University of California, San Diego Detailed Financial Schedules For the Year Ended June 30, 2011 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO Unaudited Detailed Financial Schedules for the Year Ended June 30, 2011 CONTENTS A Letter from the Controller 1 Financial Overview 2-5 Summarized selected data for the past Nine Years 6 Statement of Revenues and Expenses 7 Statement of Net Assets 8 Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets 9 Statement of Cash Flows 10 Notes to the Financial Schedules 11 - 18 Current Funds Revenues 19 - 20 Current Funds Expenditures by Uniform Classification Category 21 - 27 Current Funds Expenditures by Department 28 - 42 Current Funds Expenditures - Financial Aid 43 - 45 Current Funds Expenditures by Fund Source 46 - 51 Current Funds Expenditures by Expenditure Category by Fund Source 52 - 53 Current Funds Expenditures by Department – Loc “O” 54 - 55 Long-Term Debt Schedules 56 - 62 SAN DIEGO: OFFICE OF THE CONTROLLER LA JOLLA, CA 92093-0951 TEL: (858)534-0660 January 5, 2012 STEVEN W. RELYEA VICE CHANCELLOR 0007 I am pleased to submit the Detailed Financial Schedules of the San Diego Campus for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2011. The records and accounts of the University from which this report is prepared are maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles prescribed by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) and the National Association of College and University Business Officers. The Detailed Financial Schedules are not audited and are intended for internal use. The accounts of the University of California are audited annually on a consolidated basis by the firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP, whose audit report and opinion statement are transmitted to The Regents. The consolidated financial statements are presented in the modified format required by the GASB. This report is available via BLINK as a PDF document. Donald A. Larson Controller UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA-(Letterhead for Interdepartmental use) FINANCIAL OVERVIEW (UNAUDITED) University of California, San Diego INTRODUCTION The San Diego campus of the University of California was founded in 1912 and designated a general campus in 1959. During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2011, the San Diego Campus averaged 28,071 employees [8,787 academic and 19,284 staff] and in the Fall Quarter served 29,899 students [23,663 undergraduate and 6,236 graduate and professional students]. Academic programs are conducted in the residential colleges (Revelle, Muir, Marshall, Warren, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Sixth College), the School of Medicine, the Jacobs School of Engineering, the Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies, the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, and the Rady School of Management. The UCSD Medical Center serves as the campus teaching hospital. Summarized, unaudited financial statements for the campus are presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles as prescribed by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) and are included in this report. The three primary financial statements are: statement of net assets; statement of revenues, expenses and changes in net assets; and statement of cash flows. These statements present the financial position, operating activities, and cash flows for the University. The statements represent the combined activities of campus departments and the UCSD Medical Center. Also included are the financial activities of the UCSD Foundation, The Green Foundation, and the Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine, all related but independent organizations. Following the statements, several distinct presentations of current funds revenue and expenses are provided. Lastly, are several schedules of long-term debt. The audited, consolidated financial statements of the University of California are available on the WEB at: The discussion and analysis provides an overview of the financial position and activities of the University of California, San Diego for the year ended June 30, 2011, with selected comparative information for the year ended June 30, 2010 and should be read in conjunction with the financial statements and notes to the financial statements. The discussion and analysis is available at,1362,3931,00.html . FINANCIAL OVERVIEW Statement of Net Assets The statement of net assets (see page 8) presents information on all the University’s assets, liabilities, and net assets at the end of the fiscal year. The difference between total assets and liabilities (net assets) is an indicator of the current financial condition of the University. At June 30, 2011, the University’s net assets were $2.52 billion, with assets of $4.88 billion and liabilities of $2.36 billion. Assets UC San Diego total assets increased by $560.69 million to $4.88 billion in 2011, compared to $4.32 billion in 2010, primarily due to capital assets net of depreciation increasing by $331.84 million. Cash and equity in treasurer’s investments—The University’s cash and equity in treasurer’s investments totaled $1.34 billion at the end of 2011 and $1.14 billion at the end of 2010. The net increase of $199.20 million is due to an increase in the short-term investments component of $205.30 million, offset in part by a decrease in cash of $6.06 million. Accounts receivable, net—Accounts receivable in total increased by $66.13 million to $371.87 million in 2011 from $305.74 million in 2010. The increase is in the State and Federal Government category, where receivables for state funded construction of the Structural and Materials Engineering Bldg. increased 28.50 million, and the receivables for the Rady Management School Phase 2 increased $12.60 million. Investments--Investments classified as current assets are generally fixed or variable income securities in the Short Term Investment Pool (STIP) and Total Return Investment Pool (TRIP) with a maturity date within one year. 2 FINANCIAL OVERVIEW (UNAUDITED) University of California, San Diego Noncurrent investments include securities in the General Endowment Pool (GEP) or other pools, in addition to fixed or variable income securities in STIP and TRIP with a maturity date beyond one year. The TRIP investment pool, established in 2009, is managed to a total return objective and is intended to supplement STIP. The financial markets, both domestically and internationally, have been volatile in recent times and this has affected the valuation of investments. The Regents of the University of California (The Regents) utilizes asset allocation strategies that are intended to optimize investment returns over time in accordance with their investment objectives, while maintaining an acceptable level of risk. The GEP portfolio return was up 20.2 percent in 2011, an increase of 8.9 percent versus 2010. TRIP had a positive return of 11.2 percent in 2011 a decrease of 2.8 percent from 2010. STIP had positive return of 2.5 percent in 2011, a decrease of 0.2 percent from 2010. Investment of cash collateral--The University participates in a securities lending program incorporating securities owned by both the University and UCRS as a means to augment income. It is managed as a single program for all campuses by the University of California Office of the President. Capital assets, net--Capital spending continues at a brisk pace in order to provide the facilities necessary to support the University’s teaching, research and public service mission and for patient care. These facilities include core academic buildings, housing and auxiliary enterprises, health science centers, utility plants, infrastructure, and public service. Capital assets, net of accumulated depreciation, increased by $331.84 million to $3.01 billion in 2011. The increase reflects current year capital construction expenditures for the Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine building, $96.90 million; the Sulpizio Cardiovascular Center, $37.50 millon; the Telemed Education Facility building, $36.70 million, the Thornton Hospital Bed Tower, $30.40 million; and the Structural and Materials Engineering building, $30.40 million. Other assets--Other assets including investments held by trustees, pledges receivable, notes and mortgages receivable, and inventories decreased by $36.52 million in 2011 versus 2010. The decrease in 2011 is primarily the result of the use of funds held by trustees in 2010 for the construction of the Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine building, which was essentially completed at June 30. Liabilities The University’s liabilities totaled $2.36 billion in 2011. This total includes the liabilities of $1.42 billion for capital projects that provide financing for projects on more than one campus and are accounted for centrally at the UC Office of the President (UCOP). Long-term debt—This debt, principally recorded at the Office of the President, increased by $51.36 million to $1.74 billion in 2011. The major increase in 2011 was for several revenue bonds for a total of $40.10 million to be used for several building construction projects. Other liabilities—Other liabilities increased by $35.11 million to $619.71 million in 2011 from $584.60 million in 2010. This increase is principally the result of other liabilities of $19.63 million with the vacation leave accrual being the major component at $6.97 million. Net assets Net assets represent the residual interest in the University’s assets after all liabilities are deducted. Net assets are reported in five major categories: reserved for minority interests, invested in capital assets, net of related debt; restricted, nonexpendable; restricted expendable; and unrestricted. The University’s net assets grew by $474.22 million to $2.52 billion in 2011. Invested in capital assets, net of related debt—This category increased to $1.27 billion in 2011, compared to $1.04 billion in 2010. The increase represents the University’s continued investment in its physical facilities. Principal projects financed and capitalized in 2011 were the Sulpizio Cardiovascular Center, the Telemed Education Facility building, the Thornton Hospital Bed Tower, and the Structural and Materials Engineering building. Restricted expendable—The increase of $7.17 million in 2011 to $147.95 million reflects an increase of $10.88 million in capital projects, an increase of $4.71 million in debt service and offset in part by a decrease in gifts of $8.41 million. 3 FINANCIAL OVERVIEW (UNAUDITED) University of California, San Diego Unrestricted—Under generally accepted accounting principles, net assets that are not subject to externally imposed restrictions governing their use must be classified as unrestricted for financial reporting purposes. Unrestricted net assets increased $203.37 million to $1.07 billion in 2011. The increase reflects a $98.44 million increase in general funds, and a $30.56 million increase in other state funds, which reflect a change in the accounting treatment for these funds between U.C. San Diego and the UC Office of the President. There was also a $69.12 million increase in unexpended funds for capital projects. GASB Statement No. 14 entities—For the period ended June 30, 2011, the inclusion of the Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine included third-party debt of $62.00 million, and gift revenues of $ 0.68 million. The University’s results of operations The statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in net assets (see page 9) is a presentation of the University’s operating results. It indicates whether the financial condition has improved or deteriorated. In accordance with GASB requirements, certain significant revenues relied upon and budgeted for fundamental operational support of the core instructional mission of the University are required to be recorded as nonoperating revenues, including state educational appropriations, private gifts, and investment income. Revenues supporting core activities Revenues to support the University’s core activities, including those classified as non-operating revenues, were $3.23 billion and $2.95 billion in 2011 and 2010, respectively. This diversified source of revenue increased by $275.59 million in 2011. State of California educational appropriations, in conjunction with student tuition and fees, are the core components that support the instructional mission of the University. Grants and contracts provide opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to participate in basic research alongside some of the most prominent researchers in the country. Gifts to the University allow crucial flexibility for support of its fundamental activities or new academic initiatives. Other significant revenues are from the Medical Center; educational activities; and auxiliary enterprises such as student housing, food service operations, parking, and the Bookstore. Student tuition and fees, net—Student tuition and fees revenue, net of scholarship allowances, grew in 2011 by $37.80 million to $350.45 million. The increase reflects continued annual increases in fees during the fiscal period for all categories of students due to the ongoing budget difficulties of the State of California which has resulted in several years of decreasing support for higher education. Grants and contracts—Revenues from grants and contracts increased $77.75 million in 2011 to $959.87 million. This revenue represents support from a variety of federal, state, private, and local agencies, with funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) being a major contributor in 2011. Funding from private corporations and local governments showed a 6.2 percent increase in fiscal 2011. Medical Center—Revenues of $959.59 million in 2011 reflect an increase of $104.83 million from 2010. Net patient service revenue for 2011 increased by $79.80 million over 2010. The increase in 2011 over 2010 in this category was due to patient volumes, contract price increases, and improved collections. Net patient service revenue is reported net of estimated allowances under contractual arrangements with Medicare, Medi-Cal, the county of San Diego, and other third-party payers and has been estimated based upon the principles of reimbursements and terms of the contracts currently in effect. Sales and services, educational activities—Revenues from educational activities grew by $51.70 million to $311.96 million in 2011 compared to $260.26 million in 2010. The increase is due to a $51.7 million increase in the medical group’s patient revenue which included a full year’s results from the affiliation with Children's Hospital. State educational appropriations—Educational appropriations from the state of California increased by $15.68 million to $298.03 million in 2011. The State’s continued fiscal crisis in 2011 resulted in further reductions in overall state funding by the legislature and the governor. However, this decrease was offset by federal pass-through stimulus funds. Because of the complexity and timing of these actions, it is important to look at year-over-year changes over a four-year—rather than one-year—period. While the one-year change between 2011 and 2010 appears to reflect an increase in state educational appropriations when compared to 2008, there was actually a decline of $3.28 million over the four-year period. 4 FINANCIAL OVERVIEW (UNAUDITED) University of California, San Diego Private gifts—Private gifts decreased by $34.32 million in 2011 to $51.28 million. In 2010, UC San Diego recorded $27.45 million for the Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine, a one-time event, to comply with GASB Statement No. 14 requirements. This gift was for the construction of the building to house the Consortium. Private gifts in general are down slightly from historic levels due to the current economic environment. Expenses associated with core activities Expenses associated with the University’s core activities, including those classified as non-operating expenses, increased by $199.34 million, from $2.81 billion to $3.07 billion in 2011. Salaries and benefits—More than 60 percent of the University’s expenses are related to salaries and benefits. During 2011, salaries and benefits increased to $1.86 billion. The increase of $156.79 million reflected programmed faculty merits, necessary new hiring, seventeen union contract wage implementations and benefit cost increases. UCRP benefits—beginning in May 2010 and for subsequent months, the employer contribution was increased to four percent of covered salary and wages. In the previous years, either no contribution or limited contribution was made to UCRP. This resulted in a $31.89 million increase in 2011 over 2010. Utilities—During 2011, utility expenses were $46.76 million, a decrease of $0.32 million from fiscal 2010, primarily as a result of an aggressive solar panel installation program and other energy-saving steps taken by the University. Scholarships and fellowships—The University is committed to make the world-class education affordable and places high priority on student financial aid. The numbers reported under scholarships and fellowships include total financial aid expenditure and scholarship allowances. The total of financial aid expenditure accounts for a significant portion of the University’s operating expenses and has increased annually; total payments for 2011 was $210 million up from $179 million in 2010. Scholarship allowance is an accounting adjustment required by GASB Statement No. 34 and prescribes that revenues be reported net of discounts and allowances. The scholarship allowance fluctuates from year –to– year depending on the timing and types of aid payments. Because of this, the reported number for scholarship and fellowships also fluctuate over time. Other expenses—Other expenses consist of a variety of expense categories, including travel, rent, insurance, legal settlements, and repairs and maintenance, plus any gain or loss on disposals of capital assets and other nonoperating expenses. Expenses in this category were $379.08 million in 2011, or an increase of $50.76 million over 2010. Key contributors were subcontractor costs (federal grants and contracts related) for an increase of $24.36 million, and repairs and maintenance of $11.97 million. Other Changes in Net Assets– Other changes in net assets are also not available to support the University’s operating expenses in the current year. State capital appropriations and capital gifts and grants may only be used for the purchase or construction of the specified capital assets. Only income earned from gifts of permanent endowments is available in future years to support the specified program. A $260.04 million decrease occurred primarily as a result of a change in accounting treatment for administrative cost recoveries from federally sponsored programs. These monies, formerly transferred to the UC Office of the President, are now held at the local campus, and reported elsewhere in the financial statements. In accordance with GASB reporting standards, operating losses were $160.93 million in 2011 and $252.52 million in 2010. These operating losses were more than offset by net revenues and expenses that are required by GASB to be classified as non-operating, but which remain available to support operating activities of the University, $379.97 million in 2011 and $395.31 million in 2010. This income is restricted by either legal or fiduciary obligations, and is allocated for academic and research initiatives or programs, necessary debt service, or required for capital purposes. Statement of cash flows In 2011, net cash inflow from operating activities was $21.20 million, and an additional $407.38 million was provided by noncapital financing activities. By comparison, in 2010 the net cash inflow from operating activities was $7.14 million, with $404.96 million of cash provided by noncapital financing activities. The net cash outflow from capital and related financing activities was $461.35 million in 2011 and $249.12 million in 2010. The primary uses of cash were payments to employees, suppliers, utilities, and capital asset purchases. Cash sources include grants and contracts, receipts from the Medical Center, and student tuition. 