CV Updated: BETH ANN GRIFFIN, Ph.D. Senior Statistician

CV Updated: May 13, 2015
Senior Statistician
Co-Director RAND Center for Causal Inference
RAND Corporation
1200 South Hayes Street
Arlington, VA 22202-5050
703.413.1100 X 5188
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Ph.D. in Biostatistics
Dissertation: Inference for Failure Time Data Subject to Interrupted
Hazards and Interval Censoring
Minor: Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases
Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA
S.M. in Biostatistics
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
B.A. in Mathematics
Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude
Honors: Benjamin Franklin Scholar 1995-1999
Dean’s Scholar 1999
Minor: English
Junior Year Abroad: University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Methodological: Causal inference and longitudinal analyses
Applications: Adolescent substance abuse treatment; Military Health;
Neighborhood level predictors of health outcomes
RAND Corporation, Washington, DC
Co-Director RAND Center for Causal Inference, July 2013  present
 Support the development and application of methods of causal inference
in policy research at RAND
 Provide funding to RAND researchers to support the development of new
methods of causal inference, practical application and adaptation of stateof-the-art methods to real-world research problems
 Disseminate throughout RAND the knowledge necessary to draw
responsible conclusions about causal connections in public policy
Statistician, May 2006  present
 Plan, coordinate and execute research requiring in-depth knowledge of
statistical theory and analytic methods
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Translate theoretical concepts into policy applications in a range of areas
from public health, substance abuse, and education
Organizer of statistic short course series from 2009 – 2014
Division of Biostatistics, Kitasato University, Tokyo, Japan
Visiting Professor
 Collaborate and consult with faculty, students, and researchers on
statistical methods and causal inference
Independent Statistical Consultant
January 2003 – December 2006
 Developed and applied statistical methods including nonparametric
hypothesis testing, factor analysis, power calculations, reliability
assessment, and regression analysis
 Worked with academic, clinical, and nonprofit clients to determine
methods and research strategies to best meet their needs
 Completed human subjects application and secured Internal Review
Board approval
Center for Biostatistics and AIDS Research, Boston, MA
Data Analyst, June 2002 – June 2003
 Examined effects of drug resistance and mutations selected from fourdrug vs. sequential three-drug regimens in HIV-infected patients naïve to
anti-retroviral treatment (ACTG 384)
 Wrote summary of results for presentation and publication purposes
 Briefed research team and clinicians on result
Department of Biostatistics, Harvard University, Boston, MA
Teaching Assistant, September 2001 – April 2006
 Prepared and instructed weekly review sessions for graduate students
 Graded examinations, and evaluated student performance on assignment.
 Specific courses: Principles of Biostatistics (Fall 2001 and 2002),
Statistical Inference II (Spring 2003 and Spring 2005) and Fundamentals
of Clinical Trials (Winter 2006)
Division of Biostatistics, Kitasato University, Tokyo, Japan
April 2006
 Prepared and instructed daily review sessions for graduate students for
Introduction to Epidemiology course
The Griffin Foundation
Member, Board of Directors, January 2002 – Present
 Evaluate charitable nonprofits for grant funding
Faculty Memorial Prize, Department of Biostatistics, Harvard
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Best Student Oral Presentation, International Biometrics Society
EMR, Corfu, Greece
Excellence in Teaching as a teaching assistant for Statistical
Inference II
Excellence in Teaching as a teaching assistant for Principles of
Benjamin Franklin Scholar
Dean’s Scholar
July 2013 - present
August 2014 – present
January 2014 – present
November 2010 – July 2013
Editor, Annals of Applied Statistics
Associate Editor, Statistics in Medicine
Editorial Board, Observational Studies
Associate Editor, Annals of Applied Statistics
Statistics in Medicine, Pediatrics, Journal of Health and Place, Journal of
Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Biometrics, Epidemiologic Methods, Journal
of Adolescent Health, Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, Educational
Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Journal of Computational and Graphical
Statistics, Women’s Health Issues, PloS ONE, Journal of Traumatic Stress,
Journal of Primary Prevention, Science Signaling, American Journal of
Ophthalmology, Information Fusion, Applied Clinical Informatics, Quality of Life
Research, Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Health Services and
Outcome Research Methodology, Journal of Addictive Behaviors Therapy &
Rehabilitation, Emerging Themes in Epidemiology, Journal of Educational and
Behavioral Statistics
Mu Sigma Rho (statistical honor society)
American Statistical Association
College on Problems of Drug Dependence
1. DeRose K, Kanouse D, Bogart L, Griffin, BA, Haas A, Stucky, BD,
Williams MV, Florez, KR. Predictors of HIV-Related Stigmas Among
African American and Latino Religious Congregants. In press Cultural
Diversity & Ethnic Psychology.
