Lift the It’s Renewal Time

It’s Renewal Time
Stop in to renew your
membership or join
family swim for Summer 2016.
Renewals and registrations for
summer begin April 29th.
May Spring Cleaning & Renovations
We took your feedback and are working to improve the CRC! This May, the CRC will undergo a minor
renovation to expand the weight room in an effort to accommodate more squat racks. This was the
largest request from our fall 2015 facility and equipment survey. During the renovation, we will also
change out a large portion of the carpet in the free weight area and are looking to reconfigure the area to
better accommodate our growing campus. In addition, CRW is building a permanent check-in desk at the
climbing wall to improve daily operations and efficiencies. Please pardon our dust during the renovation
and understand it will be necessary during May to shut down portions of our weight area during the
In addition, it is almost time again for our annual maintenance shutdown. Each year we try to keep this
shutdown to a minimum to inconvenience as few people as possible. This year the Campus Recreation
Center will close for annual maintenance Thursday, May 26th - Sunday, May 29th. During this time CRW
will refinish the gym floor, which involves strong chemicals. For those sensitive to odors, the will be a
minor smell upon reopening on Monday, May 30th. The courts will be shut down prior to the 26th to
prep for the finish. We appreciate your understanding and support as we continue to try to improve your
user experience!
Steam Plant Shutdown No Hot Water & Pool Closing
Due to the University’s central steam plant shutdown, the
Campus Recreation Center will not have hot water for
showers, etc. from Sunday, May 8th - Sunday, May 29th.
We apologize for the inconvenience!
Additionally, Reid Pool is closed from Sunday, May 8th Sunday, May 29th due to the steam plant shutdown.
For other pool hours of operation, please check out
May Spring Cleaning & Renovations
Steam Plant Shutdown
Intramural & Club Sports
Summer Membership
Attention Long-Term Locker Holders
Broke Girls Guide to Buying Organic
Get Fit and Have Fun with Group X
Outdoor Programs
Congratulations to our Graduating Seniors!
Hours of Operation
Extended Fall Break Hours
Employee of the Month
Member of the Month
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Intramural & Club Sports
Summer Membership
On behalf of the Intramural Sports program, we would like to thank each of our participants for your
involvement in our leagues, events and tournaments this year. We saw some great competition and
several record-breaking team numbers in various sports!
memberships beginning Friday, April 29th
for $60 for the entire summer. The summer
membership period runs from May 1st –
August 31st. Payroll deduction is also available
for $15.00 per month for permanent, fulltime
employees, and is the only way to pro-rate a
membership. Summer semester memberships
are also available for life partners, spouses
and dependents who meet specific criteria.
For those sticking around this summer, we have a few opportunities for you to keep up your game in the
next few months.
Sports Trivia: Test your all-around sports’ knowledge
on Wednesday, May 18th at our Sports Trivia Night!
Participants can compete individually or in pairs. Event
is at 6pm in the CRC Meeting Room. Show up with your
Cat Card on the night of event to participate.
Students who are not enrolled in summer
classes but are registered for fall semester or
students who are enrolled in summer classes
but do not pay the associated fees to use the
CRC, may purchase a membership. Student
rates are as follows:
4v4 Ultimate Frisbee: Registration opens Monday,
May 16th. Register an open team of 4 people by
Wednesday, June 1st. Play begins Monday, June 6th.
4v4 Flag Football: Registration opens Monday, May
16th. Register an open team of 4 people by Wednesday,
June 1st. Play begins Wednesday, June 8th.
CoRec Indoor Soccer Team “Legends”
All registrations are available on Imleagues or the RecIT
app – the official app of Imleagues.
Club Sports
2015-2016 was a successful year in Club Sports! Our club teams participated in almost 70 competitions
and helped our community across 38 service projects. Two teams joined our program, Golf and the
Woodsmen’s Club. Ballroom danced participated in their first ever competition. Equestrian had one
rider, Jessica Palermo, place 8th in the IHSA open division. She is the first rider at WCU to compete at
that level in the open division.
May Minimester - $15
Summer Session I - $20
Summer Session 2 - $20
Full Summer Student Membership - $55
Attention Long-Term
Locker Holders
Congratulations to the following winners of our Club Sport End of the Year Awards.
We currently have a long waiting list for
permanent lockers at the CRC. If you are not
utilizing your permanent locker, please return
your key to the CRC so we can issue it to
another member.
Club Sport of the Year – Women’s Club Rugby
Community Service Award – Women’s Club Volleyball
Fundraiser Award – Equestrian Club
Most Improved Club Sport – Bass Fishing Club
Club Sport Officer of the Year – Nick Redmond (Club Ultimate)
Semester membership holders with a
permanent locker, please renew your
membership for the summer by Friday, May
6th or turn in your locker key prior to that
Thank you to all club sport participants and
officers for making it a great year. We hope
everyone has a great summer and comes
back in the fall ready to take our Club Sport
Program to new heights!
