PNL-7105 Vol. 1 UC-95 ARCHITECT'S AND ENGINEER'S GUIDE TO ENERGY CONSERVATION IN EXISTING BUILDINGS Volume 1 - Energy Use Assessment and Simulation Methods February 1990 Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC06-76RLO 1830 Pacific Northwest Laboratory Richland, Washington 99352 SUMMARY This first volume of the Architect's and Engineer's Guide to Energy Conservation in Existing Buildings serves as a resource for federal energy managers to assist them in understanding and undertaking energy conservation projects. This volume is a general overview or preview on energy conservation in general, while the second volume deals with 118 specific energy conservation opportunities (ECOs). Chapter 1.0 is an introduction to the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP), as well as an overview of this twovolume guide. Chapter 2.0 presents background information on characteristics of the federal buildings sector and reviews pertinent federal legislation concerning energy conservation. Chapter 3.0 provides guidance on how to assess energy use in federal facilities. Included in Chapter 3.0 is a discussion of analysis of utility bills, screening for energy conservation opportunities, analysis of promising opportunities, and identification of supplemental metering needs. With the increasing use of computers, especially personal computers, many building simulations or models are now available to aid energy managers or architects/engineers in analyzing ECOs. Chapter 4.0 discusses the evolution of these diverse computer simulation models, the most common calculational methods and approximations used by the models, the typical data input needed to use these models effectively, how to use the models for ECO analysis, and how to interpret the model results. The last section of Chapter 4.0 discusses some of the limitations associated with using computer models in ECO analysis. The two-volume guide is based on research performed by Pacific Northwest Laboratory1 and The Fleming Group for the Federal Energy Management Program within the Office of Conservation. 1 Pacific Northwest Laboratory is operated for the U.S. Department of Energy by Battelle Memorial Institute. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This update to the Architect's and Engineer's Guide to Energy Conservation in Existing Buildings was prepared by Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) and The Fleming Group (TFG) with funding from the Federal Energy Management Program. Principal authors are Richard Mazzucchi and Steve Weakley of PNL. Major contributions were made by Dennis Landsburg and Jim Fireovid of TFG and Bobi Garrett and Judy Danko of PNL. The authors wish to thank K. Dean DeVine, PE of the Federal Energy Management Program, whose direction and efforts were instrumental in completing this work, and Richard W. Brancato, Director of the Federal Energy Management Program for his continuing support. The authors also wish to express their appreciation to the countless energy professionals whose work and careful thinking have revealed the significance of energy conservation in existing buildings. CONTENTS SUMMARY . . . . . . iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ..... v 1.0 2.0 3.0 INTRODUCTION................................................. 1.1 1.1 THE FEDERAL ENERGY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM................... 1.1 1.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE ARCHITECT'S AND ENGINEER'S GUIDE ..... 1.2 1.3 OVERVIEW OF GUIDE ...................................... 1.2 BACKGROUND .................................................. 2.1 2.1 FEDERAL BUILDING SECTOR................................. 2.1 2.2 FEDERAL LAWS APPLICABLE TO FEDERAL BUILDING ENERGY IMPROVEMENTS ................................. 2.4 2.2.1 Energy Performance Targets....................... 2.4 2.2.2 Energy-Efficiency Standards...................... 2.5 2.2.3 Shared Energy Savings Contracting................ 2.5 2.2.4 Life-Cycle Costing............................... 2.6 ENERGY USE ASSESSMENT........................................ 3.1 3.1 TEAMWORK - THE KEY TO PROGRAM SUCCESS.............. 3.1 3.2 ANALYSIS OF UTILITY BILLING DATA................... 3.2 3.3 SCREENING FOR ENERGY-EFFICIENCY OPPORTUNITIES...... 3.2 3.3.1 Types of Energy Audits for Buildings........ 3.3 3.3.2 Energy Conservation Opportunities........... 3.5 3.4 ANALYSIS OF ENERGY CONSERVATION OPPORTUNITIES...... 3.8 3.5 SELECTION OF SUPPLEMENTAL METERING POINTS.......... 3.10 4.0 SIMULATION METHODS........................................... 4.1 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 BUILDING ENERGY USE SIMULATION MODELS.............. 4.2 4.1.1 Types of Building Energy Simulations........ 4.2 4.1.2 Life Cycle Costing.......................... 4.4 4.1.3 Types of Calculations....................... 4.4 4.1.4 Development of Energy Simulations........... 4.5 4.1.5 Main Frame Simulation Programs.............. 4.6 4.1.6 PC-Based Simulations........................ 4.7 CALCULATION TECHNIQUES............................. 4.8 4.2.1 Variable Base Degree Day Method............. 4.8 4.2.2 Modified Bin Method......................... 4.8 4.2.3 Typical Day Method.......................... 4.9 4.2.4 Hourly Method............................... 4.9 4.2.5 Network Methods............................. 4.10 NATURE OF INPUTS REQUIRED.......................... 4.10 4.3.1 Type of Data Required and Organization...... 4.10 4.3.2 Level of Detail Considerations.............. 4.14 4.3.3 Building Simulation Input Formats........... 4.16 4.3.4 Example of Simulation Model Inputs.......... 4.17 SINGLE SIMULATION ................................. 4.19 4.4.1 Running the Baseline Case................... 4.19 4.4.2 Changing Inputs for ECOs.................... 4.20 4.4.3 Comparing Output for Effect of ECOs......... 4.22 PARAMETRIC ANALYSES................................ 4.22 4.6 4.5.1 Evaluating Parametric Combinations of ECO Variables............................. 4.22 4.5.2 Variables That Can Be Changed.............. 4.22 4.5.3 Limitations on Variables................... 4.23 INTERPRETING RESULTS.............................. 4.23 4.6.1 Changes in Energy Uses..................... 4.23 4.6.2 4.7 4.8 5.0 Calculating Payback and Using Life Cycle Costing............................... 4.29 LIMITATIONS OF SIMULATIONS................... 4.30 4.7.1 General Limitations................... 4.30 4.7.2 Loads Limitations..................... 4.30 4.7.3 Systems Limitations................... 4.31 4.7.4 Plant Limitations..................... 4.32 THE FUTURE OF ENERGY SIMULATIONS............. 4.32 REFERENCES.................................................. 5.1 APPENDIX A - INFORMATION TO BE GATHERED DURING AUDITS............ A.1 APPENDIX B - SIMULATION MODEL INPUTS FOR ASEAM VERSION 2.1....... B.1 APPENDIX C - PARAMETRIC INPUT AND OUTPUT VARIABLE LIST FOR ASEAM VERSION 2.1................................... C.1 FIGURES 4.1 Graphical System Display............................ 4.29 TABLES 2.1 Percentage of Building Space by Predominant Usage....... 2.1 2.2 Federal Energy Use in Buildings and Facilities.......... 2.2 2.3 Energy Consumption by Principal Building Activity,1986.. 2.3 2.4 Energy Intensity by Region, 1986........................ 2.3 4.1 Applicability of Simulation Methods to ECO Analyses..... 4.21 4.2 Sample ASEAM2 Building End Use Report................... 4.24 4.3 Sample ASEAM2 Loads Report.............................. 4.25 4.4 Sample ASEAM2 Systems Output Report..................... 4.26 4.5 Sample of Tabular ASEAM Report.......................... 4.27 4.6 Sample of ASEAM2 Calculation............................. 4.28 1.0 INTRODUCTION The federal government is the nation's single largest energy consumer, using 1.9 quads of energy annually at more than 8000 locations worldwide.1 Both the magnitude of the energy consumed and the potential for energy savings have been the basis for legislative and administrative initiatives and programs for energy conservation in the federal buildings sector. Based on an estimated 1% replacement rate from 1990 forward, new energy-efficient building stock will contribute only about 5% to building energy savings by the year 2000. Thus, savings must be realized largely through retrofits to existing buildings if the federal government is to maximize its energy efficiency (DOE 1983). 1.1 THE FEDERAL ENERGY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM The Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) supports the mission of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to achieve effective management of the energy functions of the federal government by providing assistance to federal agencies in planning and implementing programs that will improve the efficiency and fuel flexibility of the federal infrastructure (facilities, operations, and transportation systems). Since its establishment in 1973, FEMP has evolved and expanded in recognition of the complexity of managing energy use in the federal sector. Better energy management programs in many federal facilities have helped to reduce use and expenditures for energy. Cumulative budget savings for energy since 1977 are estimated to be over $6 billion, a significant reduction in federal spending (DOE 1988). While important strides have been made toward energy efficiency and fuel flexibility, the potential for additional savings in federal facilities and operations remains high. At the core of the program is the recognition that energy consumption is inextricably linked to the life cycle of the physical infrastructure and that a holistic approach to energy management is needed. The need to rebuild the national infrastructure will be a significant problem facing the United States government during the remainder of this century and beyond. Many construction and rehabilitation decisions will be made over the next several years. These decisions will have energy implications for the next 40 to 50 years. 1 U.S. Department of Energy. 1989 (draft). Annual Report on Federal Government Energy Management Fiscal Year 1988. Assistant Secretary, Conservation and Renewable Energy, Washington, D.C. 1.1 1.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE ARCHITECT'S AND ENGINEER'S GUIDE This updated Architect's and Engineer's Guide to Energy Conservation in Existing Buildings (A&E guide) has been prepared by FEMP to provide federal energy managers, facility energy coordinators, contractors, and other decision makers with current information on opportunities for improving energy efficiency and on analysis methods. As nonrenewable energy sources are depleted and energy demands and costs rise, the potential for energy savings escalates. At the same time, the risks associated with capital investments in efficiency improvements are reduced, and the number of energy-saving options are increased by a better understanding of building energy use and a growing number of conservation technologies and analysis techniques. Current concern about international competitiveness, global warming as a result of fossil fuel combustion, nuclear power production and waste disposal, and the relatively high cost of alternative energy forms further support aggressive action to increase energy efficiency in the United States. The advent of low-cost desktop computers and data acquisition systems has made it possible for architects and engineers to model building energy use, calibrate the models to metered data, and then use the models to investigate potential energy conservation opportunities. For this reason, FEMP has supported the development of a public domain program, ASEAM (A Simplified Energy Analysis Method) for simulating energy use in buildings. This A&E guide provides examples of how ASEAM can be used to evaluate many energy conservation opportunities (ECOs) by taking into account the interactions of energy end-uses, climate and building use. Anyone who uses this A&E guide will surely benefit from courses offered by the General Services Administration on the use of the ASEAM program. The A&E guide explains how energy is used in buildings, how ECOs work, and how particular ECOs can be evaluated; thus, the guide should be useful to a very wide audience. However, it is important to understand that the results of any energy analysis are only as good as the input data, the analysis tools, and the analyst's knowledge. 