2. Ridgeway, G, Kovalchik, S, Kabeto, M, Griffin, BA. Propensity score
analysis with survey weighted data. In press. Journal of Causal Inference.
3. Kennedy Hendricks, AE, Schwartz, H, Thorton, RJ, Griffin BA, Green, H,
Kennedy, D, Burkhauser, S, Pollack, CE. Intergenerational social
networks and health behaviors among children living in public housing. In
press. American Journal of Public Health.
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4. Flórez, KR, Derose, KP, Breslau, J, Griffin, BA, Haas, AC, Kanouse, DE,
Stucky, BP, Williams, MV. Acculturation and drug addiction stigma among
Latinos and African Americans: An examination of a church-based
sample. In press. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health.
5. Bogart LM, Derose KP, Kanouse DE, Griffin BA, Haas AC, Williams MV.
Correlates of HIV testing among African American and Latino church
congregants: The role of HIV stigmatizing attitudes and discussions about
HIV. Journal of Urban Health. In Press 2014. Journal of Urban Health.
6. Schwartz, H, Burkhauser, S, Griffin BA, Kennedy, D, Green, H, Kennedy
Hendricks, AE, Pollack, CE. 2013. Do the Joneses Help You Keep Up? A
Natural Experiment in Exposure to Non-Poor Neighbors. In press. Housing
Policy Debate.
7. Ramchand, R, Griffin BA, Almirall, DA,Slaughter, ME, McCaffrey, DF.
Do Improvements in Substance Use and Mental Health Symptoms During
Treatment Translate to Long-Term Outcomes In The Opposite Domain? In
press. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment.
8. Ramchand, R, Griffin BA, Hunter, S, Suttorp Booth M, McCaffrey DF.
Provision of Mental Health Services as a Quality Indicator for Adolescent
Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities. In press. Psychiatric Services.
9. Williams, M, Haas, A, Griffin, BA, Fulton, B. Drivers of Faith Based
Programs to Address HIV and Other Health Issues. In press. American
Journal of Health Promotion.
10. Pollack CE, Green, H, Kennedy, D, Griffin, BA, Burkhauser, S,
Hendricks, AE, and Schwartz, H. In press. The impact of public housing
on social networks: a natural experiment. American Journal of Public
11. Burgette, Lane, McCaffrey, DF and Griffin, BA. Propensity score
estimation with boosted regression. In W. Pan and H. Bai (Eds.)
Propensity score analysis: Fundamentals, developments, and extensions.
(aa-xx). New York: Guildford Publications, Inc.
12. Griffin, BA, Ramchand, R, Almirall, D, Slaughter, ME, Burgette L,
McCaffrey, D. Estimating the causal effects of cumulative treatment
episodes for adolescents using marginal structural models and inverse
probability of treatment weighting. 2014. Drug and Alcohol Dependence.
(136): 69–78.
13. Schuler, M, Griffin, BA, Ramchand, R, Almirall, D, McCaffrey, D.
Effectiveness of Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatments: Is Biological
Drug Testing Sufficient? 2014. Journal of Studies of Alcohol and Drugs.
(75): 358–370.
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14. Hunter, S, Griffin BA, Ramchand, R, Suttorp Booth M, McCaffrey DF.
Evaluating adolescent substance use and treatment: Generalizability of
the CSAT/GAIN dataset. 2013. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 2
(46): 238-243.
15. Pane, JF, Griffin, BA, McCaffrey D, Karam R. Effectiveness of Cognitive
Tutor Algebra I at Scale. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis.
2014. 36(2), 127-144. doi: 10.3102/0162373713507480
16. Almirall, D, Griffin, BA, McCaffrey, D, Ramchand, R, Yuen, B, & Murphy,
SA. Time-varying moderation using the structural nested mean model:
estimation using inverse-weighted regression-with-residuals. In press.
Statistics in Medicine.
17. Griffin, BA, Eibner, C, Bird, CE, Jewell, A, Margolis, K, Shih, R,
Slaughter, ME, Whitsel, E, Allison, M, Escarce, J. The Relationship
between Urban Sprawl and Coronary Heart Disease in Women. Health &
Place. 2013; p51-61. Available online at
18. McCaffrey, DF, Griffin, BA, Almirall, D, Slaughter, ME, Ramchand, R. A
Tutorial on Propensity Score Estimation for Multiple Treatments Using
Generalized Boosted Models. Statistics in Medicine. 2013. 32(19), 33883414. Available online at
19. Ramchand, R, Fisher, MP, Griffin, BA, Becker, K, Iguchi, MY. Drug use
among gay and bisexual men at weekend dance parties: the role of
intentions and perceptions of peers’ behaviors. AIDS and Behavior. In
20. Pollack, CP, Slaughter, ME, Griffin, BA, Dubowitz, T, Bird C.
Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status and Coronary Heart Disease Risk
Prediction in a Nationally Representative Sample. Public Health. 2012;
126: 827-835.
