Curriculum Vitae 1. Personal Details Name:

Curriculum Vitae
1. Personal Details
Present appointment:
Date of appointment:
Professor Andrew Reynolds BA PhD FSA FSA Scot FRHistS FRGS
Institute of Archaeology, University College London, 31-34 Gordon Square,
London, WC1H 0PY
Professor of Medieval Archaeology
October 2010
FTE: Full-time
2. Education/Qualifications
Detail of degree; diploma; other qualification
PhD Anglo-Saxon Law in the Landscape (British
Academy 3-year studentship)
BA Medieval Archaeology (first class)
3. Professional History (in chronological order)
Detail of position held
Reader in Medieval Archaeology
Lecturer in Medieval Archaeology
Senior Lecturer in Medieval Archaeology
Lecturer in Medieval Archaeology
2000, 2003
Visiting Lecturer in Landscape Archaeology
Visiting Lecturer
Temporary Lecturer in Medieval Archaeology
Part-time tutor in Late Medieval Archaeology
Visiting Lecturer in Buildings Archaeology
Field Archaeologist
Carpenter and joiner
UCL (University of London)
UCL (University of London)
Institute of Archaeology, UCL
Institute of Archaeology, UCL
King Alfred’s College, Winchester
King Alfred’s College, Winchester
Uppsala University
Cambridge University
Institute of Archaeology, UCL
Reading University
Architectural Association, London
Various employers
The Fontaines, 51st Parallel Records
Various employers
4. Other Appointments and Affiliations
Editorial Board Member, Nailos (2013-)
Editorial Board Member, Insight Into Archaeology Monograph Series, Oxbow Publishing (2012-)
Assistant Editor, Archaeology International (2011-)
Editorial Board Member, Estudios Humanisticos Historia (2011-)
Editorial Board Member, Post-Classical Archaeologies (2011-)
Editorial Board Member, Documentos de Arqeologia de Historia (2009-)
Editorial Board Member, Munibe (2009-)
Executive Editor (Archaeology), Anglo-Saxon (2007-9)
Editorial Board Member, Studies in Anglo-Saxon Culture (2007-)
Editorial Board Member, World Archaeology (2006-)
Honorary Editor, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine (2003-)
Committee and board memberships
Board member (representing archaeology), International Society of Anglo-Saxonists (from 2014-)
Member, Advisory Board, eBEDE: Early Medieval Digital Cultural Mapping Project, Central Michigan
University (2012-)
Departmental Representative, UK Standing Committee for Archaeology (2011-)
Member of Steering Committee, AHRC funded Wallingford Burh to Borough Project (2009-11)
Member, AHRC Peer Review College (2007-10)
Expert panel member, Danish PhD School of Archaeology (2006-10)
Departmental Representative, UK Standing Committee for Archaeology (2006-9)
Trustee, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society (2006-)
Member of Council, Medieval Settlement Research Group (1998-2001 and 2005-8)
Honorary Secretary, Society for Medieval Archaeology (1999-2007)
Member of Council and Editorial Committee, Society for Medieval Archaeology (1997-99)
Member, Avebury Archaeological and Historical Research Group (1996-)
Vice-president, Field Archaeology Society, University College London (1991-92)
President, Society of Archaeological Students, Institute of Archaeology (1991-92)
Vice-president, Chippenham Technical College Students Union (1989-90)
Memberships of learned societies
Royal Archaeological Institute (1993-)
Society for Medieval Archaeology (1992-)
Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society (1990-)
Peer review activities
I have refereed articles and books for international journals and publishers including American Journal of Legal
History, Anglo-Saxon Studies in Archaeology and History, Antiquaries Journal, Antiquity, International
Journal of Historical Archaeology, Journal of the Archaeology of the Low Countries, Journal of Iberian
Studies, Medieval Archaeology and OUP and reviewed funding applications to the AHRB, AHRC, The
Leverhulme Trust and the Society for Medieval Archaeology. I acted as RAE consultant for the University of
Chester in 2006/7 and as external validator for degree courses at the University of Winchester in 2007 and
Christ Church University, Canterbury in 2009. Member of AHRC Peer Review College (2007-10). I acted as
external reviewer in advance of REF2014 for the departments of archaeology at the universities of Aberdeen
and Winchester. I have acted as independent reviewer for cases of promotion to reader and professor at the
universities of Belfast, Reading and the University of the Highlands and Islands, and as a member of interview
panels for UCL (for the appointment of a new Dean, 2013 and a professor of Economics, 2013).
5. Prizes, Awards and other Honours:
Detail of prize, award or honour
Elected member
Sessional Prize
Awarding/electing body
Royal Geographical Society
Royal Historical Society
Internationales Sachsenymposion
Society of Antiquaries of Scotland
Society of Antiquaries of London
6. Grants:
Sponsor, Dr Jane Kershaw, British Academy Postdoctoral Research Fellow 2013-15 £133, 927
Sponsor, Dr Erki Russow, British Academy Visiting Scholar 2012 £7500
PI – Society of Antiquaries of London Research Grant for Howmore Project, South Uist 2010 £2000.
PI - Leverhulme major research grant for 3-year project ‘Landscapes of Governance’ 2009-2012 (with 2 RAs),
£280, 674 – Co-Is: Professor Barbara Yorke (Department of History, University of Winchester), Dr Jayne
Carroll (Institute of Name Studies, Nottingham) – interdisciplinary research project, novel in combining
archaeology with place-name studies to address major topic in medieval studies.
