ADN CLINICAL SKILLS VALIDATION CHECKLIST The following clinical skills indicated by an asterisk (*) in the left hand margin must be successfully completed in the clinical setting prior to graduation. If more than 7% of the required skills have not been performed satisfactorily by the end of the 5th semester, the student must perform a satisfactory return demonstration in the lab setting. Those skills not asterisked in the left hand margin will be validated as clinical opportunities are available. Skills typed in small letters may be performed independently after instructor validation in the clinical setting. The skills typed in all CAPITAL LETTERS may not be performed without direct supervision of the instructor/preceptor. The instructors must initial the clinical skill as it is performed satisfactorily in the clinical setting for each semester. If the skill is performed unsatisfactorily, then the instructor places a red asterisk in the designated sign-off slot, but does not initial it. Additional instructor comments may be written on the last page of this form to explain red asterisks. The ultimate responsibility for maintaining this document rests on the student. It is to be used as a guide for seeking out appropriate and needful learning experiences. NAME: _________________________________ Page 1 of 8 Banner ID#: _________________ ADN CLINICAL SKILLS VALIDATION CHECKLIST * * * * DEMONSTRATION OF COMPETENCE A. CPR (Independent Study) B. Temperature 1. Oral 2. Rectal 3. Tympanic C. Pulse 1. Apical 2. Peripheral D. Respirations BASIC SKILLS LAB 1ST SEM NUR 101 NUR 101 NUR 101 NUR 101 NUR 101 NUR 101 NUR 101 * E. Blood Pressure NUR 101 F. Height G. Weight H. Assessment 1. Head to toe 2. Breath Sounds 3. Bowel Sounds * 4. Fundus check NUR 101 NUR 101 * NUR 220 5. Fetal heart tones NUR 120 NUR 120 NUR 120 NUR 220 I. Documentation * * 1. Vital Signs & Graphics NUR 101 2. Admission NUR 101 3. Discharge NUR 101 4. Transfer NUR 101 5. Head to toe assessment NUR 120 SAFETY * A. Handwashing NUR 101 * B. Occupied bedmaking NUR 101 C. Unoccupied bedmaking NUR 101 D. Restraints NUR 101 * E. Standard Precautions F. Isolation Procedures NUR 101 NUR 120 Page 2 of 8 2ND SEM 3RD SEM 4TH SEM 5TH SEM ADN CLINICAL SKILLS VALIDATION CHECKLIST 1ST SEM DEMONSTRATION OF COMPETENCE G. Baths LAB 1. Complete bedbath NUR 101 2. Tepid sponge bath NUR 220 3. Sitz bath NUR 220 4. Baby bath NUR 220 5. Peri Care NUR 101 6. Shampoo NUR 101 7. Oral care NUR 101 8. Facial shave NUR 101 H. Medications * 1. Oral NUR 101 * 2. Subcutaneous NUR 101 3. Intradermal NUR 101 4. Intramuscular NUR 101 5. Z-track NUR 101 6. Filter Needle NUR 101 7. Inhalants NUR 101 8. Topicals NUR 101 9. Suppositories NUR 101 * 10. Ear Gtts NUR 101 11. Eye Gtts NUR 101 12. Via NGT or GT NUR 101 * 13. INSULIN MIX OR NUR 101 * 14. Pre Op Mix NUR 101 15. Mix Powdered Drugs NUR 101 * I. Sterile gloving NUR 101 J. Operative Procedures 1. Skin prep NUR 120 2. Pre-op checklist NUR 120 3. Sterile gowning/gloving NUR 120 Page 3 of 8 2ND SEM 3RD SEM 4TH SEM 5TH SEM ADN CLINICAL SKILLS VALIDATION CHECKLIST DEMONSTRATION OF LAB 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH COMPETENCE SEM SEM SEM SEM 4. Suture/staple removal NUR 120 K. Dressings/Changes * 1. Clean dressing NUR 120 * 2. Sterile Dressing NUR 120 3. Wet to dry dressing NUR 120 L. Specimen collection 1. Sputum NUR 150 2. Cultures NUR 150 