5 University of California, San Diego 2010- 2011 SUMMARIZED SELECTED DATA FOR TEN YEARS (UNAUDITED ) (Dollars in Thousands) EMPLOYMENT Academic Staff Total STUDENT ENROLLMENT (Fall Quarter) Undergraduate Graduate and professional 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 8,787 19,284 8,588 18,818 8,143 18,969 7,811 18,454 7,566 18,445 7,346 17,279 7,119 17,068 6,959 16,591 6,605 16,281 5,823 15,403 28,071 27,406 27,112 26,265 26,011 24,625 24,187 23,550 22,886 21,226 23,143 5,967 22,518 5,682 22,048 5,634 21,369 5,507 20,679 5,285 20,339 4,939 19,872 4,835 19,088 4,460 17,505 4,063 29,110 28,200 27,682 26,876 25,964 25,278 24,707 23,548 21,568 23,663 6,236 Total 29,899 2009 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2011 2010 2008 OPERATING AND NONOPERATING REVENUES Student tuition and fees, net $ 350,453 $ 312,657 $ 260,915 $ 230,451 $ 202,465 $ 192,606 $ 176,265 $ 144,887 $ 119,801 $ 104,370 Grants and contracts 959,865 882,114 812,825 765,512 738,575 686,472 660,524 638,852 583,271 538,216 Medical Center 959,588 854,759 805,547 732,500 659,469 620,946 556,737 498,250 455,909 435,460 311,959 Educational activities 204,164 260,264 227,425 223,764 181,127 162,670 163,853 148,585 143,611 Auxiliary enterprises, net 136,374 133,842 134,575 130,696 120,610 109,378 106,167 100,455 88,325 80,416 State educational appropriations 298,025 282,346 244,612 301,300 282,940 260,587 250,531 268,539 295,733 309,049 State financing appropriations 21,113 15,639 13,030 17,602 18,658 21,579 17,313 16,775 14,699 17,412 Federal financing appropriation 6,698 4,325 Federal pell grants (1) 53,554 44,385 Private gifts 51,284 85,608 55,791 59,136 62,618 48,014 49,372 51,991 38,571 36,795 Investment income 26,876 20,306 24,613 24,505 22,384 19,562 14,486 12,401 13,329 14,599 Other 50,443 54,497 56,752 54,936 56,930 34,039 30,502 22,294 22,067 21,897 Total $ 3,226,232 $ 2,950,742 $ 2,636,085 $ 2,540,402 $ 2,368,813 $ 2,174,310 $ 2,024,567 $ 1,918,297 $ 1,780,290 $ 1,701,825 OPERATING AND NONOPERATING EXPENDITURES Salaries and wages $ 1,481,492 $ 1,394,308 Benefits 382,700 313,095 Scholarships and fellowships 80,811 90,265 Utilities 46,760 47,082 Supplies and materials 363,459 388,839 Depreciation and amortization 195,303 188,641 Interest expense (2) 75,138 55,137 Other 381,523 330,581 Total $ 3,007,186 $ 2,807,948 OPERATING EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION Instruction Research Public service Academic support Student services Institutional support Operation and maintenance of plant Student financial aid Medical Center Auxiliary enterprises Depreciation Impairment of capital assets Other Total PLANT ASSETS Capitalized value Accumulated depreciation Net plant assets $ 561,284 $ 700,292 20,664 236,464 75,855 85,663 62,855 82,651 793,329 112,199 195,303 3,048 $ 2,929,607 513,800 665,985 17,482 196,305 66,999 104,407 64,688 94,148 720,920 108,026 188,641 9,144 $ 2,750,545 $ 1,319,900 278,283 57,962 47,997 379,893 174,200 336 326,954 $ 1,249,558 252,920 51,626 43,675 383,559 168,423 4,743 324,739 $ 1,133,959 232,579 44,870 71,752 314,498 168,940 5,137 276,189 $ 1,048,463 226,706 37,811 63,119 301,857 158,418 5,810 248,631 $ $ 2,585,525 $ 2,479,243 $ 2,247,924 $ 2,090,815 $ 1,956,992 $ 1,835,277 $ 1,721,597 $ 1,613,353 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 474,703 609,965 16,808 190,073 62,338 121,632 69,355 58,932 692,853 110,933 174,200 2,182 $ 2,583,974 476,581 557,902 16,463 192,810 57,152 111,505 63,445 55,106 656,326 107,773 168,423 10,374 $ 2,473,860 431,857 526,741 15,767 155,183 49,962 101,308 63,548 49,830 573,102 97,487 168,940 8,974 $ 2,242,699 395,072 509,533 16,601 152,207 45,291 85,058 59,699 41,425 524,314 86,366 158,418 672 10,268 $ 2,084,924 976,396 204,662 43,460 51,186 280,016 145,831 5,246 250,195 375,260 500,529 10,009 130,764 42,794 79,844 48,130 40,024 490,795 80,914 145,831 2,491 4,218 $ 1,951,603 $ 922,457 185,529 17,644 48,769 267,981 140,104 5,722 247,071 338,669 474,414 11,790 142,790 40,607 74,651 43,017 36,797 447,545 74,072 140,104 5,011 $ 1,829,467 $ 869,260 167,266 23,606 45,068 242,725 129,299 6,034 238,339 312,508 438,931 12,391 147,613 39,536 71,879 39,434 38,774 414,722 68,159 129,299 2,215 $ 1,715,461 $ 819,421 151,959 22,397 43,900 209,802 121,853 6,889 237,132 289,532 407,038 11,466 130,717 38,022 64,917 44,978 36,258 394,974 64,192 121,853 2,420 $ 1,606,367 $ 5,471,803 $ 4,960,879 $ 4,551,050 $ 4,215,855 $ 3,939,206 $ 3,642,687 $ 3,390,745 $ 3,265,239 $ 2,991,254 $ 2,779,745 (2,462,215) (2,283,128) (2,110,767) (1,973,935) (1,834,174) (1,699,060) (1,570,690) (1,561,944) (1,458,708) (1,373,321) $ 3,009,588 $ 2,677,751 $ 2,440,283 $ 2,241,920 $ 2,105,032 $ 1,943,627 $ 1,820,055 $ 1,703,295 $ 1,532,546 $ 1,406,424 (1) Federal Pell Grant shown as Non-Operating Revenue starting FY2010 per GASB guidelines (formerly shown as a part of Contracts and Grants - Federal). (2) Starting FY 2009-2010 Interest expense included interest paid to UCOP for local long-term debt held at UCOP. Previously these interest payments were shown as transfers in the retirement of indebtedness fund group. These changes were reflected on the campus schedules beginning in FY 2009-2010. 6 University of California, San Diego 2010-2011 THE STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES (Dollars in Thousands) (UNAUDITED) Operating Revenues Student tuition and fees, net Grants and contracts Medical Center Educational activities Auxiliary enterprises, net State educational appropriations Federal financing appropriations Federal pell grants State financing appropriations Private gifts Investment income Other revenues Revenues supporting core activities Expenses Salaries and wages Benefits Scholarships and fellowships Utilities Supplies and materials Depreciation and amortization Interest expense (1) Other expenses Building maintenance Travel Telecommunications Other $ Year Ended June 30, 2011 Nonoperating 350,453 959,865 959,588 311,959 136,374 50,443 2,768,682 $ 1,481,492 382,700 80,811 46,760 363,459 195,303 - 298,025 6,698 53,554 21,113 51,284 26,876 Expenses associated with core activities Income (loss) from core activities Other Nonoperating Activities $ 2,929,607 (160,925) $ Operating 457,550 75,138 1,481,492 382,700 80,811 46,760 363,459 195,303 75,138 1,394,308 313,095 90,265 47,082 388,839 188,641 - 28 129,748 35,820 29,734 183,808 113,523 33,460 29,579 151,754 75,166 382,384 3,004,773 221,459 - Loss on disposal of capital assets, net $ Year End June 30, 2010 Nonoperating 350,453 959,865 959,588 311,959 136,374 298,025 6,698 53,554 21,113 51,284 26,876 50,443 3,226,232 129,748 35,820 29,734 183,780 $ Total $ 312,657 882,114 854,759 260,264 133,842 54,395 2,498,031 $ 2,750,546 (252,515) $ 282,346 4,325 44,385 15,639 85,608 20,306 102 452,711 $ 55,137 Total 312,657 882,114 854,759 260,264 133,842 282,346 4,325 44,385 15,639 85,608 20,306 54,497 2,950,742 1,394,308 313,095 90,265 47,082 388,839 188,641 55,137 - 113,523 33,460 29,579 151,754 55,137 397,574 2,805,683 145,059 (2,413) Income before other changes in net assets Other Changes in Net Assets State capital appropriations Capital gifts and grants Transfers Increase in net assets Net Assets Beginning of year Cummulative effect of a change in accounting principle End of year $ (2,265) 219,046 142,794 43,156 50,869 161,144 474,215 17,624 10,915 (98,896) 72,437 2,047,204 2,521,419 $ 1,974,767 2,047,204 Financial statements for the University of California, San Diego are unaudited. Financial statements for the UC San Diego Foundation are audited. See accompanying Notes to the Financial Statements (1) Starting FY 2009-2010 interest expense included interest paid to UCOP for local long-term debt held at UCOP. Previously, these interest payments were shown as transfers in the Retirement of indebtedness fund group. These changes were reflected on the campus schedules beginning FY 2009-2010. 30% Grants and Contracts 49% Salaries and Wages 30% Medical Center 13% Benefits 11% Student Tuition and Fees 12% Supplies and Materials 10% Educational Activities 8% Other Expenses 9% State Educational Appropriations 6% Depreciation and Amortization 4% Auxiliary Enterprises 2% Other Revenues 4% Building Maintenance 2% Federal Pell Grants 3% Scholarships and Fellowships 1% Private Gifts 3% Interest Expense 1% Investment Income 2% Utilities 7 Univeristy of California, San Diego 2010-2011 (Dollar in Thousands) STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS (UNAUDI TED) Campus 2011 ASSETS Current Assets Cash and equity in treasurer's investments Investments held by trustees Accounts receivable, net State and federal government Medical Center Other Pledges receivable, net Notes receivable, net Inventories Other current assets Total current assets Noncurrent Assets Investments held by trustees Pledges receivable Notes and mortgages Land, buildings, equipment, libraries, and special collections Less: Accumulated depreciation Other noncurrent assets Total noncurrent assets Total assets $ 1,338,619 - 2010 $ 102,679 171,930 97,264 3,483 3,161 26,727 47,385 1,791,248 $ LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts payable Accrued salaries and benefits Deferred revenue Current portion of long-term debt Funds held for others Annuities payable Liabilities to life beneficiaries Other current liabilities Total current liabilities $ Noncurrent Liabilities Federal refundable loans Annuities payable Liabilities to life beneficiaries Long-term debt Revenue bonds Mortgages and other borrowings Capital lease obligations Third party debt Other noncurrent liabilities Total noncurrent liabilities Total liabilities $ NET ASSETS Reserved for minority interests $ Invested in capital assets, net of related debt 161,124 139,353 114,017 50,563 1,677 82,591 980 73,422 70 5,297 99 79,868 428,228 356,866 35,561 81,804 1,136 1,330 511,168 393,757 $ 620,914 $ 473,625 $ 1,320 109 842 1,421 - $ 1,250 123 1,104 1,205 - 3,692 3,682 27,758 - 24,635 - 5,992 8,954 6,785 8,143 1,258,587 1,297,389 111,525 21,955 248,356 253,155 63,552 64,862 58,408 61,197 1,768,186 1,723,193 2,358,991 $ 2,272,518 31,418 12,444 4,035 86,216 35,687 9,499 73 1,072,114 2,521,419 $ - $ 14,946 18,638 $ $ - 1,037,675 12,743 3,700 94,624 24,809 4,787 125 868,741 $ 2,047,204 - $ 14,928 18,610 - 279,478 5,257 254,220 3,862 106,044 7,201 12,732 187,072 4,492 $ 602,276 66,858 5,104 10,650 110,327 3,994 $ 455,015 Financial statements for the University of California, San Diego are unaudited. Financial statements for the UC San Diego Foundation are audited. See accompanying Notes to the Financial Statements 8 $ 49 24,052 206 109,746 58,130 165,126 82,488 6,668 3,039 24,347 30,957 1,510,137 $ 1,486 83,953 549,325 - $ $ 2010 590,805 1,269,933 Restricted Nonexpendable Endowments Annuity and life income funds Expendable Endowments Endowment income Annuity and life income funds Funds functioning as endowments Loans Gifts Capital projects Debt service Other Unrestricted Total net assets 1,139,382 - 20,675 76,402 6,425 10,049 34,705 30,252 5,471,803 4,960,879 (2,462,216) (2,283,130) 17,770 15,133 3,089,162 2,809,585 4,880,410 $ 4,319,722 154,528 151,839 126,049 57,267 1,691 99,431 Foundation 2011 University of California, San Diego 2010-2011 (Dollar in Thousands) STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS (UNAUDI TED) Campus 2011 OPERATING REVENUES Student tuition and fees, net Grants and contracts Federal State Private Local Sales and services Medical Center Educational activities Auxiliary enterprises, net Contributions revenue Other operating revenues, net Total operating revenues $ 350,453 $ Foundation 2011 2010 312,657 692,035 50,682 204,003 13,145 635,847 41,848 193,337 11,082 959,588 311,959 136,374 - 854,759 260,264 133,842 - $ 111,219 - $ 2010 39,937 50,443 54,395 2,768,682 2,498,031 111,219 39,937 - 1,481,492 382,700 80,811 46,760 363,459 195,303 - 1,394,308 313,095 90,265 47,082 388,839 188,641 - 52,552 52,134 129,748 35,820 29,734 183,780 2,929,607 (160,925) 113,523 33,460 29,579 151,754 2,750,546 (252,515) 52,552 58,667 52,134 (12,197) NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES) State educational appropriations State financing appropriations Federal financing appropriations Federal pell grants Private gifts Investment income Realized gain on sale of investments Unrealized appreciation/depreciation on investments Interest expense (1) Change in value of annuity and life income liabilities Loss on disposal of capital assets, net Other nonoperating revenues (expenses) Total net nonoperating revenues (expenses) Income before other changes in net assets 298,025 21,113 6,698 53,554 51,284 26,876 (75,138) (2,413) (28) 379,971 219,046 282,346 15,639 4,325 44,385 85,608 20,306 (55,137) (2,265) 102 395,309 142,794 8,338 587 63,864 3,492 35 76,316 134,983 7,353 (1,853) 33,205 832 20 39,557 27,360 OTHER CHANGES IN NET ASSETS State capital appropriations Capital gifts and grants Permanent endowments Transfers Total other changes in net assets Increase in net assets 43,156 50,869 161,144 255,169 474,215 17,624 10,915 (98,896) (70,357) 72,437 12,278 12,278 147,261 10,520 10,520 37,880 OPERATING EXPENSES Salaries and wages Benefits Scholarships and fellowships Utilities Supplies and materials Depreciation and amortization Grants to campus Other operating expenses Building maintenance Travel Telecommunications Other Total operating expenses Operating income (loss) NET ASSETS Net assets, beginning of year Cummulative effect of a change in accounting principle Net assets, end of year 2,047,204 - 1,974,767 - 455,015 - 417,135 - $ 2,521,419 $ 2,047,204 $ 602,276 $ 455,015 Financial statements for the University of California, San Diego are unaudited. Financial statements for the UC San Diego Foundation are audited. (1) Starting FY 2009-2010 interest expense included interest paid to UCOP for local long-term debt held at UCOP. Previously, these interest payments were shown as transfer in the Retirement of indebtedness fund group. These changes were reflected on the campus schedules beginning FY 2009-2010. 9 (Dollar in Thousands) University of California, San Diego 2010-2011 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS (UNAUDI TED) CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Student tuition and fees Grants and contracts Receipts from sales and services of Medical Center Educational activities Auxiliary enterprises Receipts from contributions Collections of loans to students and employees Payments to employees Payments to suppliers and utilities Payments for benefits Payments for scholarships and fellowships Payments to campuses Payments to beneficiaries Loans issued to students and employees Other receipts (payments) Campus 2011 $ 350,585 963,774 $ 952,971 307,009 137,448 3,628 (1,459,775) (784,582) (386,481) (80,811) (8,183) 25,614 Net cash provided (used) by operating activities CASH FLOWS FROM NONCAPITAL FINANCING ACTIVITIES State educational appropriations Federal pell grants Private gifts for endowment purposes Private gifts received for other than capital purposes Other receipts (payments) Net cash flows from noncapital financing activities CASH FLOWS FROM CAPITAL AND RELATED FINANCING ACTIVITIES State capital appropriations State financing appropriations Federal financing appropriations Capital gifts and grants Proceeds from debt issuance Proceeds from the sale of capital assets Proceeds from insurance recoveries Purchases of capital assets Refinancing/prepayment outstanding debt Principal paid on debt and capital leases Interest paid on debt and capital leases Net cash provided (used) by capital and related activities CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from sale and maturities of investments Purchase of investments Other receipts Net cash provided (used) by investing activities 311,457 874,895 $ $ 839,095 262,786 135,040 2,788 (1,316,520) (739,598) (308,098) (90,265) (5,576) 41,136 $ - 44,866 (46,130) (2,416) (4,189) 36,086 (46,060) (2,303) (5,007) 7,140 (7,869) (17,284) 298,025 53,420 56,804 (512) 282,346 44,385 76,964 1,261 9,281 1,025 9,914 8 407,737 404,956 10,306 9,922 869 16,571 6,698 50,251 69,001 252 (466,561) (41,263) (10,704) (86,459) 15,408 13,676 4,325 11,496 253,417 157 (525,810) (11,926) (9,859) - - (461,345) (249,116) - - 26 9,092 42 5,073 58,527 (68,205) 7,747 45,945 (47,577) 6,950 9,118 5,115 (1,931) 5,318 (75,701) (2,380) (16,428) (1,875) (5,915) 12,488 12,259 17,427 21,197 $ (59,242) (249) (10,279) (4,399) 20,825 74,561 4,735 12,928 7,140 $ $ $ Financial statements for the University of California, San Diego are unaudited. Financial statements for the UC San Diego Foundation are audited. See accompanying Notes to the Financial Statements 10 - 21,197 CHANGE IN ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES Cumulative effect of change in accounting principles Net change due to GASB Prouncements CASH FLOWS FROM TRANSFERS Current Intercampus 29,784 352,242 Interfund 18,669 (118,926) Net revenue of bonds and other indebtedness programs Unexpended plant 181,625 121,852 Retirement of indebtedness (7,870) (71,107) 192 62 Investment in plant Loan 102 69 (191,428) Indirect cost recovery Net cash flows from transfers 222,502 92,764 Total net increase in cash 199,209 260,859 1,138,647 877,788 Cash beginning of year Cash end of year $ 1,337,856 $ 1,138,647 RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING LOSS TO NET CASH USED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES Operating income (loss) $ (160,926) $ (252,515) Depreciation and amortization expense 195,303 188,641 Noncash gifts Allowance for doubtful accounts 46,945 32,134 Allowance for uncollectible receivables Loss on impairment of capital assets Change in assets and liabilities Receivables, net Inventories Deferred charges Other assets Accounts payable Accrued salaries and benefits Deferred revenue Annuities payable Other liabilities Net cash used by operating activities Foundation 2011 2010 2010 - - 506 980 1,486 $ (2,044) 3,024 980 58,667 $ (1,358) 181 - (12,197) (7,954) (206) - (65,177) (116) (740) 674 (7,869) $ 4,309 272 (869) (638) (17,283) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL SCHEDULES (UNAUDITED) University of California, San Diego FINANCIAL REPORTING ENTITY AND SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Financial Reporting Entity The accompanying unaudited financial statements of the University of California, San Diego campus, including the UCSD Medical Center, have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, including