B Y: N IC O L E BA S K IN FE B U AR Y 1 , 20 1 4 MESSAGE 1: FEBUARY ISSUE Hey Cats! We hope your first few weeks of classes are going well! So many of you seem interested in ways you can make money during your time in school. Being able to have some cash to pay your bills, groceries, or just to have some spending money is important. Here are some ways you can get a little more cash in your pocket! Scholarships Jobs Never stop applying for scholarships! There may be scholarships specific to your major that will help give you better odds compared to writing essays all semester. Go to OneStop to see if you are eligible for work study. If not, WCU has plenty of non-work study jobs you can apply for through Job Cat! Debt Budget If you’re worried about the debt you are racking up already, go to your bank to see about opening a savings account. If you already have a savings account but you tend to dip into it more than you should, see if your bank offers a program where you can “lock” the account. In this way, whatever money you put it you can’t take out until a certain time period! Prioritize! If you pay for your cellphone and your car, you have responsibilities! Build good credit now by paying off your notes on time. You will be glad you did later. Keep track on what you tend to spend money on the most. Ask yourself, “Do I need this?” “Is it worth not paying my bills on time?” You’d be surprised on how much you can save! MESSAGE 2 Cubs Corner! Your Journey – Your Goals! HEY CUBS! This year we have some amazing students out making a difference! A group of caring cubs are on a mission to making a positive impact on campus! It is their belief that by uplifting one person that person will in turn uplift someone else, hence the “ripple” effect. By doing good deeds you could be awarded by one of the members of Ripple On and also have your story recognized here on Cubs Corner! But remember it’s not always about recognition; sometimes the smallest things can make a difference in someone’s day. So get up, Get out, and Ripple On! Want to be in an issue of the Message Board? “CUB’s Corner” IS NOW OPEN! This section is all about YOU! Show off your creativity! We need new cubs to submit their own works such as an original poem, video, drawing/ comic strip, short story, almost anything! There will also be a lucky cub featured in one week’s issue for getting involved on campus. Whether it’s through volunteer work, club/organization, or an event on campus! Simply send in a picture or short video and a short description of yourself and what you’re doing to stay involved on campus! Need advice? Cub’s Corner will also feature an Ask Mitten’s column! All submission types are to be sent to cubsaskmittens@yahoo.com! MESSAGE 3 Weekly Reviews! Explore—Discover—Make Memories None this week MESSAGE 4 Announcements! SPECIAL EVENTS THIS WEEK! A DOLL’S HOUSE Thursday February 12 7:00pm Hoey Auditorium Tickets: $15 Adults $10 Faculty/Staff/Seniors $10 Students ($7 advance) Some of you may have read the play “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen in an English class. The School of Stage and Screens’ Theatre Program proudly presents a new post-modern adaptation of the play. Adapted and Directed by WCU’s own Brenda Lilly. You do not want to miss such an inciting story full of drama and feminism! VAGINA MONOLOGUES Friday February 28th 7:00pm UC Grand Room Every year ladies and very brave gentleman gather on WCU’s campus in support of the V-Day Movement. Along with women all around the world gather to raise awareness about violence against women and young girls. According to the V-Day foundation, more than $90 billion dollars has been raised since the program's inception, while in 2012, over 5,800 events were held to educate participants and build a movement. The Department of Intercultural Affairs is proud to be a part of the global V-Day Movement and sponsor WCU's annual production of SPORTS MEN’S BASKETBALL WCU vs. App Saturday February 8th 7:00 pm Ramsey WOMEN’S BASKETBALL WCU vs. UNCG Monday February 17th 7:00pm Ramsey *** For More Events this week visit, http://www.wcu.edu/11570.asp *** Discover College Adapt to new environments and responsibilities - discover and use the resources available to you! Be Involved Identify and act upon your role and responsibility as an engaged citizen - be an active participant in your learning experiences! Connect the Dots Connect your personal interests and abilities, academics, and co-curricular activities as you make sense of the world. Think First Identify complex issues or problems – evaluate your options to make an informed decision - reflect on the implications of your choice. Exchange Ideas Communicate appropriately and respectfully in a variety of formats and contexts. Calibrate Your Compass Examine your values and goals - take responsibility for your own learning and development - act with integrity!