PI - British Academy Small Research Grant for Aistra Project, Spain 2007-2008, £6347.
PI - Leverhulme major research grant for 3-year project ‘Beyond the Burghal Hidage’ 2005-2008 (with 2 RAs),
£204, 088 – Co-Is: Professor Guy Halsall (Department of History, University of York), Dr David Parsons
(Institute of Name-Studies, Nottingham) – interdisciplinary research project, established new methodology for
integrating archaeology and place-name studies with landscape archaeology and history.
PI - Numerous small grants from various bodies for Howmore Project 2003-2004, £3000.
PI - Royal Archaeological Institute Research Grant for Buckfastleigh Project 2003, £5000.
PI - Numerous small grants from various bodies for Buckfastleigh Project 2002, £1200.
Recipient of AHRB Research Leave scheme 2001-2002, £9963.
PI - Numerous small grants from various bodies for Compton Bassett Area Research Project 1991-2000, £6000.
Small grants over the last five years for conference attendance in UK and overseas, c. £5000
Both the Leverhulme Trust and the British Academy are major funders for the discipline of archaeology.
7. Invited talks:
Discussant, Finds Research Group Conference, UCL
Public Lecture on Wansdyke, Stanton St Bernard, Wiltshire
Lecture on Early Medieval Governance, University of the Basque Country, Vitoria
Lecture on Early Medieval Law, University of Kent
Discussant, Portable Antiquities Scheme Conference, British Museum
Annual Lecturer, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, Devizes Museum
Discussant, Complexity Session, African Archaeology Conference, University of Cambridge
Chair and Discussant, Medieval Landscapes Session, EAA, Helsinki
Lecture on Medieval Geographies, Queen’s College, University of Oxford
Lecture on Anglo-Saxon Settlement Archaeology, Dillington House, Somerset
Lecture on English Landscape Archaeology, Keeble College, University of Oxford
Lecture on Anglo-Saxon Magic, Morphomata Institute, Cologne
Lecture on Anglo-Saxon Civil Defence, Late Antique Seminar, University of Melbourne
Lecture on Anglo-Saxon Law, La Trobe University, Melbourne
Lecture on Anglo-Saxon Governance, Ancient World Seminar, University of Melbourne
Lecture on Anglo-Saxon Migration, Anglo-Saxon Symposium, University of Westminster
Lecture on Anglo-Saxon Assembly Sites, University College Dublin
Lecture on Wansdyke, University of Sheffield
Lecture on Medieval Mapping, Queen’s College, University of Oxford
Lecture on Wansdyke, University of Cambridge
Lecture on Early Medieval Governance, All Souls College, University of Oxford
Workshop on Early Medieval State Formation, CSIC Madrid
Lecture on Anglo-Saxon Sacrifice, State University of New York at Buffalo
Lecture on Anglo-Saxon Civil Defence, University of Sheffield
Lecture on Wansdyke, University of Winchester
Lecture on the Archaeology of Medieval Law, Carlsberg Academy, Copenhagen
Discussant, Medieval Towns Conference, University of Exeter
Lecture on Cognitive Landscape Archaeology, University of Nottingham
Chair, General Session, Early Medieval Student Symposium, University College Dublin
Lecture on Archaeology of Crisis, University of Cambridge
Discussant, Urbanism Session, TAG, University of Durham
Lecture on Anglo-Saxon Civil Defence, Devizes Museum
Lecture on Anglo-Saxon Public Assembly, University of Oxford
Lecture on Early Medieval Landscapes, University of Oviedo
Discussant, Early Medieval Palaces Session, International Medieval Congress, Leeds
Lecture on Anglo-Saxon Execution Burials, International Medieval Congress, Leeds
Lecture on Anglo-Saxon Public Assembly, Institute of Historical Research, London
Lecture on Anglo-Saxon Secular Power, University of Leeds
Lecture on Early Medieval Secular Power, University of Padua
Lecture on Early Medieval Settlement Archaeology, University of Leicester
Lecture on Anglo-Saxon Public Assembly, University of Cambridge
Lecture on Anglo-Saxon Execution Burials, Institute of Historical Research, London
Lecture on Archaeology of Early Medieval Britain, University of the Basque Country
Lecture on Anglo-Saxon Public Assembly, Sachsensymposium, Frankfurt
Lecture on Anglo-Saxon Secular Power, University of Manchester
Lecture at International Colloquium on Early Medieval Power, University of Oviedo
Chair, Society for Medieval Archaeology Conference, London
Agnes Jane Robertson Memorial Lecturer, University of Aberdeen
Chair, Society for Medieval Archaeology 50th Anniversary Conference, London
Lecture on Anglo-Saxon Execution Burials, University of St Andrews
Lecture on Anglo-Saxon Execution Burials, University of Bradford
Lecture on Anglo-Saxon Landscapes at AHRC Funded Colloquium, York
Lecture on the Archaeology of Law, Society for American Archaeology, Austin Tx
Lecture on Anglo-Saxon Civil Defence, Birkbeck College, London
Lecture on Anglo-Saxon Execution Burials, University of Oxford
Lecture on Early Medieval Britain, University of the Basque Country (Vitoria)
Lecture on Roman-Early Medieval Scale Change, CSIC, Madrid
Lecture on Wessex Landscapes, International Colloquium, UCL
Lecture on Anglo-Saxon Execution Burials, International Medieval Congress, Leeds
