Special Report

NO V EM B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2
Special Report
Perspectives: When students communicate and take action – the voices that matter
I invite you to take a look at the wonderful energy on our campus right now that is inspired, motivated, and
driven by the voices of those we are here to serve. This year our campus has embraced Citizenship and Civility
as our interdisciplinary theme. The energy that comes from a collective exploration has empowered many
wonderful new ideas to take form; the initiative has also been driven to some degree by ideas and passions that
have been percolating long before the theme was announced. This is a tremendous testament to the excellence
lived by WCU students and a testament to the work each of you do to lead, mentor, teach, and explore all that is
possible along the creative journey.
Front Line---Say No to Bullying
Say No to Bullying is a prime example of what happens when students inspire and lead with their passion. An
initiative that was born of one student’s passion, this campus-wide campaign took flight this year. You may
learn more about the student behind the movement in the article on page 5 of the FYE Journal. Show your
support and encourage your students to attend one or more events this week!
The Anti-Bullying Campaign aims to bring awareness and educate students on the behaviors, as well as
consequences, of bullying by providing students with resources and support. The university strives to uphold
morals and standards of character so students can excel in their academic studies.
National Bullying Awareness Week--- November 12-17
1 in 10 of us are bullied everyday.....are you part of the PROBLEM or part of the SOLUTION?
Monday: Expose the winning logo & motto for the Campaign!
Displayed on a banner from the UC.
Tuesday: “TEAL” Tuesday.
Wear the color teal in support of anti-bullying. This ribbon signifies support and
the memories of victims. Ribbons will be passed out in the downstairs courtyard
Wednesday: Come out & watch “The Bully” in the UC Theatre @ 9pm
Popcorn & drinks will be provided!
Thursday: Rally & Vigil outside of the Bell Tower @ 7pm
Remember victims to bullying and bullycide. Support the cause to end bullying!
Special Event in collaboration with NBAW: Saturday: Reid 10am-3pm Whee Protect: Rape Defense Workshop
Lunch is catered! Contact Nick Stamp at wheeprotect@gmail.com
FYE Message Board provides a venue for reviews by FY students in WRCS
Message Board is an E-publication with contributions by first-year students in the Writing,
Rhetoric, and Composition Studies (WRCS) program.
Message Board aims to help students stay current and to foster a successful transition to
college. In addition, each weekly publication features reviews for local restaurants, shops, and
places to go written by students in English 101. What a wonderful way to introduce students
to our local area and engage them in critical thinking and writing! You may also see their work in the course
Wiki, Get Local; http://roma.wcu.edu/groups/getlocal/ FYE Message Board is published each Monday.
EYE on FYE— Fall Final idea
As you look toward the end of the semester and considering what way
to address a ‘final’ assignment, you may want to consider EYE on FYE.
This will be the third year of the contest and celebration for first-year
students. It presents a wonderful opportunity to address all five goals
of the QEP, especially “Communicate effectively and expressively,” as
well as encourage students to truly embrace WCU’s Student
Community Creed. You could even use EYE on FYE as their Education
Briefcase assignment – to post a creative artifact! In this year of
“Citizenship and Civility” --- EYE on FYE gives you a triple- hit homerun
with an assignment geared to challenge students to express
themselves creatively and expressively, while also connecting the dots
to understand the aims of the QEP. Please take a look at the website
to learn more about the contest rules and details and also to see
examples of previous year’s entries. The contest opened officially on
November 1, and will close March 22 – but course entries are
especially encouraged this fall.
Election Happenings *Updates brought to you by the Citizenship and Civility initiative
 11/6- SHUTTLE VOTING – Catran shuttle to Jackson County Polls running from 9:00 a–6:00 p departing
from behind the UC (look for the “marked Catran” can’t miss it) – no excuses, vote like a champ
 11/6- 7:00p Election Watch Party –Food, drinks, games, and fun -- Starts at 7:00 pm, location TBD
 11/6-7- Why did you vote? –All day Nov. 6-7 at the Catafount!
Student Leadership
A full list of all clubs and organizations recognized through the Student Government
Association and Office of Leadership and Student Involvement can be found on OrgSync
at: https://orgsync.com/browse_orgs/138. We encourage all students and
Faculty/Staff Advisors to join OrgSync so that they can browse RSO’s and become familiar
with opportunities on campus. Register at www.OrgSync.com.
This Week & Next
CAREER SERVICES HEALTH SCIENCES CAREER FAIR -- Tuesday, November 6 -- 4-6pm, UC Grand Room:
Please click on this link to access the list of participating companies/institutions. Contact Career Services
OXFAM HUNGER BANQUET --- Monday, November 12 at 6:00 pm in the Blue Ridge Multipurpose Room.
