Testing the Getting To Outcomes implementation support intervention in prevention-oriented, community-based settings A 32-site RCT MATTHEW CHINMAN, PHD December 14, 2015 8th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation GTO model supports high quality program implementation in many domains 4 3 2 Find existing programs and best practices worth copying. Identify goals, target population, and desired outcomes. Modify the program or best practices to fit your needs. 5 Assess capacity (staff, financing, etc.) to implement the program. Steps 1-6 PLANNING 6 1 Choose which problem(s) to focus on. DELIVERING PROGRAMS Steps 7-10 EVALUATING AND IMPROVING 10 Consider how to keep the program going if it is successful. 9 Make a plan for Continuous Quality Improvement. Make a plan for getting started: who, what, when, where, and how. 7 Evaluate planning and implementation. How did it go? 8 Evaluate program’s success in achieving desired results. GTO uses multiple implementation strategies to build capacityERIC* (Expert GTO Components Recommendations for Implementing Change) Manual Technical Assistance PRIMARY Training SECONDARY 4 3 Find existing programs and best practices worth copying. Modify the program or best practices to fit your needs. 5 2 Identify goals, target population, and desired outcomes. Assess capacity (staff, financing, etc.) to implement the program. Steps 1-6 PLANNING 6 1 Choose which problem(s) to focus on. Make a plan for getting started: who, what, when, where, and how. DELIVERING PROGRAMS Steps 7-10 EVALUATING AND IMPROVING 7 1 0 Consider how to keep the program going if it is successful. Evaluate planning and implementation. How did it go? 9 Make a plan for Continuous Quality Improvement. 8 Evaluate program’s success in achieving desired results. Train and Educate Stakeholders Provide Technical Assistance Multiple evaluative and iterative strategies Adapt and Tailor to the Context Support clinicians/practitioners Stakeholder relationships Change infrastructure Usually not done *Powel, Waltz, Chinman, Damschroder, Smith, Matthieu, Proctor, Kirchner, GTO grounded in social cognitive and implementation theories GTO Components Social cognitive theories of behavior change Manual Technical Assistance Knowledgebeliefsbehaviors Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR)* Intervention characteristics Training Characteristics of the individuals involved 4 3 Find existing programs and best practices worth copying. Modify the program or best practices to fit your needs. 5 Identify goals, target population, and desired outcomes. Assess capacity (staff, financing, etc.) to implement the program. 6 1 Make a plan for getting started: who, what, when, where, and how. DELIVERING PROGRAMS Steps 7-10 EVALUATING AND IMPROVING 7 1 0 Consider how to keep the program going if it is successful. Evaluate planning and implementation. How did it go? 9 Make a plan for Continuous Quality Improvement. 8 Evaluate program’s success in achieving desired results. GTO is proactive and helps organizations change Inner setting Steps 1-6 PLANNING Choose which problem(s) to focus on. GTO builds knowledge & skills to plan, implement, and evaluate interventions Implementation process 2 GTO helps practitioners digest evidence based interventions and plan & evaluate them GTO helps practitioners adjust their organizational context, provides accountability Outer setting et al 2009 *Damschroder Enhancing Quality of Interventions Promoting Healthy Sexuality (EQUIPS) – RCT similar to large scale role outs MPC is an 8 session EBP-promotes condom Making sex Making use/less Proud Proud Choices VS. (16 Boys &Girls Club sites) Implemented Choices + GTO (16 Boys &Girls Club sites) MPC twice in all sites in 2011- 2013 Compared GTO and MPC-only sites on: Performance of key program implementation tasks specified by GTO (e.g., goal setting, planning, evaluation) (interview) Enhancing Quality Interventions Promoting Funded by a grant from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Of Child Health & Human Development, Healthy Sexuality (5R01HD069427) EQUIPS is a team effort RAND evaluators Technical Assistance providers Joie Acosta, Patricia Ebener, Patrick Malone, Mary Slaughter, Lynn Polite, RAND Survey Research Group Georgia Campaign for Adolescent Power & Potential Jennifer Driver, Cody Sigel, Kim Nolte Alabama Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy Jamie Keith Boys & Girls Clubs delivering MPC Two year GTO training and TA process •GTO training (Steps 1-3) •MPC training Work w/ TA staff to set Desired Outcomes on Goals tool 65 HOURS OF TA Work w/ TA staff to complete Fit, Capacity, & Plan tools • GTO training (Steps 46) Year 2 Work w/ TA staff to revise plans for second cycle • Implement MPC Data collection Fidelity Outcomes • GTO Evaluation and CQI workshop (Steps 7-9) REPEAT •GTO training (Step 10) GTO logic model links support to outcomes Staff Survey Baseline TIMING TA Monitoring Form Ongoing during TA Performance Interview 2X, after each Year (13% double coded) Fidelity monitoring, Attendance records Ongoing during GTO; Double coding: Youth Survey Baseline, Post, 6 Month at each site, Year 36% Yr 1 25% Yr 2 EBP attitudes & support DOMAIN Capacity measures (Efficacy/ Behaviors) Implementatio Performance n Support Fidelity Outcomes Data collection instruments assess many domains Staff Survey Baseline TA Monitoring Form Ongoing during TA TIMING DOMAIN Performance Interview 2X, after each Year (13% double coded) EBP attitudes & support Implementatio Performance in areas targeted n Support Capacity measures (Efficacy/ Behaviors) Total By GTO Step Hours of Technical Assistance Fidelity monitoring, Attendance records by GTO (High=5 to Low=1) Goals Fit Capacity Planning Process eval Outcome eval CQI Ongoing during GTO; Double coding: 36% Yr 1 25% Yr 2 Fidelity Adherence (% MPC activities completed fully, in part, none) Quality of delivery (1-7 on class control, teacher enthusiasm, student Youth Survey Baseline, Post, 6 Month at each site, Year Outcomes (follows Jemmott et al.) Behavior (sex, condoms) Beliefs (sex, condoms) MPC+GTO sites had better performance in Years 1 and 2 5 MPC+GTO (Y1) MPC+GTO (Y2) MPC only (Y1) MPC only (Y2) 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 Goals ***^^ Fit* * Capacity ***^^ Plan*** Proc Eval^ Out Eval ***^^ CQI* Sustain* ^^ TOTAL ***^^ *p<.05, **p<.01 ***p<.001 Linear mixed effects regression models, ^^ Year 1 to Year 2 (MPC+GTO), ^Year 1 to MPC+GTO sites had better adherence in Years 1 and 2 MPC Only MPC+GTO 12% 4% 32% 39% 56% Year 1 Completely Partially Not at all MPC Only 9% 57% MPC+GTO 7% 36% Year 2 55% 92% 1% MPC+GTO sites had better classroom delivery in Year 2 7.0 6.5 Year 2: 1MPC+GTO > MPC only, p = .016 to <.0001 Year 1-2: ^MPC+GTO > MPC only, p = .01 to .04 YearxGroup: ¥MPC+GTO > MPC only, p = .04 6.0 6.0 5.5 5.6 5.5 5.4 5.0 4.5 4.0 5.1 4.7 5.2 4.9 4.8 4.8 5.0 4.9 4.7 4.7 MPC+GTO MPC only Y1 Y2Y1 Y2 5.1 5.0 MPC+GTO MPC only Y1 Y2Y1 Y2 MPC+GTO MPC only Y1 Y2Y1 Y2 MPC+GTO MPC only Y1 Y2Y1 Y2 3.5 3.0 Classroom control1 Student interest1^¥ Teacher enthusiasm1^¥ Objectives met1 MPC+GTO sites had better Year 2 attendance rates, but not statistically 100% Linear mixed effects regression, NS Percent sessions attended 90% 80% 78% 74% 73% 70% 62% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Year 1 Year 2 MPC+GTO Year 1 Year 2 MPC only Compared MPC+GTO vs MPC-only on youth measures Abstinence (4 scales on beliefs, link to goals, intentions) Condoms Knowledge (8 scales on beliefs, intentions, availability, skills, efficacy, impulse