Document 12131292

External & Business Affairs - Business & Financial Servics Divisional Strategy Map/Action Plan Summary, 2012-13
I1 - Simplify procedures & reduce
workload for academic & clinical
F1- Enhance UCSD’s system of control departments
so we maintain the public trust of our I2 - Within limited resources, maintain
stewardship of campus and donor
the most critical support services &
that will sustain the excellence of
F2- (Ext Affairs) Engage alumni,
UCSD’s academic and clinical programs
External &
C1 - Provide our customers with
parents, friends & other stakeholders I3 - Enhance methods of
Business intuitive & flexible tools so they can be in meaningful interaction that foster
communicating with our key
pride, advocacy & private support for stakeholders
I4 - Reduce cycle time & improve the
F3 - (Ext Affairs) Research identify, & performance of our essential support
secure support & financial investments services to student, faculty & staff
I5 - In the area of technology, provide
advanced tools & applications that will
provide outstanding services for
students, faculty & staff
I6- Provide our customers with
intuitive & flexible tools so that they
can be successful
(F1) Maximize existing resources while
(C1) Enhance the way we
identifying opportunities to secure
communicate with BFS customers
additional revenue
(C2) Develop a comprehensive system (F2) Safeguard business resources,
Business &
that provides information and
data and processes while providing
guidance to BFS customers
visibility and access.
(C3) Establish relationships and
(F3) Reduce costs, optimize return on
promote partnerships with customers investment and report results to
(I1) Analyze and deliver technology
solutions that promote efficiency and
mitigate risk
(I2) Simplify processes/procedures and
reduce workload for internal and
campus departments.
(I3) Develop business process metrics
that illustrate how we are doing and
drive improvements
Learning & Growth
L1 - Create a work environment for our
staff that promotes their development,
encourages their creativity & provide
them with the skills to be successful
L2 - Disseminate, promote & put into
action UCSD’s Principles of Community
(L1) Capture and share employee
knowledge that enhances employee
growth and learning, in addition to
facilitate succession planning
(L2) Sustain and enhance employee
training to encourage and facilitate
individual growth and benefit
operational efficiency
(L3) Raise awareness of the benefits of
working at UCSD/BFS
External & Business Affairs - Business & Financial Servics Divisional Strategy Map/Action Plan Summary, 2012-13
(F1) Establish and periodically review
organizational strategies/objectives to
ensure deadlines and targets are met
(C3)Establish relationships and
(F2) Complete the Continuity
promote partnerships with customers
Emergency Plan for Cashiers using the
(C1)Enhance how we communicate
UC Ready tool
and reach out to our customers
(F2) Review and evaluate current
(C2) Explore & collaborate on the
internal controls processes/procedures
opportunity to be part of the BFS-wide
to highlight opportunities for
CRM tool to better serve campus units
streamlining while ensuring
as well as students
compliance with BUS-49 and properly
safeguarding University assets
(C1) Add new and enhance existing
customer communication methods
including updating web based training,
adding FAQs to Blink topic pages, and
delivering interactive training for
essential processes and procedures
(C2) Evaluate the development of a
Disbursements dashboard to provide
customers transparency to workload
metrics, status of unpaid invoices and
better understanding of
Disbursements roles and
(C1) Introduce a new customer
relationship service management
(I1) Analyze and deliver technology
solutions that promote efficiency and
improve internal controls
Learning & Growth
(L2) Sustain and enhance employee
training to encourage and facilitate
individual growth and benefit
operational efficiency
(I2) Simplify payment
processes/procedures to reduce
(L3) Raise awareness of the benefits of
workload as well as improve efficiency working at UCSD/BFS
and internal controls
(L1) Improve quality of work life
(I2) Reduce the issuance of paper
checks by fast-tracking transitioning to
electronic payment methods including
(F2) Provide staff with advanced
Payment Plus and ACH
training on regulatory and policy
(I2) Develop training and marketing
changes so they can support campus
plan for MyPayments rollout to include
customers by providing guidance Financial Roles implementation and
administration (F1) Update ACL to new platform for
(I1) Manage the Marketplace invoice
improved reporting and management
processing and payment to align with
for Purchase-to-Pay and Procurement
business requirements and identify,
Card modules
track, and implements improvement to
SciQuest Settlement including
workflow, bugs, and updated
(L1) Increase the frequency and
broaden the communication of new
processes and changes to current
processes to all of Disbursements staff
(L2) Provide opportunities for training
in internal BFS/UCSD process
improvements and new process as well
as on the UCSD Standards
External & Business Affairs - Business & Financial Servics Divisional Strategy Map/Action Plan Summary, 2012-13
(I1) Close open internal audit findings
related to balance sheet account
management. Assess and identify high
(C1) Support BFS efforts to standardize
risk accounts and focus on them to
and enhance customer support
improve our reconciliation metrics.
(C2) Improve our ability to provide
Investigate and recommend an
solid and reliable tax advice and
(F2) Support campus efforts to manage automated software tool to help
support to BFS Divisions, the campus
the transition of the OP funding
reconcile the thousands of monthly
and medical center
transactions in these accounts.
