Water and nutrient balance in deep soils under shifting cultiva cultivation with and without burning in the Eastern Amazon Doctoral Dissertation Submitted for the degree of Doctor of Agricultural Science of the Faculty of Agricultural Science Georg-August-University of Göttingen (Germany) by Rolf Sommer born in Marburg Göttingen, November 2000 D7 1st examiner: Prof. P.L.G. Vlek 2nd examiner: Prof. H. Fölster Day of oral examination: 23rd of November 2000 Contents 1 Introduction...........................................................................................................1 2 Literature review...................................................................................................4 3 Study region ....................................................................................................... 13 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Location ...............................................................................................................13 Climate.................................................................................................................14 Soil........................................................................................................................15 Vegetation............................................................................................................16 Land use ..............................................................................................................17 4 Material and Methods ....................................................................................... 19 4.1 Site selection and site preparation....................................................................19 4.1.1 Description of experimental sites .................................................................... 19 4.1.2 Installations ....................................................................................................... 21 4.1.3 Cultivation.......................................................................................................... 22 4.2 Water balance .....................................................................................................24 4.2.1 Precipitation ...................................................................................................... 24 4.2.2 Evapotranspiration............................................................................................ 26 4.2.3 Modeling soil water movement ........................................................................ 34 4.3 Nutrient balance..................................................................................................44 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.5 Soil-nutrient dynamics ...................................................................................... 44 Aboveground biomass stock ............................................................................ 46 Volatilization losses........................................................................................... 46 Fertilizer input and harvest exports ................................................................. 47 Nutrients in the soil solution - leaching losses................................................ 47 4.4 Ground water – well water .................................................................................48 4.5 Statistical analyses .............................................................................................48 I 5 Results and Discussion..................................................................................... 49 5.1 Water balance .....................................................................................................49 5.1.1 Precipitation ...................................................................................................... 49 5.1.2 Potential and actual evapotranspiration ......................................................... 61 5.1.3 Soil water movement ........................................................................................ 78 5.2 Nutrient balance............................................................................................... 106 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 Soil fertility .......................................................................................................106 Aboveground fluxes.........................................................................................113 Soil-water-solute nutrient fluxes.....................................................................123 Net-balance .....................................................................................................143 5.3 Ground water – well water .............................................................................. 148 6 General Discussion.......................................................................................... 152 6.1 Methodology and concepts ............................................................................. 152 6.2 Deep soil water uptake.................................................................................... 156 6.3 Nutrient uptake ................................................................................................ 157 6.4 Sustainability of slash-and-mulch agriculture................................................ 158 7 Conclusions...................................................................................................... 160 8 Summary/Zusammenfassung/Resumo ........................................................ 162 9 References ....................................................................................................... 177 10 Appendix........................................................................................................... 197 II Index of Tables Page Table 1: Mean chemical properties, soil density and textural distribution for the soils of the study region (Fölster, unpublished; n=7; SE in parenthesis) 16 Table 2: Land holdings in Igarapé-Açu in 1995 according to the size of the property, and the magnitude of these areas (IBGE, 1997) 18 Table 3: Location of installation of tensiometers and suction cup lysimeters on the experimental sites and reading/collecting intervals of soil-water pressure head/soil-water solution 22 Table 4: Sequence of cropping operations on site 1 and site 2 23 Table 5: Micro-meteorological Instrumentation, its measuring height and resolution 28 Table 6: Time discretization criteria used in the soil water model 35 Table 7: Linear regression for the estimate of %-throughfall under the fallow site (independent variable is 'days of year 1997', i.e. beginning with 'day 1' at the 1st of January 1997 ending with 'day 730' at the 31st of December 1998) 51 Table 8: Canopy storage capacity (S) of different vegetation 55 Table 9: Interception during the two years of cropping on the fallow site and on the cultivation sites 57 Table 10: Interception (I) and its division into throughfall (PT) and stemflow (PS) of different vegetation in relation to gross precipitation (P) 58 Table 11: Monthly mean net radiation (Rn) and temperature as well as mean daytime humidity and median daytime wind speed measured over the fallow site (Min. and Max.-values on hourly data basis; Min.-Wind-speed in all cases = 0) 61 Table 12: Monthly mean potential and actual evapotranspiration and the mean kc-value of the fallow site (based on daily data), as well as the median Bowen ratio (n = considered hours per month for Bowen ratio; q. = quartile) 62 Table 13: Regression equation to estimate daily potential evapotranspiration [mm d-1], to estimate the aerodynamic term of the Penman-FAO equation (bold letters within dotted lines) and regression of Penman-FAO ET and Penman-Piche ET (italic letters); n=313 in all cases 64 Table 14: Monthly mean Penman-Piche potential evapotranspiration for the fallow vegetation 65 Table 15: Monthly median daytime aerodynamic resistance (ra) and canopy resistance (rc) of the fallow vegetation on basis of hourly data and calculated rc based on regression analysis 67 Table 16: Regression analysis to predict the log-transformed canopy resistance with the saturation vapor deficit and the net radiation (n=2446; R2 = 0.654) 68 Table 17: Mean, minimum and maximum stomata resistances (related to both sides of the leaf area) of the most abundant species at the fallow site and of species at fallow sites of different age in the study region; n.g. = not given 71 Table 18: Initially set and adjusted Van Genuchten parameter for soil hydraulic property (initial = initially set; adj. = final adjustment) 79 Table 19: Initially set and adjusted scaling factors (αθ and αK) for the soil profiles within 105 and 1000 cm, at soil depths, where comparable (measured vs. modeled) data were available 79 Table 20: Pore connectivity value l and its range cited in literature 82 Table 21: Root growth parameter for the root-growth scenario on the two cultivation sites according to the Verhulst-Pearl logistic growth function 86 Table 22: Water balance of the fallow site in 1997 and 1998 according to results of the soil water model and comparable annual micro-meteorological evapotranspiration (P = gross precipitation, I = Interception; Pn = net precipitation; Esoil = soil evaporation; Tmodel = modeled transpiration; D10m = Drainage at 10 m depth; ET = micro-meteorological evapotranspiration: 1997 ≅ 92 III actual, 1998 ≅ potential) Table 23: Soil water extraction within the period of 22nd of August 1997 and 8th of January 1998 and for the year 1997 and 1998 under the fallow vegetation considering different soil layers; percentage values are related to extraction of 0-6 m 94 Table 24: Water balance of site 1 for the cultivated crops and for 1997 and 1998 according to results 100 of the soil water model and comparable annual micro-meteorological evapotranspiration (P = gross precipitation, I = Interception; Pn = net precipitation; Esoil = soil evaporation; Tmodel = modeled transpiration; D10m = Drainage at 10 m depth; ETcrop = potential crop evapotranspiration) Table 25: Transpiration (Tmodel) and evapotranspiration (I + Tmodel) as well as drainage at 10 m soil depth 100 (D10 m) of site 2; remaining parameter of the water balance did not differ from site 1 (see Table 24) Table 26: Accumulated drainage distinguished according to the cropping sequence at different soil 102 depths under site 1; 0 m soil depth corresponds to the net precipitation minus evaporation Table 27: Change in soil water store of site 1 of marked soil layers comparing the beginning and the 103 end of 1997 and 1998, respectively, and the root water uptake of 1997 and 1998 out of these layers (≅ transpiration); negative values denote a store depletion Table 28: Mean plant-available P (Mehlich I extraction) of the soils of the study sites at five different 107 depths and three dates and the LSD between sites (=least significant difference, p≤0.05, after one way repeated measure GLM; dependent variable: sites; n=4); shaded cells denote significantly higher concentration in comparison to the fallow Table 29: Mean exchangeable cations, ECEC [cmolc kg-1] and pH of the soils of the study sites at five 110 different depths and three dates and the LSD between sites (see description of upper table); lightly shaded cells denote significantly higher and dark-shaded cells lower concentrations compared to the fallow Table 30: Exchangeable amounts of cations of the soils to 3 m depth under the study sites and under 111 different other site of the study region (range of n=8; Fölster unpublished data); 0-30 cm based on Embrapa-Belém measurements, 30-300 cm based on IBW-measurements; soil density in the field assumed to be 1.5 g cm-3 (0-10 cm: 1.0 g cm-3); ECEC not including Na, except for "study region"; italic values based on Embrapa determinations Table 31: Mean aboveground biomass of the initial (before cropping) fallow vegetation on the cultiva- 113 tion sites distinguished into leaves, wood and litter compartment (litter also comprising dead branches; n=10, including results of Schmitt, 1997) Table 32: Mean nutrient concentration of the compartments of the fallow vegetation on site 1 and 2 be- 114 fore cropping (n=3) Table 33: Mean nutrient stocks bound in the biomass of the initial fallow vegetation on the cultivation 114 sites and its percentage distribution in wood (wo.), leaves (le.) and litter (lit.) Table 34: Mean postburn residues distinguished into charcoal (+ incompletely burned remains, >2 mm) 115 and ash of the fallow vegetation on site 1 and 2; n=24 minus those rejected, when exceeding the 4-sigma-range; for median n=24 Table 35: Mean nutrient concentration of postburn residues distinguished into charcoal (+ incompletely 116 burned remains >2 mm) and ash (n=3) Table 36: Mean nutrient stocks remaining in the postburn residues on site 1 and 2 117 Table 37: Mean percentages of aboveground dry matter and nutrient loss due to volatilization 117 Table 38: Nutrient stocks withdrawn by harvest goods and its mean percentage extraction by each crop 119 Table 39: Dry matter and nutrient stocks as well as nutrient concentrations of green matter (leaves), 120 woody compartments and litter (including dead branches) of fallow vegetation of different age in the study region; sulfur was not determined (n.d.) in the cited studies Table 40: Nutrient losses through leaching considering different soil depths under the burned and 133 mulched plots of site 1 and 2; negative values denote losses (1997: site 1 n=2, site 2 n=6; 1998: n=1; values of single sample of 1998 also shown separately in 1997) Table 41: Reduction of elements during percolation from 0.9 m to 3 m soil depth under the burned and 134 IV mulched plots of site 1 and 2, respectively of the year 1997 and 1998; negative values indicate an increase (=release of this elements out of the considered profile) Table 42: Exchangeable amounts of cations of the soil profile of 0.9 m to 3 m soil depths under the 136 study sites and under different other sites (range of n=8) and their percentages saturation (compare Table 30), as well as anion exchange capacity (AEC); n.d. = not determined; ECECcalculation based on results of NH4Cl-extraction and a soil density of 1.5 g cm-3; AEC calculated based on determination (2 mM CaCl2-percolation) of Anurugsa (1998) on soil samples out of 30-50 cm depth and different pH ranging from 6.5 to 3.1 Table 43: Nutrient balance of site 1 and 2, burned and mulched land preparation, considering the com- 143 plete cropping cycle (3.5 and 7 years of fallow, respectively and 2 years of cultivation); deposition according to Hölscher (1995), BNF according to Thielen-Klinge (1997); leaching based on measurements at 3 m depths, amounts in the second year of site 2 were assumed to describe also those of site 1 Table 44: Amounts of potassium present on site 1 and 2 in different compartments, their percentages 147 of the total and withdrawal through slash-and-burn agriculture; root-K: assuming a root biomass of 25 t ha-1 (Sommer et al., 2000) with a K concentration of 3.5 mg g-1 (≅ concentration of wooden above-ground biomass) Table 45: Median, minimum and maximum nutrient concentrations, pH and EC of the well water of 26th 150 of November 1997 and 23rd of April 1998 and the percentage increase within these dates as well as the nutrient concentration in the soil solution of 6 m depth under the fallow at the 4th of March 1998; n=8, the well water of Sr. Fransisco was not considered due to extremely biasing concentrations (contamination) V Index of Figures Page Figure 1: a) Street map of Northeast Pará State; b) Topographic map of the study region; left and bottom border: UTM-coordinates; top and right border: degree of longitude and latitude 13 Figure 2: Mean monthly precipitation and temperature (diagram according to Walter) of Castanhal and Igarapé-Açu; observation period: Castanhal: 1973-1987 (Embrapa-Cpatu, 1987), IgarapéAçu: 1994-1998 ("Estação Marcelino", Embrapa, unpublished) 14 Figure 3: Land cover of the municipality of Igarapé-Açu in 1995 (IBGE, 1997a, considering a sub-area of totally 46655 ha) 17 Figure 4: Aerial-photo of the fallow site and site 1 (subdivided into slash-and-burn-plot [left] and slashand-mulch plot [right]); photo taken in September 1998 by K. Vielhauer 20 Figure 5: Daily gross precipitation of the study area in 1997 and 1998 50 Figure 6: Relative mean throughfall under the fallow vegetation during the study period of two years (Sá, unpublished data; dotted black line: linear regression; dotted gray lines: linear regression of 95%-confidence intervals of throughfall, see Table 7) 51 Figure 7: Mean %-throughfall (in relation to gross precipitation) under maize at four different distances towards plants, mean values of all distances, fitted progress and %-stemflow; bars denote the standard error, SE (to avoid clutter in the figure only SE of mean throughfall is shown) 52 Figure 8: Plant height of maize and related %-stemflow (bold point = determined stemflow) 53 Figure 9: Mean %-throughfall (in relation to gross precipitation) under cowpea; bars denote the SE 53 Figure 10: Mean %-throughfall (in relation to gross precipitation) under cassava at two different distances towards plants, mean values of both distances (all) and fitted progress; bars denote the SE 54 Figure 11: Calculated percentage net precipitation of the fallow site on basis of the linear regression of throughfall measurements and a canopy storage capacity of 1 mm (hourly data from 15th of April 1997 to 30th of March 1998, others: daily data) 56 Figure 12: Calculated percentage net precipitation of the cultivation sites on basis of the sum of throughfall and stemflow and a canopy storage capacity of 1 mm for all storm events 57 Figure 13: Median diurnal dynamic (hourly data) of the canopy resistance during the distinguished seasons 67 Figure 14: Comparison of actual evapotranspiration (Bowen ratio) and potential ET according to Penman-FAO as well as stand evapotranspiration according to Penman-Monteith (hourly data; n=2963; SEy = standard error of estimate; SEa = standard error of slope) 70 Figure 15: Crop coefficients (kc) for maize, cowpea, cassava and the regrowing fallow vegetation 75 Figure 16: Cumulative evapotranspiration of the fallow vegetation over the observation period of two year according to the Bowen ratio energy balance (actual ET), the Penman-FAO method (potential ET, kc=1) and, then considering the cultivation sites, including crop coefficients for maize, beans, cassava and regrowing fallow vegetation (potential crop ET, assuming well watered crops) 76 Figure 17: Estimated initial pressure head distribution for the modeling procedure of 1996 and resulting distributions of pressure head within the soil profile at the end of year 1996 for the fallow and for the cultivation sites 78 Figure 18: Soil-water retention curves of the three experimental sites 83 Figure 19: Hydraulic conductivity in relation to the pressure head of the three experimental sites; for 105-1000 cm (right side) additionally the 'scaled range' of K(h) is given (through lowest and highest values of αK from Table 19) 84 Figure 20: Root water uptake function of the four different vegetation types (marked are the h50-point of each curve) 85 Figure 21: Root mass density under the fallow vegetation according to earlier studies (='Traditional land use', i.e. weighted mean of n=60, bares denote the SE; Sommer, 1996) and after adjustment VI 87 in the modeling procedure, as well as the cumulative percentage distribution of root biomass (secondary x-axis at the bottom). Figure 22: Measured and modeled pressure head dynamic at 30 cm depth on site 1 over the two-year observation period 88 Figure 23: Measured pressure head dynamics and the modeled pressure head dynamics at 120 cm and 300 cm soil depth on site 1 over two years of cropping 89 Figure 24: Measured and modeled water content of the soil profile of the fallow site at the 6th of November and at the 10th of December 1997 (bars denote SE; n=2) 91 Figure 25: Modeled soil water content and soil water fluxes over the 10 m profile under the fallow vegetation at three different times reflecting maximum soil water storage (9/4/1997), beginning dry season (22/8/1997) and minimum soil water storage (8/1/1998); negative values designate downward oriented fluxes 94 Figure 26: Soil water storage dynamics under the fallow vegetation in 1997 and 1998 separated into 0-6 m depth and 6-10 m depth 95 Figure 27: Cumulative water fluxes under the fallow vegetation at different soil depths over the observation period of two years; marked data points designate the 22nd of August 1997 and the 8th of January 1998 96 Figure 28: Drainage rates at different soil depths under site 1 during 1997 and 1998 101 Figure 29: Soil water storage dynamic under the two cultivation sites in comparison to that of the fallow 103 vegetation in 1997 and 1998. Figure 30: Comparing determinations of the organic carbon content and the plant-available phosphate 106 carried out in the Embrapa-Belém soil laboratory and in the IAT-Göttingen laboratory Figure 31: (Mean) exchangeable K and Ca of the soil to 3 m depth of the study sites in 1998 according 108 to determinations of Embrapa-Belém (0-100 cm, n=4) and IBW (30-300 cm, n=1) Figure 32: (Mean) ECEC of the soil to 3 m depth of the study sites in 1998 109 Figure 33: Maize, cowpea and cassava yields on site 1 and 2 on the slash-and-bun and slash-and- 118 mulch plots (13 % moisture for grains, but oven-dry for cassava) Figure 34: Annual or two-year dynamics of the pH of the soil water samples taken at different soil 123 depths under the burned and mulched plots of site 1 and 2, respectively, and at 6 m under the fallow vegetation; bars denote the standard error (1997: site 1 n=2, site 2 n=6; 1998: n=1) Figure 35: Annual or two-year dynamics of potassium concentrations in the soil water samples taken at 124 different soil depths under the burned and mulched plots of site 1 and 2, respectively, and at 6 m under the fallow vegetation; bars denote the standard error (1997: site 1 n=2, site 2 n=6; 1998: n=1) Figure 36: Annual or two-year dynamics of calcium concentrations in the soil water samples taken at 125 different soil depths under the burned and mulched plots of site 1 and 2, respectively, and at 6 m under the fallow vegetation, bars denote the standard error (1997: site 1 n=2, site 2 n=6; 1998: n=1) Figure 37: Annual or two-year dynamics of magnesium concentrations in the soil water samples taken 126 at different soil depths under the burned and mulched plots of site 1 and 2, respectively, and at 6 m under the fallow vegetation, bars denote the standard error (1997: site 1 n=2, site 2 n=6; 1998: n=1) Figure 38: Annual or two-year dynamics of nitrate concentrations in the soil water samples taken at dif- 127 ferent soil depths under the burned and mulched plots of site 1 and 2, respectively, and at 6 m under the fallow vegetation; bars denote the standard error (1997: site 1 n=2, site 2 n=6; 1998: n=1) Figure 39: Annual or two-year dynamics of chloride concentrations in the soil water samples taken at 128 different soil depths under the burned and mulched plots of site 1 and 2, respectively, and at 6 m under the fallow vegetation; bars denote the standard error (1997: site 1 n=2, site 2 n=6; 1998: n=1) VII Figure 40: Annual or two-year dynamics of sulfate concentrations in the soil water samples taken at dif- 129 ferent soil depths under the burned and mulched plots of site 1 and 2, respectively, and at 6 m under the fallow vegetation, bars denote the standard error (1997: site 1 n=2, site 2 n=6; 1998: n=1) Figure 41: Annual or two-year dynamics of phosphate concentrations in the soil water samples taken at 130 different soil depths under the burned and mulched plots of site 1 and 2, respectively, and at 6 m under the fallow vegetation; bars denote the standard error (1997: site 1 n=2, site 2 n=6; 1998: n=1) Figure 42: pH dependence of Al in the soil solution; data with concentration > 0 are shown, dotted line 131 indicates AES-measuring limit (0.04 mg l-1) Figure 43: pH dependence of the electrical balance 131 Figure 44: Magnitude of annual retention (0.9 – 3 m soil depth) of cations and anions in relation to 136 their mean annual concentration at 0.9 m soil depth; relation comprises the pooled data of site 1 and 2, both treatments and both years; filled in circles: Na data of 1998 Figure 45: Mean annual nutrient balance on both sites and both land preparations 144 Figure 46: Changes of well water levels from September 1997 to August 1998 and corresponding soil 148 water store change in 6-10 m depth (right axis) as modeled for the fallow site (compare Figure 26 chapter 5.1.3); shown are the relative changes in relation to mean annual well water levels/soil water store (= depths in parentheses) VIII Index of Tables in the Appendix Page Table A-1: Textural distribution of the three study sites (n=1) 202 Table A-2: Percentage cover of species on the fallow site and steadiness (all plants included with height 210 > 50 cm; plot size: 2 m2) Table A-3: Times and amounts of upward orientated fluxes under the three experimental sites 214 Table A-4: Mean ratios of Ca to each of the considered elements of the distinguished pre- and postburn 215 compartments Table A-5: Nutrient concentration of harvested crops of site 1 and 2 of both treatments 216 Table A-6: Mean, minimum and maximum concentration of iron, manganese, aluminum, ammonium 219 and organic N and the conductivity and electrical balance in the soil water solution distinguished according to site, treatment and depth Table A-7: Correlation coefficients (Pearson) of concentration of solute elements in the soil water under 220 the two cultivation sites distinguished according to burned (upper right triangle) and mulched (lower left triangle) land preparation; also given: significance (second line) and n (third line); bold number ≅ most pronounced Table A-8: Amounts of nutrients present on site 1 and 2 in different compartments, their percentages of 224 the total and amounts withdrawn under slash-and-burn; assuming a root biomass of 25 t ha-1 with nutrient concentrations ≅ those of wooden above-ground biomass IX Index of Figures in the Appendix Page Figure A-1: Histogram of precipitation intensity divided up into 0.5mm-classes, considering 15minutely 203 and hourly data and their total share (considering only P>0) Figure A-2: Daily probability of precipitation (including also rainless times, n=54261, 15minutely rec- 203 ords) Figure A-3: Histogram of throughfall as percentage share on gross precipitation of the fallow site 204 Figure A-4: Daily median wind speed (based on hourly data) over the fallow vegetation of the three dis- 205 tinguished seasons (dotted gray lines are lower and upper quartile) Figure A-5: Dynamic of daily actual (Bowen ratio) and potential (Penman-FAO) evapotranspiration of 206 the fallow vegetation and their relation kc within the measuring period Figure A-6: Energy balance (based on mean hourly data) of the fallow vegetation of the three distin- 207 guished seasons Figure A-7: Diurnal Bowen ratio dynamic (based on median hourly data) of the fallow vegetation of the 208 three distinguished seasons (dotted gray lines are the lower and upper quartile) Figure A-8: Median diurnal canopy resistance dynamic (hourly data; bold line) of the fallow vegetation 209 of the three distinguished seasons; dotted gray lines are the lower and upper quartiles; thin lines are calculated rc based on the regression equation (extrapolation is dotted) Figure A-9: Measured and modeled pressure head dynamics at 30 cm and 120 cm depth in the ob- 211 servation period of 1997 and 1998 on the fallow site Figure A-10: Measured and modeled pressure head dynamics at 300 cm, 600 cm and 735 cm depth 212 Figure A-11: Gravimetrically determined soil water content in relation to corresponding pressure head 213 at different soil depths; values with pressure heads > 200 cm are reflecting the desiccated profile under the fallow vegetation (6th Nov. and 10th of Dec. '97), remaining values are those of the cultivation sites (11th of May and 17th of June 1998) Figure A-12: Annual or two-year dynamics of sodium concentrations in the soil water samples taken at 217 different soil depths under the burned and mulched plots of cultivation site 1 and 2, respectively, and at 3 m under the fallow vegetation; bars denote the standard error (1997: site 1 n=2, site 2 n=6; 1998: n=1) Figure A-13: Annual or two-year dynamics of aluminum concentrations in the soil water samples taken 218 at different soil depths under the burned and mulched plots of cultivation site 1 and 2, respectively, and at 3 m under the fallow vegetation; bars denote the standard error (1997: site 1 n=2, site 2 n=6; 1998: n=1) Figure A-14: Accumulative nitrate and phosphate fluxes on site 1 and site 2 on the burned and mulched 221 plots at 0.9, 1.8 and 3 m depth Figure A-15: Accumulative potassium and calcium fluxes on site 1 and site 2 on the burned and 222 mulched plots at 0.9, 1.8 and 3 m depth Figure A-16: Accumulative magnesium and sulfate fluxes on site 1 and site 2 on the burned and 223 mulched plots at 0.9, 1.8 and 3 m depth X 1 Introduction 1 Introduction The fate of tropical rainforest-ecosystems is a crucial issue in environmental policies. Since the 1992-UNCED Conference held in Rio de Janeiro, their protection has been accepted worldwide as an international task. Moreover, the Rio-Conference strengthened the consciousness of a sustainable use of the earth's resources linking environmental protection with the demands of economic development. Nevertheless, tropical rainforests disappearance is undiminished. Main reasons for their destruction are the conversion into agricultural land due to expansion of pastures and permanent cropland, as well as increasing shifting cultivation. But, also logging for timber production and clearance for mining or exploration of oil are responsible. The importance of shifting cultivation is obvious: about 500 million people worldwide, out of a total agricultural population of 1.2 billion, rely on shifting cultivation (Lanly, 1985). About 60 to 80 million of these shifting cultivators are located in Latin America occupying an area of about 1.8 million km2, which is yearly increasing by about 18 000 km2 (Houghton et al., 1991). In the Amazon region most agriculture is based on shifting cultivation as well, which is a primary source of subsistence in smallholder agriculture. Conversion of primary forest is on one hand caused by a growing population at the forest margins, on the other hand by migration of landless people into the heart of the Amazon region. In more densely populated regions with limited land resources, such as the eastern part of the Amazon region, the feasibility of shifting cultivation is threatened by intensified land use and shortened fallow periods, which cause a declining productivity of the lowfertile soils. The Bragantina region is located in this region and, therefore, was considered the appropriate location to study aspects of sustainability of intensified shifting cultivation. Based on a nutrient balance, Hölscher et al. (1996) assumed that in this region crop production under shifting cultivation is actually achieved by soil mining. Burning the fallow vegetation for land preparation has been proved to be responsible for the major nutrient losses in the cropping cycle, which were not balanced by supplementary inputs. Substituting burning by mulching, therefore, was seen as a promising alternative to overcome deterioration of soil fertility. 1 1 Introduction The main objective of the SHIFT1-Capoeira project, in which the present study was embedded, is the optimization of the traditional slash-and-burn agriculture. Promotion of mulching instead of burning is a major target. Consequently, the influence of mulching on crop production, performance of fallow regrowth and soil chemical and physical properties is studied. The effect of mulching on crop production focusing on the phosphate and nitrogen dynamics was explored by Kato et al. (1999). A complete nutrient balance of the favored slash-and-mulch system is, however, still missing. In comparison to slash-and-burn, the main pathways of nutrient fluxes are modified. Instead of burning the biomass and thus volatilizing most of the bound C, N, P, K, Mg, and S, the biomass is chopped and spread over the soil surface. Subsequent decomposition might promote a release of these elements into the soil solution. It was unknown whether a large amount of mulched biomass would lead to comparably higher loss of nutrients by leaching and counterbalance the benefit of avoiding volatilization of nutrients by burning, threatening the sustainability of modified shifting cultivation. Therefore, a water balance was established for fields under slash-and-mulch and slashand-burn cultivation. In combination with measurements of solute element concentrations in the soil solution, the nutrient losses due to leaching were quantified. The water balance was calculated using a soil water model, which was calibrated and validated with in situ measurements. The studies were extended to the deeper soil profile, since deep roots were found to reach at least 6 m soil depth (Sommer et. al., 2000). Furthermore, the contribution of deep-soil water to the water balance of a primary forest close to the study region was shown by Klinge (1997) applying a soil water model. Also, Hölscher (1995), based on a micro-meteorological study on fallow vegetation in the Bragantina region, suggested that a deep-soil water contribution was made to transpiration during the dry season. To verify Hölscher's water balance, the depletion of deep-soil water under fallow vegetation was measured directly in this study. If the deep-rooted fallow vegetation is able to deplete deep-soil water, a capacity for nutrient uptake out of these soil layers is also likely. This would substantially alter the nutri- 1 SHIFT (Studies on Human Impact on Forest and Floodplains in the Tropics) is a bilateral German-Brazilian Cooperation comprising different projects realized in Brazil. The research activities of the Shift-Capoeira project are carried out in the Bragantina region (Capoeira is the local name of the fallow vegetation). 2 1 Introduction ent balance of this agro-ecosystem. Thus, the objectives of this study are to: Establish a nutrient balance for the slash-and-mulch system in comparison to traditional slash-and-burn with special consideration of the influence of deep soil layers on the transport processes of solute nutrients Establish a water balance for the fallow vegetation focusing on soil water depletion in the dry season 3 2 Literature review 2 Literature review The Brazilian Amazonian region contains the world’s largest untouched rainforest nowadays covering about 4 million km2. But also its actual deforestation rate is the highest in the world. From 1978 to 1988, forest was cleared at a rate of 15 000 to 22 000 km2 per year, slightly declining to about 11 000 km2 a-1 due to economic recession in the beginning 1990th (Skole & Tucker, 1993; Fearnside, 1993), then increasing again to 18 000 to 20 000 km2 a-1 during 1993 to 1996. In late 1990th annual Brazilian Amazonian deforestation was estimated to lie between 10 000 and 16 000 km2 a-1 (INPE, 1997). However, Nepstad et al. (1999) assumed that these assertions based on satellite images account only for half of the actually impoverished area. In their opinion, satellite images do only track areas with "fresh" disturbance, but not those, where logging took place 1 to 5 years ago. Yet, these disturbed areas might be vulnerable to further destruction e.g. by fireevents in the dry season. Reasons for deforestation are: a) conversion into agricultural land (pastures and permanent cropland) b) increasing shifting cultivation c) logging for timber production and d) clearance for mining or exploration of oil (Repetto, 1990; Alexandratos, 1995). The ecological impact of these activities varies greatly, as is the case for the underlying causes (Contreras-Hermosilla, 2000). Which of the agricultural activities has the greatest share on actual deforestation, has often been subject of emotional discussions. Fearnside (1993) estimated that about 70 % could be attributed to pastures established by medium to large ranchers, and the remaining 30 % to shifting cultivation. It is mostly smallholders (properties <100 ha) who practice shifting cultivation. The traditional shifting cultivation cycle starts with slashing and burning a forest or fallow vegetation. Subsequently, for a period of one to two years a sequence of maize (Zea mays), rice (Oryza sativa), beans (Vigna unguiculata) and cassava (Manihot esculenta) are grown. After that time the cropping site is abandoned, which allows the regrowth of fallow vegetation. Reestablishment of the fallow vegetation occurs mostly vegetatively by root suckers and aboveground sprouts (Uhl & Jordan, 1984; Clausing, 1994; Kammesheidt, 1999). After abandonment the smallholder shifts to another area of his property to start a new cultivation. Considering the whole Amazon region, the fallow period varies between about 3 years up to several decades, depending on a variety of factors such as performance of regrowth (linked to the basic soil fertility status), available labor force, remoteness of the area and pressure on land use. The latter is high in regions with growing rural population and lim4 2 Literature review ited land-resources and/or lacking property rights or equitable land-distribution, though it is eventually attenuated by migration from the country to the towns. Lack of employment outside agriculture additionally contributes to the pressure (Ehui et al., 1990). Consequently, pressure on land use leads to a reduction of the fallow period to enable the cultivation of a higher percentage of land at the same time. Nowadays, three to eight years of fallow are quite common in the affected regions2. The feasibility of sustainable shifting cultivation including slash-and-burn landpreparation has been subject of debate since the last four decades. Beginning in the late 1950th, the dynamic of soil fertility under slash-and-burn land use was investigated by Nye and Greenland (1960) in Ghana, followed by a number of further studies (Ewel et al., 1981; Sanchez et al., 1983; Andriesse & Schelhaas, 1987; Jordan, 1989; van Reuler & Janssen, 1993a; Kleinman et al., 1995). Their results can be generalized as follows: Slashing and burning of a fallow vegetation temporarily enriches the soil with major nutrients. But, burning releases also considerable amounts of nutrients into the atmosphere. Nutrient losses furthermore occur during the cropping phase by plant uptake and harvest, as well as by erosion and leaching. The proportions of nutrient exported by these different pathways vary among the studies. A release of nutrients out of decomposing soil organic matter still contribute to soil fertility, when nutrients provided by the ash have already been depleted. When that source of plant-available nutrients is also exhausted, soil fertility drops below the level considered necessary by the farmer for further profitable cropping. Additionally, a prolonged cropping period might be little lucrative due to increasing weed invasion and risk of pests (Van Reuler & Jansen, 1993b). Finally, the cropping site is abandoned, the regrowing fallow vegetation can accumulate nutrients and soil fertility is successively restored. There is a growing public concern about the environmental damage caused by slash-andburn. However, several authors recently pointed out that slash-and-burn could also be part of a highly sophisticated form of agroforestry, when integrated in traditional shifting cultivation (Pye-Smith, 1997; Helmuth, 1999). In shifting cultivation the slashed and burned (fallow) vegetation can provide nutrients for crop production on basically nutrientpoor soils. The necessary soil fertility can be achieved without external input of fertilizer – essential in subsistence agriculture. With fallow periods long enough to balance nutrient 2 Beckerman (1987) gives a general overview of shifting cultivation in the Amazon region highlighting socio- economic aspects. 5 2 Literature review exports through inputs by atmospheric deposition, such systems are ecologically stable (Fölster, 1994). Besides the capacity to restore soil fertility, the fallow period is also acting as weed-break, where the regrowing secondary trees successfully shade-out and suppress herbaceous weeds (Rouw, 1995). Long fallow periods also control crop-pests and diseases. Indeed, indigenous peoples did use slash-and-burn agriculture in a sustainable way for centuries (Gross et al., 1979; Hecht, 1989), and this is theoretically possible even today by maintaining an extensive fallow length (Kleinman et al., 1996). But, such a cropping system is land-demanding and, thus, in recent years has become non-sustainable in locations with pressure on land use. In such situations, crop production is achieved by mining soil nutrient resources, which was shown by Brand and Pfund (1998) for a rice-fallowsystem in Madagascar or by Lumbanraja et al. (1998) after intensification of land use in Sumatra. Consequently, the short to medium-term stability of the slash-and-burn system is more a function of the total nutrient stock of the entire ecosystem than of the net losses of the soil after slash-and-burn (Juo & Manu, 1996). In the long run, not only crop production is endangered, but also the capacity for regeneration of the secondary vegetation might be lost (Uhl et al., 1989), promoting the formation of unproductive grasslands. This is a major concern in the Bragantina region, as its soils have a low-fertility and have been in slash-and-burn agriculture for over 100 years. However, soil mining might not be instantly detectable in declining crop yields or worsened performance of fallow regrowth. Soil fertility analyses, carried out in the northeastern Pará 30 years ago (Falesi, 1972), do not clearly differ from results of recent analyses (Denich, 1989; Diekmann, 1997; Kato, 1998b). Information about soil chemical and physical properties prevailing 100 years ago is not available. Thus, assessing soil fertility changes by crop yields might be a more promising option. Alburquerque (1961), for instance, characterizing cropping and processing of cassava in the Bragantina region, considered a fresh yield of cassava tubers of 10 to 15 t ha-1 as a common, and 15 to 25 t ha-1 as a good yield for the region. In 1991, an average cassava yield of 10 t ha-1 is given by the Geographical and Statistical Institute of Brazil (IBGE, 1997b), which is at the lower edge of what were regular yields formerly. On the other hand, maize grain yields seem to have been stable, to date ranging from 0.7 to 0.8 t ha-1 (IBGE, 1994b). Around 30 years ago Pereira (1971) found yields to vary from 0.3 to 0.7 t ha-1. He also studied the lower Amazon region, along the Xingu River, where he recorded regular grain yields of maize of up to 2 t ha-1. These comparatively high yields, in his opinion, were related to the less exploited soils (Latossolos amarelos) in this region. Maize grain yields in the Xingu region were recently (re-) evaluated by Silva6 2 Literature review Forsberg and Fearnside (1997). They reported yields ranging from 1.67 to 3.24 t ha-1. Additionally, they detected a positive relationship between yield and preceding fallow length. Thus, maize grain yield in the Bragantina region in the late 1960th may have already dropped noticeably due to low soil fertility and do not seem to have increased in the following years despite improvement of cultivars. Deterioration of soil fertility occurs quite unnoticeably, as apparently weathering primary minerals to a certain degree still replenish the plant-available nutrient stocks. The calculation of net-exports by nutrient balancing showed that a fallow length of at least a century is necessary to naturally restore original soil nutrient levels after burning (Kauffman et al. 1993; Hölscher et al., 1996). This indicates that a traditional shifting cultivation can only be sustainable in a rather "conservative" system, where burning losses are small and harvest products are not irreversibly exported. However, such systems, especially those comprising a fallow length of several decades, are nowadays rarely found. Therefore, the adoption of sustainable management technologies is highly advisable (Sanchez, 1993). Kauffman et al. (1993) and Mackensen et al. (1996) as well as Araújo et al. (1999; focusing on C emission) also proved that burning is responsible for major losses occurring in shifting cultivation. More than 95 % of C and N of the preburn vegetation-biomass was lost by volatilization, but also between 30 % and 60 % of the less volatile elements K, Ca, Mg and P where lost by the burning. The magnitudes generally increased with increasing intensity and temperature of the fire (Feller, 1988). Thus, avoiding burning as a tool of land-preparation by the establishment of a slash-and-mulch system is seen as a promising alternative to overcome deterioration of soil fertility (Greenland & Okigbo, 1983; Schöningh, 1985; Denich, 1989; Thurston, 1997). Due to the large amounts of woody biomass, manual mulch preparation would be impossible. Therefore, a mobile tractor-force driven bush chopper was developed, that cuts and chips the woody vegetation, which is subsequently spread over the field (Denich & Lücke, 1998; Denich et al., 1998). At present, improvement of this chopper is pursued under conditions of practical operation. Mulching, however, requires moderate fertilization, to avoid unacceptable yield reduction (Kato et al., 1999). This might be related to the lacking ash, but more important is the immobilization of soil nutrients by microorganism. Smith and Sharpley (1990) carried out a mulching experiment with different crop residues applied on the surface or incorporated using an Oklahoma surface soil (Ultisol). The concentration of mineralized soil-N diminished considerably compared to a non-mulched control, the more so, the higher the 7 2 Literature review C/N ratio of the residue biomass. Increased Nmin-concentration resulted, when legumes (low C/N ratio) were mulched. Immobilization was enhanced when the residues were additionally incorporated, which improved the access of microorganisms and increased their demand for soil-derived N. Only after 56 days, net N-mineralization was evident. Also Kato et al. (1999) in studies carried out in the Bragantina region detected comparably lower Nmin-concentrations in the soil solution of 40 cm depth due to mulching. Only after about 1.5 years, Nmin-concentration of mulched plots exceeded those measured on burned plots. Leaching losses due to slash-and-burn agriculture were rarely, if ever, determined using a soil water model. Hölscher (1995) calculated leaching on basis of rainfall intensities assuming a direct relationship between both processes. Leaching losses of 13 kg N, 4 kg P, 15 kg K, 49 kg Ca and 11 kg Mg per hectare during a rotation-period of 9 years at a reference depth of 105 cm were negligible compared to the dominating losses by burning and harvest. This concurs with results of a study of Williams and Melack (1997), who measured leaching on a catchment scale in the central Amazon region of 9 kg N, 0.07 kg P, 5 kg K, 4 kg Ca and 1 kg Mg per hectare and year. Though, already with these leaching-inputs into the natural environment they predicted alteration towards eutrophic conditions in the long run. The present study compares the complete nutrient balance of slash-and-burn with slash-and-mulch quantifying leaching losses with a soil water model. Amazonian primary forests as well as the fallow vegetation have long been considered to have a shallow root system. This was based on observations of a predominantly shortcircuit nutrient turnover, where nutrients released from decomposing organic matter are immediately taken up by an intensive superficial root system. Nevertheless, deep roots were found in some of these ecosystems already in the 1960th by Förster (1970) and later by Longman and Jenik (1987) and Nepstad et al. (1991). Additionally, studies carried out by Poels (1987) in Suriname, by Nepstad et al. (1994) and Klinge (1997) in the Eastern Amazon as well as by Hodnett et al. (1996a) and Ashby (1999) in the central Amazon proved the importance of deep roots providing water for transpiration during the dry season. Depending on the region and year, between about 100 mm and 400 mm water per year were taken up from the soil layer below 1 m. Nepstad et al. (1994) suggested that an uptake of water took place from at least 8 m soil depth. Poels (1987) would not exclude an uptake of water by roots connecting to groundwater, which seasonally dropped below 10 m. 8 2 Literature review Bruijnzeel (1990) conducted a survey of climatological and hydrological studies on worldwide tropical (primary) lowland forests. Based on 22 different studies, he concluded that, on average, 1430 mm water per year is evapotranspired by these forests. The above-mentioned 100 mm to 400 mm of deep-soil water would thus equal 7 % to 28 % of annual evapotranspiration. Deep soil water might make up between 10 % and 40 % (the latter reported by Klinge, 1997) of the annual transpiration alone (obtained as the difference between ET and interception). However, such gross calculations can only give a rough estimate of hydrological or climatological processes and have to be interpreted with care. For instance, to obtain the average annual ET, Bruijnzeel (1990) had to exclude 11 of the 22 studies considered, as errors could not be ruled out e.g. caused by catchment leakage. Furthermore, the assumption of the existence of a deep root-system should not simply be extrapolated to all tropical low-land forest, but has to be verified for each individual case. Only some attempts were made to assess the capacity of nutrient uptake by deep-rooting fallow vegetation or trees: Van Noordwijk (1989) studied the rooting depth of fallow trees and alley-trees with respect to the nutrient efficiency in different agroforestry systems in Nigeria. He showed that Leucena leucocephala built a root system down to at least 4 m depth. Furthermore, he found several other indigenous species with deep roots and, consequently, he assumed that natural fallow vegetation is also deep-rooted. In agroforestry systems a deep-rooting tree component is always considered desirable, on the one hand to diminish competition with the more superficial root system of most crops, on the other hand to provide a safety net against nutrient leaching. In his leaching model Van Noordwijk (1989) assumed that a fallow vegetation is capable to take up all solute nutrients within its maximum effective rooting depth. Leaching, according to his model, is only a question of solute-transport rate, differentiated by the apparent adsorption coefficients of each considered element or compound, and is not dependent on the "mesh-width" of the safety net provided by the roots. In contrast, Jordan (1989) considers nutrients in the soil solution at 12 cm depth as leaching losses, thus not considering a deep-rooted vegetation with the ability to recycle part of these nutrients. During three years of shifting cultivation on an Oxisol in the central Amazon more than 180 kg K ha-1 and 96 kg N ha-1 were leached below 12 cm depth. Shepherd et al. (1996), in return, assumed that N uptake from below 0.5 m soil depth contributes 50 % of total plant N uptake of deep-rooted shrubs and trees. The Nuptake was qualitatively evident, as nitrate stocks at 50 to 200 cm depth in comparison 9 2 Literature review to those under maize and a weed fallow were reduced (shown in a corresponding study of Hartemink et al., 1996). Both studies were carried out in Kenyan agroforestry systems with hedgerows and/or with improved fallow of Sesbania sesban. Additionally, Shepherd et al. (1996) cited a study dealing with the N-budget under coffee plantations using 15N- labeled nitrate fertilizer, which showed that none of the applied N was leached out of the upper 1.5 m soil, though 22 % of the fertilizer-N had percolated to 0.6 m depth. Fertilizer disappearance in this case was assumed to be caused by retention through the positive charge of the soil. Besides those rather contradictory results, direct quantification of nutrient uptake by deep-roots has not been achieved in recently published studies. Quite promising seems the use of tracers to quantify nutrient uptake. This was done by Dambrine et al. (1997) using the isotopic ratio of strontium-87 to strontium-86 comparing the ratio of Spanish forest soils with that of plant and root material. This allowed the quantification of the Ca-uptake by eucalyptus and pine-trees out of deeper soil layers (below 30 cm), as Ca and Sr are similarly taken up by plants and a natural isotope gradient was present in the studied soils. Comparable tracer studies were not found in the literature for tropical ecosystems. Radiocarbon (14C) has been used to study solely the turnover of soil organic matter (Trumbore, 1993) and 15N to study the N2-fixation capacity by leguminous trees (Thielen-Klinge, 1997; Paparcikova in preparation). Besides water and nutrient supply out of deeper soil layers, the organic matter of the deeply penetrating root system also provides a permanent carbon input. This has been found important for potential deep-soil carbon sequestration (Nepstad et al., 1994; Lal & Kimble, 1997; Rosell & Galantini, 1997, Sommer et al., 2000). Still, the contribution of the fallow vegetation to the water and nutrient dynamics of shifting cultivation remains to be fully evaluated. The present study was confined to measure the deep-soil water uptake of the fallow vegetation as a precondition for a potential capacity of nutrient recycling. The deep-soil water uptake of a 2-year-old fallow vegetation was estimated by Hölscher (1995). According to his calculation 322 mm per year of annual ETa were extracted out of the soil layer below 1 m depth. But, this amount was only derived from the deficit of measured transpiration and precipitation during the dry season and not directly measured. To definitively prove deep soil water uptake and to quantify the contribution of the different soil layers, a soil water model is the only practicable assessment tool. Such a model had never been applied to secondary vegetation in studies cited in literature. 10 2 Literature review For the application of a water model simulating the soil water movement, the soil hydraulic properties have to be determined. These are the specific relationships between soil moisture, soil water pressure head and soil hydraulic conductivity. To assess these relationships, besides some laboratory methods (Stolte et al., 1994), in situ methods are quite common, though they are labor and equipment-intensive. Most widespread are the so-called '(unsteady) drainage flux approach' (Richards et al., 1956), the 'instantaneous profile method' (Rose et al., 1965) or the 'internal drainage method' (Hillel et al. 1972; Hillel, 1998). In a wider sense the three methods differ only in details, but basically, the above-named relationships are calculated on the basis of data regarding the redistribution-process of soil water after saturating the soil column. These data are time-series of soil moisture and pressure head at distinct depths of the profile. This methodology is the most disseminated tool for assessing soil hydraulic parameters and remained subject of improvement or modification up to recent years (Flühler et al., 1976; Libardi et al., 1980; Dane & Hruska, 1983; Green et al, 1986; Kool et al., 1987; Ahuja et al., 1990; Sisson & Van Genuchten, 1991). Furthermore, to describe the water movement in soils, the so-called 'boundary conditions' have to be set properly. These are on the one hand the net-precipitation input into the soil column and the water export via topsoil-evaporation (upper boundary). On the other hand, the water is considered, which leaves the soil column at the lower boundary or lateral, as is the case in a two or three-dimensional flow processes. Transpiration by the vegetation affects different layers of the soil column and is considered in the flow equation by a sink term. Thus, a soil water model approach under natural conditions always comprises measurement of micrometeorological parameters, which raises the need of the appropriate determination of evapotranspiration. To describe the potential evapotranspiration of a certain vegetation type, very often the Penman equation (Penman, 1948) is used. The original Penman equation has undergone considerable modification since it was first publicized in 1948. Several types and forms appeared (e.g. Penman, 1963; Wright & Jensen, 1972; Wright, 1982). Doorenbros and Pruitt (1977) formulated the FAO-version of the Penman equation and, including so-called crop coefficients, applied this equation to calculate crop water requirements. The actual evapotranspiration of a vegetation stand can be determined with the Bowen ratio – energy balance method (Bowen, 1926). This method, however, is equipmentintensive and requires highly accurate measurements of flux gradients of air temperature and vapor pressure. First measurements of that type for a fallow vegetation in the Eastern Amazon were done by Hölscher (1995). He estimated the annual ETa to 1364 mm. 11 2 Literature review Thus, evapotranspiration of a young fallow vegetation was already comparable to those of primary forests in the Amazon region (as given e.g. by Bruijnzeel, 1990; see above). A different approach to determine the actual (stand) evapotranspiration is the PenmanMonteith method. Monteith (1965) introduced the aerodynamic and the canopy resistance into Penman's original equation to take into consideration their differentiated influence on stand/vegetation's evapotranspiration. Depending on the quality of data on these resistances, the Penman-Monteith method might serve as a sophisticated tool to determine actual (stand) evapotranspiration. Its application would be preferable to the Bowen ratio energy balance, as measurements do not require flux gradient determination. Thus, high accuracy of temperature and vapor pressure determinations is not obligatory, though desirable. Valuable information on the canopy resistance is indirectly obtainable by determining stomata resistances. The canopy resistance – also called the bulk stomata resistance – is theoretically an integrated value of stomata resistances. Sá et al. (1995 and 1999) conducted a number of studies to assess the stomata resistances of the most-abundant species of fallow vegetation in the Eastern Amazon region. The stomata resistances of young fallow vegetation ranged annually between 70 and 140 m s-1. With age stomata resistances approached those typically found for primary forest species (200 to 300 m s-1; Sá et al., 1996). Results indicate general alterations in the eco-physiological strategy of growing fallow species. In the present study it was of methodological interest to correlate results on the stomata resistance of fallow vegetation with own results on the canopy resistance. In the future, therefore, available information on the stomata resistance might be used to apply the Penman-Monteith equation to determine the actual evapotranspiration of a growing fallow vegetation. Considering the required parameters, the application of a soil water model is a complex and ambitious exercise. Consequently, parameter setting and model adjustment take up considerable space in this Thesis. Nevertheless, the soil water model was considered the most appropriate tool to meet the objectives of this study. 