RAMAPO COLLEGE OF NEW JERSEY CONTRACT FOR PERSONAL SERVICES OF PERFORMERS This shall serve as an agreement between Ramapo College of New Jersey, hereinafter referred to as the “College” and the undersigned Speaker, Entertainment, and/or Entertainer, hereinafter referred to as the “Speaker or Entertainment or Entertainer” for use of facilities/grounds of Ramapo College of New Jersey for the engagement described below. This agreement does not represent an invitation by the College or its endorsement of the views, opinions or statements expressed by any person at the event. This Agreement does not preclude the sponsoring organization and the Speaker, Entertainment or Entertainer from agreeing in writing to additional terms and conditions that do not contradict the terms and conditions expressed in this Agreement and are not inconsistent with this Agreement in a manner prescribed by paragraph 22 below. In addition to the sponsoring organization or person, this Agreement must be signed by the Vice President for Administration and Finance (all contracts in excess of $1,000) to be valid. 1. Name and Type of Speaker, Entertainment or Entertainer: ___________________________ 1a) Address and Phone Number of Speaker, Entertainment or Entertainer: _________________ ______________ ______________ 1b) 2. Federal tax ID# of Speaker, Entertainment or Entertainer. Name of Sponsoring Organization: 2a) Ramapo College of New Jersey If an organization is sponsoring, indicate the name and title of the person responsible for organizing the event on behalf of the organization: ______ _____________ 3. Location of Engagement: Ramapo College of New Jersey 505 Ramapo Valley Road Mahwah, NJ 07430 4. Day/Time of Engagement: _____________________________________ 5. Details of Engagement: 6. Fee agreed upon is $ _________________ .The sponsoring organization or person is responsible for the fee, which will be paid at the end of the performance, providing all agreement obligations have been met, in the form of a Ramapo College check. If contract obligations have not been met, payment shall be renegotiated within ten business days. All costs specified either in this Agreement or in the Contract for Space shall be the responsibility of the sponsor of the event. In addition, any unforeseen extraordinary expenses deemed necessary by the College for safety and security before, during or after the event are the responsibility of the sponsor. College will provide hospitality for the performer(s). 7. If the Speaker, Entertainment or Entertainer cancels this Agreement 7 (seven) days or less prior to the date of this engagement, the Speaker, Entertainment or Entertainer is obligated to reimburse the College for expenses already incurred, e.g. publicity, security, etc. 8. The College reserves the right to cancel this Agreement with no obligation for payment to the Speaker, Entertainment or Entertainer up until 7 (seven) days prior to the engagement. 9. If the completion of this Agreement is rendered impossible due to an Act of God or any other extreme conditions beyond the control of either party, or if cancellation of the engagement is necessary for the safety of the College community, it is understood that there shall be no claim for damages by either party. 10. The Speaker, Entertainment or Entertainer understands and will inform all necessary parties of the College’s policies related to the purchase, possession and consumption of alcohol (copy of the policy is attached to this Agreement). 11. The Speaker, Entertainment or Entertainer also understands that the possession or use of illegal controlled substances anywhere on campus shall result in the forfeiture of payment, and may result in the Speaker, Entertainment or Entertainer being banned from the campus and/or subject to legal action and/or subject to arrest. 12. The College strictly prohibits all unauthorized vehicles from driving on the sidewalks or lawns. Violators will be responsible for any damage that occurs. 13. Smoking at Ramapo College is strictly prohibited in all buildings including, but not limited to, all performance spaces and dressing rooms. Smoking is permitted outdoors. 14. Possession of weapons on campus is strictly prohibited. Violators will be subject to immediate arrest and criminal prosecution. 15. The College and the Speaker, Entertainment or Entertainer agree that all security is subject to the sole and exclusive control of Ramapo College. The Speaker, Entertainment or Entertainer agrees that neither they nor their agents nor employees will be permitted to search attendees, patrol, guard or in any way provide security for the engagement. With the prior written consent of the College, the Speaker, Entertainment or Entertainer may be accompanied by individuals providing personal security for the Speaker, Entertainment or Entertainer, subject to any conditions determined by the College. The Speaker, Entertainment or Entertainer further agrees that they will notify the Director of Security of the College if any particular security needs or problems are anticipated. 16. It is agreed that if the College’s security measures are unacceptable to the Speaker, Entertainment or Entertainer, the Speaker, Entertainment or Entertainer may cancel the engagement, and that all parties shall be released from any liability or damage for such cancellation if initiated at least 7 (seven) days before the engagement. 17. The Speaker, Entertainment or Entertainer agrees to abide by all rules and regulations of Ramapo College, including, but not limited to those concerning the sale and/or distribution of materials related to the performance such as articles of clothing, tapes, CD’s, etc. 18. The College and the Speaker, Entertainment or Entertainer stipulate and agree that all matters in dispute which may arise under this Agreement shall be properly settled in a New Jersey court under New Jersey law. 19. This Agreement shall be governed in accordance with the laws of the State of New Jersey, including, but not limited to, Contractual Liability Act NJSA 59:13-1, et seq. 20. The College and the Speaker, Entertainment or Entertainer agree that any changes, additions or deletions to this Agreement must be completed in writing, signed and agreed by both parties. 21. Ramapo College of New Jersey, in its programs and services, adheres to the principles of non-discrimination, affirmative action, and equal opportunity in the areas of race, creed, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, or marital status. ____ (the speaker, Entertainment or Entertainer PLEASE INITIAL) in the performance of this Agreement warrants that they do not discriminate on these bases either. 22. The College is concerned about raising awareness and changing discriminatory attitudes and behaviors. The College asks that particular attention be given to the elimination of discriminatory language and content, and urges thought and advance planning so that the engagement reflects the diversity and sensitivity the College is striving to achieve. 23. The Speaker/Entertainer must provide the College with publicity materials including photographs or posters, not less than 30 (thirty) days in advance of the performance. 24. It is understood that these arrangements are subject to the appropriations of funds by the New Jersey State Legislature. 25. This contract represents the entire Agreement between the College and the Speaker/Entertainer. If any of the matters of the Agreement herein are found illegal or void in any way, the remaining provisions will survive. AGREED AND ACCEPTED FOR RAMAPO COLLEGE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE SPEAKER, ENTERTAINMENT OR ENTERTAINER Authorized Signature For Sponsoring Organization/Person Print Name ____________________________ Name and Title Signature ____________________________ Name Of Sponsoring Organization or College Affiliation Of Individual Sponsor Social Security #/Fed ID # Date Address Date/Signature of Vice President for Administration and Finance Telephone # Date SPEAKER, ENTERTAINMENT, ENTERTAINER: Retain one copy and return the others to: Ramapo College of New Jersey 505 Ramapo Valley Road Mahwah NJ 07430 Attention: N.B. Only Vice President for Administration and Finance may authorize contracts in excess of $1,000.00. Please provide photographs and any materials that may be related to the performance to the Schomburg committee for the archive.