control) Multivariate four-level linear regression modeling, parameterized as a 2 (Condition, between site) X 3 (Time, within site) factorial model Sex (2 scales on HIV/STD, Condoms) (sex ever, use of condoms) Intercourse and unprotected/condom intercourse outcomes logistic regression Days of intercourse and unprotected intercourse outcomes linear regression Adjusted for baseline Covariates (Grade; Social desirability; Race; In Year 2 (n=419), MPC+GTO sites improved more than MPC only sites on mediators Within Group:* = significant improvement * = significant decline Percent of Knowledge Qs Correct GTO+MPC MPC only GTO+MPC 0.3 0.25 * * 0.2 0.15 * 0.1 * * * 0.05 0 Pre Condom Attitudes/Beliefs Post Between group: GTO+MPC > MPC 6 mo 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 MPC only * * * Pre * Post * 6 mo GTO+MPC > MPC • Response rates: 80% at post, 63% at 6 months • Condoms & Knowledge: both groups improve, GTO group improves more • No improvement on Abstinence Conclusions GTO sites had better performance/fidelity, more in Year 2 Highly structured EBP gets modest fidelity, need more support for high fidelity (only 65 hours over 2 years) Performance Youth outcomes Fidelity Mediators Yr1: Similar improvement across all sites Yr2: Improvement across all sites, GTO sites improve more (better than Jemmott) Sex: low base rates make comparisons difficult Implications The GTO doable on a large scale: 1 TA provider helps one site for about 32 hours per year Training and manuals/tools were helpful, but proactive, ongoing TA was key Back and forth between sites and TA staff on tools was critical to ensure good decisions, accountability Quality improvement step in between Years 1 and 2 very important to improved For More Information http://www.rand.org/gto Matthew Chinman RAND Corporation 4570 5th Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (412) 683-2300 x 4287 chinman@rand.org GTO References Chinman M, Acosta J, Ebener P, Malone PS, Slaughter M. (2015). A novel test of the GTO implementation support intervention in low resource settings: Year 1 findings and challenges. Implementation Science, 10(Suppl 1):A34. Smelson DA, Chinman M, McCarthy S, Hannah G, Sawh L, Glickman M. (2015). A cluster-randomized hybrid III trial testing an implementation support strategy to facilitate the use of an evidence-based practice in VA homeless programs. Implementation Science, 10, 79. Chinman M, Ebener P, Burkhart Q, Osilla KC, Imm P, Paddock SM, Wright PA (2014). Evaluating the impact of Getting To Outcomes-Underage Drinking on prevention capacity and alcohol merchant attitudes and selling behaviors. Prevention Science, 15, 485–496. Acosta, J., Chinman, M., Ebener, P., et al., (2013). An intervention to improve program implementation: Findings from a two-year cluster randomized trial of Assets-Getting To Outcomes. Implementation Science, 8, 87. Chinman, M., Acosta, J., Ebener, P., et al., (2013). Intervening with practitioners to improve the quality of prevention: One year findings from a randomized controlled trial of the Assets-Getting To Outcomes intervention. Journal of Primary Prevention, 34, 173–191. PMC3703481 Chinman M, Acosta J, Ebener P, et al., (2013). Enhancing Quality Interventions Promoting Healthy Sexuality (EQUIPS): A novel application of translational research methods. Clinical and Translational Science, 6, 232 -237. PMC3684979 Chinman M, Hunter S, Ebener P. (2012). Employing continuous quality improvement in community-based substance abuse programs. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 25, 606-617. Chinman M, Hannah G, & McCarthy S. (2012). Lessons learned from a quality improvement intervention with homeless veteran services. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 23, 210-224. Chinman, M., Acosta, J., Ebener, P., et al., (2012). Establishing and evaluating the key functions of an Interactive Systems Framework based on Assets-Getting To Outcomes. American Journal of Community Psychology, 50, 295-310. doi:10.1007/s10464-012-9504-z. PMC3399058. Chinman M, Tremain B, Imm P, Wandersman A. (2009). Strengthening prevention performance using technology: A formative evaluation of interactive Getting To OutcomesTM. The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 79, 469–481. doi:10.1037/723 a0016705. PMC2859836 Hunter, S.B., Chinman, M. Ebener, P., et al., (2009). Technical assistance as a prevention capacity-building tool: A demonstration using the Getting To Outcomes framework. Health Education and Behavior, 36, 810-828. Hunter S, Paddock S, Ebener P, et al., (2009). Promoting evidence based practices: The adoption of a Prevention Support System in community settings. The Journal of Community Psychology, 37, 5, 579–593. “Goals Tool” prompts decisions, planning, and record keeping Behavior or Determinant SMART Checklist S M A R T Intention to practice abstinence SMART Desired Outcome Statement Aligned with: Recent sexual activity Number of sexual partners Frequency of sexual activity Contraceptive use and/or use consistency Sexual initiation and abstinence Pregnancy or birth STIs (including HIV) At the completion of the program, 80% of participants’ will report that they plan to abstain from sex for the next 90 days. SMART Checklist Specific- Plans to abstain from sex for Aligned with: the next 90 days Recent sexual activity Measurable- 80% at post survey Number of sexual partners Achievable- Abstinence promotion is in Frequency of sexual activity line with program goals Contraceptive use and/or use consistency Realistic- Similar youth have achieved Sexual initiation and abstinence this Desired Outcome before Pregnancy or birth Time-bound- By the completion of the program STIs (including HIV) An average of 65 hours of TA per site was provided over the two years Sustainabil ity, 0 Outcome Evaluation, 0.3 Process Evaluation, 0.7 Needs Assessment, 1 Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI), 4.8 Goals, 0.9 Sustainability, 0.4 Needs Assessment, 0.52 Goals, 0.89 Fit, 3.4 Fit, 2.1 Capacity, 3.7 Planning, 6.2 Capacity, 3.7 Year 1 21 hours per site Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI), 15.5 Planning, 6.8 Year 2 44 hours per site Outcome Evaluation, 0.9 Process Evaluation, 1.3 Response rates were good, similar across groups and years Year 1 Omegas (.71-.91, .40 Baseline (N=484) MPC = 236 Ave gr=6.31 44% male 83% Afr-American GTO+MPC on one) Year 2 Omegas one) Baseline MPC = 248 Ave gr=6.57 47% male 91% Afr-American (N= 323, 65%) MPC only = 165 (70%) GTO+MPC = 158 (60%) = 222 Ave gr=6.69 47% male 88% Afr-American Post 6 Month 6 Month (N=419) = 197 Ave gr=6.42 47% male 88% Afr-American GTO+MPC Post (N= 391, 81%) MPC only = 188 (80%) GTO+MPC = 203 (82%) (.55 to .92, .35 on (N= 334, 80%) MPC only = 151 (78%) GTO+MPC = 180 (81%) (N= 264, 63%) MPC only = 117 (60%) GTO+MPC = 147 (66%) Sexual behaviors similar across groups, but low base rates Sexual Behavior in Past 3 Months MPC+GTO MPC p=, MPC+GTO vs MPC % who had sex 5.8 (8/147) 7.3 (8/117) 0.67 Adjusted mean frequency of sex, days 0.10 0.08 0.59 Sexually inexperienced at baseline 0.08 0.04 0.48 Sexually experienced at baseline 0.39 0.48 0.82 % Reporting consistent condom use 50 (4/8) 75 (6/8) 0.31 % Reporting unprotected sexual intercourse 2 (3/147) 4 (5/117) 0.33 Sexually inexperienced at baseline 1 (2/135) 3 (3/100) 0.43 Sexually experienced at baseline 9 (1/11) 17 (2/12) 0.60 0.03 0.08 0.19 Sexually inexperienced at baseline 0.03 0.04 0.72 Sexually experienced at baseline 0.01 0.69 0.21 Adjusted mean frequency of unprotected sexual intercourse, days