21. Griffin, BA, McCaffrey, DF, Ramchand, R, Hunter, SB, Suttorp, MJ.
Assessing the Sensitivity of Treatment Effect Estimates to Differential
Follow-Up Rates: Implications for Translational Research. Health Services
Research and Outcomes Methodology. 2012; 12(2): 84-103.
22. Hunter, S, Ramchand, R, Griffin, BA, Suttorp, MJ, McCaffrey DF, Morral
AR. The effectiveness of community-based delivery of an evidence-based
treatment for adolescent substance use. Journal of Substance Abuse
Treatment. 2012. Available online at
23. Griffin, BA, McCaffrey DF. Nonparametric Matching and Propensity
Scores. Chapter for the Encyclopedia of Health Economics. In press.
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24. Griffin S, Spathias H, Moore TD, Baums I, Griffin, BA. Scaling up
Acropora nurseries in the Caribbean and improving techniques.
Proceedings of the 12th International Coral Reef Symposium. In press.
25. Griffin, BA, Andersen, G, Shih, R, Whitsel, E. Use of Alternative Time
Scales in Cox Proportional Hazard Models: Implications for Time-Varying
Environmental Exposures. 2012. DOI: 10.1002/sim.5347. Statistics in
26. Ramchand, R, Griffin, BA, Harris, KM, Morral, AR. Using a Cross-Study
Design to Assess the Efficacy of Motivational Enhancement Therapycognitive Behavioral Therapy 5 (MET/CBT5) in Treating Adolescents with
Cannabis-Related Disorders. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.
2011; 72(3): 380-389.
27. Shih, RA, Griffin, BA, Salkowski, N, Jewell, A, Eibner, C, Bird, C, Liao, D,
Cushman, M, Margolis, H, Eaton, C, Whitsel, E. Ambient Particulate
Matter Air Pollution and Incident Venous Thromboembolism in the
Women’s Health Initiative Hormone Trials (WHI HTs). Environmental
Health Perspectives. doi:10.1289/ehp.1002256.
28. Pollack, CE, Griffin, BA, Lynch, J. Housing Affordability and Health
Among Homeowners and Renters. American Journal of Preventative
Medicine. 2010; 39(6):515–521.
29. Griffin, BA, Ramchand, R, Orlando Edelen, M, McCaffrey, DF, Morral, AR
(2010). Associations between Abstinence in Adolescence and Economic
and Educational Outcomes Seven Years Later among High Risk Youth. Drug and Alcohol
30. Gromet, DM, Ramchand, R, Griffin, BA, Morral, AR. How Perceptions of
Mortality and HIV Morbidity Relate to Substance Abuse Problems and
Risky Sexual Behaviors among Former Juvenile Offenders. Health
Education and Behavior. 2010; 37(6):801–814.
31. Griffin, BA, Stoto, MA, Jain, A, Davies-Cole, J, Glymph, C, Lum, G,
Kidane, G, Washington, S. Early Detection of Influenza Outbreaks using
the DC Department of Health’s Syndromic Surveillance System. BMC Public Health.
2009; 9:483.
32. May, L, Griffin, BA, Maier, N, Jain, A, Mitchum, M, Sikka, N, Carim, N,
Stoto, MA. Emergency Department Chief Complaint and Diagnosis Data
to Detect Influenza-Like Illness with an Electronic Medical Record.
Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2010; 11(1):1–9.
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33. Griffin, BA, Elliott, MN, Coleman, A, Cheng, EM. Incorporating Mortality
Risk into Estimates of 5-year Glaucoma Risk. American Journal of
Ophthalmology. 2010; 148(6):925–31. (PMID: 19800612).
34. Griffin, BA, Lagakos, SW. Nonparametric inference and uniqueness for
periodically observed progressive disease models. Lifetime Data Analysis.
2010; 16(2):157-175.
35. Lara-Cinisomo, S, Griffin, BA, Daugherty, L. Disparities in Detection and
Treatment History Among Mothers With Major Depression in Los Angeles.
Women’s Health Issues. 2009; 19:232–242.
36. Bird CE, Shih RA, Eibner C, Griffin BA, Slaughter ME, Whitsel EA, Karen
M, Escarce J, Jewell A, Mouton C, et al. Neighborhood socioeconomic
status and incident coronary heart disease among women. J Gen Intern
Med 2009;24(Supplement 1):S127.
37. Griffin, BA, McCaffrey, DF, Morral, AR. An Application of Principal
Stratification to Control for Institutionalization at Follow-up in Studies of
Substance Abuse Treatment Programs. Annals of Applied Statistics. 2008;
38. Ramchand, R, Griffin, BA, Harris, KM, McCaffrey, DF, Morral, AR. A
Prospective Investigation of Suicide Ideation, Attempts, and Use of Mental
Health Service Among Adolescents in Substance Abuse Treatment.
