/ JllfitJ5ff 3r(TR~o:r ~ '.;) 31fCFio3-ra=rqo-~ c..;) '" lCAR-National Research Centre for Orchids tffinfi7r-73 71 06, ~~, :m"{(f Pakyoug -737 ~m\5f lOG, Sikkim, lndia ti">\m-r 03592-257289 91-03592-257954(~~lCfl) ~. ~ "l fll $c.:www.nrcorchids.nic.in$"-d=\\>fnrcorchids@rediffrnail.com File No: NRCOI Admn/ProjectlNMHSI Date: ~ 6 0 Z- 1041 l.& Walk-in- In tcrvicw A Walk-in-interview will be held on10lh May, 2016 at 10:30 AM at rCAR-National Research Centre for Orchids, Pakyong-737I (RA) and OS (Five) Junior Scheme of National provides Research Mission an opportunity university according guidelines) in diverse fields. Fellows (JRF) under Himalayan on IIimalayan for pursuing recognized 06, Sikkirn for selection 02 (Two) Research Associates Studies higher degrees to eligibility (NMHS). The Fellowship for the fellows norms strictly according For further details, the interested candidates Research Fellowship scheme also (if they can register to a to lCAR and MoE1' & CC may visit the website http://nrcorcilids.nic.inl. ~ Assistant Administrative Officer Copy to: ~RIS 1 Cell, ICAR-NRC for Orchids, Pakyong with the request to insert the otice of Walk-in-Interview in the website of the Institute. 2. Notice Board, ICAR-NRC ,. -< for Orchids, Pakyong. ICAR- ational Research Centre for Orchids ql<t~JI-737106, RlRCfifl, srrra Pakyong -737 ~ ft. lOG, Sikkirn, India M~ 91-03592-257954(fa17.-~]Cfl) 03592-257289 ~CSlfll$c:::www.nrcorchids.nic.in~-il(>fnrcorchids@rediffmail.com File No: NRCOIAdmn/Project/NMHS/Q'L Date: 06 !o41H. Walk -in -Interview Walk-in-Interviews will be held at ICAR-National Research Centre for Orchids (ICAR), Pal{),ollg-7371 06, Sikkim on iu" May, 2016 at 10:30 AM for the post of 02 (Two) Research Associates (RA) and 05 (Five) Junior Research Fellows (JRF) under Himalayan Research Fellowship scheme of National Mission on Himalayan Studies (NMHS)_ The Fellowship scheme also provides an opportunity for pursuing higher degrees [or the fellows (if they can register to a recognized university according to eligibility norms strictly according to ICAR and MoEF & CC guidelines). The appointment will be purely on contractual basis and the incumbents shall not have any claim for regular appointment in ICAR or MoEF & Cc. Posts under Himalayau Name of thc Project! Sub project/Objcc tive Conservation, sustainable use and equitable benefit sharing arising out of use of natural resources (Orchids) Long-term Ecological/ Environmental Monitoring of orchids & assessment of threats lo biodiversity and Extent of lKP documentation & strengthened Name of the post, number and duration Emolument s lIRAOOlResearch Associate. Initially for a period of one year and extendable up to 03 years depending on satis factory performance. Rs.36,000/per month + I-IRA lIRA002Research Associate. Initially [or a period of one year and extendable up to 03 years depending on satisfactory performance .- < ~ Rs.36,000/per month + HRA Research Fellowship scheme Qualification Essential Qualification : Ph.D. in Life Sciences/ Agricultural Sciences with specialization III Botany/ Agriculture Botany/ Economic Botany/ Plant Genetic Resources/ Plant Taxonomy/ Biotechnology Or M. Tech. in above mentioned disciplines and spccializations with three years experience III research, teaching, design and development in public sector insti tute/un iversi ty Desirable Qualification: Experience of working in orchids. Essential Quallficatiou : Ph.D. III Life Sciences/ Environmental Sciences/ Agricultural Sciences with specialization 111 Environment Monitoring and Assessment/ Ecology/ Botany/ Agriculture Botany/ Economic Botany/ Plant Genetic Resources/ Plant Taxonomy/ Ethno botany Age limit 35 Years. Relaxation In age as per Gal rules Date & time of Interview 10lh May, 2016. 10:30 AM ro" May, 35 Years. 2016. Relaxation In age as, 10:30 AM per Gal rules through scientific evidence base To carry survey, mapping collection orchid populations Indian Himalayas M. Tech. disciplines with three research, development institute/an out GIS and of of To develop database of orchid biodiversity of T nclian Himalayas. Assessment Natural resources accounting methods field testing of and H-JRFOOlJunior Research Fellow. Initially for a period of one year and extendable up to 03 years depending on satis factory performance. I-J-JRF002Junior Research Fellow. Initially for a period of one year and extendable up to 03 years depending on satisfactory performance. H-JRF003Junior Research Fellow. Initially for a period of one year and extendable up to 03 years depending on satisfactory performance. Or .> .. in above mentioned and specializations years experience III teaching, design and 111 public sector iversity Desirable Qualification: Experience of working in orchids. Rs. 25,000/- Essential Qualification: per month + Post Graduate in Remote Sensing, HRA for GIS, Physical or any relevant or Basic Sciences first two Agricultural specialization III GIS years and with as evidenced from Rs. 28,000/- appl ication + HRA from Thesis/ Publication/ Special papers third year or specialized courses along with NET. Or Graduate degree III Professional Courses in above mentioned disciplines with NET/ equivalent Or Post graduate degree III Professional Courses 111 above mentioned disciplines and snecializations. Rs. 25,000/- Essential Qualification: Graduate 111 Computer per month + Post Computer Application/ HRA for Science/ Technology with first, two Information years and NET/ GATE Rs. 28,000/Or + HRA from B. Tech ill Computer Science/ Engineering/ third year Computer Technology with Information NET/GATE Or Post graduate degree III Professional Courses III above mentioned disciplines and specializations like M. Tech, M.E. orMCA Desirable Qualification: Expertise in DB MS and Web Designing Rs. 25,000/- Essential Qualification: per month + Post Graduate in Environmental I-IRA for Sciences/ Environmental first two Engineering! Environmental years and Impact Assessment/ Ecology/ Rs. 28,000/- Forestry or any relevant + HRA from Agricultural or Basic Sciences th ird year with specialization 111 ecology/ conservation biology/ survey and estimation of RET/ environmental impact/ ecosystem/ botanical 28 Years. Relaxation in age as per GOI rules 28 Years. Relaxation III age as per GOI rules 28 Years. Relaxation in age as per GOI rules 10th May, 2016. 