Matthew J. Chinman, Ph.D.
4570 5th Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
(412) 683-2300 x 4287
MIRECC, Pittsburgh Healthcare Center
Research Office Building (151-R)
Pittsburgh, PA 15240
(412) 360-2438
5625 Darlington Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15217
 Psychology Licensure #002134, 1997-present, Connecticut Department of Public Health
 Ph.D. in Clinical/Community Psychology, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, 1996
 BA, Psychology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, 1990
 RAND Corporation, 2001-present
o Senior Behavioral Scientist, RAND, Pittsburgh, PA, 2009-present
o Behavioral Scientist, RAND, Santa Monica, CA, 2003-08; Pittsburgh, PA, 2008
o Associate Behavioral Scientist, RAND, Santa Monica, CA, 2001-2003
 Department of Veterans Affairs, 2001-present
o Research Scientist, VISN-4 MIRECC, Pittsburgh, PA, 2008-present
o Health Science Specialist, VISN-22 MIRECC, Los Angeles, CA, 2001-08
 University of Massachusetts School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, 2013-present
o Associate Professor of Psychiatry
 University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, 2008-present
o Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
 Yale University School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, New Haven, CT, 1995-2001
o Assistant Professor, 2000-2001
o Director of Program Evaluation Services, The Consultation Center, 1999-2001
o Instructor, 1999-2000
o Associate Research Scientist, CT, 1998-1999
o Postdoctoral Associate, 1996-1998
o Predoctoral Psychology Fellow, 1995-1996
 Adjunct Clinical Professor/Field Supervisor, University of Hartford Graduate Institute of Professional
Psychology, Hartford, CT, 1999-2001
 RAND Corporation Medal Award, Bronze, 2012
 Getting To Outcomes accepted into Tools and Resources for Assessing Social Impact database, 2010
 Getting To Outcomes accepted into the National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools
database, 2010
 Outstanding Publication Award (Getting To Outcomes), American Evaluation Association, 2008
 Patient Assessment System accepted into the AHRQ Healthcare Innovation Exchange
(, 2008
 Getting To Outcomes awarded “Best Practice Process” by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration, 2004
 Competency Assessment Instrument was accepted into the National Quality Measures Clearinghouse
of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2003
Matthew J. Chinman, Ph.D.
Marquis Who’s Who in America, 56th Edition, 2002
American Evaluation Association’s President’s Award for Mainstreaming Evaluation, 2001
Best Self-Help Manual (Getting To Outcomes), American Evaluation Association, 2001
2nd Prize, Research Competition, International Society for the Psychological Treatment of
Schizophrenia, 1997
 Outstanding Graduate Student Award, University of South Carolina, 1995
 Psi Chi Honor Society, Emory University, 1989
Service Activities
Department of Veterans Affairs
 Mental Health QUERI Recovery Workgroup, 2010-present
 Mental Health QUERI Peer Support Subgroup, 2012-present
 Mental Health QUERI Schizophrenia Subgroup, 2006-2010
 Mental Health QUERI Consumer Workgroup, 2007-2010
 Reviewer, Peer Support Training Contract Review Committee, 2012
 Director of the Pittsburgh VA Peer Support Resource Program, 2010-present
 Mental Health Summit and Technical Working Group: America's 21st Century Response to the
Psychological Needs of Returning Veterans & Service Members, Department of Veterans Affairs &
Department of Defense, 10/26/09-10/30/09
 National Recovery Advisory Committee (NRAC), 2006-2008
 Reviewer for Funding Guidance for Enhancement of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services and
Approaches that Foster Veterans’ Recovery from Serious Mental Illnesses, 2006
 Consultant to the VISN 16 Recovery Committee, 2005-2008
 Committee member, Recovery Transformation Work Group to the Executive Committee of the Mental
Health Steering Committee, 2004-2005
RAND Corporation
 Co-director of the RAND seminar series on Community Based Participatory Research, 2003-present
Evaluation, Consultation and Program Coordination Activities
 Expert panelist
o Adapting Strategies for Selecting Health Interventions, CDC, 6/22/2012
o Brining Recovery Supports to Scale Technical Assistance Center Strategy (BRSS
TACS) Expert Panel on Equipping Behavioral Health Authorities to Promote Peer
Specialist/Recovery Coaching Services, SAMHSA, Rockville, MD, 3/20-21/2012
CSAP's Performance Measures Panel, SAMHSA, Washington, DC, 2010
Dissemination/Implementation in Youth Violence and Child Maltreatment, CDC,
October, 2004
Arkansas Tobacco Settlement Evaluation, Little Rock, AR, 2003-2008
Managed Service System Quality Assurance Project, New Haven, CT, 2000-2001
Northeast Communities Against Substance Abuse Evaluation, Wauregan, CT, 2000-2001
First Steps to School Readiness, Institute for Families in Society, Columbia, SC, 1999- 2001
Connecticut Governor’s Prevention Initiative for Youth, New Haven, CT, 1999-2001
New London After School Program Assessment, New London, CT, 1999-2000
Waterbury School Readiness Needs and Resources Assessment, Waterbury, CT, 1999
Greater New Haven Managed Service System, New Haven, CT, 1997- 2001
Connecticut Consumer and Family Network Project, New Haven, CT, 1995-1998
Matthew J. Chinman, Ph.D.
 Richland County Department of Social Services, Columbia, SC, 1992-1993
 Spartanburg Together on Preventing Drugs Now, Spartanburg, SC, 1991-1995
Smelson DA, Chinman M, McCarthy S, Hannah G, Sawh L, Glickman M. (In press). A clusterrandomized hybrid III trial testing an implementation support strategy to facilitate the use of an evidencebased practice in VA homeless programs. Implementation Science.
Kasckow J., Gao S., Hanusa B., Rotondi A., Chinman M., Zickmund S., Gurklis J., Fox L., Cornelius J.,
Richmond I., Haas G. (In press). Telehealth monitoring of patients with Schizophrenia and suicidal
ideation. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior.
Kasckow J, Zickmund S, Rotondi A, Welsh A, Gurklis J, Chinman M, Fox L, Haas G. (In press).
Optimizing scripted dialogues for an e-health intervention for suicidal veterans with major depression.
Community Mental Health Journal.
Powell BJ, Waltz TJ, Chinman MJ, Damschroder L, Smith JL, Matthieu MM, Proctor EK, Kirchner JE.
(2015). A refined compilation of implementation strategies: Results from the expert recommendations for
implementing change (ERIC) project. Implementation Science, 10, 21.
Hamilton, A.B., Chinman, M., Cohen, A.N., Oberman, R.S., Young, A.S. (2015). Implementation of
consumer providers in mental health intensive case management teams. Journal of Behavioral Health
Services & Research, 42, 100-108.
Chinman M, Oberman R, Hanusa B, Cohen A, Salyers M, Twamley E, Young A. (2015). A cluster
randomized trial of adding Peer Specialists to intensive case management teams in the Veterans Health
Administration. Journal of Behavioral Health Services Research, 42, 109-121.
Chinman M, Ebener P, Burkhart Q, Osilla KC, Imm P, Paddock SM, Wright PA (2014). Evaluating the
impact of Getting To Outcomes-Underage Drinking on prevention capacity and alcohol merchant
attitudes and selling behaviors. Prevention Science, 15, 485–496.
Chinman, M., George P., Dougherty, R.H., Daniels, A.S., Shoma Ghose, S., Swift, A., Delphin-Rittmon,
M.E. (2014). Peer support services for individuals with serious mental illnesses: Assessing the evidence.
Psychiatric Services, 65, 429-441
Waltz TJ, Powell BJ, Chinman MJ, Smith JL, Matthieu MM, Proctor EK, Damschroder L, Kirchner JE.
(2014). Expert recommendations for implementing change (ERIC): Study protocol. Implementation
Science, 9, 39. PMC3987065
Kasckow J., Zickmund S., Rotondi A., Mrkva A., Gurklis J., Chinman M., Fox L., Loganathan M.,
Hanusa B., Haas G. (2014). Development of telehealth dialogues for monitoring suicidal patients with
Schizophrenia: Consumer feedback. Community Mental Health Journal, 50, 339-342.
Chinman M., Acosta J., Pacula R. (January 30, 2014). Improving drug, alcohol prevention. Orange
County Register, pp. Local 11.
Acosta, J., Chinman, M., Ebener, P., Malone, P.S., Paddock, S Phillips, A., Scales, P., & Slaughter M.
