Date 5/11/2013 Sat 5/12/2013 Sun 5/13/2013 Mon 5/14/2013 Tue 5/15/2013 Wed 5/16/2013 Thu 5/17/2013 Fri College of Public Health & Health Professions PHC 6006: An Introduction to One Health Problem Solving Summer 2013 Time Room 10:15-2:30pm 10:15-1:30pm 7:45am-12:45pm 7:45am-12:45pm 7:45am-12:45pm 7:45am-12:45pm 7:45am-12:45pm HPNP G-114 Vetmed Lecture hall A HPNP G-301 HPNP G-114 HPNP G-114 HPNP G-101 Communicore C1-9 Instructor Information Gregory C. Gray, MD, MPH College of Public Health & Health Professions 101 S. Newell Dr, Suite 2150A Gainesville Florida 32610 (352) 273-9449/9188 Office hours arranged Course Description A 2 credit hour course is an introduction to the One Health approach of cross-disciplinary problem solving. Students will be introduced to the disciplines of infectious disease prevention and control through partnerships between human health, animal health, and environmental health. Through the inter-disciplinary One Health approach professionals are tackling public health’s most difficulty problems such as epidemics of zoonotic diseases and international food safety. The course will introduce students to infectious disease surveillance, diagnostic tools, outbreak investigations, vaccine trials, public health interventions, biodefense, emerging infectious diseases, and analytical approaches pertaining to infectious disease prevention and control. Course Objectives and/or Goals At the end of this course the student will be able to: Understand the value of the One Health approach in tackling difficult public health problems Understand the etiologic, environmental, and host factors important to infectious disease epidemiology; Understand the value of epidemiological principles and methods in the identification and control of infectious disease; Develop skills needed to apply epidemiological principles and methods in solving problems related to infectious diseases and including identifying surveillance and control measures given a specific infectious disease outbreak. Last revised 6/6/2013 7:49:07 AM Course Materials Required text: Control of Communicable Diseases Manual (CCDM), 19th edition, David L. Heymann, MD, ed., 2008, ISBN 087553189X Course Requirements/Evaluation/Grading Students will be graded on a standard letter scale of A to E. Students will be evaluated by their class participation (50%) and a final open notes, open book, multiple-choice examination (50%). Students who fully participate and attend every session will earn at least a B for the class participation portion of the overall grade. To earn an A in class participation, students must attend each session and demonstrate that they prepared for lectures beforehand (through reading assigned text, interacting with the lecturers, and actively participating in group exercises. Percentage or points earned in class Letter Grade equivalent Letter Grade Grade Points 93%100% 90%92% 87%89% 83%86% 80%82% 77%79% 73%76% 70%72% 67%69% 63%66% 60%62% Below 60% A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- E A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- E WF I NG 4.0 3.67 3.33 3.0 2.67 2.33 2.0 1.67 1.33 1.0 0.67 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 SU 0.0 For greater detail on the meaning of letter grades and university policies related to them, see the Registrar’s Grade Policy regulations at Topical Outline Date 1 2 3 4 5 Sat Sat Sat Sat Sun 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Sun Sun Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Tues Tues Tues Tues Tues Wed Wed Title Course overview, the concept of One Health, general principals of infectious disease prevention & control History of One Health One Health and climate change One Health problems and approaches An introduction to domestic animal medicine An introduction to zoological animal husbandry, disease ecology, and evolution Behind the scene tour of an university animal hospital Behind the scene tour of the Lubee bat collection Behind the scene tour of the Lubee bat collection Surveillance & quantitative methods Exercise 1 One Health video and discussion Analytical methods & forecasting Reverse zoonoses Exercise 2 Pathogen detection and molecular epidemiology One Health video and discussion Vaccines Exercise 3 Last revised 6/6/2013 7:49:07 AM Lecturer Readings in CCDM Gray Gibbs Gibbs Gray Sarah Reuss Wellehan Wellehan Wellehan Wellehan Gray Gray Anderson Gray Gray Gray Gary Wang Anderson Gray Gray A8-A19 2 20 Date Wed Title Metagenomics, proteinomics, metabolomics Lecturer Farmerie 21 22 Wed Wed Emerging infectious diseases One Health video and discussion Gray Anderson Gray 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Thur Thur Thur Thur Thur Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri The threat of bioterrorism Acute respiratory infections I Acute respiratory infections II Acute respiratory infections III One Health video and discussion Diarrheal diseases Exercise 4 Malaria and Tuberculosis Final examination Final examination Gray Gray Gray Anderson Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Readings in CCDM 52-53, 157-160, 216-223, 269273, 275-277 23-31, 79-80, 463-471, 560563, 661-664 515-520 323-331 455-461, 471-484, 577-585 373-393, 639-660 Statement of University’s Honesty Policy (cheating and use of copyrighted materials) Each student is bound by the academic honesty guidelines of the University and the student conduct code printed in the Student Guide and on the University website. The Honor Code states: “We, the members of the University of Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and integrity." Cheating or plagiarism in any form is unacceptable and inexcusable behavior. Attendance Policy Attendance is mandatory. Policy Related to Make-up Exams or Other Work Attendance and Make-up Work – I expect you to attend and be prepared to participate in all class sessions. Personal issues with respect to class attendance or fulfillment of course requirements will be handled on an individual basis. Statement Related to Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Accommodations for Students with Disabilities If you require classroom accommodation because of a disability, you must first register with the Dean of Students Office ( The Dean of Students Office will provide documentation to you, which you then give to the instructor when requesting accommodation. The College is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to assist students in their coursework. Counseling and Student Health Students may occasionally have personal issues that arise in the course of pursuing higher education or that may interfere with their academic performance. If you find yourself facing problems affecting your coursework, you are encouraged to talk with an instructor and to seek confidential assistance at the University of Florida Counseling Center, 352-392-1575, or Student Mental Health Services, 352-392-1171. Visit their web sites for more information: or Last revised 6/6/2013 7:49:07 AM 3 The Student Health Care Center at Shands is a satellite clinic of the main Student Health Care Center located on Fletcher Drive on campus. Student Health at Shands offers a variety of clinical services, including primary care, women's health care, immunizations, mental health care, and pharmacy services. The clinic is located on the second floor of the Dental Tower in the Health Science Center. For more information, contact the clinic at 392-0627 or check out the web site at: Crisis intervention is always available 24/7 from: Alachua County Crisis Center: (352) 264-6789. BUT – Do not wait until you reach a crisis to come in and talk with us. We have helped many students through stressful situations impacting their academic performance. You are not alone so do not be afraid to ask for assistance. Last revised 6/6/2013 7:49:07 AM 4