Lecture on Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Avebury, University of Bath
Lecture on Anglo-Saxon Civil Defence, University of Exeter
Lecture on Anglo-Saxon Gloucestershire, Cirencester College
Lecture on Anglo-Saxon Execution Burials, Society of Antiquaries of London
Lecture on Anglo-Saxon Settlement Archaeology, Sachsensymposium, Cambridge
Lecture on Anglo-Saxon Civil Defence, University of York
Lecture on Anglo-Saxon Civil Defence, University of Bournemouth
Lecture on Anglo-Saxon Deviant Burials, University of Birmingham
Lecture on Early Medieval Monastery, Howmore, South Uist, University of Glasgow
8. Academic supervision:
Research students
First supervisor for Kenneth Marks. Thesis: The Archaeology of Anglo-Jewry 1656-1880
First supervisor for Michael Shapland – AHRC funded. Thesis: Tower-nave Churches as
High-Status Secular and Religious Buildings in Anglo-Saxon and Early Norman Society
First supervisor for Jonathan Eagles. Thesis: The Reign, Culture and Legacy of Stefan cel
Mare, Voivode of Moldova (1457-1504): history, archaeology and heritage
First supervisor for Helen Leaf PhD – AHRC funded. Thesis: Anglo-Saxon and Medieval
Bone Flutes AD500-1100
First supervisor for Simon Roffey PhD (University of Southampton via King Alfred’s
College) – AHRB funded, completed 2004 – currently Senior Lecturer in Archaeology,
University of Winchester. Thesis: A Social Archaeology of Parish Church Chantries and
Chapels: A Perspective from the South and West of England
First supervisor for Rhiannon Comeau – AHRC funded. Thesis: Land, People and Power in
Early Medieval Wales
First supervisor for Rose Broadley. Thesis: A Social Analysis of Anglo-Saxon Glass Vessels
First supervisor for Tom Willams – AHRC funded. Thesis: Ritual Aspects of Warfare in Early
Medieval Britain AD400-1100
First supervisor for Sue Brunning. Thesis: War-gear and Warrior Culture in England and
Scandinavia, c. 500-1100
First supervisor for Christopher Lagen. Thesis: A Cultural and Technological Study of AngloSaxon Pewter Dress Accessories
First supervisor for Andrew Agate. Thesis: Suburban Development in Later Anglo-Saxon and
Norman England
Dr Jane Kershaw, British Academy Research Fellow
Dr Stuart Brookes, Leverhulme Research Fellow – Landscapes of Governance Project
Dr Stuart Brookes, Leverhulme Research Fellow – Beyond the Burghal Hidage Project
Marianne Hem Eriksen, Oslo – 6 months as Visiting PhD Student
Barbora Weissova, Sofia – 6 months as Visiting PhD Student
Dr Sonia Manas Villar, Granada – 2 months as Affiliate Academic
Dr Margarita Fernandex Mier, Leon – 2 weeks as academic visitor
Dr Erki Russow, Tartu, Estonia – 3 months British Academy Funded Affiliate Academic
Jesus Fernandez Fernandez, Oviedo – 3 months as academic visitor
Dr Jose Carlos Sanchez Pardo, Santiago de Compostela – 2 years as Affiliate Academic
Dr Juan Antonio Quiros Castillo, Vitoria – 1 month (IoA Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
Dr Frode Iversen, Oslo – 6 months as Affiliate Academic
Dr Alexandra Sanmark, Uppsala – 18 months as Affiliate Academic
9. Research activity (for academic staff)
My research falls under three main themes: 1. The archaeology and landscape history of state formation, social
organisation, governance and administration in Europe between the Late Roman Period and the 12th century; 2.
The archaeology of settlement, including ecclesiastical and domestic sites, in Europe between the Late Roman
period and the 16th century; 3. The development of cross-disciplinary methodology in historical archaeology. I
have a strong profile in European medieval archaeology and in the field of landscape archaeology. My research
activity is underpinned by field projects, membership of academic networks and by the management and
academic supervision of research undertaken by post-doctoral fellows funded by major grants.
Fieldwork based research
2012- Co-director (with Dr Margarita Fernandez Mier) of the Vigana Highland Settlement Project (Central
Northern Spain). Excavation and survey of multi-period mountainous region. Initial fieldwork is in progress.
2006-12 Co-director (with Dr Juan Antonio Quiros Castillo) of the Alava Rural Settlement Project (Northeastern Spain). Excavation and survey of medieval settlement in the Alava Plain exploring village origins. The
project is a collaborative venture with the University of the Basque Country. Four seasons of fieldwork have
succeeded in revealing extensive settlement and burial remains dating to between the end of the Roman period
and the 11th century. The research has provided a ‘type-site’ for the region and all fieldwork is now fully
written up with publication envisaged in 2013 for which a publisher has been secured.
2002–2005, Co-Director (with Dr John Raven, Historic Scotland) of Howmore Project, South Uist (Outer
Hebrides): recording and survey of medieval ecclesiastical complex. Two seasons of fieldwork completed with
one more scheduled for Easter 2014 when a team will be based on site with the aim of bringing the results to
publication. The project is a collaborative venture with the Universities of Glasgow and Newport.
