“our learning strategies, your professional success”
May/June 2016
Volume 2, Issue 3
FEATURED classes and programs
T o r e g i s t e r , v i s i t u c l e a r n i n g . u c s d . e du .
2016 Staff Development Program
Thursday, May 26, 2016, 8:00am-12:00pm
Price Center West, A & B Ballrooms
This *free* Unleashing Your Creativity: The Innovative
Contributor program will provide you with a structured
approach for thinking more creatively using research-based
“design thinking” methodology. Through a series of hands-on
activities, participants will experience the design thinking
process and apply it to a real project. Pierre Khawand, founder
and CEO of People-On-The-Go, will facilitate the session.
Develop Your Leadership Skills
Fomulating Innovative Solutions with Design Thinking
July 14, August 11, September 14, 2016, 8:30—3:30 pm
Torrey Pines Center North, Plaza Level Training Room
This is a hands-on workshop, intended for all staff, that will
leave you transformed in your ability to think creatively and
work collaboratively to solve significant problems and leverage
unique opportunities. It is a 3 day workshop conducted over
the course of 12 weeks. Pierre Khawand, founder and CEO of
People-On-The-Go, will facilitate the sessions.
Materials fee: $400
Updates from Skillsoft
Your Free online learning tool
Performance appraisal season has arrived for nonrepresented staff! Do you desire to lead with greater impact in
the coming year? For many professionals who have built their
career on technical expertise, the transition to bigger
leadership roles is often filled with tripwires and we need to
find ways to hurtle these obstacles.
Upcoming Skillsoft Live Event:
Act Like a Leader, Think Like a Leader
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
To view the live event, log onto Skillsoft
eLearning and click “Live Events” on your
Our featured resources this month include books,
courses, and videos that will introduce new methods for
managers to conduct performance appraisals, and tips for
employees to enhance their careers. In this month’s highlighted
course, you will learn how to leverage your career based on the
results of your performance appraisal.
Changes to the
Performance Appraisal Process
Did you know...
the performance appraisal period for non-represented
staff has changed? The current period ended on April 30, 2016
and going forward, the performance review period will be from
May 1 to April 30.
Did you know...
an IdeaWave campaign was held on the Staff
Performance Appraisal Process? IdeaWave is an innovation
collaboration tool to share and develop ideas to improve the way
we work at UC San Diego and this campaign closed on
December 20, 2015. Recurring idea themes include converting
to electronic processes, establishing consistent evaluation
standards, rewards and recognition, and upward feedback.
Did you know...
Staff Education and Development has created new
courses to support both supervisors and employees during the
performance appraisal process.
Performance Appraisal Classes for All Staff
Preparing for Your Performance Appraisal
Creating an Effective Individual Development Plan
Performance Management Classes for Managers/Supervisors
Coaching for Performance
The Manager’s Role in Employee Development
UC San Diego Performance Appraisal Process
Related Resources
Performance Management Learning Roadmap*
Performance Management Certificate*
*includes information on eight UC Performance Management
e-learning modules available on UC Learning
PPS Update - Human Resources Policy Workshop
5 / 4 /1 6
Coaching for Performance
5 / 1 2/ 1 6
Principles of Effective Communication
5 / 2 4/ 1 6
UC San Diego Performance Appraisal Process
6 / 2 /1 6
Building More Effective Relationships Using
6 / 1 6/ 1 6
Someone Tried to Serve Me What Should I Do?
Subpoena at UCSD
6 / 1 6/ 1 6
Preparing for Your Performance Appraisal
6 / 2 1/ 1 6
Manager’s Role in Employee Development
6 / 2 8/ 1 6