Ramapo College of New Jersey Job Description TITLE:

Ramapo College of New Jersey
Job Description
Ramapo College Honors Program Director
Marta Vides
College Honors Program/Academic Affairs
05 October 2011
The Director of the College Honors Program works with the advisory board to oversee the
Curriculum and Co-Curricular programming of the Program in accordance with the Mission
Statement of the College Honors Program. The Program requires students complete a four-course
curriculum, a Senior Project, and Co-Curricular engagement. The Director oversees the budgetary
and operational needs of the Program according to established Goals & Objectives as contained in
on-going annual reporting and reports to the Provost.
Duties include but are not limited to:
o Collaboration with the College Honors Advisory Board on curricular, co-curricular, budget,
operation and fund-raising for the Program;
o Collaboration with the College Honors Student Executive Board on co-curricular and learning
community building;
o Faculty recruitment and development for HNRS curriculum teaching and future administrative
staffing of the Program consistent with a learning community of faculty and students;
o Collaboration with Deans, Convening Groups and faculty on completion of Senior-Projects-inthe-Major;
o Recruitment and admission of qualified students to the program in collaboration with the
Admissions Panel of Advisory Board members;
o Orientation of new students to the College Honors Program learning community;
o Collaboration with Residence Life regarding housing of first year students with Scholars;
o Advisement to all enrolled College Honors Program students regarding standing and completion
of curricular course and project requirements, and co-curricular requirements, including moral
o Maintaining and updating content on the College Honors website, necessary brochures,
handbook and other all-college materials;
o Collaboration with Admissions and Enrollment Management on effective participation in
student recruitment events;
o Collaboration with the Foundation in fund-raising efforts, including student scholarships;
o Participation in events related to College Honors students; and
o Availability in July & August for necessary planning.
A terminal degree in a discipline or program represented within the College.
o Mentoring students in an Honors Program, preferred.
o Teaching in the HNRS curriculum, preferred.
o Participating in National Collegiate Honors Council preferred.
o Participating in Northeast Regional Honors Council conferences, preferred.
o Tenure awarded at time of appointment (01 July), required.
o Associate or Full Professor, preferred.
o Familiarity and demonstrated experience with curriculum planning, particularly the Academic
Review Committee.
o Familiarity and demonstrated experience with Student Affairs funding processes.
o Demonstrated excellence in teaching and assessment practices.
o Established reputation as an ethical manager and academic professional.