all applicable effective statements of the Financial Accounting Standards Board through November 30, 1989 and generally adhering to the statements of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), using the accrual basis of accounting. The accounts of the San Diego campus are subject to limited-scope procedures as a part of the annual audit of the financial statements of the entire University of California. The financial statements of the San Diego campus have not been individually audited. The significant accounting policies of the University, not including the campus foundation, are summarized below. The UCSD Foundation is a nonprofit, public-benefit corporation organized for the purpose of accepting and administering the full range of private contributions for the campus. It is qualified as tax-exempt organization under the provision of Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is exempt from federal and state income taxes on related income The unaudited financial schedules represent the combined activities of campus departments and the UCSD Medical Center. However, campus activities within Office of the President (UCOP) programs, referred to as Location “O” funding, are considered operations of UCOP and are not included in summary totals in this report. GASB Statement No. 59, Financial Instruments Omnibus, was adopted by the University during the year ended June 30, 2011. This statement updates existing standards regarding financial reporting and disclosure requirements of certain financial instruments and external investment pools. Implementation of Statement No. 59 had no effect on the University’s net assets or changes in net assets for the years ended June 30, 2011 and 2010. GASB Statement No. 62, Codification of Accounting and Financial Reporting Guidance Contained in Pre-November 30, 1989 FASB and AICPA Pronouncements, was adopted by the University during the year ended June 30, 2011. This statement incorporates into GASB’s authoritative literature certain accounting and financial reporting guidance that is included in Financial Accounting Standards Board Statements and Interpretations, Accounting Principles Board Opinions and Accounting Research Bulletins of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ Committee on Accounting Procedures that were issued on or before November 30, 1989. Implementation of Statement No. 62 had no effect on the University’s net assets or changes in net assets for the years ended June 30, 2011 and 2010. THE SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES OF THE UNIVERSITY ARE AS FOLLOWS: Cash and cash equivalents– The University considers all balances in demand deposit accounts to be cash. The University classifies all other highly liquid cash equivalents as short-term investments. The Office of the President/Treasurer’s Office maintains centralized management for substantially all of the University’s cash. Cash in demand deposit accounts is minimized by sweeping available cash balances into investment accounts on a daily basis. Short-term investments– UCSD participates in a temporary investment pool that is administered by the Office of the President. This pool invests primarily in U.S. Treasury securities, commercial paper, and short-term corporate notes with cost approximating market value. These temporary investments are considered cash equivalents for the purposes of the statement of cash flows. Investments–Investments are recorded at fair value. Securities, including derivative investments, are generally valued at the last sale price on the last business day of the fiscal year, as quoted on a recognized exchange or an industry standard pricing service, when available. Securities for which no sale was reported as of the close of the last business day of the fiscal year are valued at the quoted bid price of a dealer who regularly trades in the security being valued. Certain securities may be valued on a basis of a price provided by a single source. Investment transactions are recorded on the date the securities are purchased or sold (trade date). Realized gains or losses are recorded as the difference between the proceeds from the sale and the average cost of the investment sold. Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date and interest income is accrued as earned. Gifts of securities are recorded based on fair value at the date of donation. Additional information on cash and investments can be obtained from the 2010-2011 annual report of the University. 11 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL SCHEDULES (UNAUDITED) - continued University of California, San Diego Endowments–The campus endowment funds are invested and administered by the Endowment and Investment Accounting unit of the Office of the President, and are not included in these financial statements. Income from campus endowment funds is recorded at UCOP and transferred to the campus annually. The University’s endowment income distribution policies are designed to preserve the value of the endowment and to generate a predictable stream of spendable income. Investments held by trustees– All investments held by trustees are insured, registered, or held by the University’s trustee or custodial bank, as fiduciary for the bondholder or as an agent for the University. Indirect Cost Recovery (Transfers) – Indirect cost recoveries (ICR) generated by the campus from its own federal, state, and private contract and grant activity are now retained locally effective FY 2010-2011. For federal ICR, the campus completed the distribution of ICR funds into categories consistent with the Memorandum of Understanding for Disposition of Receipts from Overhead with the state of California. For state ICR, the campus retained the ICR funds as part of the General Fund. For local government, private contract and grants ICR, the campus retained the ICR funds as part of discretionary funds. Accounts receivable net– Accounts receivable, net of allowance for uncollectable accounts, include reimbursements due from state and federal sponsors of externally funded research, patient billings, and other receivables. Other receivables include local government and private grants and contracts, educational activities and amounts due from students, employees and faculty for services. Pledges receivable, net– Unconditional pledges of private gifts to the University or to the campus foundation in the future, net of allowance for uncollectible amounts, are recorded as pledges receivable and revenue in the year promised at the present value of expected cash flows. Conditional pledges, including all pledges of endowments and intentions to pledge, are recognized as receivables and revenues when the specified conditions are met. Notes and mortgages receivable, net– Loans to students, net of allowance for uncollectible amounts, are provided from federal student loan programs and from other University sources. Home mortgage loans, primarily to faculty, are provided from the University’s Short Term Investment Pool and from other University sources. Mortgage loans provided by the Short Term Investment Pool are classified as investments and loans provided by other sources are classified as mortgages receivable in the statement of net assets. Inventories– Inventories, consisting primarily of supplies and merchandise for resale, are valued at cost, typically determined under the weighted average method, which is not in excess of net realizable value. Capital assets– Land, infrastructure, buildings and improvements, intangible assets, equipment, libraries and collections and special collections are recorded at cost at the date of acquisition, or estimated fair value at the date of donation in the case of gifts. Estimates of fair value involve assumptions and estimation methods that are uncertain and, therefore, the estimates could differ from actual value. Intangible assets include easements, land rights, trademarks, patents and other similar arrangements. Capital leases are recorded at the present value of future minimum lease payments. Significant additions, replacements, major repairs and renovations to infrastructure and buildings are generally capitalized if the cost exceeds $35,000 and if they have a useful life of more than one year. Minor renovations are charged to operations. Equipment with a cost in excess of $4,999 and a useful life of more than one year is capitalized. All costs of land, library collections and special collections are capitalized. Depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method over the estimated economic life of the asset. Leasehold improvements are amortized using the straight-line method over the shorter of the life of the applicable lease or the economic life of the asset. Estimated economic lives are generally as follows: Infrastructure Buildings and improvements Equipment Computer software Intangible assets Library books and collections Years 25 15–33 2–20 3–7 2 – indefinite 15 12 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL SCHEDULES (UNAUDITED) - continued University of California, San Diego Capital assets acquired through federal grants and contracts where the federal government retains a reversionary interest are also capitalized and depreciated. Inexhaustible capital assets, such as land or special collections that are protected, preserved and held for public exhibition, education or research, including art, museum, scientific and rare book collection, are not depreciated. Interest on borrowings to finance facilities is capitalized during construction, net of any investment income earned on taxexempt borrowings during the temporary investment of project-related borrowings. Deferred Revenue– Deferred revenue primarily includes amounts received from grant and contract sponsors that have not been earned under the terms of the agreement and other revenue billed in advance of the event, such as student tuition and fees and fees for housing and dining services. Funds held for others–Funds held for others result from the University or the UCSD Foundations acting as an agent, or fiduciary, on behalf of organizations that are not significant or financially accountable to the University or campus foundations. Federal refundable loans– Certain loans to students are administered by the University with funding primarily supported by the federal government. The University’s statement of net assets includes both the notes receivable and the related federal refundable loan liability representing federal capital contributions owed upon termination of the program. Self insurance programs- The University is self-insured for medical malpractice, workers’ compensation, employee health care and general liability claims. These risks are subject to various claim and aggregate limits, with excess liability coverage provided by an independent insurer. Liabilities are recorded when it is probable a loss has occurred and the amount of the loss can be reasonably estimated. These losses include an estimate for claims that have been incurred, but not reported. The estimated liabilities are based upon an independent actuarial determination of the present value of the anticipated future payments. Pollution remediation obligations- Upon an obligating event, the University estimates the components of any expected pollution remediation costs and recoveries from third parties. The costs, estimated using the expected cash flow technique, are accrued as a liability. Pollution remediation liabilities generally involve groundwater, soil and sediment contamination at certain sites where state and other regulatory agencies have indicated the University is among the responsible parties. The liabilities are revalued annually and may increase or decrease the cost of recovery from third parties, if any, as a result of additional information that refines the estimates, or from payments made from revenue sources that support the activity. There were no expected recoveries at June 30, 2011 and 2010 reducing the pollution remediation liability. Net assets–Net assets are required to be classified for accounting and reporting purposes into the following categories: Invested in capital assets, net of related debt–This category includes all of the University’s capital assets, net of accumulated depreciation, reduced by outstanding debt attributable to the acquisition, construction or improvement of those assets. Restricted– The University and campus foundation classify net assets resulting from transactions with purpose restrictions as restricted net assets until the specific resources are used for the legally required purpose or for as long as the provider requires the resources to remain intact. Nonexpendable– Net assets subject to externally-imposed restrictions, which must be retained in perpetuity by the University or the campus foundation, are classified as nonexpendable net assets. Such assets include the University and campus foundation permanent endowment funds. Expendable– Net assets whose use by the University or the campus foundation is subject to externally imposed restrictions that can be fulfilled by actions of the University or campus foundation pursuant to those restrictions or that expire by the passage of time are classified as expendable net assets. Unrestricted– Net assets that are neither reserved neither restricted nor invested in capital assets, net of related debt, are classified as unrestricted net assets. The University’s unrestricted net assets may be designated for specific purposes by management or the Regents. The campus foundations’ unrestricted net assets may be designated for specific purposes by their Boards of Trustees. Substantially all of the University’s unrestricted net assets are allocated for academic and research initiatives or programs, for capital programs or for other purposes. Expenses are charged to either restricted or unrestricted net assets based upon a variety of factors, including consideration of prior or future revenue sources, the type of expense 13 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL SCHEDULES (UNAUDITED) - continued University of California, San Diego incurred, the University’s budgetary policies surrounding the various revenue sources or whether the expense is a recurring cost. Revenues and expenses– Operating revenues of the University include receipts from student tuition and fees, grants and contracts for specific operating activities and sales and services from medical centers, educational activities and auxiliary enterprises. Operating expenses incurred in conducting the programs and services of the University are presented in the statement of revenues, expenses and changes in net assets as operating activities. Certain significant revenues relied upon and budgeted for fundamental operational support of the core instructional mission of the University are mandated by the GASB to be recorded as nonoperating revenues, including state educational appropriations, certain federal grants for student financial aid, private gifts and investment income, since the GASB does not consider them to be related to the principal operating activities of the University. Campus foundations are established to financially support the University. Private gifts to campus foundations are recognized as operating revenues since, in contrast to the University, such contributions are fundamental to the core mission of the campus foundations. Foundation grants to the University are recognized as operating expenses. Private gift or capital gift revenues associated with campus foundation grants to the University are recorded by the University as the gifts are made. Nonoperating revenues and expenses include state educational appropriations, state financing appropriations, Build America Bonds federal interest subsidies, Federal Pell grants, private gifts for other than capital purposes, investment income, net unrealized appreciation or depreciation in the fair value of investments, interest expense and gain or loss on the disposal of capital assets. State capital appropriations, capital gifts and grants and gifts for endowment purposes are classified as other changes in net assets. Student tuition and fees– Substantially all of the student tuition and fees provide for current operations of the University. A small portion of the student fees, reported as capital gifts and grants, is required for debt service associated with student union and recreational centers. The University recognizes scholarship allowances as the difference between the stated charge for tuition and fees, housing and dining charges, recreational center and other fees, and the amount that is paid by the student and third parties on behalf of the student. Payments of financial aid made directly to students are classified as scholarship and fellowship expenses. Certain waivers of student tuition and fees considered to be scholarship allowances are recorded as an offset to revenue. State appropriations– The state of California provides appropriations to the University on an annual basis. State educational appropriations are recognized as non-operating revenue; however, the related expenses are incurred to support either educational operations or other specific operating purposes. State financing appropriations provide for principal and interest payments associated with lease-purchase agreements with the State Public Works Board and are also reported as nonoperating revenue. State appropriations for capital projects are recorded as revenue under other changes in net assets when the related expenditures are incurred. Special state appropriations for AIDS, tobacco and breast cancer research are reported as grant operating revenue. Grant and contract revenue– The University receives grant and contract revenue from governmental and private sources. The University recognizes revenue associated with the direct costs of sponsored programs as the related expenditures are incurred. Recovery of facilities and administrative costs of federally-sponsored programs is at cost reimbursement rates negotiated with the University’s federal cognizant agency, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. For the year ended June 30, 2011, the facilities and administrative cost recovery totaled $214.8 million, $164.5 million from federallysponsored programs and $50.3 million from other sponsors. For the year ended June 30, 2009, the facilities and administrative cost recovery totaled $191.4 million, $188.9 million from federally-sponsored programs and $2.5 million from other sponsors. Medical center revenue– Medical center revenue is reported at the estimated net realizable amounts from patients and third-party payers, including Medicare, Medi-Cal and others, for services rendered, as well as estimated retroactive adjustments under reimbursement agreements with third-party payers. Laws and regulations governing Medicare and MediCal are complex and subject to interpretation. Retroactive adjustments are accrued on an estimated basis in the period the related services are rendered and adjusted in future periods as final settlements are determined. It is reasonably possible that estimated amounts accrued could change significantly based upon settlement, or as additional information becomes available. 