(2013). An intervention to improve program implementation: Findings from a two-year cluster
randomized trial of Assets-Getting To Outcomes. Implementation Science, 8, 87. PMC3751245
Matthew J. Chinman, Ph.D.
Chinman, M., Acosta, J., Ebener, P., Burkhart, Q., Clifford, M., Corsello, M., Duffy, T., Hunter, S.,
Jones, M., Lahti, M., Malone, P.S., Paddock, S., Phillips, A., Savell, S., Scales, P., & Tellet-Royce, N.
(2013). Intervening with practitioners to improve the quality of prevention: One year findings from a
randomized controlled trial of the Assets-Getting To Outcomes intervention. Journal of Primary
Prevention, 34, 173–191. PMC3703481
Chinman M, Acosta J, Ebener P, Driver J, Keith J, Peebles D. (2013). Enhancing Quality Interventions
Promoting Healthy Sexuality (EQUIPS): A novel application of translational research methods. Clinical
and Translational Science, 6, 232-237. PMC3684979
Chinman M, Ebener P, Malone PS, Imm P, Osilla K, Paddock SM, Wright PA, Burkhart Q. (2013). The
carrot and the stick: A cross-sectional study of the influences on responsible merchant practices to reduce
underage drinking. Journal of Community Psychology, 41, 463-470
Cohen AN, Chinman M, Hamilton AB, Whelan F, Young AS. (2013). Using patient-facing kiosks to
support quality improvement at mental health clinics. Medical Care, 51, S13-S20. PMC3654521
Chinman, M., Salzer, M., O’Brien-Mazza, D. (2012). National survey on implementation of peer
specialists in the VA: Implications for training and facilitation. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 35,
Chinman M, Hunter S, Ebener P. (2012). Employing continuous quality improvement in communitybased substance abuse programs. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 25, 606-617.
Chinman M, Hannah G, & McCarthy S. (2012). Lessons learned from a quality improvement intervention
with homeless veteran services. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 23, 210-224.
Chinman, M., Acosta, J., Ebener, P., Burkhart, Q., Clifford, M., Corsello, M., Duffy, T., Hunter, S.,
Jones, M., Lahti, M., Malone, P.S., Paddock, S., Phillips, A., Savell, S., Scales, P., & Tellet-Royce, N.
(2012). Establishing and evaluating the key functions of an Interactive Systems Framework based on
Assets-Getting To Outcomes. American Journal of Community Psychology, 50, 295-310.
doi:10.1007/s10464-012-9504-z. PMC3399058.
Chinman M, Burkhart Q, Ebener P, Fan C, Imm P, Osilla KC, Paddock SM, Wright PA (2011). The
Premises is the Premise: Understanding Off- and On-Premises Alcohol Sales Outlets to Improve
Environmental Alcohol Prevention Strategies. Prevention Science, 12, 181-191. doi:10.1007/s11121-0110203-z.
Young AS, Niv N, Chinman M, Dixon L, Eisen SV, Fischer EP, Smith J, Valenstein M, Marder SR,
Owen RR. (2011). Routine outcomes monitoring to support improving care for schizophrenia: Report
from the VA Mental Health QUERI. Community Mental Health Journal, 47, 123-135. PMC3058510
Tebes, JK, Cook, EC, Vanderploeg, JJ, Fein, R, Chinman, MJ, Shepard, JK, Brabham, T, & Connell, CM.
(2011). Parental knowledge and substance use among African American adolescents: Influence of gender
and grade level. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 20, 406–413. PMC3968916
Chinman MJ, Shoai R, Cohen AN. (2010). Using organizational change strategies to guide Peer Support
Technician implementation in the Veterans Administration. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 33, 269–
Chinman M, Tremain B, Imm P, Wandersman A. (2009). Strengthening prevention performance using
Matthew J. Chinman, Ph.D.
technology: A formative evaluation of interactive Getting To OutcomesTM. The American Journal of
Orthopsychiatry, 79, 469–481. PMC2859836
Marielena L, Ramos Valencia G, González Gavillán J, Morales Reyes B, Arabía C, López Malpica F,
Freytes DM, Rodríguez-Sánchez MH, Chinman M. (2009). Reducing Inequities among Children with
Asthma in the Island of Puerto Rico: Experiences of a Community-Based, Trans-Sectoral Effort. Journal
of Health Care for Poor and Underserved, 20, 116–136.
Hunter, S.B., Chinman, M. Ebener, P., Imm, P., Wandersman, A., & Ryan, G. (2009). Technical
assistance as a prevention capacity-building tool: A demonstration using the Getting To Outcomes
framework. Health Education and Behavior, 36, 810-828.
Hunter S, Paddock S, Ebener P, Burkhart Q, Chinman M. (2009). Promoting evidence based practices:
The adoption of a Prevention Support System in community settings. The Journal of Community
Psychology, 37, 5, 579–593.
Chinman M, Lucksted A, Gresen RC, Davis M, Losonczy M, Sussner B, Martone L. (2008). Early
experiences of employing Consumer Providers in the VA. Psychiatric Services, 59, 1315-1321.
Chinman M, Hunter S, Ebener P, Paddock S, Stillman L, Imm P, Wandersman A. (2008). The Getting To
Outcomes demonstration and evaluation: An illustration of the Prevention Support System. American
Journal of Community Psychology, 41, 206-224. PMC2964843
Brown AH, Cohen AN, Chinman MJ, Kessler C, Young AS. (2008). QUERI Series: EQUIP:
Implementing chronic illness care principles and applying formative evaluation to improve care for
schizophrenia. Implementation Science, 3, 9. PMC2278162
Tebes JK, Feinn R, Vanderploeg JJ, Chinman MJ, Shepard J, Brabham T, Genovese M, & Connell C.
(2007). Impact of a positive youth development program in urban after-school settings on the prevention
of adolescent substance use. Journal of Adolescent Health, 41, 239-247.
Chinman M, Hassell J, Magnabosco J, Nowlin-Finch N, Marusak S, & Young AS (2007). The feasibility
of computerized patient self-assessment at mental health clinics. Administration and Policy in Mental
Health and Mental Health Services Research, 34, 4, 401-409. PMID 17453332.
Fremont AM, Young AS, Chinman M, Pantoja P, Morton S, Koegel P, Sullivan G, Kanouse DE. (2007).
Differences in HIV care between patients with and without severe mental illness. Psychiatric Services, 58,
681-688. PMID 17463350.
Davidson L, Chinman M, Sells M, & Rowe M. (2006). Peer support among adults with serious mental
illness: A report from the field. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 32(3):443-450. PMC2632237
Chinman M, Young, AS, Hassell J, Davidson L. (2006). Toward the implementation of mental health
consumer providers services. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 33, 2, 176-195.
Bogart LM, Fremont AM, Young AS, Pantoja P, Chinman M, Morton S, Koegel P, Sullivan G, Kanouse
DE: (2006). Patterns of HIV care for patients with serious mental illness. AIDS Patient Care & STDs, 20,
3, 175-182
Young AS, Chinman M, Forquer SL, Vogel H, Miller A, Rowe M, Mintz J. (2005). A consumer-led
intervention that improves provider competencies. Psychiatric Services, 56, 967-975.
Matthew J. Chinman, Ph.D.
Young AS, Chinman MJ, Cradock-O'Leary J, Murata D, Mintz J, Koegel P, Sullivan G. (2005).
Characteristics of individuals with severe mental illness who use emergency services. Community
Mental Health Journal, 41, 159-168.
Tebes JK, Bowler S, Shah S, Connell CM, Ross E, Simmons R, Tate D, Chinman MJ, & Kaufman JS.
(2005). Service access and service system development in a children's behavioral health system of care.
Evaluation & Program Planning, 28, 151-160.
Chinman M, Hannah G, Wandersman A, Ebener P, Hunter S, Imm P, Sheldon J. (2005). Developing a
community science research agenda for building community capacity for effective preventive
interventions. American Journal of Community Psychology, 3\4, 143-157.
Chinman M, Early D, Ebener P, Hunter S, Imm P, Jenkins P, Sheldon J, Wandersman A. (2004). Getting
To Outcomes: A community-based participatory approach to preventive interventions. Journal of
Interprofessional Care, 18, 441-443.
Chinman MJ, Young AS, Schell T, Hassell J, & Mintz J. (2004). Computer-assisted self-assessment in
persons with severe mental illness. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 65,10:1343-1351.
