– Leadership and Ethics MBA 621 Instructor: Dr. Ed Wright

MBA 621 – Leadership and Ethics
Instructor: Dr. Ed Wright
Text: The Art of Leadership - Fourth Edition by George Manning and Kent Curtis
Course Aims and Learning Objectives:
This course will make the student aware of the skills, behaviors, and ethics that comprise good
leadership and will set the foundations to prepare the student for the Masters in
Business Administration curriculum.
This course will make the student aware of the skills, behaviors, and ethics that comprise good
leadership based upon the study of leading academic theory, group discussions, case
studies, presentations from local leaders, and analyses of various types of leadership
attributes. The course is foundational to prepare the student for the Masters in Business
Administration curriculum.
Specific Learning Objectives:
By the end of this course, students will:
o Understand what it means to be a leader
o Recognize the fundamental skills necessary to lead
o Obtain useful knowledge to apply in leadership situations.
o Be able to describe a framework for ethical decision making and incorporate that
framework into specific decisions.
o Be able to develop individual and organizational models for social responsibility,
and apply those models to specific situations.
o Perform effectively in small work groups.
Course Outline:
Class 1
Introduction & Vision for Semester
Class 2
Part 1 – Leadership Variables
Chapter 1 – The
Importance of Leadership:
Setting the Stage
Chapters 1, 2 & 3
Chapters 4 & 5
Chapters 6 & 7
Chapters 8 & 9
Chapters 10 & 11
Chapters 12 & 13
Class 3
Class 4
Class 5
Class 6
Class 7
Traits, Behaviors, &
Determining your leadership style
Part 2 – The Power of Vision
 Your personal vision in 5 – 10 years
Part 3 – The Importance of Ethics and
Part 4 – The Empowerment of People
Part 5 – Leadership Principles
Part 6 – Understanding People
Class 8
Class 9
Exam 1
Part 7 – Multiplying Effectiveness
Chapters 14 & 15
Class 10
Part 8 – Developing Others
Chapters 16 & 17
Class 11
Part 9 – Performance Management
Chapters 18 & 19
Class 12
Class 13
The Road Ahead Challenge and Change
Leadership in Practice
Class 14
Team Presentations
Class 15
Team Presentations / Exam
 Chapter 20
Analysis of regional leader(s)
Reviews and Reports –
Recommended Leadership
Reviews and Reports -