14 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL SCHEDULES (UNAUDITED) - continued University of California, San Diego Scholarship allowances– The University recognizes scholarship allowances, including both financial aid and fee waivers, as the difference between the stated charge for tuition and fees, housing and dining charges, recreational center and other fees, and the amount that is paid by the student, as well as third parties making payments on behalf of the student. Payments of financial aid made directly to students are classified as scholarship and fellowship expenses. UCRP benefits and obligation to UCRP- The University’s cost for campus and Medical Center UCRP benefits expense is based upon the annual required contribution to UCRP, as actuarially determined. Campus and Medical Center contributions toward UCRP benefits, at rates determined by the Regents of the University, are made to UCRP and reduce the University’s obligation to UCRP. Retiree Health Benefits Expense and obligation to UCRHBT–The University established the University of California Retiree Health Benefit Trust (“UCRHBT”) to allow certain University locations and affiliates, including the Medical Center, to share the risks, rewards and costs of providing for retiree health benefits and to accumulate funds on a tax-exempt basis under an arrangement segregated from University assets. UCRHBT provides retiree health benefits to retired employees of the University–Contributions from the University to the UCRHBT are effectively made to a cost-sharing single-employer health plan administered by the University. The Medical Center is required to contribute at a rate assessed each year by the UCRHBT. As a result, the Medical Center’s required contributions are recognized as an expense in the statements of revenues, expenses and changes in net assets. Compensated absences– The University accrues annual leave, including employer-related costs, for employees at rates based upon length of service and job classification and compensatory time based upon job classification and hours worked. Endowment spending– Under provisions of California law, the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act allows for investment income, as well as a portion of realized and unrealized gains, to be expended for the operational requirements of University programs. Tax exemption– The University is recognized as a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). Because the University is a state institution, related income received by the University is also exempt from federal tax under IRC Section 115(a). In addition, the University is exempt from state income taxes imposed under the California Revenue and Taxation Code. UCRS plans are qualified under IRC Section 401(a) and the related trusts are tax-exempt under Section 501(c) (3). The campus foundations are exempt under Section 501(c) (3). Income received by UCRHBT is tax-exempt under Section 115(a). Use of estimates– The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenditures during the reporting period. Although management believes the estimates and assumptions are reasonable, they are based upon information available at the time the estimate or judgment is made and actual amounts could differ from those estimates. New accounting pronouncements- In November 2010, the GASB issued Statement No. 60, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Service Concession Arrangements, effective for the University’s fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011. This Statement requires the University to report the activities for certain public-private partnerships as service concession arrangements in the financial statements. Service concession arrangements are recorded when the arrangements meet certain criteria which include building and operating a facility, obtaining the right to collect fees from third parties, and transferring ownership of the facility to the University at the end of the arrangement. The University is evaluating the effect that Statement No. 60 will have on its financial statements. In November 2010, the GASB issued Statement No. 61, The Financial Reporting Entity: Omnibus, effective for the University’s fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011. This Statement modifies the existing requirements for the assessment of component units that should be included in the financial statements of the University. The University is evaluating the effect that Statement No. 61 will have on its financial statements. In June 2011, the GASB issued Statement No. 63, Financial Reporting of Deferred Outflows of Resources, Deferred Inflows Of Resources, and Net Position, effective for the University’s fiscal year beginning July 1, 2012. This Statement modifies the presentation of deferred inflows and deferred outflows in the financial statements. The University is evaluating the effect that Statement No. 63 will have on its financial statements. In June 2011, the GASB issued Statement No. 64, Derivative Instruments: Application of Hedge Accounting Termination Provisions, effective for the University’s fiscal year beginning 15 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL SCHEDULES (UNAUDITED) - continued University of California, San Diego July 1, 2012. This Statement clarifies the existing requirements for the termination of hedge accounting. The University is evaluating the effect that Statement No. 64 will have on its financial statements. Comparative information– In connection with the preparation of the June 30, 2011 financial statements, the University concluded that certain cash flows for accounts receivable and doubtful accounts were being reported on a net basis. Management elected to revise the cash flows reported for changes in accounts receivable and allowance for doubtful to report the cash flows on a gross basis. This revision had no effect on the statement of net assets, statement of revenues, expenses and changes in net assets and cash used by operating activities. Cash and cash equivalents-The University maintains centralized management for substantially all of its cash. Cash in demand deposit accounts is minimized by sweeping available cash balances into investment accounts on a daily basis. Under University policy, deposits are only held at financial institutions that maintain an issuer rating on long term debt of A3 or higher by Moody’s, A- or higher by Standard & Poor’s or an Asset Peer Group rating of 65 or higher as defined by Sheshunoff Bank Rating Reports. Deposits in transit and cash awaiting investment are the primary differences. Bank balances in excess of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) limits are collateralized by U.S. government securities held in the name of the bank. The University does not have a significant exposure to foreign currency risk in demand deposit accounts. Accounts held in foreign countries maintain minimum operating balances with the intent to reduce potential foreign exchange risk while providing an adequate level of liquidity to meet the obligations of the academic programs established abroad. Accrual Basis and Fund Accounting–The accompanying unaudited financial statements of the University have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles promulgated by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), using the accrual basis of accounting. Revenues are recorded when earned and expenses are recorded when incurred and measurable. To ensure the observance of limitations and restrictions placed on the resources available to the University, the accounts are maintained in accordance with the principles of fund accounting. Resources for various purposes are classified for accounting and reporting purposes into funds according to activities or objectives specified. The major fund groups are current funds, endowment and similar funds, loan funds, and plant funds. FUND CLASSIFICATION: Current Funds Current funds are the basic operating funds of the University and provide the resources used for the current operations of the University in meeting its goals of providing instruction, research, patient care, and public service. Current funds balances are separated into those restricted by donors or grantors, and balances that are unrestricted. Restricted funds may be expended only for the purpose indicated by the donor or grantor, whereas the use of unrestricted funds is determined by the University to achieve its objectives. For statement purposes, unrestricted funds have been separated into the general fund, provided by the State of California, and designated, or other funds. Endowment and Similar Endowment funds consist of endowments, funds functioning as endowments, and annuity and life income funds. Endowments require that the principal be invested in perpetuity, with the income used in accordance with the terms specified by the donor. Funds functioning as endowments are primarily gifts and related gains that are treated as endowments. Annuity and life income funds are held in trust with the annuity or income paid periodically to designated beneficiaries. Load Funds Loan funds consist of monies designated for loans to students, faculty, and staff. Loan funds are provided from federal student loan programs, University funds, and private donations. Plant Funds The plant funds group includes four subgroups: unexpended plant funds, renewal and replacement funds, retirement of indebtedness funds, and investment in plant funds. Unexpended plant funds are designated for the improvement or expansion of facilities of the campus. This includes land and building acquisitions, construction of new facilities, initial equipping of new buildings, renovation, remodeling and alteration of existing facilities, and general planning, studies, and surveys connected with the physical planning of the campus. 16 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL SCHEDULES (UNAUDITED) - continued University of California, San Diego Unexpended plant funds are provided by state of California appropriations, federal grants, private gifts and grants, loan and bond issue proceeds, and transfers from current funds. Renewal and replacement funds, consisting of current funds transfers from self-supporting campus activities, are designated for use in the acquisition, construction, or replacement of capital assets. Retirement of indebtedness funds have been established to record debt service payments and to accumulate funds for the retirement of specific outstanding loans, bonds, and certificates of participation. The majority of these funds are maintained at the Office of the President and, therefore, not all such funds are included in the campus financial schedules. As projects are completed and are capitalized, the capitalized amounts and any related liabilities are transferred to the investment in plant subgroup. Within the investment in plant subgroup is recorded the original cost, or the fair market value in the case of gifts, of the land, buildings, libraries and special collections, intangibles and equipment assets of the University. Related liabilities consisting of Regents’ loans, State Public Works Board loans, bank and commercial paper loans, bonds, conditional sales contracts, and certificates of participation, administered by both the San Diego campus and the Office of the President, are shown on the statement of net assets. Academic Support Costs, Other– The academic support function in the schedule of current funds expenditures by uniform classification category includes activities that provide services for the University’s three primary missions – instruction, research, and public service. Expenses for this category for the year ended June 30, 2011 are summarized as follows (in thousands of dollars): Total __________________________________________________________ Medical group $ 97,837 Technology Transfer 5,811 Marine Sciences recharge and support services 35 Scripps institute of oceanography 898 School of Medicine recharge and support services 1,723 Academic affairs recharge and support services 1,022 Other (1,478) __________________________________________________________ Total Academic Support Other $ 105,848 __________________________________________________________ Retiree Health Plans– The University administers single-employer health plans to provide health and welfare benefits, primarily medical, dental and vision benefits, to eligible retirees of the University of California and its affiliates. The Regents has the authority to establish and amend the benefit plans. The contribution requirements of the eligible retirees and the participating University locations, such as University of California San Diego, are established and may be amended by the University. Membership in the UCRP is required to become eligible for retiree health benefits. Contributions toward benefits are shared with the retiree. The University determines the employer’s contribution. Retirees are required to pay the difference between the employer’s contribution and the full cost of the health insurance. Retirees employed by the campus prior to 1990 are eligible for the maximum employer contribution if they retire before age 55 and have at least 10 years of service, or if they retire at age 55 or later and have at least 5 years of service. Retirees employed by the campus after 1989 and not rehired after that date are subject to graduated eligibility provisions that generally require 10 years of service before becoming eligible for 50 percent of the maximum employer contribution, increasing to 100 percent after 20 years of service. Participating University locations, such as the campus, are required to contribute at a rate assessed each year by the UCRHBT. The contribution requirements are based upon projected pay-as-you-go financing requirements. The assessment rates resulted in campus contributions of $43.34 million and $9.08 million for the years ended June 30, 2011 and 2010, respectively. 17 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL SCHEDULES (UNAUDITED) - continued University of California, San Diego The actuarial value of UCRHBT assets and the actuarial accrued liability associated with the University’s campuses and medical centers using the entry age normal cost method as of July 1, 2010 the date of the latest actuarial valuation, were $33.7 billion and $39.1 billion, respectively. The net assets held in trust for pension benefits on the UCRHBT’s Statement of Plan Fiduciary Net Assets were $67.5 million at June 30, 2011. For the years ended June 30, 2011 and 2010 combined contributions from the University’s campuses and medical centers were $313.9 million and $283.5 million, respectively, including an implicit subsidy of $54.9 million and $49.5 million, respectively. The University’s annual retiree health benefit expense for its campuses and medical centers was $1.8 billion and $1.6 billion for the years ended June 30, 2011 and 2010, respectively. As a result of contributions that were less than the retiree health benefit expense, the University’s obligation for retiree health benefits attributable to its campuses and medical centers totaling $5.1 billion at June 30, 2011 increased by $1.4 billion and $1.4 billion for the years ended June 30, 2011 and 2010, respectively. Information related to plan assets and liabilities as they relate to individual campuses and medical centers is not readily available. Additional information on the retiree health plans can be obtained from the 2010–2011 annual reports of the University of California and the University of California Health and Welfare Program. Retirement Plans-Substantially all full-time employees of University of California San Diego participate in the University of California Retirement System (“UCRS”) that is administered by the University. The UCRS consists of The University of California Retirement Plan (“UCRP”), a single employer defined benefit plan, and the University of California Retirement Savings Program (“UCRSP”) that includes four defined contribution plans with several investment portfolios generally funded with employee non-elective and elective contributions. The Regents has the authority to establish and amend the benefit plans. The UCRP provides lifetime retirement income, disability protection, and survivor benefits to eligible employees. Benefits are based on average highest three years compensation, age, and years of service and are subject to limited cost-of-living increases. Contributions to the UCRP may be made by the campus and the employees. The rates for contributions as a percentage of payroll are determined annually pursuant to The Regents’ funding policy and based upon recommendations of the consulting actuary. The Regents determine the portion of the total contribution to be made by the campus and by the employees. Employee contributions by represented employees are subject to collective bargaining agreements. . The actuarial value of UCRP assets and the actuarial accrued liability associated with the University’s campuses and medical centers using the entry age normal cost method as of July 1, 2010, the date of the latest actuarial valuation, were $33.7billion and $39.1 billion, respectively, resulting in a funded ratio of 86.2 percent. The net assets held in trust for pension benefits attributable to the campuses and medical centers included in the UCRP Statement of Plan’s Fiduciary Net Assets were $41.9 billion and $34.6 billion at June 30, 2011 and June 30, 2010, respectively. For the years ended June 30, 2011 and 2010, University’s campuses and medical centers contributed a combined $2.69 billion and $1.11 billion, respectively. The University’s annual UCRP benefits expense for its campuses and medical centers was $1.6 billion for the year ended June 30, 2011. The UCRSP plans (DC Plan, Supplemental DC Plan, 403(b) Plan and 457(b) Plan) provide savings incentives and additional retirement security for all eligible employees. The DC Plan accepts both pre-tax and after-tax employee contributions. The Supplemental DC Plan accepts employer contributions on behalf of certain qualifying employees. The 403(b) and 457(b) plans accept pre-tax employee contributions and the campus may also make contributions on behalf of certain members of management. Benefits from the plans are based on participants’ mandatory and voluntary contributions, plus earnings, and are immediately vested. Information related to plan assets and liabilities, as they relate to campus employees, is not readily available. Additional information on the retirement plans can be obtained from the 2010-2011 annual reports of the University of California Retirement Plan, the University of California Retirement Savings Plan and the University of California PERS–VERIP. Other Notes– Additional notes to the financial schedules are included in the annual financial report for the University of California San Diego and are available at,1362,3931,00.html. 18 CURRENT FUNDS REVENUES UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 2010-2011 (Dollars in Thousands) CURRENT FUNDS REVENUES (UNAUDITED) Total General Unrestricted Designated Restricted TUITION AND FEES Regular session Summer session University extension and continuing education Student tuition & fees - contra - bad debts $ Subtotal 391,219 19,782 46,207 193 $ 457,401 Scholarship allowance $ $ 0 -27 -27 (106,949) -- 46,406 304,019 27 -- 350,452 344,788 19,782 46,179 218 410,967 46,406 (106,949) Total 46,430 --(24) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Appropriations