2001-7, Director of the Buckfastleigh Project (Devon): excavation and recording of Anglo-Saxon monastery
and medieval parish church. Two seasons of fieldwork (2002 and 2005) revealed substantial evidence relating
to the development of this major Anglo-Saxon and medieval ecclesiastical complex utilising funding from the
Royal Archaeological Institute and the Dartmoor National Park Authority. The project is a collaborative
venture with the University of Newcastle and post-excavation work is nearing completion.
1998 Excavation director for UCL Novgorod Archaeological Project (Russia): excavation of complex
medieval urban deposits. This project is now completed and fully published.
1995-1996 Excavation supervisor for Aksum Archaeological Project (Ethiopia): landscape survey and
excavation project (Director: Dr D.W. Phillipson, University of Cambridge). This project is now completed and
fully published.
1992-97, Field Director, London City Churches Building Record. All buildings studied by this project are
now fully published.
1991–present, Director of Compton Bassett Area Research Project (Wiltshire): major multi-period landscape
survey and excavation project. This long-term research project is midway through the analysis of results phase.
Academic network based research
Spanish funded international academic network ‘Foundations of the European Space 2’ (invited 2010). I will be
co-editor of the volume resulting from this project.
AHRC funded network ‘Sense of Place in the Early Middle Ages’ (invited 2009)
EU funded network ‘European Assembly Places’ (invited 2008).
Spanish funded international academic network ‘Foundations of the European Space’ (invited 2005)(I was coeditor of the book resulting from this project – see publication list).
British Academy funded seminar ‘Mounds in Conversion Period Europe’ (invited 2002).
British Academy funded seminar ‘People and Space in the Early Middle Ages’ (invited 2001-4)(I was co-editor
of the book resulting from this project – see publication list).
Sachsensymposium international early medieval research seminar (membership by invitation, elected 2000)
Research Project Working Party of Medieval Settlement Research Group (co-opted 1998)
In addition to the research activity described above, in 2005 I secured a major Leverhulme award of 200k for
the 3-year project ‘Beyond the Burghal Hidage: Anglo-Saxon Civil Defence in the Viking Age’. This
undertaking involved the appointment of two full-time PDRAs (one based at UCL, the other at Nottingham).
This project succeeded in developing a robust new interdisciplinary methodology for integrating source
materials rarely considered together in an integrated way. The success of this project has been vindicated by the
subsequent award (2009) of 280k from the trust to pursue a further 3-year project concerned with the
interdisciplinary study of ‘Landscapes of Governance’ in Anglo-Saxon England. My portfolio of research
activity ensures that I have an international profile and that I am fully engaged with the international research
community within my field.
10. Teaching activity (for academic & research staff)
I have taught a broad range of the topics, methods and techniques encountered in archaeology, with particular
expertise in medieval archaeology, at both undergraduate and masters level since 1996 (at UCL and King
Alfred’s College, Winchester), both taking on existing courses and developing new undergraduate and
postgraduate options. At UCL I was Course Co-ordinator for the core undergraduate courses in British
medieval archaeology (Early Medieval Archaeology of England and Wales and Archaeology of England and
Wales 1050-1500) and am Course Co-ordinator for the MA option Select Topics and Current Problems in
Medieval Archaeology. I was Degree Co-ordinator for the Institute’s MA in Cultural Heritage Studies 19982000, which included leading the core seminar group. I was programme leader for the MA in Field
Archaeology at King Alfred’s 2001-2002. For the last 10 years I have run courses in the Early Medieval
Archaeology of Britain and Archaeological Approaches to Standing Buildings. My taught courses recruit well
and are rated consistently highly in course evaluations (4.5 and above out of 5). I am committed to and have a
particular regard for the pastoral care and personal development of students under my tutelage. I have
supervised over 100 undergraduate dissertation projects to date, including three subsequent submissions from
the Institute of Archaeology for the Royal Archaeological Institute’s dissertation awards scheme (1997-2000)
and further submissions in 2005 and 2007. One of my students won the Society for Medieval Archaeology’s
John Hurst Prize for the best undergraduate dissertation in 2012. I have supervised 50 MA dissertations with a
solid track record of distinction level passes.
11. Knowledge Transfer / Exchange activity:
I have long had a concern that the results of my research have an impact beyond the scholarly community. To
this end I have engaged in activities that bring new discoveries to a wider public in several ways. My long
involvement with the Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society (both as a Trustee and as Honorary
Editor of the Society’s journal) has ensured that I engage with a range of situations relating to the public
understanding of archaeology. I have been involved in discussions relating to the future of Stonehenge, within
which the Society plays a key role, and in developing new forms of public dissemination of new knowledge (redesign and re-launch of the Society’s magazine Trilithon). I frequently give lectures and presentations to local
and regional non-professional groups and in my capacity as the Society’s Honorary Editor, I have invested
considerable time in bringing to publication the work of non-professional individuals.
I have acted as consultant and author for a children’s book on the medieval period: The Medieval Homework
Helper. London: Tick Tock Ltd.
I have appeared in a series of television programmes concerned with communicating the results of
archaeological and historical enquiry to the general public, including AD1000 (2000), The Seven Ages of
Britain (2002), Time Team (2002) and Tony Robinson’s History of English Law (2007), The Strange Case of
the Law (2011).