Banquet participants will randomly draw tickets that assign them to different income levels, based on the latest
statistics about the number of people living in poverty worldwide. Depending on where they sit, some will
receive a filling dinner, while others will eat a simple meal or share sparse portions of rice and water. The event
offers participants a chance to gain a new perspective on the root causes of hunger and poverty. There is no
cost to attend, but donations of money or nonperishable food items are encouraged.
All donations will benefit the Community Table.
Space is limited and we are asking all students and student groups to register online by 5pm on Friday,
November 9, at this link: https://orgsync.com/54768/forms/60808.
Contact Derald “Banjo” Dryman if you have any questions -- servicelearning.wcu.edu
LOVE YOUR BODY WEEK-- November 11-17 – Celebrate the Unique YOU!
Love Your Body Week aims to promote body-positivity and healthy habits. Programs and events will address
important issues such as nutrition, fitness, and body image to promote wellness for students, faculty, and staff
at Western Carolina University, as well as members of the surrounding community. Highlighted events include
the Amazing Catamount Challenge, a clothes swap, a free belly-dancing workshop, nutrition assessments, and
more. We hope that you will share these events with your students as well as those who might be interested.
THE AMAZING CATAMOUNT CHALLENGE --- November 13, 2012 (a Love Your Body Week event)
Participants will race across campus to complete activities based on different ways to love your body (physical
activity, nutrition, and stereotypes of beauty, etc.). Teams of 2-4 are welcome to register. Prizes will be awarded
to the top 2 teams! The race will begin at 4:30pm in the UC Central Plaza; check-in will begin at 3:45pm. To
register, please stop by our table in the Courtyard Dining Hall during the Week of November 5-9 from 11:00am2:00pm or contact Sarah Carter at sacarter@wcu.edu or in University Center 331 by November 11, 2012.
Info Sessions for all WCU students
Students may attend one of these info sessions if interested in participating in the 2nd annual alternative spring
break trip to Jamaica:
 Thursday Nov 8
5:00-6:00 pm Killian 116
 Monday, Nov 12
5:00-6:00 pm Killian 107
For more information, Contact: Dr. Victoria Faircloth, Killian 123 victoria@email.wcu.edu
November 20th -- 1:00pm-2:00pm
Introduction to Em-Wave Biofeedback
International Education Week (IEW) is an opportunity to celebrate the benefits of international education and
exchange worldwide. If you or your department is interested in a presentation, contact Chris Pedo.
CEO Reminders
Student Life Calendar: For a complete listing of what's going on for students from intramurals, to concerts and
lectures, to organizations, arts and culture, and so much more....
Events Calendar: Information on arts and culture at WCU - plays, concerts, art exhibits, films, and more...
Service Learning: Current Events
ACE: Arts and Cultural Events Calendar
IT Training & Workshops: Calendar - For upcoming training and events, including Black Board, eBriefcase, and
more and make sure to note Blackboard day on September 6th
Potty Times: PEAKS communication with FY students. For more information, contact Laura Ansley.
Join the Bag It movement and decide for yourself how plastic your life will be.
November 13th at 7:30pm in the University Center Theatre. Q&A after film with actor, Jeb Berrier and free
refreshments to follow. Part of the 2012-2013 Southern Circuit Tour of Independent Filmmakers Bag It has
been garnering awards at film festivals across the nation. What started as a documentary about plastic bags
evolved into a wholesale investigation into plastics and their effect on our waterways, oceans, and even our
bodies. Information at ACE.wcu.edu and bagitmovie.com .
The Striver’s Row Poets --- November 14 at 7:30pm
Bardo Arts Center Theatre - ace.wcu.edu
Carvens Lissaint
Jasmine Mans
Zora Howard
Resource File
Blackboard --- reference and participate in the Transition Pathways Course site....
Education Briefcase – resources and information for students and for faculty and
staff looking to use eB in your course.
First-Year Seminar: Liberal Studies – resource guide for faculty teaching the
first-year seminar …
Transition Pathways: An instructor resource - resource guide for FYE
transition course instructors …
CFC on the Web --- help with teaching, technology, and more--- helping you do
what you do better!
FYE on the Web --- many resources and network links to help you along the way …..
QEP on the Web --- discover the possibilities - find the resources you need - find
your path.....
OrgSync -- https://orgsync.com/login/western-carolina-university --- the place for student clubs and
organizations and other co-curricular opportunities ..
FYE Message Board – A weekly e-journal for students with content provided by WRCS students. The
intent is to engage students in the conversation of learning and experience – with each other!
TRANSITION PATHWAYS: The Blackboard Commons: If you teach an FYE Transition course, you will see it
on your Blackboard menu under organizations. Questions: contact Glenda Hensley at ghensley@wcu.edu
The Education Briefcase (eB) is now open to ALL undergraduate students!
For information please contact Nory Prochaska, Chair of the eBriefcase Implementation Team.
For general information about eB, visit the website.
The next regular publication date is November 26, 2012 --- please let me know if you want to share updates
about programs, events, or other opportunities for teaching and learning in FYE!
Glenda Hensley, FYE Director