Student Organization Leadership Awards Outstanding Marketing Material (Multi-Media)

Student Organization Leadership Awards
Outstanding Marketing Material (Multi-Media)
The Outstanding Marketing Material Award recognizes originality, technical proficiency and targeted messaging in the
creation of print or multimedia materials supporting marketing campaigns by student organizations during the academic
The concept and design of the materials must have originated with members of the organization being marketed.
The goal of the overall campaign should be implicitly or explicitly evident in the materials submitted.
Materials entered in the multimedia category may include video, audio or interactive online media demonstrating strong
continuity, clear message, creative concept and careful execution. A maximum of 1 submissions per student organization
may be entered. Each video and audio entry must be no longer than 2 minutes in duration.
All submissions must be the work of currently enrolled UNCW students.
Award Application Instructions:
Fill out this form completely (only typed forms will be accepted).
Save file for your personal records
Please upload awards nominations in one batch.
Upload to the award site at
o Non-UNCW faculty, staff or students please e-mail your submission file to before
midnight (12:00 p.m.) Monday, February 15, 2016.
Note: You should receive a confirmation email from directly after submitting your
nominations. If you do not receive a confirmation, please contact CAIC at 910-962-3553.
Organization Name: _______________________________________________________________________________
Short Description/Title of Submission: _______________________________________________________________
Nominator’s Name: ____________________ Relation to Org (i.e. officer, advisor, etc.): ______________________
Nominator’s UNCW Email: Nominator’s Phone Number: ______________________
Check here if the nominator and the creator are the same
Who created the submission? Skip this section if the nominator and the creator are the same person. (Must
be a currently enrolled UNCW student.)
Name: _____________________
Relation to Org (i.e. officer, advisor, etc.): ____________________________
Creator’s UNCW Email:
Creator’s Phone Number: ______________________
Questions (1-4): Please answer each of the following questions to the best of your ability. Be sure that all text is
visible within each text box.
1. What was the event/subject being advertised?
2. Where, or from whom, did the idea for your submission originate? What mediums were used to distribute this
3. How did this advertising impact the event or organization as a whole? (limit 500 words)
4. Paste the link to your multimedia advertisement here: