TCEQ Guidance on SW-846 5035A


TCEQ Guidance on

SW-846 5035A

The TCEQ Remediation Division issued guidance for the soil sample collection method SW-846 5035A that will go into effect January 1, 2016. This soil collection technique requires the use of field vial kits when samples are to be analyzed for purge and trap

VOCs. This will affect all soil samples collected for

Volatiles analysis by SW-846 8260 GC/MS collected for the compliance with any of the following 30 TAC


Chapter 334, subchapters D and F

(Underground and Aboveground Storage Tanks)

Chapter 335 Subchapter S (Risk Reduction


Chapter 350 (Texas Risk Reduction Program


Due to the high potential for calcium carbonate in Texas soil, TCEQ recommends the samples to be collected using no preservative (i.e. DI water) and to be stored in the freezer upon receipt at the laboratory. Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories

Environmental has more than 15 years of experience with 5035/5035A field collection techniques and will provide you with the exact field kits you need to make the process simple. As we are the largest single facility laboratory in the US, we have dedicated freezer space for our DI volatile vials so you can be assured they will be handled corrected to meet the method holding times.

Our kits are easy to use and ready to go. All vials have been prepared prior to shipment to the field so you only add the sample plug to each vial, and record the sample information. Our project managers are experienced in field collection techniques and can provide you with field guidance prior to sampling.

Standard Services:





Petroleum-Related Analysis

Waste Characterization

Water Quality

Drinking Water

Vapor & Air Analysis

Sediment & Tissue Testing

Method Development

Shale Oil & Gas Analysis

Specialty Services:


PCB Congeners




Alkyl PAHs, Alkanes, Biomarkers


Our field kits contain the following to ensure we meet your limits and holding times:

1. 1 Terra Core sampling device that has a fixed

volume to meet the 5 gram ± .05g


2. 2 x 40mL vials with 5mL of premeasured DI

water for low level analysis.

3. 1 x 40mL vial with 5mL of premeasured

methanol only for high level analysis (blue cap).

4. 1 soil container for moisture determination.

Once collected, all vials can be put right back into the foam kit for delivery to the lab.

TX 1005/1006

TX 1005/1006 requires 10 grams of soil so make sure you add 2 plugs into each TX 1005 vial. The TX

1005/TX 1006 vials can be included in the kit along with the volatiles.

If you like, we can also provide you with an example kit for practice prior to collecting samples to send to us.

Organic Acids


1,4-Dioxane (low level)

Low-Level Mercury


Method 25D

Eurofins Lancaster

Laboratories Environmental, LLC

2425 New Holland Pike

Lancaster, PA 17601


24/7 Emergency Response


9031 1215
