Special Report Western Calling U:

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Special Report
Western Calling U: Calling All First-year Students--- calling because each student matters
Chancellor Belcher announced to students during Convocation that each new first-year would be called
by various faculty, staff, and administrators. Instructed “you had better not dis the Chancellor,” Dr. Belcher told
them to answer the phone! Having been given advance notice, this should translate to a wonderful campus
conversation. Calls will begin tomorrow and continue for approximately two weeks. Please consider joining the
call team – there is still time and an hour of your time can make all the difference!
If you would like to volunteer for a short list, please contact Glenda Hensley by August 30th
Front Line
LC² -- Learning Communities at WCU
The WCU strategic plan, Vision 2020, commits to fostering opportunities that will “Enrich the total student
experience.” Initiative 2.2.3 specifically identifies Learning Communities as a direction to include. The Learning
Community on Learning Communities – LC² – will resume meetings this week as a new FACE group and will work
to develop learning communities and support structures as we look to 2013 and to 2020.
If you are interested in teaching, developing, or supporting a learning community within your department or
program, please join us for the conversation. We will meet Wednesday the 29th from 1-2 pm in the UC Cardinal
room. If you would like to attend, I am happy to send you an Outlook invitation – or you may surprise us!
From the FYE Journal – August 2012: (please click here to read the full article on pp. 8-9)
A learning community intentionally links together courses or coursework to provide greater curricular
and co-curricular coherence, more opportunities for active teaming, and interaction between students
and faculty.
Embedded Email
Objective: Students develop the habit to check their Catamount email daily and to use the
WCU website as a learning resource.
Strategy: Inform students to expect a weekly email from you with an assignment or
announcement they NEED to know – something that will REQUIRE their attention. Example:
you could ask questions that can be answered by reading the FYE Message Board – A weekly e-journal for
students that will be edited by Rebecca Wolfe, FYE Graduate Assistant and to include content provided by WRCS
students. The intent is to engage students in the conversation of learning and experience – with each other!
Student Learning Goal: Think First ---- (QEP: Sole Complex Problems)
This Week & Next
Devin Henderson will discuss….What’s your magic? Students will also discover how to utilize their strengths,
interest, and natural talents to impact the world. Wednesday, August 29th @ 6:00pm in the UC Theater (FREE)
Sponsor: Last Minute Productions http://devinhenderson.com/
Season Opener against Mars Hill: Thursday, August 30th at 8:00pm.
The Chancellor’s run with the freshmen will be at 7:00 pm
Potty Times: PEAKS communication with FY students.
The bi-monthly Wal-Mart Bus Trip ---- August 28th -- a service to residential students
If you would like to submit information to be shared in this residential publication, contact Laura Ansley.
Submission deadlines for September:
 September 4-September 21, need information by August24
 September 21- October 12, need information by September 15
Belcher Recital – September 4 in BAC at 7:30 pm – For more information, visit here.
A wonderful opportunity for students to see their Chancellor in another ‘spotlight.’ For a special
evening of piano and voice, Chancellor David O. Belcher (pianist) and Susan Bummell Belcher
(soprano) will perform classical selections and music from stage and screen.
September 8 – the 9/11 Day of Service
For more information, contact the Center for Service Learning. sericelearning@wcu.edu
CEO Reminders
Student Life Calendar: For a complete listing of what's going on for students from intramurals, to concerts and
lectures, to organizations, arts and culture, and so much more....
Events Calendar: Information on arts and culture at WCU - plays, concerts, art exhibits, films, and more...
