Pharmaceutical Engineering

Pharmaceutical Engineering Knowledge Briefs
What is an Pharmaceutical Engineering Knowledge Brief?
Knowledge Briefs are concise summary documents that provide easy-to-read overviews of issues,
processes, and technologies impacting the contemporary pharmaceutical industry. Knowledge Briefs are
intended to help industry professionals of all levels and disciplines get up-to-speed quickly on a particular
topic and are categorized as Fundamental, Intermediate, or Advanced. Each brief includes links to
additional ISPE resources, such as technical documents, Pharmaceutical Engineering articles, webinars,
Communities of Practice, and educational seminars and training courses to provide more specific and
detailed information on the subject. Knowledge Briefs are available for immediate download. They are
free to ISPE Members and non-Members.
How to Submit a Knowledge Brief
Fill out the attached ISPE Knowledge Brief Submission Form.
Email the ISPE Knowledge Brief Submission Form and your Complete Draft to Gloria
Hall, ISPE Editor & Director of Publications, at
Complete Draft Requirements
1. Up to 1200 words in length with accompanying figures and tables totalling no more than six
pages in Word format.
2. Figures should be professional, high-quality files that meet the following criteria:
a. 300 dpi (high-resolution suitable for printing). Files must be in .tif, .eps, .ai, .jpg or .bmp
b. All figures embedded in your document also must be emailed as separate attachments
(either individually or all together) in the aforementioned formats.
c. All figures and tables MUST have captions.
3. References cited MUST include the following data: author(s), title, publication name, volume
number, year published, and page numbers.
4. Includes author biography, no more than 100 words in length.
Prospective authors are encouraged to review published Knowledge Briefs for examples of content,
format, and style.
Knowledge Brief Process
1. ISPE reviews submission to determine whether content is appropriate for a Knowledge Brief or
other ISPE publication (e.g., Pharmaceutical Engineering article, Concept Paper). Author is
notified of decision within 2 days of ISPE’s receipt of submission.
2. The accepted Knowledge Brief draft is sent to an independent Subject Matter Expert (SME) (e.g.,
ISPE Technical Advisor, Community of Practice Member) to review for accuracy, use of
terminology, and substance. Duration – max. 1 week.
3. The SME review and edits are processed by ISPE, placed into layout, and a final PDF is sent to
the author(s) for acceptance. Duration – max. 3 days.
4. The final, approved Knowledge Brief will be published to the ISPE Web site. Duration – 1 week
from ISPE’s receipt of final Author approval.
Note: ISPE retains full editorial control of contents of ISPE Knowledge Briefs, and is authorized to revise and delete
copy as appropriate. The author(s) are responsible for the accuracy and correctness of all statements contained in
the Knowledge Brief (ISPE, the publisher, assumes no responsibility). Accepted Knowledge Briefs become the
property of the publisher and may not be published elsewhere without the written permission of both the author and
Pharmaceutical Engineering Knowledge Brief Submission
Proposed Title: (Can be a working title)
Description: (Briefly describe the subject/concept being presented, findings, results, or suggestions)
Rationale: (Explain current state of industry as background, relevancy of subject/concept, and why this
Knowledge Brief would be beneficial to the reader)
Level: (Fundamental, Intermediate, or Advanced)
ISPE Resources: (For the “For Further Information” section, identify ISPE technical documents,
Pharmaceutical Engineering articles, webinars, Communities of Practice, educational seminars, training
courses that provide more specific and detailed information on the subject)
Contact Info: Although this may be planned by a group, please provide the name of the one person who
will be the contact during the development of the Knowledge Brief:
Name of COP or Group suggesting the Knowledge Brief:
Name of Contact Person:
Email address:
Please submit this form to:
Gloria Hall, ISPE Editor & Director of Publications
Phone: +1-813/739-2275