12 3.1 Location 3 Study region 3.1 Location The study was conducted in the Bragantina region in the municipality of Igarapé-Açu (along the Travessa Cumaru, Figure 1). a) 47° 37’24’’ W b) 47° 35’15’’ W 76 01° 07’15’’ S 72 01° 09’24’’ S 98 98 Fallow site and cultivation site 1 01° 11’34’’ S 68 98 Cultivation site 2 2 08 4 km 2 12 Adapted from the topographical map MI-385 Castanhal; Minis tério do Exército, Dir etoria de Serviço Geográfico Figure 1: a) Street map of Northeast Pará State; b) Topographic map of the study region; left and bottom border: UTM-coordinates; top and right border: degree of longitude and latitude 13 3.2 Climate Igarapé-Açu comprises an area of 800 km2 (IBGE, 1994a). In 1996 the population was about 31 000 inhabitants, i.e. 39 per square kilometer, with about half (49 %) living in the rural area (IBGE, 1998). Igarapé-Açu, together with 13 municipalities forms the Bragantina (micro) region (11.609 km2). The Bragantina region comprises less then 1 % of the total area of Pará, but about 5 to 6 % of its total population. Together with 14 further micro-regions it builds the State of Pará (1 253 164 km2, i.e. 14.6 % of total Brazil). In 1991, 4.95 million inhabitants were living in Pará. At that time the population was increasing annually by 3.46 %, which is higher than the mean federal growing rate of 1.93 % (IBGE, 1991). Today, the population of Pará should have increased to more than 6.5 million inhabitants. 3.2 Climate The climate in the Bragantina region is humid with a dry season from September to December, a mean annual precipitation between 1700–2700 mm, and a mean annual temperature of 25 to 27 °C (Figure 2). Figure 2: Mean monthly precipitation and temperature (diagram according to Walter) of Castanhal and Igarapé-Açu; observation period: Castanhal: 1973-1987 (Embrapa-Cpatu, 1987), Igarapé-Açu: 1994-1998 ("Estação Marcelino", Embrapa, unpublished) According to the classification of Köppen (Koch, 1930), the region is characterized as Am-type, which is a tropical rainforest climate with a mean temperature of the coldest month above 18 °C. The dry season becomes more intensive and prolonged in Bragantinian Southeast, which becomes visible in Figure 2 comparing the annual precipitation of both locations. Thus, in the lower South, the climate changes to an Aw-type, which accounts for intensified arid months. The more humid region of the city of Belém and its direct vicinity is characterized as an Af-type not showing a distinct dry season. Walter (1990) classified the climate to be in transition of the zono-biome I (equatorial14 3.3 Soil humid daytime climate suitable for tropical evergreen forest) and the zono-biome II (humido-arid tropical summer-rain climate suitable for tropical deciduous forest). This climate according to his classification favors a semi-deciduous forest. The main wind direction in the region is northeast prevailing annually on 76 % of all days. On 16 % of the remaining days, wind comes exclusively from southeast (EMBRAPACPATU, 1977-1988). The sunshine duration ranges from 2000 to 2400 hours per year (Diniz et al., 1986). 3.3 Soil The Bragantina landscape has a flat to slightly undulating relief and is elevated 30 to 70 m above sea level. The recent soils in the Bragantina region are predominantly 'terra firme' (=upland) soils. The parent material was deposited during the Tertiary and Quaternary and originated form weathered granite, gneiss and sandstone of the Guyana and Brazilian shield (Sioli, 1968). These formations of continental origin are also known as the 'Pará formation' (Pleistocene) and the 'series of Barreiras' (Pliocene). Besides these, a third, older formation of maritime origin (Miocene) is the so-called Pirabas formation, which occurs in at least one third of the Bragantina region and is often, but not always, overlain by the Pará or Barreiras formation. A more detailed description of the geology of the study region is given by Denich (1989). Due to the chemical characteristics of the parent material and long-time leaching processes, the terra firme soils of the study region are highly and deeply weathered with generally low nutrient concentrations. According to the Brazilian soil system the prevailing soils in the Bragantina region are classified as (Viera et al., 1967): - Podzolicos Amarelos, corresponding to Ultisols - Latosolos Amarelos, corresponding to Ustoxs or Udoxs (Oxisols) - Areias Quartzosas, corresponding to Psamments (Entisols) Due to lessiviation, the Podzolicos typically show a distinct clay gradient ("A/B abrúptico"). This feature is missing in the Latossolos. It is an open question, whether soils with a moderate clay accumulation in the subsoil are Ultisols or Oxisols, especially as the lessiviation process is difficult to prove. Latest studies of Rego et al. (1993) identified the predominating soils in the study region to be Typic Kandiudults. 15 3.4 Vegetation The soils are characterized by low C and N contents, as well as by low plant-available P concentrations, a low cation exchange capacity (CEC) and high subsoil aluminum saturation. The texture is loamy sand in the topsoil and sandy clay loam in the deeper layers (Table 1). Table 1: Mean chemical properties, soil density and textural distribution for the soils of the study region (Fölster, unpublished; n=7; SE in parenthesis) Depth [cm] 2.5 pH (H2O) -1 C [g 100g ] -1 N [mg g ] P (Mehlich-I) [mg kg-1] -1 Ca [cmol+ kg ] -1 Mg [cmol+ kg ] K Na Al ECEC 70 5.0 (0.04) 0.35 (0.011) 0.36 (0.018) $ 5.4 – 5.8 1.30 (0.111) $ 0.7 – 1.2 -1 0.03 – 0.01 – 0 – 1.6 – -1 [cmol+ kg ] -1 [cmol+ kg ] -1 [cmol+ kg ] $ 0.08 $ 0.05 $ 0.6 $ 4.1 400 600 4.8 (0.1) 0.15 (0.007) 0.18 (0.004) 4.8 (0.1) 0.07 (0.004) ~ 0.1 5.2 (0.3) 0.04 (0.003) < 0.1 1.0 – 2.0 0.18 (0.036) 0.06 (0.012) <1 0.20 (0.039) 0.05 (0.008) <1 0.10 (0.010) 0.02 (0.003) <1 0.08 (0.014) 0.03 (0.008) 0.02 0.06 0.81 1.14 0.01 0.06 0.41 0.73 (0.001) 0.01 0.06 0.26 0.44 (0.0003) 0.01 0.06 0.13 0.26 (0.001) 1.65 65 10 25 (0.022) 1.73 68 8 24 (0.015) 1.80 72 8 22 (0.010) $ 2.5 – 5.0 $ 0.8 – 2.8 $ 0.4 – 1.6 [cmol+ kg ] 200 $ (0.003) (0.001) (0.087) (0.072) -3 Soil density [mg cm ] 1.21 (0.051) 1.56 (0.016) Sand [%] 80 (1) 65 (4) Silt [%] 10 (1) 8 (1) Clay [%] 11 (1) 27 (3) $ range, according to Thielen-Klinge (1997) (0.002) (0.078) (0.036) (3) (2) (3) (0.003) (0.018) (0.020) (3) (2) (3) (0.001) (0.028) (0.024) (2) (2) (2) Topsoil chemical properties are presented in detail in chapter 5.2.1. 3.4 Vegetation The natural vegetation of the Northeast of Pará state is an evergreen to semi-deciduous tropical rainforest. Nowadays, however, this primary forest is only present along rivers and in a few small areas, due to land clearance by human settlement. Based on Landsat satellite images of 1991, Watrin (1994) estimated the primary forest to cover around 5 % of the area of the municipality of Igarapé-Açu, while the estimate of Metzger, (1997), using satellite images of 1996, resulted in around 10 %. Differences are apparently related to the difficulty of clearly separating old secondary and primary forest. According to the agricultural census of IBGE (1997) carried out in 1995, 58 % of the area of Igarapé-Açu is covered with fallow vegetation or primary forest (Figure 3). Accounting for a primary forest share of 5 to 10 %, this is slightly less than 56 % estimated by Metzger (1997). However, the census included only 58 % of the total area of the municipality, while satellite images evaluated by Metzger (1997) comprised the total area of Igarapé16 3.4 Vegetation Açu. Fallow vegetation, 4-10 years old 36% Primary forest + fallow vegetation, >10 years old 15% Forest plantation 0.2% Fallow vegetation, < 4 years old 7% Natural pasture 4% Annual crops 7% Perennial crops 8% Planted pasture 17% Unused area 6% Figure 3: Land cover of the municipality of Igarapé-Açu in 1995 (IBGE, 1997a, considering a sub-area of totally 46655 ha) The IBGE survey (1997) distinguished 36 % (31 % according to Metzger, 1997) of the land to be under temporal or permanent land use, divided into annual (maize, rice, beans, cassava) and perennial crops (e.g. passion fruit, pepper, oil palm, citrus) as well as pastures and forest plantations (Eucalyptus, Acacia, Pinus; Figure 3). 3.5 Land use The Bragantina region was settled already at the mid to end of the 19th century mainly by European emigrants, but also by settlers from the northeastern Brazilian region (e.g. refugees of the disastrous drought period of 1877-79). At the beginning 20th century, additionally, Japanese farmers migrated into the Bragantina region. They were financially and technically supported by the Japanese government and industry (Kohlhepp, 1994). Agriculture thus has been practiced in some parts of the Bragantina region since more than 100 years. The Bragantina region is one of the most important agricultural zones in northeastern Pará. Denich (1996) estimated the agricultural production of the former "Zona Bragantina", which besides the micro-region Bragantina included outskirts of the urban center of Belém and parts of the Salgado micro-region (northwest of the Bragantina micro-region), thus, covering approximately 20 000 km2. According to his investigations, agriculture of 17 3.5 Land use the Zona Bragantina contributes 19 % of the value of the agricultural commodities comprising 44 % of the state's cassava production and 18 % of maize as well as cowpea production. Furthermore, about two third (68 %) of the passion fruit yield of Pará is produced in this region. Mostly, small farming predominates. About 24 % of the smallholder land (< 100 ha) of the state is concentrated in the Bragantina region. Smallholders also predominate in the municipality of Igarapé-Açu (Table 2). Table 2: Land holdings in Igarapé-Açu in 1995 according to the size of the property, and the magnitude of these areas (IBGE, 1997) Size of property <10 ha 10 to <20 ha 20 to <50 ha 50 to <100 ha 100 to <1000 ha ≥1000 ha Total Holdings n [%] 699 143 663 52 57 1 1615 43 9 41 3 4 0.06 Total area [ha] [%] 1755 2019 18667 3878 17837 2500 4 4 40 8 38 5 46655 In 1995 around 96 % of the properties in Igarapé-Açu were owned by smallholders comprising 56 % of the total area. In contrast to 1950, when the lower 50 % smallholders still owned 46 % of the total land, in 1995 they possessed only 6.9 %. This is apparently related to the hereditary land-division in combination with population growth, but also to the sale to larger landowners (Sousa Filho, personal communication). Thus, more people own less land, inevitably leading to pressure on land use. Smallholders predominantly practice shifting cultivation (as explained in the introduction). But, also intensified land use, e.g. the establishment of semi-permanent plantations of passion fruit or (less) pepper, is more and more carried out by smallholders. Pepper and oil palm plantation are mostly managed by larger landowners. Those might also be in the business of any other kind of (industrialized) production of cash crops (citrus, papaya) or of animal production (chicken farming or large-scale rancher). Creating pastures and keeping cattle has become an additional diversification strategy for smallholders. Consequently, cattle numbers owned by smallholders are increasing since the eighties (Billot, 1995; Siegumund-Schultze et al., 2000). 18 4.1.1 Description of experimental sites 4 Material and Methods 4.1 Site selection and site preparation 4.1.1 Description of experimental sites Three sites were selected for the experiment. The fields, in possession of small-farmers, were located in the municipality of Igarapé-Açu close to the village of Cumaru (6 km south-east of the town of Igarapé-Açu; see Figure 1b). According to the owners, they were in traditional shifting cultivation for at least the last 40 years, including slash-and-burn land preparation. At the beginning all three sites were fallow. On two fields a traditional cultivation cycle including cropping of maize (Zea mays), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and cassava (Manihot esculenta) was initiated. On the third site the fallow vegetation was left intact. This site served as the 'natural' control for the two cultivation sites. Of special interest was the water balance of the fallow vegetation. Cultivation sites The two cultivation sites were initially covered with fallow vegetation of different age: On site 1, the last cropping sequence including maize cowpea and cassava ended in May 1993, when cassava was harvested. Thus, at the end of November 1996 the regrowing fallow vegetation was 3.5 years old. The field comprised an area of 792 m2 (18 m x 44 m). On site 2, last cropping (rice, maize, cowpea, cassava) ended in November 1989 and thus the subsequent fallow vegetation was 7 years old, i.e. twice as old as that of site 1, when cultivation phase began3. The field comprised 1600 m2 (20 m x 80 m). Slash-and-burn and slash-and-mulch treatments were imposed on one half (plot) of each site. On the slash-and-burn plots, the fallow vegetation was slashed on the 25th and 26th of November and burned the 10th and 11th of December 1996. On the slash-and-mulch plots, the fallow vegetation was slashed and immediately chopped with a tractor-force driven modified maize-chopper from the 4th to 6th of December. Slashing and spreading the chopped vegetation equally over the plot was done by hand. 3 In the period of April 1992 to November 1993 this site was also subject of micro-meteorological studies of Hölscher (1995; site 1 and 2 in his study). 19 4.1.1 Description of experimental sites Fallow site The fallow site and cultivation site 1 originally were one field. While on site 1 in 1993 cropped cassava was already harvested in May, on the remaining area, i.e. the fallow site, cassava was grown until October of the same year. Thus, the duration of the fallow in November 1996 had just exceeded 3 years. On the SW-border the fallow site had a width of 150 m, on the NE-border the width was extending 110 m (Figure 4). 6 m pit Climate tower 150 m m 20 0 m Fallow site E 18 S 22 m W Cultivation site 1 110 m 3 m pits (No. 1 + 2) N Figure 4: Aerial-photo of the fallow site and site 1 (subdivided into slash-and-burn-plot [left] and slash-andmulch plot [right]); photo taken in September 1998 by K. Vielhauer The site length was 200 m, so that the total area of the fallow site (including site 1) comprised about 2.6 ha. Initially, the fallow site was totally surrounded with secondary vegetation of different age: In the SW with a fallow of about 2 years age, in the SE with a fallow 8-10 years old, in the NE with a 1-year-old fallow and in the NW with a secondary forest at least 25 years old. At the end of 1997, however, the 2-year-old fallow in SE direction was slashed and burned by the owner and then cropped with cassava in 1998. 20 4.1.2 Installations 4.1.2 Installations A 10m-mast for micro-meteorological measurements was installed on the fallow site at the end of February 1997. Distances towards borders of the fallow sites were chosen to meet (fetch-) requirements of micro-meteorological measurements. Thus, the minimum distance towards boundary was about 50 m (SW direction), while the upwind-distance towards the NE, that is the main wind direction (>75 % of all times), was about 150 m (see Figure 4). Continuous micro-meteorological measurements (every 3 seconds) were averaged and recorded automatically every 15 minutes with a solar energy supplied data logger system (Imko, Germany). To provide access to the soil profile of the experimental sites, soil pits (1.5 m x 2 m) were established. On the fallow site a 6m-deep pit was dug. On site 1, one 3m-pit in the middle of each plot (burned: No. 1; mulched: No. 2) and on site 2, three 3m-pits per plot (mulched: No. 3 – No. 5; burned: No. 6 – No. 8) were dug. On site 2 the pits were arranged in a diagonal order, with a maximum distance between each pit and the borders of the plots. To prevent soil evaporation the pit-walls were coated with a concretesolution, and the pits were roofed. Pit establishment on the cultivation sites was finished at the beginning of 1997, while the 6m-pit was completed at the end of March 1997. To assess the soil water balance under the experimental sites, the soil-water pressure head was measured. Therefore, tensiometers (Silvaq, Germany), 1 m or 1.4 m long, were installed horizontally, slightly inclined (10 %) in the front-wall of the pit with the ceramic top reaching 0.6, 0.9, 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 3 m soil depth, and in the 6m-pit also 4, 5 and 6 m depth (Table 3). Additional tensiometers were installed vertically at 0.3 m soil depth, and, at the end of October 1997, another tensiometer (inclined installation) was added to reach 7.35 m soil depth under the fallow site. Automatic readings could be made with one series of tensiometer of the fallow site (6 m-pit, 0.3 m to 7.35 m depth) and with one series of tensiometer of site 1 under the burned plot (3m-pit No. 1, 0.3 m to 3 m depth) from April 1997 until December 1998 in 15-minutes intervals. To this end, pressure head transducers (Silvaq, Germany4) were used, which were connected with the data logger. Also on site 2 automatic tensiometer measurements could be recorded occasionally under the mulched plot in pit No. 3 with an additional data logger system. Manual readings of soil-water pressure head of the remaining tensiometers were carried out with a handheld pressure-head transducer device (Imko, Germany). Beginning in May 1997 and 4 For more detailed description of the equipment see also Klinge (1997) 21 4.1.2 Installations ending in September 1998 those readings were done daily, except on Sundays. Table 3: Location of installation of tensiometer and suction cup lysimeter on the experimental sites and reading/collecting intervals of soil-water pressure head/soil-water solution Site/Instrument Depth [m] n Location, Pit No. Automatic Manual reading/ reading interval collecting interval 2 6m-pit 15 minutes weekly 2x2 6m-pit / biweekly 4 3m-pit, 1+2 15 minutes daily 3m-pit, 1+2 / biweekly occasionally daily Fallow site Tensiometer Suction cup 0.3, 0.6, 0.9, 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.35 0.9, 1.8, 3, 4.5, 6 § Site 1 Tensiometer Suction cup 0.3, 0.6, 0.9, 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 3 0.9, 1.8, 3 § 4x2 Site 2 Tensiometer Suction cup § 0.3, 0.6, 0.9, 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 3 0.9, 1.8, 3 6 § 12 x 2 3m-pit, 3+4 and 6+7 3m-pit, 3 to 8 biweekly each time two suction cups were discharging in one sampler To obtain samples of percolating soil water, two suction cup lysimeters (ceramic cup P80, Federal Porcelain Manufactory of Berlin, Germany) were installed horizontally at 0.9, 1.8 and 3 m depth on the cultivation sites and additionally at 4.5 and 6 m depth on the fallow site (Table 3) at both sidewalls of the pits. Soil water samples, extracted with a suction of –0.6 to -0.7 bars, were sampled biweekly from February 1997 to September 1998. 4.1.3 Cultivation Cultivation on the two sites started after site preparation with sowing of maize at the 21st and 22nd of January 1997 (Table 4). The locally common maize cultivar 'BR-106' was used, manually sown 0.5 m by 1 m with a hand-held device ('tico-tico'). Germinated plants were fertilized with 20 kg N ha-1 as urea, 26 kg P ha-1 as triple super-phosphate and 25 kg K ha-1 as potassium chloride, broadcasted by hand. Maize plants were thinned to leave only 2 plants per plant-hole three weeks after germination. Four weeks after germination maize received a second N application of 40 kg ha-1. 22 4.1.3 Cultivation Table 4: Sequence of cropping operations on site 1 and site 2 Date 25/11 – 26/11/96 4/12 – 6/12/96 10/12 – 11/12/96 21/1 – 22/1/97 30/1/97 18/2 – 19/2/97 26/2/97 5/3/97 8/5/97 22/5/97 28/5/97 11/6 – 12/6/97 25/6 – 26/6/97 26/06/97 5/8 – 6/8/97 26/8 – 28/8/97 16/12/97 16/3 – 18/3/98 25/6 – 26/6/98 Operations Slashing Slash-and-mulch Burning Sowing of maize (spacing: 0.5 m x 1 m) -1 Fertilization (20/60/30 N/P2O5/K2O kg ha ) st Thinning of maize plants and 1 weeding -1 N-Fertilization (40 kg N ha ) Application of Insecticide (Decis 25 CE, AgroEvo) nd 2 weeding and bending of maize-plants Sowing of Cowpea (spacing: 0.3 m x 0.5 m) Fertilization (10/50/50) Harvest of maize rd 3 weeding Planting of cassava (spacing: 1 m x 1 m) st 1 harvest of cowpea nd th 2 harvest of cowpea and 4 weeding th 5 weeding th 6 weeding Harvest of cassava The locally common cowpea cultivar 'BR 3–Tracuateua' was sown by hand 0.3 m by 0.5 m between the maize rows two weeks after maize was bent at half height to allow better drying of its ripe cobs (Table 4). Cowpea was fertilized with 10 kg N ha-1, 22 kg P ha-1 and 41 kg k ha-1 (same fertilizer type as above). The cassava cultivar 'Pretinha' was planted 1 m by 1 m between the cowpea rows 6 weeks after sowing of cowpea, using mature stem cuttings (15-20 cm long) planted horizontally at a depth of approximately 5 cm. Altogether 6 weedings per cultivation phase were carried out manually and additionally an application of an insecticide was necessary to combat a caterpillar (presumably Spodaptera frugiperda J.E. Smith, Noctuidae, Lepidoptera, as identified by Bünemann, 1998) harming the young maize leaves. Harvest of maize (cobs), cowpea (peas with pods) and cassava (tubers) was done manually. 23 4.2.1 Precipitation 4.2 Water balance 4.2.1 Precipitation As part of the water balance on the cultivation sites and on the fallow site, precipitation and its vegetation-stand related components, canopy interception, throughfall and stemflow were determined. Gross precipitation was measured above site 1 automatically every 15 minutes with a rain gauge (collecting area: 210.0 cm2, Hellmann-type) connected to the data logger recording the pressure head of the rainwater column building up in a connected tube. Measurement could be made from the 1st of April 1997 until beginning of December 1998. Temporarily, measurements of that type were also taken on site 2. Additionally, data of daily gross precipitation were available from a small weather station (50 m away from site 2) operated by the EMBRAPA-Belém meteorological department. For the soil water balance the share of precipitation entering the soil, the so-called net precipitation (Pn), had to be determined. According to the equation (1) Pn = P – I = PT + PS , I P PT PS = = = = canopy interception [mm] gross precipitation [mm] throughfall [mm] stemflow [mm] Pn can be directly measured as the sum of PT and PS. Rainfall interception is of interest as reference parameter, but cannot easily be assessed and thus is generated out of the directly measurable water budget components (P, PT, PS). The (accumulated amount of) throughfall of the fallow vegetation (fallow site) was measured biweekly during the study period of two years (Sá, unpublished data) based on the methodology of Lloyd and Marques (1988). Fifty gauges, which consisted of a funnel with a diameter of 10 cm connected to a two-liter bottle (total gauge height: 30 cm), were relocated randomly every month between 300 discrete positions beneath the fallow vegetation. The 300 positions were fixed within a rectangular 1m-grid along a 50 m long and 6 m wide transect. Throughfall data were expressed relative to the mean value of gross precipitation from four gauges placed in an open area on the side of the fallow site, with the funnel-height at 1 m above ground. Accumulated throughfall was measured weekly on site 2, and it was assumed that these data were also representative for site 1: Under maize throughfall was determined systematically as a function of the location be24 4.2.1 Precipitation tween the plants (spacing 0.5 m x 1 m). At four different places, ranging between minimum and maximum possible distance from a single plant, gauges (n=6) were randomly positioned. Distances were: 0 m (right beside a maize plant), 0.25 m (within a row), 0.5 m (between two rows) and 0.56 m (in the diagonal middle). The same methodology was applied for cassava with only two different distances (n=12 gauges), right beside a plant (0 m) and mid-diagonal (0.70 m), due to different plant spacing (1 m x 1 m). Again, throughfall data were set in relation to the mean value of gross precipitation of four gauges. All gauges were of that type used on the fallow site. Throughfall under cowpea was determined with nine gutters, 1.85 m long, 10%-inclined, with a vertically exposed area of 1137 cm2 and equally distributed over the cultivation site according to the methodology of DVWK (1986). Gutters instead of gauges were necessary as cowpea plants were too small to allow placement of 30cm-high gauges beneath them. Throughfall in this case was expressed relative to gross-precipitation provided by the EMBRAPA weather station. Over two periods of one week, stemflow was measured for mature plants of maize and cassava, respectively. Following the methodology of Von Hoyningen-Huene (1983), funnels (5 cm diameter; n=20) were cut out circularly on one side, wrapped around the (pseudo-) stem of maize and cassava, taped and connected to 0.4-liter bottles. Stemflow was expressed as the fraction of the gross-precipitation (EMBRAPA weather station). Stemflow was not determined on the fallow site and for cowpea. In both cases stemflow was assumed to be of minor importance in the water balance. Throughfall and stemflow of single storm events could not be measured due to the remoteness of the area and lacking automatic measuring-devices. However, this knowledge is necessary to feed a soil water model, which requires hourly (or daily) data of netprecipitation. These measurements would have been necessary to apply the Rutter model (Rutter et al., 1971 and 1975). This model, once calibrated with data about rainfall partitioning of single storm events and related evaporation of intercepted precipitation, predicts net precipitation out of continuous gross precipitation measurements. Therefore, to assess hourly (and daily) net precipitation, the following steps were made: The systematic decline of biweekly accumulated throughfall (as percentage gross precipitation) of the fallow site over time could be described with a linear regression. The obtained regression equation was also applied for intermediate times (single storm events). In the case of the cultivation sites the regression analysis failed to give reasonable estimates. Thus the average progress of throughfall (and stemflow, when available) was fitted (smoothed) individually for every crop excluding times with unreasonable high or low 25 4.2.1 Precipitation percentage throughfall. Additionally, the canopy storage capacity (S) was introduced. S is the maximum amount of water [mm] that can be stored on the vegetation's surface during a single storm. Subsequently, the canopy capacity is reduced continuously by evaporation. A canopy storage capacity derived from literature was combined with throughfall data (and stemflow, when available) in the following way: Net precipitation of single storms was set to equal the amount of percentage throughfall (+ stemflow; according to above mentioned fitted progress) as long as the difference between gross precipitation and throughfall did not exceed the canopy storage capacity. In case this difference reached S, gross precipitation was reduced by this amount only. Expressed in an equation: (2) Pn = PT , for PT > P – S (3) Pn = P – S , for PT ≤ P – S where PT may include PS, when available Gross precipitation data should not always be reduced by the (whole) canopy storage capacity. Moreover, measured throughfall amounts rather than a literature value of S should determine net precipitation in such cases, when gross precipitation reduced by S would lie below throughfall amounts. This was of special importance for developing crops. On the other hand, it obviously would not be feasible to diminish heavy storms to a fixed (bi-) weekly mean of percentage throughfall (+ stemflow), as in those cases a maximum storage capacity is soon exceeded and further precipitation is not intercepted any longer and fully enters as net-precipitation. It was assumed that intercepted water would need at least one hour to fully evaporate (corresponding with field observation). 4.2.2 Evapotranspiration Numerous methods exist to describe the evapotranspiration of agricultural crops or natural vegetation. Assessing evapotranspiration with regard to crop water requirements Doorenbros and Pruitt (1977) stated that: "Primarily the choice of method must be based on the type of climatic data available and on the accuracy required in determining water needs." (Doorenbros & Pruitt, 1977, page 1). In the present study micro-meteorological records and weather station data were available. Our measurements comprised all necessary data to calculate potential evapotranspiration according to Penman (1948) as well as to use the Penman-Monteith extended combination equation (Monteith, 1965). Finally, 26 4.2.2 Evapotranspiration flux-gradient measurements were done to apply the Bowen ratio – energy balance method (Bowen, 1926). Micro-meteorological data were collected exclusively on the fallow site and could be made during approximately one year, beginning on the 9th of April 1997 ending the 29th of March 1998 with some interruption due to malfunctioning of equipment (altogether 32 days). Evapotranspiration data, however, were needed over the total two years of cropping. Therefore, daily micro-meteorological data from the nearby EMBRAPA weather station were used to complete the data set. With these data it was possible to calculate the so-called 'Penman-Piche' evapotranspiration. Finally, to include the growth related changes of the cultivated crops in relation to evapotranspiration, the Penman evapotranspiration was used according to the FAO-24 Doorenbros and Pruitt modifications (Doorenbros & Pruitt, 1977). Penman-FAO method The original Penman equation is: (4) λETp = λ = latent heat of vaporization [MJ kg-1] ETp = potential evapotranspiration [mm d-1] λETp = vapor flux density or latent heat flux [MJ m-2 d-1] (= [0.0864 W m-2]) Rn = net radiation [W m-2] G = soil heat flux [W m-2] ∆ = slope of vapor pressure and temperature relationship [kPa °C-1] γ = psychrometric coefficient [kPa °C-1] ∆(R n − G) γ f (u) ⋅ f (e) + ∆+γ ∆+γ solar term aerodynamic term f(u) = 2.7(au + bu ∙ u), is the aerodynamic wind function, where au and bu are empirical constants originally suggested to be 1 and 0.537, respectively for a short grass cover, and u is the wind speed [m s-1] measured at 2 m above ground. f(e) = es – ea, is the saturation vapor pressure deficit [kPa] measured as the difference between saturated vapor pressure (es) and actual vapor pressure (ea)5 at ambient air temperature. The latent heat of vaporization (λ) was calculated according to the linear regression equation of Harrison (1963): (5) 5 λ =– 2.36 ∙ 10-3 ∙ T + 2.501 , where T is the air temperature [°C]. One has to note that in some publications ea is used for the saturated vapor pressure. Furthermore, es sometimes is also referred to as e0. 27 4.2.2 Evapotranspiration The slope of vapor pressure and temperature relationship was obtained by using the differentiation of Tetens (1930) equation resulting in: 17.27 T (6) 2503 ∆= e ( T + 237.3 ) 2 (T + 237.3) The psychrometric coefficient γ was set to 0.0672 kPa°C-1 in all calculations as is appropriate for standard atmospheric pressure 60 m above sea level at 25 °C. Micro-meteorological parameters required for ETp-calculations were determined at selected heights on the fallow site above the fallow vegetation. Due to growth of the fallow vegetation (from 2.3 m on the 1st of January 1997 to approximately 3.5 m on the 1st of April 1998) the instruments' height was increased on the 21st of August (Table 5). Table 5: Micro-meteorological Instrumentation, its measuring height and resolution Parameter Instrument Measuring height # # 1. 2. Resolution Net-radiation Net radiometer (Thies$), 0.3 to > 30 µm 3.70 m 4.85 m Air temperature Thermistor (Institute for Bioclimatology, Univ. Göttingen) 3.25 m 3.95 m 15 – 40 °C sensitivity 0.01 °C wind speed Anemometer (Thies) 4.40 m 4.55 m 0.5 – 40 m s 0 – 1500 W m -2 -1 st Psychrometer (Thies), 1 level 3.25 m 3.95 m § sens. <0.01 kPa nd Psychrometer, 2 level * 4.75 m 6.75 m $ for details about the instruments see http://www.thiesclima.com # 1st level = time before 21/Aug./1997; 2nd level = time after 21/Aug./1997 § based on the sensitivity value [°C] of the Thermistors according to manufacturer * for sensible and latent heat flux gradient measurements (Bowen ratio), see below Vapor pressure The Penman-FAO equation to determine the potential evapotranspiration, first formulated by Doorenbros and Puritt (1977), was used in the present study. Doorenbros and Puritt (1977) slightly modified the original Penman equation through setting the empirical constant bu in the wind function to 0.864 and neglecting the soil heat flux G (assumed to be of less importance). Additionally, they introduced a correction factor for wind speed data not measured at 2 m height, which was the case in this study. The major improvement of Doorenbros and Pruitt (1977) regarding the Penman evapotranspiration, however, was the introduction of the so-called crop coefficient (kc), which relates ETp to the crop evapotranspiration (ETcrop) by the equation: 28 4.2.2 Evapotranspiration (7) ETcrop = kc ∙ ETp Doorenbros and Pruitt (1977) considered ETp as the 'reference crop evaporation' (a term first introduced by Jensen et al., 1970) and used the index 0 instead of p. Reference crop evaporation refers to measurements of required micro-meteorological parameter above a reference crop such as alfalfa or short grass, which was not the case in the present study. Thus, in the following the term 'potential evapotranspiration' is used referring to ETp of the fallow vegetation. The crop coefficient is mainly affected by the main crop characteristics, the development stage, length of growing season and general climatic conditions. Originally, crop development is divided into four stages: initial stage, crop development stage, mid-season stage and late season stage. kc-values in relation to stages are obtained from tables and intermediate stages are linearly interpolated (for details see Doorenbros and Pruitt, 1977). Following this approach, kc-values for the four crop development stages for maize, cowpea and cassava were determined. The fallow regrowth at the end of 1998 also received "crop-coefficients". As no literature data were available, kc-values for the fallow regrowth were estimated according to field observations of abundance of the regrowing vegetation. Penman-Piche method The following micro-meteorological parameter were measured daily at the EMBRAPA weather station (English hut): - gross precipitation - minimum and maximum air temperature (mercury thermometer; 0.1°C-scale) - insolation, (=sunshine duration [h]; autograph according to Campbell-Stokes, for details see HMSO, 1982) - sheltered Piche evaporation (Piche-evaporimeter) Applying the Penman-Piche method, the Penman-FAO equation (4) was distinguished into its two summands: 1. the solar term, driven by the net radiation 2. the aerodynamic term, driven by the saturation vapor pressure deficit and wind speed Including EMBRAPA weather station data, net radiation within the solar term could be calculated with the following equations: 29 4.2.2 Evapotranspiration (8) R n = R ns + R nl , assuming that R ns = (1 − α) ⋅ R s , (9) n R s = 0.25 + 0.5 ⋅ R a N (10) Rns = Rnl = α = Rs = n = N = Ra = net short-wave radiation [W m-2] net long-wave radiation [W m-2] albedo [reflected/total] solar Radiation [W m-2] insolation [h] maximum possible insolation [h] extra terrestrial radiation [W m-2] (according to Doorenbros & Pruitt, 1977) and (11) ( ) 4 4 Tmax + Tmin Rs −7.77⋅10− 4 ⋅T2 Rnl = − ⋅ − 0.02 + 0.261⋅ e ⋅ σ Ra 2 (adapted from Idso & Jackson [1969] and modified according to Jensen et al. [1990] for humid areas) T = average daily temperature [°C]= (Tmax+Tmin)/2 σ = Stefan-Boltzmann constant = 5.67 10-8 W m-2 K-4 Tmax = maximum daily temperature [K] Tmin = minimum daily temperature [K] Extra terrestrial radiation (Ra) was calculated by Maltez et al. (1986) for the Bragantina region. Also their data on maximum possible insolation (N) and their albedo value (=0.2, representing fallow vegetation) were used in the calculation. As first suggested by Stanhill (1962) and Bouchet (1963) and later confirmed by several authors (Thom et al. 1981; Papaioannou et al. 1996) the (second) aerodynamic term of the Penman equation correlates with the sheltered Piche evaporation. It was assumed that a linear relationship could be established according to: (12) γ f (u) ⋅ f (e) = a ⋅ EPiche + b , ∆+γ where a and b are slope and intercept of the linear regression equation, respectively and EPiche is the Piche evaporation. For periods of available data of the aerodynamic term (317 daily data of Penman-FAO measurements), these were correlated with Piche evaporation data of the same days. The resulting linear regression equation was subsequently used to calculate daily potential Penman-Piche evapotranspiration for those days, where own measurements were lacking, i.e. for January until 9th of April 1997, for the year 1998 beginning on 30th of March and for the year 1996 (pre-phase). For the cultivation sites Penman-Piche evapotranspiration was subsequently multiplied with appropriate kc values. 30 4.2.2 Evapotranspiration Bowen ratio – energy balance method The energy balance of a soil-vegetation-atmosphere-system is given by: (13) Rn + G + H + λET + P + C = 0 Rn G H λET P = = = = = net radiation [W m-2] soil heat flux [W m-2] sensible heat flux [W m-2] latent heat flux [W m-2] heat flux within vegetation's biomass [W m-2] C = photosynthetic and metabolic heat turnover [W m-2] P and C are of minor importance within the energy balance and additionally, they are rather difficult to determine. Therefore, they were neglected in the present study. The soil heat flux (G) also was neglected (as in the Penman-FAO method), as it is near zero on daily average for developed vegetation-stands (Oliver, 1982; Oliver et al., 1987; Brunel, 1989). Rearranging the energy balance equation thus leads to: (14) λET = − Rn H 1+ λET or H= − Rn H 1 + 1/ λET The quotient H/λET, first stated by Bowen (1926), is called the Bowen quotient or Bowen ratio (β; β≠-1). To solve the above equations this ratio has to be determined. Bowen (1926) assuming that the ratio of the eddy diffusivities of sensible and latent heat fluxes (KH/KET; see Appendix) is unity, finally concluded that: (15) β= ∆T = vertical temperature difference [°C] ∆ea = vertical vapor pressure difference [kPa] H ∆T =γ λET ∆e a Thus, temperature and actual vapor pressure were measured at two different heights above the fallow vegetation with psychrometers (see Table 5). These determinations were demanding a high accuracy of wet and dry temperature measurements, thus thermistors were used instead of platinum resistor thermometer (PT 100) as their accuracy might exceed PT 100 sensors by up to a factor of 250 (Ehrhardt, 1983). Measurement error was additionally minimized by measuring the maximum possible vertical gradients, i.e. striving for vertically widely spaced measurements. Regarding the latter, however, it had to be assured that temperature and vapor pressure at the upper level are still fully influenced by the transpiring vegetation below. Therefore, the height of the atmospheric boundary layer, which was sufficiently equilibrated through the transpiring vegetation, was determined 31 4.2.2 Evapotranspiration according to the (fetch-to-height-ratio) equation given by Tiersch (1988): (16) δ = 0.1 ⋅ x0.8 ⋅ (100 z0)0.2 δ = boundary layer height [m] x = horizontal distance to upwind discontinuity = 'fetch' [m] z0 = roughness length [m], according to Monteith (1973) see below Using this equation the maximum possible second psychrometer height (which should be <δ) was obtained assuming that the lower psychrometer then would also be located in the same layer of interest. Penman-Monteith method The Penman-Monteith combination equation for actual evapotranspiration of the vegetation under study was additionally applied (Monteith, 1965). The equation reads as follows: (17) λET = where ρ = density of the air [kg m-3] Cp = coefficient of specific heat for moist air at constant pressure [J kg-1 K-1] ra = aerodynamic resistance to vapor and heat diffusion [s m-1] rc = canopy (bulk stomata) resistance [s m-1] ρC p ⋅ f (e) / ra ∆R N + , ∆+γ* ∆+γ* r γ * = γ 1 + c ra The density of the air (ρ) basically is depending on the vapor pressure, temperature and atmospheric pressure, but was set to 1.145 kg m-3 in all calculation as is appropriate for moist air at 30 °C (but also for dry air at 35 °C) at standard atmosphere pressure (following the ideal gas law). According to Fleagle and Businger (1980) an average value of 1010 J kg-1 K-1 was used for Cp. Basically the aerodynamic resistance (ra) in the original Penman equation is substituted by the aerodynamic wind function and, additionally, corresponds to the reciprocal value of the coefficient of eddy diffusivity of latent heat flux and of sensible heat, respectively (see Bowen ratio in the Appendix). It is commonly approximated using empirical equations (derived from the original equation based on the logarithmic wind function, see Monteith, 1965) including stand related parameters (roughness length and zero plane displacement). This was the case also in the present study using the equation recommended by Thom and Oliver (1977), who improved Monteith's original equation by calibrating it additionally to unstable conditions: 32 4.2.2 Evapotranspiration (18) z = wind speed measuring height [m] d = zero plane displacement height [m] = 0.63 h (according to Monteith, 1973) z0 = roughness length [m] = 0.13 h (according to Monteith, 1973) h = vegetation height [m] z − d 4.72 ra = ln 2 1 + 0.54u z 0 The canopy resistance (rc, related to the unit area of ground) accounts for the vegetation's surface influence on evapotranspiration and thus would have to be set to zero, when reducing the Penman-Monteith equation to the original Penman equation, as this method does not assume limitations on water availability. A canopy resistance equal zero, however, is never met for any crop with vertical development (Perrier, 1975). The canopy resistance was calculated using λET-results of the Bowen ratio – energy balance method (previous chapter). With that, equation (17) was re-written and solved with rc as the dependent variable. Canopy resistances, calculated in this way, were expressed as monthly averages. The daily dynamic of rc within the dry season, within the rainy season as well as within intermediate times were subject of interest. Seasonal daily variations of the canopy resistance were compared with available information of stomata conductance measurements (Sá et al., 1995 and 1999), as the canopy resistance – also called the bulk stomata resistance – is theoretically an integrated value of stomata resistances (=stomata conductance-1). Monteith (1973) arguing on a strictly physical basis, i.e. assuming that stomata are acting as parallel resistances, proposed for amphi-stomatic plants that: (19) rc = rst = stomata resistance [s m-1], related to the leaf area (both sides) LAI = leaf area index [-] rst , 2 ⋅ LAI while Allen (1986) recommended the relationship rst rc = (20) , 0.5 ⋅ LAI stating that only about one half of the canopy of a dense crop (hypo-stomatic) is active in vapor and heat transport. 33 4.2.3 Modeling soil water movement 4.2.3 Modeling soil water movement Determination of leaching losses requires detailed knowledge of water fluxes, which are combined with the measured concentrations of solute nutrients in soil water. Assessing soil water desiccation within the dry season through fallow vegetation per se requires a monitoring of the processes of evapotranspiration and deep-soil water drainage. Therefore, detailed studies to assess soil water movement under the three sites were conducted. It was assumed that the soil water movement would obey the Richards equation, which is based on a combination of Darcy's law and the law of conservation of matter (for details see Appendix). The Richards equation is the most commonly used model that describes the variously saturated flow of water through the soil (or any other porous media). It is a parabolic non-linear partial differential equation of secondary order, which can analytically be solved only in very special cases (Klute, 1952; Gardener, 1958), but is usually solved numerically by making certain specification (i.e. transforming the common model into a specific model of a defined porous medium). Specifications are: - the spatial and temporal discretization of the porous medium and the flow-process, respectively (using finite differences, finite elements or finite volumes) - the definition of initial conditions (water content or pressure head of the soil profile) - the setting of adequate boundary conditions - characterizing the porous medium (soil water retention, hydraulic conductivity) - the quantification of sources and/or sinks (e.g. root water uptake) Numerical solution means a successive approximation to the mathematical solution and, therefore is time and labor consuming. However, its high flexibility in relation to the above named specification, together with the development of powerful micro-computers in recent years, let numerical solutions – above all the finite element method – become an indispensable part of modeling. Among the high number of well established Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere-Transfer (SVAT) modeling programs based on Richards equation the latest version of the soil water model, Hydrus-1D (U.S. Salinity Laboratory, Riverside CA) was chosen, as it implements a variety of useful tools to predict soil hydraulic conductivity, root water uptake and to account for root growth. This program solves the Richards equation numerically, written in a mixed-form algorithm (Celia et al., 1990) with an improved convergence criterion (Huang et al., 1996) using Galerkin-type linear finite element schemes (Vogel et al., 1996). It also includes a heat and a solute movement modeling part. The model specification needed to solve the Richards equation will be explained in the following chapters. 34 4.2.3 Modeling soil water movement Space and time discretization Water movement was simulated in an one-dimensional, vertical way. An one-dimensional modeling approach is justified, as the soil of the study sites are not layered, deeply weathered and without any inclination that would promote additional lateral (i.e. twodimensional) flow. To apply the finite element method, first the soil profile has to be discretized into adjoining elements (in a one-dimensional case these are lines) connected through so-called 'nodes'. The nodal density defines how fine the discretization becomes. Boundaries or transitions from one soil layer to another might require a relatively finer discretization. On the other hand, a large number of finite elements demands a high computing effort, as the Richards equation is solved for every finite element at every time step. Thus, discretization has to be balanced between resolution requirements and computing capacities. In this study a 10m-deep soil profile was defined and divided into 209 elements (=210 nodes) beginning with a density of 0.5 cm at the soil surface successively reducing the density to 2.75 cm at 1 m soil depth, 5.3 cm at 6 m to a density of 10.5 cm at 10 m soil depth. Time discretization of the model procedure generally is set by the user. The model starts with an initial (user-defined) time increment, ∆t, and is then adjusted automatically between a prescribed minimum and maximum time step depending on the number of iterations necessary to reach convergence. The time step increased by a factor of 1.3, when the number of iterations was smaller than or equal 3, and was reduced by a factor of 0.7, when the number of iterations was larger than 7. The time discretization criteria were the same in the modeling procedures for all sites (Table 6). Table 6: Time discretization criteria used in the soil water model Criteria Initial time step Minimum time step Maximum time step Maximum number of iterations Lower optimal iteration range Upper optimal iteration range Lower time step multiplication factor Upper time step multiplication factor Value 0.1 [h] 0.000001 [h] 24 [h] 20 3 7 1.3 0.7 The time step was additionally controlled by the boundary conditions and the request for printed outputs of simulation status defined a priori. 35 4.2.3 Modeling soil water movement Initial conditions The distribution of the pressure head within the soil profile at the end of year 1996 entered as initial condition in the subsequent modeling procedures for the three sites. To obtain the initial pressure head distribution, the year before land use began (1996 = prephase) was modeled additionally in advance. Initial conditions for the pre-phase itself were estimated. In 1996 all three sites were still in fallow. Consequently, the modeling conditions for the fallow site also were used fore the modeling of 1996. But, as the fallow vegetation was slashed at the 26th of November 1996 on the cultivation sites, modeling conditions from that day on were split into 'ongoing fallow period' and 'slashed vegetation'. Potential transpiration (Penman-Piche) for the latter case was set to zero for the rest of the year. Boundary conditions Two boundaries have to be defined in an one-dimensional model: the surface layer and the bottom layer of the soil profile. The first represented a soil-air-interface and therefore underlaid the system-dependent processes of evaporation and precipitation. The actual surface flux (q) depends on the soil moisture conditions near the soil surface. Its absolute value (|q|) according to Neuman et al. (1974) is limited through: (21) |q| ≤ E , where E is the maximum potential rate of infiltration or evaporation (user-defined current conditions), and additionally through: (22) ha ≤ h ≤ hL , where h is the corresponding pressure head, ha is the minimum pressure head allowed at the soil surface resulting from an equilibrium of soil water and atmospheric water vapor (Feddes et al., 1974), and hL is the pressure head through a water layer on top of the soil surface in case of intensive precipitation exceeding the maximum infiltration rate of the soil surface. Surface boundary conditions could therefore theoretically change from flux type to head type conditions and vice-versa. Net-precipitation, actual (Bowen ratio) and potential evapotranspiration — Penman-FAO as well as Penman-Piche (see previous chapter) — entered the model to define the surface boundary conditions. Precipitation-water was allowed to build a surface reservoir (hL>0), that would not be removed immediately, but enter in the next modeling step. This 36 4.2.3 Modeling soil water movement represented field conditions, where the flat non-inclined relief of the landscape did not promote noticeable surface run-off. Boundary conditions for the bottom layer of the soil profile were defined to have a zerogradient, i.e. simulating a freely draining soil, were soil-water potential is a function of gravity only and ground water level is without significant influence. Soil hydraulic properties Knowledge about soil water retention and soil hydraulic conductivity was required for properly characterizing the soil. In detail this meant that the relation of soil moisture to pressure head (θ(h)) and the relation of conductivity to soil moisture (K(θ)) or to pressure head (K(h)) had to be clearly identified. For this purpose it was planned to use the internal drainage method (Hillel, et al. 1972), but unfortunately, this method never could be applied, as part of the necessary equipment (TDR-Probes) were in bond of Brazilian customs authorities over the whole fieldresearch period. Therefore, a different approach was chosen: Soil water retention curves were determined in the EMBRAPA soil-laboratory with 100 cm3 undisturbed soil core samples using pressure plate procedure. Four repetitions of core samples were taken at 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240 and 300 cm soil depth under all sites and additionally at 400, 500 and 600 cm under the fallow site. Water content was measured in terms of de-sorption at pressure heads (high air pressure) of 60, 100, 300, 1000, 5000, 10000 and 15000 hPa (analogous to Maklouf et al., 1997). Additionally, laboratory-saturated water content (≅ total porosity) was determined. Van Genuchten's soil water retention function (Van Genuchten, 1980) then was fitted to each of these sets of soil water retention data points using least-square optimization technique with the RETC program (Van Genuchten et al., 1991). Reciprocal values of the standard deviation of the four repetitions entered as weighting coefficients of each data point. This function of Van Genuchten is given by: (23) θ(h) = θr + θ(h) = θs , θ s − θr , for h<0 (1 + (α vG ⋅ h)n )m for h≥0 θr = residual water content [cm cm-1] θs = saturated water content [cm cm-1] αvG, n, m = empirical constants [cm-1],[-],[-] n>1 Assuming m=1-1/n, four independent parameters have to be fitted. Using the statistical pore-size distribution model of Mualem (1976), Van Genuchten 37 4.2.3 Modeling soil water movement (1980) introduced an equation to predict the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity function in terms of these soil water retention parameters (Mualem-Van-Genuchten approach): (24) " K(h) = K s ⋅ S e (1 − (1 − S e Ks = saturated hydraulic conductivity [cm d-1] 1/ m m 2 ) ) Se = θ − θr = effective water content θ s − θr The exponent, the pore-connectivity parameter l, was originally found to be about 0.5 as the best estimate for many soils (Mualem, 1976). Vogel and Císlerová (1988) extended the original Van Genuchten equations to give more flexibility to the hydraulic properties near saturation (above all the hydraulic conductivity) and to account for the so-called 'air-entry value' (see Appendix). In all model procedures an air-entry pressure head of –2 cm was set. Assessing the hydraulic conductivity behavior according to the Mualem-Van-Genuchten approach the saturated soil hydraulic conductivity has to be determined. To this end, pedotransfer functions of Schaap and Bouten (1996) and Schaap et al. (1998 and 1999) were used. Pedotransfer functions (PTFs) in general use widely available basic soil data (texture, bulk density, porosity, soil organic matter, etc.) as predictors (Rawls & Brakensiek, 1985; Haverkamp & Parlange, 1986; Wösten & Van Genuchten, 1988; Rajkai et al., 1996). While some predictions are based on multivariate analyses, other, mostly newly available techniques, use artificial neural networks (Pachepsky et al., 1999). Here a multiple input (basic soil data) is weighted and activated and put in a transfer function according to specific functions and then a single output value is produced. Schaap et al. (1998 and 1989) established the 'Rosetta' program. On the basis of soil textural classes (USDA classification) this application reads out Van Genuchten's soil hydraulic parameter from a table. Furthermore, on the basis of textural distribution an artificial neural network application is activated, that predicts Van Genuchten soil hydraulic parameter. The prediction can be refined stepwise adding bulk density, water content at a pressure head of -330 hPa and, finally, water content at pressure head of -15000 hPa. Textural distribution and bulk density were determined on all sites at the above mentioned soil depths at EMBRAPA soil-laboratory (textural analysis in Appendix). While the water content at -15000 hPa was directly available from the soil water retention curve, the value at a pressure head of -330 hPa was obtained by linearly interpolating the average values of -300 and -1000 hPa. 38 4.2.3 Modeling soil water movement Finally, the six parameter, %-sand, %-silt, %-clay, bulk density,θ(-330) and θ(-15000) were used for the artificial neural network prediction to obtain the Van Genuchten soil hydraulic parameter. But, only the saturated hydraulic conductivity of this prediction entered the modeling procedure, while the other parameter were kept as fitted with the laboratory water-retention data. According to obvious differences in textural distribution and/or soil hydraulic parameters, the soil profile was divided into segments ('materials' in the Hydrus model)6. Each segment was characterized by the soil hydraulic parameters of related soil depth. Five segments finally were distinguished: 0-22.5 cm; 22.5-45 cm; 45-75 cm; 75-105 cm; 1051000 cm. For the first four segments soil hydraulic parameters from analyses of samples from 15, 30, 60 and 90 cm soil depth, respectively, were used. The last segment comprised almost 9 m soil profile including 4 soil depths (7 under the fallow site), for which the above-mentioned analyses were conducted. But, differences in soil hydraulic properties were far less than within segments of the upper soil profile. Soil hydraulic parameters of this segment therefore were calculated using the so-called 'scaling technique': The scaling technique is based on the similar media concept of Miller and Miller (1956) and was extended in various ways (Simmons et al., 1979; Tillotson and Nielsen, 1998). According to Vogel et al. (1991) the variability of a soil profile can be approximated by means of reference characteristics, θ*(h*) and K*(h*) and a set of linear scaling transformation factors for each profile depth. The relationships between reference characteristics, scaling factor and measured hydraulic characteristics at a certain depth of the soil profile are as follows: (25) K(h) = αK K ∗ (h∗ ) (26) θ(h) = θr + α θ (θ∗ (h∗ ) − θ∗r ) αK = scaling factor for the hydraulic conductivity αθ = scaling factor for the water content Using Van Genuchten's soil hydraulic parameter at each depth of each soil profile, sets of equally distributed (from h=-1 cm to h=-15000 cm) single data points, K(h) and θ(h), were computed (at 120, 180, 240 and 300 cm for all sites, as well as additionally at 400, 500, 600 cm soil depth on the fallow site). Reference data points of soil hydraulic conductivity, K*(h*), and soil water content, θ*(h*), were calculated by averaging the single data 'layer' would probably be the apt expression, but is not used, as it refers to 'soil layer', which is not appropriate in this context. 