Young AS, Mintz J, Cohen AN, Chinman MJ: (2004). A network-based system to improve care for
schizophrenia: The Medical Informatics Network Tool (MINT). Journal of the American Medical
Informatics Association, 11, 358-367. PMC516242
Davidson L, Shahar G, Stayner DA, Chinman MJ, Rakfeldt J, Tebes JK. (2004). Supported socialization
for people with psychiatric disabilities: Lessons from a randomized controlled trial. Journal of
Community Psychology, 32, 453-477
Shahar, G., Wisher, A., Chinman, M., Sells, D., Kloos, B., Tebes, J. K., & Davidson, L. (2004). Trauma
and adaptation in severe mental illness: The role of self-reported abuse and exposure to community
violence. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 5, 29-48.
Wandersman A, Flaspohler P, Ace A, Ford L, Imm P, Chinman M, Sheldon J, Andrews A, Crusto C, &
Kaufman J. (2003). PIE a la Mode: Mainstreaming evaluation and accountability in each program in
every county of a state-wide school readiness initiative. New Directions for Evaluation, 99, 33-49.
Chinman MJ, Young, AS, Rowe M, Forquer S, Knight E, Miller A. (2003). An instrument to assess
competencies of providers treating severe mental illness. Mental Health Services Research, 5, 97-108.
Shahar G, Chinman M, Sells D, & Davidson L. (2003). An action model of socially disruptive behaviors
committed by persons with severe mental illness: The role of self-reported childhood abuse and
suspiciousness-hostility. Psychiatry, 66, 42-52.
Chinman MJ, Kloos B, O’Connel M, Davidson L. Service providers’ views of psychiatric mutual support
groups. (2002). The Journal of Community Psychology, 30, 1-18.
Chinman MJ, Symanski J, Johnson A, Davidson L. (2002). The Connecticut Mental Health Center
Patient Profile Project: Application of a service need index. International Journal of Health Care Quality
Assurance, 15, 29-39.
Matthew J. Chinman, Ph.D.
Goodwin RD, Stayner DA, Chinman MJ, Wu P, Tebes JK & Davidson L. (2002). The relationship
between anxiety and substance use disorders among persons with severe affective disorders.
Comprehensive Psychiatry, 43, 242-252.
Chinman M, Imm P, Wandersman A, Kaftarian S, Neal J, Pendleton KT, Ringwalt C (2001). Using the
Getting To Outcomes (GTO) model in a statewide prevention initiative. Health Promotion Practice, 2,
Chinman MJ, Bailey P, Frey J, Rowe M. (2001). Developing the case management relationship with
seriously mental ill homeless individuals. Directions in Rehabilitation Counseling, 12, 107-118.
Chinman MJ, Weingarten R, Stayner R, & Davidson L (2001). Chronicity Reconsidered: Improving
Person-Environment Fit through a Consumer-Run Service. Community Mental Health Journal, 37, 215230. Reprinted in The Psychological and Social Aspects of People with Psychiatric Disabilities, Vol. II.
(2004). Boston, MA: Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation.
Davidson L, Stayner DA, Nickou C, Styron TH, Rowe M, Chinman MJ, (2001). “Simply to be let in”:
Inclusion as a basis for recovery from mental illness. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 24, 375-388.
Goodwin R, Stayner DA, Chinman MJ, Davidson L (2001). Impact of panic attacks on rehabilitation and
quality of life among persons with severe psychotic disorders. Psychiatric Services, 52, 920-924.
Davidson L, Haglund KE, Stayner DA, Rakfeldt J, Chinman MJ, Tebes JK (2001). “It was
realizing....that life isn’t one big horror.” A qualitative study of supported socialization. Psychiatric
Rehabilitation Journal, 24, 275-92.
Rowe M, Kloos B, Chinman M, Davidson L, Cross AB (2001). Homelessness, mental illness, and
citizenship. Social Policy & Administration, 35,14-31.
Salem DA, Chinman MJ, Gillum T, Legaspi A, Lewis DK, Seabrook L, Scrimenti K, & Tate D. (2000).
The Seventh Biennial Conference of the Society for Community Research and Action: A Quantitative and
Qualitative Evaluation. The Community Psychologist, 33, 18-29.
Wandersman A, Imm P, Chinman M, & Kaftarian S (2000). Getting To Outcomes: A results-based
approach to accountability. Evaluation and Program Planning, 23, 389-395.
Chinman MJ, Rosenheck R, Lam JA (2000b). Clinician-case manager racial matching in a multi-site
program for homeless persons who have a serious mental illness. Psychiatric Services, 51, 1265-1272.
Chinman MJ, Rosenheck R, Lam J (2000a). The case management relationship and outcomes for
homeless persons with serious mental illness. Psychiatric Services, 51, 1142-1147. [Abstracted in the
Year Book of Psychiatry & Applied Mental Health, 2002, Mosby, Year Book, Inc.]
Weingarten R, Chinman M, Stayner D, Tworkowski S, & Davidson L (2000). The Welcome Basket
Project: Consumers reaching out to consumers. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 24, 65-68.
Chinman M, Rosenheck R, Lam JA, Davidson L (2000). Comparing consumer and non-consumer
provided case management services for homeless persons with serious mental illness. The Journal of
Nervous and Mental Disease, 188, 446-453.
Chinman MJ, Allende M, Baily P, Maust J, & Davidson L (2000). Therapeutic agents of assertive
Matthew J. Chinman, Ph.D.
community treatment. Review Series Psychiatry, 1, 20-23.
Dailey WF, Chinman MJ, Davidson L, Garner L, Vavrousek-Jakuba E, Essock S, Marcus K, Tebes JK
(2000). How are we doing? A statewide survey of community adjustment among people with serious
mental illness receiving intensive outpatient services. Community Mental Health Journal, 36, 4, 363-382.
Chinman MJ, Rosenheck R, Lam JA (1999). The development of relationships between homeless
mentally ill clients and their case managers. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 23, 1, 47-55.
Davidson L, Chinman M, Kloos B, Weingarten R, Stayner DA, & Tebes JK (1999). Peer support among
individuals with severe mental illness: A review of the evidence. Clinical Psychology: Science and
Practice, 6, 2, 165-187.
Chinman MJ, Allende M, Baily P, Maust J, & Davidson L (1999). Clinician and client views on
assertive community treatment. Psychiatric Quarterly, 70, 2, 137-162.
Chinman MJ, Allende M, Weingarten R, Steiner J, Tworkowski S, & Davidson L (1999). On the road to
collaborative treatment planning: Consumer and provider perspectives. The Journal of Behavioral Health
Services & Research, 26, 2, 211-218.
Chinman M & Wandersman A (1999). The benefits and costs of volunteering in community
organizations: Review and practical implications. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 28, 1, 4664.
Chinman MJ & Linney J (1998). Toward a model of adolescent empowerment: Theoretical and
empirical evidence. Journal of Primary Prevention, 18, 4, 393-413.
Davidson L, Chinman M, Kloos B, Lambert S, Stayner DA, & Tebes JK (1997). Mental illness as a
psychiatric disability: Shifting the paradigm toward mutual support. The Community Psychologist, 30, 1,
Chinman M, Anderson C, Imm P, Wandersman A, Goodman RM (1996). The perception of costs and
benefits of high active versus low active groups in community coalitions at different stages in coalition
development. The Journal of Community Psychology, 24, 3, 263-274.
Goodman RM, Wandersman A, Chinman M, Imm P, Morrissey E (1996). An ecological assessment of
community-based interventions for prevention and health promotion: Approaches to measuring
community coalitions. American Journal of Community Psychology, 24, 1, 33-61.
Linney JA, Arns P, Chinman M, & Frank J (1995). Priorities in community residential care: A
comparison of operators and mental health service consumers. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 19, 1,
Chinman M, Acosta J, Hunter SB, Ebener P. (2015). Getting To Outcomes®: Evidence of Empowerment
Evaluation and Evaluation Capacity Building at Work. In D. Fetterman, S. Kaftarian, & A.
Wandersman. (Eds.), Second Edition. Empowerment Evaluation: Knowledge and Tools for Selfassessment, Evaluation Capacity Building and Accountability. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Chinman M, Hunter SB, Cannon J, Kilburn MK, Harvey M, Rudnick M. (2014). Process Evaluation of
the New Mexico Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Competitive Development
Matthew J. Chinman, Ph.D.
Grant. No. RR-639-REC. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation.
