Major Program Guide For: B.S. in Biology1 Concentration: Molecular Biology Suggested Course Sequence Freshman Year Fall Course Prefix or LS Requirement BIOL CHEM ENGL HEAL or HSCC2 Course Number 140 139 101 First Year Seminar 190 Sophomore Year Fall Course Prefix or LS Requirement BIOL CHEM MATH P1 ENGL Course Number 240 241 1463 Junior Year Fall Course Prefix or LS Requirement BIOL BIOL PHYS P5 102 Course Number 311 413 130 Course Title Principles of Biology I General Chemistry I Composition I Wellness Spring Course Prefix or LS Hours Requirement 4 BIOL 4 CHEM 3 P4 3 COMM Course Number 141 140 201 3 P1 17 Course Title Genetics Organic Chemistry I Precalculus Social Science Composition II Course Title Animal Physiology Principles of General Microbiology Physics I Fine & Performing Arts Spring Course Prefix or LS Hours Requirement 4 BIOL 3 CHEM 4 CHEM 3 P3 3 MATH 17 Spring Course Prefix or LS Hours Requirement 3 BIOL 3 BIOL 4 3 PHYS P6 Course Number 241 242 272 153 Course Number 333 131 Course Title Principles of Biology II Advanced General Chemistry Humanities Introduction to Speech Communication Social Sciences Hours 4 4 3 3 Course Title Ecology & Evolution Organic Chemistry II Organic Chemistry Lab History Calculus I Hours 4 3 2 3 4 16 Course Title Cell and Molecular Biology Jr-Sr Elective Hours 4 4 Physics II Jr-Sr World Cultures (ULP4) 4 3 13 Senior Year Fall Course Prefix or LS Requirement BIOL BIOL BIOL General Elective6 Course Number 4805 Course Title Research in Biology Jr-Sr Elective Jr-Sr Elective Spring Course Prefix or LS Hours Requirement 3 BIOL 4 BIOL 3-4 General Elective 3-4 General Elective 13-15 3 17 15 Course Number Course Title Jr-Sr Elective Jr-Sr Elective Hours 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 12-16 Notes: 1. Total number of credit hours for the program: 120. 2. There is great flexibility in scheduling Liberal Studies (LS) courses, but most other freshman/sophomore courses must be taken in numerical sequence to satisfy prerequisites (for example, BIOL 140 is a prerequisite for BIOL 141 which is a prerequisite for BIOL 240, MATH 146 is a prerequisite for MATH 153, and CHEM 140 is a prerequisite for CHEM 241 which is a prerequisite for CHEM 242 and 272). 3. MATH 146 is not required by the Biology BS degree, but is a prerequisite for Calculus I. This four-credit course is the only prerequisite course in the Biology BS program that is not also required for the major. 4. All students are required to take one upper-level perspectives (ULP), LS course. Any junior/senior level LS course will satisfy this requirement. 5. The senior research requirement may also be satisfied by the senior thesis sequence: BIOL 495, 498-499. 6. All biology majors are strongly advised to take at least one semester of statistics. We recommend MATH 270, Statistical Methods I and MATH 375, Statistical Methods II or BIOL 467, Biostatistics.