FE 537 Catchment Scale Oregon State University Outline FE 537 Soil moisture patterns and watershed scale response Are watersheds the sum of their component parts? How do different catchment units sequence? Water tracing at the watershed scale Geographic source Time source Mean residence time How can we use this knowledge in watershed modeling? Summary Oregon State University We’ll explore each of these separately FE 537 Mean Residence Time Process Understanding Geographic Source Oregon State University Time Source Mean residence time Mean residence time FE 537 Mean Residence time (aka watershed transit time, turnover time, age of water leaving a system, exit age, mean transit time, travel time, hydraulic age, flushing time, or kinematic age) tw=Vm/Q Oregon State University Tracers and transit times FE 537 Environmental tracers: added (injected) by natural processes, typically conservative (no losses, e.g., decay, sorption), or ideal (behaves exactly like traced material) We will focus on this today Oregon State University FE 537 This approach simplified Cin (t) Cout(t) Figure from Jim Kirchner Oregon State University Residence Time Methods FE 537 Oregon State University Model Theory: The Convolution Integral FE 537 t d (t ) d in ( ) g (t )d Predicted or simulated output d18O signature Oregon State University Input Function: Derived from precipitation d18O signal Represents d18O in water that contributes to recharge System Response Function: Time distribution of water flow paths FE 537 Oregon State University Father of the field FE 537 Oregon State University An example: Maimai Soil water residence time FE 537 5902100 Annual Data P 2250 mm Q 1350 mm E 850 mm Average Data Slope 34o Relief 100-150m Ksat 5 m/hr Pit A 5902050 ln(a/tan) Pit 5 16.0 5902000 14.0 Raingauge 12.0 5901950 10.0 Near Stream 8.0 5901900 6.0 Tensiometer Network 5901850 2410550 2410600 Precipitation d18O ‰ -4 -8 -12 Oregon State University Average -9.4‰ -16 Amplitude 0.1‰ Std Dev. 3.4 ‰ 4.0 2.0 2410650 2410700 2410750 2410800 Soil Water Soil water Residence Time -4 -8 d18O ‰ Soils Data Depth 1 m Strong catenary sequence -12 Average -9.4‰ -16 Amplitude 1.2‰ Std Dev. 0.6 ‰ 5902100 Pit A 5902050 ln(a/tan) Pit 5 16.0 5902000 14.0 Raingauge 5901950 12.0 FE 537 10.0 Near Stream 8.0 5901900 6.0 Tensiometer Network 5901850 2410550 If bedrock quite impermeable MRT and distance from the divide 4.0 2.0 2410600 2410650 2410700 2410750 2410800 Mean Residence time (days) 160 MRT = 1.9(Distance) + 19.0 r^2 = 0.88 120 80 40 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Distance from divide (m) Oregon State University Vache and McD WRR 2005 60 70 80 FE 537 Regionalized MRT to the entire basin based on a 2 meter elevation grid using a single direction D8 algorithm Oregon State University Comparing sites with different bedrock permeability FE 537 Fudoji Maimai -1 weeks 1-4 weeks 10 m 10 m 1m 1m 4-8 weeks 8-16 weeks 16 weeks - Divide Divide Channel Channel Fudoji baseflow MRT = 4x Maimai Oregon State University An Oregon example From hillslopes to the mesoscale FE 537 MACK (580 ha) WS08 (21 ha) WS03 (101 ha) HI15 WS02 (60 ha) HJ Andrews (LOOK – 6200 ha) PRIMET WS10 (10 ha) Photographed by Al Levno Date: 7/91 Oregon State University WS09 (9 ha) Some reported mean residence times FE 537 Small Experimental Watersheds Dischma Catchment, AU, 33 km2, 4.1 yr Pukemanga Catchment, NZ, 0.3 km2, 12 yr Panola, GA, 0.4 km2, 4.5 yr Rietholzbach, CH; 3.5 km2, 1.1 yr Few studies have examined how MRT varies across scale Large River Basins Colorado R, UT, 75,000 km2, 14 yr Mississippi R., MN, 253,000 km2, 10 yr Neuse R., NC, 11,000 km2, 11, yr 2, 10 yr Sacramento R, CA, 277,000 km Sources: Michel, 1992; Burns et al. 1999; McGlynn et al., 2003; Vitvar et al., in press; Stewart and Mehlhorn, in press Oregon State University FE 537 Oregon State University Precipitation Data FE 537 LOOK, 2.0 y MACK, 2.0 y WS10, 1.2 y WS09, 0.8 y WS08, 3.3 y WS03, 1.3 y WS02, 2.2 y Oregon State University FE 537 Is stream water residence time related to the size of the catchment? Errorbar = 95% confidence limit of MRT estimate Catchments ranged from 0.002 to 62.4 km2 Oregon State University Levno, 1991 FE 537 Oregon State University Residence Time and Topography FE 537 How can we use this knowledge in modeling? Oregon State University What we’re striving What is still beyond our reach 30+ years later…for FE 537 Oregon State University Taka Sayama FE 537 What have we learned so far? In humid-upland watersheds: Catchment is a series of cryptic reservoirs that connect and disconnect Activation of hillslopes is very thresholdlike Riparian-hillslope sequencing is hysteretic Pre-event water dominates Streamflow is old (usually > 1 yr) Oregon State University In our models we have to deal with this…. FE 537 Runoff (l/s) 75 50 25 0 9/30 Q Efficiency 100 0.9 0.7 0.5 10/20 100 11/9 200 Date 11/29 300 12/19 400 K (m/d) Oregon State University Vache et al., 2004 GRL 1/8 …and this FE 537 If we want to be right, for the right reasons (i.e. water-quality-realistic flowpaths) Q Efficiency 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.1 30 Oregon State University 50 70 90 110 Mean Residence Time (days)Vache and McDonnell, 2006 WRR FE 537 Our goal Developing models that are minimally parameterized and therefore stand some chance of failing the tests that they are subjected to* Experimentalists delivering orthogonal measures (but not all the gory details) that can be used for model testing * Kirchner, 2006 WRR Oregon State University FE 537 Conceptualization of Runoff Processes .... following Uhlenbrook et al. (2002) WRR Oregon State University Model structure FE 537 Hydrologic Model Mean Residence Time + Model Evaluation Tracer Simulation Break Curve NewThrough Hydrograph Separation Technique ? Geographic Source Oregon State University Old / New Water Understanding Processes + Building New Hypotheses FE 537 100 Tracers can be used to define the model structure 90 Hillslope Stream Rain Riparian Zone Soil-Ridge Soil-Hollow 80 K (mmol/L) 70 60 50 40 30 20 Riparian Zone Hollow 10 0 0 Oregon State University 50 100 150 Na (mol/L) 200 250 Elsenbeer et al., unpub data FE 537 Example: A simple lumped box model P E P E P E Hillslope box Runoff Hollow box Riparian box Umax U Umin Oregon State University Coupled saturated and unsaturated storage Linear outflow equations Threshold level in hollow box 17 parameters Flexible box models FE 537 Oregon State University The experimentalist influencing the model structure Model output evaluation FE 537 Hydrologic Model Mean Residence Time + Model Evaluation Tracer Simulation Break Curve NewThrough Hydrograph Separation Technique ? Geographic Source Oregon State University Old / New Water Understanding Processes + Building New Hypotheses FE 537 Tracer data for evaluating model output Evaluation rules Experimentalist Modeller Values for evaluation rules (ai) “Degree of acceptability” 1 0 0.06 a2 0.03 a1 0.12 a3 0.15 a4 New water contribution to peak flow [-] (30/9/87 event, McDonnell et al. 1991) Oregon State University Soft data FE 537 Qualitative knowledge from the experimentalist that cannot be used directly for model calibration (or validation) (e.g. new water contribution [%] to peak flow, maximum groundwater level, mean soil depth, reservoir volume, etc) Rainfall Storage z Oregon State University Bypass flow and mixing Pipeflow of old water Different ways of evaluating model acceptability based on FE 537 hard (A1) and soft (A2 and A3) data Acceptability according to: A1 Fit between simulated and observed data A2 Agreement with perceptual (qualitative) knowledge A3 Reasonability of parameter values Example Measure Runoff Efficiency New water contribution Spatial extension of riparian zone Percentage of peak flow Fraction of catchment area Combined objective function: A A A A n Oregon State University n1 1 n2 2 n3 3 with n n1 n2 n3 e.g. Model performance FE 537 Goodness measure 1 0.8 Runoff efficiency GW hard GW soft Parameter values New water 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 r 3 2 e W t A A a G d d w ft n n o a a w s 2 1 e n A A nd , d a 1 A an Q Q Oregon State University A1 Q Increasing amount of soft data Model efficiency FE 537 Model performance is usually assessed using the Nash Sutcliffe (Nash and Sutcliffe 1970) efficiency factor (E). E is a measure of model fit: (Q E 1 (Q o Qm o Qo where Qo is observed discharge and Qm is modeled discharge. An E value greater than 0 indicates the modeled results fit measured discharge better than the mean discharge. An E of 1.0 is a perfect fit. Oregon State University Model efficiency : 0.93 Q [mm/h] Groundwater level [m] FE 537 Hillslope Hollow Riparian 3 2 1 0 6 Observed Q Simulated Q 4 2 0 28-Sep Oregon State University 8-Oct 18-Oct 28-Oct 7-Nov 17-Nov 27-Nov Model efficiency : 0.92 Q [mm/h] Groundwater level [m] FE 537 Hillslope Hollow Riparian 3 2 1 0 6 Observed Q Simulated Q 4 2 0 28-Sep Oregon State University 8-Oct 18-Oct 28-Oct 