1.3 OVERVIEW OF GUIDE This A&E guide is in two volumes. Volume 1 discusses the characteristics of energy use in the federal buildings sector, federal legislation pertinent to energy conservation, energy use assessment of facilities, and modeling or simulation methods used to analyze ECOs. Volume 2 presents the following specific information on 118 ECOs: implementation of each ECO, information required to analyze each ECO, and use of a personal computer model (ASEAM) to analyze each ECO. These 118 ECOs fall into the following eight categories: building equipment operation, building 1.2 envelope, HVAC equipment systems, HVAC distribution systems, water heating systems, lighting systems, power systems, and miscellaneous ECOs dealing with control systems and heat recovery. 1.3 2.0 BACKGROUND This section provides a brief overview of characteristics of the federal buildings sector and a review of the legislative authorities that guide the energy improvement activities within federal buildings. 2.1 FEDERAL BUILDING SECTOR The federal government owns or leases more than 500,000 buildings and facilities, totalling more than 3.3 billion square feet of floor space in the United States.1 The government owns approximately 93% of this square footage and leases the remaining 7%. The largest single use of federally owned and leased buildings is housing, which accounts for over 24% of the total use. Storage, office space, and service-related space are the next largest uses, combining to total 56% of the building space. The remaining 20% of floorspace is used for other needs as delineated in Table 2.1 (GSA 1988a,b). The largest building manager and consumer of energy within the federal government is the Department of Defense (DOD). Approximately three quarters of the energy used for federal buildings is used by the DOD. Most of the remaining quarter is used by the following ten civilian agencies: DOE, Veterans Administration (VA), United States Postal Service (USPS), General Service Administration (GSA), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Department of Transportation (DOT), Health and Human Services (HHS), Department of the Interior (DOI), Department of Justice (DOJ) and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). (See Table 2.2.)(a) TABLE 2.1. Percentage of Building Space by Predominant Usage Type Housing Storage Office Services Hospitals Research and Development Schools Prisons and Other Institutions Industrial Miscellaneous 1 Area in Percent 24 17 22 17 1 4 5 3 4 3 U.S. Department of Energy. 1989 (draft). Annual Report on Federal Government Energy Management Fiscal Year 1988. Assistant Secretary, Conservation and Renewable Energy, Washington, D.C. 2.11 TABLE 2.2. Federal Energy Use in Buildings and Facilities (For Fiscal Year 1988) GSF( Agency a ) x 103 Btu x 109 Btu/GSF( Department of Defense 2,525,897.0 546,449.1 216,339 Department of Energy 75,892.9 56,601.2 745,804 U.S. Postal Service 203,668.0 43,801.4 215,063 Veterans Administration 131,120.0 43,785.6 333,936 General Services Administration 162,047.4 30,314.1 187,070 35,737.0 23,804.8 666,110 Department of Transportation 38,424.0 16,460.9 428,401 Department of Health and Human Services 21,575.0 11,930.4 552,974 Department of Justice 25,818.6 10,298.7 398,885 Department of Agriculture 23,700.0 7,589.5 320,230 Department of Interior 54,525.3 7,289.2 133,684 Department of Labor 16,100.0 4,264.2 264,858 Treasury Department 10,119.3 6,601.8 652,394 Department of Commerce 5,663.1 2,683.6 473,883 Tennessee Valley Authority 5,569.2 1,500.1 269,363 Environmental Protection Agency 1,454.9 970.6 667,125 Panama Canal Commission 3,040.0 927.3 305,041 National Science Foundation 901.0 537.1 596,150 Federal Communications Commission 121.0 35.2 290,736 3,341,373.7 815,844.8 244,164 a National Aeronautics and Space Administration TOTALS (a) Gross square foot. Spending approximately $3.7 billion for building energy in 1988, the federal government used 0.8158 quadrillion Btu (quads) of energy for building lighting, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, other standard building services and some process operations.2 Electricity constituted 62.3% 2 U.S. Department of Energy. 1989 (draft). Annual Report on Federal Government Energy Management Fiscal Year 1988. Assistant Secretary, Conservation and Renewable Energy, Washington, D.C. 2.2 NEX ) of total federal building energy consumption; 16.6% was accounted for by natural gas; and 11.3% was accounted for by fuel oil. Small amounts of coal, purchased steam, liquified petroleum gas and propane, and "others" (consisting mainly of chilled water and renewable energy) accounted for the remaining 9.8% (EIA 1988). Although end-use consumption data are not available specifically for federal buildings, commercial buildings data obtained by the DOE Energy Information Administration (EIA) in the Nonresidential Buildings Energy Consumption Survey can be generalized to estimate energy use for similar federal buildings such as offices, health care facilities, schools, service and storage buildings. The average energy consumption by building type for the calendar year 1986 is shown in Table 2.3 (EIA 1989). The building types with the highest energy consumption include offices and mercantile/service buildings. Health care buildings have the highest consumption per square foot (216,900 Btu/ft2 ). Building size seems to be negatively associated with consumption per square foot. For the most part, as building size increases, consumption per square foot decreases (186,000 Btu/ft2 for buildings with 1,000 square feet or less, to about 90,000 Btu/ft2 for buildings with over 50,000 square feet) (EIA 1989). Table 2.4 (EIA 1989) highlights regional differences in energy consumption that can be attributed primarily to climate, but also to the average size of the buildings in the area and other uncontrollable factors. Based on 1985 data, overall functional use of energy in the commercial building category is as follows: @ 55% for space conditioning, two-thirds of which was used for heating, and the remainder for air-conditioning and ventilation TABLE 2.3. Energy Consumption by Principal Building Activity, 1986 Principal Activity Within Building Energy Consumed/ft2 (in Btu) Assembly Educational Food Sales Food Service Health Care Lodging Mercantile/Services Offices Public Order and Safety Warehouse Other Vacant TABLE 2.4. Energy Intensity by Region, 1986 2.3 NEXTRECORD 54,900 87,100 211,600 202,600 216,900 111,600 78,400 106,000 126,700 54,500 99,500 44,000 Region Building Located in Energy Consumed/ft2 (in Btu) Northeast North Central South West @ 25% for lighting @ 5% for hot water heating @ 15% for miscellaneous use. 90,900 101,900 78,600 84,600 These percentages vary among commercial building types and climatic regions (DOE 1989). Of the various end-uses, space conditioning is the most prevalent. As of 1986, 63.2% of all commercial buildings were totally heated, 25.5% were partially heated, and 11.3% were unheated. Additionally, 69.4% of all commercial buildings had air-conditioning (EIA 1988). Housing is the most common use of federal buildings, and is also the predominant energy user. Generalizations about the way that energy is used within this segment can be made using the available consumption data for nonfederal single and multifamily dwellings. In 1985, 60.8% of the energy consumed in the residential sector was used for space conditioning (56.8% for heating, and 4% for air-conditioning). Other residential energy uses include hot water heating (18.0%) and appliance usage (21.2%) (EIA 1987). 2.2 FEDERAL LAWS APPLICABLE TO FEDERAL BUILDING ENERGY IMPROVEMENTS In recognition of the magnitude of the energy-savings potential in the federal government, Congress has enacted a number of laws since 1973 that have served to define the direction of federal energy improvement activities. This section provides a brief overview of the pertinent aspects of this legislation. 2.2.1 Energy Performance Targets The Federal Energy Management Improvement Act of 1988 established a fiscal year 1995 energy performance goal for federal buildings. The act states that each agency shall apply energy conservation measures and improve the design of new construction such that the energy consumption per gross square foot of its buildings in use in fiscal year 1995 is at least 10% less than the energy consumption per gross square foot in 1985. To achieve this goal and identify high priority projects, each agency is required to @ prepare or update a plan for achieving the 10% reduction in energy use 2.4 NEXTRECORD @ perform energy surveys of its facilities to the extent necessary @ apply life-cycle costing (LCC) methods in the design of new buildings and in the selection of conservation measures for existing buildings. 2.2.2 Energy-Efficiency Standards The Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1981 established the Building Standards in Federal Facilities Program, which required that energy-efficiency standards for federal buildings be developed and disseminated to federal agencies. The current energy-efficiency standard for existing federal buildings is the DOE Standard, which was first issued in November 1988. This standard, which is voluntary for the private sector, is mandatory for federal buildings. The DOE Standard is a slightly modified version of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)/ Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) Standard 90.1. This standard was developed for new buildings, but it is applicable as a cost-effective method for retrofitting existing buildings when it is coupled with DOE's LCC procedures. The standards are expected to be used in the following way for any major building retrofit project. First, the building would be audited to compare the energy efficiency of its walls, roof, HVAC equipment, and other components with those specified for that climate in the DOE Standard. Second, the retrofit measures necessary to bring the building close to the DOE Standard would be subject to the net benefit analysis of the LCC procedure to determine the applicability of each energy-saving measure. The measures would then be prioritized according to the savings-to-investment ratio (SIR) calculation of the LCC procedure. Third, a retrofit plan would be developed to include those measures that are cost-effective under the DOE LCC procedures. 