Grants Contracts United States government - contra - bad debts 6,697 722,531 23,397 (346) ----- -160,558 3,987 -- 6,697 561,973 19,410 (346) Total 752,280 -- 164,545 587,735 Appropriations Contracts and grants State of California - contra - bad debts 334,511 35,098 211 298,025 --- -7,501 -- 36,486 27,597 211 Total 369,820 298,025 7,501 64,294 13,145 -- 660 12,485 Gifts Grants Contracts 51,283 41,825 162,178 ---- 130 42,059 -- 51,153 (235) 162,178 Total 255,286 -- 42,190 213,096 Medical group activities Other 286,096 25,863 --- 286,096 25,863 --- Total 311,959 -- 311,959 -- Parking operations Residence and dining halls Bookstore Other Sales & services of auxiliary enterprises - contra - bad debt 17,714 110,025 26,308 4,462 -- ------ 17,714 110,025 26,308 4,462 -- ------ Subtotal 158,509 -- 158,509 -- Scholarship allowance (22,135) -- (22,135) -- Total 136,374 -- 136,374 -- 959,587 -- 959,587 -- Service enterprises Property rental and other Other sources - contra - bad debts 9,387 50,858 -- 621 (0) -- 8,765 50,837 -- -22 -- Subtotal 60,245 621 59,602 22 -- -- -- -- 60,245 621 59,602 22 STATE GOVERNMENT LOCAL GOVERNMENT PRIVATE GIFTS, GRANTS AND CONTRACTS SALES AND SERVICES OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES SALES AND SERVICES OF AUXILIARY ENTERPRISES SALES AND SERVICES OF MEDICAL CENTERS OTHER SOURCES Scholarship allowance Total Total Current Funds Revenues $ 3,209,148 20 $ 345,052 $ 1,986,437 $ 877,659 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION CATEGORY University of California, San Diego 2010-2011 (Dollars in Thousands) CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION CATEGORY (UNAUDITED) Current Funds Total Distribution Unrestricted General Designated Salaries and Wages Restricted Other Expenditures Recharges INSTRUCTION GENERAL ACADEMIC Area studies Biological sciences Business and management Communications Computer and information studies Education Engineering Fine and applied arts Foreign languages Health professions Medicine Pharmacy Letters Mathematics Physical sciences Psychology Social sciences Interdisciplinary studies Compensated absences accrual Other Total SUMMER SESSION EXTENSION STUDIES AND PUBLIC PROGRAMS EDUCATIONAL FEE EXPENSE PRORATION Subtotal ELIMINATED CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Total Instruction $ 7,763 21,607 14,579 6,115 25,155 3,745 24,281 12,157 3,870 267,138 10,120 22,919 10,455 33,384 6,448 35,527 15,773 2,879 (162) $ 6,185 19,951 4,282 5,356 23,930 3,465 23,197 11,220 3,857 $ 1,394 771 10,103 688 277 207 332 493 1 42,944 3,450 21,320 10,393 30,572 6,456 33,001 13,585 (109) (563) $ 184 886 194 71 948 73 752 444 13 $ 5,751 15,060 9,646 3,228 17,821 2,612 17,627 9,102 3,005 215,420 5,845 1,054 40 1,000 (46) 1,710 2,080 2,961 401 8,774 825 546 21 1,812 38 817 108 26 -- 241,467 6,682 17,601 8,288 23,532 5,076 26,391 5,638 2,712 18 $ 2,013 6,548 4,932 2,888 7,334 1,134 6,654 3,055 866 80,923 3,439 5,401 2,167 9,851 1,372 9,136 10,135 166 (180) -0 -----0 0 55,253 -83 0 (1) (0) -(0) (0) -- 523,754 262,490 244,730 16,533 421,256 157,832 55,334 5,767 -- 5,767 -- 4,656 1,111 0 36,719 61 36,281 377 18,336 22,067 3,685 (99,673) 99,673 -- -- -- -- 162,879 386,451 16,910 444,248 181,010 59,019 -566,240 (4,387) 561,852 (1,590) (1,838) 161,289 384,613 22 (960) 15,950 -444,248 (4,387) 176,623 -59,019 University of California, San Diego 2010-2011 (Dollars in Thousands) CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION CATEGORY (UNAUDITED) Current Funds Total Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Restricted Salaries and Wages Other Expenditures Recharges RESEARCH INSTITUTES AND RESEARCH CENTERS Area studies Biological sciences g Computer and information studies Engineering Fine and applied arts Health professions - medicine Interdisciplinary studies Physical sciences Psychology Social sciences Compensated absences accrual 438 1,389 54,339 28,212 401 56,809 726 124,848 10,706 4,861 (2,131) 383 339 1,801 597 15 1,451 -14,419 250 826 (47) 20 52 6,398 987 66 3,122 726 2,153 274 167 (1,653) 35 998 46,140 26,627 321 52,236 -108,277 10,182 3,868 (430) Total 280,599 20,033 12,311 248,255 125,705 157,366 INDIVIDUAL OR PROJECT RESEARCH Area Studies Biological sciences Business and management Communications Computer and information studies Education Engineering Fine and applied arts Foreign languages Health professions Medicine Interdisciplinary studies Letters Mathematics Physical sciences Pharmacy Psychology Social sciences Other 211 621 26,583 12,980 244 28,465 -51,022 5,418 2,261 (2,099) 227 784 27,769 15,242 158 28,347 726 76,258 5,288 2,600 (32) -16 13 10 -2 -2,431 -(0) -2,472 1,925 30,529 188 136 24,402 1,528 4,423 345 32 337,112 87 698 3,262 34,074 12,103 8,301 3,143 (1,825) 7 223 14 29 1,488 (1) 10 95 7 1,127 19 184 81 140 1 285 881 (180) 18 225 -97 245 -41 110 16 6,113 67 75 63 871 27 48 151 (1,441) 1,900 30,080 174 10 22,670 1,528 4,372 141 9 329,871 -440 3,118 33,063 12,075 7,968 2,112 (204) 859 13,871 132 79 12,878 786 1,454 99 22 147,606 3 311 1,827 15,262 6,115 3,692 1,488 115 1,066 16,659 57 57 11,524 742 2,969 246 10 189,643 84 387 1,435 18,815 5,988 4,608 1,655 (1,939) -1 -0 --(0) -(0) 137 ---2 (0) 0 (0) -- 460,464 4,410 6,726 449,327 206,600 254,005 141 1,474 137 3,790 428 1,047 -- 742,537 24,580 701,372 332,732 412,418 2,613 ELIMINATED CAPITAL EXPENDITURES (42,236) (1,127) Total Research 700,301 23,453 Total OTHER PROVISIONS Subtotal (2,452) 16,585 (949) 15,637 23 (40,160) 661,212 -332,732 (42,236) 370,182 (0) 2,613 University of California, San Diego 2010-2011 (Dollars in Thousands) CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION CATEGORY (UNAUDITED) Current Funds Total Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Salaries and Wages Restricted Other Expenditures Recharges PUBLIC SERVICE COMMUNITY SERVICE Arts and lectures Community service projects Work study programs Contracting agencies Other Compensated absences accrual 1,660 8,640 6 1,799 1,436 477 218 6,364 756 4,267 1,155 4,852 251 479 392 10,081 109 68 2,387 31 112 571 49 212 7,123 30 323 5,411 103 81 4,670 7 12 0 -- Total 20,882 4,290 2,645 13,947 10,860 10,764 742 187 -- -- 187 149 38 -- 21,069 4,290 2,645 14,134 11,009 10,802 742 COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE Subtotal ELIMINATED CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Total Public Service (404) -- (72) (332) -- (404) 0 20,665 4,290 2,573 13,802 11,009 10,398 742 Fine arts productions Medical laboratories Psychology clinic Research vessels Shops Vivarium Other 777 13,841 7,108 2,177 2,382 1,416 105,848 611 ----561 71 157 13,247 7,105 1,367 2,380 393 105,639 9 594 3 810 2 462 138 480 9,935 4,682 6,381 2,686 6,585 48,183 358 9,426 3,522 14,305 3,207 6,682 72,640 60 5,521 1,096 18,509 3,512 11,851 14,975 Total 133,548 1,243 130,288 2,017 78,931 110,142 55,524 59,897 33,430 23,848 2,619 32,125 37,959 10,187 AUDIO VISUAL SERVICES 4,916 1,152 3,672 93 3,391 2,023 498 COMPUTING SUPPORT 9,997 1,601 4,875 3,520 7,006 14,699 11,709 25 24 -- 1 4 21 -- (8,482) 8,482 -- -- -- -- 33,381 28,246 3,443 1,691 15,535 17,847 1 MUSEUMS AND GALLERIES 6,370 11 4,361 1,998 2,844 3,674 148 COMPENSATED ABSENCES ACCRUAL 1,408 (261) 1,687 1,356 53 -- 141,192 186,417 78,067 ACADEMIC SUPPORT ANCILLARY SUPPORT ACADEMIC ADMINISTRATION COURSE AND CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT EDUCATIONAL FEE EXPENSE PRORATION LIBRARIES Subtotal -- 249,542 56,963 ELIMINATED CAPITAL EXPENDITURES (13,141) (8,597) Total Academic Support 236,401 48,366 180,656 (2,243) 178,414 24 (17) 11,923 (2,302) 9,621 -141,192 (13,141) 173,276 -78,067 University of California, San Diego 2010-2011 (Dollars in Thousands) CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION CATEGORY (UNAUDITED) Current Funds Total Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Salaries and Wages Restricted Other Expenditures Recharges UCSD MEDICAL CENTER UCSD Medical Center 816,230 6,208 809,789 234 367,115 ELIMINATED CAPITAL EXPENDITURES (23,192) -- -- Total UCSD Medical Center 793,038 6,208 786,597 234 367,115 449,396 23,472 ADMINISTRATION 10,313 1,088 3,397 5,827 4,382 5,941 10 CULTURAL AND SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Cultural programs Housing services Other social services Public ceremonies Recreational programs 890 130 12,716 (58) 17,861 -2 81 -(0) 885 124 12,331 (58) 17,346 5 4 305 -516 136 124 6,355 (0) 8,597 754 68 11,300 (58) 9,932 0 62 4,939 -667 31,540 83 30,627 830 15,212 21,996 5,668 6,009 701 1,473 2,024 444 761 44 1 4,211 (64) 1,425 1,977 1,353 4 4 46 3,426 487 1,076 1,186 2,591 280 415 843 8 67 18 5 10,207 1,250 7,550 1,407 6,176 4,129 98 FINANCIAL AID ADMINISTRATION 3,014 2,335 662 17 1,976 1,038 0 STUDENT ADMISSIONS AND RECORDS Admissions Registrar 3,639 2,862 3,620 2,260 (0) 586 20 16 2,143 1,911 1,496 954 -3 6,501 5,879 585 36 4,054 2,450 3 15,060 -- 15,050 9 4,507 10,606 54 (23,192) -- 472,588 (23,192) 23,472 -- STUDENT SERVICES Total COUNSELING AND CAREER GUIDANCE Counseling Disadvantaged student assistance Foreign student programs Placement Total Total STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES COMPENSATED ABSENCES ACCRUAL EDUCATIONAL FEE EXPENSE PRORATION Subtotal ELIMINATED CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Total Student Services (299) -76,335 (881) 75,454 (26) (48) (10,592) 18 (18) (3) -- -- -- -- -- 68,415 7,902 36,011 46,158 5,833 67,699 25 (296) 10,592 (716) 0 (225) (147) 7,755 -36,011 (881) 45,276 0 5,833 University of California, San Diego 2010-2011 (Dollars in Thousands) CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION CATEGORY (UNAUDITED) Current Funds Total Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Salaries and Wages Restricted Other Expenditures Recharges INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT Chancellor and vice chancellors General counsel Academic senate secretariat Planning and budgeting 29,009 799 755 (9,347) 14,478 799 647 4,112 12,151 0 99 (13,462) 2,380 -9 4 13,258 607 515 3,437 15,775 192 240 2,266 23 0 (0) 15,049 Total 21,217 20,036 (1,212) 2,392 17,817 18,472 15,072 15,811 1,480 591 2,915 7 7,172 1,414 512 --- 8,623 67 80 2,914 7 15 --1 -- 9,865 1,505 371 1,947 -- 6,327 653 221 969 7 20,804 9,097 11,691 16 13,688 8,176 1,059 8,346 16,152 7,094 1,549 1,366 9,541 5,909 4,946 6,970 6,610 1,180 (4,047) 10 -5 650 4,839 8,627 11,831 4,399 4,876 7,902 3,884 1,444 1,369 377 8,621 4,294 33,141 21,763 10,713 665 29,695 18,107 14,662 (31) (0) 74 566 (124) 3,629 4,698 (2,828) ----3 1,859 2,878 505 (34) (2) 68 564 (136) 1,770 1,809 (3,335) 3 2 6 2 8 -10 1 492 4,540 1,078 755 558 3,224 4,839 6,286 799 8,921 2,190 4,206 2,308 3,589 2,192 13,347 1,322 13,461 3,194 4,396 2,990 3,184 2,333 22,462 5,983 5,246 705 32 21,774 37,552 53,342 6,379 2,317 710 121 1,838 464 4,787 455 246 1,471 24 0 8,519 1,201 620 (2,031) 1,116 778 109 -688 9,406 2,423 5,488 1,495 10,340 (137) 797 (155) 6 135 18 (32) -- (30,619) 30,619 -- -- -- -- 27,791 58,012 4,736 93,332 82,138 84,932 -- -- 4,736 93,332 FISCAL OPERATIONS Accounting Auditing Cashiers office Contracts and grants administration Bad debt write-off Total GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Environmental health and safety Information systems Personnel Other Total 381 677 -(0) -- LOGISTICAL SERVICES Business management Construction management Duplicating Garage Mail and messenger Materiel management Police Telephone Total COMMUNITY RELATIONS Development Public information Publications Total COMPENSATED ABSENCES ACCRUAL (14) EDUCATIONAL FEE EXPENSE PRORATION -- Subtotal 90,538 ELIMINATED CAPITAL EXPENDITURES (4,875) Total Institutional Support 85,663 (204) (4,671) 27,587 53,341 26 (4,875) 77,263 -84,932 University of California, San Diego 2010-2011 (Dollars in Thousands) CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION CATEGORY (UNAUDITED) Current Funds Total Distribution Unrestricted General Designated Salaries and Wages Restricted Other Expenditures Recharges OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF PLANT Administration Building maintenance and major repairs and alterations Grounds maintenance Janitorial service Plant service Refuse disposal Utilities Other Total 1,881 3,208 (1,329) 2 2,932 7,348 8,400 14,806 2,668 7,844 (539) 2,164 25,500 8,733 11,831 2,663 7,626 -1,646 25,017 5,033 2,925 5 217 (539) 504 482 3,700 50 -2 -14 --- 2,488 2,354 5,022 3,717 940 1,674 -- 17,134 4,457 9,657 35,384 2,702 34,156 8,733 4,816 4,143 6,835 39,639 1,478 10,330 (0) 63,057 57,023 5,966 67 19,126 119,571 75,640 COMPENSATED ABSENCES ACCRUAL (75) EDUCATIONAL FEE EXPENSE PRORATION -- Subtotal (5) 62,982 ELIMINATED CAPITAL EXPENDITURES (229) Total Operation and Maintenance of Plant (70) -- (70) (5) -- (19,711) 19,711 -- -- -- -- 37,307 25,608 67 19,056 119,565 75,640 -- -- -- (229) (229) -- 62,753 37,078 25,608 67 19,056 119,337 75,640 212,143 10,884 101,264 99,995 725 211,418 0 (129,494) -- 81,924 0 STUDENT FINANCIAL AID Student financial aid Scholarship allowance (129,494) Total Student Financial Aid 82,649 -- (129,494) -- -- 10,884 (28,230) 99,995 725 -------- 35,535 23,519 (1,172) 13,964 35,669 4,875 (24) 97 47 -82 240 39 -- 4,288 4,077 100 4,888 20,321 2,419 (21) 505 36,072 -- -- 505 36,072 AUXILIARY ENTERPRISES Apartments Bookstores Cafeterias Parking Residence halls Other Compensated absences accrual 35,632 23,565 (1,172) 14,046 35,909 4,914 (24) Subtotal 112,872 ELIMINATED CAPITAL EXPENDITURES (672) Total Auxiliary Enterprises Total Current Funds Expenditures -- -- 112,199 $ 2,730,977 112,367 (672) -$ 319,155 111,695 $ 1,597,945 27 $ 813,877 $ 1,481,492 33,188 29,854 (1,271) 21,337 27,982 4,897 (3) 1,844 10,366 (0) 12,178 12,395 2,403 -- 115,984 39,185 (672) -- 115,312 $ 1,618,987 39,185 $ 369,503 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT University of California, San Diego 2010-2011 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (Dollars in Thousands) (UNAUDITED) Current Funds Total Distribution Unrestricted General Designated Restricted Salaries and Wages Other Expenditures Recharges GRADUATE SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND PACIFIC STUDIES INSTRUCTION RESEARCH PUBLIC SERVICE ACADEMIC SUPPORT Total Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies $ 7,763 $ 6,185 $ 1,394 $ 184 $ 5,751 $ 2,013 -- 1,925 7 18 1,900 859 1,066 -- 589 -- -- 589 302 287 -- 24 -- 24 -- 19 50 46 10,302 6,192 1,436 2,674 6,931 3,416 46 4,774 9,983 11,175 5,384 9,438 4,685 4,603 9,713 10,637 5,207 8,714 4,674 (28) 57 211 12 341 6 198 214 328 165 383 5 3,345 7,472 8,159 3,808 6,892 3,582 1,428 2,511 3,017 1,576 2,546 1,103 0 --(0) -(0) 45,439 43,547 600 1,292 33,258 12,181 (0) 9,895 162 234 9,499 4,656 5,239 -- JACOBS SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING INSTRUCTION Bioengineering Computer science and engineering Electrical and computer engineering Material science program Mechanical and aerospace engineering Structural systems research project Total RESEARCH Bioengineering California institute--telecommunications and information technology Computer science and engineering Dean's office--engineering Electrical and computer engineering Fusion energy research center Mechanical and aerospace engineering Structural systems research project Total PUBLIC SERVICE Dean's office--engineering ACADEMIC SUPPORT Dean's office--engineering Cal it2--support services Electrical and computer engineering Engineering support services Mechanical and aerospace engineering Structural systems research project Total Total Jacobs School of Engineering 26,723 11,390 4,423 13,011 (10) 9,122 5,699 822 377 10 1,111 -81 86 4,539 93 41 150 (10) 333 155 21,362 10,920 4,372 11,750 -8,707 5,458 12,573 6,500 1,454 6,379 -4,257 2,177 14,163 4,891 2,969 6,633 0 4,864 3,523 13 -(0) -10 0 -- 80,254 2,650 5,535 72,069 37,996 42,281 23 869 893 -- (24) 407 463 -- 400 (84) 58 311 39 783 199 4 0 -1 1 2,226 661 26 332 22 803 1,505 1,194 35 254 18 507 -1,935 3 275 (0) 526 3,731 (81) 58 311 40 784 3,133 ------ 4,844 3,133 1,506 205 4,070 3,513 2,739 131,406 50,223 7,642 73,542 75,731 58,437 2,762 14,579 4,282 10,103 194 9,646 4,932 -- 188 14 -- 174 132 57 -- 6 -- 6 -- -- 6 -- 14,773 4,296 10,108 368 9,778 4,995 -- RADY SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT INSTRUCTION RESEARCH Rady student service Total Rady School of Management 29 University of California, San Diego 2010-2011 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (Dollars in Thousands) (UNAUDITED) Current Funds Total Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Restricted Salaries and Wages Other Expenditures Recharges SCHOOL OF MEDICINE INSTRUCTION Anesthesiology Bioengineering--medical Cancer center Cellular and molecular medicine Chemistry--medical Dean's office school of medicine Electives program Emergency medical program Family and preventive medicine Intern and resident program Malpractice insurance Medicine Neurosciences Office of continuing medical education Office of learning resources-core courses support Ophthalmology Orthopaedics Pathology Pediatrics Pharmacology Psychiatry Radiology Reproductive medicine Surgery The SIO department--medical Total RESEARCH Academic geriatric resource program Anesthesiology Bioengineering--medical Cellular and molecular medicine Chemistry--medical Committee on research Dean's office Emergency medical program Family and preventive medicine Medicine Neurosciences Office of learning resources--research Organized research units centers Cancer center Center academic research and y training gy anthropogen g 16,166 418 1,806 1,244 8 (2,330) (1) 3,378 7,732 1,871 3,568 38,965 11,371 1,459 418 267 986 ---258 1,864 1,871 1,486 9,748 3,139 14,705 -1,369 --(2,361) (1) 3,120 4,427 -2,082 26,467 7,553 2 -170 258 8 31 -0 1,440 --2,750 679 18,009 336 1,252 878 5 3,413 -9,050 6,289 --40,116 8,346 4,068 82 558 367 2 (5,479) (1) 1,589 3,283 1,871 3,568 12,000 3,753 5,911 (0) 5 --264 -7,261 1,840 --13,151 728 5,921 -- 5,867 54 2,110 5,069 1,258 3,551 11,002 10,416 10,629 55,579 2,699 13,392 16,900 11,102 41,697 53 2 947 638 3,285 4,232 1,579 4,095 1,588 1,541 3,488 53 3,364 9,988 9,600 6,997 50,274 1,023 9,092 15,117 9,526 37,211 -- 185 67 178 347 1,074 97 204 196 35 998 -- 2,692 9,470 9,900 9,268 40,750 2,000 10,870 17,357 10,803 38,517 38 2,691 2,576 2,202 3,264 16,110 699 4,058 5,350 3,251 9,977 14 1,833 1,044 1,685 1,902 1,280 -1,536 5,807 2,952 6,797 -- 267,138 42,944 215,420 8,774 241,467 80,923 55,253 (9) 5,177 218 16,696 2 30 4,447 1,448 8,045 96,335 49,247 829 (10) 93 -68 -11 547 --89 94 -- 0 71 -1,334 -20 365 -24 860 447 -- 1 5,013 218 15,294 2 -3,534 1,448 8,021 95,387 48,705 829 (8) 2,879 105 7,392 --551 937 4,759 42,555 16,983 628 (1) 2,298 113 9,305 2 30 3,896 511 3,287 53,901 32,264 201 (0) 0 0 ---1 -0 120 0 0 43,381 555 2,430 40,397 22,005 21,378 2 691 -- 84 607 313 378 -- 2,010 685 664 904 2 10,219 8,853 11,511 38,081 19,837 53,349 7,960 130 -164 95 -647 -42 69 49 54 -- 40 -0 301 1 302 172 97 931 1,183 92 7 1,840 685 499 507 1 9,270 8,681 11,372 37,081 18,606 53,203 7,953 979 245 417 213 -5,106 4,538 5,246 17,372 7,979 24,383 4,938 1,031 440 247 690 2 5,113 4,316 6,264 20,709 11,858 28,966 3,024 Organized research units institutes Institute of biocircuits Institute for engineering in medicine Institute for research on aging Institute of genomic medicine Institute of molecular medicine Research in biological structures Ophthalmology p Pathology Pediatrics Pharmacology y p Psychiatry Radiology 30 (0) --(0) ----(0) 