Traditional Engineering programmes often teach Engineering

ENGS103P Mathematical Modelling and Analysis
Traditional Engineering programmes often teach Engineering
Mathematics theory in isolation from engineering practice. Whilst
students taught through such programmes often exhibit detailed
understanding of mathematical concepts, they are often incapable of
applying their newly acquired mathematical knowledge to solving
engineering problems. In contrast to this, the Mathematical Modelling
and Analysis I (MMA I) module utilises mathematical modelling and
simulation techniques as a pedagogic tool to integrate the acquisition
and practice of mathematical concepts. This approach is underpinned
by a suite of online mathematical support resources as well as a walk-in
student-led Engineering Mathematics Support team..
Intended Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module students should be able to:
 Recognise the connections between mathematics and
engineering, and how mathematical ideas are embedded in
engineering contexts;
 Represent real-world systems from engineering in a
mathematical framework;
 Identify and draw upon a range of mathematical concepts,
including calculus, differential equations, matrices and vectors to
analyse specific problems and identify the appropriate
mathematics to realise a solution;
 Employ appropriate computer programming and modelling
techniques and statistical analysis to efficiently solve and
evaluate the performance of engineering systems;
 Use estimation, approximation and dimensional analysis to
reduce complexity;
 Relate the behaviour of the output of mathematical models to the
underlying physical or conceptual models of interest;
 Carry our engineering problem solving both collaboratively in a
team and independently;
 Present and interpret mathematical results in effective and
appropriate ways to varied audiences, including nonmathematical engineering audiences.
The mathematical concepts covered by the MMA I module are similar to
those covered by more traditional first year Engineering Mathematics
modules. However, unlike the traditional modules, the MMA I reinforces
the engineering utility of these concepts by using relevant engineeringoriented titles rather than mathematics oriented titles.
Syllabus Item
Building Mathematical
Employ assumptions
to simplify systems
Engineering calculus
Analysing data
Representing engineer
ing systems and
signals using complex
Describing the world in
3-D, Matrices and
Linear algebra
Engineering systems
modelling: Calculus
and differential
Core for
Taught by
Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes
Introduces basic mathematical
models and their implementation using
Introduces the art of estimation and
approximation in Engineering analysis
and decision-making.
Reviews basic mathematical calculus with
an emphasis on engineering applications
Introduces statistics and
probability concepts and their
significance and application to practical
Introduces data modelling and fitting,
including regression analysis, within
engineering practice
Introduces the theory of complex
numbers as a tool for modelling and
analysing bimodal engineering quantities
Introduces vectors and matrices with an
emphasis on their importance in handling
and manipulating multi-dimensional
engineering data.
Introduces and uses calculus and
differential equations to model and
analyse dynamic engineering systems
Marek Ziebart, Cyril Renaud, Robb
McDonald, Andy Chow, Jem Hebden, Stuart
Grey, Ian Eames,
30% e-assessment, 40% discipline-specific
coursework, 10% generic open-book test,
20% discipline-specific open-book test
Online Quizzes, generic mathematics
problems, discipline-specific mathematical
problem solving and analysis