Department of Anthropology and Sociology Western Carolina University 108B McKee

Department of Anthropology and Sociology
Western Carolina University
108B McKee
Cullowhee, NC 28789
(828) 227-3839
September 2014
December 1994
PhD. in Sociology from Purdue University
Dissertation: Constructing Success: An examination of social service
providers' constructions of client and program success
August, 1992
M.S. in Sociology from Purdue University
Thesis: Selection Process: An evaluation of a social service process
May, 1990
B.A. in Psychology and Sociology (with honors) from Purdue University
2007Associate Professor of Sociology, Department of Anthropology and
Sociology, Western Carolina
1995 - 2006
Assistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Anthropology and Sociology,
Western Carolina
2000- 2013
Director of Women’s Studies, Western Carolina University
Responsibilities: Budgeting, Supervising Graduate Assistant, Advising
Minors, Collaboration on Women’s Programming around campus, Curriculum
Management, Recruitment, Fundraising, and Maintenance of Web Page
1/1995 - 5/1995
Visiting Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Purdue
1/1994 – 12/1994
Instructor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Purdue University
8/1993 – 12-1993
Teaching Assistant, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Purdue
Instructor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Purdue University
Teaching Assistant, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Purdue
1991 – 1993
1990 – 1992
M. Chamberlin
Chamberlin, Marilyn S. Burton 2014. “What Causes Child Abuse? Citizens Identify Causes of
Child Abuse and Suggest Prevention Strategies.” Journal of Sociology and Social Work 2 (1)
pp. 283-301.
Chamberlin, Marilyn S. 2004. “The Meritocracy Myth, by Stephan J. McNamee and Robert K.
Miller, Jr.” Contemporary Sociology (book review)(editor invitation).
Chamberlin, Marilyn S. 2002. “Imagining Teachers: Rethinking Gender Dynamics in Teacher
Education, by Gustavo E. Fischman.” Contemporary Sociology (book review)(editor
Chamberlin, M.S. and J.S. Hickey (2001). “Student Evaluations of Faculty Performance: The
Role of Gender Expectations in Differential Evaluations” Education Research Quarterly.
(peer reviewed).
Miller, JoAnn and Marilyn Chamberlin (2000). “Women are Teachers, Men are Professors”
Teaching Sociology. (peer reviewed)
Chamberlin 1996. “Book Review Social Statistics: A user Friendly Approach.” Teaching
Sociology, 24:204-405. (solicited by editor)
Chamberlin, Marilyn. 2007. Screening Tool for Stress Factors Contributing to Child Abuse,
used as the basis for intervention of child abuse for Work First Applicants.
Chamberlin, Marilyn. 2006. Summary Report 3: Family history factors and re-reports and
substantiation rates. Presented to Haywood County Department of Social Services.
Chamberlin, Marilyn. 2004. Haywood County Child Abuse Prevention Task Force Survey
Report. Distributed to members of the Haywood County Community working to prevent
child abuse.
Chamberlin, Marilyn. 1996. Cooperative or Competitive: The basis of nonprofit organizational
networks. Final Report. Distributed to 150 agencies in 17 counties in North Carolina
Chamberlin, Marilyn 2013“Where is my Prince? The Influence of Disney Princess Films on
Tween and Teen Romantic Relationships Southern Sociological Society
Randolph, Mickey, Marilyn Chamberlin, Lane Perry, and April Perry 2013 “Developing
Leadership Across Settings and Gender” Whee Lead Conference
M. Chamberlin
Chamberlin, Marilyn and Joy Cagle 2011 “The Serpent, Goddess and Women in the Bible”
Gender Research Conference, Western Carolina University
Chamberlin, Marilyn; Joy Cagle; Deborah Hendrickson; Megan Isaacs; Brooke Meadows;
Molly Metz; Timale Petty(2010). “Locating Josefina Niggli in the contexts of Mexican
American Women, Working Women, Women in Hollywood, Single Women and
Gender Research Conference, Western Carolina University
Chamberlin, Marilyn 2008 ““Family and Case Factors used to screen families for child
maltreatment interventions: An extension of Work First screening and practices.”