6 39 4.2.3 Modeling soil water movement points of all data sets. Then, once again, on the basis of the average data points, K*(h*) and θ*(h*), Van Genuchten's soil hydraulic parameters were fitted. Scaling factors, αK, for each depth of all profiles were obtained by means of linear regression according to the upper equation. For this, log-values of K(h) were used to avoid bias towards saturated values. The same method was applied for the scaling factor, αθ, after subtracting θr and θ*r, respectively, from every single data point. Scaling factors entered in the model according to their related soil depths. Nodes within these soil depths obtained their linearly interpolated values. Root water uptake and root growth Four different types of vegetation, and additionally a temporary overlapping of these vegetation had to be considered: a secondary bush-vegetation on the fallow site, and a sequence of maize, beans, cassava and regrowing secondary bush-vegetation, with additional intermediate re-sprouting of the latter on the cultivation sites. Root water uptake, driven by transpiration, affects the soil water content over the whole rooting zone and enters as the so called 'sink-term', S, in the Richards equation. It is defined as the amount of water removed from a unit volume of soil per unit time. According to Feddes et al. (1978) the relationship between root water uptake and transpiration is: (27) S(h) = αr(h) Sp, where Sp is the potential water uptake [cm d-1], that is given for instance by the potential transpiration (Penman-FAO or Penman-Piche), and αr is a relative (0<αr<1), dimensionless factor dependent on the soil water pressure head averaged over the rooting zone (the index stands for root and was given for better differentiation). Obviously, αr equals 1, when soil water is not limiting transpiration, i.e. when the pressure head is small (not considering anaerobic soil conditions). The behavior of αr, however, when soil water is depleted, is highly dependent on the eco-physiology of the plants. This behavior, the function αr(h), often has been described with the so called 'roof function' of Feddes et al. (1978). Here, linear relationships are set between certain values of h regarding the optimal range of αr and its decline due to lower values of h (the function of α(h) itself in the original form had a 'roof-similar' shape). Van Genuchten (1987) reconsidered the original Feddes-approach and brought it into a single mathematical equation: 40 4.2.3 Modeling soil water movement (28) αr (h) = h50 = pressure head at 50%-reduced rootwater uptake p = experimental constant 1 h 1 + h50 p This function was used in the modeling procedure, as the S-shape character of this curve seemed to describe a more realistic behavior of the reduction of transpiration due to soil desiccation (Cardon & Letey, 1992). No salinity (osmotic) stress was assumed to influence soil water uptake. Furthermore, the root distribution within the soil profile had to be introduced into the model, as it affects the depth of direct soil water depletion due to root water uptake and the relative distribution of the depletion process. The Hydrus-1D model can use any arbitrary-shaped root distribution function, when this function is assumed to remain the same during the modeling process. But, if root growth is taking place, as was the case on the cultivation sites, only the following type of root distribution is possible (Van Genuchten, unpublished 7): (29) b(z) = 5 , 3 ⋅ Lm b(z) = 25 1 − z , for 0.2L ≤ z ≤ L m m ⋅ ⋅ 12 L m L m b( z) = 0 , for z ≤ 0.2 Lm b(z) = normalized water uptake distribution [cm-1] z = soil depth [cm] Lm = maximum rooting depth [cm] for z > Lm Here, the normalized water uptake distribution, b(z), describes the spatial variation of the above introduced potential water uptake, Sp as: (30) Sp = b(z) Tp Tp = potential transpiration rate [cm d-1] Applying the root growth scenario, a prescribed maximum rooting depth, Lm, is reached starting with an initial rooting depth, L0, according to the Verhulst-Pearl logistic growth function (Verhulst, 1996) given as: The Hydrus-1D software explanation gives an 'exponential root distribution function' (according to Raats, 1974) that is, however, actually not used (Simunek, personal communication). 7 41 4.2.3 Modeling soil water movement (31) fr (t ) = fr(t)= growth coefficient [-] r = growth rate [d-1] t = time [d] L0 L 0 + (L m − L 0 ) ⋅ e −rt The root growth coefficient, fr(t), determines the actual rooting depth according to: (32) L(t)= rooting depth [cm] at time t L(t)=Lm ⋅ fr(t) Thus, including root growth into the model required the following parameters to be prescribed: - initial rooting depth - maximum rooting depth - time of starting root growth - time of end of root growth - growth rate To calculate the growth rate, r, one point of the Verhulst-Pearl growth function has to be known, i.e. the rooting depth at a certain time between beginning and end of root growth. (The logistic growth function is then rewritten and solved with r as the dependent variable.) Root growth was applied for both cultivation sites. The required parameters were set according to the cultivation calendar and field observations. The fact that a sequence of three different crops were planted with subsequent regrowth of fallow vegetation, made it necessary to split the modeling procedure of each cultivation site into several parts according to the different root growth parameter to be set. No root growth was used for the fallow site. Here, it was assumed, that root growth dynamics would already have reached steady state conditions. This situation gave more flexibility regarding root distribution within the profile. The root mass density of former detailed studies on the rooting patterns of fallow vegetation (Sommer et al., 2000) entered as the initial root distribution. Inverse modeling - model validation Above-mentioned soil hydraulic parameters, potential evapotranspiration as well as the root water uptake function (αr(h)) and root distribution and/or root growth were part of the initial model settings. In the field, highly resolute, automatic soil pressure head records during the study period of two years were taken on site 1 and on the fallow site. Detailed records were taken at 42 4.2.3 Modeling soil water movement time intervals of 15 minutes in two soil pits at soil depths of 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240 and 300 cm and under the fallow site additionally at 400, 500, 600 and 735 cm. These records were used to adjust the initial model settings in a so-called 'inverse' modeling procedure. In an inverse modeling approach, discrepancy between observed and modeled values is brought to a minimum, with soil hydraulic properties kept as dependent variables. This can be done mathematically using minimum least square techniques or other adequate methods (Marquardt, 1963; Kool et. al., 1985). Mathematical solutions, however, require defined, controlled in-situ or laboratory conditions, such as the above mentioned internal drainage method. As equipment was not available to establish these conditions, a different approach was chosen: In a first step, soil hydraulic parameters were adjusted under field situations, where rootwater extraction had an almost negligible importance, e.g. in times of heavy precipitation events in an early crop-development stage. Adjustments were made by eye-fitting corresponding graphs of the modeled pressure-head-progress with time (h(t)) to those measured at the above mentioned soil depths. To keep adjustments controllable, only the parameters with a certain degree of uncertainty, the saturated water content, θs, the saturated hydraulic conductivity, Ks, and the pore-connectivity parameter, l, or, in case of scaled θ(h) and K(h), the scaling factors, αθ and αK, were optimized. θr, α, n and m obtained from the soil water retention curve, were kept constant. Secondly, the root water uptake function, αr(h), i.e. its determining parameter h50 and p, and the root distribution or the root growth parameter (Lm, r), were optimized eye-fitting h(t) for the times of noticeable influence of root-water uptake on soil desiccation, i.e. times preceded by several days without precipitation and with fully developed plants. Finally, as part of the soil-water-movement validation, at certain times modeled soil moisture distributions within the soil profile were compared with in-situ soil moisture measurements. Therefore, undisturbed soil samples (cores, 250 cm3) were taken at several depths down to 3 to 6 m and soil moisture was determined gravimetrically. 43 4.3.1 Soil-nutrient dynamics 4.3 Nutrient balance The balance of the aboveground nutrient dynamics was calculated determining the quantities of nutrient input and output. To assess the leaching losses, concentrations of solute nutrients were combined with water fluxes obtained by the soil water balance. Additionally, the soil nutrients were monitored throughout the study period. 4.3.1 Soil-nutrient dynamics Soil samples for determination of soil nutrients were taken at the experimental sites from the 20th to 23rd of January 1997, at the 9th/10th of July 1997 and at the 11th/12th of March 1998. Four sampling depths were chosen in accordance with earlier soil samplings of the SHIFT-Project, to facilitate later comparison: 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-30 cm and 30-50 cm. Additionally, 90-100 cm soil depth was sampled, as representative for deeper soil layer. Four repetitions were taken at every soil depth, each of them uniting ten single, disturbed sub-samples equally distributed over the sites and taken with a 1m-long soil auger (Pürkhauer type). Soil samples were air-dried and sieved to < 2mm. Chemical analyses of the soil samples were carried out by the EMBRAPA-Belém soil laboratory according to the their routine methods (EMBRAPA, 1997): The soil pH was measured in water (1:2.5). Organic carbon was determined with the Walkley-Black wet oxidation (potassiumdichromate) method, assuming that only 77 % of the organic carbon is oxidized and therefore multiplying the result by 1.3 (correction factor)8. Exchangeable cations and plant-available phosphate were determined following the 'North Carolina soil testing procedure' (Mehlich, 1953), which was taken up by Guimarães et al. (1970) and is routinely carried out with volumetric soil samples (10 ml of soil) as follows: - K and Na: Na extraction with Mehlich I solution (0.05 N HCl + 0.025 N H2SO4) and flamephotometrical determination - P: P extraction with Mehlich I solution and photometrical determination (after adding 8 Total N is routinely determined with the Kjeldahl steam-distillation and subsequent titration, but could not be done due to lacking chemicals and equipment. 44 4.3.1 Soil-nutrient dynamics ammonium-molybdate) - Al: Al extraction with 1 N KCl-solution and titration with NaOH, indicator: bromine-timolblue - Sum of Ca and Mg: extraction with 1N KCl-solution; EDTA-titration, indicator eriochrome black - Ca: Ca extraction with 1N KCl-solution; EDTA-titration, indicator murexide - Mg: Mg (Ca +Mg) – Ca (see above) - effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC ECEC): ECEC sum of Ca, Al, Mg, K, Na EMBRAPA laboratory results unfortunately were not calibrated with independent laboratories or national or international standards. To overcome possible (systematic) errors during the determination, EMBRAPA-results of C and plant-available P of every tenth soil sample were compared with results of repeated determinations in the soil laboratory of the Institute of Crop and Animal Production in the Tropics in Göttingen, Germany. To this end, C was determined with an elemental analyzer (Carlo Erba 1500) using acetanilide (p.a.) with known C percentage as a control (every tenth sample). The Mehlich I extraction method used by the EMBRAPA-laboratory was repeated to determine the plant available phosphate. No (inter)national standard was available for this method, which is typically used only for acid (tropical) soils and thus rarely applied in Europe. Therefore, soil samples already determined by Diekmann (1997) were included in the present determinations, as results of his determinations of plant available P carried out in Rio de Janeiro in the laboratory of the "Serviço Nacional de Levantamento e Conservação de Solos (SNLCS)" were sufficiently calibrated with laboratory standards. Our laboratory study did not follow the North Carolina soil testing suggestion to use volumetric samples. The proposed 10ml-soil-samples were substituted by 10g-soil-samples. Therefore, to be able to compare results of both approaches (volumetric and gravimetric), it was necessary to estimate the density of a 10 ml soil sample. This was done filling a beaker to its 10ml-mark and subsequently weighing the soil. Furthermore, in May and June 1998, soil samples were taken at 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240 and 270 cm depth under the burned plots and under the fallow and NH4-Cl (1molar) extractable K, Ca, Mg and Al was determined in the Institute of Soil Science and Forest Nutrition (IBW) in Göttingen, Germany using an atom emission spectrometer (ICP-AES). 45 4.3.2 Aboveground biomass stock 4.3.3 Volatilization losses 4.3.2 Aboveground biomass stock Aboveground plant biomass stocks were estimated on both cultivation sites during site preparation. On each site, 5 subplots of 9 m2 were slashed and leave-biomass as well as biomass of woody compartments was determined. Also, litter biomass including dead branches was measured on 10 subplots of 1 m2. Furthermore, determination of aboveground biomass stocks carried out by Schmitt (1997) on site 1 and 2 (each time 5 subplots with 4.77 and 8.12 m2, respectively) were included in the evaluation. Mean biomass-stocks of the subplots then were extrapolated to account for the total site. The nutrient content (C, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S) of three sub-samples of each compartment and site was analyzed in the Institute of Soil Science and Forest Nutrition in Göttingen, Germany. This was also done for samples of biomass chipped by the modified maize chopper. P, K, Mg, Ca, and S were determined in a HNO3-pressure extract using an atom emission spectrometer (ICP-AES) and C and N were measured with the above-mentioned elemental analyzer. 4.3.3 Volatilization losses Volatilization losses during burning of dry aboveground biomass on the slash-and-burn plots were measured comparing preburn nutrient stocks bound in the biomass with postburn nutrient stocks, which remained in residues and the ash. To assess the latter, 24 steel trays (46 cm x 46 cm, with 2 cm-high edge) were equally distributed among the slashed vegetation. Soon after burning, the trays were covered with lids to avoid ash removal by wind. The next early-morning (windless time), residues collected in the trays were sampled and separated into charcoal plus incompletely burned remains (pieces > 2 mm diameter) and into ash. Mean post-burn residue stocks of all trays were extrapolated to account for the total plot. The nutrient content of three sub-samples (mixture of all samples) of each compartment and each plot was determined in the same way as already mentioned above (aboveground biomass). Thicker stems and branches (>~5 cm diameter), which remained unburned on the plots, were quantified and then removed from the field. Its nutrient content was assumed to equal those measured for wooden preburn biomass. 46 4.3.4 Fertilizer input and harvest exports 4.3.5 Nutrients in the soil solution - leaching losses 4.3.4 Fertilizer input and harvest exports The nutrient input as fertilizer was considered in the nutrient balance (quantities as applied). Fresh weight of maize-cobs, peas and pods of cowpea and cassava tubers was quantified for the entire plots, and sub-samples of these harvest exports were taken to assess the dry-matter. With those sub-samples (one mixed probe) the nutrient contents of maizegrain, maize-spindle, peas, pods and tubers were determined (methodology as mentioned above). Results were extrapolated according to their individual share to account for the nutrient export by harvested products. 4.3.5 Nutrients in the soil solution - leaching losses Soil water (100 ml), obtained by means of suction cup lysimeter, was analyzed for its nutrient concentration. As analyses were carried out in the Institute of Soil Science and Forest Nutrition in Göttingen, Germany, the water samples had to be sterilized to avoid microbiological turnover during uncooled shipping. The sterilization was done in the field with 2 ml chloroform, which was given into the 2-liter-suction-bottles (to which suction cup lysimeter were connected) after taking the biweekly water samples. Added chloroform additionally inhibited the contamination of the entire lysimeter-arrangement (bottle– tube–lysimeter). Moreover, the soil water samples were stored in a refrigerator until final shipment. During the first year of the study period all obtained samples of the cultivation sites were analyzed, as in this period highest nutrient concentration and thus highest leaching losses were expected. In the second year only selected samples were analyzed, as results of already analyzed former samples could show that nutrient concentrations at the end of the first year had considerably decreased. P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, S, Mn, Al, and Fe were determined with an inductively coupled plasma atom emission spectrometer (ICP-AES), while Nt, NH4+ and NO3- were measured after UVsolution with a continuous flow colorimeter. The leaching losses were quantified by multiplying nutrient concentrations [mg cm-3] with daily water fluxes [cm d-1] obtained by a soil water model (see above) and accumulating the calculated amounts. 47 4.4 Ground water – well water 4.5 Statistical analyses 4.4 Ground water – well water The depth of the water level of nine wells of smallholdings close to the study sites was measured monthly during one year from September 1997 to August 1998. Furthermore, water samples of these wells were taken at the same time, and the nutrient content of selected samples was determined (as described for soil water samples). The geographic position of all wells was evaluated with a GPS (Garnim International, GPS 45 Personal Navigator; accuracy: ±15 m). 4.5 Statistical analyses Statistical analyses were carried out with SAS (Version 6.12) using the (stepwise) linear regression procedure (PROC STEPWISE and PROC REG) and the General Linear Model procedure (PROC GLM) (Schuemer et al., 1990). Error propagation of stochastically inde_ pendent means ( x ) was considered according to Fenner (1931): _ _ _ _ Addition: x1 + x 2 ± SE 12 + SE 22 Subtraction: x1 − x 2 ± SE 12 − SE 22 _ _ _ _ Multiplication: x1 ⋅ x 2 ± Division: x1/ x 2 ± _ _ x 22 SE 12 + x12 SE 22 1 _ _ _ x 22 SE 12 + x12 SE 22 , x 22 whereas SE is the standard error of mean. 48 5.1.1 Precipitation 5 Results and Discussion 5.1 Water balance 5.1.1 Precipitation Gross precipitation Gross precipitation data for the two years of cropping were obtained from automatic measurements of site 1 (15 minute intervals) and from daily data of EMBRAPA weather station, which was situated close to site 2. Temporary, automatic measurements were done on site 2. Automatic registration of daily precipitation of site 1 and 2 did not differ statistically (Wilcoxon signed rank test of daily data, n=261), indicating that local spatial heterogeneity (due to the 3km-distance between site 1 and 2) of precipitation was small. However, data from the weather station were significantly different from data of site 1 and site 2 (Wilcoxon signed rank test, n=545 and n=274, respectively). But, these differences were caused by the sampling time of EMBRAPA weather station, 9 o'clock AM. Thus, earlymorning precipitation (before 9 o'clock, which was the case at 49 days; compare probability of precipitation Appendix, Figure A-2) was registered as the previous days. However, these uncertainties of precipitation data of the EMBRAPA weather station affected only the first three months in 1997 and December 1998, where these data entered the water balance studies (soil water model). Precipitation intensities ranged from 0.1 mm 15 min-1 to up to 23.0 mm 15 min-1, showing a left-skewed distribution with a median of 1.1 mm 15min-1 (lower and upper quartile 0.5 and 2.6 mm 15min-1, respectively; Appendix, Figure A-1). Apparently, due to El Niño's influence, the seasonal distribution of gross precipitation was quite irregular in 1997 compared to the second year of cultivation (Figure 5). The dry season (end of August to mid-December) of the first year was exceptionally intensive with only a single precipitation event (5.1 mm on the 22nd of September) between 28th of August and 11th of November. About 71 % (1490 mm) of the total annual precipitation (2104 mm) occurred in the first four months of 1997, while over the same period in 1998 this was only 52 % (1311 mm of a total 2545 mm). 49 5.1.1 Precipitation -1 P [mm d ] 75 1997 1998 50 25 0 1.1. 1.3. 1.5. 1.7. 1.9. 1.11. 1.1. 1.3. 1.5. 1.7. 1.9. 1.11. 1.1. Figure 5: Daily gross precipitation of the study area in 1997 and 1998 Throughfall and stemflow Biweekly measurements of throughfall on the fallow site (Sá, unpublished data), expressed as percentage of gross precipitation, showed high spatial as well as temporary variations (for spatial variation see Appendix, Figure A-3). No significant correlation could be found between mean %-throughfall and (1.) biweekly gross precipitation amounts (R=0.147, n=53), (2.) number of storm events within each two-week collecting period (R=0.132, n=53) or (3.) a combination of both variables (multiple linear regression, R2=0.022, n=53), respectively. Those correlations could have indicated a systematic relationship between entering variables and throughfall amounts. However, over the study period of two years a significantly declining trend of throughfall could be detected, apparently related to the growing vegetation with increasing LAI (Figure 6). 50 5.1.1 Precipitation Gross precipitation share [%] 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 1.1. 1.3. 1.5. 1.7. 1997 1.9. 1.11. 1.1. 1.3. 1.5. 1.7. 1998 1.9. 1.11. 1.1. Figure 6: Relative mean throughfall under the fallow vegetation during the study period of two years (Sá, unpublished data); dotted black line: linear regression; dotted gray lines: linear regression of 95%confidence intervals of throughfall, see Table 7 Throughfall declined from about 81 % in early 1997 to about 68 % at the end of 1998. Ninety-five percent confidence intervals during this time were about 10 % lower or higher, respectively. For the soil water model a linear regression was applied considering mean values of throughfall of all measurements (Table 7). Table 7: Linear regression for the estimate of %-throughfall under the fallow site (independent variable is 'days of year 1997', i.e. beginning with 'day 1' at the 1st of January 1997 ending with 'day 730' at the 31st of December 1998) Regression Slope Intercept 2 R n -------------- SE of --------------slope intercept estimate Mean -0.018* 80.96 0.225* 61 0.0042 1.576 6.79 + 95 % confidence interval -0.019* 90.53 0.223* 61 0.0046 1.710 7.36 - 95 % confi-0.017* 71.38 0.204* 61 0.0042 1.547 6.66 dence interval * = statistically significant; regarding slope: significantly different to zero (t-test; p ≤ 0.05) Throughfall of maize was measured during ten weeks until maize was bent at half height to allow better drying of ripe cobs. Measurements were started as soon as the maize plants were tall enough to place 30cm-high gauges beneath them (36 days after sowing; Figure 7). 51 5.1.1 Precipitation Gross precipitation share [%] 100 80 0.5 m 60 0.56 m 0.25 m 0m 40 Mean (all) Eye-fitted 20 Stemflow 0 0 14 28 42 56 70 84 98 112 Days after sowing Figure 7: Mean %-throughfall (in relation to gross precipitation) under maize at four different distances towards plants, mean values of all distances, fitted progress and %-stemflow; bars denote the standard error, SE (to avoid clutter in the figure only SE of mean throughfall is shown) As expected, throughfall was highest at the largest possible distance (0.56 m) from a maize plant and sequentially decreased, when approaching plants. Differences between the four different placing-distances were statistically significant except between 0 and 0.25 m (applying a GLM and linear contrasts). This was remarkable as the difference in placing the gauges between two rows and the mid-diagonal was only 6 cm. Spatial heterogeneity was found to be highest right beside maize plants (mean C.V. 56 %) decreasing with plant distance (mean C.V. at 0.25, 0.5 and 0.56 m, 44 %, 23 % and 29 %, respectively). For water balance studies a mean progress of %-throughfall with maizegrowth was established neglecting unreasonable deviations (see Figure 7). Intermediate periods were linearly interpolated. Stemflow of maize could be determined during two weeks. At the second week, however, most of the 0.4-litre-bottles overflowed due to heavy precipitation during this week. Therefore, only the first campaign was utilized, to draw up a simple relationship between development stage of maize and %-stemflow. Fifty-six days after sowing, maize had reached a plant height of about 1.80 m. At this time 17.1 % (SE 2.12 %, n= 15) of gross precipitation reached the ground as stemflow. Thus, it was assumed that plant height times 9.5 equals %-stemflow. Maize plant height was determined at five different times during the cropping period (Figure 8). 52 5.1.1 Precipitation 3 Plant height [cm] 20 2 15 1.5 10 1 Stemflow [% ] 25 2.5 5 0.5 0 0 0 14 28 42 56 70 84 98 112 Days after sowing Figure 8: Plant height of maize and related %-stemflow (bold point = determined stemflow) Measurements of throughfall under cowpea were started as soon as plants were tall enough to place the nine gutters beneath them (24 days after sowing). Mean throughfall, expressed as percentage share of gross precipitation, ranged between 79.6 % and 100.0 % (Figure 9). Spatial heterogeneity of measurements was quite low, with coefficient of variation at maximum 27.9 % (1st of July 1997; mean C.V.: 18.3 %), certainly due to the fact that cowpea growth was very homogeneous and that gutters integrated throughfall over a large collector area. The large collector-area however made observation impossible, when throughfall amounts were greater than 44 mm, which was the case within the period between the 8th and 23rd of July. In these cases the connected 5-litre 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 26.8.97 19.8.97 12.8.97 5.8.97 29.7.97 22.7.97 15.7.97 8.7.97 1.7.97 50 24.6.97 Gross precipitation share [%] bottles were to small to catch all through-falling water and overflowed. Figure 9: Mean %-throughfall (in relation to gross precipitation) under cowpea; bars denote the SE As no increasing or declining trend of %-throughfall was detectable, an average amount of 90 % throughfall was assumed for further water balance studies for mature cowpea. Ad53 5.1.1 Precipitation ditionally, during early crop development stage of cowpea a linearly decrease from 95 % to 90 % was assumed and at late season stage again an increase to 95 %. Throughfall of cassava was observed beginning the 3rd of September 1997 until the day of harvest (25th of June 1998). Results of minimum and maximum possible distance toward a single cassava plant, i.e. right beside one plant (0 m) and in the diagonal middle (0.70 m) of two plants, showed a statistically significant difference during this period (GLM; Figure 10). Gross precipitation share [%] 120 110 100 90 80 Midst diagonal 70 Beside a plant Mean (all) 60 50 1.11. Fitted 1.12. 1997 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1998 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. Figure 10: Mean %-throughfall (in relation to gross precipitation) under cassava at two different distances towards plants, mean values of both distances (all) and fitted progress; bars denote the SE Initially, when cassava was small, the plant-leaves covered solely gauges beside them, while throughfall of mid-diagonal gauges still reached gross precipitation amounts. This did not alter noticeably until late May 1998. However, throughfall beside the cassava plants increased from February 1998 to finally approach throughfall amounts of mid-diagonal gauges. Spatial variability of throughfall under cassava was comparably high, in some cases reaching a C.V. of 50 %. No differences in this regard could be found between results of the two different gauge placings (mean C.V. in both cases about 24 %). For the water balance, a smoothed mean progress of %-throughfall was established, as was done already for the maize crop. Stemflow of mature cassava plants was determined to be 1.2 % (SE = 0.26, n=3) of gross precipitation. The rough structure of the cassava stems basically promoted dripping of water over their former leafstalk-bases rather then stem-flowing. Thus stemflow of cassava turned out to be quite unimportant, but still was considered in the following water 54 5.1.1 Precipitation balance. Finally, throughfall of the regrowing fallow vegetation from July until the end of 1998 was assumed to be 96 % of gross precipitation, based on weekly measurements until the end of September. Net precipitation To obtain daily net precipitation quantities, (bi-) weekly-accumulated net precipitation (= amount of throughfall + stemflow) had to be scaled down on single storm events. Net precipitation of single storm events depends on the canopy storage capacity (S; Table 8) and on evaporation of intercepted water. Table 8: Canopy storage capacity (S) of different vegetation Vegetation Terra firme forest, Pará 17-year-old secondary vegetation, Pará Terra firme forest, Pará Rondônia Terra firme forest, central Amazonia, Manaus Tropical rain forest, Java Tropical rain forest, Brunei Tropical montane forest, Puerto Rico Eucalyptus sp. Acacia longifolia Acacia auriculiformis Maize Beans (Vicia faba) Mixed grass and legumes Deciduous forest (Carpinus betulus), summer winter Coniferous forest (Picea abies) Grass (Molinia coerulea) Coniferous forest (Pinus nigra) Coniferous forest (Pinus silvestris) S [mm] 3.5 1.1 1.25 1.03 0.74 1.1 1.0 0.76-1.27 0.2-0.8 0.6 0.5-0.6 0.4-0.7 1 1.0-1.2 1.02 0.64 1.52 0.66 1.05 0.8 Data source Jipp et al., in revision Ubarana, 1996 Lloyd et al., 1988 Calder et al., 1986 Dykes, 1997 Scatena, 1990 Aston, 1979 Brunijnzeel & Wiersum, 1987 Stoltenberg & Wilson, 1950 Kinnersley et al., 1997 Burgy & Pomeroy, 1958 Leyton et al., 1967 Rutter et al., 1971 Gash, 1979 Therefore, those parameters were introduced into further calculations. Effectively, the applied method was a rather simplified version of the Rutter model (Rutter et al. 1971, 1975) with the following assumptions: - free throughfall (=without striking the canopy) equals zero - leaf and stem-interception as well as their evaporation is combined - evaporation of the wet canopy is 1 mm h-1 and not reduced by the factor C/S (where C is the actual amount of water on the canopy) 55 5.1.1 Precipitation According to literature data about the canopy storage capacity (Table 8) a value of 1 mm was chosen suitable for the fallow vegetation and all crops. Despite different cited values for forest and herbaceous vegetation, this was justified, as there is no indication of a separation of range between these communities (Leyton et al., 1967; Rutter, 1975). Applying S=1 mm, on the basis of the above-shown throughfall and stemflow data, hourly (and daily) net precipitation was calculated as mentioned in chapter 4.2.1 (Figure 11 and Figure 12). Calculated net precipitation on the fallow site most times exceeded the percentages of throughfall. According to the assumption made for calculation of net precipitation this meant that theoretical interception (gross precipitation minus throughfall) most times exceeded the canopy storage capacity. Following the requirements stated in 4.2.1 then only S was intercepted, increasing net-precipitation. Thus, throughfall alone obviously could not describe net precipitation dynamics. Net precipitation as gross precipitation share [%] 100 90 80 70 Throughfall (regression; biweekly basis) Net precipitation (hourly basis) 60 1.1. 1.3. 1.5. 1.7. 1.9. 1.11. 1.1. 1.3. 1.5. 1.7. 1.9. 1.11. 1.1. 1997 1998 Figure 11: Calculated percentage net precipitation of the fallow site on basis of the linear regression of throughfall measurements and a canopy storage capacity of 1 mm (hourly data from 15th of April 1997 to 30th of March 1998, others: daily data) Not so on the cultivation sites, where only intensive storm events let net precipitation increase above the sum of throughfall and stemflow (e.g. 23rd of Nov. 1997: 16 mm within two hours leading to net precipitation of 92 % and 100 %; Figure 12). 56 5.1.1 Precipitation Net precipitation as gross precipitation share [%] 100 90 80 Maize 70 Cowpea Cassava Regrowing fallow Throughfall+Stemflow (weekly basis) Net precipitation (hourly basis) 60 1.1. 1.3. 1.5. 1.7. 1.9. 1.11. 1.1. 1.3. 1.5. 1.7. 1.9. 1.11. 1.1. 1997 1998 Figure 12: Calculated percentage net precipitation of the cultivation sites on the basis of the sum of throughfall and stemflow and a canopy storage capacity of 1 mm for all storm events Interception losses (gross precipitation minus net precipitation) were summed to annual amounts. Annual interception of the fallow vegetation increased by 1.3 % to 7.9 %, which was obviously related to the decrease of throughfall (Table 9). Table 9: Interception during the two years of cropping on the fallow site and on the cultivation sites Site/Vegetation Gross precipitation [mm] Interception [mm] [%] Fallow vegetation 1997 1998 2104 2545 139 200 6.6 7.9 52 11 9 90 19 182 86 97 3.6 11.3 6.7 4.6 2.3 4.1 4.1 3.8 Cultivation sites Maize 1441 Cowpea 100 Cowpea + Cassava 136 Cassava 1964 Fallow regrowth 812 Sum 4454* 1997 2104 1998 2545 *not including 195 mm precipitation before maize was planted On the cultivation sites interception losses during 1997 and 1998 were only about half of those of the fallow vegetation. Mean percentage interception of all crops (+ regrowing fallow) was 4.1 %. The percentage interception of cowpea mono cropped within 35 days was about three times higher than those of maize or cassava, but on the average interception was only 0.3 mm per day, demonstrating the limited relevance of a percentage value alone without further details on gross precipitation. 57 5.1.1 Precipitation Numerous studies comprising rainfall partitioning and interception have been carried out in the last years. Most considered natural forest stands, parts of them are related to forest plantations but only some deal with important agricultural crops, as assessment is more difficult or as knowledge is simply not relevant (Table 10). Table 10: Interception (I) and its division into throughfall (PT) and stemflow (PS) of different vegetation in relation to gross precipitation (P) Stand, region P [mm] PT [%] Spontaneous fallow, central Amazonia 2588 <76.9 2-year-old fallow, Bragantina region, Brazil 1956 Terra firme forest, Pará, Peixe Boi 17-year-old secondary veg., same location not given Year-old secondary vegetation, Costa Rica Mature tropical forest, Costa Rica 567 Terra firme forest, Pará, Belém Terra firme forest, Pará, Marabá PS [%] I [%] Data source >20 3.1 Schroth et al., 1999a 65 23 12 Hölscher et al., 1998 83 88.8 0.54 1.70 16.5 9.5 Jipp et al., in revision 68 52 4 9 28 39 Raich, 1983 2669 84.6 <0.4 15 Klinge et al., in revision 1650 # 3564 # 86.2 87 0.8 1.4 12.9 11.6 Terra firme forest, central Amazonia, Manaus 2721 91 1.8 7.2 Lloyd & Marques, 1988 Terra firme forest, central Amazonia, Manaus 3094♦ 77.7 0.3 22 Franken et al., 1982 Trop. montane rain forest, Columbia, 2550 m and 3370 m altitude 2115 1453 87.6 81.7 n.d. n.d. 12.4 18.3 Veneklaas & Van Ek, 1990 Trop. montane cloud forest, Panama 3510 62.4 0.4 37.2 Cavelier et al., 1997 Trop. montane forest, Puerto Rico 5745 59 2.3 38.7 Scatena, 1990 Trop. rain forest, Sabah, Malaysia 3627 80.7 1.9 17.4 Sinun et al., 1992 Trop. rain forest, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 63.2* 77.1 1.2 21.7 Abas, et al., 1991 Trop. rain forest, peninsular Malaysia 2381 77.6 0.6 21.8 Manokaran, 1979 Rondônia, Jí-Paraná ß Trop. rain forest, Brunei $ 826 81 Tropical dry deciduous forest, India, 19751976 and 1976-1977 1196 789 76 80 6 7 12.6 17.2 Yadav & Mishra, 1985 948 77 <2 21 Okali & Furtado, 1980 1475 1863 80.9 75.4 7.9 6.6 11.2 17.9 Bruijnzeel et al., 1987 25year-old Teak plantation, Nigeria Acacia auriculiformis plantation, Java, 4 years and 5 years old $$ Ubarana, 1996 1 Maize, USA Simulation ~44 Maize, France Simulation 40-46 Maize, Chile § 231 sum of single days within a period of 6 months measuring period 430 and 610 days, respectively ♦ 18.5 months 72.8 18.6 18 Dykes, 1997 Bui & Box, 1992 Girardin, 1992 8.5 Ellies & Huber, 1991 *per week measuring period 114 days $$ not determined but assumed § 5 months ß # $ Secondary vegetation, also subject of only a few studies, shows similar throughfall percentages as comparable (primary) rain forest. But, stemflow and thus interception are different: Interception tends to be lower (3.1 to 12 %), as stemflow of young secondary 58 5.1.1 Precipitation vegetation has a remarkable share (20 % and more). Exceptional, not only in this regard, are the results of Raich (1983) on a regrowing primary forest, where, contrarily, stemflow (4 %) was low. Raich (1983), however, evaluated rainfall partitioning of 31 single days within 6 months, not the accumulated amounts as normally done in the other cited studies, leading to some bias. Stemflow of tropical rainforests is comparably less important comprising 0.4 % to up to 2.3 % (exception Raich, 1983: 9 %) and thus in some studies is neglected. Percentages of rainfall partitioning of the present study lie between those cited by Schroth et al. (1999a) and by Hölscher et al. (1998), which are the most suitable studies for comparison because of similar climatic and edaphic conditions. Their high percentage stemflow on the one hand explains the gap, which obviously exists in the present study between measured throughfall and finally calculated net precipitation (Figure 11). On the other hand, their results indicate the need to include stemflow measurements into observations of young secondary vegetation, which was not done on the fallow site in the present study under the assumption that those percentages would be negligible. In a detailed study on stemflow and throughfall of maize comprising 7 different plant densities, Von Hoyingen-Huene (1983) could show that stemflow of the total stand was not really depending on the plant density, when ranging between 4 and 12 plants m-2. Only rather high densities between 32 and 72 plants m-2 led to a doubled amount of stemflow. Mature maize plants (4 plants m-2; LAI=1.2) 'funneled' around 16 to 19 % of gross precipitation as stemflow. Throughfall did decrease significantly with increasing density of maize stands. Thus, Von Hoyningen-Huene could establish a regression equation determining interception from gross precipitation and leaf area index only. Mean interception of maize with a plant density of 12 and 32 plants m-2 within the main growing season (European summer) was 14.8 % and 23.1 % of gross precipitation (344 mm), respectively. Comparable percentages for stemflow were found by Ellies and Huber (1991, see table). Their mean interception of 8.5 % (on the basis of 5.8 plant m-2) follows the declining trend of interception with lower plant densities. Interception in the present study (3.6 %) by maize with 2 plants m-2 thus seems to be a realistic estimate, fitting this trend and corresponding with Von Hoyningen-Huene's (1983) findings. Combining stemflow with plant height of maize as was done in the present study is comparable with Von Hoyningen-Huenes above-mentioned regression equation including LAI, as plant growth and leaf area index are closely related. Further studies about quantities of stemflow of maize in small-scale farming systems are certainly necessary. They should comprise the whole cropping period of maize and additionally test a correlation with plant growth 59 5.1.1 Precipitation and/or LAI. Designated precipitation-interception studies about cowpea and cassava could not be found in the literature, though their importance in a sound water balance is obvious. Assessing pollutant interception via rainfall Kinnersley et al. (1997) carried out detail laboratory studies on broad beans (Vicia faba). Canopy capacity of this crop was 1 mm and interception fraction fell below 0.2 as soon as total amount of precipitation exceeded 2 mm. Certainly, these laboratory studies should not simply be transmitted to field studies, but at least they can give a rough estimate of the magnitudes of rainfall interception of beans. Further studies on precipitation interception of fallow vegetation as well as crops should follow, as the present study could indicate a high spatial, but more important, temporal heterogeneity of net precipitation of these stands. Therefore, transferring weekly accumulate amounts of net precipitation to single storm events probably is the weakest point in the net precipitation assessment. Evaluating rainfall partitioning of single storm events, which was not done in the present study due to labor-intensity and remoteness of the area, could improve results in this regard, particularly when including the proper Rutter model (Rutter et al. 1971 and 1975) or the analogous Gash model (Gash, 1979). The applied reduced form of the Rutter model with a constant evaporation rate of 1 mm h-1 after a storm in combination with a canopy storage capacity of 1 mm, on a hourly data basis effectively meant that theoretically every single storm event could be reduced by 1 mm (see premises in the methods chapter). Hourly evapotranspiration of dry fallow or crop vegetation canopy would reach 1 mm h-1 only, when available energy (net radiation) at noon (~700 W m-2) would fully enter evapotranspiration, which is however never met. Thus, it has to be questioned, whether 1 mm h-1 evaporation of wet canopy is a reasonable assumption. Details will be discussed in the following chapter. Not considered in net precipitation calculations was the interception of water by lowgrowing weeds and by the organic or mulch layer on top of the soil. Weeds were frequently removed and the mulch layer also inhibits soil evaporation, therefore behaves as a barrier against water fluxes in both directions and, thus, eventually cancels out. Definitely, water balances in the presence of both, weed and mulch, would be extremely difficult to assess. For more details it is referred to the study of Savabi and Stott (1994). 60 5.1.2 Potential and actual evapotranspiration 5.1.2 Potential and actual evapotranspi evapotranspiration Using hourly micro-meteorological data collected on the fallow site, potential evapotranspiration according to the Penman-FAO method as well as actual evapotranspiration applying the Bowen ratio energy balance were calculated over a period of about one year (9th of April 1997 until 29th of March 1998). To complete the two-year study period Penman-Piche evapotranspiration was calculated. Furthermore, the Penman-Monteithmethod was applied, to test the option of a more appropriate method to assess reference stand evaporation including calibration with eco-physiological parameter (porometry). Penman-FAO and Bowen ratio – energy balance method The exceptional dry season of 1997 (end of August until end of December) is clearly discernable, with intensified solar net radiation, higher temperature, higher vapor pressure deficit and higher wind speed during this time (Table 11). Table 11: Monthly mean net radiation (Rn) and temperature as well as mean daytime humidity and median daytime wind speed measured over the fallow site (Min. and Max.-values on hourly data basis; Min.-Windspeed in all cases = 0) Rn Month Mean SE -1 [mm d ] April 1997 May 1997 June 1997 July 1997 August 1997 September 1997 October 1997 November 1997 December 1997 January 1998 February 1998 March 1998 Overall mean 4.3 4.6 5.0 5.4 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.2 5.1 4.4 4.9 4.5 5.1 0.30 0.22 0.09 0.16 0.13 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.20 0.21 0.51 0.27 Temperature Mean Min. Max. ----------- [°C] ----------24.7 24.9 25.8 25.2 25.2 25.8 26.9 26.6 27.1 26.5 27.4 26.9 26.1 20.2 21.0 20.3 20.2 19.4 19.6 20.4 19.3 20.6 21.9 22.2 22.6 31.9 31.7 31.8 31.4 31.8 33.7 34.4 34.4 34.3 33.8 33.2 32.5 Rel. humidity Wind speed Mean Min. Max. Median Max. -1 ---------- [%] ---------[m s ] 85 84 76 77 77 68 62 65 67 81 76 82 75 65 58 54 56 57 43 38 41 40 46 57 54 51 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 99 99 100 100 98 99 1.0 2.2 3.9 3.1 3.8 6.2 7.2 6.6 7.2 3.8 6.3 3.7 4.6 11.2 8.4 9.8 9.1 9.6 11.5 10.8 12.4 12.9 11.3 11.5 9.7 In October 1997, the highest net radiation (mean daily value) was measured with about 14.4 MJ m-2 d-1 (i.e. an evaporated water equivalent of 5.9 mm d-1). Also the other considered micro-climatic parameters reached extreme values. As expected, potential evapotranspiration (Penman-FAO) followed this seasonal variation (Table 12). Highest mean daily evapotranspiration (on a monthly basis) increasing from April was reached in October with 5.1 mm d-1, then decreasing again to 3.5 mm d-1 in January 1998. The overall 61 5.1.2 Potential and actual evapotranspiration mean potential evapotranspiration was 4.3 mm d -1. Table 12: Monthly mean potential and actual evapotranspiration and the mean kc-value of the fallow site (based on daily data), as well as the median Bowen ratio (n = considered hours per month for Bowen ratio; q. = quartile) Month Pot. ET Mean SE Act. ET Mean SE -1 ----------- [mm d ] ----------April 1997 * 3.5 0.23 May 1997 3.7 0.17 June 1997 4.1 0.08 July 1997 4.4 0.13 August 1997 4.6 0.12 September 1997 5.0 0.13 October 1997 5.1 0.14 November 1997 4.5 0.14 December 1997 4.3 0.18 January 1998 3.5 0.19 February 1998 4.6 0.38 March 1998 ** 3.9 0.20 Overall mean 4.3 * Beginning the 9th of April ** Ending the 29th of March 3.5 3.7 4.0 4.2 4.7 4.6 4.3 3.8 3.7 3.3 4.8 3.2 4.0 0.23 0.18 0.09 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.13 0.17 0.18 0.43 0.17 Bowen-ratio kc n Median Upper q. Lower q. [h] -------------- [-] --------------- Mean 49 77 323 238 344 334 347 337 334 313 128 252 0.49 0.40 0.33 0.35 0.28 0.31 0.41 0.40 0.44 0.36 0.22 0.53 0.38 0.79 0.64 0.40 0.42 0.34 0.42 0.53 0.51 0.61 0.50 0.30 0.83 0.36 0.32 0.25 0.26 0.22 0.19 0.25 0.28 0.30 0.25 0.13 0.33 [-] 1.00 1.00 0.96 0.95 1.01 0.93 0.83 0.86 0.84 0.96 1.03 0.83 0.93 Actual evapotranspiration (Bowen ratio energy balance) of the fallow vegetation did only initially, until August 1997 (4.7 mm d-1), follow the increasing trend, but than was successively reduced to finally 3.2 mm d-1 in March 1998. With proceeding dry season the available energy (net radiation) to a greater extend was turned into sensible heat (H) as can be seen in the increasing Bowen ratio during that period. The rather low value of 0.28 in August 1997 means that only about 22 % of the available energy left the system as sensible heat, while 78 % was turned into latent heat (evapotranspiration). In December this ratio was 31 % sensible heat against 69 % latent heat (β = 0.44). February 1998 was quite exceptional with altogether 13 rainless days, thus higher net radiation, mean temperature and higher median wind speed. This promoted high evapotranspiration, which actually was 0.2 mm d-1 higher than potential ET. The Bowen ratio in February was the lowest in the study period. Measurements of the Bowen ratio (hourly basis), which did not meet the criteria of Ohmura (1982), were rejected. Considering also the times of malfunctioning of the psychrometer, i.e. dried-up wet-bulb thermometer, as well as data-loss of one of the four thermometers (thermistors), a total of 20.8 % of all hourly daytime data had to be excluded (leading to n in Table 12). Data loss was mainly responsible for the reduced data basis in July, February and March, while low data basis in April and May was caused by rejection of data. For further calculations, missing hourly actual ET was substituted by hourly potential evapotranspiration of the same time, multiplied by the mean 62 5.1.2 Potential and actual evapotranspiration daily kc-value. If potential evaporation was not available, corresponding data of the preceding or following day were used. A kc-value, analogous to the Penman-FAO (crop coefficient) approach, is the ratio of actual to potential evapotranspiration. The overall mean kc was 0.93 ranging from 0.83 (extended dry season) to 1.03 (rainy season), reflecting the above-described behavior of actual and potential evapotranspiration. Minimal evapotranspiration — actual as well as potential — was measured on the 21st of December 1997, a cloudy day with 2 hours of intensive precipitation (31.9 mm), with 0.71 and 1.04 mm d-1, respectively. Maximum actual evapotranspiration was measured on the 16th of February 1998 with 6.40 mm d-1, a brilliant (10 hours of insolation), rainless and windy day. Maximum potential ET was measured on the 27th of October 1997 with 6.52 mm d-1, a day with similar climatic condition as the 16th of February (actual ET at that day: 4.93 mm d-1). With regard to rainfall distribution as well as the behavior of evapotranspiration of the fallow vegetation, three seasons could be distinguished: a transition period (beginning of April – 21st of August 1997) characterized by frequent precipitation, a dry season (22nd of August – 21st of December 1997) with less precipitation, and a rainy season (22nd of December '97 – end of March 1998) with very frequent and heavy precipitation. The exact dates of distinguishing the seasons might vary annually. Based on these seasons further comparison of hourly micro-climatic data could be made (shown in the Appendix, Figure A-4 to Figure A-8). Beginning at the end of August 1997 the fallow vegetation was getting into water stress due to missing rainfall. As a result, the actual evapotranspiration was reduced by about 20 %. Within the period from 22nd of August until the 8th of January 1998 the sum of actual evapotranspiration amounted to 576 mm, whereas precipitation during that time was only 148 mm. Thus, micro-meteorological results alone suggest that the vegetation, neglecting soil water drainage during that time, used a soil-water reservoir of 428 mm. In the following chapter it has to be tested to what extent these findings are congruent with the soil water model and to what depth the soil water reservoir is really depleted during the dry season. Penman-Piche method Assessing the Penman-Piche evapotranspiration, first the solar term of equation (4) was calculated including measured insolation and maximum and minimum daily temperature, as well as values of maximum possible insolation, albedo and extraterrestrial radiation 63 5.1.2 Potential and actual evapotranspiration (according to Maltez et al., 1986). Results of daily values of the solar term already were highly correlated with daily Penman-FAO evapotranspiration (kc=1; Table 13). Table 13: Regression equation to estimate daily potential evapotranspiration [mm d-1], to estimate the aerodynamic term of the Penman-FAO equation (bold letters within dotted lines) and regression of PenmanFAO ET and Penman-Piche ET (italic letters); n=313 in all cases Regression R 2 ET-Penman-FAO vs. Penman-Piche solar term 0.763** ET-Penman-FAO vs. Piche-Evaporation 0.644** Penman-FAO aerodynamic term vs. Piche-Evaporation 0.800** Equation § -------------- SE of --------------slope intercept estimate 0.007 - 0.495 y=1.687ln(x)+3.082 0.071 0.060 0.609 y=0.189x-0.144 0.005 0.013 0.091 0.006 - 0.485 y=1.076x ET-Penman-FAO vs. § 0.773** y=1.002x ET-Penman-Piche ** highly significant (p≤0.01) § regression forced to intersect the datum (i.e. intercept = 0) The Piche-Evaporation alone also could estimate Penman-FAO evapotranspiration accurately (second regression in Table 13), but the standard error of the estimate was higher (0.609 mm d-1) than that of the former regression, which could be expected since the solar term alone generally contributed more than 80 % of total Penman-FAO evapotranspiration. Separating the Penman-FAO equation into its two summands and using the regression equation between Piche evaporation and the aerodynamic term (third regression) improved the estimate of the potential evapotranspiration. The slope of the highly significant regression equation (fourth equation) indicated that the Penman-Piche evapotranspiration, on average, was fairly congruent with the Penman-FAO evapotranspiration. Allowing the regression curve to intersect above or below the datum did not really improve the regression (R2 increased by only 0.003), which was also true for the PenmanPiche-solar-term-regression. Transferring the regression equation of the aerodynamic term, the Penman-Piche evapotranspiration was calculated for those times, when own measurements were missing (January to 9th of April 1997 and 31st of March 1998 to end of 1998; Table 14). 