Chinman M, Henze K, Sweeney P. (2013). Peer Specialist toolkit: Implementing Peer Support Services in
VHA. S. McCarthy (Ed.). Pittsburgh, PA: VISN 4 Mental Illness Research, Education, and
Clinical Center.
Acosta J & Chinman M. (2011). Building Capacity for Outcomes Measurement in Human Service
Organizations: The "Getting To Outcomes" (GTO) Method. In J. L. Magnabosco and R. W.
Manderscheid (Eds.), Second Edition. Outcomes Measurement in the Human Services: CrossCutting Issues and Methods in the Era of Health Reform. Pg. 73-87. Washington, D.C.: NASW
Rodrigues S, Chinman M, Hills S, Ellison ML, McKay C. (2011). Peer Support. In D. Smelson, L. Sawh,
& D. Ziedonis (Eds.), Maintaining Independence and Sobriety through Systems Integration,
Outreach, and Networking: Veterans Edition (pp. 56-69). Washington, DC: United States
Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Research and Development, Health Services Research
and Development and The National Center on Homelessness Among Veterans.
Hannah G, McCarthy S, Chinman M. (2011). Getting To Outcomes in services for homeless Veterans: 10
steps for achieving accountability. National Center on Homelessness Among Veterans,
Philadelphia, PA.
D’Amico, E. J., Chinman, M., Stern, S. A., & Wandersman, A. (2009). Community prevention handbook
on adolescent substance abuse prevention and treatment. In C. Leukefeld, T. Gullotta, & M.
Staton-Tindall (Eds.), Adolescent substance abuse: Evidence-based approaches to prevention and
treatment (pp. 213-249). New York, NY: Springer Science + Business Media.
Chinman M, Hamilton A, Butler B, Knight E, Murray S, and Young A. (2008). Mental Health Consumer
Providers: A Guide for Clinical Staff. No. TR-584. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation.
Wiseman S, Chinman M, Ebener P, Hunter S, Imm P, Wandersman A (2007). Getting to Outcomes: 10
Steps for Achieving Results-Based Accountability. No. TR-TR101/2. Santa Monica, CA: RAND
Corporation. Available at
Farley DO, Engberg JB, Carroll B, Chinman M, D’Amico E, Hunter SB, Lovejoy S, Shugarman LR, Yu
H, Kahan JP. (2007). Evaluation of the Arkansas tobacco settlement program: Progress during
2004 and 2005. No. TR-397-ATSC. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation. Available at
Imm P, Chinman M, Wandersman A, Rosenbloom D, Guckenburg S, Leis R. (2007). Using the ''Getting
to Outcomes'' Approach to Help Communities Prevent Underage Drinking. No. RB-9262. Santa
Monica, CA: RAND Corporation. Available at
Imm P, Chinman M, Wandersman A, Rosenbloom D, Guckenburg S, Leis R. (2007). Preventing
Underage Drinking: Using Getting to Outcomes with the SAMHSA Strategic Prevention
Framework to Achieve Results, RAND, TR-403-SAMHSA. Santa Monica, CA: RAND
Corporation. Available at
Matthew J. Chinman, Ph.D.
Imm PS, Kehres R, Wandersman A, Chinman M. (2006). Mobilizing Communities for Positive Youth
Development: Lessons Learned from Neighborhood Groups and Community Coalitions. In
Clary, EG & Rhodes JE (Eds.), Mobilizing Adults for Positive Youth Development: Strategies
for Closing the Gap between Beliefs and Behaviors: Search Institute Series on Developmentally
Attentive Community and Society, Vol 4, Minneapolis, MN: Search Institute.
Fisher D, Imm PS, Chinman M, & Wandersman A. (2006). Getting To Outcomes with Developmental
Assets: Ten steps to measuring success in youth programs and communities. Minneapolis, MN:
Search Institute.
Whitmore E, Guijt I, Mertens DM, Imm PS, Chinman M, & Wandersman A. (2006). Embedding
improvements, lived experience and social justice in evaluation practice. In Shaw I, Greene J, and
Mark M (Eds.), Handbook of evaluation: Program, policy and practice. (pp. 287-314). Sage
Chinman M, Imm P, Wandersman A, De La Torre A, Gomez Gonzalez J. (2006). Obteniendo Resultados
2004: Promoción de Responsabilidad a Través de Métodos y Herramientas de Planeación,
Implementación y Evaluación. No. TR-TR101.1. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation.
Available at
Chinman M, Hannah G, Wandersman A, Ebener P, Hunter S, Imm P, Sheldon J, Early D, & Jenkins P.
(2006). Getting To Outcomes: Improving Community-Based Substance-Use Prevention. No. RB9172. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation. Available at
Davidson L, Tondora J, Staeheli M, O’Connell M, Frey J, & Chinman MJ. (2005). Recovery guides: An
emerging model of community-based care for adults with psychiatric disabilities. In Lightburn,
A. & Sessions, P. (Eds.), Community Based Clinical Practice. (pp. 476-501). New York: Oxford
University Press.
Farley DO, Chinman M, D’Amico E, Engberg JB, Hunter SB, Lovejoy S, Shultz D, Shugarman LR.
(2005b). Evaluation of the Arkansas tobacco settlement program: Program advancement in 2005.
No. WR-272-ATSC. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation. Available at
Farley DO, Chinman M, D’Amico E, Dausey DJ, Engberg JB, Hunter SB, Shugarman LR, Sorbero M.
(2005a). Evaluation of the Arkansas tobacco settlement program: Progress from program
inception to 2004. No. TR-221-ATSC. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation. Available at
Chinman MJ, Wandersman A, & Goodman R. (2004). A benefit and cost approach to understanding
social participation and volunteerism in multi-level organizations. In Omoto AM. & Oskamp S.
(Eds.), Processes Of Community Change And Social Action: A volume in the Claremont
Symposium On Applied Social Psychology series. (pp. 105-126). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Chinman M, Imm P, Wandersman A (2004). Getting to Outcomes 2004: Promoting Accountability
Through Methods and Tools for Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation. No. TR-TR101.
Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation,.
Matthew J. Chinman, Ph.D.
Knight E, Miller A., Vogel H, Young, AS, Chinman MJ, Forquer S. (2003). Increasing the Use of SelfHelp Programs and Mental Health Empowerment Competencies. A managed care best practice
resource paper funded by the Center for Health Care Strategies, Inc.: Princeton, NJ. Available at
Tebes JK, Kaufman JS, Chinman M (2002). Teaching about prevention to mental health professionals.
In D. Glenwick & L. Jason (Eds.), Innovative strategies for promoting health and mental health
across the lifespan. (pp. 37-62). New York: Springer Publishing.
Davidson L, Stayner DA, Nickou C, Styron TH & Chinman MJ (2001). Psychiatric disability and the
restoration of citizenship. “Whose Dreams? Whose Realities?” Proceedings of the 9th Annual
Mental Health Services Conference of Australia and New Zealand. Australia: THEMES.
Davidson L, Stayner D, Chinman MJ, Lambert S, Sledge W (2000). Preventing relapse and readmission
in psychosis: Using patients’ subjective experience in designing clinical interventions. In
Martindale B, Bateman A, Crowe M & Margison F (Eds.), Psychosis: Psychological approaches
and their effectiveness. London: Gaskell, pp. 134-156.
Wandersman A, Kaftarian SJ, Imm P, Chinman M. (1999). Getting to outcomes: Methods and tools for
planning, evaluation, and accountability. Rockville, MD: Center for Substance Abuse Prevention.
Butterfoss FD, Goodman RM, Wandersman A, Valois RF, & Chinman, M.J. (1996). The Plan Quality
Index: An empowerment evaluation tool for measuring and improving the quality of plans. In D.
M. Fetterman, S. J. Kaftarian, & A. Wandersman (Eds.), Empowerment evaluation: Knowledge
and tools for self-assessment and accountability (pp. 304-331). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Chinman M. (1994). [Review of Planning Ethical Research: A Guide to Students and Internal Review
Boards]. The Community Psychologist, 28, 1, 17-18.
Department of Veterans Affairs (Mental Health Services). Developing a peer fidelity measure. Principal
Investigator; 10/1/14-9/29/15; $50,000.