To find out more about our club sport
teams, please visit our club sport webpage
at or visit a club’s WCU
OrgSync or imleagues page.
Women’s Club Rugby at The Cherry Blossoms Tournament
in Washington, DC
Lastly, we will be vacuuming and disinfecting
lockers at the start of our annual shutdown
week. If you are a permanent locker holder,
please remove your items from your locker
for cleaning prior to Monday, May 23rd and
Tuesday, May 24th.
If you choose not to
remove your items,
we will remove them
and place them back
in your locker.
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Nutrition & Wellness
Broke Girls Guide to Buying Organic
It used to be that when I heard the word organic
I would roll my eyes and think “yeah right, like I
am going to spend $4 on a tomato”. Thankfully
as awareness of the benefits of eating organic has
grown, the number of stores that provide organic
products at affordable prices has also been on the
rise. Here are some of the ways that I have found
to be successful when hunting for affordable
organic foods.
Farmers markets - I cannot stress this one
enough. I never gave much thought to farmers
markets until I saw how much I saved by buying
my fruits and vegetables there. I could get more
than a weeks’ worth of organic produce for about
13 dollars. Looking to save even more…ask your
favorite farm vendor if they need volunteers. Will
take up just half of your day on a Saturday and you
get to leave with delicious food for FREE!!!!!!
Remember the Dirty Dozen - Don’t feel like
everything you buy needs to be organic. Not all
foods are created equal in this world. Some items
are perfectly fine to buy conventional because
you either don’t eat the outer part that is exposed
to pesticides and chemicals or the levels are so
low that most experts say they are harmless.
When deciding what to focus on look to the”
Dirty Dozen” as a guide. The dirty dozen is a list
containing the 12 fruits and vegetables that should
be organic whenever possible.
Buy the ugly food - Sounds strange, I know, but
trust me. Find a local market and chances are they
have a “discount table”. This is where you will find
produce that is slightly damaged or maybe a day or
two past expiration but is still perfectly fine. The
bonus - it will be dirt cheap. The way I look at it is
one man’s trash is a broke girl’s treasure.
The Dirty Dozen are:
Snap peas
Bell peppers
Hot peppers
Shop around - I used to never set foot in a Whole
Foods or Trader Joes for fear I would walk out with
no money and only a handful of items. However,
after looking at different options and brands, I did
actually find that certain items at these specialty
stores were cheaper than at the larger chains so
take the time to comparison shop. Investing a
little time up front can save you big bucks at the
While a refrigerator filled completely with organic
foods is not an option for most of us, it is very
possible to make small changes over time. Even
If you just replace one of your conventional food
items for an organic one, you are making the step
toward more conscious eating and an overall
healthier lifestyle.
By Kathryn Gantt, WCU Dietetic Intern.
Get Fit and Have Fun
with Group X
During the month of May, we want all members
to experience the benefits of Group X. That is
why we are offering two FREE weeks of classes!
The Monday, Wednesday, and Friday classes
will be offered from 12:10pm-12:55pm and the
Tuesday and Thursday classes will be offered
from 5:15pm-6:00pm. Grab your co-workers
and friends to experience some free fitness fun
with Group X!
Also, don’t forget to look for the Summer
Session I Group X schedule on our website
and posted in the CRC. Classes will begin on
Monday, May 30 and run through July 1. You’ll
need to purchase your Group X pass for SSI
for $5 or for both SSI and SSII for $10 before
beginning to attend classes.
Bootcamp with Mandy
Monday, May 16
Cycle Challenge with Mandy
Tuesday, May 17
PiYo Strength with Mandy
Wednesday, May 18
TurboKick with Holly
Thursday, May 19
Zumba with Sloan
Friday, May 20
Power Pump with Shauna
Monday, May 23
321 Jump with Shauna
Tuesday, May 24
Yoga with Michaela
Wednesday, May 25
Outdoor Bootcamp with Michaela
Thursday, May 26
Group Walk with Mandy
Friday, May 27
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Outdoor Programs
The climbing wall is open during finals week,
Monday-Thursday. The hours are 4pm-7pm. The
Adventure Shop will not have regular open hours
but equipment rentals can be done via an email
request to
Starting on May 30th, the Adventure Shop will
have hours on Mondays from 10am-12pm and on
Fridays from 9am-11am and 3pm-5pm.
Base Camp will start running trips during the
summer starting in June and running through July.