12. Enabling activity (academic staff):
I play a sustained and committed role in enabling activities within the Institute. I served two terms as coordinator of one of the Institute’s five research groups (Complex and Literate Societies) and am currently joint
co-ordinator of the largest of the Institute’s three sections ‘World Archaeology’. The research groups (now
Sections) act as a hub for staff and graduate students research interests and my current concern is developing
support networks and thematic seminars for graduate researchers and post-doctoral scholars. I am responsible
for biennial staff appraisals for staff members of my research group and for conducting intermediate research
reviews also on a biennial basis with a view to realising staff potential and in preparation for the forthcoming
Research Excellence Framework exercise. I also undertake a mentoring role for several probationary teaching
staff and post-doctoral researchers. I currently chair the Institute’s Administrative Staff Forum, which seeks to
foster and maintain a supportive and positive relationship between academic and support staff in the
department. I participated fully in the internal grading and authoring of the Institute’s RAE 2008 submission, a
role which is continuing in the run up to REF 2014. I organised the Institute’s principal seminar series in Term
II 2005, which attracted an internationally renowned series of speakers, and am responsible for organising the
series in Term I 2009. For the past 8 years I have served on the Institute’s Policy Group, a core strategic
committee that seeks to guide present and future policy, as well as on Research, and Research Degrees
committees and UCLs Academic Board. I was departmental representative on the national Subject Committee
for Archaeology, a role normally undertaken by the HoD, from 2007-9. I have been Graduate Admissions Tutor
at the Institute since 2010.
In 2011-12 I developed and implemented a raft of activities to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Institute of
Archaeology, including a lectures, debates, a royal visit, alumni focussed events, the re-design and re-launch of
Archaeology International, the launch of a 75th Anniversary Fund and a range of other promotional initiatives.
As Honorary Secretary of the Society for Medieval Archaeology (the principal learned society for the
promotion of the subject, recognised internationally) I sat on a range of national committees, including the
Standing Conference on Portable Antiquities, Standing Conference of National Period Societies, British and
Irish Archaeological Awards and Heritage Link. I have also prepared written statements on behalf of the
Society to English Heritage and to government ministers charged with heritage issues.
In 2008 I established the Sir David Wilson Lecture in Medieval Studies at UCL, now a major annual event in
the region, which brings medievalists working in various fields together. The Wilson lecture is now the launch
event for the long-running Institute of Archaeology/British Museum joint medieval seminar of which I have
been co-convenor since 2006. In 2009 I developed Socrates agreements with the University of Padua, the New
Bulgarian University in Sofia and the University of the Basque Country in Vitoria. Sustained international links
are further demonstrated by my having hosted a series of affiliate academics for periods ranging between 1
month and 2 years, from Bulgaria, Estonia, Norway, Spain and Sweden.
External examining
External examiner, MA Archaeology, University of Nottingham (2013)
External examiner, BA Archaeology, University of Aberdeen (2012-)
External examiner, MA Medieval Archaeology, University of Reading (2009-12)
External examiner, BA Archaeology, University of Leicester (2007-11)
External examiner, MA European Historical Archaeology, University of Sheffield (2003-7)
I have examined research degrees for the universities of Aberdeen, Cambridge (x2), Durham, Exeter, Glasgow,
Malta, Oxford, Reading, Sheffield (x2), Southampton, Winchester and York.
Professor James Graham-Campbell FBA
Institute of Archaeology
University College London
31-34 Gordon Square
London WC1H 0PY
Professor John Blair FBA
The Queen’s College
Professor Roberta Gilchrist FBA
Department of Archaeology
University of Reading
PO Box 227
List of Publications: Dr Andrew Reynolds
Quiros-Castillo, J. A. and Reynolds, A. (In prep 2014) Pattern and Process in the early medieval settlement of
the Alava Plain, Basque Country: Excavations at Aistra 2006-2009. Vitoria: Universidad del Pais Vasco
Reynolds, A. and Clarke, J. In prep. 2014 The 11th Century Pewterer’s Hoard from Cheapside, London
Carroll, J., Reynolds, A. and Yorke, B. (eds), (in prep. 2014), Power and Place in Early Medieval Europe.
London: Proceedings of the British Academy.
Reynolds, A. and Smith, K. (eds), (in press 2013), The Archaeology of Legal Culture. World Archaeology 45.3.
Abingdon: Routledge + jointly authored introduction and paper.
Baker, J., Brookes, S. and Reynolds, A. (eds), (In press 2013), Landscapes of Defence in the Viking Age,
Studies in the Early Middle Ages series. Turnhout: Brepols 400 pages
Reynolds, A. and Webster, L. (eds), 2013, Early Medieval Art and Archaeology in the Northern World, The
Northern World series. Leiden, Boston: Brill 948 pages
Booth, P., Champion, T., Garwood, P., Glass, H., Munby, J. and Reynolds, A. 2011, Tracks Through Time: The
Archaeology of the Channel Tunnel Rail Link. Oxford: Oxford Archaeology 567 pages
Brookes, S., Harrington, S. and Reynolds, A. (eds), 2011 Studies in Early Anglo-Saxon Art and Archaeology:
Papers in Honour of Martin Welch. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports British Series 527 179 pages
Reynolds, A. (ed.) 2011 The Archaeology of Travel and Communication. World Archaeology 43.3. Abingdon:
Routledge + introduction and paper 180 pages
Escalona, J. and Reynolds, A. (eds) 2011 Scale and Scale Change in Early Middle Ages: Exploring Landscape,
Local Society and the World Beyond, The Medieval Countryside 6. Turnhout: Brepols 316 pages
Gilchrist, R. and Reynolds, A. (eds) 2009 Reflections: 50 Years of Medieval Archaeology 1957-2007. Society
for Medieval Archaeology Monograph 30. Leeds: Maney 540 pages.