Department of Veterans Affairs (HSR&D): Improving outcomes for homeless Veterans with peer support
(IIR 10-333-3). Co-Investigator; 7/1/12-6/30/16; $1,118,200; Annual $243,150
Department of Veterans Affairs (Mental Health QUERI): MISSION-Vet HUD-VASH Implementation
Study (SDP 11-235). Co-Principal Investigator; 1/31/12-6/30/16; $1,165,520; Annual $258,400
Department of Veterans Affairs, National Center on Homelessness among Veterans: Getting To
Outcomes (GTO) in the VA: Piloting GTO with Pittsburgh Homeless Programs. Principal Investigator;
8/1/09-7/30/12; $603,294, Annual $199,898.
Department of Veterans Affairs: PEers Enhancing Recovery (PEER, IIR 06-227). Principal Investigator;
4/1/08-6/30/11; $1,261,181, Annual $262,655.
Department of Veteran Affairs: Evidence-based review of peer support (RRP 06-147). Principal
Investigator; 10/1/06-9/30/07; $44,233.
Matthew J. Chinman, Ph.D.
Department of Veterans Affairs: Improving Care of Veterans by Using Consumers as Mental Health
Providers (IIR 02-009-1). Principal Investigator; 9/30/03-9/29/06; $533,000, Annual $180,700.
VISN-22 Mental Illness Research, Education, and Clinical Center: Evaluating computerized selfassessments in patients with severe mental illness. Principal Investigator; 2/1/02-1/31/03; $10,148.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: Preparing to Run Effective Prevention (PREP,
1R01AA022353-01). Principal Investigator; 9/1/13-6/30/18; $3,362,672, Annual $643,379.
National Institute on Child Health & Human Development: Reducing Problem Behaviors Through PYD:
An RCT of Restorative School Practices (1R01HD072235-01A1). Co-Principal Investigator; 9/1/137/31/18; $3,273,241, Annual $632,402.
National Institute on Child Health & Human Development: Enhancing Quality Interventions Promoting
Healthy Sexuality (1R01HD069427-01). Principal Investigator; 7/1/11-4/30/16; $3,726,576, Annual
National Institute on Drug Abuse: Enhancing Prevention Capacity with Developmental Assets and
Getting to Outcomes (1R01DA023277-01A2). Principal Investigator; 6/1/08-3/31/13; $3,514,484, Annual
National Institute on Drug Abuse: Minority Supplement: Enhancing Prevention Capacity with
Developmental Assets and Getting to Outcomes (1R01DA023277-01A2). Principal Investigator; 4/1/093/31/11; $191,296, Annual $95,648.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Getting to Outcomes and Underage Drinking
(1R18CE001335-01) Principal Investigator; 4/01/08-3/31/12; $1,349,819, Annual $449,963.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Building community capacity to conduct effective violence
prevention (1R49CE000572-01). Principal Investigator; 9/1/05-8/31/08; $899,184, Annual $299,889.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. IGTO: A Web-Based IT Solution for OutcomeBased Prevention Phase II (R42AA015529-02A1). Co-Investigator/Lead Evaluator, 7/1/05-8/31/07,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Participatory research of an empowerment evaluation
system (CCR921459-02). Principal Investigator; 9/30/02-2/28/05; $1,352,663, Annual $459,460.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: Positive Youth Development
Collaborative Project & Evaluation (SP09280). Co-Principal Investigator; 7/1/01-6/30/04; $805,005,
Annual $267,281.
Office of Peer Support, Department of Veterans Affairs. Developing a Peer Specialist Fidelity Measure.
Principal Investigator; 10/1/14 to 9/30/15; $50,358.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Updating RAND’s TR-403: “Preventing
Underage Drinking: Using Getting to Outcomes with the SAMHSA Strategic Prevention Framework to
Achieve Results”, Principal Investigator; 7/7/10 to 9/20/10; $26,000.
Matthew J. Chinman, Ph.D.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. New Directions Dual Diagnosis Center
Evaluation II.; Principal Investigator; 10/1/06-9/30/11; $293,513, Annual $56,322.
Center for Substance Abuse Prevention. Prevention Underage Drinking: Using the SAMHSA Strategic
Prevention Framework and Getting To Outcomes. Principal Investigator; 3/1/05 to 1/31/06; $30,552.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. New Directions Dual Diagnosis Center
Evaluation (from Grant #5 H79TI14039-01). Principal Investigator; 6/1/03-5/30/06; $222,861, Annual
Arkansas Tobacco Settlement Commission. Arkansas Tobacco Settlement Evaluation. Co-Investigator;
1/1/03-12/31/04; $878,436, Annual $439,218.
Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services: Governor’s Prevention Initiative for Youth. CoInvestigator and Chief Evaluator; 12/1/99-6/30/02; $375,000.
Office of First Steps, State of South Carolina: First Steps to School Readiness. Principal Investigator;
10/1/99-6/30/01; $207,000.
Northeast Communities Against Substance Abuse (NECASA): NECASA Evaluation. Principal
Investigator; 1/1/00-12/31/03; $60,000.
Community Foundation of Southeastern Connecticut: New London After School Assessment. Principal
Investigator; 7/1/99-2/15/00; $25,000.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: Getting to outcomes: Methods and tools
for planning, evaluation, and accountability. Co-author; 7/1/99-12/1/99; $12,000.
Waterbury School Readiness Council: Waterbury School Readiness Needs Assessment. Principal
Investigator; 4/1/99-9/30/99; $10,000.
Powell, B. J., Waltz, T. J., Chinman, M. J., Damschroder, L. J., Smith, J. L., Matthieu, M. J., Proctor, E.
K., & Kirchner, J. E. (2015, September 25). Refining a compilation of discrete implementation
strategies and determining their importance and feasibility. Oral presentation at the Society for
Implementation Research Collaboration, Seattle, Washington.
Waltz TJ, Powell BJ, Chinman MJ, Damschroder LJ, Smith JL, Matthieu MJ, Proctor EK, & Kirchner JE.
(2015, September 25). Structuring complex recommendations: methods and general findings.
Oral presentation at the Society for Implementation Research Collaboration, Seattle, Washington.
Matthieu, M. J., Rosen, C., Waltz, T. J., Powell, B. J., Chinman, M. J., Damschroder, L. J., Smith, J. L.,
Proctor, E. K., & Kirchner, J. E. (2015, September 25). Implementing prolonged exposure for
PTSD in the VA: Expert recommendations from the ERIC project. Oral presentation at the
Society for Implementation Research Collaboration, Seattle, Washington.
Imm P, Chinman M, Wandersman A., (June 2015). Getting to Outcomes (GTO): The utilization of a
community based participatory research model. Panel presentation at the 15th Biennial
Conference of the Society for Community Research and Action (Division 27 of the American
Psychological Association). University of Massachusetts, Lowell.
Matthew J. Chinman, Ph.D.
Chinman M, Acosta J, Ebener P. (12/8-9/2014). A novel test of the GTO implementation support
intervention in low resource settings: Year 1 findings and challenges. 7th Annual Conference on
the Science of Dissemination and Implementation: Transforming Health Systems to Optimize
Individual and Population Health. Bethesda, MD.
Acosta J, Chinman M, Ebener P. (12/8-9/2014). An intervention to improve program implementation:
Findings from a two-year cluster randomized trial of Assets-Getting To Outcomes. 7th Annual
Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation: Transforming Health Systems
to Optimize Individual and Population Health. Bethesda, MD.
Chinman M. (10/8/2014). Peer Specialists: Implementation, Evidence, and Effective Supervision. The
Pillars of Peer Support Services Summit VI. Atlanta, GA.
Chinman M, Stanley S. (6/16/2014). Peer support services: Evidence and experience. Evolving
Relationships in Behavioral Health for Peers, Psychiatrists, and Other Professionals. Pittsburgh,
Kirchner JE, Chinman M, Hamilton AB, Ritchie MJ. (6/7/2014). Making practice change possible in
learning healthcare organizations: Applying state-of-the-art implementation strategies.
AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. San Diego, CA.
Chinman, M., Acosta, J., Ebener, P., Malone, P., Slaughter, M. (5/27/14-5/30/14). Findings from a twoyear cluster randomized trial of Assets-Getting to Outcomes. Society for Prevention Research
22nd Annual Meeting, Comprehensive and Coordinated Prevention Systems: Building
Partnerships and Transcending Boundaries. Washington, DC.
Chinman M. (9/10-11/13). Peer support implementation across mental health programs: Inpatient,
outpatient and PRRC. We Are Better Together: Best Practices in VHA Peer Support Supervision
and Implementation. Dallas, TX.
Chinman M. (8/22/13). Understanding and utilizing research and outcome data to validate Peer Support
services. Peer Support – Bridging the Gap-Defining Skills for the Future. Minneapolis, MN.