64 5.1.2 Potential and actual evapotranspiration Table 14: Monthly mean Penman-Piche potential evapotranspiration for the fallow vegetation Month Penman-Piche pot. ET Mean SE -1 [mm d ] January 1997 February 1997 March 1997 ... April 1998 May 1998 June 1998 July 1998 August 1998 September 1998 October 1998 November 1998 December 1998 Overall mean 3.2 3.7 3.3 0.15 3.5 3.8 3.6 3.5 4.3 4.6 5.1 4.2 3.9 3.9 0.18 0.19 0.17 0.13 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.12 0.09 0.18 0.20 Mean monthly Penman-Piche-evapotranspiration and its seasonal dynamics were equivalent to the Penman-FAO results of the year before. Deviations were mostly detectable within the rainy season and thus are well explainable, as rainfall distribution and consequently net radiation (due to cloudiness) of the two consecutive years differed considerably (see above). The Regressions in Table 13 give additional information about (minimum) requirements to determine potential evapotranspiration. The Piche evaporimeter alone turned out to be an appropriate instrument to give estimates of daily potential evapotranspiration, when sufficiently calibrated with independent measurements. More worthwhile, but also demanding better equipment, are the determination of the solar term by measuring the insolation and minimum and maximum temperature, emphasizing the need of highly reliable measurements of those parameter. Combination of both measurements only slightly improved the results over those obtained using solely the solar-term-regression. It thus has to be questioned, whether a Piche evaporimeter is a necessary complement to basic temperature and insolation measurements in the humid tropics. At least in the present study it proved to contribute only a small share (<20 %) on the estimate of total potential evapotranspiration. This might not be valid, however, for temperate regions. Stanhill (1962) pointed out the simplicity of the Piche measurements to improve potential evaporation measurements. The aerodynamic term in his study in Israel reached up to 1.9 mm d-1 that is almost one half of the total potential evapotranspiration. The slope (a) of two independently determined regression equations (aerodynamic term vs. sheltered Piche evaporation) was 65 5.1.2 Potential and actual evapotranspiration 0.140 and 0.147, the intercept (b) 0.112 and 0.461 mm d-1, respectively and thus comparable to the intercept of the present study (b = 0.144 mm d-1). Papaioannou et al. (1996), applying the same regression for sheltered evaporimeter data of Athens, found a mean slope of 0.194 which is only slightly higher then the value of the present study (a=0.189). Their intercepts, however, were higher and varied seasonally between 0.313 and 0.900. In a later study, Papaioannou et al. (1998) additionally correlated Piche evaporation with the aerodynamic Penman-Monteith term, i.e. including also estimates of rc and ra. They stated that one single annual relationship of those data satisfactorily could describe daily potential evapotranspiration, as was done in the present study. Basically, however, results did not really differ from former research, as knowledge about dynamics of ra and rc were scarce and both were crudely approximated. Paw and Gueye (1983) using exposed evaporimeter data (outside a weather hut and thus also influenced by radiation) from Illinois, USA, could detect a linear relation between those data and potential evapotranspiration. The slope was not significantly different from 1, whereas the intercept was highly variable ranging from –1.34 to 2.84 depending on daytime and season. The standard error of the estimate was about three times higher then results of the present study, underlining the fact that improvement can be achieved using a sheltered evaporimeter and correlating those data only with the Penman aerodynamic term, when the solar term can be calculated from separate measurements. Penman-Monteith method Finally, the Penman-Monteith equation to determine 'reference' stand (crop) evapotranspiration was applied. The overall mean value of the aerodynamic resistance ra within the measuring period amounted to 6 s m-1 (Table 15). The aerodynamic resistance is inversely related to wind speed and therefore reached lowest values in the (more windy) dry season ranging between 3 and 4 s m-1. Additionally, as the term ln2(z-d/(z0) in equation (18) increased due to growing vegetation, ra systematically declined within the measuring period (e.g. maximum values of ra achieved at zero wind speed). The canopy resistance (rc) was calculated with the rewritten Penman-Monteith equation incorporating results of the actual evapotranspiration determined with the Bowen ratio energy balance method (appropriate data according to above mentioned criteria only). Within the rainy season and the transitional period monthly daytime median rc varied between 53 and 69 s m-1. The canopy resistance increased within the dry season to reach a 66 5.1.2 Potential and actual evapotranspiration maximum of 119 s m-1 in October 1997. Table 15: Monthly median daytime aerodynamic resistance (ra) and canopy resistance (rc) of the fallow vegetation on the basis of hourly data, and the calculated rc based on regression analysis Month -------------------------- ra -----------------------Upper Lower quartile quartile Median Max. 10 9 7 7 6 4 4 4 3 5 3 5 6 21 17 6 3 21 14 7 4 20 13 5 3 19 11 6 3 18 9 5 3 18 5 4 2 17 4 3 2 16 7 3 2 16 6 3 2 15 11 4 2 14 9 3 2 13 9 4 2 --------------- rc ---------------- rc-regression Upper Lower 451 65 146 43 151 43 102 45 Median Quartile Quartile Median -1 -------------------------------------------------- [s m ] ------------------------------------------------------April 1997 May 1997 June 1997 July 1997 August 1997 September 1997 October 1997 November 1997 December 1997 January 1998 February 1998 March 1998 Overall mean Min. 143 69 62 63 53 84 119 110 112 60 56 67 83 81 37 121 54 167 72 188 69 159 75 105 39 84 43 108 49 50 53 60 57 54 86 133 126 101 55 58 52 74 April 1997 showed an exceptionally high median daytime canopy resistance of 143 s m-1. However, data for this month were the fewest of the measuring period, comprising only 49 hours (see n in Table 12). Thus, the possibility exists that canopy resistance was overestimated. Diurnal dynamics of the canopy resistance followed a certain pattern that was most distinct in the dry season (Figure 13 and Appendix, Figure A-8): 200 Transitional period Dry season rc [s m-1] 150 Rainy season 100 50 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Time of day [h] Figure 13: Median diurnal dynamic (hourly data) of the canopy resistance during the distinguished seasons Daytime minimum rc was reached between 7 and 8 o'clock. Field observation showed that in the early-morning dew very frequently caused complete wetting of the vegetation67 5.1.2 Potential and actual evapotranspiration canopy. Consequently, it was not surprising that rc at those times was close to zero, theoretically true only for a wet canopy. Subsequent desiccation of the canopy caused an increase of rc, which was most rapid in the dry season. Further diurnal patterns of rc in the transitional period and the rainy season did not differ significantly, ranging from 40 to 80 s m-1 and rapidly increasing in the late afternoon (between 5 and 6 p.m.) to finally reach more than 1000 s m-1. Within the dry season, however, hourly daytime canopy resistances between 6 A.M. and 4 P.M. were significantly higher than those of the other seasons, except between the dry season and the transitional period between 7 and 8 A.M. (GLM with nested effect and comparison of least square means of all data). A multiple stepwise linear regression analysis was applied to express canopy resistance through micro-meteorological parameters. Initially, temperature, net radiation (Rn [W m-2]) and saturation vapor deficit (D [kPa]) entered the analysis as explainable parameters. To comply with the required normal distribution, canopy resistance data were logtransformed. In the end, net radiation and saturation vapor deficit were the only parameter that combined could predict rc, whereas temperature did not significantly contribute to the prediction. However, hourly canopy resistance data before 8 a.m. and after 4 p.m. had to be excluded from the regression analysis and also extremely high values (>330 s m-1; n=67) were not considered, to obtain reasonable daily estimates and avoid bias towards extreme values. The canopy resistance could be predicted with the following equation (R2 = 0.654; standard errors in Table 16): (33) Ln(rc) = 4.158 + (0.856 *D) - (0.00251 * Rn) Table 16: Regression analysis to predict the log-transformed canopy resistance with the saturation vapor deficit and the net radiation (n=2446; R2 = 0.654) Coefficient Std. error Constant 4.158** 0.023 Saturation vapor deficit 0.856** 0.0132 Net radiation -0.00251** 0.000056 Estimate 0.434 **highly significant different from zero (t-test, p≤0.01) Contribution for prediction 56 % 44 % Monthly median daytime canopy resistance values obtained with this regression equation (rc-regression in Table 15 on basis of all hourly micro-meteorological data, n=2918) did not differ significantly from those data calculated by the above-described procedure that included actual ET measurements (paired t-test). Moreover, based on the regression equation (data basis: n=190 hours), the previously calculated, extraordinary high monthly median canopy resistance of April 1997 could not be confirmed. Instead, a value of 68 5.1.2 Potential and actual evapotranspiration 50 s m-1 was calculated, which is considered reasonable for the transitional period and the rainy season. The regression equation to determine canopy resistance, though based on only two micro-meteorological parameters, confirmed the earlier calculations. It is, however, certainly only valid for fallow vegetation of the study region under similar conditions. No factor directly describing soil water availability for the fallow plants is yet considered, which could be done by including soil pressure head dynamics into the regression analysis. So far, however, the above-described regression equation might serve as an independent tool to predict stand evapotranspiration with micro-meteorological measurements only, applying the Penman-Monteith method. Both methods that assess potential/stand evapotranspiration of the fallow vegetation, the Penman-FAO method as well as the Penman-Monteith method (including the achieved regression equation) were compared. To this end, hourly data of actual evapotranspiration (Bowen ratio) were plotted against hourly Penman-FAO and PenmanMonteith evapotranspiration data, respectively (Figure 14). As could be seen already in Table 12, actual evapotranspiration frequently did not reach potential evapotranspiration (Penman-FAO). The slope of 1.083 (significantly different from 1; t-test, p≤0.05) indicates that potential evapotranspiration systematically was 8.3 % higher than actual ET (the reciprocal value of the slope also corresponds to the mean kc in Table 12). However, the distribution of data points (Penman-FAO vs. Bowen ratio) was less scattered, especially at low latent heat fluxes above -100 W m-2, where actual and potential evapotranspiration fit quite well. At those flux rates the PenmanMonteith method frequently overestimated actual evapotranspiration, but also generally estimates of hourly reference stand evapotranspiration were less accurate, as indicated by the lower regression coefficient. Values of latent heat flux above –100 W m-2 are mostly related to early morning or late afternoon hours. But, late in the afternoon the regression equation to predict rc was not adapted. Extending the equation to those times resulted in an underestimated rc (see Appendix, Figure A-8), which subsequently led to an overestimation of actual evapotranspiration. On the other hand, extending the regression equation to early morning evapotranspiration led to a slight underestimation of actual ET due to an overestimation of rc at those times. Thus, on a daily basis those two effects appeared to counterbalance each other. The slope of 1.006 of the Penman-Monteith regression was not significantly different from 1 (t-test, p≤0.05). Reference stand evapotranspiration calculated with the Penman-Monteith method including a regression equation describing the canopy resistance, thus met actual evapotranspiration according to the Bowen ratio energy balance. 69 5.1.2 Potential and actual evapotranspiration -2 λET - Penman-Monteith [W m ] -700 -600 -500 -400 -300 y = 1.006x -200 R = 0.841 SEy = 60.6 SEa = 0.0039 2 -100 0 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 -2 λET - Bowen ratio [W m ] -600 -700 -700 -2 λET - Penman-FAO [W m ] -600 -500 -400 -300 y = 1.083x -200 R = 0.910 SEy = 48.3 SEa = 0.0031 2 -100 0 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 -2 λET - Bowen ratio [W m ] -600 -700 Figure 14: Comparison of actual evapotranspiration (Bowen ratio) and potential ET according to PenmanFAO as well as stand evapotranspiration according to Penman-Monteith (hourly data; n=2963; SEy = standard error of estimate; SEa = standard error of slope) In a second approach, data on stomata resistances and on the leaf area index of the considered fallow vegetation were used to calculate the canopy resistance in a different way (porometry assessment). Therefore, stomata resistances (rst) of the most abundant species of the fallow site were measured in three campaigns on the 3rd of July and the 7th and the 28th of August 1997 from 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. every two hours with a dynamic diffusion porometer (AP$, Delta T device, UK). The same kind of measurements was also carried out by Sá et al. (1995 and 1999) at fallow sites of different age (Table 17). 70 5.1.2 Potential and actual evapotranspiration Table 17: Mean, minimum and maximum stomata resistances (related to two-sided unit area of leaves) of the most abundant species at the fallow site and of species of fallows of different age in the study region; n.g. = not given Stomata resistance Mean SE Min Max -1 -1 [s m ] Precent fallow vegetation Banara guianensis 85 Davilla rugosa 115 Lacistema pubescens 83 Myrcia bracteata 96 Vismia guianensis 94 Overall mean 94 Weighted mean 90 Fallow, 1/2 year old (Sá et al., 1995) Banara guianensis 83 Cecropia palmata 93 Davilla rugosa 121 Lacistema pubescens 111 Myrcia bracteata 136 Phenakospermum guianensis 176 Vismia guinanensis 100 Overall mean 117 Fallow, 3-4 years old (Sá et al., 1995) Banara guianensis 83 Cecropia palmata 86 Davilla rugosa 133 Lacistema pubescens 71 Myrcia bracteata 112 Phenakospermum guianensis 126 Vismia guinanensis 92 Overall mean 100 Fallow, 6 years old (Sá et al., 1999) Davilla rugosa 145 Lacistema pubescens 133 Myrcia bracteata 120 Phenakospermum guianensis 254 Overall mean 163 Fallow, 9-11 years old (Sá et al., 1995) Davilla rugosa 531 Lacistema pubescens 252 Phenakospermum guianensis 381 Vismia guinanensis 188 Overall mean 338 [s m ] 9 9 7 10 9 9 8 36 52 45 39 45 196 183 163 211 191 n.g. " " " " " " 32 31 37 32 47 56 32 1522 11161 4274 8549 13393 893 7581 n.g. " " " " " " 31 33 31 32 34 36 32 2336 1119 1860 618 835 1101 1390 41 43 23 17 67 56 79 218 356 478 259 347 n.g. " " " 65 53 83 69 3901 4018 2480 1674 Mean stomata resistances of species of young fallow vegetation (<4 years) ranged between 71 and 136 s m-1 (not including Phenakospermum guianensis, which was not present on the fallow site under study). However, rst of older fallow vegetation tended to increase and partially exceeded values of 200-300 s m-1 (9-11 year-old fallow). Thus, Stomata resistances with time approached values that were also measured for mature 71 5.1.2 Potential and actual evapotranspiration (Amazonian) primary forest species (200 s m-1 by Schulze et al., 1994; 100-700 s m-1 by Sá et al., 1996; 75-300 s m-1 by Andrade et al., 1998). The overall mean rst of five species of the present fallow site was 94 s m-1 and slightly decreased to 90 s m-1, when weighted according to the abundance of the individual species (based on the plant survey of Wetzel & Cordeiro, see Appendix, Table A-2). Schmitt (1997) measured the leaf area index (LAI, referring to one leaf side) of the subject fallow vegetation. Results of his 'destructive' method (collecting all leaves above a certain area and measuring the leaf area) ranged between 3.56 and 5.55 (exception 9.22 not considered) with a mean LAI of 4.33 (SE=0.599, n=4). Additionally, he could confirm these findings with a second, 'non-destructive' method using a plant canopy analyzer (LiCor LAI-2000, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA), where he obtained a mean LAI of 4.17 (SE=0.127, n=5). To finally calculate the canopy resistance, equation 20 (rc = rst/(0.5 LAI); chapter 4.2.2) was applied9. With that, the mean canopy resistance varied between 42 and 48 s m-1 (LAI: 4.17 to 4.33; rst: 90 to 100 s m-1, see above). On the other hand, keeping the stomata resistance as the dependent variable, led to a mean rst- value of 113 to 180 s m-1 (LAI: 4.17 to 4.33; rc: 54 to 83 s m-1). In the latter case (calculating rst on basis of rc), there would arise a difference between porometry-determined rst-values and calculated rst-values of 23 to 90 s m-1. When Allen (1986; see also Pereira et al., 1996) first stated the relationship between rc and rst, in equation 20, he assumed that only one half of the canopy of a dense and hypostomatic crop is active in vapor and heat transport leading to the factor 0.5 in the denominator. However, keeping the stomata resistance as measured porometrically (90 s m-1) and the mean canopy resistance as determined during times, where the campaigns were carried out (54 s m-1, median July-August-value), the factor 0.5 would be reduced to range between 0.39 and 0.40 (LAI: 4.17to 4.33). This factor would further decrease to between 0.27 and 0.32, when an overall mean value for rst of 100 s m-1 (as quoted for 3 to 4-year-old fallow) and a median value for rc of 83 s m-1 or 74 s m-1 (from Table 15), respectively, would enter the equation. These results would mean that over the whole measuring period eventually only 27 to 32 % of the area of all leaves of the canopy were actively contributing to vapor and heat transport. Furthermore, it is not really justified for the studied natural vegetation to neglect the ad- 9rc in this study is a resistance per unit area of ground of the vegetation stand 72 5.1.2 Potential and actual evapotranspiration axial share of stomata as is implicated in equation 20. The considered species of the fallow vegetation had also adaxial ("upper") stomata, which contributed to stomata resistance. Sá et al. (1998) measured varying ratios of stomata conductance of abaxial and adaxial leaf surfaces. They recorded the lowest for Myrcia bracteata with 9.18 (9.8 % adaxial versus 90.2 % abaxial) and highest for Davilla rugosa reaching 31.85 (3.0 % versus 97.0 %). Thus, all cited results on stomata resistance in Table 17 included the sum of stomata conductance of both sides of the leaves (with regard to the total leaf area). Assuming a 10 % adaxial share, the percentage of actively contributing leaves of the canopy would drop to about 25 to 29 %. Averaging these results, thus the canopy resistance might be expressed as: (34) rc = rst 0.28 ⋅ LAI Seasonal dynamics of stomata resistance have not yet been taken into consideration. As differences between the distinguished seasons could be found regarding daily dynamic of the canopy resistance, it is obvious that seasonal differences should be detectable on the leaf-level. Indeed, Sá et al. (1996) are quoting such a seasonal patterns, as they found a correlation between rst and soil water storage for primary forest species. Generally, theoretical stomata conductance/resistance behavior is described by including ambient micro-climatic conditions such as temperature, radiation or saturation vapor deficit (Schulze, 1994). Those relationships have to be elaborated also for stomata resistance of secondary vegetation, which remains subject of further research. The relationship between (single) leaf or stomata resistance and canopy resistance and their contribution to actual or reference crop evapotranspiration is the subject of numerous studies. Stockle and Kjelgaard (1996) introduced an additional resistance term r0 (rc=r0+[rst min/0.5LAI]) accounting for inner-canopy structure of a crop (in their case corn and potato). With that term they could improve previously overestimated (calculated) rst values to fit with porometer data on rst. Their calculation method for rst was the same as used in the present study, i.e. based on the rearranged Penman-Monteith equation including daytime Bowen ratio measurements and applying equation 20. Additionally, they kept rst in their calculation as a dependent variable of saturation vapor pressure deficit and solar radiation (linear relation), which also proved to be the best estimate for rc in our study. Introducing an additional canopy structure resistance in our study could explain the above-mentioned differences (23 to 90 s m-1) between porometry-rst and calculated rst. Additional studies, however, would be necessary to validate the assumptions made in the above calculations and, thus, to eliminate some of the alternative options for calcu73 5.1.2 Potential and actual evapotranspiration lating rst. Körner et al. (1979) provided numerous values for maximum leaf conductance of a variety of crops but also of natural vegetation. According to their evaluation maximum leaf conductance of evergreen woody plants range between 0.1 and 0.5 cm s-1 (i.e. rst: 2001000 s m-1). This is at least 3 to 4 times higher the magnitude determined by Sá et al. (1995, 1999; see Table 17). Thus, stomata resistance and with that also canopy resistance of fallow vegetation is subject to a seasonal dynamic as well as an increasing trend with age, complicating long-term evaluation of Penman-Monteith reference stand evapotranspiration without repeated measurements of those parameter. Aerodynamic resistances of the present study are comparable to those of forests, but are low compared to values cited for crops. The ra of most crops range between 10 and 50 s m-1 (see several publication cited in Monteith, 1965), whereas aerodynamic resistances of forests are mostly below 10 s m-1 (2.5 s m-1 for coniferous forest California, Monteith, 1965; 1 to~10 s m-1 for Corsican pine and Douglas fir, Robins, 1974). Low ra of forests are caused by the comparably higher roughness length of the stand, which was also the case in the present study (z0: 30-46 cm). But to an extent, the applied equation (according to Thom and Oliver, 1977) was responsible for the lower ra. Thom and Oliver (1977) modified the original equation of Monteith (1965), which resulted in a prediction of ra at lower wind speed that did not – as was originally the case – reach extremely high values. They claimed that their equation is "accurate enough, over a wide range in degrees of surface roughness to recommend its adoption into hydrometeorological practice", which made it preferable for the present fallow stand. Canopy resistances of the present study of "well-watered" fallow vegetation (rainy season and transitional period: 53-69 s m-1) are comparable to those of forests and crops, which range between 40 and 100 s m-1 (40-80 s m-1 for clipped grass and alfalfa, Allen, 1986; ~100 s m-1 for wheat, Cajanus cajan and lentil, Wallace et al., 1981; ~50 s m-1 for barley; Szeicz & Long, 1969; see further citations in Monteith, 1965). But also "stressed" fallow vegetation's canopy resistances (dry season: 84-119 s m-1) are congruent with literature values (11-110 s m-1 for rain forest, Kenya, Szeicz & Long, 1969; 67-140 s m-1 for rain forest species in plantation, Granier et al., 1992). In the fallow vegetation under study, the canopy resistance is a factor 4 to sometimes more than 10 higher than the aerodynamic resistance. On this basis, evaporation from a wet canopy – due to intercepted rainfall – should proceed faster than from a dry canopy, 74 5.1.2 Potential and actual evapotranspiration as resistance of a wet canopy approaches zero and evaporation is regulated by the aerodynamic resistance only (Monteith, 1981). It is, therefore, reasonable to assume an evaporation of intercepted water of 1 mm per hour as was done in the present study. High evaporation of intercepted water was cited for pine forest in temperate regions by Monteith (1965) and by Rutter (1975) amounting to 0.2-0.5 mm h-1, but also for tropical forests by Bruijnzeel and Wiersum (1987) suggesting 0.5-1.2 mm h-1 and by Dykes (1997) giving an average of 0.71 mm h-1. Also for winter wheat in Great Britain, high evaporation rates of the wet canopy ranging between 0.43 and 1.23 mm h-1 were found by Butler and Huband (1985), though in this case large differences between ra and rc are not expected. Therefore, it is also justified for the cultivated crops to apply an evaporation rate of intercepted water of 1 mm per hour. Crop evapotranspiration (crop coefficients) For the cultivation sites, evapotranspiration results of the Penman-FAO method obtained from the fallow site were used. In a strict meteorological sense, transferring those data is not permitted. As the cultivation sites were relatively small and surrounded by fallow vegetation of the fallow site (site 1) or by fallow vegetation with comparable characteristics as the fallow site (site 2), the microclimate of these sites obviously was highly influenced by the fallow vegetation. Thus, deviation in this regard should be comparably small. Results of Penman-FAO evapotranspiration were multiplied with crop coefficients suitable for maize, cowpea and cassava (according to Doorenbros & Pruitt, 1977; Figure 15). 1.2 1 kc 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1.1. Maize 1.3. 1.5. Cowpea 1.7. 1997 Cassava 1.9. 1.11. 1.1. 1.3. Fallow 1.5. 1.7. 1998 1.9. 1.11. Figure 15: Crop coefficients (kc) for maize, cowpea, cassava and the regrowing fallow vegetation 75 1.1. 5.1.2 Potential and actual evapotranspiration Also the regrowing fallow vegetation obtained "crop coefficients" according to field observation of its regrowth. Evaporation from bare soil preceding the maize crop was calculated according to the recommendation of Doorenbros and Pruitt (1977) using a kc-value of 0.665. Also during intermediate times with sparse crop-cover soil evaporation was assumed. The kc value, however, was reduced as cover of crop-residues prevented excessive soil evaporation. For those times, interpolated crop coefficients of prior and following crop (last and first kc values) were used. Cumulative crop evapotranspiration (including evapotranspiration of regrowing fallow vegetation) over the two years was 502 mm lower than the cumulative potential evapotranspiration (Penman-FAO, kc=1; Figure 16). However, crop evaporation as calculated above is, per definition, only achieved with well-watered crop-stands and, thus, is considered as the 'potential' crop evapotranspiration. Applying a soil water model, where potential crop evapotranspiration is considered, it will be shown that under field conditions 'actual' crop evapotranspiration, especially within the dry season, is highly depending on soil water availability and does not reach potential crop evapotranspiration. 3000 Cumulative ET [mm] 2500 1997: 1998: Potential ET 1496 mm 1458 mm Actual ET 1411 mm n.d. Potential ET crop 1175 mm 1277 mm Potential ET-Piche 2000 Actual ET 1500 Potential ETcrop-Piche Potential ET 1000 Potential ETcrop 500 0 1.1. 1.3. 1.5. 1.7. 1.9. 1.11. 1.1. 1.3. 1.5. 1.7. 1.9. 1.11. 1.1. 1997 1998 Figure 16: Cumulative evapotranspiration of the fallow vegetation over the two-year observation period according to the Bowen ratio energy balance (actual ET), the Penman-FAO method (potential ET, kc=1) and, when considering the cultivation sites, including crop coefficients for maize, beans, cassava and regrowing fallow vegetation (potential ETcrop, assuming well watered crops; dotted gray lines according to the PenmanPiche method) Figure 16 also shows the cumulative actual evapotranspiration obtained with the Bowen ratio energy balance method for the measuring period of one year until 29th of March 1998. It was assumed that actual ET would equal potential ET (Penman-FAO) within the 76 5.1.2 Potential and actual evapotranspiration first three months of 1997 as could be found for the first three months of 1998 (paired ttest of daily actual and potential data). Considering only the measuring period of one year (April 1997 to March 1998), potential evapotranspiration reached 1533 mm and actual ET amounted to 1426 mm, thus ETa being 106 mm lower than potential ET. The ratio of actual ET to potential ET, the mean kc value for the fallow site, was 0.93 as already shown in Table 12. For those periods, when actual evaporation data could be determined, those data were used in the soil water model of the fallow site, whereas potential ET (Penman-FAO, kc=1 and Penman-Piche) was used for the remaining time. Under the above made assumption, for 1997 a full data set of actual evapotranspiration was available, whereas 1998 was represented through potential evapotranspiration. Bowen ratio energy balance measurements are widely used to predict actual evapotranspiration. Sources of error for this method are related in the first place to inaccurate temperature determination (above all wet bulb temperature). Violation of premises of the method such as equality of exchange coefficients (as described in the Appendix) or a not equilibrated boundary layer due to insufficient fetch, may add to error. For further details see Fuchs and Tanner (1970), Sinclair et al. (1975), Ohmura, (1982), Bernhofer (1992), Stannard (1997). As a rule, for ideal conditions Foken et al. (1997) proposed an accuracy of the Bowen ratio energy balance method of ± 10 % of every measured value. Applying this degree of accuracy, the annual actual evapotranspiration (1426 mm, April to March) of the fallow vegetation range between 1283 and 1569 mm. For additional details on reference crop evapotranspiration including the PenmanMonteith equation and the FAO-Doorenbros&Pruitt approach, it is referred to Allen et al. (1996), Smith et al. (1996) and Pereira et al. (1999). 77 5.1.3 Soil water movement 5.1.3 Soil water movement Model adjustments For the flow equation, the parameters describing space and time discretization, boundary conditions and initial distribution of the pressure head within the soil profile were set as mentioned in the methods chapter (page 36 ff). The removal of vegetation and therefore missing transpiration at the end of November and during December 1996 on the cultivation sites caused a rather moderate desiccation of those soils compared to the soil of the fallow site. Consequently, initial vertical pressure head distributions on the cultivation sites and on the fallow site were different (Figure 17). On the latter pressure head in the topsoil eventually reached –2500 cm. Only at soil depths greater than 500 cm initial conditions at both sites were comparable. Pressure head [cm] 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -2000 -2500 0 -100 -200 Depth [cm] -300 -400 initial condition 'fallow' -500 initial condition 'cultivation site' -600 estimated intitial conditions for 1996-modelling -700 -800 -900 -1000 Figure 17: Estimated initial pressure head distribution for the modeling procedure of 1996 and resulting distributions of pressure head within the soil profile at the end of year 1996 for the fallow and for the cultivation sites Initial soil hydraulic properties expressed as Van-Genuchten parameters and fitted on the basis of the laboratory soil-water retention data were modified to adjust modeled and measured pressure head dynamics of the three study sites. Depending on the soil depth, modifications (fitting) of the parameters θs, Ks and l to a certain degree were necessary (Table 18). 78 5.1.3 Soil water movement Table 18: Initially set and adjusted Van Genuchten parameter for soil hydraulic property (initial = initially set; adj. = final adjustment) Site/depth n --- Ks --initial adj. -1 --- [cm d ] --- --- l --initial adj. ------ [-] ----- ---- θs ---initial adj. 3 -3 -------- [cm cm ] --------- [cm ] [-] Site 1 0-22.5 cm 22.5-45 cm 45-75 cm 75-105 cm 105-1000 cm 0.034 0.081 0.133 0.119 0.119 0.468 0.445 0.440 0.440 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 - 0.133 0.070 0.059 0.137 0.063 1.618 1.762 1.718 1.466 1.684 498 318 188 205 125 6 7 20 - -1.4 -1.4 -1.4 -1.4 -1.37 -1 -1 -1 - Site 2 0-22.5 cm 22.5-45 cm 45-75 cm 75-105 cm 105-1000 cm 0.114 0.156 0.154 0.136 0.136 0.450 0.450 0.443 0.471 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 - 0.074 0.138 0.065 0.054 0.057 1.595 1.522 1.663 1.752 1.900 91 99 130 199 125 6 6 15 - -1.4 -1.4 -1.4 -1.4 -1.0 -1 -1 -1 - Fallow site 0-22.5 cm 22.5-45 cm 45-75 cm 75-105 cm 105-1000 cm 0.115 0.129 0.160 0.135 0.119 0.421 0.413 0.427 0.463 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 - 0.070 0.111 0.059 0.059 0.067 1.762 1.515 1.766 1.878 1.578 200 161 137 216 99 6 7 20 - -1.4 -1.4 -1.4 -1.4 -1.37 -1 -1 -1 - θr α -1 No adjustments could be made for 0-22.5 cm soil depth, as no pressure head within this profile section was measured. Furthermore, for the profile section 105-1000 cm the VanGenuchten parameters were not modified. Adjustments were realized by modifying the scaling factors, αθ and αK (Table 19). Table 19: Initially set and adjusted scaling factors (αθ and αK) for the soil profiles within 105 and 1000 cm, at soil depths, where comparable (measured vs. modeled) data were available Site/depth αK αθ initial adj. initial adj. --------------- [-] --------------- Site 1 120 cm 180 cm 240 cm 300 cm 0.94 1.04 1.05 0.97 0.94 1.04 1.05 0.97 1.10 1.65 0.58 0.68 0.40 1.65 0.90 0.68 Site 2 120 cm 180 cm 240 cm 300 cm 1.08 0.98 0.95 0.99 1.08 0.98 0.95 0.99 0.57 1.95 0.71 0.77 0.70 1.95 1.20 1.00 Fallow site 120 cm 180 cm 240 cm 300 cm 400 cm 500 cm 600 cm 0.93 1.03 1.02 0.99 0.93 0.97 1.12 0.93 1.03 1.02 0.99 0.93 0.97 0.94 1.41 1.86 1.06 0.97 0.50 0.66 0.54 1.15 1.86 1.32 1.00 0.71 1.00 0.71 79 5.1.3 Soil water movement The saturated water content underwent major modification: While fitting the Van Genuchten parameter, it became obvious that heavy precipitation events affected deep soil layers in the model to the same extent as measured in situ only, when the effective water content had previously been diminished in the model settings. Therefore, θs was set to 0.35 as the best fit for all soil depths, which for some depths meant a reduction of more than 0.1. This value was suitable also for the 105-1000 cm segment, which was additionally supported by the fact that no further fitting of αθ was necessary (except at 600 cm depth on the fallow site). Laboratory measurements of θs (= total porosity) with 100 cm3-soil-samples certainly do not account for air-entrapments that are very often encountered in the field. And, with bulk densities of the soil below 1 m ranging from 1.5 to sometimes more than 1.8 g cm-3, porosity is also reduced. These two factors in combinations caused a reduction in θs to a value suitable in the modeling procedures. Buttler and Riha (1992) also had to reduce the saturated θs values obtained in the laboratory, when transferring them to field conditions, to appropriately describe the water flux of a maize-cultivated Oxisol of CentralBrazil. According to them, the assumption that saturated water content in the field would equal total porosity was not valid for this soil. Finally, they reduced laboratory θs values by 30 % to obtain congruent simulated and measured water contents in the field. "Satiated" (=field saturated) water contents never exceeded 75 % of total porosity. Additionally, however, they found an initial increase of satiated water contents, when bulk density was rising from 1.00 to 1.22 g cm-3. This was attributed to a loss of macroporosity and thus an increased fraction of the mesopores containing water under satiated conditions. A further increase in bulk density under comparable conditions, however, yielded lower water contents. Klinge (1997) using a similar inverse modeling approach to describe the water movement in soils of the Eastern Amazon region near Belém could not use averages of saturated water content obtained from laboratory water retention curves, but had to reduce them. Theoretical Rosetta neural network predictions (Schaap et al. 1998) of the saturated water content (actually not used in this study) based on textural classes of the studied soils (loamy sands to sandy clay loams) and on a bulk density of 1.5 g cm-3 never reached θsvalues exceeding 0.4. Rising bulk density to 1.8 g cm-3, which was encountered in the deeper soil profile, diminished θs additionally to as low as 0.3. Apparently, it is necessary to reduce laboratory-determined saturated water contents if they are to be for soil water movement assessments. The saturated soil hydraulic conductivities (Ks) of the upper 105 cm soil depth also were 80 5.1.3 Soil water movement diminished. Initial Rosetta neural network suggestions were reduced by in some cases exceeding a factor of 20. Neural network prediction thus even failed to give rough estimates. The drop of hydraulic conductivity at lower soil depth is explainable, when considering the structure of the soil. The soil structure, influenced by (clay-) aggregation and its stability, plays an important role in determining hydraulic conductivity (Bouma and Anderson, 1973). Soils of the study region often behave as so-called ‘pseudo-sands’, characterized by aggregation of primary clay particles to sand-like microaggregates. Despite a considerable percentage share of clay, hydraulic conductivity of these soils would be similar to those of sandy soils (depending on the proportion of those sand-like aggregates). Table A-1 in the Appendix gives the clay content obtained by dispersing the soil in 1N NaOH solution and the so-called 'natural' clay content, which was obtained by using solely water for dispersion. Indeed, flocculation, the percentage of microaggregated clay to total clay content, reached 100 % in the deeper soil layers where conductivities were considerably increased as a result. At 120 cm depth under sites 1 and 2, where flocculation was still quite low (28 % and 61 %), αK had to be adjusted to 0.4 and 0.7, respectively, to reduce the reference hydraulic conductivity by these factors. This was not the case for the fallow site, where at 120 cm soil depth flocculation already reached 100 %. On site 1, however, hydraulic conductivity at 180 cm soil depth could not be explained by flocculation alone, and it remains unclear, if conductivities of the uppermost soil layer (022.5 cm), where no adjustment could be made, are equally affected by microaggregation. The pore-connectivity parameter l was adjusted to a lesser extent. Beginning with a value of –1.4 based on latest results of the Riverside Salinity Laboratory working-group (Van Genuchten et al., 1999), l received a value of -1.0 above 105 cm, as well as at greater depth on site 2, whereas –1.37 was suitable for site 1 and the fallow site below 105 cm. Appropriate values of l remain subject of debate even in recent publications (Table 20). While earlier publications left l at 0.5 as proposed by Mualem (1976) as best-estimate (Van Genuchten, 1980; Dane & Hruska, 1983; Van Genuchten & Nielsen, 1985; Kool et al., 1987), later studies noted that l should be kept as an 'experimental unknown'. Certain correlations between l and other soil-physical parameters have been detected (Vereecken, 1995) and it was soon clear that l might comprise a wide range including also negative values as Mualem (1976) already had assumed. 81 5.1.3 Soil water movement Table 20: Pore connectivity value l and its range cited in literature Publication Mualem, 1976 Wösten & Van Genuchten, 1988: all coarse textured medium textured fine textured ----------------- l ----------------best fit/mean range Data set n 45 0.5 197 105 43 49 -2.3* 0.22* -2.47* -7.64* Schuh & Cline, 1990 75 0.63 ** Yates et al., 1992 36 0.39 Schaap et al., in revision 235 -1.0 -1.0 to 2.5 # §§ -9.38 to 0.83 §§ -0.32 to 0.83 §§ -4.59 to –0.54 §§ -9.38 to –5.5 -8.73 to 14.8 -5.09 to 5.69 + see text ** geometric mean + five values greater than 32 are not considered l initially set and not independently fitted of mean values of different soil groups * weighted mean # §§ range Earlier opinion held that Sel in equation 24 is a reduction factor that accounts for pore discontinuity and tortuosity, and therefore should not exceed 1. This led to the assumption that negative values for l are physically not feasible. This assumption has to be reconsidered on the basis of the latest findings. Thus l should be treated 'solely' as an empirical parameter. One of the most extensive studies on the prediction of soil hydraulic parameters focusing on the pore-connectivity parameter l and based on the Mualem-VanGenuchten approach was done by Schaap et al. (in revision). Based on a data set of 235 different samples, they claimed an optimum value for all samples of -1.0, with the databasis comprising a wide range. Splitting up the database according to the textural groups, on the average all textural groups in their study had negative l–values, with lowest values for loam and sand. Only l=-1 for sandy soils was statistically different from the original Mualem (1976) value of l=0.5. In terms of best-fitted hydraulic conductivity (quantified with the root mean square error), the variability of the other textural groups was high, with mean l values not significantly different from 0.5. Vogel and Císlerová (1988; see Appendix) extended the Mualem-Van-Genuchten approach to account for a pressure head air-entry value < 0 cm. Those extensions, however, do not alter the absolute value of l (Schaap, personal communication). Thus, the poreconnectivity values adjusted for the water model settings of our study, which do include an air-entry value of –2 cm, are comparable with the results of Schaap et al. (in revsion) regarding sandy soils. The graphs of the adjusted soil-water retention curves and the hydraulic conductivity used for the model are given in Figure 18 and Figure 19. 82 5.1.3 Soil water movement 0.35 Site 1 0.3 0-22.5 cm 22.5-45 cm Water content [-] 45-75 cm 0.25 75-105 cm 105-1000 cm 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0.35 Site 2 0.3 0-22.5 cm 22.5-45 cm Water content [-] 45-75 cm 0.25 75-105 cm 105-1000 cm 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0.35 Fallow Water content [-] 0.3 0-22.5 cm 22.5-45 cm 45-75 cm 0.25 75-105 cm 105-1000 cm 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 -1 - 10 -100 Pressure head [cm] Figure 18: Soil water retention curves of the three experimental sites 83 -1000 -10000 5.1.3 Soil water movement 1000 0-22.5 cm 22.5-45 cm 10 45-75 cm 1 75-105 cm 0.1 0.01 45-75 cm 1 75-105 cm 0.1 0.01 0.001 - 10000 Cultivation Site 2 site 2 105-1000 cm 10 αK=1.95 1 αK=0.70 0.1 0.01 0.0001 -1 -10 - 100 -1000 - 10000 -1 Pressure head [cm] Hydraulic conductivity 100 0-22.5 cm 10 -1 22.5-45 cm 45-75 cm 1 - 10 - 100 - 1000 Pressure head [cm] 1000 Fallow 75-105 cm 0.1 0.01 0.001 -10000 Fallow 100 105-1000 cm 10 [cm d-1] 1000 [cm d ] - 100 - 1000 Pressure head [cm] 0.001 0.0001 Hydraulic conductivity - 10 100 [cm d-1] Hydraulic conductivity 22.5-45 cm 10 [cm d ] -1 1000 0-22.5 cm -1 Hydraulic conductivity - 10000 Cultivation Site 2 site 2 100 αK=0.40 0.01 0.0001 1000 αK=1.65 0.1 0.0001 - 100 - 1000 Pressure head [cm] 105-1000 cm 1 0.001 -10 Site 1 10 0.001 -1 Cultivation site 1 100 [cm d-1] Site 1 Hydraulic conductivity Cultivation site 1 100 [cm d-1] Hydraulic conductivity 1000 αK=1.86 1 α K=0.71 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.0001 -1 -10 - 100 -1000 Pressure head [cm] - 10000 -1 - 10 - 100 - 1000 Pressure head [cm] Figure 19: Hydraulic conductivity in relation to the pressure head of the three experimental sites; for 1051000 cm (right side) additionally the 'scaled range' of K(h) is given (through lowest and highest values of αK from Table 19) Default values for h50 and p of the root water uptake function, αr(h), are suggested to be –700 cm and 3, respectively (Van Genuchten, 1987). These values might be interpreted as averages for most crops, but were generally subjected to adjustment in the present study. In fact, for maize as the first crop on site 1 and site 2, these default values proved 84 -10000 5.1.3 Soil water movement to match, while for cowpea and cassava a higher h50-value of –450 cm along with a pvalue of 5 for both crops showed the best curve-fitting results. For the fallow vegetation a quite low h50-value of -1200 cm and p of 6 was adjusted (Figure 20). Lower h50-values generally indicate a higher adaptation of the vegetation to resist drought through additional soil-water depletion. The value of the variable p influences the shape of the root water-uptake function. Here, high values in general lead to a more abrupt and faster decline of αr with decreasing h. 1 Maize Cowpea, Cassava 0.8 Fallow vegetation αr 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -2000 Pressure head [cm] Figure 20: Root water uptake function of the four different vegetation types (marked are the h50-point of each curve) Thus, the root water uptake function of the fallow vegetation could inhibit full (potential) transpiration only in periods of greater soil water desiccation, which was the case only in the dry season. The transpiration of the agricultural crops proved to be more sensitive to light water stress situations, e.g. after a few days without precipitation. Root-growth parameters for the two cultivation sites were kept the same with the exception of the maximum rooting depth of cassava (Table 21). On site 1 the desiccation process due to transpiration of vegetation during the dry season in 1997 affected deep soil to a higher extent compared to site 2. Thus, the maximum rooting depth of cassava had to be extended to 2.3 m. Compared to these results, the maximum rooting depth of maize and cowpea were rather low. Grown in times of frequent precipitation those crops were not dependent on the soil-water storage at greater depth. 85 5.1.3 Soil water movement Table 21: Root growth parameter for the root-growth scenario on the two cultivation sites according to the Verhulst-Pearl logistic growth function Vegetation Initial rooting depth, L0 [cm] Max. rooting depth, Lm [cm] Growth rate, r -1 [d ] Start rootgrowth [date] End rootgrowth [date] Maize 0.01 100 0.335 30/1/97 8/5/97 Cowpea 0.01 62 0.476 29/5/97 4/8/97 Cassava 0.01 230/185* 0.298 4/8/97 25/6/98 160 0.071 26/6/98 - Fallow 0.1 *on site 1 and site 2, respectively. However, it remained unclear, if really cassava did reach such a rooting depth or if the regrowing fallow vegetation caused deeper soil water depletion. Therefore, soil water desiccation of the cultivation sites generally has to be considered as the sum of waterconsumption of the cultivated crop and the regrowing fallow vegetation. It can be assumed, that fallow the vegetation's share on water consumption is small initially, but increases with the length of a regrowth-period. The growth rate (r in Table 21) was adjusted according to the total growth-duration of each crop. With these growth rates the maximum rooting depth was approximated after about one-half of the total season. Root growth of the regrowing fallow vegetation, however, was slower. According to its growth rate, maximum rooting depth was reached at the end of year 1998. This is based on a simplistic approach, assuming that the regrowing fallow vegetation would start with a minimum rooting depth and that the growth would underlie a logistic growth function. Earlier studies already showed that the deepextending rooting system of a fallow vegetation was not significantly reduced during a cultivation phase of two years (Sommer, 1996). This means, that roots of a fallow vegetation more likely re-sprout (simultaneously over the rooting zone) rather than regrow (from the top of the soil profile downwards). Results from the modeling procedure using a 'regrowing' fallow vegetation, however, proved to be a good approximation. Root-mass density could be considered in the modeling procedure of the fallow site using data of intensive earlier field studies (Sommer, 1996). The root mass density was modified to adjust measured and modeled pressure head dynamics in times of (deep) soil water depletion (Figure 21). The adjustment only led to some correction of vertical root distribution between 40 cm to 70 cm soil depth, and to a smaller extent also between 120 cm to 150 cm, but still within the range of the measured distribution. The principal character of root distribution remained, with a sharp decline between 40 to 60 cm depth 86 5.1.3 Soil water movement and a smaller deep-extending fraction of roots reaching 6 m soil depth. -3 0 1 Root mass density [mg cm ] 3 4 5 2 0 -100 Depth [cm] -200 -300 Traditional land use Adjusted -400 - - - - Cumulative %-distribution -500 -600 0 20 40 60 80 [%] 100 Figure 21: Root mass density under the fallow vegetation according to earlier studies (='Traditional land use', i.e. weighted mean of n=60, bares denote the SE; Sommer, 1996) and after adjustment in the modeling procedure, as well as the cumulative percentage distribution of root biomass (secondary x-axis at the bottom). Integration of the modeled root distribution over the 6 m profile resulted in a root biomass stock of 20.92 t ha-1 6m-1. Fully 33.5 % of the total root biomass was located below 0.5 m depth, still 27.1 % below 1 m and 21.5 % below 2 m depth (dotted line in Figure 21). After adjustment (of all model-settings) the measured and modeled pressure head dynamics over two years of cropping activities (1997-1998) reached a good fit (Figure 22, Figure 23 and Appendix, Figure A-9 and Figure A-10). 87 5.1.3 Soil water movement 1.1. 0 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1997 1.6. 1.7. 1.8. 1.9. 1.10. 1.11. 1.12. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1998 1.6. 1.7. -100 -200 Pressure head [cm] -300 -400 -500 -600 -700 -800 -900 Site 1, 30 cm Model -1000 Figure 22: Measured and modeled pressure head dynamic at 30 cm depth on site 1 over the two-year observation period 88 1.8. 1.9. 1.10. 1.11. 1.12. 1.1. 5.1.3 Soil water movement 1.1. 0 1997 1.5. 1.7. 1.3. 1.9. 1.11. 1.1. 1.3. 1998 1.5. 1.7. 1.9. 1.11. 1.1. 1.9. 1.11. 1.1. 1.3. 1998 1.5. 1.7. 1.9. 1.11. 1.1. -100 -200 Pressure head [cm] -300 -400 -500 -600 -700 -800 -900 Site 1, 120 cm Model -1000 1.1. 0 1.3. 1997 1.5. 1.7. -100 -200 Pressure head [cm] -300 -400 -500 -600 -700 -800 -900 Site 1, 300 cm Model -1000 Figure 23: Measured and modeled pressure head dynamics at 120 cm and 300 cm depth on site 1 over two-year observation period Difficulties regarding model adjustment were of same nature on all sites. On the cultivation sites additional problems occurred in the phase of establishment of a new crop and in transitional periods with mature crops, where the limited information about rooting 89 5.1.3 Soil water movement depth and actual transpiration in addition to prescribed (and thus inflexible) root distribution led to less agreement. Interruption of periods of intensive soil water depletion by heavy precipitation events, and vice-versa, were difficult to model on all sites. This was likely caused by imprecise soil physical characterization (i.e. parameter). Soil hydraulic properties (θ(h) and K(h)) were described with the Mualem-Van-Genuchten approach, but, in fact, these steady-state relationships never fit 100 % the natural conditions. In case of unsteady behavior of θ(h) or K(h), a tabular input of these parameters would be more appropriate. On the other hand, the modeled pressure-head dynamics systematically showed a delayed response (increasing with soil depth) to re-wetting or desiccation, which is related to slower conduction of water compared to field conditions. Improvement could be achieved by further reducing the saturated water content θs and thus diminishing the effective water content of the soil, but an exact response agreement at deeper soil depths is still lacking. In this context it is not clear, to what extent hysteresis-effects, which were not considered in the model procedures, are important regarding the soil water movement within the profile. Hysteresis phenomena rarely have been incorporated into modeling studies, despite the fact that algorithms exist to solve the related flow equations (Parker & Lenhard, 1987; Lenhard & Parker, 1987). Kool and Parker (1987), based on the Van Genuchten approach, suggested the use of two different values of αvG for the main wetting (w) and drying (d) water-retention-curve. As a good approximation they proposed αvG(w)=2 αvG(d), when exact data are lacking. While Vereecken et al. (1995) found an impact of hysteresis on solute transport processes (as did Jones & Watson, 1987, and Russo et al., 1989), a newer study conducted by Mitchell and Mayer (1998) showed that hysteresis had only minor effects in this regard. Though evidence on the importance of hysteresis for water dynamics is controversial, it seems a likely explanation for the retarded response of the model to wetting or drying events in the present study. To include this effect into future modeling, one could follow the above-mentioned relationship of Kool and Parker (1987). However, it is doubtful that such adjustments would really have an effect on the annual soil water balance. A whole year is starting and ending with a deeply desiccated soil profile, for which a delay of one or two days in relation to water movement and leaching is rather insignificant. Soil moisture distribution within the soil profile was determined gravimetrically several times throughout the two years on the cultivation sites as well as on the fallow site. As part of the validation of the final soil water model settings these results were compared with modeled soil moisture contents. 90 5.1.3 Soil water movement On the 6th of November and the 10th of December 1997, due to heavy desiccation of the soil profile under the fallow vegetation (fallow site), the pressure head of the upper 5 m soil profile had exceeded the measuring range of the tensiometers (see Appendix, Figure A-10). Thus, no adjustment of the model to the field observation could be made and it had to be assumed that parameter settings would fit for this period. Results of gravimetrical determination of soil water content at these days matched well with modeled data (Figure 24). Water content [-] Water content [-] 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 -100 Depth [cm] -200 -300 -400 -500 Gravimetric, 6/Nov/1997 Gravimetric, 10/Dec/1997 Model, 6/Nov/1997 Model, 10/Dec/1997 -600 Figure 24: Measured [r32]and modeled water content of the soil profile of the fallow site on the 6th of November and on the 10th of December 1997 (bars denote SE; n=2) Differences between modeled and measured data of the considered soil depths (0-6 m) of the two days were insignificant (paired t-test). Stronger deviations between modeled and measured data were present above 60 cm, where the model systematically underestimated real desiccation. This was also true on the 11th of May and on the 17th of June 1998, when similar comparisons were made on the cultivation sites: differences were only insignificant, when data of soil water content at 30 cm soil depth (first soil depth, where measurements were taken) were not included into the statistical analysis (paired ttest: p=0.23 including values from >30 cm to 6 m; n=66). This suggests that in models with a root growth term (cultivated crops), model-prescribed root distribution only crudely reproduces real root distribution, which affects also distribution and dynamics of water content in the upper soil profile. An updated model version thus, should include more flexibility in this regard. It could consider the exponential distribution proposed by Gale 91 5.1.3 Soil water movement and Grigal (1987) or by Raats (1974). Raats' distribution also proved to accurately describe the uppermost vertical root distribution of fallow vegetation even under quite different agricultural management practices, as was shown by Wiesenmüller (1999). The highest gravimetric water content was measured on the 17th of June 1998 at 30 cm depth on the mulched plot of site 1 reaching 0.286. The corresponding pressure head was –22.5 cm and the corresponding modeled water content was 0.280 (see Appendix, Figure A-11 for all gravimetrically determined water contents). Water balance of the fallow vegetation Results of the soil water model of the fallow vegetation were distinguished in the two consecutive years, as their water regime differed noticeably. The extreme dry season of 1997 was considered separately (Table 22). Table 22: Water balance of the fallow site in 1997 and 1998 according to results of the soil water model and comparable annual micro-meteorological evapotranspiration (P = gross precipitation, I = Interception; Pn = net precipitation; Esoil = soil evaporation; Tmodel = modeled transpiration; D10m = Drainage at 10 m depth; ET = micro-meteorological evapotranspiration: 1997 ≅ actual, 1998 ≅ potential) Site/vegetation P I Pn E soil Tmodel D10m I + Tmodel ET ---------------------------------------- [mm] --------------------------------------------------- Fallow vegetation 1997 2104 139 1965 - 1131 897 1270 1411 1998 Sum 2545 4649 200 339 2345 4310 - 1280 2411 842 1739 1480 2750 1458 2869 148 14 134 - 288 79 302 576 22.8.97 - 8.1.98 In 1997, precipitation (2104 mm) could not balance the modeled evapotranspiration losses (I + Tmodel, 1270 mm) in combination with drainage losses at 10 m (897 mm). Contrarily, precipitation of 1998 exceeded the sum of drainage and evapotranspiration by 223 mm, leading to an overall positive balance of +160 mm water stored in the soil profile after the two years. In 1998, modeled evapotranspiration (I + Tmodel) and micro-climatic (potential) ET were in remarkable agreement and differed only by 22 mm. Potential ET was used as surface boundary condition, and the root water uptake function of the model (Figure 20) reduced transpiration of the vegetation in case of water stress. In times of frequent precipitation part of the micro-meteorologically obtained evapotranspiration is evaporated interception, while the soil water model only calculates transpiration, and consequently intercep92 5.1.3 Soil water movement tion has to be added to arrive at actual evapotranspiration of the vegetation. The moderate dry season of 1998 led to only minor reduction of potential evapotranspiration. In the rainy season and the transitional period the modeled transpiration alone reached potential ET so that adding interception led to slight overestimation of modeled ET. In 1997, modeled evapotranspiration (Tmodel + I) was 141 mm less than micro-climatic ET. This difference was caused by the reduction of micro-climatic ET through the root water uptake function of the model due to soil desiccation in the dry season. This reduction was unexpected because in this year actual ET entered the model as surface boundary condition, which already accounts for the reduction of potential transpiration of vegetation under water-stress. Considering the period of 22nd of August 1997 to 8th of January 1998, actual evapotranspiration (576 mm) was reduced in the soil water model by 50 % (Table 22). Including interception (14 mm), evapotranspiration of the soil water model in comparison to micro-meteorological ET was still short 274 mm. This gap might partly be explained by early-morning-dew, which especially within the dry season very often caused complete wetting of the whole vegetation canopy. During this 140-day period, assuming a canopy storage capacity of 1 mm, up to 140 mm dew-evaporation was not included in the soil water model but detected with the micro-meteorological measurements. Remaining differences might be caused by uncertainties in actual evapotranspiration measurements and partially also through underestimated topsoil desiccation in the model (about 26 mm between 0 and 120 cm soil depth in Figure 24). In the period of 22nd of August 1997 to 8th of January 1998, according to the soil water model 154 mm was extracted out of the soil water reservoir (Tmodel minus Pn). Compared to the soil water status in the rainy season (9th of April), the soil profile on the 22nd of August was already drained to a large extent and soil water fluxes were widely reduced (Figure 25). 