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 2008; 22(4):524–532.
39. Harris, KM, Griffin, BA, McCaffrey, DF, Morral, AR. Inconsistencies in
Self-Reported Drug Use by Adolescents in Substance Abuse Treatment:
Implications for Outcomes and Performance Measurements. Journal of
Substance Abuse Treatment. 2008; 34:347–355.
40. Griffin, BA, Ramchand, R, Harris, KM, McCaffrey, DF, Morral, AR.
Smoking Rates among Adolescents in Substance Abuse Treatment
Programs. Psychological Services. 2007; 58(12):1528.
41. Griffin, BA, Lagakos, SW. Design and Analysis of Arm-in-Cage
Experiments: Inference for Three-State Progressive Disease Models with
Common Periodic Observation Times. Biometrics. 2007; 64:337–344.
42. Lara-Cinisomo, S, Griffin, BA. Factors Associated with Major Depression
Among Mothers in Los Angeles. Women’s Health Issues. 2007;
43. McCaffrey, DF, Morral, AR, Ridgeway, G, Griffin, BA. Interpreting
Treatment Effects When Cases Are Institutionalized after Treatment. Drug
and Alcohol Dependence. 2007; 89:126–138.
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44. Griffin, BA, Lagakos, SW. Analysis of Failure Time Data Arising from
Studies with Alternating Treatment Schedules. Journal of the American
Statistical Association. 2006; 101(474):510–520.
45. Grizzard, T, Bartick, M, Nikolov, M, Griffin, BA, Lee, KG. Policies and
Practices Related to Breastfeeding in Massachusetts: Hospital
Implementation of the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding. Maternal
and Child Health Journal. 2006; 10(3):31–17. DOI 10.1007/s10995-0050065-8, URL
46. Troxel, Wendy M., Regina A. Shih, Eric Pedersen, Lily Geyer, Michael P.
Fisher, Beth Ann Griffin, Ann C. Haas, Jeremy Kurz and Paul S.
Steinberg. Sleep in the Military: Promoting Healthy Sleep Among U.S.
Servicemembers. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2015. . Also available in print
47. Troxel, Wendy M., Regina A. Shih, Eric Pedersen, Lily Geyer, Michael P.
Fisher, Beth Ann Griffin, Ann C. Haas, Jeremy Kurz and Paul S.
Steinberg. Sleep Problems and Their Impact on U.S. Servicemembers:
Results of a Cross-Service Survey. Santa Monica, CA: RAND
Corporation, 2015.
48. Troxel, Wendy M., Regina A. Shih, Eric Pedersen, Lily Geyer, Michael P.
Fisher, Beth Ann Griffin, Ann C. Haas, Jeremy Kurz and Paul S.
Steinberg. Improving Sleep Health for U.S. Servicemembers: Policies,
Programs, Barriers to Implementation, and Recommendations. Santa
Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2015.
49. Pane, JF, Griffin, BA, McCaffrey, DF, Karam, R. Addendum to
Effectiveness of Cognitive Tutor Algebra I at Scale. RAND Corporation,
2014. WR-1050.
50. Deployment Life Team (including Griffin, BA).The Deployment Life Study:
Methodological Overview and Baseline Sample Description. RAND
Corporation, 2014. RR-209.
51. Chandra, A, Sanraluz, L, Burns, RM, Griffin, BA. Assessing Operation
Purple®: A program evaluation of a summer camp for military youth. In
press. RAND, TR-1423. 2012.
52. Wynn, BO, Griffin, BA, Ambulatory surgery facility services provided to
California's injured workers, Santa Monica, Calif.: RAND, WR-635CHSWC, 2009.
53. Wynn, BO, Hussey, PS, Griffin, BA, Crego, A, Health care services
provided to dually eligible beneficiaries, Santa Monica, Calif.: RAND
Beth Ann Griffin - Page 9 of 17
Corporation, not available to the public, October 2006. Prepared for the
U.S. Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs.
54. Burgette, L, Griffin, BA, McCaffrey DF. Propensity scores for multiple
treatments: A tutorial for the mnps function in the twang package. 2014. R
55. McCaffrey, D, Burgette, L, Griffin, BA and Martin, C. Propensity scores
for multiple treatments: A tutorial for the mnps macro in the twang SAS
macros. Spring 2015.
56. McCaffrey, D, Burgette, L, Griffin, BA and Martin, C. Toolkit for Weighting
and Analysis of Nonequivalent Groups: A tutorial for the twang SAS
Macros. 2014.