Acosta, A., Chinman, M., Ebener, P., (8/19-21/13). Getting To Outcomes in human service settings.
Global Implementation Conference. Washington, DC.
Cohen AN, Chinman M, Hamilton AB, Whelan F, Young AS. (6/23-25/13). Using patient-facing kiosks
to support quality improvement at mental health clinics. Poster at Academy Health Annual
Research Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
Hamilton A, Chinman M, Cohen A, Oberman R, Young A. (6/23-25/13). Implementation of Consumer
Providers in mental health settings. Poster at 2013 Academy Health Annual Research Meeting,
Baltimore, MD.
Smelson, D., Chinman, M., McCarthy, S., Siegfriedt, J., Sawh, L., Kane, V., Weaver, D., Strong, S., Issa,
F. (5/14/13). Implementing evidence-based co-occurring disorder treatment in VA-HUD VASH:
The MISSION-GTO Study. VISN 5 Homelessness Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Henze K, Chinman M. (3/12/13). Peer Support Supervision. Peer Support Lecture Series, Employee
Education System.
Matthew J. Chinman, Ph.D.
Chinman, M., Ebener, P., Imm, P., (9/21/12). An analysis of the attitudes, sales practices, and
enforcement of off/on-premises alcohol outlets. 25th Annual National Prevention Network
Prevention Research Conference. Pittsburgh, PA.
Acosta, A., Chinman, M., Ebener, P., (9/20/12). Improving prevention quality: One year findings from a
randomized trial of Assets-Getting To Outcomes. 25th Annual National Prevention Network
Prevention Research Conference. Pittsburgh, PA.
Chinman M, Henze K, Sweeny P. (9/11/12). Implementation of Peer Support in VA Mental Health
Programs. Peer Support Lecture Series, Employee Education System .
Chinman, M., Acosta, J., Ebener, P., Burkhart, Q., Clifford, M., Corsello, M., Duffy, T., Hunter, S.,
Jones, M., Lahti, M., Malone, P., Paddock, S., Phillips, A., Savell, S., Scales, P., & Tellet-Royce,
N. (3/19/2012). A large-scale randomized trial of the Getting To Outcomes implementation
support intervention. Fifth Annual NIH Conference on the Science of Dissemination and
Implementation: Research at the Crossroads, Bethesda, MD.
Chinman M, Shoai R, Cohen A, Young A, Hamilton AB. (3/19/12). Implementation of new clinical
services: Paradigm shifts and practical adjustments. Fifth Annual NIH Conference on the Science
of Dissemination and Implementation: Research at the Crossroads, Bethesda, MD.
Chinman, M. & Acosta, J. (10/13/2011). Getting To Outcomes and teen pregnancy prevention: Past,
present, and future. Healthy Teen Network's 32nd Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA
Cohen, AN & Chinman, M. (8/24/11). Utilizing quality improvement teams to address gaps in care:
Techniques and tools. Workshop at the VA National Mental Health Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Chinman M, Henze K, Russo A, Sweeny P. (8/23/11). Case examples of using organizational change
strategies to support the Uniform Services Handbook requirements’ for Peer Support. Workshop
at the VA National Mental Health Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Chinman, M., Acosta, J., Ebener, P., Burkhart, Q., Clifford, M., Corsello, M., Duffy, T., Hunter, S.,
Jones, M., Lahti, M., Malone, P., Paddock, S., Phillips, A., Savell, S., Scales, P., & Tellet-Royce,
N. (6/17/2011). Supporting the implementation of positive youth development programs through
Getting To Outcomes®: One year findings from a community-level randomized trial. 2011
Society for Community Research and Action biennial conference, Chicago, IL.
Chinman M, O’Brien-Mazza D. (3/23/2011). Peer Support Implementation in DVA Mental Health
Programs: Maximizing the Effectiveness of Mental Health Services in the Prevention of Suicide.
2011 DoD/VA Suicide Prevention Conference: All the Way Home: Preventing Suicide Among
Service Members and Veterans, Boston, MA.
Chinman M. (3/4/2011). Implementing and Sustaining Peer Positions. Peer Support in Recovery:
Learning About and Celebrating Peers, Pittsburgh, PA.
Chinman M, Savell S, Clifford M, Duffy T, Jones M, Tellot-Royce N. (11/18/2010). Getting To
Outcomes and Developmental Assets in Maine: Year 1 Findings. Search Institute Conference,
Houston, TX.
Chinman M (8/10/10). LRC Survey Data and Impact On Implementation Of Peer Support Efforts In VA.
Peer Support: Combating Stigma, Chicago, IL.
Matthew J. Chinman, Ph.D.
Chinman M, McCarthy S, Hannah G. (7/27/10). VA HOMES: Building Capacity of VA Homeless Staff
to Adopt and Self-Evaluate Evidence-Based Treatments Through the Getting to Outcomes
Framework. Implementing a Public Health Model for Meeting the Mental Health Needs of
Veterans, Baltimore, MD.
Chinman M (6/22/10). Toward The Implementation of Peer Workers in Clinical Settings. Invited address
at the conference, We’re in this Together: Peer Staff in Behavioral Health. New Haven, CT
Chinman M (6/11/10). Consumer Providers. Gli UFE in versione USA. Invited address at the Utenti
Familiari Esperti Conference, Trento, Italy.
Chinman M, Shoai R, Cohen A, Young A, Hamilton AB. (4/29/10). Addressing Implementation
Challenges Deploying New Clinical Services. Veterans Affairs HSR&D National Meeting on
Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders, Little Rock AR.
Cohen, AN, Chinman, M, Hamilton AB, Smith J. (4/28/10). Building Quality Improvement Teams to
Address Gaps in Care: Tools, Methods, and Evaluation. Workshop at the Veterans Affairs
HSR&D National Meeting on Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders, Little Rock AR.
Chinman M, McCarthy S, Hannah G. (11/3/09). Homeless Outcomes: a Model for Evaluation and
Success (HOMES). Poster presented at Homeless Veterans Summit: Ending Homelessness
among Veterans in Five Years, Washington, DC.
Chinman M. (9/25/09). Implementing Peer Support. Conference for VISN 1 VA Clinical Staff. Partnering
with Peers: Exploring the Next Frontier in VA Mental Health Services. Bedford, MA.
Chinman M. (7/22/09). Helping Staff Comply with the Uniform Services Handbook Requirements of
Peer Support. Research presentation at the Department of Veterans Affairs conference: Meeting
the Diverse Mental Health Needs of Veterans: Implementing the Uniform Services Handbook,
Baltimore MD.
Chinman M. (6/18/09). Implementing Peer Support: Barriers and Breakthroughs. Peer Support: Lighting
the Path to Recovery, Department of Veterans Affairs Employee Education System and The
Office of Mental Health, Salt Lake City, UT.
Chinman M, Lucksted A, Gresen R, Davis M, Losonczy M, Sussner B, Martone L, Young A.
(2/12/2009). Using Stakeholder Analysis to Improve Implementation of the VA Uniform Service
Package. Research presentation at the Department of Veterans Affairs Health Services Research
and Development National Meeting, Baltimore MD.
Hunter, S., Ebener, P., Chinman, M. (11/6/08). Conducting Evaluation Capacity Building: Lessons
Learned from a GTO Demonstration. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
Evaluation Association. Denver, CO.
Tremain, B., Chinman, M., Wandersman, A., Imm, P., (11/8/08). IGTO: A Web-Based Technology to
Build Capacity. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Evaluation Association.
Denver, CO.
Chinman, M., Ebener, P., Hunter, S. (11/8/08). The Getting To Outcomes-Continuous Quality
Improvement Demonstration and Evaluation. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Matthew J. Chinman, Ph.D.
American Evaluation Association. Denver, CO.
Chinman M. (8/28/08). How to Prepare/Assist Your Mental Health Teams to Integrate Peer Support.
Developing Roles of Peers in VA Mental Health Services, Seattle, WA.
Chinman M, Lucksted A, Gresen RC, Davis M, Losonczy M, Sussner B, Martone L. (7/22/08).
Implementation of Mental Health Peer Support Technicians in the VA. Poster presented at the
Department of Veterans Affairs Continuing the Transformation of VA Mental Health Services:
Bridging the Gaps National Meeting, Arlington, VA.
