new style of world music. For more information: http://www.inflameclassic.com/ On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/115038115336944/ Women's History Month Day of Service --- March 16, 2013 Various times and locations; a project for V-Men will be included in the day's event. For more information, or to RSVP: contact Sarah Carter or Jennifer Cooper Co-sponsored: Intercultural Affairs & the Center for Service Learning Monday, April 15th The awards ceremony will take place 6-7:30 pm. Guests may also walk through the entry exhibit between 4-6 pm for a sneak preview of all the wonderful creative works! EYE ON FYE Celebration OPPORTUNITIES th Careers and the Educational Experience (March 13-19 ) Summer Jobs and Internships Fair Wednesday, March 13, 2013, 1-4pm, Grand Room This fair is an opportunity to consider students for internship/co-ops and post-graduate internships. All majors invited. Companies registered: http://wcu.experience.com/stu/cf_registered_employers?fhnd=5994 Etiquette Reception & How to Network….March 13, 2013, 6-7:30, Blue Ridge Conference Center $10/person. You may make reservations in Career Services Feb 28-Mar 8. 2013. Thursday March 14, 2013, 1-4pm, Grand Room Opportunities for all students. Check out what companies have registered to date: http://wcu.experience.com/stu/cf_registered_employers?fhnd=5996 Spring WCU Career Fair Tuesday, March 19, 2013, 9a-12noon, Grand Room This fair is primarily geared to education majors, currently student teaching/doing internships. Communication sciences and disorders, counseling and psychology Masters level students are also recruited at this event. Registered schools: http://wcu.experience.com/stu/cf_registered_employers?fhnd=5997 Education Recruitment Fair Alternative Spring Break Trip to Jamaica March 21-31, 2013 For more information, contact Mike Corelli, Leadership Programs; corelli@email.wcu.edu Vicki Faircloth, Education; victoria@email.wcu.edu th The 34 Annual International Festival Wednesday April 10 th Time: 10:00AM-3:00PM Throughout its 34 years, the Annual International Festival, or I-Fest, has provided the WCU community with a unique opportunity, namely, a chance to engage and explore world cultures and fascinating traditions through a wide range of mediums, including Food, Music, Dance and Artistry. If you or your department is interested in hosting a table to highlight certain programs or activities in your department, please contact Christopher Pedo at copedo@wcu.edu or by phone at 828-227-2557. Resource File Blackboard --- reference and participate in the Transition Pathways Course site.... Education Briefcase – resources and information for students and for faculty………. First-Year Seminar: Liberal Studies – resource guide for faculty teaching the first-year seminar … Transition Pathways: An instructor resource - resource guide for FYE transition course instructors … CFC on the Web --- help with teaching, technology, and more--- helping you do what you do better! FYE on the Web --- many resources and network links to help you along the way ….. QEP on the Web --- discover the possibilities - find the resources you need - find your path..... OrgSync -- https://orgsync.com/login/western-carolina-university --- the place for student clubs and organizations and other co-curricular opportunities .. FYE Message Board – A weekly e-journal for and by FY students. Engage students in the conversation of learning and experience – with each other! Submissions Invited Submissions invited for and about teaching in first-year courses: research; classroom observations; creative writing; poetry; short stories; biographical or autobiographical. TRANSITION PATHWAYS: The Blackboard Commons: If you teach an FYE Transition course, you will see it on your Blackboard menu under organizations – Contribute content and share your expertise! LC2 Group (Learning Community on Learning Communities) We invite you to join our group if you are interested to explore learning communities and how they can impact student learning in your classroom! You may learn more @ Learning Communities at WCU The Education Briefcase (eB) is now open to ALL undergraduate students! For information please contact Nory Prochaska, Chair of the eBriefcase Implementation Team. For general information about eB, visit the website. The next regular publication date is February 18, 2013 --- please let me know if you want to share updates about programs, events, or other opportunities for teaching and learning in FYE! Glenda Hensley, FYE Director ghensley@wcu.edu EYE on FYE Contest open until March 22, 2013!!!