Tips to remember when outdoors during the
Trips to expect:
• Whitewater Rafting
• Rock Climbing
• Hike and Swim Trip
• Canoe Trips
• Water Sports Day at Cedar Cliff Lake
• Always wear sunscreen.
• Watch for bees and bees nests. Some yellow
jackets build their nests in the ground.
• Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water.
• Watch for snakes when hiking, especially on
rocks in the sun.
The climbing wall hours during the summer will
start on June 6th and run until July 28th. The open
hours will be Mondays and Thursdays from 5pm8pm. All facilities are closed on Monday, July 4th.
Congratulations to our Graduating Seniors!
CRW congratulates our student workers who are graduating or moving on to internships or other educational endeavors.
We thank you for your dedication and service to CRW. Best of luck in the future!
Tomas Aponte
Logan Eltz
Amber Lawson
Mitch Bearden
Max Fletcher
Mike Matis
Jay Brooks
Matthew Impagliatelli
Allison McAndrews
Jennifer Browne
Brady Johnson
Morgan Nichols
Jalen Cash
Spencer Johnson
Jannah Plaster
Brent Chapman
Ryan Jordan
Macy Ruiz
Alex Church
Zack Kierstead
Amanda Salvo
Alaina Demeree
Myles Kimble
Justin Spencer
Laura Dowell
Claire Lippy
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Hours of Operation
Campus Recreation Center
May 1– May 5: Regular Spring 2016 Hours
May 6: 6am-2pm
May 9 – May 13: 11am-7pm
May 16 – May 20: 11am-7pm
May 23 – May 25: 11am-7pm
May 26 & May 27: Closed for Annual Shutdown
*Closed for Minimester Weekends
During the annual shutdown, we extensively clean
the CRC, refinish the gym floors, and complete a
large portion of the flooring replacement in the
fitness area. The odor of the gym floor finish is
the reason we need to close the building.
For adverse weather updates,
please call 227-8808.
*Hours subject to change.
Please see our Hours of Operation online at
theLift is a publication of Campus
Recreation & Wellness at WCU
See all issues of theLift online:
Campus Recreation Center
Cullowhee, NC 28723
WCU is a University of North Carolina campus and an
Equal Opportunity Institution.
Extended Fall Break Hours
We heard you! Starting Fall 2016, we will be offering extended hours during Fall Break as a trial
period for future breaks. In addition to our normal break hours from 11am-7pm Monday-Friday,
we are opening the facility during Fall Break 2016 from 6am-8am Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday to accommodate your requests. Based on the success of this trial run, we will assess the
continuation of extended hours for the future. Please help us help you by spreading the word
about this change throughout next semester!
Logan Eltz has worked at the Campus Recreation Center for
two semesters as a Group X instructor and Office Assistant.
Her favorite part of working here is the community. She feels
that members and employees understand the importance of
maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Logan’s advice to fellow student
employees is to make work fun and keep a positive attitude!
Even during periods of frustration at work, remember that
you are a part of helping the community have a healthy, happy
environment. Logan’s major is Recreational Therapy. In the
fall, she will begin a semester-long internship at the Bay Pines
VA medical hospital in St. Petersburg, FL. She will graduate
in December with plans to start her career as a recreational
therapist and continue teaching exercise classes wherever she
is living. Logan describes herself as funny, helpful, and eager to learn! A unique thing about Logan
is that she has climbed the tallest mountain in Arizona. She was previously Member of the Month
in November 2014. Logan says “Thank you to everyone who participated in making me employee
of the month; it’s a great feeling to have your work noticed and appreciated.” Congratulations,
Grant Newman is from Cashiers, NC. He graduated from WCU in 2010, and is now completing
the prerequisites for a Doctor of Physical Therapy program, which he starts in August. Grant’s
favorite workouts are doing twenty miles on the elliptical in the morning, and then a good lead
climbing session in the afternoon. He has been exercising since he was a child, but he got serious
about it after his sophomore year of college. Grant was not an outdoorsy person, but then he
visited the climbing wall, and it changed the course of his life. He has worked in all four corners
of the country and in Alaska. The most interesting
and exciting job he has had was working as a glaciertrekking, ice-climbing, and sea-kayaking guide. He has
hiked the Appalachian Trail and the Pacific Crest Trail.
As of last Thanksgiving, he has hiked over 5,000 miles
in the last two years! For fun, he likes to climb rock and
ice, kayak, spend time with his fraternity Phi Sigma Pi,
and watch Netflix. Congratulations, Grant, on being
chosen for Member of the Month! We appreciate your
dedication to Campus Recreation & Wellness.
Have someone in mind for Employee or Member of the Month?
Nominate them by filling out the appropriate form next to the bulletin board
recognizing our current nominees.
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