Cohen A, Young A, Hamilton A, Chinman M, et al. (7/22/08). Evaluating Challenges and Facilitators to
Improving Care for Schizophrenia: EQUIP-2 Results at Eight VA Medical Centers. Poster
presented at the Department of Veterans Affairs Continuing the Transformation of VA Mental
Health Services: Bridging the Gaps National Meeting, Arlington, VA.
Kauth MR, Hamilton JV, Henderson K, Chinman M, Bateman S, Brister T, Gearin J Hansson V, Martone
L, Schmidt E, Williams E. (7/22-23/08). Employing Performance Monitoring and Facilitation to
Promote Consumer Councils and Recovery Plan Adoption in VISN 16. Presentation at the
Department of Veterans Affairs Continuing the Transformation of VA Mental Health Services:
Bridging the Gaps National Meeting, Arlington, VA.
Young AS, Hamilton A, Cohen AN, Chinman MJ, Kessler C (2/14/08). Improving Care for
Schizophrenia: Process Evaluation of Implementation in EQUIP. Research presentation at the
Department of Veterans Affairs Health Services Research and Development National Meeting,
Baltimore MD.
Chinman M. (2/5-6/08). Overcoming barriers to community integration and recovery. The National Local
Recovery Coordinators Training, Dallas, TX.
Chinman M. (8/3/07). Transforming the system. The Evolving Roles of Peers In VA Mental Health,
Chicago, Il.
Chinman M, Young, AS, Hassell J, Davidson L. (7/18/07, 7/19/07). Toward the implementation of mental
health consumer providers services in the VA. Transforming Mental Health Care: Promoting
Recovery and Integrated Care Conference, Alexandria, VA.
Chinman, M., Hunter, S., Ebener, P., Paddock, S., Stillman, L., Imm, P., Wandersman, A (6/8/07).
Testing a capacity-building intervention: The Getting To Outcomes demonstration and
evaluation. Paper presented at the 11th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Community Research
and Action. Pasadena, CA.
Flaspohler, P., Wandersman, A., Saul, J., Durlak, J., Zeldin, S., Chinman, M., et al. (6/8/07). Illuminating
the framework: Strengthening dissemination and implementation through application of the
interactive systems framework for dissemination and implementation. Paper presented at the 11th
Biennial Meeting of the Society for Community Research and Action. Pasadena, CA.
Chinman, M., Hunter, S., Ebener, P., Paddock, S., Stillman, L., Imm, P., Wandersman, A (5/30/07).
Testing a capacity-building intervention: The Getting To Outcomes demonstration and
evaluation. Society for Prevention Research 15th Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.
Young AS, Cohen AN, Chinman MJ, Hamilton A, Henderson C, Hamilton JV, Hicks P, Widmark C
Matthew J. Chinman, Ph.D.
(2/21/07-2/23/07). EQUIP: Improving care for schizophrenia. Poster presented at 25th Annual VA
Health Services Research & Development Meeting. Washington, DC.
Chinman MJ, Young AS, Hassell J, Mintz J, Magnabosco, JL (2/22/07). Feasibility of implementing
computerized self-assessment in routine care settings serving patients with severe mental illness.
25th Annual VA Health Services Research & Development Meeting. Washington, DC.
Chinman M, Imm P, Novince L & Wandersman A (2/14/07). Integrating the Getting to Outcomes Model
with Developmental Assets: Strategies for coalitions to focus on Asset-Building. Community
Anti-Drug Coalitions of America’s National Leadership Forum XVII: Coalitions: The Road to
Results, Washington DC.
Chinman, M., Hunter, S., Ebener, P., Paddock, S., Stillman, L., Imm, P., Wandersman, A (11/4/06).
Using Empowerment Evaluation (specifically Getting to Outcomes) to improve communities'
capacity to conduct high quality prevention programming: A Center for Disease Control Case
Example. American Evaluation Association, Evaluation 2006, Portland, OR.
Chinman M, Young, AS, Hassell J, Davidson L. (9/7/06). Toward the implementation of mental health
consumer providers services. Poster presented at National Best practice Conference in Mental
Health: Thorny Issues in Mental Health Delivery, Portland, OR.
Chinman, M. (6/22/06). Getting To Outcomes demonstration & evaluation: Building community capacity
for high quality prevention. Multiple Perspectives on Real World Helping and Social Action,
jointly sponsored by SPSSI, EAESP, pre-conference for the 2006 SPSSI biennial conference,
Long Beach, California.
Chinman, M. (1/13/06). What is “Recovery” and how do we measure it? Retreat of the South Central
Mental Illness Research, Education, and Clinical Center, Little Rock, AR.
Resnick S, Goodale L, Chinman M, Pazienza N, Cadoret G. (11/1/05). Program structure: Where do peer
services fit in the VA System? Independent programs or integrated services? Mutual Learning:
VA Peer Support & Education Conference, Memphis, TN.
Chinman, M., Hunter, S., Khatapoush, S. (10/25/05). Getting To Outcomes: A community based
approach to building capacity for high quality prevention. Addiction Health Services Research
Conference (AHSR), Santa Monica, CA.
Chinman, M. (9/12/05). Peer support among those with serious mental illnesses: Empirical evidence and
program implications. Quality Forum convened by the /RAND NIMH Center for Research on
Quality in Managed Care, Los Angeles, CA.
Chinman, M., Imm, P., Ebener, P., Hunter, S., Wandersman, A (8/29/05). Getting To Outcomes: Building
capacity for high quality prevention. 18th Annual National Prevention Network Prevention
Research Conference, New York City, NY.
Young AS, Chinman M, Mintz J, Hassell J, Magnabosco J, Cohen AN (7/19/05). Implementing routine
outcome assessment to improve care for mental illness. Poster at the NIMH Mental Health
Services Research Meeting: Broadening the Scope of Scientific Investigation, Bethesda MD.
Young AS, Chinman M, Forquer SL, Knight EL, Vogel H, Miller A (7/19/05): A Consumer-led
intervention that improves provider quality. Research presentation at the NIMH Mental Health
Matthew J. Chinman, Ph.D.
Services Research Meeting: Broadening the Scope of Scientific Investigation, Bethesda MD.
Young AS, Chinman M, Mintz J, Hassell J, Magnabosco J (6/27/05). Implementing routine outcome
assessment to improve care for mental illness. Research presentation at the Academy Health
Annual Research Meeting, Boston MA.
Young AS, Chinman M, Forquer SL, Knight EL, Vogel H, Miller A. (6/26/05) A Consumer-led
intervention that improves provider quality. Poster at the Academy Health Annual Research
Meeting, Boston MA.
Chinman, M., Young, A.S., Mintz, J., Shih, S., Hassell, J. (February 16-18, 2005). Evaluating computer
self-assessments in patients with severe mental illness. 23rd Annual VA Health Services Research
& Development Meeting. Washington, DC.
Chinman, M. (10/29/04). Peer support programs. Recovery and Rehabilitation of the Client with
Psychosis: Evidence-Based Practices. Mental Illness Research, Education, & Clinical Center,
Huntington Beach, CA.
Young, A.S., Cohen, A.N., Chinman, M.J., Mintz, J. (8/12/04). Informatics to improve care for
schizophrenia. Research presentation at the VA 2004 Information Technology Conference,
Austin TX.
Chinman, M., Imm, P., Wandersman, A, Ebener, P., Hunter, S., Sheldon, J. (1/20/04). Getting To
Outcomes 2004: Promoting Accountability through Methods and Tools for Planning,
Implementation, and Evaluation. Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America’s National
Leadership Forum XIV: Systems for Strategic Planning, Washington DC.
Young AS, Chinman M, Knight EL, Vogel H, Miller A, Mintz J, Forquer SL (12/10/03). A consumer-led
intervention that improves clinical competencies of providers. Poster at the Department of
Veterans Affairs Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI) Annual Meeting,
Washington DC.
Fetterman, D., Wandersman, A, Chinman, M., Imm, P., & Zhang, X. (12/7/03). Empowerment
Evaluation: The Next Generation. American Evaluation Association, Evaluation 2003, Reno, NV.
Zhang, X & Chinman, M. (8/26/03). iGTO: An Interactive Web-based System for Evidence-based
Prevention. The National Prevention Network’s 16th Annual Prevention Research Conference:
Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Feinberg, M. Spoth, R., Weissberg, R. Greenberg, M., Wandersman, A., Chinman, M., Mihalic, S.,
Hawkins, D. (5/30/03-6/1/03). Capacity and infrastructure development: Models and next steps in
the diffusion of empirically supported interventions. 10th Annual Meeting of Effectiveness and
Dissemination in Prevention Research: Society for Prevention Research, Seattle, WA
Orlando M, Wenzel S, Mandell W, Ebener P, Becker K, Damesek L, Farley D, Chan K, Ryan G,
Chinman M, Burnam A. (November 9-13, 2002). Assessing and improving quality of care in the
therapeutic community. 130th Annual Meeting of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs,
Philadelphia, PA.