2.2.3 Shared Energy Savings Contracting Shared-energy savings (SES) is a contracting method whereby the contractor incurs "costs of implementing energy savings measures, including at least the costs (if any) of providing energy audits, acquiring and installing equipment, and training personnel, in exchange for a share of any energy savings directly resulting from implementation of such measures during the term of the contract." Legislative authority for federal agencies to enter into multi-year shared-energy savings contracts was granted on April 7, 1986, when President Reagan signed the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (P.L. 99-272). In October 1988, the Federal Energy Management Improvement Act was enacted. One provision of this act that has the greatest potential impact on federal shared-energy savings is that each agency is required to establish a program of incentives for conserving and otherwise making more efficient use of 2.5 NEXTRECORD energy as a result of entering into SES contracts. The heart of this program is that the head of the agency can utilize any savings from the annual energy expenses (e.g., the difference between the amount budgeted and the amount spent) to undertake additional energy-conservation measures. The following are two significant advantages of SES contracting in the federal environment: @ No up-front funding is required. By law, all payments to the contractor are made from the agency's annual building operating (utility) budget. Thus, the waiting time and uncertainty surrounding funding for needed capital improvements are greatly reduced. @ Because the contractor provides all of the expertise and the funding, the technical and economic risk to the government is reduced. Because the concept of SES contracting is new to the federal government and runs contrary to many conventional procurement practices, there can be extensive learning curve time and expense for the first SES projects implemented by an agency. Because of the time and expense involved with first projects, it is critical that agencies select candidate projects that have the highest probability for these pilot SES contracts to succeed. 2.2.4 Life-Cycle Costing The LCC methodology issued in December 1980 (Ruegg 1980) is used as the primary criterion for allocating funding for energy conservation retrofit measures to existing federal buildings. This method of economic evaluation takes into account all relevant costs (design, system, component, material, and practice) of a building over a given period of time, adjusting for differences in the timing of these costs. The above data on cost and savings from a project can be combined in a number of different ways to evaluate its economic performance. For evaluating potential FEMP projects, one or more of the following modes of analysis are required: @ total life-cycle costs (TLCC) - TLCC is the sum of all significant dollar costs of a project discounted to present value. @ net life-cycle savings (NS) - NS is the decrease in the TLCC of a building or building system that is attributable to an energy conservation or renewable energy project. @ savings-to-investment ratio (SIR) - The SIR is a numerical ratio. The numerator is the 2.6 NEXTRECORD reduction in energy costs, net of increased non-fuel operation and maintenance costs; the denominator is the increase in investment cost, minus increased salvage values, plus increased replacement costs. @ payback period (PB) - The PB is the elapsed time between the initial investment and the time at which cumulative savings in energy costs, net of other future costs associated with the project, are just sufficient to offset the initial investment costs. The four modes of analyses are not equally suitable for choosing among alternative new building designs, for designing and sizing projects for new and existing buildings, or for ranking available retrofit projects in terms of their relative cost-effectiveness. For instance, TLCC is generally best for choosing among alternative designs for a new building, while SIR is best for ranking retrofit projects according to their effectiveness. Based on these analyses, priority is given to projects with the highest LCC savings-to-investment ratio. The NECPA requires that changes in operations and maintenance procedures have priority over measures requiring substantial structural modification or installation of equipment. Energyefficiency considerations are not to adversely impact the mission responsibilities of the agencies (DOE 1983). 2.7 NEXTRECORD 3.0 ENERGY USE ASSESSMENT Assessing the efficiency of energy use is central to energy management programs. Such an assessment entails establishing an energy management team, understanding present energy-using systems and conservation options, and implementing methods to track the effectiveness of energy use. The most successful energy management programs continuously monitor energy use and track progress toward realistic efficiency goals. In this way, the effects of investments in efficiency improvement are determined so that the program can build upon successes while learning from occasional failures. This chapter provides general guidance for starting or improving an existing energy management program. Several common activities have critical bearing on program success. These ingredients include configuring an effective energy management committee, analyzing historical utility billing records, screening for energy efficiency opportunities, analyzing promising measures, and identifying supplemental metering needs. When this guidance is combined with the detailed information in Volume 2 of this A&E guide regarding assessment of ECOs, the facility energy manager and consultants will have a sound framework for conducting the energy management program. 3.1 TEAMWORK - THE KEY TO PROGRAM SUCCESS Achieving optimal energy use efficiency requires the coordinated action of many individuals working toward a set of common objectives. Not only must energy-using systems be designed with efficiency in mind, but the equipment must be properly operated and maintained over its useful life. The system designs should account for the overall impacts on the utility suppliers and the environment, and energy conservation measures should not jeopardize amenity levels, productivity, or mission readiness. The energy management program team may include the following: @ facility energy management staff - to include the energy coordinator, the operations and maintenance foreman, and the utility clerk @ servicing utility representatives - to include the principal fuel suppliers @ facility tenant representatives - to include the principal building occupants and users @ energy specialists - to include any consultants or contractors involved with designing or assessing facility energy use. 3.1 NEXTRECORD This team should meet at least once every six months to review energy-use levels and program efforts. More frequent meetings and communication among subsets of this team should be conducted on an as-needed basis to resolve problems and develop new program initiatives. One of the first tasks of the energy management team is to determine the present energy end-uses and to establish achievable goals for improving energy efficiency. These activities necessitate a careful accounting of energy flows and a reasonably comprehensive understanding of the characteristics of energy-using systems. The amount of measured data available for facilities is often limited, so initial program investments should be focused on overcoming these limitations by assembling the available data, identifying information gaps, and carrying out energy-use surveys and metering projects. 3.2 ANALYSIS OF UTILITY BILLING DATA assessment. In most cases utility billing data are the best place to begin the The following information should be assembled: @ prior billing records for the past three to five years including the quantities of energy consumed, the meter reading dates, and the utility rate structures @ meteorological summaries for the facility indicating the daily minimum and maximum temperatures @ salient characteristics and documents pertaining to the facility, such as the square footage of the buildings and construction documents; history of additions, demolitions, or other changes in the building stock or tenancy; central plant capacities and operation logs; and prior energy studies or conservation initiatives. These data should be assembled and summarized in an electronic spreadsheet for subsequent analysis. As the sensitivity of energy use levels to weather and environmental parameters is explored, the billing records can be normalized for changes in climate. This is accomplished by matching the billing records to the exterior temperature conditions during the same period and conducting statistical regressions to explain historical variations in energy use. Once these baseline conditions are established, the aggregate performance of energy conservation initiatives can often be determined and energy cause and effect relationships can be more fully understood. 3.3 SCREENING FOR ENERGY-EFFICIENCY OPPORTUNITIES 3.2 NEXTRECORD The first task to be undertaken when screening a facility (or facilities) for energy-efficiency improvements is to assemble accurate information on the facility's characteristics and on conservation opportunities. The three types of audits that should be or could be undertaken are discussed in this section. The information to be gathered in each audit and analysis methods using the data will be detailed. Some of the more common ECOs will then be highlighted. An example of an ECO analysis will be shown using a sample building and a PC-based simulation model. Results of examining the effects of a wide variety of ECOs on the example building will be presented. 3.3.1 Types of Energy Audits for Buildings Most energy audits fall into three categories or types: @ @ @ preliminary or walk-through audits building/system audits end-use/equipment audits. These are discussed in detail below. Preliminary or Walk-Through Audit The information to be gathered during the preliminary audit can be divided into four categories: overall facility information, information on major energy-using systems/equipment, types of systems/equipment contained in the building, and energy billing data. A complete list of information to be obtained in the preliminary audit is included in Appendix A, Table A.1. Of particular importance are the billing data, which are used to calculate the Energy Utilization Index (EUI), in Btu/ft2. These data can be compared with other facilities under study to allow the focus to fall on the poorest performers in the group. Also, the EUI can be compared to EUIs for functionally similar buildings, i.e., offices, warehouses, etc. The EUIs for one building can be compared over time to note any significant changes. Conducting a walk-through audit of the building will allow the analyst to identify functional areas or zones of the building that will be useful for the next audit step. A zone consists of a portion of the building that shares common features such as @ @ @ @ @ operating schedule thermostat setpoints similar loads (e.g., lighting watts/ft2) type of HVAC system outside wall/roof exposure. If possible, blueprints of architectural, electrical, and mechanical systems should be used for zoning. Ensure that all updates to the systems have been noted on the blueprints. 