93 5.1.3 Soil water movement 0.1 0.15 0.2 -0.2 0 0 -100 -100 -200 -300 Depth [cm] -1 Water content [-] 0.25 0.3 0.35 -400 -500 -600 9.4.1997 (max. soil water storage) -200 22.8.1997 (beginning dry season) -400 -300 -500 -600 8.1.98 (min. soil water storage) -700 -800 -0.7 Water flux [cm d ] -1.2 -1.7 -2.2 -700 -800 -900 -900 -1000 -1000 Figure 25: Modeled soil water content and soil water fluxes over the 10 m profile under the fallow vegetation at three different times reflecting maximum soil water storage (9/4/1997), beginning dry season (22/8/1997) and minimum soil water storage (8/1/1998); negative values designate downward oriented fluxes In the period considered water drainage of the soil profile at 6 m soil depth amounted to 1 mm and thus almost stagnated, while at the lower boundary at 10 m soil depth still 79 mm water was released. Almost one half (73 mm) of the total 154 mm transpired water were taken out of the soil profile below 3 m depth, below 0.9 m this was even 73.9 % (Table 23). Table 23: Soil water extraction within the period of 22nd of August 1997 and 8th of January 1998 and for the year 1997 and 1998 under the fallow vegetation considering different soil layers; percentage values are related to extraction of 0-6 m Soil depth 22/8/97 – 8/1/98 [mm] [%] 1997 [mm] [%] 1998 [mm] [%] 0 – 0.9 m 40 26.1 730 64.5 853 66.6 0.9 - 1.8 m 15 9.9 114 10.1 117 9.2 1.8 - 3 m 26 16.8 85 7.5 106 8.3 3-6m 73 47.2 202 17.8 204 15.9 6 - 10 m 79 897 842 Root water uptake Drainage Annual uptake below 0.9 m in 1997 and 1998 was 400 and 427 mm, respectively. The annual vertical percentage distribution of root water uptake strongly reflected the adjusted vertical root distribution (Figure 21) as it directly determined the percentage uptake in the model settings (through the normalized uptake distribution, b(z)). In times of 94 5.1.3 Soil water movement soil water saturation, these model settings determined the vertical percentage distribution of root water uptake. Bias only occurred in times of water stress, when the soil water of the profile gradually was depleted (as was true for the considered period in Table 23). After 680 mm rainfall and 178 mm evapotranspiration since 8th of January 1998, the rewetting front reached 6 m soil depth only on the 28th of February 1998. The bottom boundary (10 m) finally was reached one month later on the 29th of March 1998 (999 mm P and 269 mm ET since 8th of January). The difference in the maximum and minimum amount of water stored in the soil profile of 0-6 m between 9th of April 1997 and 8th of January 1998 was 563 mm, or 94 mm per one meter soil profile on average (Figure 26). On the 9th of April corresponding pressure head of the profile (mean value: -44 cm) were close to the classical field capacity value of –60 cm. Also 94 mm m-1 is only slightly higher than plant available water (amount of water between pF 1.6 and pF 4.2), which would equal 91 mm m-1. Though upward oriented fluxes within the dry season were calculated to reach depth greater than 6 m depth (Appendix, Table A-3), the soil water below 6 m did not really contribute to root water uptake and was only subjected to replenishing and drainage (Figure 26). The soil water storage of 6-10 m depth varied annually between 602 mm and 929 mm. Soil water storage [mm] 2500 2000 1500 0-6 m profile 1000 500 6-10 m profile 0 1.1. 1.3. 1.5. 1.7. 1.9. 1.11. 1.1. 1.3. 1.5. 1.7. 1.9. 1.11. 1.1. 1997 1998 Figure 26: Soil water storage dynamics under the fallow vegetation in 1997 and 1998 separated into 0-6 m depth and 6-10 m depth Annual fluctuation of the soil water storage of 0-6 m depth was stronger (824-1489 mm), as the roots of the fallow vegetation directly depleted this part of the soil profile. The overall maximum amount of water stored in the profile (0-10 m) was 2321 mm on the 95 5.1.3 Soil water movement 9th of April 1997; the minimum was reached 9 month later on the 8th of January 1998 (1440 mm). Root water uptake gradually reduced the amounts of water, which percolated through the soil (Figure 27). From 4310 mm net precipitation (= 0 cm depth in Figure 27) within the two years only 2657 mm passed 0.9 m depth, and 1741 mm 6 m depth. This equaled the cumulative drainage at the bottom boundary of 1739 mm, including a storage change of 2 mm (beginning 1997 compared to end of 1998). 1997 1998 1.1. 1.3. 1.5. 1.7. 1.9. 1.11. 1.1. 1.3. 1.5. 1.7. 1.9. 1.11. 1.1. 0 Cumulative fluxes [mm] -500 -1000 -1500 1000 cm 600 cm 300 cm 180 cm 90 cm 0 cm -2000 -2500 -3000 -3500 -4000 22/8/97 8/1/98 -4500 Figure 27: Cumulative water fluxes under the fallow vegetation at different soil depths over the observation period of two years; 0 cm depth equals the net-precipitation input Evaporation from the canopy surface of the fallow is responsible for the difference between ET-results obtained micro-meteorologically and by the soil water model, when micro-meteorologically measured evapotranspiration is used as boundary condition in the model. Transpiration in the rainy season is systematically overestimated in the model by the amount of water that in the micro-meteorological approach was obtained by evaporation (intercepted rainfall). In the dry season, on the other hand, evaporation of earlymorning dew may contribute to a remarkable extent to evapotranspiration, which cannot be detected by the soil water model. In this case, modeled ET is lower than micrometeorologically obtained ET. In the model, a desiccated soil (≅ low pressure head) via the root-water-uptake function is diminishing high ET amounts that comprise dewevaporation. Thus, annual modeled dynamics of evapotranspiration are subjected to stronger seasonal oscillation than those micro-meteorologically obtained. However, micro-meteorological estimates of dry-season evapotranspiration are overestimating soil desiccation, when evaporation of dew is not considered separately and falsely added to 96 5.1.3 Soil water movement transpiration. These uncertainties could only be overcome, when evaporation would clearly be distinguished from transpiration and only transpired amounts would enter the soil water model as upper boundary conditions. As evaporation, however, is proceeding much faster than transpiration, the two processes are quite difficult to separate. On the basis of measurements in the present study it was not possible. Transpiration during the dry season is more reliably described with a soil water model, as it restricts soil water desiccation to reasonable amounts. For instance, had the meteorologically obtained evapotranspiration (576 mm) in the considered period (22/8/97 – 8/1/98) been actually transpired, this would have depleted the whole soil profile to an extent, that pressure heads would have exceeded the permanent wilting point of plants (pF 4.2). This was not measured directly and also could not be shown with gravimetrical soil moisture determinations (10th of December, see Figure 24). Maintaining transpiration even at a reduced level, root penetration of deep soil layers in the present study proved to be necessary for the evergreen fallow vegetation to survive recurring extensive dry seasons as those of 1997. This is due to the rather low plant available soil water (PAW) within the profile. Certainly, the calculated PAW of 91 mm m-1 is not precise, as its static definition (to equal the amount of water between pF 1.6 and pF 4.2) rarely reflects real field conditions (Ritchie, 1981). However, the amount of water, that is not rapidly drained within some days more likely corresponds to pressure heads below –60 cm (pF 1.6) and therefore, 91 mm m-1 is more likely to represent the upper than the lower level of PAW. Deep roots and their contribution to the annual water balance of the fallow vegetation are most remarkable. Deep soil-water uptake was already proposed by Hölscher (1995) based on micro-meteorological measurements over a young fallow vegetation in the Bragantina region. He calculated the uptake below 1 m soil depth to amount to 322 mm between June and December 1992, and additionally assumed that only in these months deep-soil water uptake would take place. This is less than the annual uptake measured in the present study below 0.9 m (Table 23), but exceeds the root water uptake when only those months would be included in the present study (about 125 mm between June and 22nd of August plus 114 mm in the considered period). Hölscher et al. (1997a), however, also suggested the possibility of dew-evaporation (167 mm per year), which would noticeably diminish the total transpiration-share and subsequently also soil water depletion in his calculations. Klinge (1997) using a soil-water model detected deep soil-water uptake under a primary forest near Belém, Brazil. His results of root water uptake (365-402 mm between 1.1 m 97 5.1.3 Soil water movement and 5 m, i.e. 26-29 % of annual modeled ET) reached amounts comparable to those of the present study. Although the climate of Belém normally does not show such a distinct dry season, it did in the observation period of Klinge's study. In comparable studies, deep soil water uptake has been proved as well: • Poels (1987) studied the water balance on a catchment-area scale under primary and disturbed forest in Suriname. In his hydrological model he assumed a maximum rooting depth to 4.5 m to explain water discharge through evapotranspiration. Evapotranspiration in the dry season was reduced by up to 50 %, as was also the case in the present study. On the other hand, Poels (1987) also stressed the possibility that some of the primary forest trees might have roots extracting water directly from the ground water, which in the dry-season dropped below 10 m. This could be true also in the present study, but a different hydrological approach has to be chosen to assess this. There is however little evidence that a water balance of the fallow vegetation obtained in such a way would differ noticeably from that obtained in the present study. • Hodnett et al. (1996a; 1996b) monitored the water storage by neutron probe measurements in a soil under primary forest near Manaus/Brazil, and could show that water uptake from below 2 m soil depth must have occurred to account for evaporation demands in the dry season. According to their long-term simulation of 27 years, annual water uptake of the soil below 2 m was on average 72 mm, reaching at maximum 254 mm. Roots could be found to a depth of 6 m (Chauvel et al., 1991). • Nepstad et al. (1994) even claimed a soil-water uptake from down to 8 m by a primary forest in the south of Pará. They assumed that more than 75 % (380 mm) of transpired water was taken out of 2-8 m depth during the five-month dry season (comparable to 73.9 % in the present study). Roots were present down to 18 m. Though these studies provide reasonable data, comparable to results of the present study, drainage data are weak or even missing. Balances are based on evapotranspiration measurements combined with monitoring water content of the soil profile. Results however do not exclude the possibility that evapotranspiration of the forest during the dry season is more strongly reduced, and more soil water is drained than actually assumed. Actual evapotranspiration of secondary/fallow vegetation was rarely measured. Actual evapotranspiration measurements of savanna fallow bushland in the semi-arid tropics of the Sahel (Niger) were carried out by Wallace et al. (1990) and Kabat et al. (1997). They found ET amounts of 4-5 mm per day in the rainy season, thus comparable to those of the present study, when also net-radiation and soil water status are similar. But a comparison is not really helpful due to the different vegetation types. 98 5.1.3 Soil water movement One of the first studies in the Amazon region was that carried out by Hölscher et al. (1997a). Applying the Bowen ratio energy balance, the annual ET (April '92 - April '93) of 2-year-old fallow vegetation in the Bragantina region was determined to be 1364 mm, which was about 75 % of the rainfall in this period (1819 mm). The absolute amount of ET thus matches well with our results. As annual precipitation in the present study, however, was 285 mm and 726 mm higher in 1997 and 1998, respectively, drainage rates exceeded those proposed by Hölscher et al. (1997a). They assumed a balanced soil water store (beginning – end) and thus claimed that 455 mm, i.e. the difference between precipitation and actual ET, must have been drained in the considered period. This is only about half of those amounts of the present study based on the soil water balance, but seems reasonable, since the above mentioned amount of dew-evaporation (167 mm) still has to be added and since the 1992-93 period was exceptionally dry. Remarkably, evapotranspiration of young fallow vegetation seems not really different from that of mature primary forests. ET values of 1319 mm a-1 are calculated by Shuttleworth (1988) for primary forest near Manaus/Brazil (annual precipitation: 2636 mm), Bruijnzeel (1990) gives 1430 mm a-1 (n= 11; range: 1311 – 1498 mm a-1; P: 1727 – 4073 mm a-1) as an average for selected (worldwide) tropical lowland forests and Klinge (1997) obtained 1378 mm a-1 (P: 2669 mm a-1) for a primary forest close to Belém/Brazil. Moreover, comparing the percentages of ET to precipitation, young fallow (58-60 %) even exceeds primary forest (50-52 %). This is likely related to the vigorous regrowth of the fallow from remaining stumps and roots that survived the fallow period. After about 2-3 years, leaf area indices are already comparable to those of primary forest, and thus a fully installed canopy is present. Water balance of the cultivation sites The water balance of the cultivation sites was different from that of the fallow vegetation (Table 24). Drainage at 10 m soil depth in both years was about 45 % higher than that of the fallow site and on site 1 reached 1279 mm and 1190 mm in 1997 and 1998, respectively. Already at the time of planting of cowpea at the 4th of June 1997, the drainage rate had reached the 1997-annual amount of the fallow site. In contrast, actual (modeled) crop evapotranspiration (I + Tmodel) of the cultivation sites was lower than for the fallow, amounting to 2006 mm (site 1) over the whole period and varying noticeably between first and second year. 99 5.1.3 Soil water movement Table 24: Water balance of site 1 for the cultivated crops and for 1997 and 1998 according to results of the soil water model and comparable annual micro-meteorological evapotranspiration (P = gross precipitation, I = Interception; Pn = net precipitation; Esoil = soil evaporation; Tmodel = modeled transpiration; D10m = Drainage at 10 m depth; ETcrop = potential crop evapotranspiration) Site/vegetation P I Pn E soil Tmodel D10m I + Tmodel ETcrop ------------------------------------ [mm] ------------------------------------------------------- Cultivation site 1 Before maize 195 - 195 32 0 12 0 0 Maize 1441 52 1389 22 284 826 336 326 Cowpea 100 11 89 - 77 164 88 88 Cowpea+cassava 136 9 127 - 120 129 129 128 Cassava 1964 90 1874 - 868 785 958 1264 Fallow regrowth 812 19 793 14 475 553 494 622 1997 2104 86 2018 54 719 1279 805 1139 1998 Sum 2545 4649 97 182 2448 4467 14 68 1105 1824 1190 2469 1202 2006 1289 2428 148 9 139 - 232 119 241 592 22.8.97 - 8.1.98 The water balance of site 1 and site 2 did not really differ from each other as model settings regarding net precipitation and potential crop evapotranspiration were kept the same and cultivation-measures were synchronized. Therefore, only slight differences in terms of total actual crop evapotranspiration could be found, caused by the stronger desiccation of the soil profile by deeper-rooting cassava on site 1 during the dry season (Table 25). Also the drainage rate of site 2 was negligibly lower than that of site 1 due to the lower hydraulic conductivity below 1.05 m soil depth on this site (see Figure 19). Table 25: Transpiration (Tmodel) and evapotranspiration (I + Tmodel) as well as drainage at 10 m soil depth (D10 m) of site 2; remaining parameter of the water balance did not differ from site 1 (see Table 24) Site/vegetation Tmodel I + Tmodel D10 m Before maize 0 0 12 Cultivation site 2 Maize 284 336 796 Cowpea 75 86 156 Cowpea+cassava 113 122 111 Cassava 855 945 826 Fallow regrowth 463 482 512 1997 694 780 1195 1998 Sum 1096 1790 1193 1972 1218 2413 216 225 96 22.8.97 - 8.1.98 100 5.1.3 Soil water movement As was expected, actual crop evapotranspiration equaled potential crop evapotranspiration only in times of good water supply, which was true for the first two crops, maize and cowpea, and also for the intercropping-phase of cowpea and cassava. With the progressing dry season, however, mono-cropped cassava was suffering water stress, and transpiration was reduced. In the period of 22nd of August 1997 to 8th of January 1998 actual crop evapotranspiration of site 1 was only 40.7 % (241 mm) of potential ETcrop (Table 24). Actual ETcrop on site 2 during that time was even reduced to only 38.0 % of potential ETcrop. In the rainy season, the re-wetting front was rapidly moving downwards. Drainage rates during the first half of the year reached highest amounts in all considered depths (Figure 28). 1997 1.1. 1.3. 1.5. 1.7. 1998 1.9. 1.11. 1.1. 1.3. 1.5. 1.7. 1.9. 1.11. 0 -1 -1 Fluxes [cm d ] -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 0.9 m 1.8 m -7 -8 -1 Fluxes [cm d ] 0 -1 -2 3m -3 6m 10 m -4 Figure 28: Drainage rates at different soil depths under site 1 during 1997 and 1998 101 1.1. 5.1.3 Soil water movement While in 1997 already at the beginning of July drainage rates were drastically reduced, this was the case in 1998 only in mid-September. In the upper soil, maximum drainage rates were almost reaching the net precipitation rates of corresponding storm events. However, these fluxes were dampened with depth. Already at 3 m soil depth, they rarely exceeded 2 cm per day. Only cassava was extracting soil water below a depth of 1.8 m and thus, the accumulated fluxes only changed below this depth after the harvest of maize and cowpea (Table 26). Table 26: Accumulated drainage distinguished according to the cropping sequence at different soil depths under site 1; 0 m soil depth corresponds to the net precipitation minus evaporation10 Site/vegetation ------------------------------- Drainage [mm] ---------------------------------0m 0.9 m 1.8 m 3m 6m 10 m Cultivation site 1 Before maize 151 95 60 16 3 12 Maize 1367 1126 1097 1070 947 826 Cowpea 89 79 99 124 158 164 Cowpea+cassava 127 6 18 38 83 129 Cassava 1874 1131 942 883 838 785 Fallow regrowth 776 344 334 380 459 553 1997 1952 1332 1281 1272 1270 1279 1998 Sum 2432 4384 1449 2781 1268 2549 1239 2510 1218 2488 1190 2469 D The whole profile was in the process of recharging at the beginning of 1997, thus drainage rates decreased with depth. During the cropping period of cowpea, the profile was beginning to discharge (from the top to the bottom) as indicated by the increasing drainage rate with soil depth. In the remaining cropping period parts of the profile were subject of replenishing, others of discharge. Taking into account annual changes of soil water storage, the accumulated fluxes of different depths could be used to calculate also the root water uptake out of the respective soil layers according to: root uptake = incoming water – draining water - storage change As much as 256 mm water was taken from the soil reservoir below 0.9 m depth during the two years under site 1 (Table 27). Cassava extracted 72 % (184 mm) of this water, and minor parts were extracted by maize (11 %, 28 mm) and by the regrowing fallow vegetation (17 %, 44 mm). 10 Soil evaporation in the model is directly taken from the incoming net precipitation. 102 5.1.3 Soil water movement Table 27: Changes in the soil water store of site 1 of the marked soil layers comparing the beginning and the end of 1997 and 1998, respectively, and the root water uptake of 1997 and 1998 out of these layers (≅ transpiration); negative values denote a store depletion ------------------------------ Soil profile ------------------------------0 - 0.9 m 0.9 - 1.8 m 1.8 - 3 m 3-6m 6 - 10 m Store change [mm] Beginning to end of 1997 -32 -4 -3 1 -9 Beginning to end of 1998 64 11 11 21 28 Root water uptake [mm] 1997 652 55 13 0 0 1998 917 170 18 0 0 As expected, deep-soil water use of the crops was small compared to the fallow site (Table 23). Only the upper most layers (0 - 0.9 m and 0.9 m – 1.8 m) were depleted to a comparable extent by the crops. In 1998, crops even exceeded root water uptake of the fallow vegetation from these depths. As a result, also the soil water storage did not fluctuated so strongly over the year as was the case under the fallow (Figure 29). 2400 Soil water storage, 0-10 m [mm] Fallow Site 1 2200 Site 2 2000 1800 1600 1400 1.1. 1.3. 1.5. 1.7. 1.9. 1.11. 1.1. 1.3. 1997 1.5. 1.7. 1998 1.9. 1.11. 1.1. Figure 29: Soil water storage dynamics under the two cultivation sites in comparison to that of the fallow site in 1997 and 1998 Differences between maximum and minimum amount of water stored in 0-10 m soil profile in the study period of two years were 723 mm and 657 mm under site 1 and 2, respectively, instead of 881 mm under the fallow site (see also Figure 26). 103 5.1.3 Soil water movement Vertical root distribution of conventional crops is the subject of many publications, but maximum rooting depth is rarely determined or considered only with regard to nutrient uptake (e.g. by Aune & Lal; 1997). A rapid response of maize plants to water stress by increasing root growth into more favorable (deeper) soil layers was detected by Engels et al. (1994) in a pot-experiment. Only after 6 days of drying of the topsoil, root growth noticeably had increased between 0.8 and 1.2 m, which was the maximum rooting depth considered. Comparable data on water extraction of maize were also reported by Cabelguenne and Debaeke (1998). In their study, maize was grown on a silty clay soil in France and extracted most water out of the topsoil from 0 to 0.5 m depth, but also from the subsoil to a depth of maximal 1.6 m. Moreover, they could confirm their field measurements applying a soil water model. Though according to these studies maize seems to have a capacity to extract water from the subsoil, this might not be necessary for an environment without water limitations: Ayotamuno et al. (1997) estimating crop coefficients for maize under the humid tropical climate of Nigeria (which did not really differ from those kc already recommended in the FAO-24 paper of Doorenbros and Pruitt, 1977) found a root zone ranging from 0.29 to 0.35 m depth. Such rooting depths were also found by Hairiah and Van Noordwijk (1986), who stated that most of the maize roots are in the top 10 cm of soil. One meter maximum rooting depth of maize assumed in the soil water model in the present study and subsequent soil water extraction out of this layer, thus, is comparable with results of other studies. The maximum rooting depth of cowpea assumed in the present study (62 cm) concurs with observations of other publications. Soil water use was measured by Singh and Singh (1991) considering tree different varieties of cowpea, four rates of P-fertilization and three stages of irrigation in Northwest India. About 90 % of the soil water was extracted out of the 0 to 0.6 m depth, about 10 % below that depth down to a maximum of 0.9 m. Consumptive water use for the whole cropping period (exact days not given) varied between 54 mm and 67 mm, which is comparable to the modeled transpiration rate of the present study (75-77 mm). Petrie and Hall (1992) determining water use in relation to root distribution of cowpea in a pot experiment, found roots of cowpea reaching at the most 1 m deep. In their 'dry-treatment' with altogether 35 days without watering, root length density and predawn leaf water potential remained almost unaffected, whereas soil water depletion exceeded that of millet. Cowpea roots extracted water even down to 1.35 m under well-watered conditions in a field experiment conducted in California (Turk and Hall, 1980). However, under water stress cowpea roots reached only 0.9 m depth. In 104 5.1.3 Soil water movement a later publication of Shackel and Hall (1983), cowpea was noticeably depleting the soil water reservoir down to 1.5 m. On the other hand, tap root length of cowpea grown in concrete containers in Nigeria under different frequencies of irrigation and three stages of soil compaction reached a maximum of only 19 cm (Onofiok, 1989). These results are congruent with measurements of Kamara (1981) obtaining tap root at maximum 12.8 cm long for cowpea grown on a gravely clay loam Ultisol in Sierra Leone. In the latter cases rooting depth might be restricted through the gravel layers, while in the former case container were only 20 cm high and thus eventually inhibited vertical root growth. Rooting depth of cassava according to soil water model adjustments in the present study reached 2.3 and 1.85 m soil depth on site 1 and 2, respectively. Cassava, therefore, was responsible for most of the root water uptake below 0.9 m depth (besides a small part of maize and the fallow regrowth) shown in Table 27. Though the impressive potential of cassava to survive long dry seasons is well known (Cock, 1984), rooting patterns have rarely been studied. Still, cassava roots are commonly assumed to 'penetrate deeper' (Hairiah and Noordwijk, 1986). Yao and Goué (1992) studying the water use efficiency of cassava grown on a sandy soil in Ivory Coast could show that the plant-available soil water of the first 1 m soil depth was entirely depleted by cassava roots during the dry season. Deeper soil layers were not considered. Kühne (1993) mentioned a maximum rooting depth of cassava of 1.5 m in an Alley-cropping system in South-Benin. It remains subject of further research whether really cassava did penetrate down to 1.85 to 2.3 m as was assumed in the present study, or whether re-activated fallow-vegetation roots were responsible for this deep-soil water depletion. Thus, both, literature citations and the results of the soil water model show that cultivated crops can use soil water from deep soil layers. However, the quantities are far less than those of the fallow vegetation (256 mm per two years below 0.9 m soil depth under site 1 instead of 827 mm 2y-1 under the fallow site). This result is important for the water dynamics, but has relevance also for the solute nutrient uptake. Assuming a close relationship between both processes, it can be assumed that the capacity to take up dissolved nutrients leached out of the upper 0.9 m of soil is higher by a factor of 3 to 4 under fallow than crops. As crop cultivation and fallow, however, are traditionally in sequence, it remains to determine to what extent regrowing fallow vegetation can absorb nutrients from the subsoil that left the rooting zone of the cultivated crops. 105 5.2.1 Soil fertility 5.2 Nutrient balance 5.2.1 Soil fertility The soil nutrient status was determined at the beginning (20th to 23rd of January, 1997), after half a year (9th to 10th of July, 1997) and after 15 months of cultivation (11th to 12th of March, 1998) on all sites. The soil organic carbon (SOC) determined by Embrapa-Belém with the Walkley-Black wet oxidation method differed significantly from the measurements in the Institute of Agriculture in the Tropics (IAT) in Göttingen using a elemental analyzer (paired t-test, p=0.005; Figure 30). 7 Analyses Embrapa-Belém [mg P l-1] Analyses Embrapa-Belém [%-C] 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 y = 1.3534x R2 = 0.883 n=32 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 0 Analyses IAT-Göttingen [%-C] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -1 Analyses IAT-Göttingen [mg P kg ] Figure 30: Comparing determinations of the organic carbon content and the plant-available phosphate carried out in the Embrapa-Belém soil laboratory and in the IAT-Göttingen laboratory The elemental analyzer was frequently calibrated with acetic-anilide (p.a.). As differences were scattering, no correction factor could be applied. Imprecise results of the WalkleyBlack method might be related to a fixed correction factor accounting for the incomplete oxidation of organic carbon implicated in the method. Depending on the SOC fraction (light/labile, heavy/stabile), which prevails in the soil samples, eventually the extent of oxidation might vary and thus results also do. The plant-available P, determined by the Embrapa soil laboratory was significantly higher then results from IAT-Göttingen (paired t-test, p=0.023; Figure 30). As in non of the Institutes (inter-)national laboratory standards were available, IAT measurements also comprised eight soil samples of the study region, which previously had been determined for plant-available P in Rio de Janeiro by the soil laboratory of the "Serviço Nacional de Le106 5.2.1 Soil fertility vantamento e Conservação de Solos (SNLCS)" (Diekmann, 1997). Results from those institutes, however, did not differ (paired t-test, p=0.104)11, thus indirectly indicating overestimation in Embrapa-Belém measurements. In the Embrapa-Belém laboratory, P-determinations and that of all other elements (except C and N) are generally carried out with volumetric soil samples (10 cm3). Results are directly convertible into weight basis assuming a "laboratory" density of soil equal one. In the present study this might, however, not be correct, as our measurements of the "laboratory" density of the soil resulted in a mean value of 1.12 g cm-3 (SE = 0.27 g cm-3, n=4). A regression analysis relating results of Embrapa-Belém and of IAT, led to an even higher slope of 1.35 (Figure 30). This value was used to recalculate Embrapa-Belém data on weight basis. Plant-available P was very low at soil depths below 10 cm (Table 28). Also in 0-10 cm under natural conditions (fallow), the P-concentration did not exceed 2.6 mg kg-1. In the topsoil depth, burning immediately led to a significant P-increase in July 1997 reaching as high as 20.4 mg kg-1. The increase was still significant in March 1998. Beginning in July 1997, P-concentration increased also under mulch in 0-10 cm. Only on site 1, the influence of cultivation was apparent at 10-20 cm and less so in 20-30 cm depth, while the deeper soil remained unaffected at all sites. Table 28: Mean plant-available P (Mehlich I extraction) of the soils of the study sites at five different depths and three dates and the LSD between sites (=least significant difference, p≤0.05, after one way repeated measure GLM; dependent variable: sites; n=4); shaded cells denote significantly higher concentration in comparison to the fallow Element/ Site P Fallow Site 1, burned Site 1, mulched Site 2, burned Site 2, mulched LSD 0-10 cm 10-20 cm 20-30 cm 30-50 cm 90-100 cm Jan. 97 July 97 Mar. 98 Jan. 97 July 97 Mar. 98 Jan. 97 July 97 Mar. 98 Jan. 97 July 97 Mar. 98 Jan. 97 July 97 Mar. 98 -1 ----------------------------------------------------------------- [mg kg ] ------------------------------------------------------------------2.6 4.9 2.5 4.0 2.5 1.7 1.5 20.4 10.9 9.6 7.4 4.9 2.2 6.9 7.8 6.7 3.7 4.1 1.6 2.0 1.7 1.5 2.0 0.5 1.5 5.4 4.1 2.2 2.2 1.5 1.5 4.1 4.3 3.7 2.4 1.9 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.5 0.2 0.9 1.5 0.7 0.7 1.1 0.4 1.1 1.5 2.0 1.5 1.5 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 n.s. 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.4 0.7 n.s. 0.7 0.7 0.7 1.1 0.9 n.s 0.7 0.7 0.7 0 0 0 0.2 0 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.7 0 0.7 0.7 0.7 0 Exchangeable K and Ca and ECEC of the upper soil profile (0-100 cm) determined by the Embrapa soil laboratory were similar to results of the Institute of Soil Science and Forest nutrition (IBW) in Göttingen (Figure 31 and Figure 32). 11 They did also not significantly differ from results of Bray-I P-determination of Diekmann (1997) 107 5.2.1 Soil fertility 0 Exchangeable K 0.025 0.05 -1 [cmolc kg ] 0.075 Exchangeable Ca 0 1 2 -1 [cmolc kg ] 3 0 50 Depth [cm] 100 150 200 250 Fallow, March 98 Fallow, March 98 Fallow, May 98 (IBW) Fallow, May 98 (IBW) Site 1 burned, March 98 Site 1 burned, March 98 Site 1 burned, June 98 (IBW) Site 1 burned, June 98 (IBW) Site 2 burned, March 98 Site 2 burned, March 98 Site 2 burned, June 98 (IBW) Site 2 burned, June 98 (IBW) 300 Figure 31: (Mean) exchangeable K and Ca of the soil to 3 m depth of the study sites in 1998 according to determinations of Embrapa-Belém (0-100 cm, n=4) and IBW (30-300 cm, n=1) In the case of Al and Mg, results of both laboratories were deviating considerably (data not shown). Differences on one hand might be related to the different sampling dates and, therefore, to the heterogeneity encountered in the field. On the other hand, determination methods were not identical. Embrapa soil-laboratory routinely uses 1N KCl solution for the extraction of Al, Ca and Mg (agitating the soil samples) and the Mehlich-I solution for the extraction of K and Na, whereas at IBW extraction of all cations is done by percolating a soil column with a 1N NH4Cl solution. As expected, exchangeable potassium was found in rather low concentration of maximal 0.06 cmolc kg-1 in 0-10 cm declining to about 0.02 cmolc kg-1 at 1 m. Thus, K saturation was only 1 to 6 %. Different exchangeable K concentrations were found for the fallow site, site 1 and site 2, also at greater depths (Figure 31). This could be confirmed by the Embrapa soil laboratory determinations, including also the mulched plots (0-100cm; Table 29). Especially the upper soil depths (0-20 cm) showed increased exchangeable K concentrations at all cultivation sites. In 0-10 cm (and partly 10-20 cm) these increases had reverted in March 1998. 108 5.2.1 Soil fertility -1 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 [cmolc kg ] 3 0 50 Depth [cm] 100 150 200 Fallow, March 98 Site 1 burned, March 98 Site 2 burned, March 98 250 Fallow, May 98 (IBW) Site 1 burned, June 98 (IBW) Site 2 burned, June 98 (IBW) 300 Figure 32: (Mean) ECEC of the soil to 3 m depth of the study sites in 1998 Ca was the predominant cation (saturation 42 to 99 %) in the upper 30 cm, ranging from 2.0 to 2.6 cmolc kg-1 in 0-10 cm and declining to 0.17 to 0.43 cmolc kg-1 in 90-100 cm. Significant differences in Ca could not be detected in comparing cultivation sites with the fallow site, apart from some inconsiderable shifts under the burned and mulched plot of site 2 (Table 29). However, Ca concentrations did slightly increase in 0-10 cm on the cultivation sites during cultivation. Al did not vary significantly during cultivation (Table 29). Aluminum was the predominant exchangeable cation below 30 cm (22 to 70 % saturation). Though Al concentration had significantly dropped in 90-100 cm on site 2, this eventually was a peculiarity of the site and not related to cultivation. At 90-100 cm Mg did slightly increase under the burned plot of site 1 (January 1997) and site 2 (July 1997 and March 1998). But also in 0-10 cm depth Mg concentration under the burned (less under the mulched) plot of site 2 was higher than measured under the fallow site. The pH of the soil was significantly higher in 0-30 cm depth in response to the burning on site 1. This effect was quickly reverted and already in July 1997 differences were insignificant. Mulching did not affect the soil pH. On site 2, the pH of the upper 1 m soil apparently was generally lower than under the fallow site but, also here, the pH increased in 0-10 cm due to burning. 109 5.2.1 Soil fertility Table 29: Mean exchangeable cations, ECEC [cmolc kg-1] and pH of the soils of the study sites at five different depths and three dates and the LSD between sites (see description of table 28); lightly shaded cells denote significantly higher and dark-shaded cells lower concentrations compared to the fallow Element/ Site Ca Fallow Site 1, burned Site 1, mulched Site 2, burned Site 2, mulched LSD 0-10 cm 10-20 cm 20-30 cm 30-50 cm 90-100 cm Jan. 97 July 97 Mar. 98 Jan. 97 July 97 Mar. 98 Jan. 97 July 97 Mar. 98 Jan. 97 July 97 Mar. 98 Jan. 97 July 97 Mar. 98 -1 --------------------------------------------------------------- [cmolc kg ] ----------------------------------------------------------------2.2 2.0 1.3 2.5 1.4 1.6 2.1 2.2 1.6 2.3 2.0 0.5 2.1 2.2 2.0 2.6 2.5 0.4 1.5 1.3 1.1 0.9 1.4 0.3 1.3 1.4 1.0 1.2 1.3 0.4 1.3 1.3 1.1 1.8 1.6 0.4 0.9 0.9 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.2 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.2 0.9 0.6 0.6 0.9 1.1 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.7 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.07 0.10 0.07 0.16 0.16 0.02 0.05 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.14 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.07 0.01 0.04 0.10 0.06 0.10 0.09 0.02 0.04 0.09 0.08 0.06 0.07 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.07 0.01 0.03 0.07 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.05 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.004 0.004 0.005 0.22 0.44 0.32 0.32 0.42 0.21 0.23 0.26 0.24 0.52 0.54 0.17 0.37 0.35 0.41 0.57 0.43 0.17 0.21 0.25 0.35 0.22 0.27 0.06 0.31 0.39 0.28 0.31 0.33 0.19 0.35 0.26 0.31 0.39 0.44 0.16 0.17 0.25 0.22 0.27 0.20 0.07 0.20 0.22 0.37 0.30 0.35 0.11 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.30 0.44 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.25 0.22 0.15 0.09 0.26 0.20 0.19 0.24 0.28 0.14 0.30 0.17 0.33 0.33 0.37 0.13 0.10 0.37 0.17 0.15 0.07 0.22 0.12 0.15 0.11 0.30 0.19 0.10 0.19 0.19 0.17 0.30 0.28 0.10 0.05 0 0.02 0.12 0.22 0.08 0.02 0 0.13 0 0.06 0.06 0 0 0.09 0 0 0.12 0.06 0 0.20 0.40 0.17 0.14 0.16 0 0.20 0.13 0.22 0.15 0.09 0.04 0.17 0.04 0.07 0.15 0.26 0.15 0.37 0.30 0.52 0.13 0.35 0.30 0.28 0.33 0.26 0.13 0.11 0.19 0.24 0.24 0.19 0.19 0.52 0.42 0.67 0.57 0.69 0.14 0.58 0.57 0.43 0.48 0.44 0.19 0.28 0.56 0.48 0.31 0.31 0.21 0.72 0.64 0.81 0.59 0.62 0.14 0.79 0.87 0.61 0.44 0.46 0.14 0.59 0.56 0.61 0.43 0.30 0.16 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.12 0.12 0.01 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.01 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.06 0.06 0.01 0.05 0.07 0.06 0.09 0.07 0.01 0.04 0.06 0.05 0.03 0.04 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.01 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.01 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.01 0.032 0.044 0.033 0.042 0.046 0.010 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.005 0.004 2.63 2.59 1.82 3.24 2.33 0.42 2.45 2.63 2.16 3.00 2.83 0.52 2.52 2.63 2.60 3.34 3.02 0.52 1.87 1.72 1.75 2.01 1.67 0.26 1.86 1.91 1.65 1.70 1.92 0.36 1.82 1.69 1.64 2.28 2.18 0.33 1.43 1.39 1.30 1.49 1.46 0.16 1.40 1.37 1.30 1.27 1.35 0.16 1.29 1.09 1.12 1.52 1.80 0.29 1.24 1.20 1.30 1.33 1.32 0.16 1.26 1.25 0.98 1.18 1.23 0.18 1.02 1.11 1.13 1.38 1.40 0.22 1.17 1.29 1.21 1.02 0.98 0.27 1.18 1.24 0.98 1.04 0.91 0.14 0.97 0.99 0.99 1.11 1.04 0.11 5.7 6.1 5.7 5.7 5.3 0.3 5.7 6.0 5.5 5.7 5.2 0.3 5.7 4.9 5.7 5.6 5.4 0.2 5.5 5.8 5.5 5.0 5.4 0.2 5.5 5.7 5.2 5.1 4.8 0.2 5.4 5.0 5.5 5.5 5.5 0.4 5.1 5.4 5.1 5.0 4.8 0.1 5.2 5.1 4.9 4.8 4.6 0.2 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.1 5.2 0.3 4.8 5.0 4.8 4.7 4.7 0.1 4.9 4.8 4.6 4.6 4.4 0.2 5.4 5.0 4.9 5.0 5.1 0.2 4.8 4.9 4.8 4.9 4.7 0.1 4.9 4.7 4.6 4.6 4.6 0.2 4.9 5.0 4.7 4.8 5.1 0.2 K Fallow Site 1, burned Site 1, mulched Site 2, burned Site 2, mulched LSD Mg Fallow Site 1, burned Site 1, mulched Site 2, burned Site 2, mulched LSD Al Fallow Site 1, burned Site 1, mulched Site 2, burned Site 2, mulched LSD Na Fallow Site 1, burned Site 1, mulched Site 2, burned Site 2, mulched LSD ECEC Fallow Site 1, burned Site 1, mulched Site 2, burned Site 2, mulched LSD pH Fallow Site 1, burned Site 1, mulched Site 2, burned Site 2, mulched LSD ECEC remained constant throughout cultivation and was only higher on site 2, again possibly a site-specific peculiarity and, furthermore, associated with the pH increase. ECEC 110 5.2.1 Soil fertility declined drastically from the topsoil to 1 m depth, which is obviously caused by the decreasing SOC content. Below 1 m soil depth, however, ECEC decreased less pronounced from about 1 cmolc kg-1 to 0.5 cmolc kg-1 at 3 m depth. Consequently, it was not surprising, that considerable amounts of exchangeable cations were present in deeper layers (Table 30). On site 1 for instance, about 2500 kg ha-1 exchangeable Ca was present down to 3 m soil depth, whereby about one third was located below 90 cm. In the case of K and Mg, as much as 44 % of the sum of cations was present in 90-300 cm. Table 30: Exchangeable amounts of cations of the soils to 3 m depth under the study sites and under different other site of the study region (range of n=8; Fölster unpublished data); 0-30 cm based on EmbrapaBelém measurements, 30-300 cm based on IBW-measurements; soil density in the field assumed to be 1.5 g cm-3 (0-10 cm: 1.0 g cm-3); ECEC not including Na, except for "study region"; italic values based on Embrapa determinations Element/ Depth --------- Fallow ----------1 [kmolc ha ] -1 [kg ha ] Cultivation site 1 Cultivation site 2 -1 -1 [kmolc ha ] [kg ha ] -1 -1 [kmolc ha ] [kg ha ] Study region -1 [kmolc ha ] K 0-30 cm 30-60 cm 60-90 cm 90-300 cm Sum Ca 0-30 cm 30-60 cm 60-90 cm 90-300 cm Sum Mg 0-30 cm 30-60 cm 60-90 cm 90-300 cm Sum Al 0-30 cm 30-60 cm 60-90 cm 90-300 cm Sum ECEC 0-30 cm 30-60 cm 60-90 cm 90-300 cm Sum 1.4 0.4 0.1 0.5 2.5 53 3 2 10 68 12.6 0.9 0.6 2.6 16.7 0.5 0.5 0.7 3.2 13 13 13 92 124 1.4 1.2 0.6 2.5 5.6 55 45 22 98 220 2.0 2.3 1.5 2.4 8.3 79 91 59 94 323 1069 54 259 36 259 207 264 1366 1852 51 19 15 40 125 1027 378 306 792 2503 66 14 12 46 138 1333 279 234 927 2774 134 42 41 171 389 16.0 3.8 3.0 13.9 36.8 195 46 37 169 495 11.0 3.5 3.4 14.1 32.0 28 405 176 369 176 1432 1372 2234 1752 3 29 34 184 251 30 261 306 1657 2255 4 37 34 132 207 38 333 306 1189 1866 57 16 5 20 98 6 153 11 7 31 41 202 11 11 3 45 20 41 20 159 152 248 195 72 49 45 44 45 173 173 337 334 21 21 26 132 132 79 68 53 53 240 414 90 57 50 195 392 2.0 - 4.7 27 - 85 8 - 22 447 93 - 214 212 - 273 Drastically fewer amounts of K, Ca and Mg were present in the deeper soil layers under the fallow site, which is also visible in Figure 31. Amounts increased in the upper 1 m, when data of Embrapa measurements were used for calculation instead of IBW-data 111 5.2.1 Soil fertility (italic values in Table 30). In the case of Mg they were even exceeding data of both cultivation sites, demonstrating the limited relevance of single measurements (IBW) and/or indicating possible uncertainties regarding Mg-measurements. In both calculations, however, the sum of K and Ca (0-3 m) under the fallow did not reach amounts encountered under the cultivation sites. This complies with the common assumption that during a fallow period the soil exchange-complex is impoverished in bases, at first discharged by protons (of rainwater), which themselves may subsequently be displaced by dissolving aluminum (Rowell, 1994). Higher plant-available P concentrations and increased K (less pronounced for Ca and Mg) concentrations after burning and initiation of cultivation are in agreement with other studies (Stromgaard, 1984; Tulaphitak et al., 1985; Eden et al., 1991; Romanya et al., 1994). In the study region this was previously observed and discussed in detail by Kato (1998a and b) and Hölscher (1995; see also Hölscher et al, 1997b). Distinct differences of soil nutrient status between the burned and the mulched treatment on the basis of the present data could only be detected for the soil pH. Obviously, large amounts of biomass applied as a mulch-layer did not affect the other soil chemical properties considered. Differences might be expected regarding soil organic matter and soil nitrogen content, but they were not tracked in this study. In this regard, further detailed studies are necessary. The soil pH in 0-10 cm increased by about 0.4 units in response to the burning. This, despite the fact that exchangeable Ca, as one of the important mineralization products of burning (basic active as CaO), was not significantly elevated, and also the increase of Mg and K (mineralized as K2O and MgO) was small. This indicates a low buffering capacity of these soils. Higher amounts of plant available nutrients set free by mineralization through burning and/or by decomposition of organic matter can be taken up by the crops. The rapid reversal of initially increased K and less pronounced also of P concentrations after about 15 months of cultivation (March 1998) apparently, at least partly, effects a decline of soil fertility, which finally brings about the abandonment of the cultivation sites. For further details on chemical, but also biological parameter determining soil fertility and productivity one can refer to Diekmann (1997). 112 5.2.2 Aboveground fluxes 5.2.2 Aboveground fluxes Aboveground nutrient inputs and nutrient exports on both cultivation site were determined. They included burning losses (volatilization and particle transfer), export of firewood and harvest, as well as input of fertilizer. Nutrient inputs through deposition were not measured in the present study but were assumed to equal those determined by Hölscher (1995) for the study region. Biomass stock For evaluation of volatilization losses, preburn nutrient stocks bound in the standing biomass and in dead biomass as litter and dead branches were determined. The sum of leaves and wooden dry matter (DM) of the 7-year-old fallow vegetation growing on site 2 of 40.6 t ha-1 was almost twice as high as at the 3.5-year-old fallow vegetation of site 1 (21.4 t ha-1; Table 31). Table 31: Mean aboveground biomass of the initial (before cropping) fallow vegetation on the cultivation sites distinguished into leaves, wood and litter compartment (litter also comprising dead branches; n=10, including results of Schmitt, 1997) Compartment Leaves Site 1 Site 2 -1 --------------------------- [t DM ha ] -----------------------------SE SE Mean Mean 5.5 10.0 0.77 1.43 Wood 15.9 2.35 30.6 6.61 Litter 7.2 0.63 6.0 0.40 Sum 28.7 2.56 46.5 6.77 Litter contributed 13 – 25 % to total biomass. The overall aboveground biomass of the fallow vegetation of site 2 was a factor 1.62 larger than of the fallow vegetation on site 1. The 7-year-old fallow vegetation was more heterogeneous, which is indicated by the rather high standard error of the woody biomass. This might reflect a natural characteristic of this type of regrowing vegetation, where after a few years some fast-growing plant species (e.g. Cecropia palmata) dominate the succession, and lead to deviating high stock estimations, when incidentally included in determination of biomass. The mean nutrient concentrations of the vegetation compartments did not differ significantly between sites (t-test; Table 32). 113 5.2.2 Aboveground fluxes Table 32: Mean nutrient concentration of the compartments of the fallow vegetation on site 1 and 2 before cropping (n=3) Site/ Compartment C N P K Ca Mg S -1 --------------------------------------------------- [mg g DM] -----------------------------------------------Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Site 1 Leaves Wood Litter 504 3.8 491 1.2 493 9.0 14.3 1.18 5.8 0.12 11.1 0.71 0.52 0.02 0.25 0.04 0.26 0.02 5.7 1.20 3.5 0.84 1.7 0.06 10.6 1.26 7.0 0.55 12.3 1.59 2.2 0.28 1.0 0.18 1.8 0.17 2.4 0.42 1.0 0.09 1.4 0.14 Site 2 Leaves Wood Litter 498 4.5 489 3.6 466 12.1 15.8 3.32 5.2 0.83 11.5 1.17 0.62 0.04 0.29 0.07 0.29 0.02 7.7 1.05 3.5 0.47 1.5 0.25 6.7 0.88 7.5 1.75 13.7 1.25 2.3 0.49 0.9 0.02 2.3 0.36 2.1 0.03 1.1 0.12 1.5 0.07 For evaluation of nutrient stocks of standing biomass, the concentration of leaves and wooden compartments were multiplied with corresponding biomass amounts. Results of those calculations together with nutrient stocks present in the litter layer built the aboveground biomass stocks (Table 33). Table 33: Mean nutrient stocks bound in the biomass of the initial fallow vegetation on the cultivation sites and its percentage distribution in wood (wo.), leaves (le.) and litter (lit.) C N P K Ca Mg S -1 ----------------------------------------------------- [kg ha ] ------------------------------------------------Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Site 1 % - wo./le./lit. 14157 1259.7 55/20/25 251 20.7 37/31/32 9 1.0 46/33/21 100 17.6 56/32/13 258 25.6 43/23/34 41 4.7 39/29/32 40 4.3 41/34/26 22716 3317.0 66/22/12 387 59.3 41/41/18 17 3.0 53/37/10 194 31.4 56/40/5 378 74.6 61/18/22 65 8.8 43/35/21 65 9.0 54/33/14 Site 2 % - wo./le./lit. Due to biomass differences, nutrient stocks on site 2 were 1.46 (Ca) to 1.94 (K) times higher than those of site 1. On site 2 nutrient stocks showed a rather high degree of variation expressed in their standard error. This was mostly affected by the highly varying woody biomass stocks on this site. In case of Ca the woody biomass of site 2 contained 61 % of the total. Also for the other elements considered, the woody compartment on this site always contained the largest amounts (between 41 % [N] and 66 % [C]). This was also the case on site 1, but percentages were more equally distributed among the three components, wood, leaf and litter, as may be expected for younger vegetation. The woody compartments held between 37 % (N) and 56 % (K) of the total amounts. 114 5.2.2 Aboveground fluxes Volatilization losses Postburn residues were heterogeneously distributed over the burned plots. The mean amount of all residues was 818 kg ha-1 on site 1 and 1519 kg ha-1 on site 2 (Table 34). For calculation of the means, all extreme values were rejected which exceeded the 4sigma-range. Nevertheless, normal distribution according to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (p ≤ 0.1) could not be achieved for the skewed data set of the ash-amounts on site 2, expressed in the difference between the mean and the median. On both sites mean ash amounts exceeded mean charcoal amounts, indicating that the burning intensity (≅ quality) in both cases was high. Charcoal showed an even higher variance, because thicker and incompletely dried stems, the potential source for charcoal, were not evenly distributed over the sites. Table 34: Mean postburn residues distinguished into charcoal (+ incompletely burned remains, >2 mm) and ash of the fallow vegetation on site 1 and 2; n=24 minus those rejected, when exceeding the 4-sigmarange; for median n=24 Mean SE -1 ----------- [kg ha ] --------- n Minimum Maximum Median -1 --------------- [kg ha ] --------------- Site 1 Ash Charcoal Site 2 Ash Charcoal 584 234 62.3 37.3 23 21 26 15 1219 602 564 226 1049 471 133.4 77.7 24 21 207 62 2264 1376 791 457 Beside those burned residues caught with the steel trays, 312 kg ha-1 and 1736 kg ha-1 unburned residues (DM) were manually collected from site 1 and site 2, respectively. Normally, these residues are piled up and burned once more or they are used by the farmers as firewood for drying and roasting of cassava-flower (farinha) or cooking. In the latter case they are removed from the fields, which was also done in the present study. Amounts of unburned residues on site 2 were more than 5 times higher than those of site 1, which was obviously related to the presence of thicker stems on that site. Nutrient concentrations of ash and charcoal showed considerable differences between both cultivation sites (Table 35). P-concentration in the ash was 4.7 times higher on site 2 than on site 1 (statistically highly significant, t-test). P-concentration of charcoal differed significantly by a factor 2. Smaller, but still significant (t-test) differences in ash and charcoal could also be detected for K, Mg and S. Significantly differing concentration in the charcoal could be found for C and Ca. N-concentration of both sites did not differ. 115 5.2.2 Aboveground fluxes Table 35: Mean nutrient concentration of postburn residues distinguished into charcoal (+ incompletely burned remains >2 mm) and ash (n=3) Site/ C N P K Ca Mg S -1 Compart- ----------------------------------------------------- [mg g DM] --------------------------------------------------Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE ment Cultivation site 1 Ash 99.0 7.86 1.8 0.52 1.06 0.020 Charcoal 736.0 5.68 8.7 0.74 0.59 0.003 1.5 0.03 8.0 66.6 1.32 172.3 9.74 19.5 0.41 6.7 0.17 17.8 0.08 2.1 0.01 1.1 0.01 4.94 0.300 61.8 0.87 172.4 1.75 26.4 0.22 9.0 0.08 1.16 14.8 9.0 0.04 Cultivation site 2 Ash Charcoal 94.5 1.33 668.3 7.31 0.29 0.010 0.08 29.0 0.21 5.2 0.04 2.0 0.01 Taking element (and compound) vaporization temperatures (Tv) into the consideration, two different processes can be distinguished: • C and N are more volatile (Tv below 400 °C; Lide, 1998) as is S (Tv = 445 °C). Thus, these elements are already set free at lower burning intensities apparently met on both site. Consequently their concentration in the ash did not or – in the case of S – only slightly differ between both sites. • Vaporization temperatures of P (Tv inorganic P: 774 °C, but sublimation temperature of P4O10= 360 °C), K (Tv = 774 °C) and Mg (Tv = 1104 °C) are higher, so that considerable amounts are only set free, when burning intensities are high. As the postburn concentrations on site 1 were lower than those on site 2, temperatures during burning on this site appear to have been higher. Calcium is assumed to volatilize rarely or never during vegetation fires as its vaporization temperature of 1484 °C (and also that of inorganic compounds of Ca) is very high. Therefore, it can be used to assess the degree of volatilization of other elements considering preburn and postburn ratios of Ca to those elements. Comparing the Ca:element-ratios of leaves, wood and litter with those found in the ash (Appendix, Table A-4), an increase was especially noticeable for C, N, S and also P indicating that those elements were mostly volatilized. An increase was found on both sites, but it was higher on site 1. No or only a slight increase was detectable for K and Mg, which concurred with their vaporization temperatures. Relating postburn nutrient stocks (Table 36) with those bound in the preburn biomass (Table 33) resulted in 90 % P-volatilization losses on site 1 and in 63 % on site 2 (Table 37). 116 5.2.2 Aboveground fluxes Table 36: Mean nutrient stocks remaining in the postburn residues on site 1 and 2 C N P K Ca Mg S -1 --------------------------------------------------- [kg ha ] ---------------------------------------------Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Burned residues (ash + charcoal) Site 1 230 28.6 3.1 0.49 Site 2 414 53.6 5.3 0.67 0.7 0.07 5.7 0.74 41 4.2 72 8.4 105 12.2 194 23.2 12 1.2 30 3.6 4 0.4 10 1.2 2 0.3 13 1.4 0.3 0.03 1.7 0.14 0.3 0.02 1.9 0.13 Unburned residues (thicker stems) Site 1 Site 2 153 0.5 851 3.0 1.7 0.09 9.7 0.52 0.08 0.01 0.47 0.06 1 6 0.1 0.7 Table 37: Mean percentages of aboveground dry matter and nutrient loss due to volatilization DM C N P K Ca Mg S ------------------------------------------------- [%] ------------------------------------------------Site 1 Mean SE Site 2 Mean SE 96 97 98 90 58 59 70 89 9 9 8 11 18 11 12 11 93 94 96 63 60 45 51 81 15 15 15 19 17 21 15 14 But, all elements considered were volatilized or at least removed by particle flight to a high extent. Proportionally, site 1 lost more nutrients than site 2, except for K, underlining the assumption that burning intensity on site 1 was higher. Percentage losses decreased in the order N > C > P > S > Mg > Ca > K on site 1 and N > C > S > P > K > Mg > Ca on site 2. As expected, losses in terms of stocks decreased on both sites in the order C > N > Ca > K > S > Mg > P. Assuming that Ca was removed only by particle export and with that other less volatile elements to the same extent, then, differences between percentages of Ca and those elements would account for their percentage volatilization. This would be 0-15 % in the case of K and 6-11 % Mg. Amounts of N (3.1–5.3 kg ha-1) and P (0.7–5.7 kg ha-1) in Table 36 remaining in the postburn residues are limited in terms of direct fertilization effect on the subsequent crops. On the other hand, amounts of K (41–72 kg ha-1), Ca (105–194 kg ha-1) and Mg (12–30 kg ha-1) are considerable, as is the positive effect of rising soil-pH. Unburned residues (Table 36), which were removed from the field, did not contain many nutrients, though the amount of N in this form almost equaled or even exceeded amounts remaining on the field as ash and charcoal. 