Young AS, Forquer SL, Chinman MJ, Rowe M, Miller A, Knight E: (May 20, 2002). Improving the
Competency of Clinicians Treating People with Mental Illness. A research presentation at the
Matthew J. Chinman, Ph.D.
American Psychiatric Association 2002 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia PA.
Cradock, J.A., Chinman, M.J., Young, A.S. (April 14, 2002). Characteristics of High Utilizers of
Psychiatric Emergency Services. Poster presentation. 82nd Annual Convention, Western
Psychological Association, Irvine, CA.
Tate, D. C., Tebes, J. K., Kaufman, J. S., Chinman, M. J., & Bowler, S. (April, 2002). A comparison of
arrested youth to nonarrested youth in a mental health care system. Paper presented at the Ninth
Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Anderson D, Callahan J, Chinman M, Watts-Davis B, McGencey S. (February 21, 2002). Sustaining: The
Future of Community Coalitions. Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America Teleconference,
St. Petersburg, FL. Available at
Young AS, Forquer SL, Chinman MJ, Rowe M, Miller A, Knight E, Cradock J. (February 14, 2002).
Improving the Competency of Clinicians Providing Care to People with Severe Mental Illness.
Poster presentation. 20th Annual VA Health Services Research & Development Meeting.
Washington, DC.
Chinman M, Young A. (February 14, 2002). Using consumers and mutual support to improve public
sector mental health care. Poster presentation. 20th Annual VA Health Services Research &
Development Meeting. Washington, DC.
Chinman, M. (November 16, 2001). Getting to Outcomes: Method and tools for self evaluation and
accountability. Bi-National Drug Demand Reduction Conference, Mexico City.
Chinman, M., Flaspohler, P., Ace, A., Wandersman, A., Crusto, C., Imm, P., Ford, L., Holmes, B.,
Kaufman, , J., Andrews, A. (June 8, 2001). Involving Local Stakeholders in the Evaluation of
Their Own Programs: The South Carolina First Steps Initiative. 8th Biennial Conference for the
Society for Community Research and Action. Atlanta, GA.
Chinman, M., Flaspohler, P., Ace, A., Wandersman, A., Crusto, C., Imm, P., Ford, L., Holmes, B.,
Kaufman, J., Andrews, A. (June 8, 2001). Results Oriented Grant Making: Building Program
Accountability into a Statewide Initiative. 8th Biennial Conference for the Society for
Community Research and Action. Atlanta, GA.
Connell, C.M. & Chinman, M.J. (June 8, 2001). Community Collaboration and Research: Evaluating the
Positive Youth Development Collaborative (PYDC). 8th Biennial Conference for the Society for
Community Research and Action. Atlanta, GA.
Chinman, M. (December 7, 2000). Using Getting to Outcomes to link risk and protective factors
to prevention programming. Advanced Seminar on Risk and Protective Factors. Community
Partnership of Southern Arizona, Tucson, AZ.
Chinman, M., Flaspohler, P., Ace, A., Wandersman, A., Crusto, C., Imm, P., Ford, L., Holmes, B.,
Kaufman, J., Andrews, A. (November 8, 2000). Evaluating the Grant Process in First Steps: The
South Carolina Initiative. 15th Annual Conference of the American Evaluation Association.
Honolulu, HA.
Chinman, M. (March 13, 2000). Getting to Outcomes: Method and tools for self evaluation and
accountability. Connecticut Prevention Institute, Hartford, CT.
Matthew J. Chinman, Ph.D.
Imm, P. & Chinman, M. (November 3-4, 1999). Getting to Outcomes: Method and tools for self
evaluation and accountability. Western CAPT Conference, Reno, NV.
Chinman, M., Wandersman, A., Kaftarian, S. (November 1-2, 1999). Getting to Outcomes:
Method and tools for self evaluation and accountability. Northeast CAPT Regional Fall Institute,
Providence, RI.
Chinman, M. & Imm, P. (October 20-21, 1999). Getting to Outcomes: Method and tools for self
evaluation and accountability. Midwestern CAPT Conference, Chicago, IL.
Wandersman, A., Chinman, M., Imm, P. (October 14-15, 1999). Getting to Outcomes: Method
and tools for self evaluation and accountability. Southeastern CAPT Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Chinman, M. (September 23, 1999). Community Readiness and Needs Assessment. New
Hampshire State Incentive Grant Training. Concord, NH.
Imm, P. Chinman, M., Wandersman, A. (August 17, 1999). Evaluation from start to finish.
Southeastern School for Alcohol and Drug Studies. Athens, GA.
Chinman, M. J., Weingarten, R., Davidson, L. (May 13, 1999). On the road to collaborative
treatment planning: Consumer and provider perspectives. International Association of
Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services: Bridges to Recovery, Minneapolis, MN.
Chinman, M. (December 15, 1998).Evaluating community coalitions. Meeting of the Division of
Prevention and Community Research, Yale University School of Medicine. New Haven, CT.
Davidson, L., Chinman, M. J., Weingarten, R., (1998). Implementing a collaborative treatment
planning process. Consumer and Mental Health Associations: Coming Together in 1998 United
in Leadership, Washington, DC.
Davidson, L., Chinman, M. J., Weingarten, R., (1998). Welcome Basket: An innovative
consumer-run outreach program. Consumer and Mental Health Associations: Coming Together
in 1998 United in Leadership, Washington DC
Chinman, M. J. (1997). An untapped resource: Using Assertive Community Treatment to
improve person-environment fit. The Sixth Biennial Conference for the Society for Community
Research and Action, Columbia, SC.
Davidson, L., Chinman, M. J., Kloos, B., Weingarten, R., Stayner, D., & Tebes, J. K. (1997).
Peer support among individuals with severe mental illness: History, roadblocks, and a review of
the evidence. The Sixth Biennial Conference for the Society for Community Research and
Action, Columbia, SC.
Chinman, M., Imm, P., Morrissey, E., Nation, M., (1995). Fighting Back: Phase II Evaluation.
The Fifth Biennial Conference for the Society for Community Research and Action, Chicago,
Butterfoss, F. D., Goodman, R. M., Wandersman, A., Valois, R.F., & Chinman, M. J. (1994).
The Plan Quality Index: A research and feedback tool for measuring the quality of plans. The
Society for Public Health Educators, Raleigh, NC.
Matthew J. Chinman, Ph.D.
Chinman, M. (1994). Adolescent empowerment and development. Southeastern Psychological
Association, New Orleans, LA.
Chinman, M. J., Anderson, C. M., Imm, P.S., Wandersman, A., & Goodman, R. M. (1994). A
Longitudinal Cost and Benefit Analysis of Volunteer Participation in Community Coalitions. A
poster presented at the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA.
Butterfoss, F., Chinman, M., Imm, P., Ochs, L., & Wilson, S. (1993). Evaluating a Fighting
Back partnership: A regional prevention coalition. The fourth Biennial Conference for the Society
for Community Research and Action, Williamsburg, VA.
Frank, J. R., Chinman, M. J., & Linney, J. A. (1993). Enhancing community residential care:
Operator and mental health consumer perspectives. The Tenth Annual Eco-Community
Conference, Toccoa, GA.
Imm, P., & Chinman, M. (1993). Using Prevention Plus III. Regional training in Prevention
Plus III, Columbia, SC.
Breiter, H., Chinman, M., Wilson, S., & Wright, G. (1992). Coalitions R Us: An evaluation of
the Office of Substance Abuse Prevention Program. Eco-Community Conference, St. John's
Island, SC.
Breiter, H., Chinman, M., & Wilson, S. (1992). Creating community coalitions. South Carolina Senior's
Day Conference, Columbia, SC.
Linney, J. A., Chinman, M., & Frank, J. R. (1992). How to get what you want. SHARE
conference, Columbia, SC.
Breiter, H., Butterfoss, F., Chinman, M., Duvall, N., Imm, P., & Wilson, S. (1991). Fighting
Back and Working Together: Evaluating community coalitions. Eco-Community Conference, St.
John's Island, SC.