Reynolds, A. 2009 Anglo-Saxon Deviant Burial Customs, Oxford: Oxford University Press 324 pages.
Reynolds, A. (ed.) 2009 The Archaeology of Buildings. World Archaeology 41.3. Abingdon: Routledge 155
Reynolds, A. 2009 The emergence of Anglo-Saxon judicial practice: the message of the gallows, The Agnes
Jane Robertson Memorial Lectures on Anglo-Saxon Studies 1. Aberdeen: The Centre for Anglo-Saxon Studies
University of Aberdeen 61 pages.
Davies, W., Halsall, G. and Reynolds, A. (eds) 2006 People and Space in the Middle Ages, 300-1300. Studies
in the Early Middle Ages 28. Turnhout: Brepols 366 pages.
Griffiths, D., Reynolds, A. and Semple, S. (eds) 2003 Boundaries in Early Medieval Britain, Anglo-Saxon
Studies in Archaeology and History 12. Oxford: Oxford University School of Archaeology 217 pages.
Pollard, J. and Reynolds, A. 2002 Avebury: The Biography of a Landscape. Stroud and Charleston SC: Tempus
288 pages.
Reynolds, A. and Lucy, S. (eds) 2002 Burial in Early Medieval England and Wales. Society for Medieval
Archaeology Monographs 17. London: Society for Medieval Archaeology 264 pages.
Reynolds, A. 1999 Life and Landscape in Later Anglo-Saxon England, Stroud and Charleston SC: Tempus. 192
Book chapters
Reynolds, A. (In press 2013) ‘Brandon’, ‘Chalton Down’, ‘Flixborough’, ‘Hamwic, ‘London’, ‘Wansdyke’,
‘West Stow’, in O. Nicholson and M. Humphries (eds), The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Reynolds, A. (In press 2013) ‘Archaeological Correlates for Anglo-Saxon Military Activity in Comparative
Perspective’, in J. Baker, S. Brookes and A. Reynolds (eds), Landscapes of Defence in the Viking Age. Studies
in the Early Middle Ages 28. Turnhout: Brepols.
Reynolds, A. (In press 2013) ‘Coin finds from Anglo-Saxon execution burials’, in M. Blackburn and K.
Bornholdt (eds), Gods, Graves and Numismatics. Leiden: Brill.
Reynolds, A. and Brookes, S., 2013 ‘Anglo-Saxon civil defence in the Viking Age: a case-study of the Avebury
region’, in A. Reynolds and L. Webster (eds), Early Medieval Art and Archaeology in the Northern World, The
Northern World series. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 561-606.
Reynolds, A. and Semple, S. 2012 ‘Digging names: place-names and archaeology in the Avebury region’, in R.
Jones and S. Semple (eds), Place-Names and Archaeology. Stamford: Shaun Tyas, 76-100.
Reynolds, A., 2011 ‘Crime and Punishment’, in S. Crawford, H. Hamerow and D. Hinton (eds), The Oxford
Handbook of Anglo-Saxon Archaeology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 910-31.
Reynolds, A. and Semple, S. 2011 ‘Anglo-Saxon non-funerary weapon depositions’, in S. Brookes, S.
Harrington and A. Reynolds (eds), Studies in Early Anglo-Saxon Art and Archaeology: Papers in Honour of
Martin Welch. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports British Series, 14-22.
Reynolds, A. 2011, ‘Debating Scale and Scale Change in the English Landscape from the Late Roman Period
into the Middle Ages’, in J. Escalona and A. Reynolds (eds), Scale and Scale Change in the Middle Ages:
Exploring Landscape, Local Society and the World Beyond. The Medieval Countryside 6. Turnhout: Brepols,
Reynolds, A. 2010 ‘Archaeology: Britain’ in R. Bjork (ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 97-100.
Reynolds, A. 2009 ‘The Landscape Archaeology of Secular Power in 8th to 11th Century England’, in F.
Conde and C. Castro-Valdes (eds), Poder y Simboligia en Europa, Siglos VIII a X. Oviedo: University of
Oviedo, 67-88.
Reynolds, A. 2009 ‘Meaningful Landscapes: An Early Medieval Perspective’, in R. Gilchrist and A. Reynolds
(eds), Reflections: 50 Years of Medieval Archaeology 1957-2007. Society for Medieval Archaeology
Monograph 30. Leeds: Maney, 409-434.
Reynolds, A. and Gilchrist, R. 2009 ‘The Elephant in the Room’, in R. Gilchrist and A. Reynolds (eds),
Reflections: 50 Years of Medieval Archaeology 1957-2007. Society for Medieval Archaeology Monograph 30.
Leeds: Maney, 1-15.
Reynolds, A. 2007 ‘Expressions of secular power’, in J. Graham-Campbell and M. Valor (eds), The
Archaeology of Medieval Europe vol. 1 Eighth to Twelfth Centuries AD. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 352353.
Reynolds, A. 2006 ‘The Early Middle Ages’, in N. Holbrook and J. Jurica (eds), 25 Years of Gloucestershire
Archaeology. Bristol: Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 133-160.