International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference July 27-29,
Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
Chamberlin, Marilyn. 2007 “Walking the Academic Tightrope: Balancing Tenure and Toddlers,
Promotion and Parents.” Southern Sociological Society, April 13, 2007 in Atlanta.
Chamberlin, Marilyn and Margaret Cole 2003. “Women's Career Paths and Their Feminist
Views," Southern Sociological Society.
Chamberlin, Marilyn and William Danaher 2001. "The Power of the Press: The Role of the
Popular Press in Creating Public Concern over Child Abuse." Southern Sociological
Chamberlin, Marilyn and JoAnn Hickey 2000. “Gender Based Attribution of Faculty
Performance by Students: A Cross-Disciplinary Case of Stereotypes or Reality?”
Southern Sociological Society.
Chamberlin, Marilyn and William Danaher 2000. “Which came first research or public demand:
An Analysis of the relationship between academic research and public concern over child
abuse” Southern Sociological Society.
Chamberlin, Marilyn and JoAnn Hickey 1999. Student Evaluations of Faculty Performance: The
Role of Gender Expectations in Differential Evaluations” Southern Sociological Society.
Chamberlin, Marilyn and William Danaher 1999. “The backlash of acceptability as
Counterclaims redefine Social Problems: The Case of Child” Southern Sociological
Chamberlin, Marilyn and JoAnn Hickey 1998. “Student Evaluations of Faculty Performance: The
Role of Gender Expectations in Differential Evaluations” Southern Sociological Society.
Chamberlin, Marilyn 1997. “Expectation States Theory applied using gender and age, holding
occupational status constant” Southern Sociological Society.
M. Chamberlin
Chamberlin, Marilyn 1996. “Competitive or Cooperative? Nonprofit organizational networks.”
Qualitative Research Group
Chamberlin, Marilyn and Dean Knudsen 1995. “Characteristics of abuse victims and
substantiation rates,” Fourth International Family Violence Research Conference.
Chamberlin, Marilyn 1994. "Ill-prepared students? Instructors' perceptions of student abilities,"
North Central Sociological Association Conference.
Chamberlin, Marilyn and Anne Murphy 1990. "Factors influencing attitudes toward child abuse,"
Midwest Student Sociology Conference.
March 2013. Gender Research Conference: Gender, Work and Family. Co-organized with Dr.
Mickey Randolph. An interdisciplinary conference at which 25 participants presented
research pertaining to gender equity.
March 2012. Gender Research Conference: Gender, Work and Family. Co-organized with Dr.
Mickey Randolph. An interdisciplinary conference at which 25 participants presented
research pertaining to gender equity.
March 2011. Gender Research Conference: Gender, Work and Family. Co-organized with Dr.
Mickey Randolph. An interdisciplinary conference at which 25 participants presented
research pertaining to gender equity.
March 2010. Gender Research Conference: Gender, Work and Family. Co-organized with Dr.
Mickey Randolph. An interdisciplinary conference at which 25 participants presented
research pertaining to gender equity.
March 2009. Gender Research Conference: Gender, Work and Family. Co-organized with Dr.
Mickey Randolph. An interdisciplinary conference at which 25 participants presented
research pertaining to gender equity.
March 2008. Gender Research Conference: Gender Gaps Fact or Fiction? Co-organized with Dr.
Mickey Randolph. An interdisciplinary conference at which 44 participants presented
research pertaining to gender equity.
March 2007. Gender Research Conference: Gender and the Arts . Co-organized with Dr. Mickey
Randolph. An interdisciplinary conference at which 40 participants presented research
pertaining to gender equity.
March 2006. Gender Across Cultures. Co-organized with Dr. Mickey Randolph. An
interdisciplinary conference at which 42 participants presented research pertaining to
gender equity.
M. Chamberlin
March 2005 Gender Equity: Gains, Losses and Accomplishments. Co-organized with Dr.