0 (0) 1 University of California, San Diego 2010-2011 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (Dollars in Thousands) (UNAUDITED) Current Funds Total Reproductive medicine Surgery pp Total 6,257 8,792 Unrestricted General Designated 10 238 3 272 Distribution Restricted Salaries and Wages Other Expenditures Recharges 6,009 8,516 2,928 3,434 3,329 5,374 0 16 395,661 2,708 9,274 383,679 176,877 218,923 139 187 68 --- --- 187 68 149 50 38 18 --- Organized research units Cancer center g g Medical education Medicine Pediatrics Reproductive medicine 2 1,822 846 2,184 853 -160 -427 -- 2 34 -0 -- -1,628 846 1,757 853 -687 516 865 382 2 1,135 330 1,318 471 -(0) 0 --- Total 5,962 587 36 5,338 2,650 3,312 -- 357 29 -15 357 14 --- 126 14 231 15 356 30,970 671 169 230 312 1,733 -14,260 121 ----- 356 16,706 550 169 3 306 1,645 -4 --227 6 88 221 7,971 450 129 60 271 2,041 135 23,352 221 39 170 606 6,401 -353 0 0 -565 6,709 5,954 115 (26) (165) 71 1,120 1,682 61 503 862 16 1,162 1,957 6,808 805 (64) 777 -89,012 3,670 7,105 1,129 5 0 ----584 --3 -1 5 -----1 93 3 -- 4,089 59 11 58 71 936 1,253 56 283 553 13 746 1,258 4,085 1,670 6 430 1,568 35,474 2,921 4,682 4,810 3,717 84 59 31 45 804 1,604 5 220 312 3 431 870 2,803 1,414 (52) 873 (2,289) 54,417 1,701 3,522 2,202 1,848 28 96 254 46 619 591 ----14 167 80 2,279 18 525 (721) 878 498 1,096 5,882 PUBLIC SERVICE Area health and education center Family and preventive medicine ACADEMIC SUPPORT Anesthesiology support services Center for molecular genetics Dean's office Admissions General operating costs Human subjects committee International education Student affairs Student performance Support services Laboratories and support services Cancer center Cellular and molecular medicine Center for research in biological structures Clinical investigations institute Clinical pharmacy services Family and preventive medicine Medicine Hospitalist support services Neurosciences Ophthalmology Orthopaedics Pathology Pediatrics Psychiatry Radiology Reproductive medicine Surgery Managed care Medical group operations Office of learning resources Psychiatry clinic Vice chancellor health sciences planning Total 5,958 116 (26) (165) 71 1,120 2,266 61 503 865 16 1,163 1,961 6,808 805 (64) 777 -89,013 4,124 7,108 1,129 -------------------361 --- -(0) 158,437 14,757 142,660 1,020 76,317 103,946 21,826 827,197 60,997 367,390 398,811 497,311 407,104 77,218 INSTRUCTION 10,120 3,450 5,845 825 6,682 3,439 -- RESEARCH 12,103 1 27 12,075 6,115 5,988 (0) 75 -- 73 2 35 111 Total School of Medicine SKAGGS SCHOOL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES ACADEMIC SUPPORT 31 71 University of California, San Diego 2010-2011 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (Dollars in Thousands) (UNAUDITED) Current Funds Total Total Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Restricted Salaries and Wages Other Expenditures Recharges 22,298 3,451 5,946 12,902 12,832 9,538 71 704 74 3,127 91 288 3,215 1,767 21,607 243 704 4 2,861 11 286 3,125 1,766 19,951 -- 0 -8 -2 84 0 771 139 -70 258 80 -6 1 886 104 --2,112 78 204 2,394 1,398 15,060 63 704 74 1,014 14 84 821 369 6,548 236 --(0) -0 --0 56 67 15,097 3,221 4,170 9,889 1,885 6,404 407 -13,574 3,199 4,072 9,853 1,881 6,068 407 0 742 22 27 18 0 16 0 67 782 (0) 71 19 4 320 0 26 10,274 2,348 3,228 7,994 1,413 4,933 300 42 4,823 873 943 1,896 472 1,471 107 -----0 --- 59 140 57 140 1 -- 40 112 19 28 0 (0) 120 -602 22 570 -234 119 43 1,620 6,524 8,232 56 4,831 12 2,339 8,285 5,768 18 5,064 -209 3,317 2,352 5,170 1,265 4,270 3,504 -185 41 9 90 73 128 1 44 41 48 569 1,837 2,145 22 1,762 9 649 2,648 1,630 5 1,364 1,945 208 1,988 1,048 1,988 255 1,293 691 -89 ----(0) -(0) ---(0) --0 -(0) (1) -------27 (0) (0) ---- 116,707 43,157 81 CAMPUS-WIDE DEPARTMENTS INSTRUCTION Academic computing Advisor Computing services Instruction and research facility Instructional use of computing advisor Academic field p studies g Anthropology Area and ethnic studies and research Biological sciences California literature project Center for research in educational equity, assessment, and teaching excellence Chemistry and biochemistry Cognitive science Community medicine--general campus Economics Ethnic studies History Human development program Interdisciplinary sequence Contemporary issues Cultural traditions Environmental systems Geometry and physics Humanities p g Special studies Urban and rural studies Engineering in medicine International studies program Language learning laboratory Latin american studies Linguistics Literature Mathematics Mathematics placement and testing Music Neural computation Philosophy Physics Political science Pathology Psychology Resource administration data Social sciences computing Sociology Subject a program Theatre and dance Undergraduate language program Visual arts Writing program Educational fee expense proration Other general campus Total 161 9 691 96 697 1 279 160 91 2,189 8,361 10,377 78 6,593 20 2,988 10,935 7,398 23 6,428 1,945 417 5,305 3,399 7,131 1,521 5,563 4,195 -274 159 9 691 96 700 -279 157 87 2,179 8,258 10,316 78 5,731 -2,979 10,936 7,314 23 6,456 1,284 316 4,378 3,186 5,996 1,521 5,488 4,086 (99,673) -- 159,783 50,988 0 ---(3) ---3 1 16 40 0 438 -5 136 18 -(46) 661 -522 207 894 -55 (1) 99,673 274 104,725 32 --2 ---1 1 -3 1 9 86 21 (0) 424 20 4 (136) 65 -18 -101 405 6 240 -20 111 --4,070 University of California, San Diego 2010-2011 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (Dollars in Thousands) (UNAUDITED) Current Funds Total RESEARCH African american studies research project Anthropology Biological sciences California literature project Chemistry and biochemistry Cognitive science Communication Education studies Ethnic studies Economics History Humanities Linguistics Literature Mathematics Music Organized research units centers Astrophysics and space science Comparative immigration studies Chronogbiology Energy research Global justice center Glycobiology research and training Human developmentp g Iberian and latin american studies Magnetic recording research Molecular agriculture Molecular genetics Research in biological structure Research in computing and the arts Research in educational equity, assessment, and teaching excellence Research in language San Diego supercomputer center White mountain research station Organized research units institutes Brain and mind Comparative human cognition laboratory Engineering in medicine Global conflict and cooperation International, comparative, and area studies Neural computation Nonlinear science Pure and applied physical sciences Whitaker institute of biomedical engineering Philosophy Physics Political science Psychology Social sciences Sociology Theatre and dance Visual arts Other support Total 55 316 30,529 1 20,038 2,439 136 826 143 1,255 134 39 32 264 3,262 181 3,381 330 355 6,199 17 38 3,216 104 1,806 9 64 (4) 401 Unrestricted General Designated 54 65 223 -68 40 29 (1) 109 519 52 19 7 113 81 25 -10 225 -314 72 97 -20 11 24 19 16 32 63 66 369 163 221 333 9 8 98 52 -0 29 2 15 84 14 (16) 9 -30 11 4 235 -33 2 66 Distribution Restricted 1 241 30,080 1 19,657 2,327 10 827 14 724 59 -9 119 3,118 90 2,928 152 150 5,856 7 -3,106 48 1,571 9 2 (8) 321 Salaries and Wages 1 128 13,871 1 8,746 1,464 79 490 61 842 25 3 22 80 1,827 89 2,068 134 169 3,433 1 6 854 43 955 -2 3 244 Other Expenditures 54 188 16,659 0 11,292 975 57 337 81 412 109 36 10 184 1,435 92 1,313 196 186 2,766 16 47 2,361 61 850 9 63 (7) 158 Recharges --1 (0) -0 0 -(0) -0 -(0) 0 -0 --0 (0) -16 --(0) --(0) -- 701 956 27,617 272 -120 979 -- -1 1,860 2 701 835 24,778 270 296 482 14,010 172 405 474 13,606 100 --(0) (0) 927 215 895 3,455 79 48 268 481 3 14 31 149 845 152 595 2,825 442 134 464 1,602 486 80 431 1,854 0 0 --- 438 8,052 620 974 383 162 (0) 37 20 187 1 4 35 7,703 619 933 211 3,820 354 610 227 4,233 267 364 -0 --- 805 305 13,970 1,038 5,085 17 187 128 164 1,015 (0) 50 7 36 186 -47 21 70 -- 9 17 558 72 37 -14 26 44 -- 797 237 13,406 930 4,861 17 126 82 51 1,015 471 186 6,514 354 2,838 13 64 43 10 222 335 118 7,459 684 2,247 3 123 85 154 793 --2 0 ----0 (0) 4,490 133,234 68,952 74,467 19 143,400 5,676 33 University of California, San Diego 2010-2011 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (Dollars in Thousands) (UNAUDITED) Current Funds Total PUBLIC SERVICE Biological sciences California literature project Education studies Mathematics Organized research units centers Research in educational equity, assessment, and teaching excellence San diego supercomputer Organized research units institutes Comparative human cognition laboratory Pharmacy sciences Writing project Total ACADEMIC SUPPORT Academic computing Miscellaneous operations Local area p network Word processing operations Academic resource administration Animal care program Biological sciences support facilities Campus research machine shop Chemistry and biochemistry support facilities Classroom management Computer sciences and engineering support services Deans' offices Arts and humanities Biological sciences Natural sciences Social sciences Instructional media program Library photo service Mandeville center operations Mathematics placement and testing program Mechanical and aerospace engineering Music center studios Organized research units Center for astrophysics and space sciences support services Center for magnetic recording research Center for molecular genetics Institute for biomedical engineering Institute for comparative immigration studies Institute for pure and applied physics cims facility Physics support facilities pp Psychology Sports facility office San diego supercomputer center support Educational fee expense proration Total Total Campus-Wide Departments Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Restricted Salaries and Wages Other Expenditures Recharges 44 411 44 579 --43 8 44 --150 -411 2 421 2 204 29 207 66 207 15 373 24 -(0) -- 660 9 390 -- 269 -- 0 9 452 2 208 7 0 (0) 50 197 31 49 --- ---- 1 197 31 42 127 13 8 70 18 -0 -- 2,025 490 464 1,071 1,077 972 24 73 16 205 130 1,416 (265) 256 ----561 --- 60 16 205 130 393 (269) 255 13 ---462 4 2 219 88 --6,585 756 660 2,090 48 245 130 6,682 928 583 2,236 120 40 -11,851 1,949 987 332 20 -20 331 -- 1 -- 606 -- 678 20 953 -- (43) -- (43) -- 190 72 305 219 62 30 -1 1 8 667 959 762 736 314 3 165 596 354 244 252 206 95 152 --0 -10 5 50 1,263 1,313 1,006 988 510 93 267 978 1,167 961 986 502 -109 66 84 14 2 7 92 150 0 (1) 9 ---- 0 (1) 9 ---- --14 4 (1) 23 4 -27 26 -- 26 -- 43 10 27 8 83 (8) ---- 8 83 (8) ---- 5 68 -- 5 18 2 2 3 9 37 37 -- -- 36 1 0 -0 --0 -- -317 -50 1,650 -- 1 272 (7) 73 1,422 -- -1 -73 -(8,482) 9,493 (3,089) 11,779 803 14,891 16,858 22,257 54,065 121,457 139,178 201,628 135,454 22,381 314,701 1 271 (7) -1,422 8,482 34 1 385 (5) 23 3,018 -- -429 3 -3,246 -- University of California, San Diego 2010-2011 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (Dollars in Thousands) (UNAUDITED) Current Funds Total Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Restricted Salaries and Wages Other Expenditures Recharges PROVOSTS' OFFICES PUBLIC SERVICE Provost warren college ACADEMIC SUPPORT Provost eleanor roosevelt college Provost muir college Provost revelle college Provost sixth college Provost thurgood marshall college Provost warren college Total Total Provosts' Offices 7 -- -- 7 -- 7 -- 985 1,036 916 1,054 1,227 1,528 977 914 881 995 987 1,501 3 3 0 4 185 6 5 120 35 55 56 20 668 651 633 736 751 1,086 317 385 283 318 477 442 6,746 6,254 201 291 4,524 2,222 0 6,753 6,254 201 298 4,524 2,229 0 7,351 6,062 122 1,167 4,972 2,379 -- 5 16,368 4,793 -2,960 -- -488 130 5 12,920 4,663 5 8,407 1,640 0 7,961 3,154 --0 31,590 66 80 12,105 7,469 6,973 1,575 65 80 2,039 2,259 1,764 604 --2 100 109 29,410 0 0 10,064 5,110 5,100 12,573 2 31 6,404 4,036 3,071 21,489 64 49 5,702 3,433 3,902 34 -- -- 34 13 21 3,043 535 19 2,488 2,036 1,007 1 140 9,446 745 171 18,701 38 -65 2,054 -14 206 9 -75 103 -2 380 30 1 -7,290 745 155 18,114 -- --4,949 123 95 196 8 1 140 4,497 622 76 18,464 30 111,768 13,623 2,044 96,100 43,588 70,611 2,431 38 -- -- 38 30 8 -- -(0) -0 -0 SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRAPHY INSTRUCTION The SIO department RESEARCH Institutes California space Geophysics and planetary physics Marine resources Laboratories Marine physical laboratory Biology research section Fluids research section Climate research division Geosciences research division Marine biology research division p Center for clouds, chemistry, and climate Center for marine biotechnology and biomedicine Center for observation, modeling, and prediction Committee on research Integrative oceanography division Shipboard technical support The SIO department Use of ships Other Total PUBLIC SERVICE Birch aquarium--museum 35 2,472 -(0) --1 -0 ---(0) -(0) (41) -- University of California, San Diego 2010-2011 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (Dollars in Thousands) (UNAUDITED) Current Funds Total ACADEMIC SUPPORT Director's office Birch aquarium--museum Institutes Geophysics and planetary physics Computing ring Data system Orbit center Support services Laboratories Machine shop Marine facilities Ships operations Marine facility shop Marine sciences development and outfitting shop Research divisions Geological research Support services Sio director-special events Special research units p Center for coastal studies Center for marine biotechnology and biomedicine Integrative oceanography Marine biology research Support services Instrument development group Physical oceanography research division support services Total Total Scripps Institution of Oceanography Unrestricted General Designated 13,034 6,370 4,918 11 Distribution Restricted 3,472 4,361 Salaries and Wages Other Expenditures 4,644 1,998 7,507 2,844 11,144 3,674 Recharges 5,617 148 (80) (27) 112 609 ----- (81) (27) 112 609 1 ---- 203 44 31 307 104 10 81 302 387 81 (0) -- 265 -- 265 -- 639 659 1,033 2,177 72 --- 1,367 72 810 -- 6,381 356 14,305 405 18,509 690 1,813 -- 1,813 -- 1,272 1,624 1,083 96 -- 96 -- 28 70 2 35 -- -- 35 0 35 -- 256 -- 256 -- 244 133 121 6 149 --- 6 149 --- 4 276 2 101 -228 144 244 --- 144 240 -4 106 654 38 2,598 -3,008 26 -- 26 -- 154 67 194 25,301 4,929 12,879 7,493 21,051 35,350 31,101 144,458 24,614 15,045 104,798 69,642 108,349 33,532 CAMPUSWIDE PROGRAMS INSTRUCTION Social sciences--instruct funds UCSD global seminars Teaching assistant insurance The preuss school Tuition remission program Other Compensated absences accrual Total RESEARCH Graduate mentorship and dissertation Tuition remission program Credits for disallowance Other Compensated absences accrual Total 4 774 2,059 (1) 6,052 (185) 2,879 11,581 4 ---6,052 (586) (109) -774 2,059 (1) -401 2,961 ------26 -60 ----2,712 4 713 2,059 (1) 6,052 (185) 166 -----0 (0) 5,360 6,194 26 2,772 8,809 -- 48 726 7 (1,825) (1,717) ---(180) 81 48 726 (2,661) (1,441) (1,474) --2,667 (204) (323) --(16) 115 (1,886) 48 726 22 (1,939) 170 ----0 (2,760) (99) (4,803) 2,141 (1,787) (973) 0 36 University of California, San Diego 2010-2011 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (Dollars in Thousands) (UNAUDITED) Current Funds Total PUBLIC SERVICE Community college transfer Early outreach programs Sponsored education program-medical center Office of graduate studies and research Television channel 35 The preuss school University events Work study program contracting agencies Other Compensated absences accrual Total ACADEMIC SUPPORT Academic business office conference Graduate admissions information system Innovative instructional project Library Media services Office of academic support and information services Office of graduate studies and research Office of international education Office of technology licensing Teaching assistant training program Other Compensated absences accrual Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Restricted Salaries and Wages Other Expenditures Recharges 276 1,955 275 998 -81 1 877 232 1,082 44 874 --- 15 68 476 6,703 1,657 -68 -980 2 15 -381 38 1,437 --95 5,685 218 --499 3,548 756 19 81 429 3,155 1,152 4 12 452 -251 324 (7) 109 -(34) 31 112 31 49 212 (4) 30 323 -103 1 (7) 7 (0) --- 11,577 2,319 2,145 7,113 6,543 5,753 718 17 555 5 33,381 792 -198 4 28,246 791 16 355 -3,443 1 0 1 1 1,691 -- -316 4 15,535 470 20 239 1 17,847 322 3 --1 -- 1,138 1,214 105 -147 -1,356 656 655 86 5,811 63 (1,386) 53 -23 0 -(0) --- 1,794 1,846 191 5,811 210 (1,386) 1,408 6 1,640 185 -209 (39) (261) 1,455 111 -5,811 -(1,346) 1,687 333 95 6 -0 -(17) Total 44,623 30,978 11,534 2,111 20,285 24,366 28 Total campuswide programs 65,021 38,559 15,070 11,391 27,812 37,954 746 5,767 -- 5,767 -- 4,656 1,111 0 INSTRUCTION Continuing education General programs Professional programs Other 10,771 20,580 5,368 -61 -- 10,767 20,174 5,339 4 344 29 5,587 10,046 2,703 5,966 12,638 3,463 782 2,105 798 Total Extended Studies and Public Programs 36,719 61 36,281 377 18,336 22,067 3,685 816,230 6,208 809,789 234 367,115 472,588 23,472 SUMMER SESSION INSTRUCTION EXTENDED STUDIES AND PUBLIC PROGRAMS UCSD MEDICAL CENTER STUDENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Assistant vice chancellors academic services university center Advisory committee Dean of student affairs Student affairs special services Total Administration 6,946 235 30 2,327 1,182 1,045 --(2) 34 100 235 30 2,323 1,127 5,801 --5 21 2,252 164 24 1,575 366 4,693 71 6 751 826 0 ---10 10,720 1,077 3,815 5,827 4,382 6,348 10 37 University of California, San Diego 2010-2011 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (Dollars in Thousands) (UNAUDITED) Current Funds Total CULTURAL AND SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Cultural activities Housing services Other social services Associated students--government y pp Resident hall advisors Student activities and programs Student center Student events Student organizations Total Public ceremonies Graduation Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Restricted Salaries and Wages Other Expenditures Recharges 890 -- 885 5 136 754 0 130 2 124 4 124 68 62 2,299 184 1,718 5,122 766 2,623 5 -4 57 -15 2,280 159 1,496 5,039 766 2,587 14 26 218 26 -21 572 1,290 1,027 2,264 89 1,113 1,803 2,913 693 3,531 730 1,626 76 4,018 2 673 53 117 12,712 81 12,326 305 6,355 11,296 4,939 (58) -- (58) -- (0) (58) -- Recreational programs Intercollegiate athletics Recreational athletic program Sports facilities 10,571 5,300 1,990 --(0) 10,123 5,245 1,977 448 56 12 4,520 3,398 679 6,321 2,069 1,542 269 167 231 Total 17,861 (0) 17,346 516 8,597 9,932 667 31,536 83 30,623 830 15,212 21,992 5,668 3,550 1,293 786 206 172 308 137 -(1) -- 3,049 2 785 205 170 193 1,155 2 2 2 2,424 619 107 151 126 1,135 674 680 56 46 8 ----- 6,009 444 4,211 1,353 3,426 2,591 8 701 761 4 487 280 67 Foreign student programs International studies 1,473 44 1,425 4 1,076 415 18 Placement Career planning and placement center 2,024 1 1,977 46 1,186 843 5 10,207 1,250 7,550 1,407 6,176 4,129 98 466 2,547 -2,335 464 196 1 15 311 1,665 155 882 -0 Total Financial Aid Administration 3,013 2,335 660 17 1,976 1,037 0 STUDENT ADMISSIONS AND RECORDS Admissions office Registrar's office 3,639 2,862 3,620 2,260 (0) 586 20 16 2,143 1,911 1,496 954 0 3 Total Student Admissions and Records 6,501 5,879 585 36 4,054 2,450 3 15,060 -- 15,050 9 4,507 10,606 54 Total Cultural and Social Activities COUNSELING AND CAREER GUIDANCE Counseling Counseling services Early outreach programs Orientation program Special services