57. Almirall D, McCaffrey DF, Griffin BA, Ramchand R, Yuen RA, Murphy
SA. Examining moderated effects of additional adolescent substance use
treatment: Structural nested mean model estimation using inverseweighted regression with residuals. Technical Report 12-121, Penn State
University, University Park, PA, 2012.
58. Ridgeway, G, McCaffrey, D, Morral, A, Burgette, L, Griffin, BA. Toolkit for
Weighting and Analysis of Nonequivalent Groups: A Tutorial for the Twang
Package. 2013. R package.
59. Beth Ann Griffin, Greg Ridgeway, Andrew R. Morral, Lane F. Burgette,
Craig Martin, Daniel Almirall, Rajeev Ramchand, Lisa H. Jaycox, Daniel F.
McCaffrey. Toolkit for Weighting and Analysis of Nonequivalent Groups
(TWANG) Website. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2014.
60. Parast, L and Griffin, BA. Landmark Estimation of Survival and Treatment
effect in an Observational Study. Under review. Biostatistics.
61. Meadows, SO, Griffin, BA, Karney, BR and Pollak, J. Spouse
Employment Opportunities Among Deployable Military Families. Revising
for Armed Forces and Society.
62. Kim, D, Griffin, BA, Escarce, J, Kabeto, M, Langa, K, Shih, R.
Associations of Lagged Metropolitan Statistical Area- and State-Level
Income Inequality with Cognitive Function: The Health and Retirement
Study. Under Review. PLoS One.
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63. DeRose K, Griffin, BA, Kanouse D, Bogart L, Williams MV, Haas A,
Florez, KR, Collins, DO, Hawes-Dawson, J, Mata, MA, Oden, J. Effects of
a Pilot Church-based Intervention to Reduce HIV Stigma and Promote HIV
Testing among African Americans and Latinos. Under review. AIDS and
64. Schuler, MS, Letourneau, E, Griffin, BA, Stuart, EA. Latent class analysis
of drug treatment services received by adolescents. Under review. Journal
of Substance Abuse Treatment.
65. Kennedy Hendricks, AE, Schwartz, H, Griffin BA, Kennedy, D, Green, H,
Pollack, CE. Social networks and health among children living in different
types of suburban public housing. Revised and resubmitted to American
Journal of Preventive Medicine.
66. Karam, R, Pane, JF, Griffin, BA, Slaughter, ME. Implementation of the
Cognitive Tutor Algebra I Program At Scale. Revised and resubmitted.
American Journal of Education.
67. Williams MV, DeRose K, Aunon, F, Kanouse D, Bogart L, Griffin, BA,
Haas A. Who Gets Tested in Church-based Screening in Minority
Communities? Submitted to Public Health Reports.
68. G C Chi, A Hajat, C Bird, M Cullen, B A Griffin, K A Miller, R Shih, M
Stefanick, S Vedal, E Whitsel, J D Kaufman. Individual and neighborhood
socioeconomic status, long term exposure to air pollution and risk of
cardiovascular disease in the Women’s Health Initiative Observational
69. Miles, J, Parast, L, Babey, S, Griffin, BA, Saunders, J. The truth about
dogs and cats? A propensity matched population based study of the
health benefits of dogs and cats for children. Submit to the American
Journal of Public Health.
1. Beth Ann Griffin, Daniel McCaffrey, Daniel Almirall, Claude Setodji, Lane
Burgette. Chasing balance and other recommendations for improving
nonparametric propensity score models. To be submitted to Journal of
Causal Inference.
2. Griffin, BA, Pedersen, ER, Ramchand, R, Booth, MS, Hunter, SB,
McCaffrey, DF. Do Outcomes Differ by the Types of Treatment Offered at
Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities?
3. Griffin, BA, Parast, L, Burgette, L, Golinela, D, Miles, J. Optimizing
Variance-Bias Trade-off in the TWANG Package for Estimation of
Propensity Scores.
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4. Setodji, C, Almirall, D, Burgette, L, Griffin, BA, McCaffrey, D. An
Evaluation of Model Complexity in Propensity Score Estimation. To be
submitted to Statistics in Medicine.
5. Almirall, D, Burgette, L, Griffin, BA, Lu, X, McCaffrey, DF, Setodji, C.
Revisiting the repeated measures marginal structural model: Is accounting
for the within-person correlation worth it? To be submitted to Statistics in
6. Burgette, L, Griffin, BA, McCaffrey DF. Propensity scores for multiple
treatments: A tutorial for the iptw function in the twang package. R
7. Griffin, BA, McCaffrey, DF, Pane, J. Evaluating the use of blocking in
cluster randomized control trials. To be submitted to Journal on Research
of Educational Effectiveness.
8. Hanlon, AL, Hirschman, KB, Griffin, BA, Wan, F, Naylor, MD.
An Illustrative Comparative Effectiveness Analysis of Nursing
Interventions using Multiple Group Covariate Balancing Propensity Score
Modeling. Submitted to Nursing Research.