Mickey Randolph. An interdisciplinary conference at which 28 participants presented
research pertaining to gender equity.
February 2004. Gender Across the Lifespan. Co-organized with Dr. Mickey Randolph. An
interdisciplinary conference at which 30 participants presented research pertaining to
gender differences over the life course.
March 2003. Gender in the Workplace. Co-organized with Dr. Mickey Randolph. An
interdisciplinary conference at 25 participants presented research pertaining to gender
equality and inequality in the workplace.
December 2000. Community Response to Private Violence Workshop. Conference for
community organization to learn about a new domestic violence screening mechanism
developed with Dr. Mickey Randolph
Research Consultant, Macon County Library Tales for Tots Program.
2002- 2010
Research Consultant, Haywood County Department of Social Services.
2000 - 2002
Research Consultant, Thirtieth Judicial Alliance on Domestic Violence and
Sexual Assault.
2001 – 2002
Research Consultant, Mountain Air Quality Coalition, Western North Carolina
Research Consultant, Tippecanoe County Department of Health, Indiana
Summer 1992
Consultant, Social Research Institute, Department of Sociology and
Anthropology, Purdue University
5/1992 – 12/1992
Research Consultant, Step Ahead, Carroll County, Indiana
Statistical Consultant for Dr. Edward Schiappa, September 1992
October 2008. Family and Case Factors that Influence the Perpetration of Child Maltreatment: A
Model for Prevention Strategies in Collaboration with TANF. Department of Health and
Human Services. Coauthor Mickey Randolph. $827,471 requested.
November 2006. AAUW Campus Action Project Proposal. Grant Title Preparing Women for the
M. Chamberlin
Workplace in the 21 Century. Coauthor: Mickey Randolph. $3,850.00 requested.
M. Chamberlin
February 2005. An Examination of Role Change within Organizations. Grant Title: National
Science Foundation: Dynamics of Human Behavior. Coauthors: Drs. John Sherlock and
Kathleen Brennan. $662,602.00 requested.
February 2004. Family and Community Factors that Influence the Perpetration of Child
Maltreatment: A Model for Prevention and Intervention Strategies. Grant Title:
Violence-Related Injury Prevention Research: Youth Violence, Suicidal Behavior, Child
Maltreatment, Intiate Partner Violence, and Sexual Violence for Center for Disease
Control. $744,997.00 requested. (Primary investigator).
Instructional Improvement Grant received March 2003.
MS Magazine Grant for the Gender Workshop.
Whose Problem Is It? The Construction of a Backlash Movement in Child Abuse. Hunter
Scholar Application. October, 1999
Mountain Resource Center fellowship. Received November 1995.
Organized: War: What Are We Fighting For? Panel discussion attended by community members,
students, faculty and staff.
Interviewed for Changing Roles of Relationships in Western North Carolina By: Sarah Parkeron
on why women are delaying marriage which appeared in WNC Women’s Magazine February
Interviewed by David Teague, Public Information Coordinator for Haywood County regarding
the Haywood County Project, March 2008 for future publications and publicity.
Interviewed for Koehn, Donna (2007, January 7) Mirror Images. Tampa Tribune
April 27, 2006, Let’s Talk About It: Mad Women in the Attic, Macon County Library
Interviewed for: Manning, P. (2006, March 9). Abuse stats remain high in Haywood. The
Mountaineer, A1
Interviewed for: Ellison, Q. (2004, August 7). Child abuse is ‘epidemic’ in Haywood County.
Asheville Citizen Times, pp. A1, A4.
April 2004, Presenter, School Bullying conference sponsored by the Cooperative Extension Program
in Haywood County, “Gender issues in bullying”
M. Chamberlin
Community unites to bring attention to child abuse, Asheville Citizen Times, April 18, 2004.
Rally heats up gay marriage debate gay rights advocates crash event; some arrested, Asheville
Citizen Times March 7, 2004 Interviewed by reporter on the Protests to Gay Marriage.