117 5.2.2 Aboveground fluxes Fertilizer input and harvest exports With fertilization a total of 70 kg N ha-1, 48 kg P ha-1 and 66 kg K ha-1 was applied on the cultivation sites. Phosphate was given as triple super-phosphate, and therefore additionally about 31 kg Ca ha-1 was applied (calculated on basis of the formula). Maize grain-yields varied between 1.82 and 2.69 t ha-1 (mean: 2.33 t ha-1) depending on site and land preparation (Figure 33). 9 8 7 -1 [t ha ] 6 5 4 Maize Spindle Grain Cowpea Pods Peas Cassava Tuber 3 2 1 0 lot lot lot lot lot lot lot lot lot lot lot lot d p ed p ed p ed p d p ed p ed p ed p d p ed p ed p ed p e e e rn urn lch lch rn urn lch lch rn urn lch lch u u u u u u bu b bu b bu b 1, e 2, 1, m 2, m 1, e 2, 1, m 2, m 1, e 2, 1, m 2, m e e e Sit Sit Site Site Sit Sit Site Site Sit Sit Site Site Figure 33: Maize, cowpea and cassava yields on site 1 and 2 on the slash-and-bun and slash-and-mulch plots (13 % moisture for grains, but oven-dry for cassava) The maize grain-yield on the mulched plots was slightly less then those of the burned plots and, yields on site 1 exceeded those of site 2. These differences, though not statistically significant (two-way ANOVA), possibly were related to differences in concentrations of plant-available P on those sites (see chapter 5.2.1). Site-related variations also were insignificant for the cowpea yield. Yields varied between 1.45 and 1.88 t ha-1 (mean: 1.69 t ha-1). The cassava yields of the burned plots of 8.69 t DM ha-1 exceeded those of the mulched plots (7.60 t DM ha-1) by 1.09 t DM ha-1. This difference on basis of a two-way-ANOVA again was not statistically significant (p=0.053). Mean cassava yield was 8.15 t DM ha-1 and mean moisture-content was 59.6 %. Statistical analyses, nevertheless, based on only one repetition per treatment (site and land preparation), as was the case for analyses of all crops, should be taken very cautiously. 118 5.2.2 Aboveground fluxes Nutrient concentrations were determined on only one pooled subsample for each site and crop-compartment, without repetition. Therefore, results of those data (Appendix, Table A-5) are not discussed in detail. Based on these results nutrient stocks of harvested goods leaving the sites were calculated (Table 38). Table 38: Nutrient stocks withdrawn by harvest goods and its mean percentage extraction by each crop Site/Compartment Site 1, burned plot Site 2, burned plot Site 1, mulched plot Site 2, mulched plot Mean: all Maize Cowpea Cassava C N P K Ca Mg S ----------------------------------- [kg ha-1] -----------------------------------5987 5978 5126 5123 125 127 112 119 22 25 22 20 77 83 83 76 14 15 14 14 14 13 12 11 7 7 7 7 5554 121 22 80 14 13 7 -------------------------------------- [%] --------------------------------------21 27 43 19 2 30 33 16 52 27 31 34 37 42 63 21 30 50 64 33 25 Due to higher yields of cassava after slash-and-burn more C was removed from these plots. Higher cassava yields, however, did not affect K or Ca extraction, as the concentrations of those elements in tubers of the burned plots were lower. N-withdrawal from the mulched plot of site 1 was lower then on the other plots due to the lower cowpea yields. Apart from these exceptions, extraction of the remaining elements did not really differ among sites and plots. Maize was responsible for most P-withdrawal (43 %), cowpea for most N (52 %) and S (42 %; Table 38). Most K and Ca (besides C) were removed from the field with the cassava-tubers. Withdrawn Mg-stocks were almost equally distributed among the crops. The aboveground biomasses of the fallows preceding the cultivation phase in the present study are slightly higher then comparable determination of other studies carried out in the study region in the SHIFT-project (Table 39). Bünemann (1998) determined the biomass of a 7-year-old fallow to be 39.8 t ha-1. This is 6.6 t ha-1 less than evaluations of the present study, but still comparable, when considering the standard error of determination of Bünemann (1998) reaching 8.0 t ha-1 for wooden compartments alone. The biomass of the 3.5-year-old fallow on site 1 had already reached amounts given by Denich (1989) for a 4 to 5 years old fallow. 119 5.2.2 Aboveground fluxes Table 39: Dry matter and nutrient stocks as well as nutrient concentrations of green matter (leaves), woody compartments and litter (including dead branches) of fallow vegetation of different age in the study region; sulfur was not determined (n.d.) in the cited studies Age/Com- DM partment 1.25 years Leaves Wood Litter 2 years Leaves Wood Litter 4 years Leaves Wood Litter 4-5 years Leaves Wood Litter 7 years Wood+leaves Litter 7 years Leaves Wood Litter Chopped veg. 10 years Leaves Wood Litter [t ha ] -1 N P -1 -1 K -1 -1 Ca -1 -1 Mg -1 -1 Author -1 -1 [kg ha ] [mg g ] [kg ha ] [mg g ] [kg ha ] [mg g ] [kg ha ] [mg g ] [kg ha ] [mg g ] 3.2 5.7 1.3 51.7 21.3 50.9 13.3 4.3 7.8 2.1 1.5 2 0.5 0.3 0.3 36.9 31.4 17.3 9.5 6.3 2.7 28.8 34 49.9 8.9 5.9 39.5 14 8 24 4.2 1.3 18.8 7.5 13.6 2.2 98.6 91.2 21 16.4 6.2 12.7 6.6 4.6 0.6 0.9 0.3 0.4 80.9 93.5 6.9 10.7 6.2 3.8 54.2 106.4 16.9 7.2 7.8 7.8 23 22 6 3.0 1.6 2.7 57 52 34 11.4 3.5 8.5 3 4 2 0.6 0.3 0.5 26 41 5 5.2 2.7 1.3 48 47 45 9.6 3.1 11.3 14 18 10 2.8 1.2 2.5 4.6 15.3 7.8 69.8 67.5 83 15.2 4.4 10.6 2.8 3.3 2 0.6 0.2 0.3 29.9 48.6 8 6.5 3.2 1.0 29.6 72.2 61 6.4 4.7 7.8 12 15 9 2.7 1.0 1.2 22.2 9.0 113 101 5.1 11.2 6 3 0.3 0.3 75 6 3.4 0.7 164 143 7.4 15.9 29 16 1.3 1.8 8.5 23.8 7.5 28.3 128.6 85.5 15.1 3.6 5.9 5.6 0.7 0.2 64.3 97 7.6 4.1 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 175.5 6.2 8.7 0.3 125.1 4.4 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 94 181 57 11.8 4.1 8.1 4 3 1 0.5 0.1 0.1 74 106 7 9.3 2.4 1.0 54 312 64 6.8 7.1 9.1 20 56 11 2.5 1.3 1.6 Gehring, 1997 (and pers. com.) Gehring, 1997 (and pers. com.) Kato, 1999 5 15 4 Denich, 1989 Hölscher, 1995 Bünemann, 1998 Kato, 1999 8 44 7 Results of nutrient concentrations differ remarkably in the cited studies and with that also the nutrient stocks. Ranges of results include those of the present study. Gehring (1997) for instance calculated P-stocks for a 2-year-old fallow (unfertilized control), which exceeded those cited by Hölscher (1995) for a 7-year-old fallow and even those calculated by Kato et al. (1999) for a 10-year-old fallow. Similar examples are also found for other elements. Besides uncertainties due to the extrapolation of small subsamples to bulk biomass, such deviations are likely to reflect site-specific parameters, such as landuse history and cultivation frequency as well as edaphic conditions. Preburn vegetation-biomass of the 7-year-old fallow examined by Hölscher (1995) was lower and drying period was longer (31 days with only 9 mm rainfall) than in case of the present 7-year-old fallow (site 2). Nevertheless, amounts of remaining debris (ash and unburned trunks) in his experiment exceeded those found in the present study. Ash remaining was 1.7 t ha-1 (including charcoal) and 2.8 t ha-1 remained unburned (Mackensen et al. 1996). Thus, the preburn vegetation-biomass was reduced by about 86 %, instead of 93 % (7-year-old fallow) or even 96 % (3.5-year-old fallow) of the present study. 120 5.2.2 Aboveground fluxes As detected already in the present study, the burning intensity here also influenced the extent of volatilization. Mackensen et al. (1996) reported that only 16 %, 9 % and 17 % of K, Ca, and Mg, respectively, were exported with the burning of the understory biomass (33.5 t ha-1) of a logged secondary forest, where burning quality was considered to be medium to poor. Percentages increased to 48 %, 35 % and 40 % (K, Ca, Mg), when they burned the abovementioned 7-year-old fallow, where burning was considered good to excellent. Moreover, results of the present study indicate that up to 60 %, 59 % and 70 % of K, Ca and Mg, respectively, might be transferred to the atmosphere, when burning quality was excellent. The burning temperatures on the ground in the study of Mackensen et al. (1996) reached 953 °C. Thus, temperature had exceeded the vaporization temperatures (according to Lide, 1998) of C, N, P, S and K, but not of Ca and Mg. Comparable burning quality has to be assumed for the present study. On site 2, the order of percentage losses of all elements followed that of the vaporizationtemperature sequence. On site 1, this was not the case, as more Mg was removed. However, high standard errors of mean percentages of the cations prevented clear distinction between the sites. Furthermore, in the case of Mg, organically bound plant materials basically might be more susceptible to volatilization than the free cation alone (Raison et al., 1985). This may also be true for the organic compounds of P, which might explain its high percentage losses. High nutrient losses as were found for the slash-burning in the Bragantina region (present studies as well as those of Mackensen et al., 1996), have rarely been cited for comparable land use systems. Burning a secondary tropical dry forest (Caatinga) in the Brazilian Northeast with 74 t ha-1 aboveground biomass, Kauffman et al. (1993) found comparable losses of 96 % of preburn C and N stocks, but also 56 % of the P stocks. Additionally, they observed that part of the remaining ash was quickly removed via wind erosion. This is also occurring in the Bragantina region, but was not tracked in the present study12. During Amazonian primary forest conversion into agricultural land for instance, only 29.3 % of the biomass (264.6 t ha-1) was burned and with it 27.5 % C (35.9 t C ha-1) was released into the atmosphere (Fearnside, et al., 1993). Mean grain-yield of maize (2.33 t ha-1) in the present study was comparable to the 2.2 t ha-1 obtained by Kato (1998) for the same cultivar under comparable (mulched) land preparation and fertilization. Mean cowpea yield (1.69 t ha-1) was negligibly higher 12 After the burning the ashtrays were immediately covered. 121 5.2.2 Aboveground fluxes than those of Kato et al. (1999; 1.54 t ha-1; same cultivar, mulched or burned and fertilized). In both cases, yields achieved with moderate fertilizer input irrespective of land preparation (burning or mulching) exceeded by far yields normally obtained under traditional slash-and-burn land use without fertilizer application. According to statistical data for the municipality of Igarapé-Açu, these are 0.7-0.8 t ha-1 maize grain and 0.7 t ha-1 cowpea (IBGE; 1994b). For both crops, Bünemann (1998) could show that in the first place P availability is limiting plant growth, when land preparation is done by slash-andmulch. Kato et al. (1999) showed that this is also true for the slash-and-burn land preparation, though in a more moderate way, as residual nutrients in the ash have a limited fertilizing effect. For details on crop-nutrient aspects and the importance of fertilizer in modified slash-and-mulch land use systems in the Bragantina region is made to Kato, (1998a), Kato (1998b) and Gehring et al. (1998). Cassava fresh yield (DM + 59.6 % moisture) in the present study ranged from 18.8 t ha-1 (mulched) to 21.5 t ha-1 (burned) and thus was about 10 t ha-1 less than comparable yields given by Kato et al. (1999; mulched: 27.8 t ha-1, burned: 30.1 t ha-1 ). On the other hand, yields were in the range given by Kato (1998a and 1998b) for a screening experiment where the Pretinha-cultivar was tested against other regionally used cultivars (~17.5 t ha-1 for mulched + unfertilized to ~23.5 t ha-1 for mulched + fertilized). Thus, both comparisons indicate that yields of cassava might vary considerably, and possibly depend on the residual effect of fertilizer applied to maize and cowpea. In the present study, as in the studies of Kato (1998a) and Kato (1998b) and Kato et al. (1999) burning in all cases resulted in higher cassava yields, though statistically not significant. Higher yields are explainable, when considering the high demand on K and Ca (see export, Table 38). Those amounts were highest in the remaining ash. Thus, K and Ca could be yieldlimiting, in the case of cassava not covered by the residual fertilizer amounts. Once again, however, yields exceeded those normally achieved in the municipality (~10 t ha-1; IBGE, 1997b). 122 5.2.3 Soil-water-solute nutrient fluxes 5.2.3 Soil-water-solute nutrient fluxes Nutrient concentrations in the soil solution and their dynamics Nutrient concentrations in the soil solution were measured at three different depths (0.9 m, 1.8 m and 3 m) in both cultivation sites and both treatments. Samples were taken during the two years of cultivation. In the second year, the number of samples analyzed was reduced to one out of six repetitions on site 2, which had provided the most representative data in the first year. Under the fallow site (reference) concentrations of nutrients were determined at selected times only. Concentrations as well as their annual (site 1) or two-year (site 2) dynamics are shown for all relevant nutrients and for the pH (Figure 34 to Figure 41). 8 Site 2, burnt, 90 cm Site 2, burnt, 180 cm Site 2, burnt, 300 cm Fallow, 600 cm Site 1, burnt, 90 cm Site 1, burnt, 180 cm 7.5 Site 1, burnt, 300 cm 7 pH 6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 8 7.5 Site 1, mulched, 90 cm Site 2, mulched, 90 cm Site 1, mulched, 180 cm Site 2, mulched, 180 cm Site 1, mulched, 300 cm Site 2, mulched, 300 cm 7 pH 6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5 1.9.98 1.7.98 1.5.98 1.3.98 1.1.98 1.11.97 1.9.97 1.7.97 1.5.97 1.3.97 1.1.97 1.1.98 1.11.97 1.9.97 1.7.97 1.5.97 1.3.97 1.1.97 4 Figure 34: Annual or two-year dynamics of the pH of the soil water samples taken at different soil depths under the burned and mulched plots of site 1 and 2, respectively, and at 6 m under the fallow vegetation; bars denote the standard error (1997: site 1 n=2, site 2 n=6; 1998: n=1) 123 5.2.3 Soil-water-solute nutrient fluxes 3 Site 2, burnt, 90 cm Site 2, burnt, 180 cm Site 2, burnt, 300 cm Fallow, 600 cm Site 1, mulched, 90 cm Site 2, mulched, 90 cm Site 1, mulched, 180 cm Site 2, mulched, 180 cm Site 1, mulched, 300 cm Site 2, mulched, 300 cm -1 [mg K l ] 2.5 Site 1, burnt, 90 cm Site 1, burnt, 180 cm Site 1, burnt, 300 cm 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 3 -1 [mg K l ] 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 1.9.98 1.7.98 1.5.98 1.3.98 1.1.98 1.11.97 1.9.97 1.7.97 1.5.97 1.3.97 1.1.97 1.1.98 1.11.97 1.9.97 1.7.97 1.5.97 1.3.97 1.1.97 0 Figure 35: Annual or two-year dynamics of potassium concentrations in the soil water samples taken at different soil depths under the burned and mulched plots of site 1 and 2, respectively, and at 6 m under the fallow vegetation; bars denote the standard error (1997: site 1 n=2, site 2 n=6; 1998: n=1) Generally, treatment-specific (burned–mulched) differences in nutrient dynamics did exceed those, which were site related. Nutrient concentrations were higher and fluctuated more after burned land preparation. Burning also had a greater impact on the pH of the soil water, which increased by about 1 unit at both sites compared to pH of the fallow site. But, this was also detectable on the mulched plot of site 2. Soil solution pH of the burned plots was to some extent correlated to the concentration of nitrate (r = 0.60), magnesium (r = 0.51) and calcium (r = 0.46; Appendix, Table A-7). Absolute values of the pH, however, have to be taken with caution, as CO2-release after exposing soil water to atmospheric CO2-partial-pressure inevitably leads to an increase of pH. 124 5.2.3 Soil-water-solute nutrient fluxes 12 Site 1, burnt, 300 cm Site 2, burnt, 90 cm Site 2, burnt, 180 cm Site 2, burnt, 300 cm Fallow, 600 cm Site 1, mulched, 90 cm Site 2, mulched, 90 cm Site 1, mulched, 180 cm Site 2, mulched, 180 cm Site 1, mulched, 300 cm Site 2, mulched, 300 cm Site 1, burnt, 90 cm Site 1, burnt, 180 cm -1 [mg Ca l ] 10 8 6 4 2 0 12 -1 [mg Ca l ] 10 8 6 4 2 1.9.98 1.7.98 1.5.98 1.3.98 1.1.98 1.11.97 1.9.97 1.7.97 1.5.97 1.3.97 1.1.97 1.1.98 1.11.97 1.9.97 1.7.97 1.5.97 1.3.97 1.1.97 0 Figure 36: Annual or two-year dynamics of calcium concentrations in the soil water samples taken at different soil depths under the burned and mulched plots of site 1 and 2, respectively, and at 6 m under the fallow vegetation, bars denote the standard error (1997: site 1 n=2, site 2 n=6; 1998: n=1) The dynamic of nutrient concentration and pH at 0.9 m depth were generally sensitive to cultivation-measures, again, more pronounced under the burned treatments. Three main cropping activities (see also Table 4) led to higher nutrient concentrations: 1. Land preparation, sowing of maize and NPK-fertilization in January 1997 2. Weeding, bending of maize, sowing of cowpea and NPK-fertilization in May 1997 3. Harvesting of cassava at the end of June 1998 An additional nutrient-peak in the soil solution at 0.9 m depth was present after rewetting of the soil subsequent to the intensive 1997-dry-season. The concentration peak after the first cultivation measure (land preparation) was most pronounced in the case of calcium and nitrate, and was only exceeded by the peak appearing after re-wetting in the case of potassium, magnesium and chloride. This is of special importance for nutrient leaching, as soil water fluxes at the beginning of a year (rainy season) are at their annual maximum (see Figure 28). 125 5.2.3 Soil-water-solute nutrient fluxes 3 Site 2, burnt, 90 cm Site 2, burnt, 180 cm Site 2, burnt, 300 cm Fallow, 600 cm Site 1, burnt, 90 cm Site 1, burnt, 180 cm Site 1, burnt, 300 cm -1 [mg Mg l ] 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 3 Site 2, mulched, 90 cm Site 1, mulched, 180 cm Site 2, mulched, 180 cm Site 1, mulched, 300 cm Site 2, mulched, 300 cm -1 [mg Mg l ] 2.5 Site 1, mulched, 90 cm 2 1.5 1 0.5 1.9.98 1.7.98 1.5.98 1.3.98 1.1.98 1.11.97 1.9.97 1.7.97 1.5.97 1.3.97 1.1.97 1.1.98 1.11.97 1.9.97 1.7.97 1.5.97 1.3.97 1.1.97 0 Figure 37: Annual or two-year dynamics of magnesium concentrations in the soil water samples taken at different soil depths under the burned and mulched plots of site 1 and 2, respectively, and at 6 m under the fallow vegetation, bars denote the standard error (1997: site 1 n=2, site 2 n=6; 1998: n=1) Desiccation of the soil profile during the dry season 1997 did not increase the concentration of nutrients (concentration effect), as the soil water at the considered depth under the cultivation sites was not as strongly depleted as under the fallow site (see previous chapter). Concentration peaks in 0.9 m soil depth caused by the above-mentioned cultivation measures could also be found for some elements under the mulched plots, namely for chloride and - more pronounced on site 2 – for nitrate, calcium and magnesium. However, only chloride reached levels encountered under the burned plots. The propagation of nutrient flushes through the soil profile showed two major characteristics: 1. Concentration peaks were delayed if they occurred at all 2. Concentrations of nutrients were strongly reduced 126 5.2.3 Soil-water-solute nutrient fluxes 8 -1 Site 1, mulched, 90 cm Site 2, mulched, 90 cm Site 1, mulched, 180 cm Site 2, mulched, 180 cm Site 1, mulched, 300 cm Site 2, mulched, 300 cm Site 1, burnt, 180 cm 7 [mg N l ] Site 1, burnt, 300 cm Site 2, burnt, 90 cm Site 2, burnt, 180 cm Site 2, burnt, 300 cm Fallow, 600 cm Site 1, burnt, 90 cm 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 8 -1 [mg N l ] 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1.9.98 1.7.98 1.5.98 1.3.98 1.1.98 1.11.97 1.9.97 1.7.97 1.5.97 1.3.97 1.1.97 1.1.98 1.11.97 1.9.97 1.7.97 1.5.97 1.3.97 1.1.97 0 Figure 38: Annual or two-year dynamics of nitrate concentrations in the soil water samples taken at different soil depths under the burned and mulched plots of site 1 and 2, respectively, and at 6 m under the fallow vegetation; bars denote the standard error (1997: site 1 n=2, site 2 n=6; 1998: n=1) While at 1.8 m depth most nutrients showed a noticeable increase, nutrient concentrations flattened out at 3 m depth. In the case of nitrate on the burned plot of site 2, for example, the concentration reached almost 8 mg N l-1 at 0.9 m soil depth after land preparation and sowing of maize at the end of February 1997. This pulse reached 1.8 m depth two months later with < 5 mg N l-1. Concentration peaks of nitrate reaching 3 m soil depth did not exceed 1.4mg N l-1. Similar observations could be made for nitrate on the burned plot of site 1, and on both mulched plots, though concentrations in the latter were generally lower. Also chloride concentrations followed this vertical pattern, apparently rather independent of treatment. 127 5.2.3 Soil-water-solute nutrient fluxes 30 Site 2, burnt, 90 cm Site 2, burnt, 180 cm Site 2, burnt, 300 cm Fallow, 300 cm Fallow, 600 cm Site 1, burnt, 90 cm Site 1, burnt, 180 cm Site 1, burnt, 300 cm -1 [mg Cl l ] 25 20 15 10 5 0 30 Site 2, mulched, 90 cm Site 1, mulched, 180 cm Site 2, mulched, 180 cm Site 1, mulched, 300 cm Site 2, mulched, 300 cm -1 [mg Cl l ] 25 Site 1, mulched, 90 cm 20 15 10 5 1.9.98 1.7.98 1.5.98 1.3.98 1.1.98 1.11.97 1.9.97 1.7.97 1.5.97 1.3.97 1.1.97 1.1.98 1.11.97 1.9.97 1.7.97 1.5.97 1.3.97 1.1.97 0 Figure 39: Annual or two-year dynamics of chloride concentrations in the soil water samples taken at different soil depths under the burned and mulched plots of site 1 and 2, respectively, and at 6 m under the fallow vegetation; bars denote the standard error (1997: site 1 n=2, site 2 n=6; 1998: n=1) Similar characteristics could also be found for calcium, magnesium and to a lesser extent for potassium. However, in the first year, concentrations at 3 m depth remained almost unchanged under both sites and treatments, comparable to the concentration measured under the fallow. For potassium this was already the case at 1.8 m soil depth. At 0.9 m depth, the low K-concentration on site 1 was highly variable as indicated by the high standard error (the standard error equaled the range as n = 2). This suggested that dissolved potassium did not reach 0.9 m soil depth everywhere, as was the case under the mulched plot on site 1. In the second year of observation, the potassium concentration at 3 m soil depth under the burned plot increased continuously. Surprisingly, this phenomenon could not be observed at 1.8 m soil depth of the same profile nor under the mulched plot. But, this interpretation deserves some reservation as only a single soil sample was analyzed on each date. 128 5.2.3 Soil-water-solute nutrient fluxes Site 1, burnt, 180 cm Site 1, burnt, 300 cm 1.2 -1 [mg S l ] Site 2, burnt, 90 cm Site 2, burnt, 180 cm Site 2, burnt, 300 cm Fallow, 600 cm Site 1, burnt, 90 cm 1.4 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1.4 Site 2, mulched, 90 cm Site 1, mulched, 180 cm Site 2, mulched, 180 cm Site 1, mulched, 300 cm Site 2, mulched, 300 cm -1 [mg S l ] 1.2 Site 1, mulched, 90 cm 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 1.9.98 1.7.98 1.5.98 1.3.98 1.1.98 1.11.97 1.9.97 1.7.97 1.5.97 1.3.97 1.1.97 1.1.98 1.11.97 1.9.97 1.7.97 1.5.97 1.3.97 1.1.97 0 Figure 40: Annual or two-year dynamics of sulfate concentrations in the soil water samples taken at different soil depths under the burned and mulched plots of site 1 and 2, respectively, and at 6 m under the fallow vegetation, bars denote the standard error (1997: site 1 n=2, site 2 n=6; 1998: n=1) Like potassium also Ca and Mg-concentrations in the second year increased slightly but continuously at 3 m soil depth. Sulfate was rather low and its dynamics did not follow the above-described characteristics for chloride or nitrate. After burning of site 1, the concentration of one of two repetitions at 0.9 m soil depth increased which was not observed on site 2. Sulfate concentrations at 3 m depth under both mulched plots exceeded those measured in 0.9 m or 1.8 m soil depth. Phosphate in the soil solution was barely detectable, and its concentrations generally declined over the observation period, reaching the AES-measuring limit of 0.02 mg P l-1. Concentration under the cultivation sites did not differ from P-concentration under the fallow site. Fluctuations of P-concentrations were present at all depths at the same time, indicating uncertainties of laboratory determinations rather than a systematic impact. 129 5.2.3 Soil-water-solute nutrient fluxes 0.14 Site 1, burnt, 180 cm 0.12 -1 [mg P l ] Site 2, burnt, 90 cm Site 2, burnt, 180 cm Site 2, burnt, 300 cm Fallow, 600 cm Site 1, burnt, 90 cm Site 1, burnt, 300 cm 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0.14 -1 [mg P l ] 0.12 Site 1, mulched, 90 cm Site 2, mulched, 90 cm Site 1, mulched, 180 cm Site 2, mulched, 180 cm Site 1, mulched, 300 cm Site 2, mulched, 300 cm 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 1.9.98 1.7.98 1.5.98 1.3.98 1.1.98 1.11.97 1.9.97 1.7.97 1.5.97 1.3.97 1.1.97 1.1.98 1.11.97 1.9.97 1.7.97 1.5.97 1.3.97 1.1.97 0 Figure 41: Annual or two-year dynamics of phosphate concentrations in the soil water samples taken at different soil depths under the burned and mulched plots of site 1 and 2, respectively, and at 6 m under the fallow vegetation; bars denote the standard error (1997: site 1 n=2, site 2 n=6; 1998: n=1) Sodium concentration (Appendix, Figure A-12) did not follow patterns found for the other cations. High concentrations were detected in all depths, and differences were more sitespecific than treatment-specific. After initial high concentrations at 0.9 m and 1.8 m soil depth, beginning in May 1997, concentrations at 3 m exceeded those at 0.9 m and 1.8 m depths. This was only reversed on the burned plot between February and May 1998. Aluminum was only detectable in about 20 % of the soil water samples (Appendix, Figure A-13). The rather low solubility products for gibbsite (Al(OH)3) and the high affinity of the soil for Al3+, AlOH2+ or Al(OH)2+ results in undetectable concentrations of these solute aluminum forms at pH of the soil solution above ~5.5. The pronounced pH-dependence (exponential form) of dissolved aluminum was also visible in the present study (Figure 42). However, concentrations of dissolved aluminum, when measurable, were often far above those predicted by the gibbsite solubility products. At a pH above ~4.7 the 130 5.2.3 Soil-water-solute nutrient fluxes concentration of all species theoretically should be below 0.04 mg l-1 (Rhodes & Lindsay, 1978). Thus, it had to be assumed that aluminum was present in polymeric form or organically bound. On the other hand, this result implies that saturation of (exchangeable) aluminum in all soil water samples is presumable, and thus unknown amounts of gibbsite are involved in soil chemical processes. 200 Electrical balance [µmol c l -1] 1.4 1.2 -1 Al [mg l ] 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 150 100 50 0 -50 -100 3 4 5 pH 6 3 7 Figure 42: pH dependence of Al in the soil solution; data with concentration > 0 are shown, dotted line indicates AES-measuring limit (0.04 mg l-1) 4 5 pH 6 Figure 43: pH dependence of the electrical balance Fe and Mn were barely detected and if, at insignificant concentrations (Appendix, Table A-6). This was also true for ammonium, while dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) contributed with 7.2 % (median) to total N concentration and was present in 97 % of all samples. The mean electrical balance (sum of molc of cations and anions) of all samples was 51.2 µmolc l-1 (SE 1.48 µmolc l-1, n=989), slightly varying with soil depth (higher in soil samples of deeper soil layers; Appendix, Table A-6), but highly dependent on pH (Figure 43). A positive and pH-dependent electrical balance may be related to solute CO2 (mostly as HCO3-), which was not determined and is set free upon exposing soil water to (low) atmospheric CO2-partial-pressure. The higher the increase of pH, the more concentrated was the initial dissolved CO2, and the more positive the electrical balance becomes. Besides carbonic acid, however, also other not-determined organic acids might balance the positive surplus of charge. As concentration of dissolved nutrients generally declined with soil depth, so did the electrical conductivity. Mean conductivity (both sites and treatments) decreased linearly from 60 µS cm-1 at 0.9 m over 47 µS cm-1 at 1.8 m to 29 µS cm-1 at 3 m soil depth (Appendix, Table A-6). 131 7 5.2.3 Soil-water-solute nutrient fluxes Correlation coefficients comparing all relevant elements as well as pH, EC and the electrical balance were calculated (Appendix, Table A-7). Comparisons were carried out separately for the burned and mulched treatments. Site, depth or season-specific comparison did not further contribute to explanation. Ca, Mg, nitrate and Cl were highly correlated in the burned treatments. This was similar in mulched treatment, though correlation between Cl and nitrate as well as between Mg and nitrate were weak. Concentrations of Cl and nitrate (less, when mulched), however, were also correlated with sodium concentration. Those correlations on one hand indicate preferential appearance and movement of solute salts, such as NaCl or CaNO3, on the other hand may denote competition of ions in anion or cation exchange. Above-mentioned nutrients also did correlate with the electric conductivity (EC), i.e. in this case did determine EC. Aluminum did correlate with the electrical balance, but this might be indirectly, as appearance of Al depended on pH, which also influenced the electrical balance (see above), and, thus, indicating the limited relevance of correlation coefficients alone. (Annual) fluxes at different depths Nutrient fluxes and consequently leaching losses were calculated multiplying daily soil water fluxes (see chapter 5.1.3) with nutrient concentrations of the soil water samples of each depth. It was assumed that samples taken bi-weekly comprised the mean nutrient concentration prevailing during this period. Cumulative nutrient fluxes of the observation period were computed for each soil depth (Appendix Figure A-14 to Figure A-16). Within the first five months of 1997, more than 80 % of total annual nutrient flux at 0.9 m soil depth had been leached. This was caused by high water fluxes combined with generally high nutrient concentrations during this period. Also at 1.8 m depth most leaching occurred until June 1997. At 3 m nutrient fluxes generally were comparably low as nutrient concentrations at this depth were reduced. Additionally, retarded occurrence of nutrient peaks at 3 m depth did not lead to high leaching losses, as at these times (second half of the year) water fluxes were greatly reduced due to the onset of the dry season (see Figure 28). At the beginning of the rainy season of 1998, a second nutrient flush was caused by high water fluxes, analogous to the year 1997. At this time, considerable amounts of nutrients were also leached below 3 m soil depth, due to increased concentrations at the end of 1997. However, leaching did not reach the level of the upper soil zones. To be able to assess the leaching balance for the year 1998, concentrations of nutrients 132 5.2.3 Soil-water-solute nutrient fluxes at the last sampling time (15/9/98) were extrapolated for the rest of the year. This is feasible as water fluxes from September to the end of 1998 were small. In accordance with the vertical distribution of the nutrient concentrations, the amounts percolating through the soil profile are diminishing with depth (Table 40 and Table 41). Table 40: Nutrient losses through leaching considering different soil depths under the burned and mulched plots of site 1 and 2; negative values denote losses (1997: site 1 n=2, site 2 n=6; 1998: n=1; values of single sample of 1998 also shown separately in 1997) Element/depth Site 1 1997 burned mulched mean SE mean SE -1 [kg ha ] Site 2 1997 n=1 burned mulched mean SE n=1 mean SE -1 [kg ha ] 1998 burned mulched n=1 n=1 -1 [kg ha ] Nitrate-N 90 cm 180 cm 300 cm -50 5.2 -35 2.9 -8 2.3 -9 0.4 -2 0.3 -0.6 0.2 -83 90 cm 180 cm 300 cm -55 3.9 -37 3.1 -9 1.5 -10 0.6 -3 0.3 -1.1 0.4 -89 90 cm 180 cm 300 cm -0.7 0.004 -0.8 0.01 -0.7 0.005 -0.7 0.06 -0.7 0.001 -0.7 0.03 -0.9 90 cm 180 cm 300 cm -11 9.3 -2 0.1 -2 0.4 -2 -2 -2 90 cm 180 cm 300 cm -65 4.6 -69 12.0 -19 7.1 -11 4.7 -10 1.3 -5 2.3 90 cm 180 cm 300 cm -12 0.1 -9 2.7 -3 0.1 -4 -2 -1 0.6 -29 0.4 -14 0.5 -9 90 cm 180 cm 300 cm -6 -1 -2 -1 -1 -4 0.1 -3 0.1 -4 0.3 -5 90 cm 180 cm 300 cm -61 8.4 -45 7.4 -27 1.2 -57 3.2 -33 6.2 -27 2.4 -88 90 cm 180 cm 300 cm -105 17.5 -77 20.8 -15 0.6 -110 4.0 -38 3.7 -27 2.1 -229 -38 -7 -66 5.9 -26 2.5 -3 1.0 -13 -5 -0.05 -11 3.5 -4 2.1 -1 0.7 -11 -10 -2 -6 -6 -8 -13 -5 -2 3.6 -13 -13 2.2 -3 -7 0.9 -7 -9 -0.9 -0.8 -0.8 0.06 -0.4 -0.3 0.03 -0.2 -0.2 0.04 -0.2 -0.1 -7 -3 -6 1.6 -16 -12 0.4 -2 -2 1.1 -9 -1 -69 -38 -23 9.4 -59 -35 6.6 -51 -31 4.2 -29 -20 -15 -7 -12 -6 -6 -5 0.5 -4 -8 0.5 -5 -4 1.5 -3 -9 -82 16.4 -84 19.1 -47 7.8 -26 -34 -16 -26 -14 -49 -173 19.0 -89 16.1 -37 7.5 -157 -66 -86 -90 N total -41 -8 -71 6.7 -28 2.8 -4 1.1 -18 -0.9 0.02 -1.0 0.04 -0.7 0.03 -0.8 -5 -1 P -0.8 -0.6 -0.7 -0.7 K 0.1 -12 0.4 -4 0.01 -6 -9 -3 -4 2.2 -13 0.4 -4 0.5 -9 -90 8.6 -37 6.6 -16 2.6 -76 -19 2.4 -10 1.9 -4 1.2 -15 Ca -121 -59 -19 -35 -20 Mg -10 -3 -12 1.1 -7 1.3 -4 0.8 S 5.5 0.3 0.1 -3 -4 -3 0.8 -3.7 0.5 -5.1 0.6 -12 -70 8.0 -89 5.1 -27 2.4 -72 -162 16.1 -72 9.4 -16 1.1 -228 -3 -3 -5 Na -44 -32 -52 -30 Cl -96 -18 133 -116 -39 -116 -64 5.2.3 Soil-water-solute nutrient fluxes Table 41: Reduction of elements during percolation from 0.9 m to 3 m soil depth under the burned and mulched plots of site 1 and 2, respectively, of the year 1997 and 1998; negative values indicate an increase (=release of this elements out of the considered profile) Element ------------ Site 1 -----------1997 burned mulched SE mean SE mean -1 42.7 5.68 8.2 0.46 62.8 5.94 9.6 3.61 4.6 2.7 -1 3.0 0.41 0.6 0.03 4.5 0.42 0.7 0.26 0.3 0.2 0.06 0.07 0.16 0.04 0.13 0.07 0.13 0.12 0.006 0.007 0.016 0.003 0.013 0.007 0.013 0.012 [kg ha ] Nitrate-N [kmolc ha ] -1 0.05 0.01 -1 0.005 0.001 [kg ha ] P [kmolc ha ] -1 9.3 9.32 -1 0.2 0.24 -1 46.2 8.45 6.9 -1 2.3 0.42 0.3 -1 9.4 0.13 -1 0.8 0.01 -1 -1 [kg ha ] K 0.10 5.1 2.24 0.6 1.97 6.5 10.8 -0.001 0.003 0.1 0.06 0.02 0.05 0.2 0.3 5.23 74.6 8.96 46.2 10.30 29.2 15.6 0.26 3.7 0.45 2.3 0.51 1.5 0.8 2.9 0.79 14.6 2.67 8.6 1.36 8.9 1.3 0.2 0.06 1.2 0.22 0.7 0.11 0.7 0.1 4.3 5.47 -3.7 0.31 -0.4 0.99 -2.5 1.57 0.7 -1.0 0.3 0.34 -0.2 0.02 -0.03 0.06 -0.2 0.10 0.05 -0.1 -1 34.4 8.49 29.4 3.98 43.5 8.33 34.7 18.17 12.0 -15.4 -1 1.5 0.37 1.3 0.17 1.9 0.36 1.5 0.79 0.5 -0.7 89.8 17.47 83.7 4.57 145.6 16.10 135.2 20.38 2.5 0.49 2.4 0.13 4.8 0.61 1.9 0.32 5.9 0.72 2.7 0.13 [kmolc ha ] [kg ha ] Ca [kmolc ha ] [kg ha ] Mg [kmolc ha ] [kg ha ] S [kmolc ha ] [kg ha ] Na [kmolc ha ] -1 [kg ha ] Cl -1 [kmolc ha ] Σ cations Σ anions ------------------------- Site 2 --------------------------1997 1998 burned mulched burned mulched n=1 n=1 mean SE mean SE -1 [kmolc ha ] -1 [kmolc ha ] -0.05 93.4 -24.6 0.57 2.6 -0.7 6.9 0.62 4.5 0.95 2.9 0.5 8.6 0.62 4.4 0.64 3.0 -0.6 4.1 0.45 3.8 At 0.9 m depth considerable amounts of nitrate, Ca, Mg, Na and Cl were leached during the first year of cultivation. N, Ca and Mg were more readily lost under the burned plots, whereas Cl varied more between sites. Na leaching was rather independent of both, land preparation or site. However, only 5–18 % of this N and 10–24 % of the Cl measured at 0.9 m was leached below 3 m soil depth in 1997, leading to a net retention of 62.8 kg nitrate-N ha-1 a-1 and 145.6 kg Cl ha-1 a-1 between 0.9 and 3 m depth on the burned plot of site 2. Also the cations Mg, Ca and Na were reduced during percolation, however, proportionally less drastic. About 16–31 % of Mg, 16–40 % of Ca, and 37–58 % of Na of the 0.9m-leaching-fraction arrived 3 m depth. Mostly, the percentage reduction of leached elements was more pronounced under the burned plots. In 1998, not only the percolating amounts of nutrients at 0.9 m depth but also the percentage reduction during percolation were smaller then in the first year. The result were higher nutrient concentrations at 3 m. Leaching of phosphate (0.2–0.7 kg P ha-1 a-1) was hardly measurable. Phosphate at all soil depths was not affected by any of the above-mentioned factors. P is strongly ad134 5.2.3 Soil-water-solute nutrient fluxes sorbed on the soil surface and thus less mobile. Percolating potassium under the burned plots in 1997 decreased between 0.9 m to 1.8 m but then remained on that level also at 3 m soil depth. On site 1 and 2, reduction was 84 % (9.3 kg ha-1 a-1) and 66 % (5.1 kg ha-1 a-1), respectively (Table 41). Under the mulched plots, the K-levels remained rather constant. In 1998 a clear K-reduction with soil depth (6.5 and 10.8 kg ha-1 a-1) on both plots was detectable. Sulfate leaching under the mulched plots slightly increased with depth in both years, as already indicated by the concentration dynamics. Under the burned plots leaching remained unchanged on site 2, whereas 4.3 kg S ha-1 a-1 were retained on site 1, but highly varying as indicated by the large SE. Between 1.9 and 6.9 kmolc ha-1 cations were retained between 0.9 and 3 m depth in the first year depending on site and treatment. The positive charge was more than counterbalanced by the sum of retained anions of 2.7–8.6 kmolc ha-1. Only the soil of the mulched plot of site 2 in 1997, and that of the burned plot in 1998, was balanced regarding retention of cations and anions. In the other cases apparently more anions than cations were retained. However, differences are within the range of variation expressed in the standard error. Moreover, the positive charge of aluminum was not included, as the precipitation of gibbsite due to rising pH (CO2-release) prevented exact determination. For instance, adding the aluminum as determined under the mulched plot of site 1 would add another 0.25 kmolc ha-1 positive charge assuming tri-valent Al. The magnitude of retention of anions and cations apparently depends on their concentration (≅ ionic strength). Relating the mean annual concentration at 0.9 m depth of both sites and treatments as well as of both years to the magnitude of retention (kmolc in Table 41) shows a positive relation of both parameters for most elements (Figure 44). Statistically, both years should not be treated independently as nutrient dynamics of the first year might influence that of the following year. However, this was only the case for sodium, where dependence of retention on concentration could not be found if data of the second year (filled in points in the figure) were excluded. Retention of nitrate and Cl at mean concentrations above 0.15 mmolc l-1 were of the same order of magnitude. Below this concentration however Cl was released, while nitrate was still retained. This was the case under the mulched plot in 1998, where 0.7 kmolc Cl ha-1 a-1 was released, when the mean annual Cl-concentration in 0.9 m depth was still 0.12 mmolc l-1. In this year, 0.2 kmolc nitrate ha-1 a-1 was retained at a mean N-concentration of 0.05 mmolc l-1. 135 5.2.3 Soil-water-solute nutrient fluxes 5 -1 -1 [kmolc ha a ] Retention, 0.9 m to 3 m 4 3 Cl Nitrate-N K Ca Mg Na S 2 1 0 -1 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 -1 Mean annual concentration, 0.9 m [mmolc l ] Figure 44: Magnitude of annual retention (0.9 – 3 m soil depth) of cations and anions in relation to their mean annual concentration at 0.9 m soil depth; relation comprises the pooled data of site 1 and 2, both treatments and both years; filled in circles: Na data of 1998 For the cation retention, comparisons of this kind are difficult as concentrations of each of the cations were of rather different orders of magnitude. However, proportionally higher concentration of Ca did not lead to a net-release of Mg or K through competitive displacement, indicating that the preference of retention of Mg and K is probably higher than of Ca. Adsorption sites of the soil particle surfaces were dominantly charged with Al (chapter 5.2.1; Table 42). Aluminum could account for up to 93 % of the bound cations. Nevertheless, also considerable amounts of Ca, Mg, K were found. Table 42: Exchangeable amounts of cations of the soil profile of 0.9 m to 3 m soil depths under the study sites and under different other sites (range of n=8) and their percentages saturation (compare Table 30), as well as anion exchange capacity (AEC); n.d. = not determined; ECEC-calculation based on results of NH4Cl-extraction and a soil density of 1.5 g cm-3; AEC calculated based on determination (2 mM CaCl2percolation) of Anurugsa (1998) on soil samples out of 30-50 cm depth and different pH ranging from 6.5 to 3.1 Element K Ca Mg Al Na ECEC AEC Site 1 -1 [kmolc ha ] [%] 2.5 40 14 184 n.d. 240 1 16 6 77 Site 2 -1 [kmolc ha ] [%] 2.4 46 14 132 n.d. 195 Fallow -1 [kmolc ha ] [%] 1 24 7 68 § Na not considered 136 0.5 12 3 202 n.d. 218 0.2 6 2 93 Other sites -1 [kmolc ha ] [%] 2.0 27 8 93 17 191 25 - 4.7 - 85 - 22 - 214 21 § - 253 - 126 1 11 3 48 - 2 - 41 - 11 - 84 not consid. 5.2.3 Soil-water-solute nutrient fluxes Relating cations retained from solution to those on the exchange complex shows that amounts are proportionally small. The two-year sum of retained cations of the burned plot of site 2 (6.9+2.9=9.8 kmolc ha-1) would claim 5 % of the total ECEC of 195 kmolc ha-1. Retained anions (11.6 kmolc ha-1) would at least claim 9 % of AEC depending on the "effective" capacity. In this calculations, however, it was tacitly assumed that retained cations and anions are adsorbed on the soil surface involving desorption of previously bound ions. But in this case, the sum of anions and the sum of cation in Table 41 should have been close or equal to zero. This was not the case. Moreover, all quantitatively important elements were retained by the soil in the first year. In the second year of land use, only under the mulched treatment more anions were released than entered the profile. Here, equal leaching amounts of Cl and Na (both -0.7 kmolc ha-1) suggested that Na + Cl were percolating jointly. Nevertheless, cations could have displaced the prevailing exchangeable aluminum, which then would have precipitated as gibbsite and, hence, would not have been detectable. This seems feasible and is confirmed by two facts: - Aluminum saturation decreases in the transition from fallow to cultivation (Table 42). - Ca, Mg and Al concentrations in the soil solution correlated negatively with pH, which might be related to the precipitation-reaction of the Ca/Mg-displaced free aluminum, in which according to the valence of Al, the same amount of protons are released. Aluminum saturation, nonetheless, varied widely over the different sites (Table 42) and, thus, exchange reactions with other cations are difficult to track even on the same site. Furthermore, pH-decrease and the appearance of Ca and Mg was not strongly correlated, and not at all on the mulched plots. Therefore, it remains questionable, whether cations did really displaced aluminum on the exchange complex. No desorption of quantitatively adequate amounts of anions was detectable, nor could they have been exchanged and subsequently precipitated. Generally, precipitation of salts comprising elements like Cl, Na, K, Ca, Mg, and compounds like nitrate is not conceivable at the prevailing concentrations. Also, uptake of nutrients by roots or temporary fixation by microorganisms below 0.9 m soil depth seems unlikely, especially not for great amounts of Na or Cl. Also, the water balance showed less importance of deep soil-water uptake for maize and cowpea and below 1.8 m also for cassava (chapter 5.1.3). The prevailing soils of the study region are highly weathered/desilicated Oxisols or, as was the case in the present study, Ultisols. They predominantly contain kaolinitic clay 137 5.2.3 Soil-water-solute nutrient fluxes minerals and sesquioxides. These are characterized by low cation exchange capacity (CEC), but have also an anion exchange capacity (AEC). They are so-called "variablecharge soils" (Uehara & Gillman, 1981; Sollins et al. 1988), which means that exchange capacities depend on pH and on the ionic strength of the equilibrated solution (Okamura & Wada, 1983). The pH-dependence is routinely considered when determining the effective CEC and AEC, and quite often, consecutive batch experiments in the laboratory are performed (Van Raij & Peech, 1972). Anurugsa (1996) determined AEC and CEC of subsoil (30-50 cm soil depth) of the present study region at different pH. He could show that AEC decreased from initially 0.4 cmolc kg-1 at pH 3.1 to 0.08 cmolc kg-1 at pH 6.5 (entering Table 42), whereas the CEC increased from 0.39 to 1.69 cmolc kg-1 within this pHrange. The ionic strength should also be considered especially for determination of the AEC. But, very often AEC is measured with leaching solutions with much higher concentrations than encountered in the field. Wong et al. (1990) studying the retardation of nitrate-leaching in a number of tropical soils, supposed that this might result in an overestimation of "real" AEC, as sulfate ions are displaced by the leaching solution containing Cl or nitrate ions, which may normally not occur in situ. On the other hand, their data were not really consistent in this regard, and they had to admit that the chemistry of sulfate is not well understood (as previously stated by Mott, 1988). Describing mechanisms of salt absorption by Andisols, Wada (1984) stated that a soil equilibrated with a dilute solution and then brought into contact with a more concentrated solution might increase nearly equivalently its cation and anion adsorption capacity. Wada (1984) argued stoichiometrically that a –SiOH surface in this case releases a proton that is transferred to a –AlOH surface. This concept was taken up by Katou et al. (1996) demonstrating that the ionic strength of an invading CaCl2-CaNO3 solution determined the retardation of Cl and nitrate by an Andisol. Nitrate showed a slightly smaller affinity for adsorption than Cl, but adsorption of Cl and NO3 much exceeded the sulfate desorption. Katou et al. (1996) suggested that two steps are involved in the anion adsorption process: 1.) an increase in AEC in response to an increase in ionic strength of the bulk (salt) solution counterbalanced by an increase in CEC, i.e. net proton surface charge density remains constant; 2.) a displacement of sulfate by the monovalent anions. The second step, in their view, is generally of minor importance and to what extent it occurs, depends on the ionic strength of the bulk solution in relation to indigenous sulfate. Certainly, those results cannot simply be transferred to conditions of the present study as Andisols and Oxisols chemically as well as physically differ markedly. But an 138 5.2.3 Soil-water-solute nutrient fluxes increase in AEC is the only feasible explanation for a joint retention of all quantitatively important anions. Since the CEC increases simultaneously and equally, the retention of more or less the same amounts of cations in the present study are thereby explainable. Indeed, retardation of nitrate and Cl in tropical soils comparable to those of the study region is often reported (Kinjo & Pratt, 1971a, b; Black & Waring, 1979; Wong et al., 1990; Schroth et al., 1999b). Black and Waring (1976a, b, c) studied nitrate adsorption of a cultivated Australian Oxisol considering also the deeper soil. Initially, fully 72 % of fertilized 201 kg N ha-1 were retained between 40 and 120 cm depth decreasing with time. AEC of the soil increased with depth from 0.16 cmolc kg-1 in the 45-90 cm to 0.45 cmolc kg-1 in 360-600 cm depth. This appears related to the decrease of organic matter and soil pH and the increase of kaolinite and sesquioxide content. Comparable results were also found by Toner et al. (1989) and Vogeler et al. (1996). They are in agreement with findings in the present study leading to the assumption that also AEC of the soils of the study region might increase with depth and might exceed those values determined by Anurugsa (1996) for a soil depth of 30-50 cm. The following processes can be surmised to take place: Nutrients were released in the topsoil of the cultivation sites due to land preparation increasing the concentration of the soil solution. This solution percolates through the soil profile and displaces the existing dilute soil solution, which causes an increase in the exchange capacity of the soil-particle surface. Additional anions as well as cations can thereupon be adsorbed. Additionally, a limited displacement of Al and sulfate might occur. The latter appeared in the soil solution at 3 m depth. Once this process is reversed through dilution of the soil solution (rainwater), delayed leaching of the nutrients can begin. This was observed for Cl and Na under the mulched plot in the second year. A different kind of nutrient retention is found in well-structured soils, i.e. soils with nonhomogeneous physical and chemical properties. Here, non-unimodal pore-size distribution cause non-uniform velocity fields ("non-ideal behavior") which results in a two-domain system: 1.) a mobile domain, where water and solute transport occurs by advection and dispersion and 2.) a immobile domain with minimal advective flow. Diffusive mass transfer occurs between both domains, and thus, the immobile domain behaves as a sink or source even for non/less-sorbing solutes like Cl or nitrate (Brusseau & Rao; 1990; Kung, 1993). The coarse-textured soils of the study region, however, are uniformly developed, thus bimodal flow seems improbable, though generally cannot be excluded. At least theoretically, clay aggregation (≅ pseudosand, see chapter 5.1.3) might lead to a "spatially 139 5.2.3 Soil-water-solute nutrient fluxes emphasized retardation" within these aggregates. Quite independent on the particular responsible process of retention, as a result, nutrients are temporarily adsorbed or retained, respectively, but subsequently released. Therefore, one might use the term 'retardation' of leaching as an apt definition as already done above. A quantitative description for retardation in the break-through of anions in a soil column, albeit not accounting for an increase in AEC as described above, was given by Wild (1981). Retardation is measured as number of pore volumes of water Vp with a certain anion concentration necessary to displace the anion through the soil column, according to (35) Vp = 1 + bp , θ where b is the adsorption coefficient, which equals anions adsorbed [mmolc kg-1] per anions in the soil solution [mmolc l-1], p is the soil density [g cm-3] and θ the volumetric water content [-]. If there is no capacity for anion adsorption (AEC=0), then b becomes zero and thus Vp equals one, indicating that the anion is not retarded. Wong et al. (1990) measured NO3-retardation of several tropical soils on laboratory soil columns. Nitrate retardation of soil samples out of 60-80 cm soil depth of a Brazilian red yellow Latosol (Oxisol; AEC = 0.22 cmolc kg-1) was 2.3 pore volumes. However, for a sample of the same soil taken at 80-100 cm depth (AEC = 0.29 cmolc kg-1) retardation increased to 2.7 pore volumes. Though this soil is comparable with the soil of the study region, results are not easily transferable. With a drainage of 2510 mm water within the two years at 3 m soil depth (Table 26 in chapter 5.1.3) no increased output of nitrate or Cl (except the mulched plot on site 2 in the second year) was detected. Based on the concept of Wild (1981), this amount of water would equal at least 3.4 pore volumes between 0.9 m and 3 m depth (θs ≤ 0.3513). Net-adsorption of 11.6 kmolc ha-1 anions within the soil profile of 0.9 to 3.0 m depth under the burned plot of site 1 must have increased the AEC over this depth by 0.037 cmolc kg-1 (soil density = 1.5 g cm-3). This would equal a percentage increase of almost 20 % assuming an initial AEC of 0.2 cmolc kg-1. Cation adsorption is more often studied than that of anions: Ludwig et al. (1997) investigated sorption/desorption processes in subsoil (80-100 cm) of the study region. Their model indicated that gibbsite precipitation/dissolution was the most important proton 13 One pore volume = profile*θs = 2100 mm * 0.35 = 735 mm 140 5.2.3 Soil-water-solute nutrient fluxes buffer reaction. Thus, large amounts of free Al at low pH might be present in the soil solution. Furthermore, they calculated cation selectivity coefficients based on sequential batch experiments. Results indicated that potassium was preferentially bound over aluminum. Generally, selectivity coefficients decreased in the order K > Al > Na > Ca > Mg. These results explain the high K-retention measured in the present study, but also confirm that Al-displacement and precipitation are likely to be important soil-chemical reactions. The low Mg-preference is conflicting with results of the present study, where Mg was retained despite relatively higher concentration of Ca. Indeed, Anurugsa (1998), repeating these sequential batch experiments with comparable soil samples, could not reproduce the results of Ludwig et al. (1997). He ranked Mg-preference for adsorption above that of Ca, as seemed to be the case in the present study. Actually, preferential adsorption of potassium was reported already in an early publication (Hoover, 1944) and was confirmed later (Nye et al., 1961; Pleysier et al., 1979; Levy et al., 1988). Nutrient concentrations in the present study were measured beginning in 0.9 m depth only, because nutrient dynamics in shallower depths were studied earlier within the SHIFT-project by Hölscher (1995), as well as, especially related to N and P, by Kato (1998a) and Kato (1998b). A related study was carried out by Klinge (1997), who considered the nutrient balance after primary forest conversion and installation of a forest plantation. Concentrations of all quantitatively important nutrients were measured by Hölscher (1995) in the soil solution at 105 cm soil depth under a burned cultivation site, which had been in fallow for 7 years. The nutrient levels concurred remarkably well with concentrations of the present study at 0.9 m. Only Ca in his study did not exceed 5 mg l-1 and, therefore, was only half of maximum concentration of Ca of the burned plots of the present study. Nutrient concentrations determined by Klinge (1997) were partly similar to those of the present study but not so under the area, where higher initial biomass stocks (92 t ha-1) were burned for land preparation. Here, maximum concentrations were generally doubled except for sodium and magnesium. Cumulative leaching below 105 cm soil depth in the study of Hölscher (1995) did not fit with results of the present study (0.9 m depth), although nutrient concentrations were comparable. N, K, Ca and Mg amounts of Hölscher (1995) were two to six times smaller, most pronounced in the case of N with a loss of 13 kg ha-1 within the traditional cultivation period of 1.5 to 2 years. Our results were 84 kg N ha-1 (Table 40). Only Na was quite comparable (78 versus 108 kg N ha-1). P and S of Hölscher's study were substantially 141 5.2.3 Soil-water-solute nutrient fluxes higher, though still negligible. However, Hölscher (1995) was calculating nutrient leaching losses on the basis of a micro-meteorological water balance of a fallow vegetation (compare chapter 5.1.3) without knowledge of actual soil-water fluxes at the cultivation sites. The above-mentioned studies show a vertical decrease of concentrations in the soil solution from 25 cm down to 110 cm depth (Klinge, 1997) or 120 cm (Hölscher, 1995), especially for NO3, Ca, K, less for Cl and Mg. This could be also due to retention, though in these depths considerable plant uptake of nutrients might be involved. Nevertheless, the upper soil profile would have to be taken into consideration to improve the assessment of adsorption/discharge and retardation processes of nutrients. Soil water samples were obtained by suction cup lysimeters. It was assumed that with these instruments representative samples of percolating soil water can be taken. This was shown by Hetsch et al. (1979), who could not find significantly deviating nutrient concentration in soil solutions obtained by ceramic cups of P80 type (which were used in this study) compared to the input solution, with the exception of phosphate sorbed on the ceramic surface. In tropical soils, however, P is strongly adsorbed on the soil particle surface and not assumed to be leached in considerable amounts. Also other authors under the premises of equally applied tensions on all samplers and same (possibly short) sampling frequency could achieve reasonable results (Hansen & Harris, 1975; Grossmann & Udluft, 1991). Nevertheless, they stressed a variety of sources of errors and pointed out that "there is no quick and easy solution to obtain representative samples" (Litaor, 1988). It is recommended to include appropriate convection-dispersion models for proper description of nutrient flow processes. In the present context, this approach could not be pursued as chemical parameters (e.g. adsorption coefficients) and biological processes like mineralization were unknown. It is doubtful whether such a modeling approach would be feasible under field conditions. 