THE OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON. D.C. 20301-8000 September 30, 1988 PRODUCTION AND LOGISTICS (L/EP) Defense Energy Program Policy Memorandum (DEPPM) 88-2 MEMORANDUM FOR DESIGNATED ENERGY OFFICIALS OF THE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE, MILITARY SERVICES, ORGANIZATION OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF, AND DEFENSE AGENCIES SUBJECT: Private-Sector Financed Defense Energy Contracts PURPOSE: To establish minimum documentation requirements for requests for approval of privately financed Defense energy contracts. DISCUSSION: Contracts for privately financed energy or energy supply facilities are becoming increasingly important in meeting the energy needs of Defense installations. Long-term (up to 30 years-) contracts for such facilities are authorized by 10 USC section 2394, which requires that all such contracts must be approved by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Production and Logistics) (ASD(P&L)). To assure expeditious review and approval, it is necessary that all packages submitted be complete, accurate, and formatted consistently. Energy supply projects are unique and technically complex, requiring considerable in-depth analysis. When they are further complicated by the use of private financing techniques, the evaluation of the economics supporting the use of private financing instead of military construction funding greatly increases the necessity for a standard, rigorous review. POLICY: It is Department of Defense policy to encourage the use of private-sector energy contracts, subject to applicable laws and regulations, that represent a savings to the government. PROCEDURE : In support of this policy, each Department of Defense ( DO D) Component will establish a procedure to ensure that all private-sector energy contracts submitted for approval are accurate, complete, and represent the least costly, life-cycle alternative to the government. This procedure shall include review by the Service Acquisition Executive of the findings of the Head, Contracting Activity. Enclosed is a listing of standard requirements for each project package submitted for ASD(P&L) approval under the authority and requirements of 10 USC sect ion 2394. oo Identification of the relative interest in the project t o a l l p a r t i e s , i . e . , specific portions of cost stream and benefits of the total project to be experienced by all affected parties, D O D, local community, local u t i l i t i e s , other customers, etc. This is particularly relevant to contracts for large cogeneration and municipal refuse-derived fuel facilities. o The record of the negotiating meeting held after the call for “best and final offers.” o The Request for Proposal (RFP). (It is extremely important that the RFP allow the widest range of fuels and operational possibilities to satisfy the In accordance with installation’s requirements.) perennial guidance from Congress, all forms of coal will be considered, at least initially, as fuel sources. o A copy of the proposed contract documents, including any leases for Military land to be utilized. (Note, such leases are required if military lands are to be used.) o A summary of unfunded contingent liability, i.e., the amount of money that it would cost the Service to terminate the contract for convenience of the government. Care must be taken to identify all such potential costs, such as un-depreciated plant value, termination costs under power purchase agreements, costs to other customers of the service provider or bond issue costs, if specifically agreed to by the Service in the contract. The benefit to the Service for agreeing to each of these liabilities should also be made clear in this section. * Private-Sector contract requests for approval must be submitted to OASD(P&L)L/EP in five complete copies with adequate time to allow an in-depth review and approval process (minimum of 30 days). I f t h e r e q u e s t s f o r a p p r o v a l a r e c o m p l e t e a n d accurate, the review and approval will be accomplished rapidly, allowing Congressional notification and contract award within the originally negotiated timeframe. STANDARD DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS FOR PRIVATE-SECTOR FINANCED ENERGY CONTRACTS * All requests for approval of privately financed energy contracts under the authority of 10 USC 2394 shall include, as a minimum, the following sections and specific information: Executive Summary - a brief but complete description of the proposed project, the major technical and economic benefits justifying this alternative, and the timetable for implementing the project. Project Overview - a description of the basic Defense requirements to be satisfied, the alternative proposals investigated, and the costs, risks, and benefits of the recommended proposal. Economic Analysis - a detailed display of the project economic costs and savings incorporating all of the economic analysis requirements contained in the latest energy economic analysis policy guidance. This section must clearly and succinctly demonstrate that the proposed contract provides the most l i f e - c y c l e , cost-effective energy source which meets the installation’s needs. A sensitivity analysis of the impact on project economics of possible variations in any significant constraints or assumptions will also be included. Attachment A provides a representative display of all appropriate annual cash flows which would simplify review of the relative economic merits of such projects. Project Technical Summary - a complete technical summary including all assumptions and constraints utilized throughout the project development. Environmental, socio-economic, andcommunity support network evaluations should be included as appropriate. Also include any other pertinent documentation that will make the review and approval steps faster and easier. Acquisition - should contain the following: 0 A summary of the acquisition process to-date, to include: oo The Contracting Officer’s justification of noncompetitive procurement, if applicable. oo The requesting Service counsel’s and contracting officer’s declaration as to the proper form and legality of the contract documents. oo A statement of contract term and reason for that specific term. oo A brief summary of the default and termination terms and associated costs as they affect both the contractor and the government. ACTION: Addressees are requested to submit to the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, Production and Logistics (Energy Policy) (DASD/L)(EP), their formal implementation of this guidance within 90 days of issuance. Enclosure Deputy Assistant Secretary (Logistics)