1. Griffin, BA and Burgette, L. Applying state-of-the-art methods for weight
estimation in advance causal inference problems. International
Conference on Health Policy Statistics, Providence, RI, October 2015.
2. Griffin, BA, Coffman, D, and Schuler, M. Pre-Conference Workshop on
Advanced Methods for Causal Inference. Addiction Health Services
Research Meeting. Marina del Rey, CA. October 2015.
3. Griffin, BA, Coffman, D, and Schuler, M. Symposium. Identifying Effective
Treatments in Substance Abuse Research Using Observational Data
Addiction Health Services Research Meeting. Marina del Rey, CA.
October 2015.
4. Griffin, BA and McCaffrey, D. State-of-the-art Strategies for Addressing
Selection Bias when Comparing Two or More Treatment Groups. RAND
Corporation Statistics Short Course, Washington, DC, March 2015.
5. Griffin, BA. Propensity Score Estimation with Boosted Regression. Invited
seminar. University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston School of
Public Health. February 2015.
6. Griffin, BA. Propensity Score Estimation with Boosted Regression. Invited
seminar. Emory University. February 2015.
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7. Griffin, BA. Propensity Score Estimation with Boosted Regression. Invited
seminar. Georgie Tech. February 2015.
8. Griffin, BA. Propensity Score Estimation with Boosted Regression. Invited
seminar. Kitasato University. February 2015.
9. Griffin, BA. State-of-the-art Strategies for Addressing Selection Bias
when Comparing Two or More Treatment Groups. Pre-conference
workshop at Addiction Health Services Research, Boston, MA, October
10. Griffin, BA. CHDI Statistical Forum. Invited participant and speaker. CHDI
Foundation. Talk title; FILL IN. Princeton, NJ, July 2014.
11. Griffin, BA. Chasing balance versus model fit when estimating propensity
scores. RAND Center for Causal Inference Brownbag, Washington D.C,
January 2014.
12. Griffin, BA. Estimating the causal effects of cumulative treatment
episodes for adolescents using marginal structural models and inverse
probability of treatment weighting. John Hopkins School of Public Health
Mental Health Seminar on Statistical Methodology. Baltimore, MD, March
13. Griffin, BA. Success Stories in NIH Proposals Part 1: The TWANG Grant.
Rand Health Seminar Series. March 2014.
14. Griffin, BA. Assessing the causal effects of cumulative treatment
episodes for adolescents. Poster presentation. College on Problems of
Drug Dependence, San Diego, CA, June 2013.
15. Griffin, BA. Practical Guide to Propensity Score Modeling: Exploring
Causation in NIDA Research. Invited Talk for Methods Symposium.
College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Palm Springs, CA, June 2012.
9. Griffin, BA. Use of alternative time scales in Cox proportional hazard
models. Talk. Second Institute of Mathematical Statistics Asian Pacific
Rim. Talk. July 2012.
10. Griffin, BA. Use of alternative time scales in Cox proportional hazard
models. Invited Talk. Annual Meeting of Women’s Health Initiative
Investigators. May 2012.
11. Griffin, BA. Workshop on the Epidemilogy of Huntington’s Disease.
Invited participant. CHDI Foundation. May 2012
12. Griffin, BA. Exploring Causation in Policy Research for Adolescent
Substance Abuse: Implications for HD Research. Invited Talk. CHDI
Foundation. April 2012.
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13. Griffin, BA, Ramchand, R, McCaffrey, D, Hunter, SB, Morral, A.
Evaluating the comparative effectiveness of promising treatment programs
for adolescents in face of differential follow-up. Invited Talk. International
Conference on Health Policy Statistics, Cleveland, OH. October 2011.
14. Griffin, BA, Ramchand, R, McCaffrey, D, Hunter, SB, Morral, A.
Estimating treatment effects in the presence of differential follow-up
between groups. Poster Presentation. Addiction Health Services
Research, Fairfax, VA, October 2011.
15. Griffin, BA, McCaffrey, DF, Almirall, D, Ramchand, R. Chasing Balance
Versus Model Fit When Estimating Propensity Scores. Talk. Joint
Statistical Meetings, Miami, FL, August 2011.
16. Griffin, BA, Ramchand, R, McCaffrey, D, Hunter, SB, Morral, A.
Estimating treatment effects in the presence of differential follow-up
between groups. Poster Presentation. College on Problems of Drug
Dependence, Fort Lauderdale, FL, June 2011.
17. Griffin, BA, Ramchand, R, McCaffrey, D, Hunter, SB, Morral, A. How
Robust are Findings on Comparative Effectiveness in Light of Differential
Follow-up between Two Studies? Symposium Talk. Society for Prevention
Research, Washington, DC, May 2011.