10:30 AM loth May, 2016. 10:30 AM lO:h May, 2016. 10:30 AM survey/ forestry survey etc. as evidenced from Thesis/ Publication/ Special papers or specialized courses along with NET. Or Graduate degree in Professional Courses in above mentioned disciplines and specializations with NET/ equivalent Or Post graduate degree III Professional Courses III above mentioned disciplines and I specializations ~-=--=-=--=~~=-=========-=-1~----====~~~~~~~~=============-~~--======~J-~=-=-==1I To predict impact of climate change and increase in temperature on natural survival and pollination of orchids Junior Research Fellow. Initially for a period of one year and extendable up to 03 years depending on satisfactory performance. U-JRF004- Rs. 25,000/per month -IBRA for first two years and Rs. 28,000/-I- HRA from third year Essential Qualification: Post Graduate in Plant Physiology, Biotechnology, Genetics & Plant Breeding, Botany or any relevant Agricultural or Basic Sciences with specialization in plant tissue culture/ pollen culture/ cell or microbial culture as evidenced from Thesis/ Publication/ Special papers or specialized courses along with NET. 28 Years. Relaxation in age as per GOI rules io" May, 2016. 10:30 AM 28 Years. Relaxation In age as per GOl rules 10th May, 2016. 10:30 AM Or To carry chemical profiling out of medicinally important orchids, and il1- vitro multiplication and reintroduction of selected rare orchid species of Indian Himalayas in their natural habitat. Junior Research Fellow. Initially for a period of one year and extendable up to 03 years depending on satisfactory performance. Il-JRF005- •. < - Rs. 25,000/per month -IHRA for first two years and Rs. 28,000/+ HRA from third year Graduate degree in Professional Courses III above mentioned discipl ines and special izations with NET/ equivalent. Or Post graduate degree III Professional Courses in above mentioned disciplines and specializations. Essential Qualification: Post Graduate 111 Biochemistry, Chemical Sciences, Chemical Engineering, Food Technology, Pharmaceutical sciences, Agricultural Chern istry, Agricultural Chemicals or any relevant Basic Sciences with specialization in ehem ica I profi ling/compound identification/ biochemical estimations/ drug analysis/ plant analysis as evidenced fro 111 Thesis/ Publication/ Special papers or specialized courses along with NET. Or Graduate degree III Professional Courses in above mentioned disciplines and specializations like B. Pharrna, B.E.lB.Tech. in Chemical Engineering/ Food Technology with NET/ GATE. >-. Or Post graduate degree In Professional Courses in above mentioned disciplines and specializations like M. Pharmacy, M.E.lM. Tech. 111 Chemical Engineering/ Food Technology. Terms & Conditions: l. 2. The upper age limit of the candidates may be relaxed for the candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/Women and physically handicapped applicants as per GOr rules and guidelines. The candidates selected for Himalayan Research Fellowship must submit a surety bond at the time of appointment to continue the fellowship for at least two years with terms and conditions laid by the institute including refund of fellowship. 3. The above mentioned position is purely on contractual basis and is eo-terminus with the scheme/project. There is no provision of re-employment after termination of project. 4. The selected candidate is liable to be posted at rCAR-NRC for Orchids either at Pakyong or Darjeeling. They have to undertake extensive filed survey in North Eastern India. 5. No TA, DA will be paid for attending the interview. Pakyong is situated 32 lG11 away from Gangtok and taxis are regularly available from taxi stand, Gangtok. 6. The applicants must bring with them original documents along with one passport size photograph and brief note on research works carried out during post graduation/graduation along with one set of photocopy of certificates and thesis in original at the time of 'Walk -in- Interview'. 7. 'No Objection Certificate' from his/her employer and experience certificate in original should be produced at the time of interview in case they are already employed in other organizations. 8. Canvassing in any form will lead to cancellation of candidature. 9. The decision of the Director, rCAR-National Research Pakyong, Sikkim would be final and binding in all aspects. Centre for Orchids, \ .~ Assistant Administrative (lIc) Officer Copy to: 1. -J7t ARIS Cell, ICAR-NRC for Orchids, Pakyong with the request J Notice of Walk- in-Interview in the website of the Institute. -r to insert the 2. Notice Board, ICAR-NRC for Orchids, Pakyong. :s,f'A ho ~~J lC.M-- NlCto'f~'1'~Rc-"i~w..~~ (N. Sailo ) Assistant Administrative OlIicer(lIc) •. « ~.."