University of California, San Diego Rapid Process Redesign Identified Potential Cost Saving Opportunities # Process/Idea Issue Description 1 Account and commodity codes There are too many account and commodity codes, many of which are ambiguous. Simplification of coding would assist in the proper cost designation. 2 Administrative Computer Support Many UCSD departments do not have computer resources and would benefit from having a programmer in ACT who would be dedicated to supporting department computing projects on an as needed basis. 3 Business Office Configuration Proliferation of very small business offices across campus represents a missed opportunity for economies of scale. Centralizing business offices and developing experts would assist in improved services. 4 Calendars, Sharing of Coordination among computing system managers and the use of a campus-wide scheduling module would streamline the process of scheduling meetings, which is currently very labor intensive. 5 Class Scheduling Scheduling classes requiring non-standard time blocks is difficult and is not meeting department needs. 6 Cost Sharing Campus utilization of the Cost Sharing System is low because it is complex and difficult to use. Consequently, many campus departments do not consistently enter cost sharing budgets in the subsystem as required by policy. 7 Data Structures Many of the campus data structures that are key to successful process improvements are incomplete (i.e., association of Principal Investigator and financial manager names with fund numbers); inaccurate (i.e., organizational hierarchies); too detailed (commodity and account codes) or don't yet exist (i.e., association of Principal Investigator names with individual indexes) and need to be coordinated and properly maintained. Effort Reporting System/PPS Interface The existing Effort Reporting System is extremely error prone, which results in campus staff frustration, time in deciphering the data, and increased workload to make the necessary corrections. An interface between the Personnel Activity Reporting (PAR) and Payroll/Personnel Systems (PPS) would increase efficiencies in reporting requirements as well correcting the output. In addition, the current quarterly cycle is labor intensive and a semi-annual or annual cycle should be investigated. 8 TIGER Team* Ideas are in alphabetical order. TIGER teams have been highlighted in red. * Improvement efforts will not be in place by July 1, 2003. MLOsante/OC 5/29/2016/10:16 AM D:\291238853.doc 1 of 5 University of California, San Diego Rapid Process Redesign Identified Potential Cost Saving Opportunities # Process/Idea Issue Description 9 Electronic entry of Articulation Agreements into ISIS using Approximation Table Entry into the Approximation Table in ISIS is complicated and does not easily handle changes. As a result, the paper petition process is still widely used and the online approximations are incorrectly coded. Entertainment Entertainment & Membership forms are not webbased and must be processed on paper. Current delegated authority levels require excessive exceptional approvals from Vice Chancellor offices and should be streamlined and reassessed. Equipment Capitalization – Increase Threshold from $1,500 to $5,000 The current UC equipment capitalization threshold of $1,500 is way below the Federal Government’s $5,000 limit. The UC threshold creates additional workload for departments that are required to tag and keep track of equipment, and increases UCSD’s risk of noncompliance to regulations regarding these items. 12 TIGER Team* Financial Link Development Standard FinancialLink recording and reporting processes have not been adopted campus wide due to inefficient or missing functionality, limited training/reference materials, and limited support structures. 13 TIGER Team Financial Reconciliation Departments spend too much time reconciling transactions that are of low risk (insignificant in value or transactions that have received the appropriate scrutiny in another way). A risk-based tool that allows for risk profiles, is necessary to evaluate the proper transactions and reduce workload. 14 Financial Reports to Sponsoring Agencies Closeout award reports are manually entered and prepared in Excel to meet various agency-reporting formats. An online system is not currently available to automate the reporting process and to fulfill reporting requirements. 15 TIGER Team* Automated Invoice Approvals The current invoice approval process is slow because it requires the manual routing of paper invoices to multiple campus and central administrative support departments for proper approval and disposition. Job Classification, Reclassifications & Equity Adjustments The classification process is slow, involves too many steps, and does not meet the needs of certain classifications where work assignments and responsibilities constantly change. 10 TIGER Team 11 16 Ideas are in alphabetical order. TIGER teams have been highlighted in red. * Improvement efforts will not be in place by July 1, 2003. MLOsante/OC 5/29/2016/10:16 AM D:\291238853.doc 2 of 5 University of California, San Diego Rapid Process Redesign Identified Potential Cost Saving Opportunities # Process/Idea Issue Description 17 TIGER Team Job Descriptions Preparing job descriptions is very time consuming. Many positions are sufficiently similar across departments and require each department to duplicate efforts to create a job description and workload to classify it properly. 