3.3 NEXTRECORD Also on the walk-through audit, a description and location of all major energy-using systems should be obtained, including HVAC equipment, lighting systems, and control equipment. Any other major uses of energy in the building, such as computers, laundry, or food services, should also be noted. Additionally, the fuel and energy usage of the equipment should be noted, if possible. Building/Systems Audit After gathering preliminary audit data, decide whether or not to proceed to the next audit step: the building audit. While the preliminary audit may be conducted by the building manager, the building audit may be more cost-effectively done by a professional audit company. In many areas of the country, the local utility may offer a free energy audit that includes a list of potential ECOs. The information gathered during the building audit will be used to model the energy use of the building, as well as to identify ECOs. The model used should be able to show the effect of implementing various ECOs. A list of the information that should be gathered during a building audit is included as Table A.2 in Appendix A. This information is divided into the following five categories or types of data: @ @ @ @ @ building envelope or shell heating, ventilating, and air conditioning lighting and electrical systems central plant systems weather. End-Use/Equipment Audit The final audit type, the end-use/equipment audit, should be undertaken only if the building audit shows a need for further information or that a particular ECO may be warranted. For example, a complete boiler analysis may be identified as a need in the building audit. In most cases, a professional boiler expert or engineer will need to perform this audit. Similarly, a professional HVAC engineer will be needed to evaluate the performance of the cooling plant components. Another method of gathering more detailed data for some systems (e.g., lighting and electrical) is to meter or monitor the end-uses of energy in the building. This allows the total energy use in the building to be disaggregated to a significant degree. This last audit step is very expensive and time-consuming and is usually only undertaken if it seems likely that significant savings will result from the identification of ECOs. 3.3.2 Energy Conservation Opportunities (ECOs) The most common ECOs found in existing commercial buildings fall into the following nine categories: 1. building equipment operation 2. building envelope 3.4NEXTRECORD 3. HVAC systems 4. HVAC distribution systems 5. water heating systems 6. lighting systems 7. power systems 8. energy management control systems 9. heat recovery/reclaim systems. An ECO may be realized either by implementing operation and maintenance (O&M) measures or by incorporating available technologies. Each of these energy conservation areas is briefly described below. Volume 2 of this document provides a detailed listing and discussion of ECOs in each of these areas. Building Equipment Operation An enormous amount of energy is wasted because building equipment is operated improperly and unnecessarily. When the building is not occupied, the building systems should be turned off or their operation reduced to a minimum. Depending on building operations, the following systems' operating hours can be curtailed during slack time: HVAC systems, water heating systems, lighting systems, escalators and elevators, and other equipment and machinery. Care must be taken to ensure that the reduction in hours has no adverse impact on building operations and systems. Building Envelope The amount of heat (sensible and latent) supplied to or extracted from the indoors in order to maintain a comfortable indoor environment is directly proportional to the difference in temperature and humidity between indoors and outdoors. Consequently, one should lower the heating and raise the cooling temperature setpoints and/or lower the humidification setpoints and raise the dehumidification setpoints to minimize the space conditioning requirements. Another ECO is to set the heating setpoints back when the building is not ocupied. Care must be taken to ensure that the slight discomfort of the occupants does not reduce their productivity. Energy is saved when the heat exchange between the building and the outside environment is reduced and/or solar and internal heat gains are controlled. The primary way to reduce heat conduction through ceilings/roofs, walls, and floors is by adding insulation. Another method is to install vapor barriers in ceilings/roofs and walls. To control or reduce solar heat gains through the roof or glazing areas, a reflective surface or film can be used. For glazing areas, the installation of interior or exterior shading will also help control solar heat gain. The installation of storm windows or multipleglazed windows will also reduce heat conduction and long-wave radiation through glazing areas. 3.5 NEXTRECORD Infiltration is the unintended entry of unconditioned air into the building through doors, windows, and other openings in the building envelope. Infiltration can result in large increases in heating and cooling loads. Many infiltration control strategies are inexpensive and relatively simple to implement. Energy can be saved by sealing vertical shafts and stairways, caulking and weatherstripping doors and windows, or installing vestibules and revolving doors. HVAC Systems The HVAC systems in the building are made up of energy conversion equipment, which transforms electrical or chemical energy to thermal energy, and distribution and ventilation systems, which transport the thermal energy and supply fresh outdoor air to the conditioned space. Energy may be saved in HVAC systems by reducing ventilation requirements; improving the performance of space conditioning equipment such as boilers, furnaces, chillers, air conditioners, and heat pumps; using energy-efficient cooling systems; and reducing the occurrence of reheating or recooling. HVAC Distribution Systems HVAC distribution systems transport the heating and cooling fluids (generally air, water, or steam) from the central plants (chillers, boilers, etc.) to the conditioned space. The system is made up of a network of pipes, ducts, fans, pumps, grills, etc. Energy is required by the fans and pumps that transport the working fluids. In addition, thermal energy is lost from the distribution systems, reducing heating or cooling capacity. Consequently, ECOs for distribution systems fall into two areas: reduction of energy required to transport fluids, and reduction of energy losses during transport. Water Heating Systems In general, heating and distribution of hot water consumes less energy than space conditioning and lighting. However, for some cases, such as hospitals, restaurants, kitchens, and laundries, water heating amounts to substantial energy consumption. Water heating energy is conserved by reducing load requirements, reducing distribution losses, and improving the efficiency of the water heating systems. Lighting System Lighting accounts for a significant fraction of electrical energy consumed in a building. Energy is saved and electric demand is reduced by reducing illumination levels, improving lighting system efficiency, curtailing operating hours, and using daylighting. Reduction of lighting energy can also increase the energy use of building heating and decrease cooling system consumption, since internal heat gains are reduced. However, this heat-of-light is often a relatively expensive method of heating a building. If the building cooling plant is to be replaced, implementation of lighting ECOs will reduce the required plant size. 3.6 NEXTRECORD Power Systems The inefficient operation of power systems stems mainly from a low power factor. Power factor correction is cost-effective when utility penalties are imposed. Low power factors can be improved with power factor correction devices and high-efficiency motors. Additional energy can be saved by installing energy-efficient transformers and replacing existing motors with smaller and/or higher efficiency motors, or by installing variable-speed motor drives. The peak power demand can be reduced by load-shedding, cogeneration, or cool storage systems that produce cold water or ice during off-peak hours. Load-shedding may also reduce the total power consumption, as well as the demand. Cogeneration systems will increase the use of onsite energy, but can also replace electricity consumption with less expensive fossil energy. Also, the waste heat from the cogeneration equipment can meet thermal loads. Cool storage systems shift the chiller demand to off-peak periods, reducing on-peak demand. Evaluation of these ECOs requires a determination of the building demand profile. Several weeks of data in 15-minute intervals should be taken with a recording meter. The measurements may have to be taken both in the cooling and heating season. Most electric utilities will provide this service at a nominal charge. Energy Management Control Systems Energy can be saved by automating the control of energy systems through the use of energy management and control systems (EMCS). Rising energy costs and decreasing prices for computers and microprocessors have encouraged the use of EMCSs. An EMCS can efficiently control the heating, ventilating, air conditioning, lighting, and other energy-consuming equipment in the building. It selects optimum equipment operating times and setpoints as a function of electrical demand, time, weather conditions, occupancy, and heating and cooling requirements. The basic control principles for building energy conservation are @ operate equipment only when needed @ eliminate or minimize simultaneous heating and cooling @ supply heating and cooling according to actual needs @ supply heating and cooling from the most efficient source. About 100 companies manufacture EMCSs, and new technology is continually being developed. Potential users should be thoroughly familiar with currently available EMCSs. 