3. Urine a. Mid-stream urine NUR 101 b. 24 hour urine NUR 101 c. “U” Bag NUR 220 4. Stool NUR 101 EMOTIONAL/COGNITIVE * A. Group participation NUR 162 * B. Communication NUR 162 C. Psycho-social assessment * 1. Adult NUR 120 * 2. Elderly NUR 120 * 3. Child NUR 220 * * a. Denver Developmental Screening Test NUR 220 4. Family NUR 220 5. Individual chronic NUR 150 6. Individual crisis NUR 162 D. Psychotherapeutic Interventions NUR 162 TEACHING LEARNING PRINCIPLES * A. Health concepts NUR 101 * B. Medications NUR 120 * C. Nutrition NUR 101 * D. Treatment NUR 120 * E. Anticipatory guidance NUR 220 Page 4 of 8 5TH SEM ADN CLINICAL SKILLS VALIDATION CHECKLIST MOBILITY 1ST SEM * DEMONSTRATION OF COMPETENCE A. Protective positioning NUR 101 * B. Standing NUR 101 * C. Ambulating NUR 101 D. Wheelchair transfer NUR 101 E. Stretcher transfer NUR 101 F. Bed to chair transfer NUR 101 * LAB G. Range of Motion * 1. Active NUR 101 2. Passive NUR 101 H. Traction NUR 120 I. Cast Care NUR 120 J. Crutch walking NUR 120 OXYGENATION * A. Turn, Cough, and Deep Breath NUR 101 B. Incentive spirometer NUR 101 C. Suctionings * * 1. Oropharyngeal NUR 101 2. Tracheal NUR 120 3. Endotracheal NUR 221 4. Bulb NUR 220 D. O2 Administration 1. Nasal Cannula NUR 101 2. Face mask NUR 101 3. Croup tent NUR 220 E. Thrombo Embolic Device/Sequential NUR 101 Compression Device * F. Electrocardiogram Strip Reading NUR 221 G. Apnea Monitoring NUR 220 H. Postural Drainage NUR 220 I. Pulse Oximetry NUR 101 J. Trach Care NUR 120 Page 5 of 8 2ND SEM 3RD SEM 4TH SEM 5TH SEM ADN CLINICAL SKILLS VALIDATION CHECKLIST DEMONSTRATION OF LAB 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH COMPETENCE SEM SEM SEM SEM K. Chest Tubes NUR 120 NUTRITION * A. Feeding (oral) NUR 101 * B. (NG/GT) feeding NUR 101 * C. Urine Dipstick NUR 150 * D. Finger Stick Blood Sugar (FSBS) NUR 150 * E. Calorie count NUR 101 F. Diet History NUR 101 G. Intake Measurement NUR 101 * H. NG TUBE (at least one) 1. Insertion NUR 101 2. Irrigation NUR 101 3. Removal NUR 101 I. Gastric Lavage NUR 220 J. IV Therapy * 1. Hangs Lg Vol. (1000cc) NUR 120 * 2. Changes Primary IV Tubing NUR 120 3. IV/INT Dressing Change NUR 120 4. Covert IV to INT Device NUR 120 5. Start IV or NUR 150 6. Start INT (Intermittent Needle Therapy) NUR 150 7. D/C IV/INT Device NUR 120 * 8. INT Flush NUR 120 * 9. Hangs PB Med NUR 120 10. IV Push Med NUR 150 * 11. Rate Calculation a. Manual NUR 120 b. Device NUR 120 K. Central Line Dsg. Change NUR 150 L. Hanging Blood Products NUR 120 M. TPN/PPN NUR 150 Page 6 of 8 5TH SEM ADN CLINICAL SKILLS VALIDATION CHECKLIST ELIMINATION DEMONSTRATION OF COMPETENCE A. Enemas (at least one) 1ST SEM LAB 1. Fleets NUR 101 2. Soap Suds NUR 101 3. Tap Water NUR 101 B. Rectal Tube NUR 101 C. Output measurement NUR 101 2ND SEM D. Catherization 1. Foley/In and Out NUR 101 2. Bladder irrigation NUR 120 E. Ostomy 1. Care NUR 150 2. Irrigation NUR 150 COMFORT/SLEEP A. Back Massage NUR 101 LAB/FACULTY SIGNATURE NUR 101 FACULTY NUR 120 FACULTY NUR 150 FACULTY NUR 162 FACULTY NUR 201 FACULTY NUR 217 FACULTY NUR 220 FACULTY NUR 221 FACULTY Page 7 of 8 3RD SEM 4TH SEM 5TH SEM ADN CLINICAL SKILLS VALIDATION CHECKLIST Associate Degree Nursing STUDENT PROGRESS NOTE Date Comments Initials Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature Initials Initials Initials Initials Initials Initials Initials Initials Page 8 of 8