Hawaiian Humpback Whale Tab Although their general shape resembles that of a fish, humpback whales are mammals just like humans, and exhibit a number of traits common to all mammals. Tab Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle, Honu Green sea turtles, Honu, are graceful saltwater reptiles who get their name from the color of their body fat, which is green from the algae or limu they eat. Tab The largest and most complex marine forms are called seaweeds. They are photosynthetic like plants, and "simple" because they lack the many distinct organs found in land plants. Tab Limu This species matures quickly and is relatively short-lived, which helps keep its population healthy despite heavy fishing pressure. Pacific krill are shrimp-like marine invertebrate animals. These small crustaceans are important organisms of the zooplankton, particularly as food for baleen whales, mantas, whale sharks, crabeater seals and other seals, and a few seabird species That feed almost exclusively on them. Striped Mullet Barracuda, Kaku Barracudas are bold and inquisitive, fearsome fishes, that may be dangerous to humans. In Hawai'i, they have been known to inhabit open waters and bay areas in the shadows, under floating objects. Tab Krill Tab