Name Period Date Rotational Inertia of Point Masses Purpose To create graphical and mathematical representations of the relationship between the rotational inertia (I), the total mass (m), and the distance the masses are from the axis of rotation (r) for a system of particles consisting of two point masses. Open Data Studio file Angular Acceleration. Drape the string over the Super Pulley such that the string is in the groove of the pulley and the Mass Hanger hangs freely. The clamp-on Super Pulley must be adjusted at an angle, so that the thread runs in a line tangent to the point where it leaves the 3-step Pulley and straight down the middle of the groove on the clamp-on Super Pulley. Be sure to wrap the string around the largest pulley of the rotary motion sensor which has a radius of r = 0.024 m. The mass hanger is 5.0 g = 0.005 kg. If the data shows a negative rotation, wrap the string in the other direction. Part 1: The Rotational Inertia of the Rod Take the masses off of the rod and place a 0.020 kg mass on the mass hanger. Data Angular Acceleration rad Hanging Mass (kg) Trial 1 s2 Trial 2 Trial 3 0.025 Evaluation of Data Experimental Rotational Inertia from the pre-lab: I rmg r where m = hanging mass = 0.025 kg and r = radius of the pulley = 0.024 m Average Angular Acceleration rad 2 s Rotational Inertia of the rod kgm2 Part 2: The Rotational Inertia of the rotating point masses (I) vs. the total Mass of the point masses (m) with constant distance from the axis of rotation. Mass the two brass masses together with their screws and record. Place the masses back onto the rod at the ends of the rod. Measure the distance to the masses from the axis of rotation and record. This perpendicular distance must be measured from the center of the rod (the axis of rotation) to the center of mass of the point masses. Distance to the masses = m Place a 0.050 kg mass onto the mass hanger for a total hanging mass of 0.055 kg for Parts 2 & 3. Add the same mass to each end to keep the device balanced. The total mass is the sum of the two masses with screws and all added masses. Data Mass of both masses with screws (kg) 0 Angular Acceleration rad Added Masses (kg) Total Mass (kg) Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 0 0 2 x 0.050 2 x 0.100 2 x 0.120 2 x 0.150 0 --- --- --- Evaluation of Data I system Experimental Rotational Inertia of the system: s2 rm g r where m = hanging mass = 0.055 kg and r = radius of the pulley = 0.024 m I masses I system I rod Rotational Inertia of the point masses: Average Angular Acceleration rad 2 s --- Rotational Inertia of the system kgm2 Rotational Inertia of the point masses kgm2 Rotational Inertia of the rod 0 Use LoggerPro to graph the Rotational Inertia of the point masses vs. the Total Mass. Part 3: The Rotational Inertia of the point masses (I) vs. the Distance to the masses from the axis of rotation (r) with constant total mass. Mass the two brass masses together with their screws and record as the Constant total mass = kg + kg = kg Mass 1 Mass 2 Total Mass Place the masses back onto the rod at equidistant positions. The masses must always be equidistant from the axis of rotation. There are no added masses in Part 3! The perpendicular distance must be measured from the center of the rod (the axis of rotation) to the center of mass of the point masses. Place a 0.050 kg mass onto the mass hanger for a total hanging mass of 0.055 kg for Parts 2 & 3. Data Distance to the masses from the axis of rotation (r) (m) 0 0.070 0.100 0.130 0.160 0.180 Angular Acceleration rad Trial 1 --- Trial 2 --- Evaluation of Data Experimental Rotational Inertia of the system: I system s2 Trial 3 --- rm g r where m = hanging mass = 0.055 kg and r = radius of the pulley = 0.024 m I masses I system I rod Rotational Inertia of the point masses: Average Angular Acceleration rad 2 s --- Rotational Inertia of the system kgm2 Rotational Inertia of the point masses kgm2 0 0 Use LoggerPro to graph the Rotational Inertia of the point masses vs. the Distance to the Masses from the Axis of Rotation.