7-Nov 17-Nov 27-Nov Model efficiency : 0.93 Q [mm/h] Groundwater level [m] FE 537 Hillslope Hollow Riparian 2 1 0 6 Observed Q Simulated Q 4 2 0 28-Sep Oregon State University 8-Oct 18-Oct 28-Oct 7-Nov 17-Nov 27-Nov Model performance FE 537 Goodness measure 1 0.8 Runoff efficiency GW hard GW soft Parameter values New water 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 r 3 2 e W t A A a G d d w ft n n o a a w s 2 1 e n A A nd , d a 1 A an Q Q Oregon State University A1 Q Increasing amount of soft data Best overall performance Q [mm/h] Groundwater level [m] FE 537 Hillslope Hollow Riparian 2 1 0 6 Observed Q Simulated Q 4 2 0 28-Sep Oregon State University 8-Oct 18-Oct 28-Oct 7-Nov 17-Nov 27-Nov Model rejection FE 537 Hydrologic Model Mean Residence Time + Model Evaluation Tracer Simulation Break Curve NewThrough Hydrograph Separation Technique ? Geographic Source Oregon State University Old / New Water Understanding Processes + Building New Hypotheses FE 537 Residence time as a process-based model rejection tool Model 1 Model 3 Precipitation Precipitation Saturated Zone Effective Porosity Yes No No Model 2 Yes Yes No 4 Model Model 2 3 Yes No Model Yes 4 5 Yes Yes Yes Evapotranspiration Model 1 Model 4 Precipitation Lateral Subsurface Stormflow Evapotranspiration 3 Lateral Subsurface Stormflow 6 Precipitation Evapotranspiration Lateral Subsurface Stormflow Oregon State University Explicit # Tuned Evapotranspiration Unsaturated Parameters Zone Lateral Subsurface Stormflow FE 537 Oregon State University Runs with NS > 0.7 Breakthroughs FE 537 Note early time and late time differences between Models 1-4 Oregon State University Model 1 FE 537 Q Efficiency 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.1 30 50 70 90 110 Mean Residence Time (days) Oregon State University Vache and McDonnell, 2005 WRR 100 Model output from before 75 Runoff (l/s) FE 537 Measured Run1426 Run1836 50 25 0 9/30 10/20 11/9 11/29 12/19 1/8 Date …we would reject this model…recall that our measured range was 0-120 days Oregon State University How much detail is warranted? FE 537 Complementary measures for evaluation and rejection Oregon State University Vache and McDonnell, 2005 WRR FE 537 Course Summary Oregon State University What we have addressed FE 537 A B C Oregon State University Where does water go when it rains? How long does it reside in the catchment? What flowpath does the water take to the stream? FE 537 Oregon State University New problems that catchment hydrologists are tackling and where this knowledge is essential…. http://www.mdbc.gov.au/education/basinkids/kidsencyclopaedia/salinity.htm Approaches we have discussed FE 537 Field site Intercomparisons Field experiments Oregon State University Process understanding Conceptual & PB models First-order controls Virtual experiments FE 537 Hillslope and Watershed Hydrology Physical Chemical Isotopic Photo: Kevin McGuire Explicit solution of water and tracer mass balance Oregon State University FE 537 Some benchmark paper era words of wisdom to remember “Accurate prediction of the headwater hydrograph implies adequate modeling of sources, flowpaths and residence time of water and solutes. Hewlett and Troendle, 1975 Oregon State University FE 537 …and “Runoff concepts need to be refined, developed and formalized through more vigorous combination of rigorously defined field experiments and realistic physically-based mathematical models” Dunne (1983, p.25) Journal of Hydrology Oregon State University Markus Weiler, UBC Kurt Roth, University Heidelberg, Germany FE 537 1m 0.01 m Multi-scale processes in hydrology Network behavior at all scales10,000 m 100 m Jim Kirchner, UC Berkeley Oregon State University Weiler and McDonnell, WRR in review Markus Weiler, UBC FE 537 IAHS Prediction in Ungauged Basins Approach Improve existing models Diagnostic Analysis and Interactive Learning Innovative developments leading to new models M agnitude Understanding Predictive uncertainty Oregon State University PUB initiative timeline Wagener et al., 2004 EOS FE 537 PUB science themes Theme 1. Basin inter-comparison and classification Theme 2. Conceptualization of process heterogeneity Theme 3. Uncertainty analyses and model diagnostics Theme 4. Develop and use of new data collection approaches Theme 5. New hydrological theory Theme 6. New model approaches Oregon State University FE 537 Oregon State University Our future grand challenge Sivapalan, 2006 Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sci.