Service Learning: Current Events
ACE: Arts and Cultural Events Calendar
IT Training & Workshops: Calendar - For upcoming training and events, including Black Board, eBriefcase, and
more and make sure to note Blackboard day on September 6th
Palenque Rojo – September 11th at 7:30pm in the Bardo Arts Center
Palenque Rojo, making its U.S. premiere in Western North Carolina, is a fascinating showcase
full of colors, aromas, and sensations that will transport the audience into the heart of the
magical Mayan world. This play features 20 Mayan actors from Chiapas, Mexico, live preHispanic music, dance, rituals, magnificent costumes and the Mayan Lacandon
language. TICKETS: http://www.wcu.edu/bardoartscenter/54.htm
For more information, visit ace.wcu.edu
Citizenship and Civility - QEP interdisciplinary theme for 2012-13
To get involved in activities already planned or to share your own ideas, please check out the WCU Citizenship
and Civility web page and feel free to contact the steering committee directors with any ideas, suggestions, or
questions that you may have about this year’s theme. “
Todd Collins --Director, Public Policy Institute Associate Professor, Dept. of Political Science
Lane Perry -- Director of the Center for Service Learning
The Core
Academic Success. A note from Chesney Reich, director of the WaLC.
Consider the following steps to further integrate the services provided by the Academic Success Centers into
your courses:
1. Add the “Tutoring Information” module to your Blackboard course using the attached instructions. The
module provides students with everything they need to know to get connected with the Writing and Learning
Commons and Mathematics Tutoring Center.
2. Review the attached WaLC Course Tutor Assignment list and request Blackboard access for tutors assigned
to your courses. Blackboard access allows course tutors to review your syllabus and familiarize themselves
with your expectations for students. To request access, e-mail LMSSupport@wcu.edu and specify in your email the names, 920 numbers, and email addresses of the tutors; the courses and sections to which they will
need access; and the level of access needed (auditor/student). For your convenience, tutors’ email addresses
and 920 numbers are provided on the attached tutor assignment list.
3. Utilize our in-class workshops and other faculty support, such as our anti-plagiarism and research resources,
or schedule a consultation with one of us to discuss ways to incorporate writing and tutoring into your
 Chesney Reich, Writing and Learning Commons (reich@wcu.edu, 227-2273): Course tutors and
academic skill workshops
 Writing and Learning Commons: Resources for teaching writing, Writing Fellows, and writing/research
 Nory Prochaska, Mathematics Tutoring Center (prochske@wcu.edu, 227-3830): Math and computer
science tutoring
Who’s Looking at You? --Staying Safe on Facebook: A collaborative training with IT and the Red Zone staff
on September 6th and 13th from 3:30-4:30 pm in the Technology Commons -- to raise awareness on controlling
Facebook privacy settings and how to stay safe. To see more visit here or contact Sara Smith in Class TIPS.
To share with your students: “Technology makes it so easy to connect with friends and share things that are
happening in your life. But do you know who is looking at your profile and how they are using your personal
information like e--‐mail, room number, and cell phone number? Something as simple as being “tagged” in the
dining hall can potentially become unsafe if the wrong eyes see that information. Come to this session to learn
tips on enhancing Facebook privacy and how it can be important for your safety!”
Class Connections: Communication, technological boundaries, personal safety, respect, social wellness,
emotional wellness, healthy relationships, respect, trust, emotional intelligence, integrity, stalking, privacy,
power, control, community, voice.
Resource File
Blackboard --- reference and participate in the Transition Pathways Course site....
Education Briefcase – resources and information for students and for faculty and
staff looking to use eB in your course.
First-Year Seminar: Liberal Studies – resource guide for faculty teaching the
first-year seminar …
Transition Pathways: An instructor resource - resource guide for FYE
transition course instructors …
CFC on the Web --- help with teaching, technology, and more--- helping you do what
you do better!
FYE on the Web --- many resources and network links to help you along the way …..
QEP on the Web --- discover the possibilities - find the resources you need - find
your path.....
TRANSITION PATHWAYS: The Blackboard Commons: If you teach an FYE Transition course, you will see it
on your Blackboard menu under organizations. Questions: contact Glenda Hensley at ghensley@wcu.edu
The Education Briefcase (eB) is now open to ALL undergraduate students!
For information on using the eBriefcase in your courses or program, please contact Nory
Prochaska, Chair of the eBriefcase Implementation Team, or Freya Kinner in the Coulter
Faculty Commons. For general information about eB, visit the website.
Please read this feature by Nory Prochaska in the FYE Journal on page 4.
The next regular publication date is September 10, 2012 --- please let me know if you want to share updates
about programs, events, or other opportunities for teaching and learning in FYE!
Glenda Hensley, FYE Director