18. Griffin, BA. Use of alternative time scales in Cox proportional hazard
models. Talk. Thirteenth Biennial CDC Symposium on Statistical Methods,
Decatur, GA, May 2011.
19. Griffin, BA, Ramchand, R, Fan, CC, Almirall, D, McCaffrey, D. Benefits of
treatment during treatment: estimating concurrent effects. Symposium
Talk. Addiction Health Services Research, Lexington, KY, October 2010.
20. Griffin, BA, Bird, CE, Shih, RA, Eibner, C, Slaughter MS, Whitsel, EA,
Margolis, K, Escarce, JJ, Jewell, A, Mouton, CP, and Lurie N. How robust
is the association between neighborhood socioeconomic status and
coronary heart disease among women? Talk. International Conference on
Health Policy Statistics, Washington DC, January 2010.
21. Shih, RA Griffin, BA, Jewell, A, Eibner, C Bird, C, Cushman, M, Liao, D,
Eaton, C, Margolis, H, Whitsel, EA. Ambient Particulate Matter Air
Pollution and Incident Venous Thromboembolism in the Women’s Health
Initiative Hormone Trials. Poster Presentation. American Heart
Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL November 2009.
22. Griffin, BA. Techniques of Casemix Adjustment: Accounting for Pretreatment Differences using Propensity Score Weighting. Symposium
Talk. Addiction Health Services Research, San Francisco, October 2009.
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23. Griffin, BA, Karney, BR, Crown, JS. Military Marriages under Stress:
Trends in Divorce and Effects of Deployment. Invited Talk. Joint Statistical
Meetings, Washington, DC, August 2009.
24. Griffin, BA, Ramchand, R, Orlando Edelen, M, McCaffrey, DF, Morral,
AR. Sustained abstinence in adolescence is associated with future
economic well-being among high-risk adolescents. Talk. College on
Problems of Drug Dependence, Reno, NV, June 2009.
25. Griffin, BA, McCaffrey, DF, Pane, JF. Evaluating the Impact of Blocking
on Power in Group-Randomized Trials. Talk. Society for Research on
Education Effectiveness, Washington, DC, March 2009.
26. Griffin, BA. Methods Symposium: Issues in the Design, Implementation,
and Analysis of Group-Randomized Control Trials. Chair & Organizer.
Society for Research on Education Effectiveness, Washington, DC,
March 2009.
27. Griffin, BA, McCaffrey, DF. Propensity Score Estimation with Boosted
Regression for Evaluating Causal Effects in Observational Studies. Invited
Short Course. Addiction Health Services Research, Boston, MA, October
28. Griffin, BA, Lagakos, SW. Inference and Uniqueness for Chain-of-Events
Data Subject to Interval Censoring. Talk. Joint Statistical Meetings,
Denver, CO, August 2008.
29. Griffin, BA, McCaffrey, DF, Pane, JF. Evaluating the use of blocking in
cluster randomized control trials. Poster Presentation. Institute for
Education Sciences, Washington, DC, June 2008.
30. Griffin, BA, McCaffrey, DF, Morrall, AR. Application of Principal
Stratification to Control for Institutionalization at Follow-Up in Studies of
Substance Abuse Treatment Programs. Poster Presentation. College on
Problems of Drug Dependence, San Juan, Puerto Rico, June 2008.
31. Griffin, BA, Elliott, MN, Coleman, AL, Cheng, EM. Incorporating Life
Expectancy into Estimates of Five-year Glaucoma Risk. Poster
Presentation. Academy Health, Washington, DC, June 2008.
32. Griffin, BA. Multi-state Life Table Methods in Health Policy Research.
Chair. Section on Health Policy Statistics. Joint Statistical Meetings, Salt
Lake City, UT, August 2007.
33. Griffin, BA, Lagakos, SW. Design and Analysis of Arm-in-Cage
Experiments: Inference for Three-State Progressive Disease Models with
Common Periodic Observation Times. Joint Statistical Meetings, Salt Lake
City, UT, August 2007.
Beth Ann Griffin - Page 15 of 17
34. Harris, KM, Griffin, BA, McCaffrey, DF, Morrall, AR. Inconsistencies in
Self-Reported Recency of Drug Use by Adolescents in Substance Abuse
Treatment: Implications for Outcomes and Performance Measurement.
Poster Presentation. College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Quebec
City, Canada, June 2007.
35. Griffin, BA, Henderson, CE, Morrall AR, McCaffrey, DF, Sauvagnant, C,
Kan, L, Liddle, HA. When Controlled Environments Confound Treatment
Effects: Examining Research Design and Analytic Issues in Longitudinal
Post-Treatment Follow-Up Assessments. Presenter and Co-Chair. Think
Tank Session, Joint Meeting on Adolescent Treatment Effectiveness,
Washington, DC, April 2007.