3.7 NEXTRECORD Heat Recovery/Reclaim Systems Heat recovery is the reclamation and use of energy that is otherwise rejected from the building. When applied properly, heat reclaim systems may be used to reduce energy consumption, as well as peak power demand. The effectiveness of a heat reclaim system for energy conservation depends on the quantity and temperature of the heat available for recovery, as well as the application of the reclaimed heat. 3.4 ANALYSIS OF ENERGY CONSERVATION OPPORTUNITIES All building energy consumption can be viewed conceptually as a rate of use multiplied by time (energy = rate X time). The maximum rate is specified or limited by parameter specifications of capacity or by intensity, such as wall U value, lighting watts/ft2, or chiller tonnage. The rate over time is specified by the operating schedule or weather variables. The type of parameter and how it varies over time can be used to select the appropriate analysis technique. For example, an external lighting system uses energy at a constant rate, usually operates on a known schedule, and has no interaction with other patterns of building energy consumption. Therefore, a change in installed kW (rate) or operating schedule (time) can be calculated manually with precision. For most ECOs, however, an accurate calculation is not that simple. For example, the performance of heating and cooling systems is affected by internal heat gains and weather variables, which vary in a complex fashion over time. The efficiencies of the plant equipment and HVAC systems vary with percentage of load. Therefore, using an energy model rather than manual techniques offers the following accuracy improvements: @ Building parameters can be precisely scheduled. @ The impact of weather can be precisely determined. @ Equipment performance can be specified at partload. @ Variable interactions, such as the effect of internal lighting reductions on heating and cooling loads, can be calculated. Before personal computers were widely used, building energy analysts had limited choices of calculation methods for evaluating ECOs. Typically, they used manual calculation methods and nomographs. Those methods are simple and require a relatively low level of effort from the user. However, those methods are not as accurate and comprehensive as automated methods of calculation. In the past, automated calculation methods were usually available only on mainframe computers and their use was costly, complicated, and timeconsuming. However, those methods provided much greater accuracy and could 3.8 NEXTRECORD evaluate building energy use hourly. With the advent of the personal computer, automated methods for analyzing building energy became accessible to a wider range of building professionals. Today, many software packages for analyzing building energy are available for the personal computer. ASEAM is such a model and was used to analyze the effects of several of the ECOs discussed above. ASEAM is a modified bin method program for calculating the energy consumption of residential and simple commercial buildings. ASEAM runs on an IBM-PC and compatibles with at least 256 kilobytes of memory and two disk drives. Like most building energy analysis programs, ASEAM performs calculations in four segments: @ loads - Thermal heating and cooling loads (both peak and "diversified," or average) are calculated for each zone by month and by outside bin temperature. Lighting and miscellaneous electrical consumption are calculated in this segment. @ systems - The thermal loads calculated in the loads segment are then passed to the systems' segment, which calculates "coil" loads for boilers and chillers. (The system coil loads are not equal to the zone loads calculated above because of ventilation requirements, latent cooling, humidification requirements, economizer cycles, reheat, mixing, etc.) Some building energy requirements are calculated in the systems' segment (e.g., heat pump and fan electricity requirements). @ plant - All of the systems' coil loads on the central heating and cooling plant equipment are then combined, and calculations are performed for each central plant type. (Plant equipment can also impose loads on other plant equipment, such as cooling tower loads from chillers and boiler loads from absorption chillers or domestic hot water.) The plant calculations result in monthly and annual energy consumption figures for each plant type. @ economic (optional) - Energy consumption from all the building end-use categories is then totaled and reported. If specified, the LLCs of the total energy requirements, combined with other parameters, are calculated and reported. In the parametric and ECO calculation modes, a 3.9 NEXTRECORD base case may also be compared with alternative cases. The ASEAM program is recommended as the initial energy-use assessment tool for residential and commercial buildings. It is relatively simple and inexpensive to use, does a good job of accounting for the complexities of energy use, and facilitates the examination of most ECO costs and benefits. This tool is further discussed in Chapter 4, and example applications are described in Volume 2 of this A&E guide. 3.5 SELECTION OF SUPPLEMENTAL METERING POINTS An understanding of energy-use effectiveness is often severely constrained by a lack of scientific data on energy system performance. Measurements taken on a regular basis are most useful to assess energy-efficiency levels and the effects of operational or design changes. Measurements may be continuous, such as utility meters, or may be for short periods of time, such as combustion efficiency tests. Some of the most critical measurements are listed below: @ electrical consumption levels by type of day (working and nonworking days) and month of year @ electrical demand levels by hour of day and season of year @ interior lighting levels, efficacy, and schedules @ interior temperature levels by hour of day and season of year @ chiller and boiler efficiency levels under part-loads @ make-up water requirements for steam and hot water distribution systems @ exterior temperature, humidity, and solar radiation @ areas of heated, cooled, and unconditioned space @ capacity ratings and hours of operation for major equipment such as pumps, fans, and street lighting systems 3.10 NEXTRECORD @ thermal conductance (U-value) of conditioned building envelopes @ submetered electrical consumption for major buildings and equipment loads such as fans, pumps, lighting, and process equipment @ submetered hot water, chilled water, and steam measurements for individual buildings and/or central plant headers @ hours of operation and other facility production/use factors. The costs of collecting and processing data are often a significant barrier to scientific investigations of energy use and conservation potential. The need for more accurate data must be balanced against the higher costs of collecting and processing it. Continuing developments in energy metering and analysis techniques are reducing measurement costs while improving the quality and amount of data available. While some of the measurements identified above require sophisticated equipment and skilled technicians, others may be readily available for the asking from the building designers, servicing utilities, the National Weather Service, or the O&M staff. The analyst must verify the quality of the data before incorporating it into an analysis. Typically, this requires a skeptical attitude on the part of the user and a comparison of measurements and/or use of engineering calculations. While errors cannot always be found, inaccuracies in major items such as meter readings, motor capacities, square footage calculations, and meter multipliers and reading dates should be found and corrected. To facilitate the identification of metering points and the collection of data, the FEMP has developed four Mobile Energy Laboratories (MEL) for application to federal facilities. These laboratories provide equipment, skilled technicians, and standardized testing and measurement procedures on a cost-shared basis to federal facilities that are willing to offset the costs associated with MEL use. If supplemental metering is required, the energy management committee should consider making use of this capability or obtaining the professional services of a qualified energy consultant. 3.11NEXTRECORD 4.0 SIMULATION METHODS A building simulation is a mathematical representation of the way in which a building functions. A simulation cannot precisely replicate a real building because all building simulations are based upon a set of underlying assumptions. The accuracy of the simulation will be determined by the validity of the assumptions. Even if a building simulation were a theoretically perfect representation of how a building functioned, it still could not replicate the actual operation of the building. Climate can vary annually by ±15%. Systems and equipment never operate precisely as predicted by part-load performance curves. Even two apparently identical chillers or boilers can vary in performance by several percent. Performance will also vary with age of equipment and with the number of operating hours since the last major cleaning or overhaul. Finally, no set of operating schedules can duplicate the way people operate and interact with a building. Therefore, the results of any building simulation are a relative representation of how the building does or could function. Care should be used in interpreting such results in an absolute sense. However, a building simulation is a valuable tool if properly applied and interpreted. For example, comparisons between two or more systems, made under the same basic set of assumptions, will yield a valid comparison. Furthermore, for an existing building, the simulation can be fine-tuned and validated against energy bills and operating data. A simulation can be adjusted to closely replicate a building's monthly energy consumption. A clear and general understanding of a simulation program's methodologies and limitations is essential if the simulation is to be successfully applied to a particular building. Failure to do this could result in under- or over-specification of building input data, or could lead to unrealistic expectations in interpreting simulation results. Therefore, the user is advised to become familiar with the methodologies used in a building simulation, especially if a sophisticated or complex analysis is to be attempted. To that end, this chapter includes a discussion of modeling methods (Section 4.1), calculation techniques (Section 4.2), and the type and organization of data (Section 4.3). A discussion of level of detail considerations is presented in Section 4.4. There are several basic reasons for using building simulations. The first is for buildings research. Building simulations permit the researcher to explore the behavior of various types of buildings and their response to changes in their systems or in building operating strategies. 4.1 NEXTRECORD Building simulations are an important design tool. They can be used to examine design strategies, compare various combinations of systems or components, and explore the impacts of control strategies or operational requirements. Building simulations can also be used to test for conformance to a design energy budget. Building simulations are often used as an aid in selecting and sizing building systems or components. (They should never be used in place of the judgment of an experienced design professional, however.) Simulations are especially useful in evaluating the interactions of two or more systems or components, a situation which is virtually impossible to deal with manually. Energy conservation retrofit analysis is another area in which building simulations are widely used. Finally, the value of building simulations in the marketing of building components or systems has always been important. Simulations are a convincing means of demonstrating to prospective customers the performance of a given system against competing products. 