GA/ Equip (C3) Continue to train campus users to
Improve the visibility of balance sheet
use our new Campus Asset
(F2) Lead BFS efforts to define new
reconciliation metrics to provide
Management System
policy on Agency accounts and affiliate campus and BFS insight into the
(C2) Roll out new STIP management
attention being paid to reconciliations
tool to increase the flexibility and
(I2) Create and maintain GA Blink
reliability of our quarterly STIP
content to replace support previously
distributions to the campus and
provided by the ACT Blink team
medical center
(I1) Identify and strengthen control
weaknesses in our accounting and
financial reporting
(C3) Increase marketing efforts
through Blink teasers, notices, and
Marketplace site to obtain exposure
for services offered through Material
Support Services. (Moving Service, SelfStore, Special Programs, Surplus Sales,
Shipping, Receiving/Distribution)
(F1) Rent remaining Self-Store units,
review and document procedures for
Surplus Sales non-inventoried items
and guidelines for material pickups
(I2) Update MSS Receiving procedures
in collaboration with Marketplace to
ensure a common voice in the
policies/procedures for receiving
goods at UCSD
(I1) Order new CNG Trucks (five )for
MSS Receiving, update computer
system for Stores and Receiving
operation. Complete Continuity Plan
Learning & Growth
(L1) Create and maintain our
emergency action plans and our
business continuity plan for GA
(L2) Fully support and advocate staff
training and development. Support
BFS efforts to develop a new hire
orientation product/presentation for
new staff to highlight GA & Eq Mgt
(L2) Consider opportunities to
reorganize General Accounting in light
of upcoming retirements, staff losses
and workload
(L1) Develop internal SharePoint site
for employees in MSS to increase
(L2) Implement plan that has been
developed to increase/improve
communication and appreciation for
External & Business Affairs - Business & Financial Servics Divisional Strategy Map/Action Plan Summary, 2012-13
(C3) SPORT – Communication and
(F3) Gift Processing – Roles and
Training, Internal Department
Responsibilities, Leadership Growth
Relations (GAO Disbursements Payroll)
and Communication
– Build better relations
(C1) Provide a forum for customers to
provide real time feedback through
face to face interactions and point of
service surveys, and to use the
Procure- information to continuously measure
ment & and improve our customer service
Contracts performance.
(C3) Proactively engage with
customers regarding high dollar value
orders especially those that require
issuing RFPs.
(C2) My Time Entry (MTE) campus
wide implementation and training
(C2) Promote and develop Payroll
BLINK content
(C3) Implement biweekly pay cycle
transition for monthly rated covered
Learning & Growth
(I2) Final redistribution of awards to VC
Teams, Formal communication of
progress, Staff Training Tools
(L2) Analyst to Accountant Exempt
(I3) Performance Standards and
transition assignments
Measure Metrics and Reporting,
Identify redundant and high risk
processes, and fix SPORT
(I1) Implement at least 2 modules of
the AEC Soft application purchased by
UCOP on Supplier Portal Management
and Contact Management.
(F3) Successfully consolidate buying
(I2) Implement a spend analytics
channels to Marketplace and Express program to automate metrics
Card, eliminating the IFIS channel and reporting, improve identification of
transitioning customers.
savings opportunities, and improve
spend visibility.
(I3) Publish a data dashboard
highlighting overall P&C metrics and
department specific metrics
(L2) Continue to provide cross training
opportunities for staff. Expand
customer support by cross training
additional staff to assist with customer
(I1) Identify and develop Web based
(I2) Increase availability of Data in the
(F3) Decrease paper check distribution
Data Warehouse
% by soliciting direct deposit and pay
(I2) Elimination of Final Wages process
cards for both students and staff
and establish new procedures for
these types of payments
(I1) Participate in the design and
training of UCPATH, UC's new Payroll
Personnel system
(L1) Develop and implement cross
training and rotational opportunities in
preparation of the roll out of UCPATH
(L2) Promote staff development
External & Business Affairs - Business & Financial Servics Divisional Strategy Map/Action Plan Summary, 2012-13
(F3) Implement a Travelex payment
conduit to facilitate international
(C2) Implement a more flexible
financial transactions
payment system that will allow
(F3) Analyze an accounts receivable
students to see their entire financial
system to communicate across UCSD
UCSD profile and to direct payments to
vendors to identify credit risks and
the charges that they wish to be paid
reduce bad debt expense for the
whole university
(C2) Continue to improve customer
response system by enhancing use of
Foot Prints features
(C3) Build partnerships via Q&A
sessions and Open House, and share
info via Webinars, list serve
announcements, and live sessions
Learning & Growth
(I2) Finalize the automated Loan Exit
processing system.
(I1) Clean out transactions identified in
last year's goal of ISIS general ledger
reconciliations. (I2) Investigating SmartCard
technologies for the UCSD
identification cards
(L1) As part of the re-tasking of the
LAO Unit, provide cross training
opportunities for our staff
(L2) Continue to explore opportunities
of staff development
(L1) Through the Multicard systems for
consulting services, staff will be able to
learn about the horizons of technology
(I2) Launch MyTravel 3.0 to replace
TravelLink. Update team utilities to
(F2) Pursue model of immediate airfare
replace IFIS review and approval with
online review and approval
(F3) Grow Connexxus use and online
(I2) Enhance MyEvents adding the
bookings to minimize cost
option to pay Travel Card which will
(F3) Expand Travel Event Planner/TEP
eliminate paper claims
Card program and streamline TEP
(I3) Attain 90% direct deposit for
audit process
employee travelers, hosts, and
meeting coordinators
(L1) Strengthen team communications
and publish written team vision,
procedures, standards, and escalation
(L2) Grow knowledge and skills of
Operations team to be fluent in both
travel and entertainment policy and
processes, replacing current model of
travel specialists vs. entertainment