142 5.2.4 Net-balance 5.2.4 Net-balance Considering all relevant nutrient inputs and outputs a balance was drawn up for both cultivation sites using complementary data about deposition and biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) from literature, most likely to be relevant the study region and vegetation (Table 43). Table 43: Nutrient balance of site 1 and 2, burned and mulched land preparation, considering the complete cropping cycle (3.5 and 7 years of fallow, respectively and 2 years of cultivation); deposition according to Hölscher (1995), BNF according to Thielen-Klinge (1997); leaching based on measurements at 3 m depths, amounts in the second year of site 2 were assumed to describe also those of site 1 Site/Treatment Site 1, burned Deposition Fertilizer B(N)F Burning Firewood Harvest Leaching, 1997 Leaching, 1998 Σ Site 1, mulched Deposition Fertilizer B(N)F** Harvest Leaching, 1997 Leaching, 1998 Σ Site 2, burned Deposition Fertilizer B(N)F Burning Firewood Harvest Leaching, 1997 Leaching, 1998 Σ Site 2, mulched Deposition Fertilizer B(N)F Harvest Leaching, 1997 Leaching, 1998 Σ C -1 [t ha ] 14.2 -13.8 -0.2 (-6.0) 14.2 (-5.1) 22.7 -21.5 -0.9 (-6.0) 22.7 (-5.1) N P K Ca Mg S -1 ------------------------ [kg ha ] ---------------------------14 70 12 -246 -1.7 -125 -9 -7 -292 14 70 12 -112 -1 -9 -26 23 70 24 -372 -10 -127 -4 -7 -403 23 70 24 -119 -2 -9 -13 4 48 12 66 30 31 15 0 22 0 -8 -0.1 -22 -0.7 -0.2 22 -58 -1 -77 -2 -9 -69 -151 -2 -14 -19 -29 -155 -29 -0.3 -14 -3 -6 -36 -35 -0.3 -7 -2 -3 -26 4 48 12 66 30 31 15 0 22 0 -22 -0.7 -0.1 30 -83 -2 -1 -8 -14 -5 -20 23 -12 -1 -5 -3 -7 -4 -9 2 7 48 19 66 50 31 25 0 36 0 -11 -0.5 -25 -0.7 -0.2 18 -116 -6 -83 -4 -9 -132 -171 -13 -15 -16 -29 -163 -33 -2 -13 -4 -6 -33 -53 -2 -7 -3 -3 -32 7 48 19 66 50 31 25 0 36 0 -20 -0.8 -0.1 34 -76 -6 -1 2 -14 -23 -20 24 -11 -4 -5 5 -7 -5 -9 14 Volatilization losses and losses by particle export proved to be the major outputs on the 143 5.2.4 Net-balance burned plots, more pronounced on site 2 which had more biomass. Nutrient exports with harvested products were the most important losses for the mulched plots, but they also constituted a great share of the losses on the burned plots. In the case P and K (solely site 1) they even exceeded losses caused by burning. The nutrient balance on the burned plots was highly negative for all elements except P. On the mulched plots only minor losses of N were incurred, and on site 1 also for K and Mg, whereas the other elements even had a slightly positive balance. The Phosphate balance was positive because of the fertilizer input of 48 kg P ha-1. Between 292 and 403 kg N ha-1 were estimated to be removed from the (agricultural-) system during a cropping cycle of 5.5 and 9 years on the burned plots of site 1 and 2, respectively. K losses differed considerably on both burned plots (69 and 132 kg ha-1), while this was not the case for the other elements. However, for the proper comparison of the nutrient balances between both sites, element fluxes have to be related to the total number of years of the cropping cycle (Figure 45). N P K Ca Mg S 5 -5 [kg ha-1 a-1] -15 -25 Site 1, burned -35 Site 2, burned Site 1, mulched -45 Site 2, mulched -55 Figure 45: Mean annual nutrient balance on both sites and both land preparations Indeed, the calculations of mean annual balances offer a different view. Despite higher total nutrient losses on the burned plot of site 2, losses per time unit were lower than on site 1. This has important consequences in long-term effects of different fallow lengths of traditional slash-and-burn agriculture. Diminishing the fallow length from 7 to 3.5 years will result over time in higher nutrient losses, especially in the case of N and Ca, but also of Mg and S. In the short run, yields were not affected by this reduction of fallow length. Within about 50 years, the small-farmer could harvest 9 to 10 times assuming a constant 144 5.2.4 Net-balance fallow length of 3.5 years, but only 5 to 6 times with a fallow length of 7 years. This comparison does not account for an eventual yield-decrease due to a continuously negative nutrient balance. The situation was totally different under the mulched plots. Shortening fallow did not affect the nutrient balance, as burning losses were avoided. Leaching losses were determined at 3 m soil depth. More nutrients were retained within the upper soil. As was discussed in the previous chapter, these retained nutrients might also be leached in the first year(s) under the regrowing fallow vegetation. This would increase the total losses in the present study. But, this possibility was not studied and after 3 years of fallow, dissolved nutrient concentrations in the leachates were negligible. The carbon dynamics could not really be tracked in the present study, as decomposition of organic matter applied on the soil surface (mulch) and of soil organic matter (SOM) was not measured. Field observation of the mulch surface indicated that most of the mulch layer had disappeared after around 1.5 years of cropping. Biological incorporation and turnover of the mulched biomass (but also of decaying roots) might positively influence SOM. All nutrients, which were not lost via burning, should positively influence the crops, assuming that they are at a certain time plant-available. Based on soil nutrient analyses and on crop yields, this could not be proved. At least, an increased leaching of nutrients out of the mulched biomass was not detected and a surplus of e.g. 8 to 11 kg P ha-1 and 58 to 116 kg K ha-1 not lost through burning should be noticeable in the long run. Indeed, Kato et al. (1999) could prove this positive effect on crop yields, when after traditional land use subsequently a second cropping sequence was initiated. However, a prolonged land use has long been identified to be responsible for worsening regrowth of the fallow vegetation (Denich, 1989; Baar, 1997) and, thus, may not be desirable in shifting cultivation. The nitrogen balance was the most negative of all nutrients. With 24 kg N ha-1 of BNF after 7 years of fallow and a fertilizer input of 70 kg N ha-1, only marginal improvements were seen in the balance. Thielen-Klinge (1997) stated that the calculated BNF was comparably small and stressed the possibility that non-symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which were not considered, might contribute considerable amounts of N. Also the BNF of cowpea (legume) was not assessed. To what extent these processes could positively alter the balance is not known. Paparcikova (personal communication) compared the N-store of the upper meter of soil under primary forest and under fallow and found a decrease under fallow. This would rather support the concept of a continuously negative N-balance 145 5.2.4 Net-balance of shifting cultivation. Phosphate gave a positive balance in all cases, which gains importance as P is considered to be the most limiting nutrient in the cropping system. This was shown by Bünemann (1998) in an experiment with increasing P-fertilization for maize and cowpea, and by Gehring et al. (1999) in a minus-one-trial for the (re-) growing fallow vegetation. A nutrient balance for the traditional slash-and-burn system had already been carried out by Hölscher (1995), though with less accuracy regarding leaching losses (see previous chapter). His results based on a land use after 7 years of fallow, are comparable to results regarding site 1 preceded by 3.5 years of fallow. The biomass stocks of both fallows were of the same magnitude (31.2 and 28.7 t ha-1, respectively), which indicates that not fallow length but cumulative biomass of vegetation determines nutrient losses when volatilization losses are predominant. In Hölscher's (1995) calculations 285 kg N, 75 kg K, 125 kg Ca, 16 kg Mg and 13 kg S per hectare were withdrawn from the system, while P was positively balanced with 11 kg P ha-1. Hölscher (1995) also found a considerable increase of yields by applying small amounts of NPK-fertilizer. In both studies (Hölscher's and our) the fertilizer-P-input could more than balance the Pexports. This was not the case for N and K fertilizer, though the differences between fertilizer input and harvested exports are moderate, not supporting expectations of accelerated nutrient depletion and declining fertility due to fertilization. In the modified, fire-free shifting cultivation, fertilization is basically necessary to overcome nutrient deficiency due to immobilization by microorganisms, and the resultant yield reduction. The situation in the system is most precarious for K (Table 44). Already Hölscher (1995) found the highest rate of depletion of the total ecosystem store to be potassium. Table 44: Amounts of potassium present on site 1 and 2 in different compartments, their percentages of the total and withdrawal through slash-and-burn agriculture; root-K: assuming a root biomass of 25 t ha-1 (Sommer et al., 2000) with a K concentration of 3.5 mg g-1 (≅ concentration of wooden above-ground biomass) Compartment Site 1 -1 [kg K ha ] [%] Site 2 -1 [kg K ha ] [%] Above-ground biomass 100 24 194 32 (Burning remains) (42) (10) (78) (13) Roots 87 21 87 14 Soil (exchangeable K, 0-3 m) 220 54 323 54 Total 407 100 604 100 Withdrawal 69 17 132 22 146 5.2.4 Net-balance Out of a total of 407 and 607 kg K ha-1 of site 1 and 2, respectively, 17 and 22 % was lost during one cropping cycle. In the case of Ca, Mg and N, these had been only 5 %, 6– 8 % and 2–4 %, respectively (Appendix, Table A-8) and thus less concerning. Certainly, percentages only relate to the present status quo of the (agro-eco) system. Long-term relationships are subject of a floating equilibrium, where potential withdrawals of nutrients are driven by the available stocks. Therefore, it has to be assumed that, especially Kstocks, either must have been considerably higher in earlier times of shifting cultivation, or that the study soils (still) contain considerable amounts of non-weathered minerals with the potential to release K. Percentages of P brought into the system in relation to available stocks are not easily determined, as plant-available P in the soil is replenished by considerable amounts of less available P forms. A surplus of 18 and 22 kg P ha-1 on the burned plots, therefore, has to be seen in this context. Nevertheless, a balanced phosphate budget remains important in shifting cultivation, as P is assumed to be growth limiting. Potassium is on the point of achieving this status, when shifting cultivation is continued in its recent form using fire as land-preparation tool. 147 5.3 Ground water – well water 5.3 Ground water – well water Water levels of nine wells of small-farmers close to the study sites were monitored monthly during one year. These measurements were carried out as a first assessment of the impact of the dry-season on soil water depletion and discharge on a micro-regional scale. Despite of all uncertainties concerning the environmental/hydrological settings and also not accounting for the consumption by the small-farmer, which obviously influence the well-water charge and discharge, some basic results will be presented. Mean annual well-water levels ranged from 3.46 m (Sebastião) to 10.6 m (Bosco) below the soil surface (Figure 46). Though the altitudes of the wells could not be measured, localization by GPS on a topographic map (chapter 3.1) indicated that mean well-water levels were positively correlated with the altitudes. 1.5 Change of well-water level [m] 0.15 Sebastiao (3.46 m) Tiao (6.77 m) Comunidade (8.06 m) Antonio (8.20 m) Manoel (8.44 m) Gonzaga (8.59 m) Raimundo (8.62 m) Fransisco (9.72 m) Bosco (10.60 m) Soil water store, 6-10 m 1 0.5 0 0.1 0.05 0 -0.5 -0.05 -1 -0.1 -1.5 98 1. 9. 98 8. 1. 98 7. 1. 98 6. 1. 98 5. 1. 98 1. 4. 98 3. 1. 98 2. 1. 7 98 1. 1. .9 7 12 1. .9 11 1. 10 .9 7 -0.15 1. 1. 9. 97 -2 Change of soil water store (fallow), 6-10 m [m] 2 Figure 46: Changes of well-water levels from September 1997 to August 1998 and corresponding soil water store change in 6-10 m depth (right axis) as modeled for the fallow site (compare Figure 26 chapter 5.1.3); shown are the relative changes in relation to mean annual well-water levels/soil water store (= depths in parentheses) The amplitude of discharge and replenishing ranged from maximal -1.75 m (9/2/98; Bosco) to +1.87 m (5/8/98; Raimundo) relative to mean well-water level. The single amplitudes were highly correlated with the mean well-water levels (R = 0.715). The lowest well-water levels were reached on the 9th of February 1998 due to the dry season and desiccation of the soil. However, the well of Sr. Sebastião at this time already was beginning to be replenished. The re-wetting front of the beginning rainy season had 148 5.3 Ground water – well water already reached the rather high water table of this well at the end of December 1997. Consequently, depending on the (mean) depth of the water levels, individual replenishment was delayed up to one month. The water levels of the wells of Sr. Fransisco and Sr. Antonio (reached/) passed their annual mean only in April 1998 (intersection of curve with x-axis in Figure 46), though their mean levels were not the lowest. Just these two wells, however, were located closest to site 2, where soil water drainage rates had been found to be comparably low (chapter 5.1.3) causing a delayed replenishment. Figure 46 also shows the change in soil water storage of 6-10 m soil depth, which was modeled for the fallow site and given in Figure 26. The mean two-year storage in this layer was 716 mm, fluctuating in the above-considered period between 602 mm (equal to -0.115 m difference on the 4/3/98) and 834 mm (equal to +0.118 m on the 4/5/98). The mean store was reached on the 16th of March 1998, coinciding with the period in which replenishment of the wells reached their mean levels. In this regard, the units of well-water level change and soil-water storage change are not comparable, as both processes are driven by rather different processes. In the first case for instance this involves two or three dimensional water movement of aquifers. On the 26th of November 1997 and the 23rd of April 1998 soil water samples of the nine wells were analyzed for nutrient content. The first date represented the time of well/soil water desiccation before major slash-and-burn activities. On the 23rd of April wells already had begun to recharge, with the probability that nutrient concentrations had changed due to the release of nutrients through cultivation activities. Nutrient concentrations at both times were considerably higher than expected on the basis of the concentrations found in the soil water under the fallow site at 6 m depth (Table 45). Nutrient concentrations on the 23rd of April 1998 were much higher than on the previous sampling date. The increase was the lowest for Cl (plus 25 %) and the highest for Ca (+ 534 %). Also pH increased by about 0.5 units, while Al concentration decreased. The pH of 6.9 at the 23rd of April 1998 was 2 units higher than measured 6 weeks earlier in the soil solution from 6 m depth under the fallow site. 149 5.3 Ground water – well water Table 45: Median, minimum and maximum nutrient concentrations, pH and EC of the well water of 26th of November 1997 and 23rd of April 1998 and the percentage increase within these dates as well as the nutrient concentration in the soil solution of 6 m depth under the fallow on the 4th of March 1998; n=8, the well water of Sr. Fransisco was not considered due to extremely biasing concentrations (contamination) Element Ca K Mg Na Al Cl Nitrate-N S P pH [ ] -1 EC [µS cm ] ---------- 26/11/97 ---------------------- 23/04/98 -----------Median Median Min Max Min Max -1 --------------------------------- [mg l ] -----------------------------------0.67 0.29 0.33 1.55 0.06 3.16 0.51 0.32 0.07 6.4 26.7 0.20 0 0.15 1.23 0 2.13 0 0.08 0.05 4.3 14.1 4.55 0.86 1.22 3.34 0.42 4.60 3.07 0.38 0.09 6.8 55.3 4.22 0.70 0.71 3.47 0.03 3.95 2.27 0.47 0.13 6.9 49.7 0.32 0.16 0.15 1.12 0 2.62 0.17 0.08 0.06 4.4 17.7 Increase 36.17 7.48 1.75 7.88 0.35 8.69 3.42 2.04 0.30 8.2 230.0 [%] 4/3/98, 6m -1 [mg l ] 534 144 116 124 -54 25 345 47 95 0.17 0 0.17 0.43 0.15 2.12 0 0.10 0.03 86 4.9 13.7 A close relationship, as was established between seasonal soil water movement and well water recharge, could not be found for the chemical properties of soil-water and well water. Interpretation of these results is hampered, as the data set is limited to two times of the year. Moreover, at least two unknown factors are to be considered: 1. Though well water is fed by groundwater, which itself is fed by soil water, these three fluxes are not necessarily the same. For instance, contributions of lateral moving water of different origin might add to the groundwater flux. The different origin might include geologically different strata present in deeper horizons enriched in dissolved nutrients. 2. The well water might be contaminated e.g. by inattentive users or by dripping surfacewater Contamination of well water might occur, but only in one case (Sr. Fransisco) this was quite obvious (e.g. nitrate concentration 15.1 mg l-1, Cl-concentration 39.9 mg l-1), while concentrations of the other well waters did not fluctuate as much as would be expected if caused by contamination. Furthermore, a general increase in the nutrient concentration in all wells at the second sampling can only be explained by an intensified input of nutrient-enriched surface water dripping into the wells. This is imaginable in the wake of heavy storm events within the rainy season. Higher nutrient concentrations in the well water could possibly be explained by an extensive leaching of nutrients out of the soil profile under cultivated sites. However, it could be shown that those leaching losses occur with a delay if ever. It is then unclear, which 150 5.3 Ground water – well water cultivation activities and in which year caused an increase of nutrients in the well water, and why not all nutrient concentrations (especially Cl) were noticeably higher, and the pH not lower. Furthermore, only a small part of smallholder land is temporary cultivated, while most parts are in the state of fallow. It is questionable, whether 5-10 % of temporarily cultivated land can noticeable change the nutrient concentration of well water. More plausible is a geologically and geochemically different stratum underlying the uppermost stratum. Already in 1951 Sioli (1951) pointed out that in the Bragantina region three different geological formations are found: the so-called "Pará formation" (Quaternary-Pleistocene), secondly the so-called "series of the Barreiras" (Tertiary-Pliocene), both of continental origin, and finally, the so-called "Pirabas formation“ of marine origin (Tertiary-Miocene). The latter occurs over at least one-third of the total Bragantina region, probably including the present study sites. It possesses deposits of limestone and is often overlain by the Pará or the Barreiras formation. The Pirabas formation outcrops in some parts, for instance about 30 km east of the location of the study sites, near the town Capanema. Sioli (1951) could prove that the creek water out of this formation has a considerably higher pH (around 7) and higher Ca concentration (25 to 42 mg l-1) than encountered in creek water not influenced by this stratum. Both characteristics are also prevailing in the well waters of the present study, suggesting that Pirabas is also underlying the study sites. Increased concentrations of nutrients in well water at the second sampling date might thus be caused by an intensified nutrient exchange (due to reduced water fluxes) between ground water and the Pirabas stratum during the dry season. With the onset of the rainy season the nutrient enriched groundwater would be transported into the wells. 151 6.1 Methodology and concepts 6 General Discussion 6.1 Methodology and concepts The quality of results obtained by a soil water model based on the Richards equation generally depends upon three factors, to which the present study gave major attention: 1.) To which extent the soil hydraulic parameters (the relationships between soil moisture, pressure head and hydraulic conductivity) reflect real field conditions. 2.) The reliability of the boundary conditions. 3.) The realistic incorporation of the sink-term (root water uptake). Ad 1) The soil hydraulic properties of the studied soils were obtained by inverse modeling using continuous in-field pressure head readings, laboratory water retention curves and pedo-tranfer functions (neural network predictions of Ks). The laboratory water retention curves proved to be a good estimation of the θ(h)-relationship for pressure heads <~-100 cm, but in-field θ(h)-relationships under water-saturated conditions could not be described with the laboratory curves. In this case, the saturated water content θs had to be reduced to a satiated (=field-saturated) value. In accordance with various other studies (Flühler et al., 1976; Buttler & Riha, 1992; Kühne, 1993; Klinge, 1997), this peculiarity seems to be more the rule than the exception and is apparently caused by air-entrapment. Also saturated hydraulic conductivity values (Ks), in the present study estimated by neural network predictions, had to be modified, when parameter-optimization was done. This is in agreement with findings of Tomasella and Hodnett (1994), who had to highly increase Ks of a Brazilian Oxisol obtained by in-situ permeability measurements, when optimized according to an internal-drainage experiment. But, also theoretical, laboratory-obtained, relationships of the (unsaturated) hydraulic conductivity to water retention K(h) might deviate from actual behavior (Johnson et al., 1999). This is especially true for the so-called "hybrid" Oxisols. Already Sanchez (1976) stated that these soils are acting like sands in terms of water movement at low soil-water tensions but hold water like clays at higher tensions. In our study, the magnitude of unsaturated conductivity was optimized by the pore connectivity parameter l, which theoretically should account for effects of discontinuity and tortuosity. Results were deviating from the original suggestions of Mualem (1976; l = 0.5), but were in agreement with recent suggestions for sandy soils of Schaap et al. (in revision, l =-1). 152 6.1 Methodology and concepts Ad 2) The upper boundary of the model was fed by net-precipitation. When hourly micrometeorological data were available, the model was run with this frequency of data input. This was done to track fast responses to heavy storm-events. However, contrary to gross precipitation, net precipitation, i.e. its components throughfall and stemflow, could not be measured with the same frequency. It was therefore calculated based on data of (bi-)weekly cumulative throughfall in combination with a canopy storage capacity term accounting for interception of rainfall by the vegetation. With that, calculated net precipitation and the complementary component interception achieved percentages, which were comparable to literature data. Interception of the fallow vegetation in 1997 was 6.6 % (139 mm) of an annual gross precipitation of 2104 mm, in the second year amounting to 7.9 % (200 mm) of a total of 2545 mm. Nevertheless, netprecipitation assessment remained a critical point in the water balance study, as distinct relationships between gross precipitation and throughfall could not be proved, even though a large number of collectors were used, as spatial heterogeneity of the throughfall component was considerable. However, at no time the dynamics of modeled and measured soil water pressure head were deviating because of incorrect netprecipitation. This suggests a good fit between the calculated and real net precipitation. Ad 3) The two-year sum of rainfall interception and modeled root water uptake by plants (≅ transpiration) was comparable to the evapotranspiration obtained by micrometeorological measurements. However, within the observation period some deviations between both methods occurred, which were methodology-related. Evapotranspiration, not solely transpiration entered into the model to mark off (maximum) amounts of root water uptake in the soil water model. Thus, in the rainy season (unrestricted transpiration), the model overestimated root water uptake by the amount of evaporation. This was not the case in the dry season, where water-constraints (desiccated soil) diminished root water uptake in the model. In this period, however, dew-evaporation is likely to contribute to evapotranspiration to a remarkable extent, which is difficult to quantify and to separate from root water uptake in micro-meteorological measurements. Therefore, in the dry season, the soil water model gives more reasonable estimates of soil desiccation, than the micro-meteorological measurements (alone). Vertical root distribution can enter the model in any shape, when root distribution is assumed to remain constant. This is adequate for the assessment of water uptake by the stable deep-rooting fallow vegetation. When root growth is involved as in the culti153 6.1 Methodology and concepts vation cycle, vertical root distribution is restricted by the model to a prescribed shape, which results in slight deviations between modeled and measured soil water content under the cultivation sites. On the other hand, vertical root distribution in the model determines vertical distribution of soil water extraction in times without water stress, when maximum transpiration is split between soil layers according to the normalized root distribution (equaling a percentage distribution). This might not reflect natural behavior, as plant water uptake e.g. out of 5 m soil depth may need to be induced by a desiccation of the upper soil layer. In this case, the distribution of water uptake according to the root distribution might be misleading, i.e. overestimating the annual water uptake from deeper soil layers. Therefore, interpretation of model results in this regard should be taken cautiously. Actually, the root-uptake-inaccuracy is related to the difficulty of clearly separating rootactivity-induced and drainage-induced alterations of the soil water pressure head and soil water content. A perfectly adapted feedback model, however, is never achievable for field-conditions, because of the heterogeneity of the soil hydraulic parameters and root distribution in the field. This point was stressed by Ehlers (1976), who detected a considerable overestimation of the unsaturated conductivity determined in situ, when root water extraction was not considered under plots, where the vegetation had to remain undisturbed. Water input and soil water movement in the rainy season exceeds root water uptake by at least a factor of 10, which prevents statistically precise differentiation of both processes. Clearly different is the situation in the dry season, when water fluxes are negligibly small and root water uptake is predominant. Then, only an exorbitant raise of the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity, to equal the rate of transpiration (i.e. 2-4 mm d-1), could effect a deep soil desiccation by drainage alone. This was not apparent in the present study. Validation of models is essential before their application. This was done with a limited number of independent gravimetric determinations of the soil water content, which proved to be in agreement with modeled soil moisture even under extreme desiccation. Additionally, satiated water contents, approximated in situ, did not reach the laboratorysaturated values. Determination of both "ends" of soil water retention also gave valuable information about the effective water content encountered in the field, which is most important regarding amounts of water involved in the flow processes (Tomasella & Hodnett, 1996). 154 6.1 Methodology and concepts Bypassing or short-circuit flow, as well as channeling or preferential flow, also generally known as nonideal flow processes (Brusseau & Rao, 1990), are certainly contributing to noticeable extent to the water movement in structured soils. This was shown in a number of publications (Bouma et al., 1982; Beven & Germann, 1981 and 1982; German & Beven, 1981; Germann, 1986; Mallants et al., 1997). In the present study, however, the soils were homogeneously structured with a medium to coarse texture, where K-θ-models generally fit best (Schuh & Cline, 1990). Thus, a nonideal flow cannot simply be introduced to explain deviations of modeled to measured pressure head and/or soil moisture dynamics, when detailed knowledge of soil hydraulic characteristics is missing as in the present study. Nonetheless, it was possible on the basis of the Mualem-Van-Genuchten approach, to apply a soil water model, which could describe prevailing pressure head dynamics, as well as soil moisture status at selected times, with sufficient accuracy. Additional proximity of model-results to the real dynamics, especially with regard to the time-lag of rewetting fronts, might be achieved by including hysteresis into the model (Kool & Parker, 1987) or relaxing Van Genuchten's (1980) closed-form equation to gain more flexibility regarding unsteady hydraulic behaviors. The latter was done by Klinge (1997), optimizing θ(h) and K(h) relationships of an Brazilian Oxisol on a tabular-basis, achieving impressive accordance with measured pressure head dynamics under primary forest using a unimodal, one-dimensional soil water model. The current version of the Hydrus-1D model did not allow a tabular modification of the soil hydraulic parameters, but this is planned to be incorporated in the following version (Simunek, personal communication). It is uncertain to which degree the pore-space of aggregated clay particles of the loamy sandy (to sandy clay loamy) soil of the present study is excluded from quantitative important water movement (immobile water domains). This could promote macro-porous structure and rapid, bypassing water movement (Young & Leeds-Harrison, 1990). Such an effect was shown to be important for an Indonesian clayey Kanhapludult (Ultisol; clay content 50-80 %) by Arya et al. (1999). In their study, only native, deep-rooting (fallow) vegetation was able to extract water out of immobile water domains of meso and micropores of the subsoil, possibly facilitating nutrient recycling. Retention of percolating nutrients under the cultivation sites, as was observed in the present study, might be explained by diffusion of these nutrients into the immobile water domains and thus by spatial exclusion from further convection. But, nutrient retention was not consistent with this concept, as some nutrients were preferentially retained (potassium). Moreover, the vertical decrease in concentration was not uniform for all nutri155 6.2 Deep soil water uptake ents, and small amounts of sulfate were released. Finally, the break-through curves of Ca, Cl or nitrate did not follow nonideal solute transport with early initial break through and relative "tailing", i.e. delayed approach of a fraction of those elements and compounds. It appears plausible that retardation in solute transport was caused by a temporary increase of AEC and CEC due to an increase in ionic strength of the soil solution, affecting low leaching amounts in 3 m soil depth under the cultivation sites in the first two years. If true, leaching has to be expected in the following years under fallow. 6.2 Deep soil water uptake The present study demonstrated that the deep-penetrating roots are crucial for the fallow vegetation to maintain an evergreen canopy during the dry-season. In the four-monthslasting dry season of 1997, 74 % of the transpired water was taken up from the soil reservoir below 0.9 m depth. In 1997 and 1998, 400 mm and 427 mm, respectively, originated from 0.9 m to 6 m depth. These results show that the fraction of about 30 % of roots of the fallow vegetation found in the deep layers below 0.9 m depth plays an important role in the water balance. The results confirm also findings of Hölscher (1995), who, based on a micro-meteorological approach, calculated a substantial contribution of deepsoil water to transpiration of a fallow vegetation in the Bragantina region. The results are also comparable to those of hydrological and micro-meteorological studies of Amazonian primary forests. Also for these forests, a deep root system was proven to provide water for transpiration in the dry season (Poels, 1987; Nepstad et al., 1994; Hodnett et al., 1996; Klinge, 1997; Ashby, 1999). In comparison to the fallow, deep-soil water usage of the crops was low. In the study period only 256 mm 2 a-1 were taken up from below 0.9 m, including the contribution of the regrowing fallow vegetation at the end of the second year. Thus, the capacity of the fallow vegetation for deep soil-water use exceeds that of crops 3 to 4 times. 6.3 Nutrient uptake Van Noordwijk (1989) established a leaching model, in which he supposed that a deeprooting fallow vegetation is capable to take up all nutrients that are leached below the rooting zone of the crops, as long as the leaching front has not passed the maximum effective rooting depth of the fallow. The root biomass of the upper 1 m of the fallow vegetation in the Bragantina region was 156 6.3 Nutrient uptake significantly reduced during the two-year cropping phase, but the deeper root biomass remained unaffected (Sommer, 1996). Therefore, analogous to Van Noordwijk's leaching model, the deep root system might provide a safety net against leaching losses. The root system of a fallow vegetation, however, might not be active during the cropping period, in times, when the aboveground biomass of the fallow is frequently weeded. If so, nutrient recycling depends on the velocity of re-activation of the root system after abandonment of cropping, but also on the velocity of movement of the leaching front. Furthermore, the "mesh-width" of the safety net of the roots is important. In our study, the rather low rootmass density in deeper soils (~0.1 mg cm-3) raised question about a 100 % recycling. On the other hand, retarded leaching found in the present study, especially for highly mobile elements and compounds (e.g. nitrate), increases the probability of uptake due to an increased importance of the diffusion component in solute transport. In the modified system of slash-and-mulch, the nutrient recycling capacity of the fallow vegetation is generally even more important, as the non-combusted nutrients are in danger of being leached. However, as most of the nutrients of the mulched biomass are released slowly and additionally are retained by the soil, the deep-rooting of the fallow vegetation may be less important. Then, uptake of nutrients might be predominantly accomplished by the dense superficial rooting system of the fallow, as after the cropping period most nutrients are still not leached out of the upper soil layer. Only some attempts were made to assess the capacity of nutrient uptake by deep-rooting fallow vegetation or trees (Van Noordwijk, 1989; Shepherd et al., 1996). Apart from the fact that results are rather contradictory, direct quantification of nutrient uptake by deeproots was not achieved. Therefore, the role of deep roots in nutrient cycling in the tropics is still unknown as Nepstad et al., already pointed out in 1991. In the present study, the apparently slow decrease in soil fertility, in spite of the century long cultivation-history on these nutrient-poor soils, might be due to an uptake of deepsoil nutrients. Nevertheless, though the nutrient recycling from deep soils seems likely assuming a nutrient uptake along with water uptake, results of the present study do not prove it unequivocally. If we assume that dissolved nutrients are taken up by a re-establishing fallow vegetation, the magnitude of leaching losses is low compared to volatilization losses. Therefore, avoidance of burning should have priority about improvement of the nutrient-recycling capacity of the cropping system. 157 6.4 Sustainability of slash-and-mulch agriculture 6.4 Sustainability of slash-and-mulch agriculture Soil fertility deterioration cannot clearly be shown by comparison of former and recently carried out soil fertility analyses or studies on crop yields. However, (soil) nutrient depletion was clearly indicated in the present study by the negative nutrient balance of the slash-and-burn cycle. Nitrogen losses were highest with 292 to 403 kg N per hectare and cropping cycle (5.5 and 9 years, respectively). Viewed in relation to available stocks in the system, especially mining of potassium of 69 to 132 kg K per hectare and cycle is of concern. Phosphate, though positively balanced in the present study due to fertilization, has already reached a critical limit for crop production in the Bragantina region. This was already demonstrated in previous studies of Bünemann (1998), Gehring et al. (1999) and Kato et al. (1999). In the present situation it is only a question of time, until potassium also will become a growth-limiting element. Therefore, avoiding fire as a means of land preparation is a necessary step towards ecological stabilization of shifting cultivation. The present study showed that the input-output budget for the slash-and-mulch system was balanced for all nutrients (negligibly negative only for N and K). Mulching, however, requires fertilization, to avoid unacceptable yield reduction due to the immobilization of soil nutrients by microorganism. But, already the moderate fertilization in the present study could more than double the regular (slash-andburn) yields without fertilization. Thus, the results show that even under conditions of shortened fallow (3.5 years) crop production can be enhanced without causing deterioration of soil fertility. The feasibility of slash-and-burn agriculture is commonly explained by the input of major quantities of nutrients by the ash (Sanchez, 1982; Smyth & Bastos, 1984). In the present study, however, the ash contained only small amounts of N (3.1 to 5.3 kg ha-1) and P (0.7 to 5.7 kg P ha-1), as the largest amounts bound in the fallow biomass (~97 % N and 63 to 90 % P) were lost during intensive burning. But, considerable amounts of K (41 to 72 kg ha-1) and Ca (105 to 195 kg ha-1) remained in the ash, which raised the soil pH. The latter stimulates the decomposition of organic matter (Rowell, 1994). Therefore, it may be assumed that decomposing organic matter, not the ash, provides most N and P for the crops. This was also detected by Stromgaard (1984) and Lessa et al. (1996). Indeed, contents of plant-available P in 0 to 10 cm soil depth on the burned and mulched plots were significantly higher after 7 months of cultivation. Mulching might primarily lead to an immobilization of nutrients by microorganisms. But, in the long run, after 1.5 years, as was shown by Kato et al. (1999), decomposition of the 158 6.4 Sustainability of slash-and-mulch agriculture mulch leads to higher Nmin-concentration in the soil solution at 40 cm depth compared to burned sites and control plots. This is a peculiarity that gives new options for the cropping-management. For instance, one might change the sequence of crops to match (peaks of) nutrient demands with available stocks in the soil. Details, however have to be evaluated. The overall leaching losses did not increase under the mulched plots during the observation period, neither at 0.9 m depths nor below. This was apparently due to immobilization of nutrients by microorganisms and plant uptake. Fertilization, in combination with the rate of decomposition, satisfied crop demand and did not lead to increased leaching. Though less likely, it cannot be excluded, that leaching might still occur in the first years of the fallow following the cultivation, which were not included in the observation period. The initial concentrations of dissolved nutrients upon cultivation were diminished during percolation. Two-year sums of nutrients leached below 3 m depth were rather insignificant in relation to overall nutrient fluxes. For instance, during the two years of cropping 10 to 16 kg N ha-1 were leached, but 246 to 372 kg N ha-1 were removed by the burning and 112 to 127 kg N ha-1 were withdrawn by the harvested goods. Williams and Melack (1997) measured a comparably negligible increase in nutrient exports via leaching on a catchment scale in the central Amazon region. After forest conversion, about 9, 4, 5, 1, and 0.07 kg ha-1 Ntot, Ca, K, Mg and P, respectively, were found to be leached out of the catchment over one year, predominantly by solute base flow (94 %). Hydrological measurements on a catchment scale are not always comparable to leaching losses estimated for the rooting zone. This was indicated in the present study considering nutrient concentrations of well water. These were higher than expected if calculated on the basis of the distribution of recently cultivated fields in the catchment. A catchment approach is subject to different system-boundaries (e.g. aquifers in different geological strata), which is only partly captured by field-scale determinations. Based on our results, slash-and-mulch in combination with maintaining a deep-rooting fallow vegetation is seen as a feasible alternative to overcome deterioration of soil fertility in shifting cultivation under pressure of land use. (Socio-) economic studies should now follow, to describe the conditions, under which a mechanized slash-and-mulch landpreparation will be practicable for smallholders. Such studies should also consider the recent trend in smallholdings towards establishment of perennial cash crops such as passion fruit. Such trends in intensification imply the extinction of natural deep-rooted fallow vegetation and, thus, a loss in the capacity for recycling of nutrient from deep soil layers. 159 7 Conclusions 7 Conclusions The application of a soil water model provided a highly differentiated insight into the water dynamics of the two cultivation sites and the fallow. High-resolution data on the soil water movement is essential for subsequent distinct description of solute transport processes. Soil water model predictions of annual actual evapotranspiration were comparable with those micro-meteorologically obtained. The comparison of daily evapotranspiration generated by both methods indicated times, where the micro-meteorological assessment overestimated root water uptake due to the inclusion of dew evaporation. Further studies should quantify the contribution of dew evaporation to total evapotranspiration. The characteristic of the studied soils to carry variable positive and negative charges influenced the transport of dissolved ions. It was likely that in response to elevated concentrations of solutes, the subsoil cation and anion exchange capacity increased causing a retention of the dissolved ions. A subsoil accumulation of nutrients, especially of the highly mobile anions as nitrate and chloride, has to be confirmed by the determination of concentration of exchangeable ions. The description of transport processes might additionally be improved applying the classical convection-dispersion equation, when necessary adsorption coefficients/isotherms and biological processes are known. The ability for nutrient retention in the subsoil emphasizes the importance of a deeprooting fallow vegetation to recycle the retained nutrients. The considerable capacity for the depletion of subsoil water of this vegetation was proven. Assuming an equivalent accompanying (passive) uptake of dissolved nutrients, a nutrient recycling capacity of the deep-rooting fallow vegetation is likely. Consequently, the "mesh width" of this safety net against leaching should now be evaluated by determining the extent, to which natural deep-rooted vegetation contributes to the nutrient balance of traditional as well as modified shifting cultivation. This might be done by identifying natural tracers, with a distinct vertical gradient in the soil. One might also introduce labeled fertilizer (e.g. with 15N) into the subsoil. In both cases the main pathways of allocation of such elements subsequently have to be traced. The nutrient balance showed that slash-and-burn agriculture with a short fallow period, as practiced in the Bragantina region, is a soil-nutrient-depleting form of agriculture. Looking only at plant-available soil nutrient stocks, which are not as reduced, as expected from land-use history, only tells half of the story. Total weatherable minerals and, thus, poten160 7 Conclusions tially plant-available nutrient stocks should also be considered in future. Slash-and-mulch cultivation with a moderate fertilization is an ecological sound option. However, the interaction or interference of the large amounts of mulched biomass with the soil-matrix and with the planted crops is hardly understood yet. Therefore, further studies should analyze the organic matter and nutrient turnover, which are likely to be greatly modified through the new land-preparation technique. It is commonly expected that mulching increases the soil organic matter stock. If so, soil fertility would be improved and, additionally, carbon would be sequestered. These effects need to be ascertained by field measurements. In short – for an intensified, but ecologically sound land use in the Bragantina region two components appear crucial: 1. a natural, deep-rooting (fallow) vegetation to attenuate leaching losses (additionally also maintaining a high degree of biodiversity) and 2. land preparation by slash-and-mulch to avoid soil nutrient depletion by burning (eventually also improving soil fertility and sequestering carbon). 161 8 Summary 8 Summary Small-farm shifting cultivation predominates the northeast of Pará state in the Eastern Amazon of Brazil. Slashing and burning a three to eight-year-old fallow vegetation is followed by cultivation of maize, beans and cassava for a period of one and a half to two years. In the subsequent fallow period the secondary (fallow) vegetation regenerates from roots and stumps, which survived the cropping period. Besides maintaining a relatively high biodiversity the growing vegetation accumulates nutrients in the biomass and soil fertility is successively restored, enabling limited crop production on basically nutrientpoor soils. Additionally, the fallow vegetation successfully shades out and, thus, suppresses herbaceous weeds. Though the interaction of fallow (vegetation) and cropping is well known, the subsoil water and nutrient dynamic of this vegetation has not yet been studied. The need for such a study is evident, as the fallow vegetation maintains a deep-reaching root system to at least 6 m depth. Also a previous study assumed deep soil water depletion during the dry season in September to December. Therefore, the first objective of this thesis was to assess the subsoil water dynamic of a fallow vegetation. Burning as land preparation technique releases the major part of the C and N accumulated in the aboveground biomass, but also large quantities of P, K, Ca, Mg and S to the atmosphere. To counterbalance this nutrient loss, the length of the fallow period would have to be extremely long (> 70 years). The contrary is the practice, as smallholders rather reduce the fallow length due to the pressure on land. Therefore, a fire-free land preparation through slashing, chipping and mulching is suggested as a promising alternative. The second objective of this thesis was to compare the nutrient dynamics of this alternative land preparation with those of traditionally burned plots. The fallow length and its effect on the nutrient balance was additionally considered. It was anticipated that applying large amounts of biomass to the soil surface would lead to higher losses of nutrients by leaching. Therefore, the movement of dissolved nutrients in the soil profile was especially considered. For determinations of deep soil water uptake a three-year-old secondary vegetation was selected. For the study of the cultivation impact two sites with three-and-a-half and sevenyear-old secondary vegetation were selected (henceforth site 1 and site 2). The age of the preceding secondary vegetation represents the minimum and maximum fallow length of slash-and-burn agriculture in its recent form. Starting the agricultural phase in December 1996, the fallow vegetation was slashed, one half of each field was burned and the other 162 8 Summary was mulched with a tractor-force-driven modified maize chopper. Following site preparation, on both sites maize (Zea mays) was sown at the end of January 1997, cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) followed at the end of May and cassava (Manihot esculenta) at the end of June. Maize was fertilized with 60 kg N ha-1 (urea), 26 kg P ha-1 (triple-super-phosphate) and 25 kg K ha-1 (KCl). Beans received 10 kg N ha-1, 22 kg P ha-1 and 41 kg K ha-1 of the same kind of fertilizer, on both cultures broadcasted by hand. Maize-cobs were harvested in mid-June 1997, beans (+pods) at the beginning of August 1997. The last (sixth) weeding was done in mid-March 1998, and then fallow vegetation was allowed to regrow. The cropping phase was terminated with harvesting of the cassava-tubers at the end of June 1998. The aboveground nutrient balance was calculated measuring the nutrient input and output-quantities (fertilizer, atmospheric deposition, gaseous losses and extraction of harvest products and of firewood). To investigate the belowground leaching losses, concentrations of dissolved nutrients were determined in samples of soil solution taken biweekly using suction-cup lysimeter. Precise quantification of the soil water fluxes in the rooting zone is only possible applying a soil water model. The annual dynamics of the soil water pressure head at different depth in the soil profile were recorded with tensiometers. The soil water movement then was modeled (inversely) using laboratory soil-water retention curves, pedo-transfer functions and applying the soil water model, Hydrus-1D. To assess net precipitation, which is a necessary input into the soil water model, its two components, throughfall and stemflow, were measured biweekly on the cultivation sites and the fallow. Further microclimatic parameters (net-radiation, air temperature, vapor pressure, wind speed) were determined to predict the potential evapotranspiration (ETp) according to Penman, the so-called 'sink-term' in the soil water model. The actual evapotranspiration (ETa) of the fallow vegetation was determined according to the PenmanMonteith method as well as the Bowen ratio – energy balance method. ETa-results were compared with the outcomes of the soil water model on root water uptake. All measurements were taken over the 1.5 years of traditional agricultural land use. Water dynamics Rainfall interception of the fallow vegetation in the first year amounted to 139 mm, i.e. 6.6 % of the annual gross precipitation (P) of 2104 mm. In the second year this was 200 mm or 7.9 % of P equaling 2545 mm; the percentage slightly increased, apparently 163 8 Summary due to a closing canopy of the growing vegetation. Rainfall interception of the crops was less amounting to 4.1% in 1997 and 3.8 % in 1998. Actual evapotranspiration (Bowen ratio energy balance) of the 3 to 4-year-old vegetation was sensitive to the pronounced dry season in 1997 reaching 1411 mm and exceeding soil water model prediction of ETa of that year (1270 mm) by 141 mm. Differences were apparently related to the addition of dew evaporation to actual evapotranspiration, which could be determined micro-meteorologically but not by the soil water model. Soil-water drainage according to model results was 897mm in 1997 (43 % of gross precipitation), but only 842 mm (33 %) in 1998 due to the influence of an intensive soil water store depletion in the former year, which was not fully compensated by the higher rainfall in the second year. The crops had a lower evapotranspiration resulting in higher drainage rates of 1190 to 1279 mm a-1, exceeding those of natural vegetation by 348 to 382 mm. The deep roots of the fallow vegetation were crucial for the soil water uptake. As much as 35.4 % (427 mm) and 33.4 % (400 mm) of the water transpired in 1997 and 1998, respectively, were extracted out of the soil layer of 0.9 to 6 m depth. In the pronounced dry season of 1997 this fraction was even exceeding 70 %. Even though within the dry season the fallow vegetation gets into a stress situation, visible through a reduced transpiration and increased canopy resistance, most fallow species are able to maintain an evergreen canopy due to the fact that they deplete the deep soil water storage. On the cultivation sites the soil water store below 0.9 m depth was only marginally depleted. Mostly cassava, but also the regrowing fallow vegetation after abandonment of the sites, was responsible for a water extraction out of the soil layer of 0.9-1.8 m depth during the second year of cultivation. Nutrient balance Burning-losses of C and N bound in the aboveground biomass on both sites were considerable. At least 93 % of both element-stocks, corresponding to 13.8 and 21.5 t C ha-1 and 246 and 372 kg N ha-1 on site 1 and 2, respectively, were volatilized. Additionally, over 80 % of S, i.e. 35 and 53 kg S ha-1 (site 1 and 2) were lost by the fire. Also 45 % to 70 % of the generally less volatile cations K, Ca and Mg were lost, apparently mostly by particle flight. The export of the growth/yield-limiting phosphate was alarming, as it comprised 90 % of the aboveground stocks on site 1. The absolute amounts of 8 and 11 kg P ha-1 volatilized were offset by the subsequent fertilizer input of 48 kg P ha-1. 164 8 Summary Slash-and-mulch prevented these losses and, supported by the moderate NPKfertilization, yields of maize, beans and cassava were not different from those of the burned treatment. The yields exceeded those commonly achieved by smallholders of the Bragantina region by a factor of two to three. About 2.3 t ha-1 maize-grains, 1.7 t ha-1 cowpeas and 20.2 t ha-1 cassava tubers were harvested. The harvest was responsible for most of the withdrawal of nutrients on the mulched sites, but was generally only of secondary importance on the burned sites. Due to the high burning losses of nutrients, the overall nutrient balance of the burned sites was negative for all elements, with the exception of phosphate, which was balanced by the P-fertilization. Losses amounted to: 292 to 403 kg N ha-1, 69 to 132 kg K ha-1, 155 to 163 kg Ca ha-1, 36 to 33 kg Mg ha-1 and 26 to 32 kg S ha-1 (site 1 and 2; referring to the total cropping cycle of 5.5 and 9 years). Relating overall nutrient losses of the burned sites to the rotation-period of 5.5 and 9 years indicated that shortening the fallow period led to an increase in nutrient-mining. This means that, besides the general fact that slash-and-burn agriculture in its traditional form is ecologically unsustainable, soil nutrient mining is even accelerated by intensified land use and shortened fallows. An important contribution apparently is the increase of burning intensity of young fallow slash, which consists only of small stems and branches. This increases also the percentages of volatilization of nutrients, presumably due to the more intensive fire. In contrast, under slash-and-mulch practice even intensified land use (3.5 years of fallow only) seems to be feasible, as the nutrient balance of this site was in balance, which was anyway the case after 7 years of fallow. The leaching losses measured at a reference depth of 3 m were comparably low for both sites and treatments. Mulching, i.e. the application of high amounts of biomass, did not promote leaching. The concentration of nutrients in the soil solution at 0.9 m depth temporarily increased in response to the following measures: 1.) initial land preparation, sowing of maize and first fertilization in January 97 2.) weeding, sowing of cowpea and second fertilization in May 97 3.) desiccation and rewetting of the soil profile at the end of the year 1997 4.) harvest of cassava at the end of June 98 The nutrient concentrations under the mulched plots generally did not reach the values found under the burned plots. On the other hand, the length of the preceding fallow period had no significant influence on the concentration. 165 8 Summary The transport dynamics of the leachates were apparently highly influenced by the ion exchange capacities of the soil. Comparing the nutrient fluxes at the reference depths of 0.9 m, 1.8 m and 3 m depth, the quantity of all mobile nutrients, but also chloride and sodium, were reduced during percolation and must have been retained. Considering both sites and treatments, more than 80 % of the nitrate and more than 75 % of the chloride measured in 0.9 m depth was retained in the underlying soil profile and did not reach 3 m soil depth in the first year (1997). Also, all important cations were retained, though to a lesser extent. The retention capacity was more pronounced in the burned plots. Within the two-year observation period, 67.4 kg nitrate, 103.8 kg Ca, but also 11.6 kg K and 23.5 kg Mg per hectare were retained on site 2 between 0.9 m and 3 m depth. As all quantitatively important ions were retained during percolation, "simple" exchange processes at the soil matrix do not explain the nutrient retention. This would require equivalent amounts of exchanged ions in the soil solution in 3 m depth, which actually were not found. Possibly, an increase in the cation as well as anion exchange capacity due to an increased ionic strength of the soil solution is responsible for this retention. This, however, would imply a release of the retained nutrients after the abandonment of the area, when percolating rainwater with extremely low ionic strength leads to a decrease of the exchange capacities towards initial (natural) conditions. If so, a rapid reestablishment of the deep-rooting secondary vegetation is crucial for an efficient deepsoil nutrient uptake. This would limit the scope of prolonged cropping and any agriculture that reduces the vitality of the fallow vegetation. 