Files may be the key to child abuse prevention, Asheville Citizen Times, August 19, 2003
Court Watch Program results presented to the Thirtieth Judicial Alliance on Domestic Violence and
Sexual Assault, 2001.
Family Book Series presenter for Haywood County Library, April 2001
Family Book Series presenter for Macon County Library, October – November 2000
Speaker for the Candlelight Vigil for Ending Violence Against Women, 1998
Brief summary of the research I did on nonprofit networks for the Western Connections newsletter,
Survey on the Lafayette Sexual Orientation Law Cited in "Survey: Lafayette favors law," in Lafayette
Journal and Courier. December 7, 1992
Chamberlin, Marilyn S. and William Danaher. "Continued Media Coverage of Child Abuse."
Chamberlin, Marilyn S. “What causes child abuse? Citizens identify causes of child abuse and
suggest prevention strategies.
Chamberlin, Marilyn S. “Where is my Prince? The Influence of Disney Princess Films on Tween
and Teen Romantic Relationships”
Departmental Service
Collegial Review Committee
2011 Advisor to the Sociology Club
2003 – 2009 Search Committee for Department Head (2008-2009), Search Committee (2009)
Search Committee (2005, 2003)
2001 –
Department Assessment Committee
2001 – 2008 Tenure, Promotion and Reappointment Committee
1995 – 2001 Curriculum Committee
1995 –
Academic Advisor for Sociology Majors
1995 – 1997 Internship Committee Member
M. Chamberlin
1996 – 1999 Advisor to Sociology Club
1996 – 2005 Advisor to Alpha Kappa Delta Chapter
1996 – 1997 Course Evaluation Committee Member
College Service
2004 – 2007 College of Arts and Sciences Tenure, Promotion and Reappointment Committee
1998- 2001 College of Arts and Science General Education Committee
2003 – 2007 College of Arts and Sciences Strategic Planning Committee
Steering Committee for Take It All In 1960s
Committee on Diversity and Inclusiveness
Campus Safety Initiative (Provost appointed) - UNC System - Wide
2012 Post Tenure Review Appeals Committee (chair 2012)
2011 Sexual Assault Prevention Task Force (Chancellor Appointed)
2009 – 2013 Red Zone Planning Committee
2009 – 2010 Niggli Steering Committee
Women’s Leadership Scholarship Selection Committee
Liberal Studies Evaluation Committee
2000 - 2010 Four Women’s Center Director Search Committees (chair 2000)
2006 - 2007 Member of Dissertation committee for Educational Leadership Student
2006 - 2008 University Strategic Planning Committee
2005 Committee on Sexual Assault
2004 – 2009 Faculty Hearing Committee
Search Committee, Director of Center for Regional Development
2003 – 2005 Committee on Nominations and Elections Committee; chair 2004-2005
2002 - 2007 Faculty Senate
2002 – 2007 Faculty Affairs Council
2000 – 2003 Summer Reading Selection Committee
1995 – 1996 Human Behavior Focus Group (dissolved)
1995 – 2002 International Host Family member and secretary/treasurer
1995 – 2005 Mentoring Program as a mentee and then mentor
1996 – 1998 Food Advisory Committee
1989 –
Psi Chi
1993 –
Phi Kappa Phi (Chapter Secretary and Treasurer)
1995 –
American Sociological Association
1995 –
Southern Sociological Society
1996 – 2011 Editorial Review Board for Youth and Society
Faculty Member of the Year Award from Student Affairs Division at Western
Carolina University.
Who’s Who Among College Professors Award
2002 – 2005 Committee on the Profession for the Southern Sociological Society (Chair 2002-2005)
2001 –
Sociologists for Women in Society, South
M. Chamberlin
2003 –
2004 – 2006
2004 - 2006
2011 2013
Western North Carolina Women’s Coalition
Co-president of Western Carolina Women’s Coalition
North Carolina’s Women’s Forum (invited membership)
Tar Heel Chapter of AAUW
Vagina Warrior, Award Given by Student Affairs of Western Carolina University