36. Griffin, BA. Evaluation of DC Department of Health’s Syndromic
Surveillance System: Fine-Tuning Statistical Detection Algorithms. Talk.
RAND Corporation Health Lunch, Washington, DC, April 2007.
37. Stoto, MA, Griffin, BA, Jain, A. Evaluation of DC Department of Health’s
Syndromic Surveillance system: Fine-tuning Statistical Detection
Algorithms. Invited Talk. International Biometrics Society, Eastern North
America Region (ENAR) meeting, Atlanta, GA, March 2007.
38. Griffin, BA. Evaluation of DC Department of Health’s Syndromic
Surveillance System: Fine-Tuning Statistical Detection Algorithms. Invited
Talk. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA,
39. Griffin, BA, Lagakos, SW. Methods for Analyzing Survival Data from
Alternating Studies. Talk. RAND Corporation Health Lunch, Washington,
DC, July 2006.
40. Griffin, BA. Inference and Identifiably for Chain of Events Data Subject to
Interval Censoring. Talk. HIV Working Group, Department of Biostatistics,
Harvard University, Boston, MA, 2006.
41. Griffin, BA, Lagakos, SW. Inference for Survival Distributions Based on
Interrupted Hazards. Talk. International Biometrics Society EMR, Corfu,
Greece, 2005.
42. Griffin, BA, Lagakos, SW. Methods for Analyzing Survival Data from
Alternating Studies. Talk. International Biometrics Society ENAR, Austin,
TX, 2005.
43. Griffin, BA. Contributed Papers: Designing Clinical Trials. Chair.
International Biometrics Society ENAR, Austin, TX, 2005.
In Progress (Selected)
Improving TWANG as a Research Tool for Addiction Researchers
Beth Ann Griffin - Page 16 of 17
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Role: PI
The Deployment Life Study
U.S. Army Surgeon General and the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health,
Role: Statistician
Principal Investigators: Tanielian, Meadows, Karney, and Chandra
Objective and Perceived Neighborhood Characteristics and Cognitive Decline,
National Institute on Aging
Role: Statistician
Sleep in the Military: An Evaluation of Military Programs and Policies -- Sleep
Resources and Tips for Line Leaders
U.S. Department of Defense PIs: Shih & Troxel
8/12-2/14 .
Role: Statistician
Principal Investigators: Troxel and Shih
Urban Congregations' Capacity for HIV Prevention and Care
Natl Inst of Child Health & Human Dev
Role: Statistician
Principal Investigators: DeRose
Pending (Selected)
The Causal Effect of Community-Based Treatment for Youths,
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Role: PI
Use of Propensity Scores to Draw Inferences about How Lifestyle Factors Might
Be Associated with Progression and Clinical Severity of Huntington’s Disease
CHDI Foundation
Role: PI
Completed (Selected)
3/09-3/13 The Causal Effect of Community-Based Treatment for Youths,
National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1R01DA015697
Role: Co-PI
Principal Investigator: Daniel F. McCaffrey
4/03 – 3/07, Causal Effects of Community-Based Treatments for Youths,
National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1R01DA015697
Role: Statistician
Principal Investigator: Daniel F. McCaffrey
Beth Ann Griffin - Page 17 of 17
9/08-9/14 Case-Mix Adjustment for Adolescent Treatment, 2R01DA017507-04A.
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Role: Statistician.
Principal Investigator: Andrew R Morral.
9/04 – 3/07, Case-Mix-Adjustment for Adolescent Treatment, National Institute
on Drug Abuse, 1R01DA017507.
Role: Statistician.
Principal Investigator: Andrew R Morral.
3/08 – 3/09, Adolescent Treatment Services- Young Adult Outcomes, National
Institute on Drug Abuse, R01DA16722.
Role: Statistician.
Principal Investigator: Andrew R Morrall.
7/07  4/11, Women, Neighborhoods and Coronary Heart Disease: A
Perspective Study, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 1R01HL08442501A2.
Role: Statistician
Principal Investigator: Bird/Eibner
Behavioral Intentions and Associated Outcomes Over Party-Oriented Vacations,
1R03 DA026724, National Institute on Drug Abuse, 7/09 – 7/12.
Role: Statistician.
Principal Investigator: Ramchand
Effectiveness of Cognitive Tutor Algebra I Implemented at Scale, ETS318, U.S.
Department of Education (Institute of Education Sciences), 3/07 – 2/13.
Role: Statistician.
Principal Investigator: Pane
Reporting Findings from the Conditions Affecting Neurocognitive Development
and Learning in Early Childhood (CANDLE) Study
The Urban Child Institute
Role: Statistician
Principal Investigators: Shih and Candra
Proficiency in Spanish
Learning Japanese