Reynolds, A. and Langlands, A. 2006 ‘Social Identities on the Macro Scale: A Maximum View of Wansdyke’,
in W. Davies, G. Halsall and A. Reynolds (eds), People and Space in the Middle Ages, 300-1300. Studies in the
Early Middle Ages 28. Turnhout: Brepols, 13-44.
Reynolds, A. 2005 ‘From Pagus to Parish: Territory and Settlement in the Avebury Region from the Late
Roman Period to the Domesday Survey’, in G. Brown, D. Field and D. McOmish (eds), The Avebury
Landscape: Aspects of the field archaeology of the Marlborough Downs. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 164-180.
Reynolds, A. 2005 ‘Stonehenge’, In H. Beck, D. Geuenich and H. Steuer (eds), Reallexikon der Germanischen
Altertumskunde 33. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 32-6.
Reynolds, A. 2003 ‘Boundaries and Settlements in later 6th to 11th century England’, in D. Griffiths, A.
Reynolds and S. Semple (eds), Boundaries in Early Medieval Britain. Anglo-Saxon Studies in Archaeology and
History 12. Oxford: Oxford University School of Archaeology, 97-139.
Reynolds, A. 2003 ‘An Archaeological Survey of the Vaults of Henry VII's Chapel, Westminster Abbey’, in T.
W. T. Tatton-Brown and R. Mortimer (eds), Westminster Abbey: The Lady Chapel of Henry VII. Woodbridge:
The Boydell Press, 205-214.
Lucy, S. and Reynolds, A. 2002 ‘Burial in Early Medieval England and Wales: Past, Present and Future’ in S.
Lucy and A. Reynolds (eds), Burial in Early Medieval England and Wales. Society for Medieval Archaeology
Monograph 17. London: Society for Medieval Archaeology, 1-23.
Reynolds, A. 2002 ‘Burials, boundaries and charters in Anglo-Saxon England: a reassessment’, in S. Lucy and
A. Reynolds (eds), Burial in Early Medieval England and Wales. Society for Medieval Archaeology
Monographs 17. London: Society for Medieval Archaeology, 171-194.
Reynolds, A. 2001 ‘Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Avebury, c. AD700-1100’ (chapters 2.8, 3.8, 4.8), in M.
Chadburn and M. Pomeroy-Kellinger (eds), A Research Agenda for the Avebury World Heritage Site.
Salisbury: Trust for Wessex Archaeology, 28, 52, 69-34, 54, 70.
Reynolds, A. and Sudds, B. 2001 ‘Building Construction in Medieval Novgorod: The Results of Excavations in
Troitsky Trenches XI and XII, 1998’, in D. Gaimster and M. Brisbane (eds), Novgorod: The Archaeology of a
Russian Medieval City. British Museum Occasional Papers. London: British Museum Press, 31-46.
Reynolds, A., Phillips, J. and Spandl, K. 2000 ‘Structures and Stratigraphy’, in D. W. Phillipson (ed.),
Archaeology at Aksum 1993-97. British Institute in Eastern Africa Memoir. London: Society of Antiquaries of
London, 280-303.
Milne, G. and Reynolds, A. 1997 ‘The Archaeology of St Bride's Church’, in G. Milne, St Bride's Church,
London: Archaeological Research 1952-60 and 1992-5. English Heritage Archaeological Reports. London:
English Heritage, 19-49.
Reynolds, A. 1997 ‘The Definition and Ideology of Anglo-Saxon Execution Sites and Cemeteries’, in G. De
Boe and F. Verhaeghe (eds), Death and Burial in Medieval Europe. Zellik: Instituut voor het Archeologisch
Patrimonium, 33-41.
Journals Edited
Reynolds, A. 2013 Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 106,
Reynolds, A. 2012 Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 105,
Reynolds, A. (with J. Graham-Campbell) 2011 Archaeology International 13/14
Reynolds, A. 2011 World Archaeology 41.3
Reynolds, A. 2011 Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 104, 1-386.
Reynolds, A. 2010 Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 103, 1-386.
Reynolds, A. 2009 Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 102, 1-363.
Reynolds, A. 2009 World Archaeology 41.3
Dumville, D., Fulk, R. and Reynolds, A. 2008 Anglo-Saxon 2, 1-393.
Reynolds, A. 2008 Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 101, 1-300.
Dumville, D., Fulk, R. and Reynolds, A. 2007 Anglo-Saxon 1, 1-393.
Reynolds, A. 2007 Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 100, 1-284.
Reynolds, A. 2006 Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 99, 1-284.
Reynolds, A. and Chandler, J. 2005 Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 98, 1-378.
Journal articles
Brookes, S. and Reynolds, A. (in preparation) Linear earthworks in England: a methodological and conceptual
Reynolds, A. and Langlands, A. 2011 ‘Travel as communication: a consideration of overland journeys in
Anglo-Saxon England’, In A. Reynolds (ed.), The Archaeology of Travel and Communication. World
Archaeology 43.3. Abingdon: Taylor and Francis, 410-27.
Baker, S., Brookes, S. and Reynolds A. 2011 ‘Landscapes of governance: assembly sites in England from the
fifth to the eleventh centuries’, Post Classical Archaeologies 1, 499-502.
Reynolds, A. and Quiros Castillo, J. 2009 ‘Aistra (Zalduondo)’, Arkeoikuska 08,
Hancocks, A., Rowe, E., McSloy, E. and Reynolds, A. 2009 ‘Two Anglo-Saxon burials at Abbeymeads,
Blunsdon St Andrew, Wiltshire’, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 102, 160-174.