166 8 Zusammenfassung Zusammenfassung Kleinbäuerliche Feldumlagewirtschaft ist das vorherrschende Landnutzungssystem im östlichen Amazonasgebiet von Brasilien. Nach dem Roden und Brennen einer in der Regel drei bis acht Jahre alten Sekundärvegetation wird über den Zeitraum von eineinhalb bis zwei Jahren Mais, Bohnen und Maniok angebaut. In der anschließenden Brache regeneriert sich die Sekundärvegetation (Brachevegetation) durch Wiederaustrieb aus verbliebenen Wurzelstöcken. Die Sekundärvegetation behält dabei ein relativ hohes Maß an Biodiversität bei, sie akkumuliert zudem Nährstoffe in der Biomasse und kann erfolgreich Unkräuter ausschatten und unterdrücken. Außerdem erholt sich die Bodenfruchtbarkeit während der Brache, womit im begrenzten Maße Nahrungsmittel auf eigentlich nährstoffarmen Böden erzeugt werden können. Obwohl die Interaktionen zwischen Brache(vegetation) und Bewirtschaftungspotential gut verstanden sind, wurde die Wasser- und Nährstoffdynamik tiefer Böden in diesem System noch nie untersucht. Dies ist aber notwendig, da sich gezeigt hat, dass die Brachevegetation ein Wurzelsystem ausbildet, das zumindest 6 m tief reicht. Außerdem wurde auf Grundlage einer früheren Untersuchung vermutet, dass in der Trockenzeit, die von September bis Dezember andauert, die Brachevegetation tieferen Bodenschichten Wasser entzieht. Das erste Ziel dieser Arbeit war es folglich, die Wasserdynamik tiefer Bodenschichten unter einer Brachevegetation zu untersuchen. Das Brennen zu Beginn des Anbaus führt zur Freisetzung des größten Teils des in der oberirdischen Biomasse gebundenen Kohlenstoffs und Stickstoffs, aber auch von großen Mengen an Phosphat, Kalium, Calcium, Magnesium und Schwefel in die Atmosphäre. Um diese Verluste alleinig durch atmosphärische Deposition auszugleichen, sind extrem lange (> 70 Jahre) notwendig. Das Gegenteil ist aber der Fall, da Kleinbauern aufgrund von steigendem Landnutzungsdruck die Brachezeiten reduzieren. Deshalb wird die feuerfreie Landnutzung mittels Roden, Häckseln und Mulchen als eine vielversprechende Alternative gesehen. Das zweite Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Nährstoffbilanz dieser alternativen Landnutzungsform mit dem traditionellen Brandrodungsfeldbau zu vergleichen. Dabei wurde zusätzlich der Einfluss der Brachezeit berücksichtigt. Es wurde angenommen, dass das oberflächliche Ausbringen von großen Mengen von gemulchter Biomasse zu erhöhten Nährstoffausträgen durch Versickerung führt. Deshalb wurde der Transport von gelösten Nährstoffen im Boden besonders beobachtet. Zur Quantifizierung der Pflanzenaufnahme von Wasser aus tiefen Bodenschichten wurde eine dreijährige Brachevegetation ausgewählt. Zur Untersuchung des Einflusses der ver167 8 Zusammenfassung schiedenen Landnutzungsmethoden auf die Nährstoffdynamik waren dies zwei Brachevegetationen im Alter von dreieinhalb bzw. sieben Jahren (im folgenden Fläche 1 und Fläche 2). Die Brachezeit dieser beiden Flächen stellt die minimale bzw. maximale Dauer einer Brache unter momentanen Bedingungen dar. Zu Beginn der landwirtschaftlichen Nutzung im Dezember 1996 wurde die Sekundärvegetation gerodet und auf einer Hälfte jeder Fläche gebrannt. Der jeweils verbliebene Teil wurde mit einem traktorgetriebenen modifizierten Maishäcksler zerkleinert und als Mulch auf diesem Teil der Flächen verteilt. Im Anschluss an die Flächenvorbereitung wurde im Januar 1997 auf beiden Flächen Mais (Zea mays) gesät, Ende Mai folgten Augenbohnen (Vigna unguiculata) und Ende Juni Maniok (Manihot esculenta). Mais wurde mit 60 kg N ha-1 (Harnstoff), 26 kg P ha-1 (Trippelsuperphosphat) und 25 kg K ha-1 (Kaliumchlorid) gedüngt. Die Bohnen erhielten 10 kg N ha-1, 22 kg P ha-1 und 41 kg K ha-1 in identischer Düngerform. Mitte Juni 1997 wurden der Mais (Kolben) geerntet, Anfang August 1997 die Bohnen und im Juni 1998 die Maniokknollen. Bereits im März 1998 fand die letzte der insgesamt sechs Unkrauthackungen statt. Im Anschluss konnte die Brachevegetation wieder aufwachsen. Zur Berechnung der oberirdischen Nährstoffbilanz wurden alle Ein- und Austräge quantifiziert. Dies waren Düngung, atmosphärische Einträge, Volatilisationsverluste, Ernteentzüge sowie Brennholzentnahme. Um die unterirdischen Versickerungsverluste zu bestimmen, wurden die Konzentrationen von gelösten Nährstoffen im Sickerwasser bestimmt, das mit Saugkerzen im vierzehntägigen Turnus entnommen wurde. Die exakte Bestimmung der Bodenwasserflüsse im Wurzelraum ist nur durch die Anwendung eines Bodenwassermodells möglich. Dafür wurde mit Tensiometern die jährliche Dynamik der Saugspannung des Bodens in verschiedenen Tiefen gemessen. Die Bodenwasserflüsse wurden aufbauend auf Labor pF-Kurven und Pedotranferfunktionen anschließend mit dem Bodenwassermodell Hydrus-1D (invers) modelliert. Der zur Modellierung benötigte Bestandsniederschlag wurde in seinen beiden Komponenten Stammabfluss und Kronendurchlass erfasst. Letzterer wurde in den Kulturflächen und der Brachefläche im wöchentlichen bzw. vierzehntägigem Turnus gemessen. Weitere mikrometeorologische Parameter (Strahlungsbilanz, Lufttemperatur, Wasserdampfdruck und Windgeschwindigkeit) wurden zur Bestimmung der potentiellen Evapotranspiration (Penman-FAO) erfasst. Diese ging als 'sink-term' in das Bodenwassermodell ein. Die aktuelle Verdunstung über der Brachevegetation wurde mittels Bowen-ratio- Energiebilanzmethode und mittels Penman-Monteith-Methode bestimmt und mit den Ergebnissen des Bodenwassermodells zu den Wurzelwasserentzügen verglichen. Alle Messungen wurde im Zeitraum der eineinhalbjährigen Bewirtschaftung durchgeführt. 168 8 Zusammenfassung Wasserdynamik Die Niederschlagsinterzeption der Brachevegetation im ersten Jahr betrug 139 mm, d.h. 6.6 % des jährlichen Freilandniederschlags (P) von 2104 mm. Im zweiten Jahr erhöhte sie sich leicht auf 200 mm bzw. 7.9 % (P = 2545 mm) bedingt durch den vermehrten Kronenschluss der Vegetation. Die Kulturpflanzen interzipierten weniger Wasser mit 4.1 % in 1997 und 3.8 % in 1998. Die aktuelle Verdunstung (Bowen-ratio-Energiebilanz) der dreijährigen Brachevegetation reagierte deutlich auf die ausgeprägte Trockenzeit in 1997 und belief sich auf 1411 mm a-1. Dies waren 141 mm mehr als mit dem Bodenwassermodell ermittelt (1270 mm) und hing offensichtlich mit der frühmorgendlichen Bildung von Tau zusammen, der anschließenden evaporiert nur mikrometeorologisch erfasst wurde, nicht aber im Bodenwassermodell. Die Versickerung gemäß Bodenwassermodell belief sich in 1997 auf 897 mm (43 % des Freilandniederschlags). In 1998 waren dies nur 842 mm aufgrund der intensiven Ausnutzung des Bodenwasserspeichers im Vorjahr, ein Defizit, das trotz höherer Niederschläge im zweiten Jahr nicht völlig ausgeglichen wurden. Die Kulturpflanzen verdunsteten weniger Wasser, wodurch die Versickerung auf 1190 bis 1279 mm a-1 anstiegen. Sie waren damit 348 bis 382 mm höher als die der Brachefläche. Der entscheidende Faktor für die Ausnutzung der tiefen Bodenwasservorräte waren folglich das tiefreichende Wurzelwerk der Brachevegetation. Ganze 35.4 % (427 mm) bzw. 33.4 % (400 mm) des transpirierten Wassers von 1997 bzw. 1998 stammten aus 0.9 bis 6 m Tiefe. In der Trockenzeit von 1997 stieg dieser Anteil auf über 70 %. Selbst wenn also die Brachevegetation während der Trockenzeit unter Wasserstress gerät, sich der Kronendachwiderstand erhöht und die Transpiration verringert, sind die meisten Arten doch dazu in der Lage, ein immergrünes Laubwerk aufrecht zu erhalten, indem sie das Wasser tiefer Bodenschichten ausnutzen. Auf den beiden Kulturflächen wurde der Bodenwasservorrat unterhalb von 0.9 m Tiefe nur peripher genutzt, wobei hauptsächlich Maniok, nach Aufgabe der Fläche im zweiten Jahr aber auch die wiederaufwachsende Brachevegetation für die Entnahme aus 1.8 m bis maximal 3 m verantwortlich war. Nährstoffbilanz Die Brandverluste von C und N aus der oberirdischen Biomasse waren auf beiden Kulturflächen beachtlich. Mindestens 93 % der Vorräte wurden volatilisiert, das entspricht 13.8 bzw. 21.5 t C ha-1 sowie 246 bzw. 372 kg N ha-1 auf Fläche 1 bzw. 2. Zusätzlich wurden mehr als 80 % der S-Vorräte (35 bzw. 53 kg ha-1), aber auch 45-70 % der weniger volatili169 8 Zusammenfassung sierbaren K-, Ca- und Mg-Vorräte ausgetragen, im letzteren Fall hauptsächlich durch Partikelflug. Der Austrag des wachstumslimitierenden Phosphats war alarmierend, da es auf Fläche 1 ganze 90 % der oberirdischen Vorräte ausmachte. Die Gesamtmengen von 8 bzw. 11 kg P ha-1 wurden jedoch durch die Düngung von 48 kg P ha-1 mehr als ausgeglichen. Mulchen als Flächenvorbereitung vermied diese Austräge. Durch die moderate NPKDüngung unterschieden sich die Erträge von Mais, Bohnen und Maniok nicht von denen, die unter gebrannten Bedingungen erzielt wurden. Sie übertrafen Erträge, die von Kleinbauern in der Region regulär erzielt werden, um den Faktor 2 bis 3. Im Durchschnitt wurden 2.3 t Mais (Körner), 1.7 t Bohnen und 20.2 t Maniokknollen pro Hektar erzielt. Die Erntegüter waren für den größten Teil der Nährstoffentzüge auf den gemulchten Flächen verantwortlich. Auf den gebrannten Flächen waren sie aber generell nur von zweitrangiger Wichtigkeit. Aufgrund der hohe Nährstoffausträge durch das Brennen war die gesamte Nährstoffbilanz auf beiden gebrannten Flächen negativ, mit Ausnahme von P, kompensiert durch den Düngeeintrag. Die Verluste betrugen 292-403 kg N ha-1, 69-132 kg K ha-1, 155163 kg Ca ha-1, 36-33 kg Mg ha-1 und 26-32 kg S ha-1 (Fläche 1 bzw. Fläche 2). Wurden die gesamten Nährstoffverluste auf den Nutzungszeitraum von 5.5 und 9 Jahren bezogen, so zeigte sich, dass eine Verkürzung der Brachezeit zu einer intensiveren Nährstoffausbeutung führte. Abgesehen davon, dass Brandrodungsfeldbau generell ökologisch nicht nachhaltig ist, bedeutet dies folglich, dass eine zusätzliche Intensivierung des Landbaus mit verkürzten Brachezeiten zu beschleunigter Bodendegradierung führt. Einen wichtige Rolle spielt dabei, dass die jüngere Brachevegetation vornehmlich aus dünnen Stämmen und Ästen besteht, die intensiver, d.h. bei höheren Temperaturen, verbrennen, was zu erhöhten prozentualen Volatilisationsverlusten führt. Im Gegensatz dazu ist unter gemulchten Bedingungen auch intensiverer Landbau (dreieinhalb Jahre Brache) möglich, da selbst dann die Nährstoffbilanz ausgeglichen war. Dies war sowieso nach siebenjähriger Brachezeit der Fall. Die Nährstoffausträge durch Versickerung gemessen in 3 m Tiefe waren in beiden Behandlungen auf beiden Flächen vergleichsweise gering. Das Mulchen von hohen Mengen an Biomasse erhöhte die Versickerungsverluste nicht. In 0.9 m Tiefe waren die Nährstoffkonzentration durch die folgenden Bewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen zeitweise erhöht: 1.) Flächenvorbereitung, Maissaat und erste Düngung im Januar 1997 2.) Unkrauthackung, Bohnensaat und zweite Düngung im Mai 1997 170 8 Zusammenfassung 3.) Das Austrocknen und Wiederbefeuchtung des Bodenprofils am Ende der Trockenzeit 4.) Maniokernte Ende Juni 1998 Die Nährstoffkonzentrationen unter den gemulchten Behandlungen erreichten generell nicht die Werte, wie sie unter den gebrannten Varianten gefunden wurden. Andererseits hatte die Länge der vorangegangenen Brachezeit keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Konzentrationen. Die Transportdynamik der gelösten Nährstoffe wurde offensichtlich stark durch die Ionenaustauschkapazität des Boden beeinflusst. Der Vergleich der Nährstoffflüsse in den Referenztiefen 0.9 m, 1.8 m und 3 m Tiefe zeigte, dass alle Nährstoffe, aber auch Natrium und Chlorid während des Perkolierens adsorbiert wurden. Auf beiden Flächen in beiden Behandlungen wurden im ersten Beobachtungsjahr (1997) mehr als 80 % des Nitrat und 75 % des Chlorids, das in 0.9 m Tiefe gemessen wurde, im darrunterliegenden Bodenprofil zurückgehalten und erreichte 3 m Tiefe nicht. Dies traf auch auf alle wichtigen Kationen zu, wenn auch im geringeren Maße. Im gesamten Beobachtungszeitraum von zwei Jahren wurden unter den gebrannten Behandlungen mehr Nährstoffe zurückgehalten als unter den gemulchten. In dieser Zeit wurden auf Fläche 2 (gebrannte Behandlung) 67.4 kg Nitrat, 103 kg Ca, sowie 11.6 kg K and 23.5 kg Mg pro Hektar zwischen 0,9 und 3 m Tiefe zurückgehalten. Dass alle quantitativ wichtigen Ionen adsorbiert wurden, kann durch einfache Austauschprozesse an der Bodenmatrix nicht erklärt werden, da in diesem Falle äquivalente Mengen an ausgetauschten Ionen in der Bodenlösung in 3 m Tiefe hätten gefunden werden müssten, was nicht der Fall war. Wahrscheinlicher, scheint eine Erhöhung der Austauscherkapazität zu sein ausgelöst durch die erhöhte Äquivalentkonzentration der perkolierenden Bodenlösung. Dies würde aber bedeuten, dass die adsorbierten Nährstoffe wieder freigesetzt würden, wenn die Flächen erst einmal aufgegeben sind und Regenwasser mit geringerer Ionenkonzentration perkoliert und eine Verminderung der Austauchkapazität zu "natürlichen" Bedingungen hin bewirkt. Trifft dies zu, so ist ein schneller Wiederaufwuchs der tiefwurzelnden Brachevegetation für eine effiziente Nährstoffaufnahme aus tiefen Bodenschichten zwingend notwendig. Dies würde eine Verlängerung der Anbauzeiten bzw. jedwede Art der Landbewirtschaftung ausschließen, die die Vitalität der Brachevegetation beeinträchtigt. 171 8 Resumo Resumo O sistema de produção agrícola de pousio, tradicionalmente usado por pequenos produtores, prevalece na região nordeste do Pará, no leste da Amazônia brasileira. O processo de derruba-e-queima de uma vegetação secundaria em pousio (Capoeira) de 3 a 8 anos é seguido por um ciclo de cultivo, variando de 1.5 ate 2 anos, incluindo as culturas do milho, do feijão e da mandioca. Depois deste ciclo, a regeneração da vegetação é principalmente regenerativa das raízes que sobrevivem ao ciclo cultivo. A vegetação secundaria preserva um alto grau de biodiversidade, e acumula nutrientes na biomassa. Durante a fase de pousio a fertilidade do solo é sucessivamente recuperada, facilitando uma produção limitada de grãos a um solo basicamente de baixa fertilidade. Além disso, a vegetação secundaria, quando predomina, elimina as ervas daninhas. Embora a interação entre a (vegetação em) fase de pousio e o potencial agrícola seja bem conhecido, a dinâmica d’água e dos nutrientes das camadas profundas do solo nunca foi estudada. A necessidade é evidente, pois foi provado que a vegetação secundaria mantém um sistema de raízes profundas, chegando a pelo menos 6 metros. A esse respeito, um estudo anterior supôs um uso d’água das camadas profundas do solo pela vegetação secundaria durante a época seca, nos meses de setembro até dezembro. Neste sentido, o primeiro objetivo do presente trabalho foi estabelecer um balanço da dinâmica d’água das camadas profundas do solo. A queima, como técnica de preparação da terra, é responsável por liberar na atmosfera tanto a maior parte do C e do N acumulada na biomassa superficial, como grandes quantidades de P, K, Ca, Mg e S. Para contrabalançar esta perda dos nutrientes, a fase de pousio deveria ser aumentada extremamente (> 70 anos). Na prática acontece o contrario: os pequenos produtores reduzem a fase de pousio em virtude da pressão demográfica sobre a terra. Por isso, uma preparação da terra sem fogo, através de derruba-e-tritura ('mulching'), vem sendo sugerido como uma alternativa viável. O segundo objetivo do presente trabalho foi comparar a dinâmica dos nutrientes deste sistema com o sistema tradicional (derruba-e-queima). A duração da fase de pousio foi particularmente considerada com relação aos efeitos do balanço dos nutrientes. A suposição era que, aplicar grande quantidades de biomassa na superfície do solo, levaria a um aumento da perda dos nutrientes através de lixiviação. Por isso, no presente estudo o movimento de nutrientes solúveis foi especialmente considerado. Para a determinação do uso d’água das camadas profundas, foi escolhido uma vegetação secundaria de 3 anos de idade. Para o estudo do impacto do ciclo de cultivo, 172 8 Resumo usou-se duas áreas com vegetação de pousio de 3.5 e 7 anos (a partir daqui chamadas, respectivamente, de área 1 e de área 2), correspondentes, respectivamente, a mínima e máxima idade nos ciclos de pousio, observadas mais recentemente na região. O experimento de campo começou em dezembro 1996, onde a vegetação foi derrubada e metade queimada e a outra triturada. Foi plantado milho (Zea mays) no final de janeiro de 1997, em seguida caupi (Vigna unguiculata) no final de maio, e mandioca (Manihot esculenta) no final de junho. O milho foi adubado com 60 kg N ha-1 (uréia), 26 kg P ha-1 (superfosfato triplico) e 25 kg K ha-1 (KCl). Caupi recebeu 10 kg N ha-1, 22 kg P ha-1 e 41 kg K ha-1 da mesma formula. A aplicação para estas duas culturas se deu da forma de lanço. Os grãos de milho (com espigas) foram coletados na metade de junho de 1997 e os do caupi (com a casca) no inicio de agosto do mesmo ano. A ultima capina nas áreas foi feita em março de 1998, depois foi deixado rebrotar a vegetação secundaria. O ciclo de cultivo terminou com a colheita da mandioca no final de junho de 1998. O balanço superficial de nutriente foi calculado medindo a quantidade de input e output (adubação, deposição atmosférica, perdas gasosa, e extração da colheita e da lenha). Para investigar as perdas através de lixiviação, foram determinadas as concentrações de nutrientes solúveis em amostras de solução de solo, que foram tiradas quinzenalmente com lisímetros de copo de sucção. Medidas exatas dos fluxos de água de solo na zona das raízes só são possíveis com a aplicação de um modelo. As dinâmicas anuais da tensão de água de solo foram medidas em diferentes profundidades, através de tensiômetros. Consecutivamente, o movimento d’água no solo foi modelado (inversamente), usando curvas pF laboratoriais e funções de pedotransferência, aplicando o modelo Hydrus-1D. Uma das entradas necessárias no modelo é a chuva liquida, que foi determinada em suas duas componentes, a chuva sob dossel e a chuva desaguada aos troncos (stemflow), quinzenalmente nas áreas cultivadas e na vegetação secundaria em pousio. Adicionalmente, parâmetros micro-meteorológicos (radiação solar, temperatura e umidade do ar e velocidade do vento) foram determinadas para predizer a evapotranspiração potencial (ETp), através da metodologia de Penman, assim chamado o 'sink-term' no modelo. A evapotranspiração atual (ETa) da vegetação secundaria foi determinada através da metodologia de Penman-Monteith e através do balanço energético (Bowen ratio). Resultados de ETa foram comparados com resultados do modelo sobre o uso da água das raízes. Todos as medidas foram feitas no período do ciclo cultivo (1.5 anos). 173 8 Resumo Dinâmica d’ água A interceptação de chuva pela vegetação secundaria no primeiro ano foi equivalente a 139 mm, ou 6.6 % da chuva bruta de 2104 mm. No segundo ano foi 200 mm, ou 7.9 % da chuva bruta anual (2545 mm). A percentagem neste período cresceu levemente, aparentemente causado pelo o dossel da vegetação, que foi fechando durante o crescimento. A interceptação de chuva pelos cultivos chegou a somente 4.1 % no ano de 1997 e 3.8 % no ano de 1998. A evapotranspiração atual (Bowen ratio) da vegetação em pousio foi sensitiva á extensiva época seca de 1997, chegando a 1411 mm, e assim excedendo a determinação do modelo a respeito ao ETa (1270 mm) do mesmo ano por 141 mm. Aparentemente, esta diferencia foi relacionada à evaporação do orvalho no dossel da vegetação de manhã cedo, que foi incluído na determinação meteorológica, mas não considerado no modelo d'água de solo. A drenagem d'água de solo segundo o modelo foi 897 mm em 1997 (43 % da chuva bruta), mas somente 842 mm (33 %) em 1998, em virtude da influencia de um despejo intensivo no ano anterior, que não foi a todo compensado com o maior input de chuva no ano seguido. Os cultivos mostraram uma evapotranspiração relativamente menor, causando uma maior drenagem d'água chegando a 1190 até 1279 mm a-1, e assim excedendo aquela da vegetação secundaria por 348 até 382 mm. As raízes profundas da vegetação em pousio foram crucial para a absorção d'água de solo. Ao todo, 35.4 % (427 mm) e 33.4 % (400 mm) d'água transpirada, respectivamente, em 1997 e 1998, foram tiradas das camadas profundas de 0.9 m a 6 m de profundidade. Na extensiva época seca do ano 1997 esta fração chegou a exceder 70 %. Isso significa que, mesmo que, a vegetação secundaria ecofisicamente estava estressada na época seca, visualizado por uma transpiração reduzida e com uma resistência do dossel foliar aumentada, a maioria das espécies era capaz de manter um dossel sempre-verde, retirando água das camadas profundas de solo. Nas áreas cultivadas o estoque d'água do solo a baixo de 0.9 m só insignificantemente foi explorado. Na maioria dos casos a mandioca, mas também a vegetação secundaria, que recresceu depois da fase cultivo, foi responsável por retirar água das camadas de 0.9 a 1.8 m de profundidade durante o segundo ano de cultivação. Balanço de nutrientes As perdas de C e N localizados na biomassa superficial, através da queima, foram graves. No mínimo 93 % do estoque destes elementos correspondente a 13.8 e 174 8 Resumo 21.5 t C ha-1 e 246 e 372 kg N ha-1, respectivamente, na área 1 e na área 2, foram volatilizados. Adicionalmente, mais de 80 % do enxofre, i.e. 35 e 53 kg S ha-1 (área 1 e 2) foram perdidos através da queima. Também, 45-70 % daqueles elementos que basicamente são pouco combustíveis, foram retirados do campo, geralmente através de partículas de fuligem. A exportação de fosfato, que limita o crescimento, alertou, pois chegou a 90 % do estoque superficial na área 1. Cerca de 8 a 11 kg P ha-1 foram volatilizados; em total contudo, balanceados por o input de 48 kg P ha-1 pelo adubo. A derruba-e-tritura evitou estas perdas e, suportada com a adubação de NPK, a colheita de milho, caupi e mandioca não se distinguiu daquela do tratamento derruba-e-queima. As colheitas basicamente superaram a um fator 2 até 3 daquelas comumente alcançadas na região do estudo. Foram coletadas entre 2-3 t ha-1 grãos de milho, 1.7 t ha-1 caupi e 20.2 t ha-1 raízes de mandioca. A colheita foi responsável pela maior subtração de nutrientes nas áreas trituradas, mas geralmente só foi de segundo importância nas áreas queimadas. Nas áreas queimadas, causado pelas grande perdas dos nutrientes através da queima, o balanço dos nutrientes foi negativo para todos os elementos considerados, com a exceção de P balanceado por a adubação. As perdas chegaram a 292 e 403 kg N ha-1; 69 e 132 kg K ha-1; 155 e 163 kg Ca ha-1; 36 e 33 kg Mg ha-1; e, 26 e 32 kg S ha-1, respectivamente, para a área 1 e 2, com respeito a ciclo total de 5.5 e 9 anos. Relacionando a perda total dos nutrientes nas áreas queimadas ao ciclo da rotação de 5.5 e 9 anos, foi possível mostrar que a redução da fase de pousio levou à uma exploração aumentada de nutrientes. Isso significa que – alem do fato geral que o uso da terra com a técnica de derruba-e-queima é ecologicamente insustentável – a exploração da terra até é acelerada com a fase de pousio reduzida. Uma contribuição aparentemente importante, neste sentido, é o fato que a intensidade do fogo cresce, no caso de uma vegetação secundaria de pouca idade ser queimada. Esta vegetação na maioria consiste em troncos e galhos finos. Como conseqüência cresce também a percentagem da volatilização dos nutrientes. Em contrapartida, na pratica de derruba-e-tritura aparece como praticável até mesmo um uso da terra intensificado (apenas 3.5 anos de pousio), visto que o balanço dos nutrientes desta área foi equilibrado, que em todo o caso estava certo com uma fase de pousio de 7 anos. As perdas pela lixiviação medidas numa profundidade referencial de 3 m foram comparavelmente baixas pelos dois tratamentos e as duas áreas. "Mulching", i.e. aplicar grandes quantidades de biomassa triturada na superfície da terra não promoveu 175 8 Resumo lixiviação. As concentrações dos nutrientes na solução de solo de 0.9 m de profundidade temporariamente aumentaram, devido aos seguintes acontecimentos: 1.) preparação inicial da terra, plantação de milho e primeira aplicação de adubo em janeiro de 1997; 2.) capina, plantação de caupi e segunda aplicação de adubo em maio de 1997; 3.) secagem e re-humedecimento do perfil de solo no final do ano 1997; e, 4.) colheita de mandioca no final de junho de 1998. As concentrações de nutrientes na solução de solo nas áreas tratadas com detritos vegetais triturados em geral não chegaram aos valores encontrados nas areas queimadas. Por outro lado, a duração da fase de pousio não influenciou distintamente as concentrações. A dinâmica do transporte dos nutrientes solúveis aparentemente foi altamente influenciada pela capacidade de troca de ions do solo. A comparação dos fluxos dos nutrientes nas profundidades de 0.9 m, 1.8 m e 3 m, mostrou que as quantidades de todos os nutrientes móveis, e também de sódio e clorido, foram reduzidas durante a percolação pelo perfil. Independente da área e do tratamento, acima de 80 % do nitrato e de 75 % do clorido, medidos na solução de solo na profundidade de 0.9 m, foram retiradas na camada de solo a baixo, e não chegaram a 3 m no primeiro ano (1997). Do mesmo modo, também os predominantes cations foram retirados, ainda que de um grau menos marcado. A capacidade para a retenção foi mais expressada nas areas queimadas. Durante o período de observação de 2 anos na área 2, 67.4 kg nitrato; 103.8 kg Ca; 11.6 kg K; e, 23.5 kg Mg por hectare foram retiradas no perfil de 0.9 a 3 m. 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Their relations are: (A-4) θ≈T (A-5) q ≈ ε⋅ ε = ratio of mole weight of water vapor compared to the mole weight of air [-] = 0.622 ea = actual vapor pressure [kPa] p = atmospheric pressure [kPa] ea p Furthermore, the psychrometric equation can be introduced as is: (A-6) γ = γ = psychrometric coefficient [kPa °C-1] Cp = coefficient of specific heat for moist air at constant pressure [J kg-1 K-1] λ = latent heat of vaporization [MJ kg-1] Cp ⋅ p ε⋅λ γ⋅ε⋅λ ⇔p = , Cp so that 197 10 Appendix (A-7) H = ET ∂T ∂z ∂ ((e a ⋅ C p ) /(γ ⋅ λ)) − Cp ⋅ ρ ⋅ K H ⋅ − ρ ⋅ K ET ⋅ ∂z Cp, γ and λ do not show considerable variation within a vertical profile of several meters and, therefore, can be excluded from the differential quotient. Then, several reduction can be made, so that: (A-8) H =γ λET ∂T ∂z ∂e a ⋅ ∂z − KH ⋅ − K ET Finally, Bowen (1926) assumed that the coefficients for the eddy diffusivities of sensible and latent heat fluxes are equal and thus KH/KET is unity. Then the Bowen ratio can be solved after substituting the differential quotient through gradient measurements: (A-9) β= H ∆T =γ λET ∆e a The latter assumption (KH=KET) might be violated at labile or stabile conditions, or when sensible heat is entering the system (oasis effects) and, thus, gradients of sensible heat and latent heat are opposite. Then KH might exceed KET by a factor of up to three (Pruitt et al., 1973; Verma et al. 1978). In case KH≠KET, both coefficients have to determined separately combining flux gradients with results of independently determined ET. Therefore the Bowen ratio energy balance requires criteria for rejection of inappropriate data (e.g. drawn up by Ohmura, 1982) or appropriate modification, such as done by Lang (1973) installing two-dimensional gradient measurements. 198 10 Appendix Richards equation Already in the 19th century Henry Darcy (1856) formulated the common flow equation for saturated steady or stationary flow in porous media (as a soil can be considered), known as Darcy's law: (A-10) q= q = flux density (or simply flux) [cm d-1] V = volume of water [cm3] A = cross-sectional Area [cm2] K = hydraulic conductivity [cm d-1] ∆H/L = drop of hydraulic head (or hydraulic potential) per unit distance L in the direction of flow [cm cm-1] V ∆H =K⋅ A⋅t L Generalized by Slichter (1899) into a three-dimensional differential equation, Darcy's law became: ∂H x ∂H y ∂H z (A-11) q = −K ⋅ ∇H + + ∇H= {∂xH, ∂yH, ∂zH} = ∂x ∂y ∂z = gradient of the hydraulic potential in a three-dimensional space (with the dimensions x, y and z; rectangular system) Or in case of a one-dimensional (vertical) system: (A-12) q = −K ⋅ ∂H z ∂z The hydraulic potential, H, is the sum of two heads (or potentials), namely the pressure head, hp, and gravitational head, hg (other heads, e.g. the osmotic head, are of minor importance and therefore not considered). To describe unsteady or transient flow processes Darcy's law is not sufficient. For this purpose it has to be extended by including the law of conservation of matter, which states that within a defined soil volume a change in water content can be explained through the sum of fluxes into and out of this volume and extraction through designated sinks14 (e.g. root water uptake). The law of conservation of matter thus is given by the equation: (A-13) θ = volumetric water content [cm3 cm-3] ∂θ = −∇ q − S ∂t ∇q = {∂xq, ∂yq, ∂zq} = ∂q x ∂q y ∂q z + + ∂y ∂z ∂x = hydraulic flux gradient in a threedimensional space, in this case it is also called 'divergence' S = sink term [cm3 cm-3 d-1] 14 Of course not only sinks are possible, but also sources (e.g. through sub-soil irrigation). In the present study, however, only sinks were present. 199 10 Appendix Or in case of a one-dimensional (vertical) system: (A-14) ∂q ∂θ = − z −S ∂z ∂t Extending Darcy's law with equation (A-13) leads to: (A-15) ∂θ = ∇ ⋅ (K ∇ H) − S ∂t The one-dimensional form is: (A-16) ∂ ∂H ∂θ ⋅ K = −S ∂t ∂z ∂z Splitting the hydraulic potential into its summands, (A-17) ∂ ∂θ = ∂t ∂z ∂h ∂hg ⋅ K p + ∂z ∂z − S . Gravitational potential can be related to some reference datum (soil surface, or bottom of the soil profile) and then be expressed as ∂z, so that: (A-18) ∂ ∂θ = ∂t ∂z ∂h ⋅ K p + 1 − S ∂z Unsaturated soil conditions require an extension of the latter flow equation. In this case the hydraulic conductivity is highly variable and dependent on the volumetric water content or the pressure head, respectively. The equation can, thus, be written in three different forms, h-based, θ-based or in a mixed form: ∂ ∂h ∂h + 1 − S , ⋅ K (h) = ∂z ∂t ∂z h-based: (A-19) C (h) θ-based: (A-20) ∂θ ∂ ∂θ + K ( θ) − S , ⋅ D ( θ) = ∂z ∂t ∂z mixed form: (A-21) ∂ ∂θ ∂h + 1 − S , ⋅ K (h) = ∂t ∂z ∂z where C(h) = ∂θ/∂h is the specific moisture capacity function [cm-1] and D(θ) =K(θ)/C(θ) is the hydraulic diffusivity [cm2 d-1]. Equations (A-15) to (A21) are various forms of the so-called Richards Equation (Richards, 1931). 200 10 Appendix Vogel-van-Genuchten equation The following modifications of the original van Genuchten equation were done by Vogel and Císlerová (1988): (A-22) θ(h) = θr + θm − θr , (1 + (α vG ⋅ h)n )m θ(h) =θs , θr = residual water content [cm cm-1] θm = fictitious, extrapolated water content slightly higher then θs [cm cm-1] θs = saturated water content [cm cm-1] αvG, n, m = empirical constants [cm-1],[-],[-] n>1 for h<hs for h≥hs The parameter hs herein is a non-zero minimum capillary height, or the so-called 'air-entry value', up to which saturation of soil is still maintained or is reached, respectively. θm is, therefore, a necessary extrapolated point of water content, resulting in a shift of the retention curve, so that h(θm)=hs. While this modification has little effect on the retention curve, its effect on the hydraulic conductivity function is noticeable. The hydraulic conductivity becomes: (A-23) 1 − F(θ) K(h) = K s ⋅ S e 1 − F(θs ) 2 se = " θ − θr = effective water content θ s − θr θ−θ r F(θ) = 1 − θ m − θr Ks l 1/ m m = saturated hydraulic conductivity [cm d-1] = pore-connectivity parameter The purpose of this modification is mostly to add flexibility in describing flow processes near saturation, where macro-porous flow dominates the flow processes corresponding with high hydraulic conductivities. Vogel and Císlerová (1988) included two more fictitious values, θk and θa, which should promote additional adjustment parameters. For details see their publication and Luckner et al. (1989). 201 10 Appendix Textural analyses Textural analyses were carried out in the EMBRAPA/Belém soil laboratory according to the Embrapa soil-analyses manual (Embrapa, 1997). Soil samples were dispersed in a 1N NaOH solution and subsequently wet-sieved (sand fraction). The clay fraction then was determined by the method of sedimentation. The silt fraction was calculated as the complementary part to 100 %. Additionally the 'natural clay' content was determined using water as dispersion solution (Table A-1). Table A-1: Textural distribution of the three study sites (n=1) Site/Soil depth ------- Sand ------- 3 4 Clay Nat. clay Flocculation total -------------------------------------------- [%] -------------------------------------------------1 2 coarse fine 15 30 60 90 120 180 240 300 400 500 600 55 16 48 19 47 18 46 18 48 18 49 17 52 16 49 19 49 21 46 24 45 27 15 30 60 90 120 180 240 300 63 21 58 18 51 15 52 15 50 16 50 16 52 15 51 16 [cm] Silt Fallow 71 67 65 64 66 66 68 68 70 70 72 6 5 7 8 6 8 6 8 6 6 8 20 28 28 28 28 26 26 24 24 24 20 8 10 14 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 64 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 84 76 66 67 66 66 67 67 8 8 8 7 6 12 11 11 8 16 26 26 28 22 22 22 2 6 18 18 20 10 0 0 75 62 31 31 28 54 100 100 49 32 81 9 10 0 15 35 28 63 11 26 18 30 36 26 62 10 28 22 60 36 26 62 8 30 18 90 33 27 60 14 26 10 120 35 25 60 14 26 0 180 36 25 240 61 15 24 0 36 26 62 14 24 0 300 1 2 mm>particle>0.2 mm; 2 0.2>p.>0.053 mm ; 3 53 μm>p.>2 μm ; 4 2 μm>p. 100 31 21 40 61 100 100 100 Site 1 Site 2 202 10 Appendix Gross precipitation Considering all precipitation events during 577 days (April 1997 to December 1998, where records could be made), about 30 % of the 15-minutely records had an intensity between 0.5 and 1 mm 15 min-1 (Figure A-1). Still 31 % of all events were exceeding 2 mm 15min-1 intensity, underlining the fact that the precipitation in the study region is intensive, short (median duration of precipitation per day = 1 hour) and occurs mostly at the afternoon (Figure A-2). 40 35 P, mm/15 min P, mm/h Share [%] 30 25 20 15 10 5 >12 11.5 10.5 9.5 8.5 7.5 6.5 5.5 4.5 3.5 2.5 1.5 0.5 0 -1 Gross precipitation intensity classes [mm time ] Figure A-1: Histogram of precipitation intensity divided up into 0.5mm-classes, considering 15minutely and hourly data and their total share (considering only P>0) 10 9 Probability [%] 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 22:00 20:00 18:00 16:00 14:00 12:00 10:00 8:00 6:00 4:00 2:00 0:00 0 Time (15 minute interval) Figure A-2: Daily probability of precipitation (including also rainless times, n=54261, 15minutely records) 203 10 Appendix Throughfall of the fallow site Throughfall of the fallow site of all observation within the 2 years study period (n=3200) showed a slightly left-skewed distribution (skewness=1.108) with a mean value of 75.3 % (SD 33.34 %; median of 73.4 %; Figure A-3). The shape of the distribution equaled those typical for tropical forests as published e.g. by Lloyd and Marques (1988). 450 400 Frequency 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 > 200 %-class (gross precipitation share) 190 170 150 130 110 90 70 50 30 10 0 Figure A-3: Histogram of throughfall as percentage share on gross precipitation of the fallow site 204 10 Appendix Wind speed 10 10 Transition phase 9 8 7 7 7 5 4 3 Wind speed [m s-1] 8 6 6 5 4 3 6 5 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Time of day [h] Rainy season 9 8 Wind speed [m s-1] Wind speed [m s-1] 9 10 Dry season 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Time of day [h] 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Time of day [h] Figure A-4: Daily median wind speed (based on hourly data) over the fallow vegetation of the three distinguished seasons (dotted gray lines are the lower and upper quartile) 205 10 Appendix Potential and actual daily evapotranspiration 6 5 -1 [mm d ] 4 3 2 1 0.5 Potential LET (Penman-FAO) Actual LET (Bowen ratio) kc 0 1.4.97 1.5.97 1.6.97 1.7.97 1.8.97 1.9.97 1.10.97 1.11.97 1.12.97 1.1.98 1.2.98 1.3.98 1.4.98 Figure A-5: Dynamic of daily actual (Bowen ratio) and potential (Penman-FAO) evapotranspiration of the fallow vegetation and their relation kc within the measuring period 206 10 Appendix Energy balance 600 600 600 Dry season Transition phase Rainy season 200 200 200 0 6 -200 -400 -600 12 18 24 0 0 0 6 12 18 24 -200 LET -400 Time of day [h] -2 Time of day [h] -2 -2 Time of day [h] 0 [W m ] 400 [W m ] 400 [W m ] 400 0 6 -200 LET -400 LET H H H Rn Rn Rn -600 -600 Figure A-6: Energy balance (based on mean hourly data) of the fallow vegetation of the three distinguished seasons 207 12 18 24 10 Appendix Diurnal Bowen ratio 1 Transition phase 0.8 β [-] 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 15 16 17 18 1 Dry season 0.8 β [-] 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 Rainy season 0.8 β [-] 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Time of day [h] Figure A-7: Median diurnal change of the Bowen ratio (hourly data) of the fallow vegetation of the three distinguished seasons (dotted lines are the lower and upper quartile) 208 10 Appendix Diurnal canopy resistance 200 Transition period -1 rc [s m ] 150 100 50 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 200 Dry season -1 rc [s m ] 150 100 50 0 6 7 8 9 200 Rainy season -1 rc [s m ] 150 100 50 0 6 7 8 9 10 Time of day [h] Figure A-8: Median diurnal change of the canopy resistance (hourly data; bold line) of the fallow vegetation of the three distinguished seasons; dotted lines are the lower and upper quartiles; thin lines are calculated rc based on the regression equation (extrapolation is dotted) 209 10 Appendix Plant survey A plant survey (%-cover of species) was carried out on the fallow site in January 1997 by Wetzel and Cordeiros (unpublished) at 20 plots every 6 m along a transect diagonalcrossing the site (Table A-2). Table A-2: Percentage cover of species on the fallow site and steadiness (all plants included with height > 50 cm; plot size: 2 m2) Nr. Name of species 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Lacistema pubescens Davilla rugosa Rollinia exsucca Banara guianensis Myrciaria floribunda Vismia guianensis Myrcia bracteata Myrcia sylvatica Cassia chrysocarpa Myrcia deflexa Rourea ligulata Aegiphila racemosa Casearia arborea Tabernaemontana heterophylla Annona montana Inga heterophylla Ocotea opifera Ocotea linifolia Abarema cochleata Bernadinia fluminensis Cordia nodosa Macherium madeirense Myrciaria tenella Inga macrophylla Memora allamandiflora Memora flavida Sabicea aspera Virola calophylla Borreria verticillata Cecropia palmata Coccoloba sp. Cordia exaltata Desmodium canum Dioclea virgata Lecythis lurida Macherium froesii Miconia eriodonta Moutabea guianensis Ormosia paraensis Poecilanthe effusa Tabernaemontana angulata Doliocarous brevipedicellatus Steadiness 20 16 14 12 10 10 9 9 8 8 8 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 40 6 3 3 2 20 10 10 2 5 8 4 5 6 4 3 4 5 15 8 8 8 4 5 2 3 3 2 2 12 5 2 3 4 4 13 3 2 2 1 2 2 5 30 2 3 2 Plot Nr. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 10 50 70 3 18 6 30 3 2 40 10 1 5 1 3 3 3 2 1 4 3 2 2 2 15 8 5 4 8 20 2 5 15 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 2 4 1 4 3 1 5 8 2 3 2 2 1 6 26 5 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 40 25 30 25 15 20 7 5 4 2 6 4 3 7 2 3 3 1 3 4 8 20 25 10 3 20 5 11 6 7 3 2 1 6 3 2 1 5 4 3 6 3 2 4 3 3 10 10 7 2 4 3 7 6 18 2 6 7 4 3 4 1 15 8 2 1 2 3 1 2 60 2 12 8 40 25 12 210 1 3 1 3 3 40 15 6 8 5 9 10 35 6 5 6 2 3 4 25 12 20 14 6 10 Appendix Measured and modeled pressure head dynamics under the fallow site 1997 1.1. 1.3. 1.5. 1.7. 1998 1.9. 1.11. 1.1. 1.3. 1.5. 1.7. 1.9. 1.11. 0 1.1. 0 -100 -20 -200 Pressure head [cm] -300 -40 -400 -500 -60 -600 -80 -700 -800 Fallow vegetation, 30 cm -100 Model -900 -1000 1.1. -120 1.3. 1997 1.5. 1.7. 1.9. 1.11. 1.1. 0 1.3. 1998 1.5. 1.7. 1.9. 1.11. 1.1. 0 -100 -20 -200 Pressure head [cm] -300 -40 -400 -500 -60 -600 -80 -700 -800 Fallow vegetation, 120 cm -100 Model -900 -1000 -120 Figure A-9: Measured and modeled pressure head dynamics at 30 cm and 120 cm depth in the observation period of 1997 and 1998 on the fallow site 211 10 Appendix 1.1. 1.3. 1.5. 1997 1.7. 1.9. 1.11. 1.1. 1.3. 1998 1.5. 1.7. 1.9. 1.11. 0 1.1. 0 -100 -20 -200 Pressure head [cm] -300 -40 -400 -500 -60 -600 -80 -700 -800 -900 Fallow vegetation, 300 cm -100 Model -1000 1.1. -120 1.3. 1997 1.5. 1.7. 1.9. 1.11. 1.1. 1.3. 1998 1.5. 1.7. 1.9. 1.11. 1.1. 0 0 Pressure head [cm] -100 -20 -200 -40 -300 -60 -400 -80 -500 Fallow vegetation, 600 cm -600 Model -100 -700 1.1. -120 1.3. 1997 1.5. 1.7. 1.9. 1.11. 1.1. 1.3. 1998 1.5. 1.7. 1.9. 1.11. 1.1. Pressure head [cm] 0 0 -20 -100 -40 -200 -60 -300 -80 -400 Fallow vegetation, 735 cm -100 Model -500 -120 Figure A-10: Measured and modeled pressure head dynamics at 300 cm, 600 cm and 735 cm depth 212 10 Appendix Gravimetrically determined soil water content The soil water content was determined gravimetrically under the fallow site on the 6th of November and on the 10th of December 1997 as well as under the cultivation sites on the 11th of May and on the 17th of June 1998 (Figure A-11). 0.35 Water content [-] 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 30 cm 0.10 60 cm 90 cm 0.05 120-600 cm 0.00 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Pressure head [-] Figure A-11: Gravimetrically determined soil water content in relation to corresponding pressure head at different soil depths; values with pressure heads > 200 cm are reflecting the desiccated profile under the fallow vegetation (6th of Nov. and 10th of Dec. '97), remaining values are those of the cultivation sites (11th of May and 17th of June 1998) 213 10 Appendix Upward orientated fluxes Table A-3: Times and amounts of upward orientated fluxes under the three experimental sites ----------- Fallow -----------Depth/period Flux [mm] 90 cm 21/9/97 - 4/12/97 30/10/98 - 24/11/98 90 cm 0.2 0.5 180 cm 24/9/97 - 14/11/97 15/11/98 - 27/11/98 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.9 18/9/97 - 22/1/98 3/11/98 - 3/12/98 20/12/98 - 31/12/98 0.4 0.001 8.4 23/10/97 - 25/1/98 - 16/9/97 - 1/1/98 15/10/98 - 24/11/98 18/12/98 - 22/12/98 13.3 5.8 1.0 19/9/97 - 21/1/98 2/11/98 - 30/11/98 22/12/98 - 28/12/98 11.2 3.3 0.2 300 cm 2.7 1/12/97 - 24/1/98 - 600 cm 600 cm - - 214 0.4 1.8 0.1 180 cm 300 cm 600 cm 13/10/97 - 28/2/98 29/9/97 - 1/12/97 19/10/98 - 26/11/98 ----------- Site 2 -----------Depth/period Flux [mm] 90 cm 180 cm 300 cm 24/9/97 - 3/12/97 11/1/98 - 25/1/98 ------------ Site 1 ------------Depth/period Flux [mm] 0.4 10 Appendix Ca:element-ratio of pre- and postburn vegetation biomass Table A-4: Mean ratios of Ca to each of the considered elements of the distinguished pre- and postburn compartments Site/ Compartment Site 1 Leaves Wood Litter Chopped veg Ash Charcoal Site 2 Leaves Wood Litter Chopped veg Ash Charcoal C N P Mean SE Mean SE Mean 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.003 0.001 0.004 0.002 0.76 1.20 1.10 1.02 0.13 0.07 0.08 0.11 1.77 0.228 108.7 28.5 0.02 0.000 2.2 0.07 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.002 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.41 1.12 1.21 1.36 0.01 0.10 0.13 0.13 1.83 0.008 116.6 3.82 0.04 0.0002 3.6 0.15 20.5 29.0 47.4 27.7 K SE 2.34 4.73 2.32 1.38 162.7 6.26 30.2 0.15 10.7 28.5 47.3 24.7 0.80 7.78 2.68 2.55 35.1 1.88 25.0 0.31 Mg S Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE 1.9 2.2 7.1 2.3 0.33 0.49 0.78 0.35 4.9 7.1 6.9 6.5 0.25 0.63 0.66 1.00 2.6 0.15 2.0 0.01 8.9 0.50 8.6 0.03 0.9 2.2 9.5 1.5 3.3 8.1 6.1 5.2 0.22 0.62 0.79 0.15 2.8 0.01 2.0 0.02 215 0.98 1.72 0.81 0.61 6.5 0.03 5.6 0.07 4.5 6.9 8.7 6.6 0.29 0.27 0.40 0.95 25.9 1.41 16.9 0.20 3.2 6.5 9.1 6.9 0.43 1.06 0.39 0.24 19.1 0.21 14.6 0.09 10 Appendix Nutrient concentration of exported harvest goods Table A-5: Nutrient concentration of harvested crops of site 1 and 2 of both treatments Site/compartment Site 1, burned plot Maize grain Maize spindle Cowpeas Cowpea pods Cassava tuber Site 1, mulched plot Maize grain Maize spindle Cowpeas Cowpea pods Cassava tuber Site 2, burned plot Maize grain Maize spindle Cowpeas Cowpea pods Cassava tuber Site 2, mulched plot Maize grain Maize spindle Cowpeas Cowpea pods Cassava tuber DM C N P K Ca Mg S -1 -1 [t ha ] ------------------------------- [mg g DM] -----------------------------------------2.45 0.49 1.50 0.40 8.73 465.5 472.2 448.9 445.6 431.8 13.7 6.2 37.6 9.2 3.2 4.4 0.8 3.6 0.8 0.6 6.1 7.0 11.4 15.3 4.1 0.1 0.2 1.0 7.4 1.0 1.66 0.32 1.60 4.97 0.58 0.94 0.42 1.70 0.54 0.20 2.04 0.40 1.32 0.35 7.54 462.2 469.2 450.6 443.9 429.5 14.5 7.4 37.3 8.9 3.6 4.4 1.1 3.5 0.7 1.0 5.8 6.3 11.5 15.4 6.4 0.1 0.2 1.2 7.0 1.3 1.69 0.58 1.66 5.13 0.58 1.03 0.47 1.78 0.53 0.27 2.33 0.48 1.71 0.50 8.66 462.5 469.9 451.0 450.6 425.3 14.2 6.0 38.9 12.6 2.1 4.8 0.6 3.7 0.9 0.8 6.0 7.1 11.5 15.1 4.4 0.1 0.3 1.0 8.5 1.0 1.84 0.49 1.58 5.21 0.41 1.05 0.42 1.79 0.70 0.14 1.65 0.36 1.61 0.47 7.66 460.8 468.0 447.4 448.5 425.7 14.7 5.1 38.7 8.5 3.5 3.9 0.3 3.7 0.6 0.9 5.6 7.5 11.6 16.4 11.8 0.1 0.2 1.1 7.3 2.9 1.55 0.48 1.56 4.42 0.49 1.12 0.42 1.76 0.52 0.27 216 10 Appendix Nutrient concentrations in the soil solution Site 2, burnt, 90 cm Site 2, burnt, 180 cm Site 2, burnt, 300 cm Fallow, 300 cm Site 1, burnt, 90 cm 14 Site 1, burnt, 180 cm Site 1, burnt, 300 cm -1 [mg Na l ] 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 14 Site 2, mulched, 90 cm Site 1, mulched, 180 cm Site 2, mulched, 180 cm Site 1, mulched, 300 cm Site 2, mulched, 300 cm -1 [mg Na l ] 12 Site 1, mulched, 90 cm 10 8 6 4 2 1.9.98 1.7.98 1.5.98 1.3.98 1.1.98 1.11.97 1.9.97 1.7.97 1.5.97 1.3.97 1.1.97 1.1.98 1.11.97 1.9.97 1.7.97 1.5.97 1.3.97 1.1.97 0 Figure A-12: Annual or two-year dynamics of sodium concentrations in the soil water samples taken at different soil depths under the burned and mulched plots of cultivation site 1 and 2, respectively, and at 3 m under the fallow vegetation; bars denote the standard error (1997: site 1 n=2, site 2 n=6; 1998: n=1) 217 10 Appendix -1 [mg Al l ] 0.5 Site 2, burnt, 90 cm Site 2, burnt, 180 cm Site 2, burnt, 300 cm Fallow, 300 cm Site 1, burnt, 90 cm 0.45 Site 1, burnt, 180 cm 0.4 Site 1, burnt, 300 cm 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0.5 0.45 -1 [mg Al l ] 0.4 Site 1, mulched, 90 cm Site 2, mulched, 90 cm Site 1, mulched, 180 cm Site 2, mulched, 180 cm Site 1, mulched, 300 cm Site 2, mulched, 300 cm 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 1.9.98 1.7.98 1.5.98 1.3.98 1.1.98 1.11.97 1.9.97 1.7.97 1.5.97 1.3.97 1.1.97 1.1.98 1.11.97 1.9.97 1.7.97 1.5.97 1.3.97 1.1.97 0 Figure A-13: Annual or two-year dynamics of aluminum concentrations in the soil water samples taken at different soil depths under the burned and mulched plots of cultivation site 1 and 2, respectively, and at 3 m under the fallow vegetation; bars denote the standard error (1997: site 1 n=2, site 2 n=6; 1998: n=1) 218 10 Appendix Table A-6: Mean, minimum and maximum concentration of iron, manganese, aluminum, ammonium and organic N and the conductivity and electrical balance in the soil water solution distinguished according to site, treatment and depth Site/Treatment/Depth Site 1 burned Conductivity -1 -1 -------------------------------- [mg l ] ------------------------------ [µS cm ] Fe 0.9 m Mean Min Max n 1.8 m Mean Min Max n + Al NH4 Norg. 0.0003 0.062 0.046 0.108 5 0.960 0.267 0.020 0.940 37 69 24 132 39 49 -24 182 39 0.159 0.010 0.680 34 49 15 122 37 75 13 200 37 0.115 0.010 0.420 28 35 11 79 37 65 -54 132 37 0.124 0.010 0.400 36 37 10 96 38 9 -88 96 39 1 0.0008 0.0006 0.0009 2 1 0.160 1 3.0 m Mean Min Max n mulched 0.9 m Mean Min Max n 0.027 1.8 m Mean Min Max n 0.016 0.012 0.019 3 3.0 m Mean Min Max n 0.001 0.9 m Mean Min Max n 0.021 0.011 0.054 6 1.8 m Mean Min Max n Electrical balance -1 [µmolc l ] Mn 0.304 0.045 0.523 15 1 0.158 0.048 0.282 15 1.200 0.160 2.500 3 0.145 0.010 0.400 26 21 7 42 37 17 -23 55 38 0.044 0.040 0.051 3 0.490 1 0.120 0.010 0.290 21 28 8 53 38 21 2 72 38 0.0005 0.0003 0.0006 2 0.200 0.040 1.177 45 0.570 0.150 1.840 8 0.227 0.010 1.360 121 69 13 177 133 28 -97 176 134 0.032 0.001 0.087 11 0.0184 0.0006 0.0363 2 0.154 0.040 0.391 36 0.230 0.220 0.240 2 0.149 0.010 0.760 105 58 8 127 127 37 -30 178 128 3.0 m Mean Min Max n 0.026 0.001 0.119 8 0.0006 0.160 1 0.096 0.040 0.381 8 1 0.108 0.010 0.590 88 24 10 40 129 63 15 186 129 mulched 0.9 m Mean Min Max n 0.024 0.010 0.043 11 0.0328 0.0003 0.0873 4 0.126 0.040 0.665 16 0.698 0.200 1.220 6 0.180 0.010 1.100 114 55 15 185 124 64 -27 186 124 1.8 m Mean Min Max n 0.021 0.011 0.051 6 0.0002 0.0002 0.0003 2 0.148 0.040 0.406 42 0.240 0.200 0.280 2 0.121 0.010 0.530 84 44 9 140 121 59 -57 187 122 3.0 m Mean Min Max n 0.018 0.001 0.044 11 0.0004 0.0003 0.0005 2 0.219 0.041 0.732 17 0.266 0.150 0.500 5 0.139 0.010 0.600 76 33 10 91 123 80 -56 195 124 Site 2 burned 0.0049 0.0003 0.0134 3 1 219 10 Appendix Table A-7: Correlation coefficients (Pearson) of concentration of solute elements in the soil water under the two cultivation sites distinguished according to burned (upper right triangle) and mulched (lower left triangle) land preparation; also given: significance (second line) and n (third line); bold number ≅ most pronounced pH Ca Mg K Na Al Cl Nitrate Norg P burned -0.463 -0.512 -0.347 -0.312 -0.427 -0.429 -0.600 -0.388 -0.009 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** n.s. 504 504 472 504 94 503 425 413 468 pH S EC El. bal. 0.105 * 487 -0.607 ** 502 0.503 ** 504 -0.074 n.s. 482 Mg -0.274 ** 481 0.748 ** 484 K 0.098 * 452 0.231 ** 455 0.333 ** 454 Na 0.013 n.s. 482 0.172 ** 485 0.011 n.s. 484 -0.020 n.s. 455 Al -0.572 ** 106 0.131 n.s. 108 0.376 ** 108 0.043 n.s. 98 0.075 n.s. 108 -0.285 ** 482 0.772 ** 485 0.711 ** 484 0.080 n.s. 455 0.528 ** 485 0.410 ** 108 Nitrate -0.108 n.s. 295 0.504 ** 297 0.370 ** 296 0.364 ** 273 0.197 ** 297 0.221 * 82 0.152 ** 297 Norg -0.073 n.s. 355 0.098 n.s. 357 0.141 ** 356 0.302 ** 334 0.035 n.s. 357 0.125 n.s. 100 -0.030 n.s. 357 0.449 ** 288 P 0.157 ** 439 0.163 ** 442 0.155 ** 441 0.117 * 419 -0.015 -0.089 n.s. n.s. 442 94 0.099 * 442 0.045 n.s. 265 0.142 * 318 S 0.178 ** 460 -0.379 -0.311 ** ** 463 462 0.098 * 434 0.196 ** 463 -0.170 -0.223 -0.237 n.s. ** ** 93 463 280 0.035 n.s. 337 -0.086 n.s. 420 EC -0.255 ** 481 0.834 ** 481 0.698 ** 480 0.216 ** 451 0.592 ** 481 0.235 ** 103 0.121 * 354 0.093 n.s. 438 -0.213 ** 459 -0.444 ** 502 El. bal. 0.653 ** 482 pH -0.013 -0.204 n.s. ** 485 484 Ca Mg 0.171 ** 455 K 0.095 * 485 Na -0.465 -0.232 -0.058 0.236 ** ** n.s. ** 108 485 297 357 Al Cl Nitrate Norg 0.208 ** 442 P 0.043 n.s. 463 S -0.127 ** 481 EC El. bal. Cl mulched Ca 0.868 ** 504 0.236 ** 472 0.287 ** 504 -0.001 n.s. 94 0.821 ** 503 0.778 ** 425 0.346 ** 413 0.163 ** 468 -0.126 ** 487 0.874 ** 502 -0.324 ** 504 0.269 ** 472 0.243 ** 504 -0.041 n.s. 94 0.819 ** 503 0.685 ** 425 0.308 ** 413 0.148 ** 468 -0.105 * 487 0.818 ** 502 -0.373 ** 504 0.133 ** 472 0.216 * 90 0.231 ** 471 0.339 ** 393 0.328 ** 381 0.048 n.s. 441 0.366 ** 456 0.331 ** 470 -0.183 ** 472 0.293 ** 94 0.511 ** 503 0.573 ** 425 0.235 ** 413 0.079 n.s. 468 0.074 n.s. 487 0.638 ** 502 -0.285 ** 504 0.068 n.s. 94 0.275 * 80 0.167 n.s. 77 0.148 n.s. 87 -0.168 n.s. 90 0.275 ** 92 -0.320 ** 94 0.653 ** 425 0.278 ** 413 0.136 ** 467 -0.006 n.s. 486 0.868 ** 501 -0.463 ** 503 0.459 ** 385 0.183 ** 398 -0.070 n.s. 411 0.893 ** 424 -0.470 ** 425 0.092 n.s. 384 -0.001 n.s. 399 0.409 ** 411 0.004 n.s. 413 -0.035 n.s. 451 0.159 ** 466 0.176 ** 468 220 0.916 ** 481 0.504 ** 295 -0.052 -0.013 n.s. n.s. 485 487 10 Appendix Accumulative solute nutrient fluxes Site 1 Site 2 Nitrate 1.5.97 1.9.97 0 -10 1.1.98 3 m, mulched 1.8 m, mulched 3 m, burned 0.9 m, mulched 1.5.97 1.9.97 1.1.98 1.5.98 1.9.98 0 3 m, mulched 3 m, burned 1.8 m, mulched 0.9 m, mulched -10 -20 -20 [kg N ha-1] 1.1.97 [kg N ha-1] 1.1.97 1.8 m, burned -30 -30 1.8 m, burned -40 -40 -50 0.9 m, burned -50 -60 -60 -70 -70 -80 -80 0.9 m, burned Phosphate 1.5.97 1.9.97 1.1.97 1.1.98 -0.1 -0.1 -0.3 -0.3 -0.9 1.9.97 1.1.98 1.5.98 1.9.98 -0.5 -0.5 -0.7 1.5.97 [kg P ha-1] [kg P ha-1] 1.1.97 3 m, mulched 3 m, burned 1.8 m, mulched 0.9 m, mulched 0.9 m, burned 1.8 m, burned -0.7 -0.9 -1.1 -1.1 -1.3 -1.3 3 m, mulched 3 m, burned 1.8 m, mulched 0.9 m, mulched 1.8 m, burned 0.9 m, burned Figure A-14: Accumulative nitrate and phosphate fluxes on site 1 and site 2 on the burned and mulched plots at 0.9, 1.8 and 3 m depth 221 10 Appendix Potassium 1.5.97 1.9.97 0 1.1.98 1.1.97 1.8 m, burned 0.9 m, mulched 3 m, burned 3 m, mulched 1.8 m, mulched [kg K ha-1] -5 1.5.97 1.9.97 1.1.98 1.5.98 1.9.98 0 1.8 m, burned 1.8 m, mulched -5 3 m, mulched [kg K ha-1] 1.1.97 -10 -10 0.9 m, burned -15 3 m, burned -15 0.9 m, mulched -20 -20 -25 -25 0.9 m, burned Calcium 1.1.97 0 -20 1.5.97 1.9.97 1.1.97 1.1.98 3 m, mulched 1.8 m, mulched 0.9 m, mulched -40 1.8 m, burned [kg Ca ha-1] [kg Ca ha-1] -80 0.9 m, burned 1.9.97 1.1.98 1.5.98 1.9.98 -20 3 m, burned -40 -60 1.5.97 0 3 m, mulched 3 m, burned -60 1.8 m, mulched -80 -100 -100 -120 -120 -140 -140 -160 -160 1.8 m, burned 0.9 m, mulched 0.9 m, burned Figure A-15: Accumulative potassium and calcium fluxes on site 1 and site 2 on the burned and mulched plots at 0.9, 1.8 and 3 m depth 222 10 Appendix Magnesium 1.5.97 1.9.97 0 1.8 m, burned -10 0.9 m, burned 1.5.97 1.9.97 1.1.98 1.5.98 1.9.98 0 3 m, mulched 1.8 m, mulched 3 m, burned 0.9 m, mulched -5 [kg Mg ha-1] 1.1.97 1.1.98 -5 3 m, mulched -10 3 m, burned [kg Mg ha-1] 1.1.97 1.8 m, mulched -15 -15 0.9 m, mulched -20 -20 -25 -25 -30 -30 -35 -35 1.8 m, burned 0.9 m, burned Sulfate 1.1.97 -1 1.5.97 1.9.97 1.1.97 1.1.98 0.9 m, mulched 1.8 m, burned 1.8 m, mulched 3 m, burned 1.1.98 1.5.98 1.9.98 -3 3 m, mulched [kg S ha-1] [kg S ha-1] 1.9.97 -1 -3 -5 1.5.97 -5 -7 3 m, burned 1.8 m, mulched 0.9 m, burned -9 -9 1.8 m, burned -11 -11 0.9 m, mulched -13 -13 -15 -15 0.9 m, burned -7 3 m, mulched Figure A-16: Accumulative magnesium and sulfate fluxes on site 1 and site 2 on the burned and mulched plots at 0.9, 1.8 and 3 m depth 223 10 Appendix (Plant-available) nutrient stocks Table A-8: Amounts of nutrients present on site 1 and 2 in different compartments, their percentages of the total and amounts withdrawn under slash-and-burn; assuming a root biomass of 25 t ha-1 with nutrient concentrations ≅ those of wooden aboveground biomass Compartment Site 1 -1 [kg ha ] [%] Site 2 -1 [kg ha ] [%] Ca Above-ground biomass 258 9 378 Burning remains 107 4 207 6 174 2503 2936 155 6 85 100 5 174 2774 3326 163 5 83 100 5 41 9 65 12 12 3 32 6 25 389 455 36 6 85 100 8 25 447 537 33 5 83 100 6 251 2 387 3 5 0.04 15 0.1 144 11413 11808 292 1 97 100 2 144 10664 11195 403 1 95 100 4 9 30 17 45 1 3 6 17 6 14 29 -22 22 48 100 -74 6 14 37 -18 17 38 100 -49 Roots Soil (exchangeable 0-3m) Sum Withdrawal Mg Above-ground biomass Burning remains Roots Soil (exchangeable 0-3m) Sum Withdrawal N Above-ground biomass Burning remains Roots § Soil (total 0-3m) Sum Withdrawal P Above-ground biomass Burning remains Roots §§ Soil (plant-available 0-3m) Sum Withdrawal S Above-ground biomass Burning remains Roots Soil Sum Withdrawal § 40 65 4 12 26 ? 65 26 26 ? 90 32 11 based on data of Kato (1998b) and own N-determination (elementary analyzer) based on own P data, and assuming 0.1 mg P Kg-1 below 1m depths §§ 224 Acknowledgements I express my sincere gratitude to Prof. Horst Fölster for his encouragement, support and the fruitful discussions during all phases of the Ph.D. study. I would like to thank Prof. Paul L.G. Vlek for giving me the opportunity for this study, for his constructive contributions during the phase of the field work and the helpful comments on the draft. Particular thanks are due to Dr. Konrad Vielhauer and Dr. Tatiana Sá, and also to Dr. Eduardo Maklouf as well as to all colleagues from Embrapa-Cpatu for their support during the phase of the field work in Belém. I am grateful to Dr. Manfred Denich and Dr. Roland Kühne for the constructive discussions on the topic. Special thanks to Roberta Pantoja, Reginaldo Frazão, Alessandro Carioca de Araújo, Hubertus Schnurbein and to Antonio Ferreira, but also to the numerous Cumaru-workers for helping me carry out the field work. Without the help of Luis Bentes, the bureaucracy of Brazilian customs would never have been overcome – thanks a lot! I wish to thank Dr. Heiner Kreilein for his valuable remarks on the micrometeorology as well as for providing the sensor calibrations, and Prof. Gode Gravenhorst for his comments on the draft. Thanks to Dr. Jochen Schmidt (Silvaq GmbH) for his support in installing the automatic data-logger station, and also to Dr. Rudolf Klinge for the information on soil water modeling. I am grateful to Cornelia Conrad, who gave valuable support in carrying out the chemical analyses in IAT in Göttingen. I would like to thank Prof. Daniel Hillel for giving me his precious Saturday early-morning breakfast time to appraise the soil water model outcomes. Thanks to Dr. Jirka Šimůnek and Dr. Marcel Schaap for the information on the Hydrus-1D model. To the German Federal Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Technology (BMBF) I am grateful for financing this study. Special thanks to my Brazilian and German fellows Alda, Alessandro, Christine, Dieter, Else, Goreti, Luba, Parahyba, Roberta, Ronaldo, Sabine, Val and Wanda for their moral support. Sincere thanks to my dear parents for all their support and confidence. Very special and sincere thanks to my dearest friend and partner Barbara for all her patience, encouragement and support. 225 Curriculum vitae Name: Rolf Sommer Nationality: German Date of birth: 27.12.68 Place of birth: Marburg – Germany Civil status: unmarried Address: Obere Mühle 1A, 37077 Göttingen Germany Education 1975–1979: Primary School Fronhausen 1979–1988: Grammar School Elisabethschule Marburg 1988 –1990: Civil Service at the Lebenshilfewerk Marburg 1990–1996: Study of Biology at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen 1996–1999: Junior fellow at the Institute of Agriculture in the Tropics (IAT) at the University of Göttingen. 1999–2000: Junior fellow at the Center for Development Research (ZEF) – Department of Ecology and Resource Management at the University of Bonn 226