18 TIGER Team LASR – Distribution of Leave Activity Summary Reports Leave Activity Summary information is not currently available on the web. Numerous resources are expended in the production, handling and mailing of multiple (and unnecessary) copies to the same campus contacts. 19 Letters of Credit Timely recording (or accurate estimating) of certain expenditures would permit earlier cash draws from our letters of credit, and would generate additional STIP income. 20 Low Value Purchase Orders Many low value purchases are not entered into the procurement system. This results in unauthorized purchases that create a workload burden to departments who must investigate these expenditures. Unpaid invoices, inaccurate budget forecasts, and delayed payments to vendors also occur. 21 Outside Consultants, Use of Considerable resources are expended annually for consulting services that may be available internally. 22 TIGER Team Paper Use and Disposition Duplicate printing and distribution of many financial reports (operating ledgers, encumbrance ledgers, invoices), timekeeping information (LASRs), and other general interest information (Staff Education catalog) waste valuable resources and time. On-line systems are currently available for much of the information that is being manually distributed. 23 TIGER Team Payroll Expense Transfers The payroll expenditures transfer (PET) process has not been automated to enable online review, approval and direct input into the payroll system. 24 Performance Appraisals New appraisal tools are much more cumbersome and time consuming that the previous performance evaluation form. 25 Petty Cash Reimbursements Too many personal reimbursements are required because of current $50 limit. Increasing the limit to $75 or $100, would allow for a reduction of personal reimbursement requests submitted to Disbursements. Ideas are in alphabetical order. TIGER teams have been highlighted in red. * Improvement efforts will not be in place by July 1, 2003. MLOsante/OC 5/29/2016/10:16 AM D:\291238853.doc 3 of 5 University of California, San Diego Rapid Process Redesign Identified Potential Cost Saving Opportunities # Process/Idea Issue Description Recharge Centers Some recharge centers may be unnecessary and may be incurring inappropriate surplus/reserve balances. Overhead costs affiliated with unnecessary recharge centers may impact cost rates charged to customers. Recruitment – Job Hiring The on-line job description and job requisition systems are not integrated yet they contain common fields, requiring duplicate key entry of the same information when recruiting to fill a vacancy. Also, the application screening process is slow and inconsistent. By providing more thoroughly screened resumes, Human Resources can reduce the number of resumes to be reviewed so that the hiring official can perform the review. 28 Recruitment – Re-Hire Process The current employee appointment system does not allow for short breaks in service. This requires departments to re-submit all rehire paperwork to Human Resources, which is time-consuming especially when dealing with teaching assistants, readers/tutors and the like. 29 Reimbursements – Travel, Entertainment, Pay Auths The current process does not take advantage of UC policy and IRS regulations that allow for the reimbursement of expenses up to the $75 to be done without having substantiating documentation or receipts and treats all requests the same, regardless of dollar amount. Enormous duplication of effort between departments and central campus occurs in clarifying trivial information. 30 TES Floaters – Fiscal Floaters Access to IFIS TES employees are hired by departments to perform tasks that require access to IFIS, PPS, EmployeeLink and FinancialLink however getting these employees access to the modules is difficult. 31 Training Justification and Anticipated Costs The TJAC system is used to serve various unrelated purposes, such as reimbursements, discounts, and advance payments for various staff educational opportunities, which causes confusion and delay in processing requests. Travel The entire process is not interconnected or flexible. Duplicate entries are inherent since trip setups and travel advances are separate processes utilizing the same information. Also, reconciliation of travel activity is very manually intensive to maintain. 26 27 TIGER Team 32 TIGER Team Ideas are in alphabetical order. TIGER teams have been highlighted in red. * Improvement efforts will not be in place by July 1, 2003. MLOsante/OC 5/29/2016/10:16 AM D:\291238853.doc 4 of 5 University of California, San Diego Rapid Process Redesign Identified Potential Cost Saving Opportunities # Process/Idea Issue Description 33 Work Groups, Committees, Focus Groups, Teams Staff resources committed to supporting these activities, however worthwhile, is a strain on departmental resources. A reduction in the number of meetings would improve staff’s ability to focus on core business functions. 34 Work Schedules & Office Hours Flexible work schedules are administered on a limited departmental basis. Expanded and standardized flextime programs could provide significant cost savings for utilities, and would enhance the quality of life for employees not currently participating in these programs. Ideas are in alphabetical order. TIGER teams have been highlighted in red. * Improvement efforts will not be in place by July 1, 2003. MLOsante/OC 5/29/2016/10:16 AM D:\291238853.doc 5 of 5