Reynolds, A. 2008 ‘The emergence of Anglo-Saxon judicial practice: the message of the gallows’, Anglo-Saxon
2, 1-62.
Reynolds, A. and Quiros Castillo, A. 2008 ‘Aistra (Zalduondo)’, Arkeoikuska 07, 159-167.
Cessford, C., Dickens, A., Dodwell, N. and Reynolds, A. 2007 ‘Middle Anglo-Saxon justice: the Chesterton
Lane Corner execution cemetery and related sequence’, Archaeological Journal 164, 197-226.
Hamilton, D., Pitts, M., Reynolds, A. 2007 ‘A revised date for the early medieval execution at Stonehenge’,
Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 101, 202-203.
Reynolds,A., Quiros Castillo,J.A. 2007 ‘Aistra (Zalduondo)’, Arkeoikuska 06, 94-100
Hayman, G. and Reynolds, A . 2005 ‘A Saxon and Saxo-Norman Execution Cemetery at 42-54 London Road,
Staines’, Archaeological Journal 162, 215-255.
Reynolds, A. 2005 ‘On Farmers, Traders and Kings: Archaeological Reflections of Social Complexity in Early
Medieval North Western Europe’, Early Medieval Europe 13:1, 97-118.
Reynolds, A. and Brisbane, M. 2004 ‘Novgorod: The Archaeology of a medieval timber city’, Current World
Archaeology 7, 47-58.
Reynolds, A., Hamilton, M. and Raven, J. 2004 ‘Howmore Ecclesiastical Complex’, Discovery and Excavation
in Scotland 5, 139-140.
Pitts, M., Bayliss, A., McKinley, J., Budd, P. Evans, J., Chenery, C., Reynolds, A. and Semple, S. 2002 ‘An
Anglo-Saxon Decapitation and Burial from Stonehenge’, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History
Magazine 95, 131-146.
Reynolds, A. 2001 ‘Avebury: A Late Anglo-Saxon burh?’, Antiquity 75, 29-30.
Reynolds, A. 1999 ‘House Building in Medieval Novorod: UCL Excavations in Troitsky Trenches XI and XII,
1998’, Novgorod and Novgorod Region: History and Archaeology 13, 15-21.
Phillipson, D. W. and Reynolds, A. 1996 ‘B.I.E.A. Excavations at Aksum, Northern Ethiopia, 1995’, Azania
31, 99-147.
Reynolds, A. 1996 ‘Anglo-Saxon Human Sacrifice at Cuddesdon and Sutton Hoo?’, Papers from the Institute
of Archaeology 7, 23-30.
Reynolds, A. 1995 ‘Avebury, Yatesbury and the Archaeology of Communications’, Papers from the Institute of
Archaeology 6, 21-30.
Milne, G. and Reynolds, A. 1994 ‘The Medieval Lady Chapel at St Bride's Church’, London Archaeologist 7:6,
Reynolds, A. 1994 ‘A Late Anglo-Saxon Disc Brooch from Steyning, West Sussex’, Medieval Archaeology 38,
Reynolds, A. 1994 ‘Compton Bassett and Yatesbury, North Wiltshire: Settlement Morphology and Locational
Change’, Papers from the Institute of Archaeology 5, 61-69.
Reynolds, A. 1994 ‘The Compton Bassett Area Research Project: First Interim Report’, Institute of
Archaeology Bulletin 31, 169-198.
Milne, G. and Reynolds, A. 1993 ‘St Vedast Church Rediscovered’, London Archaeologist 7:3, 67-72.
Reynolds, A. 1993 ‘A Survey of St Swithun's Parish Church at Compton Bassett, Wiltshire’, Wiltshire
Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 86, 102-112.
Milne, G. and Reynolds, A. 1992 ‘The City Churches Building Record’, Institute of Archaeology Bulletin 29,
Reynolds, A. 1992 ‘Excavations at Steyning New Museum, Church Street, Steyning, 1989’, Sussex
Archaeological Collections 130, 60-68.
Magazine article
Brookes, S. and Reynolds, A. (in press) 2011 ‘Coming together: the landscape archaeology of public assembly
in Anglo-Saxon England’ Archaeology International 13/14.
Baker, J., Brookes, S. and Reynolds, A. 2011 ‘Stones and names: the search for the archaeology of AngloSaxon Assemblies’, British Archaeology (September/October 2011), 46-49.
Reynolds, A. 2010 ‘Wiltshire and the Vikings’, Trilithon 65, 4.
Reynolds, A. and Turner, S. 2005 ‘Discovery of a late Anglo-Saxon monastic site in Devon: Holy Trinity
church, Buckfastleigh’, Archaeology International 2004/5(8), 22-25.
Reynolds, A. 2002 ‘The Streets Where We Lived’, Trench One 14, 18-20.
Reynolds, A. 2001 ‘Off With His Head’, Trench One 11, 32-34.
Reynolds, A. 2000 ‘Yatesbury: Vikings and Villages in North Wiltshire’, Current Archaeology 171, 113-118.
Reynolds, A. 1999 ‘Excavations in Medieval Novgorod 1998’, Archaeology International 2, 34-37.
Reynolds, A. 1998 ‘Executions and Hard Anglo-Saxon Justice’, British Archaeology 32, 8-9.
Reynolds, A. 1997 ‘Sutton Hoo and the Archaeology of Execution’, Saxon 27, 1-3.
Reviews = 70+ published