4.1 BUILDING ENERGY USE SIMULATION MODELS The evolution of building simulations has paralleled the development of the computer. Early computer models were written for main frame computers. Initially, only the largest available machines had the speed and capacity to perform building energy simulations. Today, some of the microcomputer models are approaching the sophistication of the main frame computer models. Furthermore, programs such as DOE-2, which were originally written for main frame computers, now run satisfactorily on mini-computers and can be run, although slowly, on desktop computers. Building simulations can be classified in two ways: simulation and the type of calculation. the type of For the purposes of this discussion, simulations can be classified by the type of analysis: whole building, component, parametric and sensitivity, and retrofit analysis. Calculations are classified by the time step used: static, incremental and dynamic. In this section these two classification schemes are presented, followed by a discussion of the development of building energy simulations. 4.1.1 Types of Building Energy Simulations Building energy simulations can be described under one of the following classifications. 4.2 NEXTRECORD Comprehensive or Whole Building Analysis In a comprehensive or whole building analysis, the energy consumption of an entire building is simulated, including the effects of weather, performance of mechanical/electrical systems, and the building occupants. A comprehensive analysis is typically used to @ determine long-term energy costs @ examine a design for conformance to an energy budget @ satisfy energy code compliance @ determine the performance of various HVAC systems in a given building design @ determine component interactions. Component Analysis In a component analysis, the energy consumption of a single part of a building or several integrated parts is simulated. A component might be a roofing system, a lighting system, HVAC systems, a thermal storage system, or an atrium. Component analyses can be used to compare the relative merits of different systems without performing a whole building analysis. The comparison is relative rather than absolute because interaction with all building systems cannot be taken into account. However, determining that one system is 50% more energy efficient than another may be sufficient for system selection. Component analyses can be used for selecting and sizing components; demonstrating code compliance for specific components; marketing a specific component by demonstrating its performance in comparison to competing products; or determining the interaction of two components (e.g., additional roof insulation and a night setback control). Parametric and Sensitivity Analyses In both parametric and sensitivity analyses, one or more building parameters are varied incrementally. In a parametric analysis, the goal is to optimize building energy performance. For example, different chillers with unique performance curves and capacities could be examined. In a sensitivity analysis, the goal is to determine whether an incremental change in a building parameter has a significant impact on energy consumption. If this is found to be the case, extra care can be taken in specifying and installing the building component that is affected. For example, the performance of a heat pump might be very sensitive to a 10% change in supply CFM. On the other hand, a furnace may exhibit little change in efficiency at part-load rates of 50% to 100%, which would mean that the exact sizing of the furnace is not critical to efficient energy performance. 4.3 NEXTRECORD Retrofit Analysis This type of simulation is used to examine energy improvements in an existing building. Either comprehensive or component analyses may be used. Component analyses are less expensive to perform and are often used. Comprehensive analyses have an advantage in that a base case simulation can be compared with actual energy consumption taken from utility bills. 4.1.2 Life Cycle Costing Life cycle costing is an integral part of many building simulation methods. While the purpose of many building simulations is to save energy, the bottom line for the building owner is to save money. It often makes sense to complement the building simulation with an equally comprehensive economic analysis. Since an energy-conserving building will often cost more initially than a standard building, a life cycle cost analysis is used to compare the total cost of various designs. Life cycle costing takes into account initial cost, the cost of money, energy costs, operation and maintenance costs, component replacement costs, salvage value, and other factors that will affect cost over the entire life of the project. 4.1.3 Types of Calculations Another way to characterize or classify building simulations is the way in which they simulate changes in conditions over time. In this section, three basic types of calculations are discussed. In Section 4.2, methods and approximations used in present day building simulations are discussed. Static Calculations The simplest building energy calculation is a steady state calculation in which all building parameters are fixed. This type of calculation is used to determine peak thermal loads and has been used by engineers for many years to size space heating and cooling equipment. However, building parameters do change over time. Outside air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, and solar gain are constantly changing. Building occupancy, lighting levels, miscellaneous equipment usage, and thermostat setpoints vary over the course of a day. The operating parameters of building systems and plants vary as well. The first attempt at quantifying annual energy usage was accomplished by the Tennessee Valley Authority in the 1930s. The heating degree day concept was developed using 65EF as a base. The number of heating degree days can be calculated and correlated to heating energy requirements by subtracting 65 from the average daily temperature in EF. Heating degree days were used in the static peak load calculation in place of the design temperature difference (indoor-outdoor) to produce an annual, rather than a peak, heating consumption estimate. Of course, all other variables (such as heating system efficiency) had a single annual value. This approach worked 4.4 NEXTRECORD reasonably well for predicting the electrical consumption of populations of resistance-heated, non-air-conditioned and poorly insulated (by today's standards) residences. However, it is a poor approximation for modern commercial buildings with larger internal loads, coincident heating and cooling requirements, and significant ventilation requirements. Incremental Calculations One method of improving the static calculations is to perform a series of calculations at various conditions. The method of accomplishing this varies from simulation to simulation and is discussed in Section 4.2. The most common time step is hourly variation. This provides 24 distinct "states" in a day, 8760 in a year. Furthermore, hourly weather data have been taken at numerous observation stations worldwide. Because performing 8760 calculations to determine annual energy consumption requires considerable computer power for a detailed building simulation, there has been considerable research into methods of reducing the required number of calculations. Typical day analysis and bin methods are examples of incremental calculations that require less than 8760 calculations to simulate a year. Dynamic Calculations In some instances, one-hour time steps are not sufficient. It may be desirable to study a non-linear passive solar effect. The fact that the chiller ran for an hour and satisfied the hourly load in the space does not mean the occupants were comfortable for the entire hour. Studying the effects of building mass is another reason for using dynamic calculations. Whatever the reason, a situation may occur in which something interesting is happening in between the specified time stops. If the time interval between the incremental calculations is made infinitesimally small by the use of integral calculus, the calculations are dynamic and represent the most realistic simulation of actual conditions possible. Dynamic calculations can be extremely complex and time-consuming. The data necessary to verify them are typically available only in specialized studies. Fortunately, incremental calculations are quite sufficient for most building simulations. 4.1.4 Development of Energy Simulations Energy analysis software was first developed in the early 1960s. Development proceeded from automation of steady state calculations to the advancement of a variety of component load applications, such as equipment part-load operating curves. Combining the individual component analyses led to the first energy analysis programs. Whole building energy analysis software was originally developed in the private sector. In 1967, the American Gas Association (AGA) launched its Gas for the Advancement of Total Energy (GATE) Program. The purpose of this program was to market gas-powered total energy systems for building complexes. 4.5 NEXTRECORD Energy analysis software was used to show building developers the benefits of total energy systems compared with conventional systems. The approach was successful, and in 1971, AGA introduced the E-CUBE computer program. Other utility groups also developed software. The Edison Electric Institute (EEI) introduced its AXCESS Program in 1971 as well. The first large-scale program to be developed by a federal agency was also introduced in 1971. The U.S. Post Office developed the USPO Program to analyze double-bundle heat recovery systems and other energy-conserving designs they were investigating for use in their buildings. Many of the features of this program were incorporated into later public and private sector models. The first comprehensive energy analysis program to be developed by a profit-making company was the TRACE, Program, introduced by the Trane Company in 1973. The oil embargo of 1973, and the resultant need for a national energy policy, led to the large-scale development of public sector energy analysis software. In 1977, DOE's predecessor, the Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA), and the State of California introduced the CAL-ERDA Program. This program has evolved into the DOE-2 Computer Program, which is supported by the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory for DOE. At the same time, the U.S. Army Civil Engineering Research Laboratory developed the Building Loads Analysis and System Thermodynamics (BLAST) Program. These programs have been continuously supported and updated since their introduction. They have furthered the art of building energy analysis, and many of their features have been incorporated into private sector programs. While both of these programs were originally written for main frame computers, mini-computer versions are now available. The DOE-2.1C version can also be run on a desktop computer using proprietary software. In the late 1970s and 1980s, literally hundreds of energy analysis computer programs were developed (ASHRAE 1986). They are used for building research, energy analysis, education, load forecasting, marketing, and as design tools. Much of the software development has centered around ease of input. Program output is targeted to the needs of the user and may now include graphics. As the capacity of desktop computers increases, there is emphasis on models that the user can purchase and run in-house on a personal computer (PC). DOE-2 and BLAST, however, remain the standards against which other programs are measured. The following is a brief description of some of these programs. 