Student affirmative action Total Disadvantaged student assistance Office for students with disabilities Total Counseling and Career Guidance (64) FINANCIAL AID ADMINISTRATION Graduate student programs Student financial services STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES 38 University of California, San Diego 2010-2011 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (Dollars in Thousands) (UNAUDITED) Current Funds Total Unrestricted General Designated Restricted CONTRACTS AND GRANTS ADMINISTRATION (407) 11 (418) COMPENSATED ABSENCES ACCRUAL (299) (26) (48) EDUCATIONAL FEE EXPENSE PRORATION Total Student Services -76,330 (10,592) 18 Distribution Salaries and Wages -(225) -(296) Other Expenditures (407) Recharges (0) (3) -- 10,592 -- -- -- -- 68,410 7,902 36,011 46,152 5,833 199 575 194 169 10,455 460 100 157 3 13 -2,135 72 -- 1,972 1,690 4,891 968 2,108 748 880 930 787 1,892 767 10,481 641 277 --23 -0 (0) (0) 23 INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT Chancellor and vice chancellors Chancellor's office Chancellor research Academic affairs Business affairs Development and university relations Resource management and planning Undergraduate affairs Total 2,902 2,477 6,760 1,735 12,590 1,389 1,157 2,546 1,899 6,554 1,566 (1) 857 1,057 29,009 14,478 12,151 2,380 13,258 15,775 Academic senate 755 647 99 9 515 240 (0) Office of the campus counsel 799 799 0 -- 607 192 0 Planning and budgeting Resource management Planning office (12,154) 2,807 1,592 2,520 (13,747) 284 1 3 1,420 2,017 1,475 791 15,049 -- (9,347) 4,112 (13,462) 4 3,437 2,266 15,049 21,217 20,036 (1,212) 2,392 17,817 18,472 15,072 7 -- 7 -- -- 7 -- 15,811 591 7,172 512 8,623 80 15 -- 9,865 371 6,327 221 381 -- 16,402 7,684 8,703 15 10,236 6,547 381 Conflict of interest 2,915 -- 2,914 1 1,947 969 Audit and management advisory services 1,480 1,414 67 -- 1,505 653 677 20,804 9,097 11,691 16 13,688 8,176 1,059 8,260 86 1,366 -- 6,884 86 10 -- 4,839 -- 4,790 86 1,369 -- 8,346 1,366 6,970 10 4,839 4,876 1,369 16,152 9,541 6,610 -- 8,627 7,902 377 422 481 6,192 305 -5,604 116 481 584 1 -4 242 350 11,239 180 131 3,574 -(0) 8,621 7,094 5,909 1,180 5 11,831 3,884 8,621 Total Total Executive Management FISCAL OPERATIONS Bad debts and collections Business and financial services Cashiers office Total Total Fiscal Operations GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Environmental health and safety Health and safety Lifeguard service Total Information systems Administrative computing Personnel Affirmative action programs Employee assistance program Human resources Total 39 (0) University of California, San Diego 2010-2011 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (Dollars in Thousands) (UNAUDITED) Current Funds Total Other Administrative records Association memberships Campus sculpture collection Campus-wide employee support program Campus-wide program expenses Clinical science building Debt service insurance premium Deep sea g drilling project Estancia la jolla hotel and spa Foreign scholars program President emeritus Real estate development p Science research park ground lease Staff association programs Staff recognition awards Interest refunds to agencies Student corps services Technology transfer and intellectual property services Torrey pines center south Other support Total Total General Administrative Services LOGISTICAL SERVICES Construction management Media center Imprints Garage and transportation Campus shuttle p Parking citation collection Transportation services-central garage Unrestricted General Designated 576 287 422 463 287 192 Distribution Restricted 113 -34 Salaries and Wages Other Expenditures --196 310 -143 266 287 279 -2,239 299 78 Recharges --(0) (2,903) 2,331 299 78 -1,775 --- (2,903) 184 299 -- -372 -78 -92 --- 7 552 74 241 137 54 11 (539) (1) -444 -893 --11 --- 7 105 74 (654) 137 54 -(539) (1) -3 -1 ------ -591 43 914 --10 -56 3,073 960 825 999 1,350 -- 2,073 (390) 825 1 --- 2,240 --- 832 1,339 825 -378 -- 6,483 6,414 (582) 650 4,399 6,378 4,294 38,075 23,231 665 29,695 23,041 14,662 14,179 7 294 31 (130) 152 54 1 (539) 64 2,903 0 ---334 -543 16 ---120 (0) -- (2) 2 4,540 8,921 13,461 (31) -- (34) 3 492 799 1,322 74 -- 68 6 1,078 2,190 3,194 -1,140 (574) ---- -1,140 (576) --2 --755 22 1,140 3,044 22 -4,374 566 -- 564 2 755 4,206 4,396 (124) 3 (136) 8 558 2,308 2,990 (54) 248 2,335 1,114 (13) --1,231 628 -- (54) 248 1,103 486 (13) ------ 88 273 2,112 581 170 434 206 824 532 1,593 575 231 602 -1,776 Total 3,629 1,859 1,770 -- 3,224 3,589 3,184 Police 4,698 2,878 1,809 10 4,839 2,192 2,333 (3,335) 1 6,286 13,347 22,462 30 21,282 36,753 52,020 Total Mail and messenger services Materiel management Chemistry storehouse BFS--sale of surplus property BFS--purchasing BFS--receiving g BFS--storehouse Telecommunications services Total Logistical Services y (2,828) 6,015 505 5,246 739 40 University of California, San Diego 2010-2011 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (Dollars in Thousands) (UNAUDITED) Current Funds Total Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Restricted Salaries and Wages Other Expenditures Recharges COMMUNITY RELATIONS Development Alumni affairs g office 1,790 13 1,501 276 1,564 Social sciences General campus School of medicine School of pharmacy 132 3,845 569 42 108 ---- 3 2,672 569 42 21 1,173 --- 72 6,480 403 -- 60 (2,527) 166 42 0 107 (0) -- Total 6,379 121 4,787 1,471 8,519 (2,031) 109 2,317 1,838 455 24 1,201 1,116 -- 710 464 246 0 620 778 688 9,406 2,423 5,488 1,495 10,340 (137) 797 (30,619) 30,619 -- -- (4,934) (1,468) (3,466) -- -- (4,934) -- (14) (155) 6 135 18 (32) -- 4,736 93,332 University communications Publications office Total Community Relations EDUCATIONAL FEE EXPENSE PRORATION CONTRACTS AND GRANTS ADMINISTRATION COMPENSATED ABSENCES ACCRUAL Total Institutional Support OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF PLANT Administration Building maintenance Chancellor's house maintenance Deferred maintenance projects EHS hazardous waste disposal Grounds maintenance Janitorial service Plant service Purchased utilities Refuse disposal Utilities operation Educational fee expense proration Contracts and grants administration Compensated absences accrual Total Operation and Maintenance of Plant -- 228 -- 1 -- 90,538 27,791 58,012 1,907 11,800 49 2,957 1,794 2,668 7,844 (539) 25,500 370 8,733 -(26) (75) 3,241 11,718 -113 1,279 2,663 7,626 -25,017 367 5,033 (19,711) (33) (5) (1,336) 82 -2,844 501 5 217 (539) 482 3 3,700 19,711 7 (70) 2 1 49 -14 -2 -------- 62,982 37,307 25,608 67 19,056 119,565 75,640 212,143 10,884 101,264 99,995 725 211,418 -- (129,494) -- 81,924 -- 2,932 2,468 20 -842 2,354 5,022 3,717 1,674 98 ---(70) 82,138 84,932 7,374 14,148 29 2,957 2,326 4,457 9,657 35,384 34,156 376 8,733 -(26) (5) 8,400 4,816 --1,375 4,143 6,835 39,639 10,330 103 (0) ---- STUDENT FINANCIAL AID Student financial aid Scholarship allowance Total Student Financial Aid (129,494) 82,649 -- (129,494) -- -- 10,884 (28,230) 99,995 725 41 University of California, San Diego 2010-2011 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (Dollars in Thousands) (UNAUDITED) Current Funds Total Distribution Unrestricted General Designated Restricted Salaries and Wages Other Expenditures Recharges AUXILIARY ENTERPRISES APPARTMENTS Administration Coast apartments Faculty apartments La jolla del sol apartments Marshall college apartments Muir apartmentsp Matthews apartments Mesa apartments p Rita atkinson apartments Roosevelt international house apartments South mesa apartments Pepper canyon apartments Village east apartments Village west apartments Warren apartments Total RESIDENENCE HALLS Eleanor roosevelt residence halls Marshall college residence halls Muir residence halls One miramar administration and clerical Revelle residence halls Roosevelt residence halls Scripps lunch room Warren college residence halls 476 666 463 2,314 6,253 1,911 3,836 3,207 895 2,584 1,142 2,175 1,633 2,841 3,967 ---------------- 472 666 463 2,314 6,236 1,911 3,773 3,207 894 2,584 1,142 2,175 1,622 2,836 3,967 3 ---17 -64 -1 ---10 5 -- 11,426 142 -451 972 -776 -183 ---474 982 75 (6,706) 524 463 1,863 5,697 1,964 3,189 3,207 712 2,860 1,142 2,467 1,188 2,207 4,191 4,244 --(0) 417 54 128 --276 -292 30 348 300 34,364 -- 34,263 100 15,483 24,969 6,088 -28 80 -55 8 -64 -1,186 1,321 231 2,779 1,049 -1,228 1,967 4,297 5,953 1,513 10,784 4,453 (164) 5,585 170 455 395 -3,686 646 -506 1,796 5,028 6,879 1,744 9,878 4,857 (164) 6,308 Total OTHER y Auxiliary enterprises manager Bike shop Birch aquarium museum and bookshop Birch aquarium-splash café Bookstore Catering and food services Club med snack bar Day care center Grove cafe Mac's place Muir college sundry shop Parking and transportation services Revelle sundry gift shop and coffee house Triton outfitters Price center operations Game room Mail services Vending machine operations Contracts and grants administration Compensated absences accrual Total --------- 1,796 4,999 6,798 1,744 9,823 4,849 (164) 6,244 36,326 -- 36,090 236 7,795 34,389 5,859 688 231 780 192 23,565 (308) (700) 3,346 (170) (1) 159 14,046 11 44 --------------- 687 228 779 192 23,519 (308) (700) 3,334 (171) (1) 149 13,964 11 44 1 3 2 -47 --13 1 -10 82 --- 1,331 89 201 -4,077 100 -1,717 7 -56 4,888 --- 1,649 159 582 192 29,854 (408) (700) 3,374 17 (1) 107 21,337 11 45 2,292 17 2 0 10,366 (0) -1,744 195 -4 12,178 -1 23 402 130 (232) (24) ------ 20 395 128 (232) (24) 3 7 1 --- 20 327 2 -(21) 3 514 127 (232) (3) -439 ---- 42,182 -- 42,013 169 12,794 56,626 27,238 Total Auxiliary Enterprises 112,872 -- 112,367 505 36,072 115,984 39,185 ELIMINATED CAPITAL EXPENDITURES (90,018) Total Current Funds Expenditures $ 2,730,977 (11,764) $ 319,155 (34,353) $ 42 1,597,945 (43,900) $ 813,877 -- $ 1,481,492 (90,018) $ 1,618,987 0 $ 369,503 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT – FINANCIAL AID University of California, San Diego 20010-2011 (Dollars in Thousands) CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT - FINANCIAL AID (UNAUDITED) Current Funds Total Unrestricted General Designated Distribution Restricted Salaries and Wages Other Expenditures $ $ $ Recharges STUDENT FINANCIAL AID GRADUATE SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND PACIFIC STUDIES JACOBS SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Mechanical and aerospace engineering Bioengineering California institute--telecommunications and information technology Computer science and engineering Electrical and computer engineering Structural systems project Total RADY SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Dean's office Anesthesiology y Cellular and molecular medicine Family and preventive medicine Medicine Neurosciences Outreach communication Organized research units Anthropogen Cancer center Clinical translational research institute Institute for research on aging Research g in biostructures-medical Pathology Pediatrics Pharmacology Physical sciences Psychiatry Radiology Reproductive g medicine Surgery Total SCHOOL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES CAMPUS-WIDE DEPARTMENTS Anthropology Biological sciences Chemistry and biochemistry Communication Create International studies Economics Ethnic studies History Literature Mathematics Music Organized research units Centers Comparative immigration studies Iberian-latin american studies Magneticprecording Research in language Super Computer United states-mexican studies Institutes Biomedical engineering $ 536 $ -- $ 380 156 6 287 1,095 15 211 23 6 249 878 -48 230 197 560 342 -15 15 9 -37 -17 230 145 545 316 -1 (1) -- 2,711 265 83 2,363 1,358 -- 1,245 7,061 19 1,127 220 3,516 1,060 7 -------- 54 549 469 97 55 529 133 1,427 2 1,038 117 230 229 530 $ -- 287 1,047 --- 230 196 561 342 ----- 48 2,663 -- 113 41 1,317 -- 7,523 19 43 -37 (437) -- (462) -1,084 220 3,479 1,497 7 (2) -42 3 77 --- 7,063 19 1,085 217 3,439 1,060 7 -------- -------------- --3 --79 22 221 -2 -12 172 54 549 466 97 55 450 111 1,206 2 1,036 117 218 57 -33 ---6 -46 -5 --135 54 516 469 97 55 523 133 1,381 2 1,033 117 230 95 -------------- 17,939 -- 7,696 10,243 345 17,595 -- 2,822 31 270 2,521 46 2,776 -- 5 2,594 1,774 8 155 12 50 9 156 1 131 31 -21 156 8 -9 -9 63 --14 -2 6 ---------- 5 2,571 1,612 -155 3 50 -93 1 131 17 -83 (9) ---1 ------ 5 2,511 1,783 8 155 12 49 9 156 1 131 31 ------------- 80 27 13 270 -215 74 17 ---139 ------- 6 10 13 270 -76 20 ----162 60 27 13 270 -53 ------- 1 -- -- 1 -- 1 -- 44 University of California, San Diego 20010-2011 (Dollars in Thousands) CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT - FINANCIAL AID (UNAUDITED) Current Funds Total Engineering in medicine Global conflict and cooperation Neural computation Cognitive science Education studies Nano engineering Philosophy Physicial science Physics Political science Psychology Social sciences Sociology Theatre and dance Visual arts 63 15 289 20 161 31 10 28 26 36 189 53 7 149 49 Total SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRAPHY Marine resources p y y Research divisions Geosciences research division Marine biology research division Marine research division Sea stipend The gSIO department g p Total OTHERp y p Eleanor roosevelt college p Warren college Office of graduate studies and research Student financial services Summer session Total Subtotal Student Financial Aid Less: scholarship allowance Total Student Financial Aid Restricted Salaries and Wages 63 15 289 20 161 (3) -5 26 -51 53 -85 33 Other Expenditures 43 -------(75) -6 --1 -- Recharges 21 15 289 20 161 31 10 28 101 36 183 53 7 148 49 ---------------- 6,658 797 49 5,812 232 6,427 -- 323 -- -- 323 -- 323 -- 5 478 59 823 987 -4 --20 ------ 5 474 59 823 967 ------ 5 478 59 823 987 ------ 2,675 24 -- 2,651 -- 2,675 -- 25 7 --- --- 25 7 --- 25 7 --- 28,791 148,598 23 9,572 195 -- 13,201 78,317 23 6,018 70,086 -- 7 --- 28,783 148,597 23 ---- 177,444 9,767 91,541 76,136 7 177,435 -- 212,143 10,884 101,264 99,995 725 211,418 -- (129,494) -- -- (129,494) -- (28,230) $ 99,995 (129,494) $ Unrestricted General Designated ----------34 --10 -23 ---36 138 ---7 -59 5 13 3 Distribution 82,649 -$ 10,884 $ 45 $ 725 $ 81,924 $ -- CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY FUND SOURCE University of California, San Diego 2010-2011 (Dollars in Thousands) CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY FUND SOURCE (UNAUDITED) Current Funds Total GENERAL FUNDS (1) Instruction Research Public service Academic support Medical Center Student services Institutional support Operation and maintenance of plant Student financial aid Auxiliary enterprises $ 161,289 23,453 4,290 48,366 6,208 -27,587 37,078 10,884 -- Unrestricted $ Distribution Restricted 161,289 23,453 4,290 48,366 6,208 -27,587 37,078 10,884 -- ----------- Salaries and Wages Other Expenditures $ $ 194,029 16,417 2,120 34,466 -6,875 38,341 11,816 125 -- (32,741) 7,036 2,183 13,910 6,208 (6,875) (10,481) 55,206 10,759 -- Recharges $ (1) -13 10 -0 273 29,944 --- Total General Funds 319,155 319,155 -- 304,188 45,205 30,239 TUITION AND FEES Instruction Research Public service Academic support Medical Centers Student services Institutional support Operation and maintenance of plant Student financial aid Auxiliary enterprises 169,836 883 1,088 14,690 -54,653 30,833 20,023 (11,923) 386 169,836 883 1,088 14,690 -54,653 30,833 20,023 (11,923) 386 ----------- 34,798 42 703 4,109 -20,051 163 -41 -- 140,021 841 750 10,581 -34,602 30,670 20,023 (11,964) 386 4,984 0 365 --0 0 ---- Total Tuition and Fees 280,468 280,468 -- 59,907 225,910 5,349 47 University of California, San Diego 2010-2011 (Dollars in Thousands) CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY FUND SOURCE (UNAUDITED) Current Funds Total FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Appropriations Research Public service Academic support Total Grants Instruction Research Public service Academic support Medical Centers Student services Institutional support Operation and maintenance of plant Student financial aid Auxiliary enterprises Total Contracts Instruction Research Public service Academic support Medical Centers Student services Institutional support Operation and maintenance of plant Student financial aid Total Total Federal Government Unrestricted Distribution Restricted Salaries and Wages Other Expenditures Recharges ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- 4,795 423,903 3,419 4,269 -5,683 127 18 84,147 505 ----------- 4,795 423,903 3,419 4,269 -5,683 127 18 84,147 505 2,201 195,438 1,995 799 -1,661 99 18 136 505 2,594 228,424 1,424 3,470 -4,021 28 -84,011 -- -(41) 0 -----0 -- 526,867 -- 526,867 202,853 323,973 (41) -16,919 ------14 ---------- -16,919 ------14 -8,760 -------- -8,158 ------14 ---------- 16,933 -- 16,933 8,760 8,172 -- 543,799 -- 543,799 211,613 332,145 48 (41) University of California, San Diego 2010-2011 (Dollars in Thousands) CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY FUND SOURCE (UNAUDITED) Current Funds Total Unrestricted Distribution Restricted Salaries and Wages Other Expenditures Recharges SPECIAL STATE APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACTS (2) Instruction Research Public service Academic support Medical Centers Student services Institutional support Operation and maintenance of plant Student financial aid Auxiliary enterprises 1,804 31,793 1,427 895 -698 122 -3,939 -- ----------- 1,804 31,793 1,427 895 -698 122 -3,939 -- 487 14,581 764 418 -520 24 -7 -- 1,317 17,213 663 477 -179 98 -3,932 -- -0 0 0 -0 ----- Total Special State Appropriations and Contracts 40,680 -- 40,680 16,802 23,878 0 -4,438 8,024 --31 ----- ----------- -4,438 8,024 --31 ----- -2,015 3,999 --30 ----- -2,423 4,025 --2 ----- ----------- 12,493 -- 12,493 6,044 6,449 -- PRIVATE GIFTS, GRANTS AND CONTRACTS Instruction Research Public service Academic support Medical Center Student services Institutional support Operation and maintenance of plant Student financial aid Auxiliary enterprises 9,005 181,759 893 3,479 234 1,376 5,090 -10,063 -- 11 2 -1 --1,410 ---- 8,993 181,757 893 3,478 234 1,376 3,680 -10,063 -- 4,025 91,360 530 732 10 39 4,427 -253 -- 4,979 90,454 363 2,747 224 1,337 663 -9,810 -- 0 55 0 (0) ------- Total Private Gifts, Grants and Contracts 211,899 1,425 210,474 101,377 110,577 55 LOCAL GOVERNMENT Instruction Research Public service Academic support Medical Centers Student services Institutional support Operation and maintenance of plant Student financial aid Auxiliary enterprises Total Local Government 49 University of California, San Diego 2010-2011 (Dollars in Thousands) CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY FUND SOURCE (UNAUDITED) Current Funds Total Unrestricted Distribution Restricted Salaries and Wages Other Expenditures Recharges ENDOWMENT AND SIMILAR FUNDS Instruction Research Public service Academic support Medical Center Student services Institutional support Operation and maintenance of plant Student financial aid Auxiliary enterprises 10,534 8,040 257 8,871 -75 22,313 2,042 2,279 1,609 10,176 5,639 216 7,891 -109 21,508 1,994 447 1,609 359 2,401 41 979 -(34) 805 49 1,832 -- 4,131 4,136 178 1,797 -23 10,053 160 9 -- 6,397 3,904 137 7,074 -52 12,383 1,882 2,270 1,609 (7) (0) 58 0 -0 123 ---- Total Endowment and Similar Funds 56,020 49,589 6,431 20,486 35,708 174 SALES AND SERVICES OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES Instruction Research Public service Academic support Medical Centers Student