4.1.5 Main Frame Simulation Programs The two major public sector programs continue to be DOE-2 and BLAST. Both of these programs have been supported and updated numerous times since their introduction. DOE-2 and BLAST use sophisticated hourly load calculation methods, which take into account the climate, operating schedules, and interactions with the building mass. Their major difference is in the mathematical methods used to calculate space heating and cooling loads. Both , Registered trademark of American Standard Inc., New York, New York. 4.6 NEXTRECORD use curve-fit equations to determine system and plant equipment part-load performance. However, the actual performance of a specific type of equipment can be input by an experienced user. Both programs can simulate most building system and plant combinations, and they contain integrated life cycle costing software for economic evaluation. DOE and BLAST also differ from other programs in their use of building descriptive languages and free form input. This is discussed in Section 4.3. Three of the most widely used main frame private sector programs are AXCESS, developed by the Edison Electric Institute; E-CUBE, developed by the American Gas Association; and TRACE, developed by the Trane Company. These programs rival the public sector programs in their degree of sophistication. Since these programs target an audience made up of engineering and marketing support, their programs use fixed format rather than free form input. 4.1.6 PC-Based Simulations The two major public programs written for PCs are the BESA(R) programs developed in Canada and the ASEAM program developed in the United States. The BESA programs are a design tool series. Five basic packages dealing with predesign, concept, detailed design, building commissioning, and retrofit are being developed. Some of the packages have multiple versions targeted for different users such as architects, engineers, and building managers. Except for one version of the detailed design program, which is an hour-by-hour analysis designed to run on a mini-computer, all of the packages use the bin method for energy analysis. Peak demand is calculated using a one-day per month simulation. The program uses an interactive input routine, supports a variety of systems, and has a parametric processor for detailed investigations. ASEAM was designed as both a research and educational tool and a design tool. It also uses a bin methodology for calculations. System and plant algorithms are similar to those in DOE-2. The program has an interactive input sequence, as well as a simplified input where many variables are defaulted. Online error checking and help screens aid program input. The program can be used to run building energy analysis, ECO analysis, and parametric analyses. Life cycle costing modules are built into the program. Input is designed to facilitate the execution of multiple runs, either as ECOs, or as a parametric analysis of one or several ECOs. Program calculations can be displayed or printed during execution. The program graphical display permits the user to visualize load, system, and plant energy flows for each calculated outside air temperature. The program output permits the user to specify any of a series of engineering reports, which can be displayed, printed, or saved as a file. Output report files can be saved as spreadsheet files to produce graphs or for additional analyses. Output reports can also be read into a word processor for incorporation with text. ──────────────── (R) Registered trademark of Societe Canadienne des Brevets et d'Exploitation Limitee, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 4.7 Three of the most commonly used PC-based simulations that have been developed in the private sector are ACES, TRAKLOAD, and ADM-3. All three programs run on IBM-compatible PCs, and all support PC-DOS and MS-DOS. As private sector programs, they are targeted to building energy audits. They have interactive input sequences. ACES and TRAKLOAD provide for automatic specification of energy conservation measures, graphical output, and usertailored output reports. ACES and TRAKLOAD incorporate economic analyses. All three programs accommodate multiple building zoning and a variety of HVAC system and plant simulations. The models vary as to the specific HVAC systems supported and whether the effects of thermal mass are considered. They also vary in their treatment (or lack thereof) of factors such as latent heat, refrigeration (freezers and coolers), and daylighting. The major difference among the programs is their method of calculation. ADM3 is an hourly simulation, while ACES and TRAKLOAD use the bin method for load analysis (see Section 4.2.2 for a description of the bin method). 4.2 CALCULATION TECHNIQUES This section contains a discussion of the application of three calculation types: static, incremental and dynamic. Included in the discussion are one static simulation; three incremental simulations; and one network-type model whose simulations approach the complexity of a dynamic simulation. 4.2.1 Variable Base Degree Day Method When a fast and inexpensive approximation is required, the degree day method is still used. To compensate for the increased insulation, internal gains, and decreased infiltration that is standard practice in buildings today, heating degree days are calculated based upon temperatures other than 65 deg. F. The building's balance point (temperature above which heating is not required) is estimated. Heating degree days are calculated based upon this new temperature, and annual heating energy requirements are estimated. This methodology should be used to estimate the heating requirements of simple buildings only. 4.2.2 Modified Bin Method The modified bin method, developed by ASHRAE's technical committees, is a technique used to calculate annual energy consumption without performing 8760 discrete calculations. For example, the building load can be calculated at an outside air temperature of 47.5 deg. F. That load is then assumed to be representative of all of the hours when the outside air temperature is between 45 deg. F and 50 deg. F. One calculation can be performed for each 5 deg. F change in outside air temperature. Each calculation is multiplied by the number of hours in its respective "bin"; in other words, the number of hours when the outside air temperature is within 2.5 deg. F of the temperature used in the calculation. Typically, 5 deg. F bins are used, although the method will work with larger or smaller bins. 4.8 In the modified bin method, the calculations are performed monthly or annually, and for occupied and unoccupied building hours. Thus, several hundred calculations are used to characterize building energy consumption, rather than 8760. The modified bin method accurately predicts annual building energy consumption. This methodology compares well with hourly simulations, and can be used with system and plant algorithms which are almost as sophisticated as those used in hourly simulations. The modified bin method executes rapidly enough to be used on desktop computers and is also applicable to parametric analyses. One major shortcoming of the modified bin method is its inability to accurately calculate peak demand. This calculation is best addressed by typical day or hourly methods. 4.2.3 Typical Day Method In a typical day method, the simulation is executed hourly for one or more consecutive 24-hour periods. This type of simulation is used to determine daily load profiles that cannot be calculated using averaging techniques, such as the modified bin method. The affects of building mass and hourly solar gain, which average out over the course of a month, have significant impact on hourly demand calculations. In practice, a typical day simulation is executed for three or four consecutive days, often using the same weather conditions for each day. This permits the model to reach an equilibrium state by eliminating discontinuities which occur at model startup. Typical day calculations can be performed for a peak winter day, a peak summer day, and one or more intermediate days. This procedure permits characterization of daily load profiles through-out the year. Several typical days per month can be simulated and these simulations can be used to project annual energy consumption. Considerable research was conducted in this area in the late 1970s and early 1980s. At that time computer capacity and speed limited the use of hourly simulations, and sophisticated bin methods had not been developed. Given the speed and power of modern machines, current practice is either to run 8760 hourly simulations or to use a modified bin method approach to estimate annual energy consumption. 4.2.4 Hourly Method The benchmark computer programs such as DOE-2 and BLAST use an hourly simulation method. Load calculations are performed for each hour of the year, using historical hourly weather data. The effects of thermal mass on changes in loads are taken into account. Detailed schedules can be specified for occupancy, lighting, miscellaneous equipment loads, ventilation, and control setpoints. The building loads are passed to the system portion of the model where the operation of air handling equipment and packaged systems are simulated. Finally, system requirements are passed to the plant portion of the model for simulation of boilers, chillers, and cooling towers. Hourly simulations are typically used for large complex buildings. 4.9 4.2.5 Network Methods Network methods are used to simulate the response of complex systems. They are typically employed where multiple modes of operation are possible, where nonlinear effects occur, or where transient responses are important. These simulations approach the complexity of dynamic calculations, and time-steps shorter than one hour are typical. The input requirements and computer time necessary to simulate one system can be as extensive as those for a whole building hourly analysis. An example of a network model is the TRYNSYS computer program. Here, a simulation is built up from modules representing individual generic pieces of equipment such as pumps, valves and controllers. For example, in a solar simulation, energy gathered by the solar collectors can be delivered to the space, domestic water heating, or a heating storage tank, depending upon the requirements at a specified point in time. Highly trained operators typically use network models for buildings research because of their flexibility and complexity. 4.3 NATURE OF INPUTS REQUIRED Building simulation begins, ideally, with the accurate specification of the building, its systems, and its schedules. In this section, the type and organization of data required for most simulations is discussed. Level of detail considerations are presented. The types of building input formats currently in use are discussed. Finally, sample input sequences are described using ASEAM as an example. 