services Institutional support Operation and maintenance of plant Student financial aid Auxiliary enterprises 199,056 1,899 921 140,824 -3,707 129 -343 -- 199,056 1,899 921 140,824 -3,707 129 -343 -- ----------- 199,978 1,179 501 89,246 -1,809 25 -141 -- 53,096 721 670 110,866 -2,202 104 -203 -- 54,018 1 251 59,287 -304 ----- Total Sales and Services of Educational Activities 346,880 346,880 -- 292,879 167,862 113,861 SALES AND SERVICES OF AUXILIARY ENTERPRISES Instruction Academic support Student services Institutional support Operation and maintenance of plant Student financial aid Auxiliary enterprises -19 1,441 --(22,135) 107,901 -19 1,441 --(22,135) 107,901 -------- --599 ---33,520 -19 894 --(22,135) 108,653 --51 ---34,271 87,226 87,226 -- 34,118 87,430 34,322 Total Sales and Services of Auxiliary Enterprises 50 University of California, San Diego 2010-2011 (Dollars in Thousands) CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY FUND SOURCE (UNAUDITED) Current Funds Total Unrestricted Distribution Restricted Salaries and Wages Other Expenditures Recharges SALES AND SERVICES OF MEDICAL CENTERS Medical Center Student financial aid 786,064 -- 786,064 -- --- 366,921 -- 442,488 -- 23,345 -- Total 786,064 786,064 -- 366,921 442,488 23,345 OTHER SOURCES Instruction Research Public service Academic support Medical Center Student services Institutional support Operation and maintenance of plant Student financial aid Auxiliary enterprises 7,429 6,184 346 10,775 249 7,705 (2,791) 3,446 (311) 1,764 7,429 6,184 346 10,775 249 7,705 (2,791) 3,446 (311) 1,764 ----------- 2,452 (1,568) 217 9,306 184 4,379 40,090 7,061 14 2,048 Total Other Sources 34,796 34,796 -- 64,183 132,796 162,182 3,452 1,030 1 4,213 284 84 2,253 145 1 34 3,452 1,030 1 4,213 284 84 2,253 145 1 34 ----------- 2,148 373 -320 -24 110 ---- 1,309 657 1 3,893 284 60 2,155 145 1 34 4 ----0 11 ---- 11,497 11,497 -- 2,974 8,539 16 $ 2,730,977 $ 1,917,100 813,877 $ 1,481,492 $ 1,618,987 RESERVES Instruction Research Public service Academic support Medical Centers Student services Institutional support Operation and maintenance of plant Student financial aid Auxiliary enterprises Total Reserves Total Current Funds Expenditures (1) Excludes State Specific General Funds (2) Includes State Specific General Funds 51 $ 4,998 10,350 184 20,239 192 8,804 41,643 42,080 (325) 4,630 21 2,598 55 18,769 127 5,478 84,524 45,696 -4,914 $ 369,503 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY EXPENDITURE CATEGORY BY FUND SOURCE University of California, San Diego 2010-2011 (Dollars in Thousands) CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY EXPENDITURE CATEGORY BY FUND SOURCE (UNAUDITED) Salaries and Wages Total Employee Benefits Supplies and Services Travel TUITION AND FEES Regular session Summer session University extension and continuing education $ 228,229 11,968 40,270 $ 35,034 4,715 20,154 $ 10,211 529 4,280 $ 180,723 6,627 14,739 $ 2,261 97 1,097 280,467 59,903 15,020 202,089 3,455 Grants Contracts 526,866 16,933 202,853 8,761 49,900 2,243 263,158 5,478 10,955 451 Total 543,799 211,614 52,143 268,636 11,406 Appropriations and contracts General 40,680 319,154 16,802 304,188 3,665 77,182 19,602 (66,628) 611 4,412 Total 359,834 320,990 80,847 (47,026) 5,023 12,492 6,044 1,905 3,396 1,147 Gifts Grants Contracts 52,448 38,220 121,230 23,314 16,827 61,236 5,337 4,372 15,243 21,106 15,878 40,849 2,691 1,143 3,902 Total 211,898 101,377 24,952 77,833 7,736 56,021 20,486 5,633 27,903 1,998 Medical group activities Other 322,651 24,228 248,232 44,647 45,032 12,317 26,314 (34,062) 3,073 1,326 Total 346,879 292,879 57,349 (7,748) 4,399 12,543 62,982 24,334 (12,632) 2,772 20,569 4,229 6,549 1,233 8,031 1,308 2,200 8,303 34,031 18,777 (21,460) 235 351 20 79 87,227 34,119 12,772 39,651 685 786,064 366,921 100,909 317,109 1,125 OTHER SOURCES 34,800 64,185 28,795 (62,528) 4,348 RESERVES 11,496 2,974 861 Total FEDERAL GOVERNMENT STATE GOVERNMENT LOCAL GOVERNMENT PRIVATE GIFTS, GRANTS AND CONTRACTS ENDOWMENT AND SIMILAR FUNDS SALES AND SERVICES OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES SALES AND SERVICES OF AUXILIARY ENTERPRISES Parking operations Residence and dining halls Bookstore Other Total SALES AND SERVICES OF UCSD MEDICAL CENTER Total Current Funds Expenditures $ 2,730,977 $ 1,481,492 $ 381,186 7,475 $ 826,790 186 $ 41,508 Note: The Schedule of Current Funds Expenditures by Expenditure Category by Fund Source reflects amounts net of the reclassification of capital expenditures and scholarship allowances. 53 CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT – LOC “O” University of California, San Diego - Location "O" 2010 - 2011 (Dollars in Thousands) CURRENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (UNAUDITED) Current Funds Total Distribution Unrestricted General Designated Salaries and Wages Restricted Other Expenditures Recharges RESEARCH Global conflict Biology White mountain research station $ Total 2 2 689 $ --687 $ 2 2 2 $ ---- $ 2 2 489 $ --200 $ ---- 693 687 6 -- 493 200 -- 73 -- 73 -- 24 49 -- 278 -- 278 -- -- 361 83 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- PUBLIC SERVICE Mathematics diagnostic testing project ACADEMIC SUPPORT White mountain research station STUDENT FINANCIAL AID Organized research unit California space Total Current Funds Expenditures $ 1,044 $ 687 $ 357 $ -- $ 517 $ 610 $ 83 Note: Location "O" activity represents expenditures for U.C. Office of the President programs conducted at the San Diego campus. This activity is not included in the campus financial schedule totals. 55 LONG-TERM DEBT SCHEDULES COMBINED SCHEDULE OF LONG-TERM DEBT FOR THE SAN DIEGO AND OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT HELD DEBT (UNAUDITED) (Dollars in Thousands) Capital lease obligations Mortgages and other borrowings Revenue bonds Medical center General revenue bonds Multi-purpose projects Outstanding Recorded at the campus Outstanding Recorded at UCOP Total June 30, 2011 2011-2035 72,052 197,772 269,824 various 2011-2013 2,124 109,401 111,525 5.1-10% 4.9% 5.1% 2011-2047 2011-2041 2011-2027 180,167 3,725 -- -1,074,863 34,321 180,167 1,078,588 34,321 64,862 -- 64,862 $ 322,930 $ 1,416,357 $ 1,739,287 $ 367 $ $ Interest Rate Maturity Years 2.3-11.8% Third party debt Total External Long Term Debt Regents' loans 6.5% 2011-2012 Total Long Term Debt $323,297 -- $1,416,357 367 $1,739,654 Note: in some cases, the interest rate represents the weighted average rate. Note: Regents' Loans (Internal borrowings) not reflected on Statement of Net Assets (page3) SUMMARY OF CURRENT AND NONCURRENT LIABILITIES (Dollars in Thousands) (UNAUDITED) Current Portion of Long Term Debt Long Term Debt $ 15,200 307,730 $ Total Long Term Debt $ 322,930 $ 1,416,357 57 42,067 1,374,290 $ 57,267 1,682,020 $ 1,739,287 SCHEDULE OF THE SAN DIEGO CAMPUS LONG TERM DEBT RECORDED AT OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT (UNAUDITED) (Dollars in Thousands) Outstanding July 1, 2010 Mortgages and Other Borrowings Clinical & translational research institute East campus office building Health sciences biomed research facility Management school facility phase 1 Marine ecosystem sensing laboratory Muir college apartments Muir stewart commons renovation Original student center expansion Revelle college apartments Robert paine scripps center SEP program: state operating Telemed & prime-heq education facility Total Mortgages and Other Borrowings $ ------41 6,286 13,504 ---- Additions/ Adjustments Repayments Outstanding June 30, 2011 $ $ $ 3,001 11,544 12,009 4,100 1,204 18,050 (41) (6,286) 20,174 1,300 3,956 20,559 ------------- 3,001 11,544 12,009 4,100 1,204 18,050 --33,678 1,300 3,956 20,559 FY 10/11 Interest $ ---28 -----9 --- 19,831 89,570 -- 109,401 37 4,500 -- 262 4,238 208 51,470 25,132 12,467 33,010 ----- 1,570 1,728 980 985 49,900 23,404 11,487 32,025 2,551 826 642 1,618 2,352 30,265 29,655 4,200 ----- 428 -2,038 245 1,924 30,265 27,617 3,955 283 1,609 975 194 1,260 5,430 8,025 ---- 229 975 554 1,031 4,455 7,471 152 261 264 207,766 -- 9,994 197,772 9,583 Revenue Bonds Variable Rate Demand (Pool 4) Deferred maintenance 3,140 -- 1,162 1,978 114 Variable Rate Demand (Pool 5) Deferred maintenance 3,160 -- 952 2,208 121 Variable Rate Demand (Pool 6) Deferred maintenance 3,322 -- 844 2,478 128 Variable Rate Demand (Pool 8) Deferred maintenance 2,620 -- 578 2,042 90 Variable Rate Demand (Pool 9) W. m. keck building (fmri) W. m. keck building equipment (fmri) 62 361 --- 62 361 --- 2 7 Total Pool 9 423 -- 423 -- 9 Variable Rate Demand (Pool 10) Eleanor roosevelt college housing and dining Powell-focht bioengineering hall Science research park infrastructure 38,630 2,923 1,737 ---- 16,785 135 755 21,845 2,788 982 1,053 136 47 Total Pool 10 43,290 -- 17,675 25,615 1,236 2,280 -- 283 1,997 114 Capital Lease Obligations Bonner hall improvements California institute of telecommunications and information technologies, series c (2005) Central library addition Engineering building unit II, series b (1993) & a (2001) Engineering building unit III B, series f (2004) Graduate school of international relations and pacific studies--robinson complex Management school facility phase 2 Medical center inpatient tower completion Medical center north annex seismic replacement Scripps institution of oceanography pier and seawater holding tanks Social sciences building construction Visual arts facility Total Capital Lease Obligations Revenue Bonds (continued) General Revenue Bond (2003 A) Bookstore 58 SCHEDULE OF THE SAN DIEGO CAMPUS LONG TERM DEBT RECORDED AT OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT (Dollars in Thousands) (UNAUDITED) Outstanding July 1, 2010 Additions/ Adjustments Repayments Outstanding June 30, 2011 FY 10/11 Interest 17,001 14,021 1,909 2,266 12,003 5,588 2,942 14,450 7,653 2,282 ----------- 958 1,741 237 282 1,013 313 1,068 1,795 1,426 283 16,043 12,280 1,672 1,984 10,990 5,275 1,874 12,655 6,227 1,999 854 699 95 113 603 275 101 721 378 114 82,395 -- 9,399 72,996 4,067 2,203 1,965 2,964 10,623 1,158 716 629 6,480 --------- 127 113 170 611 67 41 36 373 2,076 1,852 2,794 10,012 1,091 675 593 6,107 108 97 146 522 57 35 31 319 1,698 836 --- 98 48 1,600 788 83 41 2,885 833 2,215 2,840 8,196 5,306 ------- 166 265 127 163 471 305 2,719 568 2,088 2,677 7,725 5,001 142 39 109 140 403 261 Total General Revenue Bond (2003 B) 51,547 -- 3,181 48,366 2,533 General Revenue Bond (2005 C) California institute of telecommunications and information technologies (cal it2) Student Academic Services Facility Miramar warehouse Multi-purpose building Skaggs school of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences Rebecca & john moores ucsd cancer center 18,277 715 6,150 17,158 11,706 42,021 ------- 117 243 117 326 222 798 18,160 472 6,033 16,832 11,484 41,223 868 34 292 816 556 1,996 Total General Revenue Bond (2005 C) 96,027 -- 1,823 94,204 4,562 4,612 -- 310 4,302 10 199 -- 199 -- 10 3,824 -- 457 3,367 160 General Revenue Bond (2005 I) California institute of telecommunications and information technologies (cal it2) Student academic services facility 715 161 --- 243 55 472 106 34 8 Total General Revenue Bond (2005 I) 876 -- 298 578 42 Cellular and molecular medicine east La jolla del sol North campus recreation area Parking and roadway improvements, phase I (pool 1) Parking and roadway improvements (pool 1b) Price center Roger and ellen revelle laboratory Student residence halls and apartments UCHS (originally series a) UCHS refurbishment (pool 1) Total General Revenue Bond (2003 A) General Revenue Bond (2003 B) Biology field station/site development Campus ambulatory care center Campus services complex, phase I Clinical sciences building Early childhood education center Early childhood education center expansion Managed care Medical center ambulatory care center Medical center cardiac care unit expansion and modernization Medical center eleventh floor operating room Medical center outpatient center renovations and cardiac catheterization suite expansion Medical center west wing renovations Parking and roadway improvements, phase III Shiley eye center Torrey pines center north Torrey pines center south General Revenue Bond (2005 D) Central utilities plant steam turbine generator and chiller General Revenue Bond (2005 E) Deferred maintenance B General Revenue Bond (2005 G) Student academic services facility General Revenue Bond (2007 J) 59 SCHEDULE OF THE SAN DIEGO CAMPUS LONG TERM DEBT RECORDED AT OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT (Dollars in Thousands) (UNAUDITED) Outstanding July 1, 2010 Central utilities cogeneration addition Eleanor roosevelt college housing and dining Gilman parking Torrey pines center north - parking Torrey pines center south W. m. keck building (fmri) W. m. keck building equipment (fmri) Powell-focht bioengineering hall Science research park infrastructure Leichtag family foundation biomedical building Science and engineering research facility Additions/ Adjustments Repayments Outstanding June 30, 2011 FY 10/11 Interest 25,230 46,480 16,128 10,490 16,149 2,875 721 3,517 2,089 36,763 18,678 1,204 2,132 774 502 774 134 36 162 96 1,712 932 25,940 46,563 16,614 10,806 16,636 2,879 721 3,523 2,093 36,825 19,620 ----------- 710 83 486 316 487 4 -6 4 62 942 182,220 -- 3,100 179,120 8,458 General Revenue Bond (2007 K) Nierenberg hall Recreational/intramural and athletic complex Warren college residence halls 2,129 21,344 24,074 ---- 100 1,007 1,135 2,029 20,337 22,939 103 1,037 1,169 Total General Revenue Bond (2007 K) 47,547 -- 2,242 45,305 2,309 7,700 -- 125 7,575 373 475 355 1,750 45 715 1,025 8,840 22,155 110,730 2,860 45,150 64,860 472 1,208 6,037 156 2,462 3,536 Total General Revenue Bond (2007 J) General Revenue Bond (2008 L) SIO storm/seawater management General Revenue Bond (2009 O) Deferred maintenance Housing and dining services administration building North campus housing Robert paine scripps center San diego supercomputer center expansion University centers expansion/renovation Total General Revenue Bond (2009 O) 9,315 22,510 112,480 2,905 45,865 65,885 258,960 -- 4,365 254,595 13,871 1,020 4,613 --- -1,114 1,020 3,499 43 160 5,633 -- 1,114 4,519 203 5,680 1,590 6,955 ---- 5,680 1,590 6,955 255 72 134 65 1,370 1,080 10,240 2,430 270 11,500 1,590 ------------- --------- 65 1,370 1,080 10,240 2,430 270 11,500 1,590 3 62 44 -110 12 465 70 42,770 -- -- 42,770 1,227 5,690 13,510 58,645 ------- ---- 5,690 13,510 58,645 302 741 2,071 --- 560 11,655 31 1,334 General Revenue Bond (2009 P) W. m. keck building equipment (fmri) Leichtag family foundation biomedical building Total General Revenue Bond (2009 P) General Revenue Bond (2009 Q) Cogeneration plant expansion Health sciences biomedical research facility Health sciences graduate and professional student housing Marine ecosystem sensing laboratory Muir college apartments Muir stewart commons dining renovation North campus housing phase 2 Revelle college apartments SEP program: recreation fee SEP program: state operating Telemedicine and prime-HEq ed facility Total General Revenue Bond (2009 Q) General Revenue Bond (2009 R) Cogeneration plant expansion Health sciences biomedical research facility Health sciences graduate and professional student housing Marine ecosystem sensing laboratory Muir college apartments 560 11,655 60 SCHEDULE OF THE SAN DIEGO CAMPUS LONG TERM DEBT RECORDED AT OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT (Dollars in Thousands) (UNAUDITED) Outstanding July 1, 2010 Additions/ Adjustments Repayments Outstanding June 30, 2011 FY 10/11 Interest 8,905 83,215 15,790 5 ----- ----- 8,905 83,215 15,790 5 458 1,738 864 -- 197,975 -- -- 197,975 7,539 161 1,042 216 775 578 356 99 235 655 447 135 70 213 47 168 313 1,111 598 1,168 1,605 --------------------- --------------------- 161 1,042 216 775 578 356 99 235 655 447 135 70 213 47 168 313 1,111 598 1,168 1,605 9 56 11 41 31 19 5 13 35 24 7 4 11 2 9 17 59 62 32 86 9,992 -- -- 9,992 533 58 -- -- 58 3 General Revenue Bond (2010 U) Eleanor roosevelt college housing and dining Inst.of Geo./Planetary PhysicsIGPP Science research park infrastructure Student academic services facility ----- 14,551 933 654 451 101 11 5 3 14,450 922 649 448 632 35 96 20 Total General Revenue Bond (2010 U) -- 16,589 120 16,469 783 LPR (2005 B) Hopkins Parking Structure 20,949 -- 3,381 17,568 861 LPR (2007 D) East Campus Graduate Housing 72,115 -- -- 72,115 3,552 -- 3,049 60 2,989 84 1,141,354 19,638 51,808 1,109,184 52,878 Muir stewart commons dining renovation North campus housing phase 2 Revelle college apartments Telemedicine and prime-HEq ed facility Total General Revenue Bond (2009 R) General Revenue Bond (2010 S) Biology field station Campus energy conservation, phase1 Campus services complex, phase 1 Clinical sciences building Central utilities cogeneration addition Central utilities plant steam turbine generator and chiller Functional mri center Miramar warehouse Multipurpose building Pharmaceutical sciences building Nierenberg hall Robert paine scripps center San diego dm & fr program, fy 06-07 Science research park infrastructure SIO storm/seawater management Student academic services facility San diego supercomputer center expansion Torrey pines center-north Torrey pines center-south Rebecca & john moores ucsd cancer center Total General Revenue Bond (2010 S) General Revenue Bond (2010 T) Student academic services facility LPR (2010 E) Hopkins Parking Structure Total Revenue Bonds Total Long Term Debt Recorded at the Office of the President $ 1,368,951 $ 61 109,208 $ 61,802 $ 1,416,357 $ 62,498 SCHEDULE OF THE SAN DIEGO CAMPUS LONG TERM DEBT RECORDED AT THE SAN DIEGO CAMPUS (UNAUDITED) (Dollars in Thousands) Regents' Loans Bachman canyon lot Science research park Student health center Outstanding July 1, 2010 Additions/ Adjustments Repayments $ $ $ Total Regents' Loans 277 90 223 ---- --223 Outstanding June 30, 2011 $ 277 90 -- FY 10/11 Interest $ --1 590 -- 223 367 1 Capital Lease Obligations Equipment - campus Equipment - medical center SPWB hillcrest seismic improvement 6,786 17,775 39,945 74 15,666 -- 1,631 5,523 1,040 5,229 27,918 38,905 259 513 1,769 Total Capital Lease Obligations 64,506 15,740 8,194 72,052 2,541 2,124 -- -- 2,124 30 Revenue Bonds Cardiovascular center/thornton expansion Moores cancer center Solar energy projects GRB2010W Thornton hospital MCPRB2010G Thornton hospital 123,715 19,230 --44,535 --3,725 37,500 -- -278 --44,535 123,715 18,952 3,725 37,500 -- 7,938 879 63 783 1,123 Total Revenue Bonds 187,480 41,225 44,813 183,892 10,786 64,862 -- -- 64,862 -- 323,297 $ 13,358 FY 10/11 Interest Mortgages and Other Borrowings Rebecca and john moores ucsd cancer center Third Party Debt San Diego Campus $ 319,562 $ 56,965 $ 53,230 $ SUMMARY SCHEDULE OF LONG TERM DEBT (UNAUDITED) (Dollars in Thousands) Total Long Term Debt Recorded at the San Diego Campus Total Long Term Debt Recorded at the Office of the President Total Long Term Debt Outstanding July 1, 2010 Additions/ Adjustments Repayments Outstanding June 30, 2011 $ $ $ $ 319,562 1,368,951 56,965 109,208 $ 1,688,513 $ 62 166,173 $ 53,230 323,297 61,802 1,416,357 115,032 $ 1,739,654 $ 13,358 62,498 $ 75,856 University of California, San Diego practices the Principles of Community that provides a framework for diversity and affirms the unique contribution of each member of the UCSD community. Compiled and edited by UCSD Business & Financial Services