4.3.1 Type of Data Required and Organization Six types of data input may be required for a building simulation: o building operation o building envelope o secondary distribution systems o central plant equipment o weather data o economics (optional). These data are normally organized as discrete modules to afford flexibility in the execution of multiple runs. For example, the heating and cooling requirements of a building can be calculated in a module called building loads and subsequently be used to evaluate various types of HVAC systems. 4.10 Alternatively, the same building can be simulated in various climate regimes by executing a simulation with different weather data. The building is typically divided into zones before the building input is developed. A zone is a portion of the building that shares common features, which may include o use and operating schedule o thermostat setpoints o similar loads (e.g., lighting watts/ftâ””2┘ and equipment watts/ftâ””2┘) o HVAC system type o outside wall exposure. For example, all of the south exposure classrooms in a school could be modeled as a single zone. The cafeteria, mechanical rooms, swimming pool, shops, offices, auditorium, and gymnasium might be separate zones, even though their percentage of building floor area might be small. Other areas such as restrooms and storerooms might be combined or added into other zones if their impact on building energy usage is minimal. A small office building might be divided into a core area and four perimeter zones (N,S,E,W) to isolate solar effects. The goal is to break the building into several discrete areas that accurately represent the different areas, exposures, and activities within the building. Oftentimes, these zones will be the areas served by particular HVAC equipment. Specifying too many zones may increase the work of the user, but not appreciably improve the accuracy of the simulation. Once the zones have been defined and the loads portion of the input is completed for each zone, the input data for the secondary distribution systems is completed. Zones are assigned to the systems that serve them. Plant input information is then completed, and the plant equipment is assigned to the respective systems. Weather data are specified, and, if desired, economic information is completed. The information required for each section of data input is outlined below. Note that in many building simulation models the simulation can use default values for system and plant performance to size systems and plant equipment to meet the peak building loads. Loads This section is commonly referred to as the building loads portion of the input. It combines information on the building shell and operation to calculate the heating, cooling, lighting, and plug loads. Both building-specific and zonespecific data are required. The following are examples of the type of information that is specified: 4.11 o floor area o number of zones and zone identification o area by zone o thermostat schedules and setpoints o occupancy schedules o sensible and latent heat gain from people o exterior wall construction type and area o roof construction type and area o window construction type and area o door construction type and area o underground wall construction type and area o window shading and overhang geometry o miscellaneous conduction paths (e.g., freezer walls) o lighting watts/ftâ””2┘ and schedules o heat of light to space o miscellaneous equipment, schedules, and heat to space o infiltration rates. Secondary Distribution Systems This section includes both distribution systems such as air handlers and unitary equipment such as heat pumps. The following types of information are typically specified: o system capacity and type o zone assignments to systems o heat source for systems (plant type) o cooling source for systems (plant type) o system availability and schedules 4.12 o system-specific information (as required) such as deck temperatures, controls, outside air and damper control, humidification, preheat and reheat, fan power and CFM, loop temperatures, and backup heating o unitary system information (as required) such as design COPs for air conditioners and heat pumps, efficiency and parasitic losses for furnaces, and unloading ratios for DX systems. Plant This section includes the specifications of the primary energy-using systems such as boilers, chillers, cooling towers, circulating pumps, and domestic water heaters. Plant data are filled out for the equipment and typically include the following information: o plant types (if not specified in system input) o fuel types and costs o miscellaneous equipment consumption (if any) o cooling plant specifications such as number of units, capacity, design COPs, controls, unloading and part load ratios, water temperatures and flow rates, load management system specifications, and pump kWs o cooling tower specifications such as heat rejection capacity, number of cells, fan kW per cell, water temperatures and flow rates, pump kWs, approach temperature, and controls o domestic water specifications such as fuel source, heating capacity, average usage, inlet and supply temperatures, circulation pump kW and scheduling, design efficiency, and standby losses. o boiler specifications such as energy source, number of units, capacity, design efficiency, controls, minimum part-load ratio, boiler pump kW, and standby/parasitic losses. Weather Data Weather data are typically part of the building simulation and are specified by site location. The user must select an available weather station that most closely corresponds to the location of the building being simulated. Some simulations permit the user to create a weather file for a specific location or application. Weather data typically used in a building simulation include: o air temperature o relative humidity or humidity ratio 4.13 o wind speed o wind direction o insolation or cloud cover. Economics If the user wishes to evaluate the life cycle cost of a building or to compare the economics of various building systems or retrofit alternatives, an economic analysis module is used. Typical inputs for such a module include: o energy rate costs o energy cost escalation factors o inflation rate o capital cost o annual maintenance costs o periodic overhaul costs o useful life o salvage value o replacement costs o depreciation rate and methodology o finance charges o owner's minimum acceptable rate of a return on investment. 4.3.2 Level of Detail Considerations The level of detail specified for building data is, to a great extent, under the control of the user. In this section, level of detail considerations are discussed, followed by a more detailed description of load, system, and plant input. The level of detail that can be achieved in a particular building simulation is limited by the capabilities of the simulation model itself and the information available on the building. If the simulation is addressing the design of a new building, the level of detail can be increased as the design progresses. The desired level of detail is also driven by the goal of the simulation. For example, if a daylighting system is being examined, the orientation and reflectance of building surfaces is very important. If alternate building HVAC systems are under study, the disposition of heat of light, the mass of building materials, and solar heat gain through fenestration are important. 4.14 Over- or under-specification of building parameters is a common mistake among inexperienced users. Under-specification leads to inaccurate results. Over-specification, beyond the accuracy limits of the simulation, complicates the input with no advantage in simulation accuracy. Some items that should be considered are as follows: o The building should be zoned by major functional uses or to isolate energy systems under study. Similar spaces, such as nearly identical floors or exposures in a high rise office building, can be grouped in a single zone. o The energy consumption of many buildings is sensitive to the amount of infiltration specified. This is also a difficult quantity to determine in an existing building. Care should be taken in specifying the infiltration rate. o If lighting comprises a large percentage of building energy usage, the lighting schedule and heat of light transmitted to the space are important quantities. o The energy consumption of miscellaneous equipment may be significant, and actual usage may be difficult to specify. o In examining architectural alternatives, it is common practice to default system and plant variables and minimally specify miscellaneous equipment. This will result in a relative comparison of the architectural features being studied. However, the overall result may be undesirable. For example, excess insulation for the roof of a core area housing computers may be ineffective because of internal heat gains. Accurate specification of the computer equipment will display the need for cooling in winter, and may result in consideration of a heat reclamation system. o If the heat or cooling plant equipment size is determined by the model, without specification of plant oversizing, the simulation will size the plant just large enough to accommodate system requirements. The simulated plant will then operate at a higher part-load and greater efficiency than that of the actual plant equipment. Producing accurate building input files requires that the user have a good physical understanding of how buildings operate and use energy. Once the level of detail to be considered has been determined and the building has been zoned, the process of building takeoff and simulation input can begin. 4.15 4.3.3 Building Simulation Input Formats The three formats for building simulation input are 1) fixed format, 2) free format, and 3) interactive. Most simulations use only one of the three. However, the BLAST program has a free form input and a version that uses fixed format. Fixed Format Fixed format input was developed first. At the time, the only access a user had to a computer was through a deck of computer cards. The cards had to be submitted in the proper order. All information had to be entered in the proper column. Much of the information was coded. For example, the type of chiller might have been specified in columns 3 and 4 of Card Number 8, by entering the proper code number. Today, entry would occur at a terminal rather than by creating cards, but a similar process is used. The advantage is that the user can be led through a specific input process. The disadvantage is that the process can be tedious, since the input format must be completely filled out. Free Format The writers of DOE-2 and BLAST departed from the rigidity of fixed format input by creating free form input. They developed a building descriptive language (BDL) that permitted the user to create an input sequence based upon the building being simulated. An example from the DOE program is CHILLER=PLANT-EQUIPMENT TYPE=HERM-CENT-CHLR INSTALLED-NUMBER=1 SIZE=2.16 .. The first line tells the computer that the information which follows deals with chilled water equipment in the central plant. The second through fourth lines, which can be entered in any order, specify that there is one hermetic centrifugal chiller rated at 2.16 x 106 Btu/hr. Free format input permits very rapid specification of a building simulation, provided the user learns the BDL and uses it often enough to stay familiar with it. The BDL also requires sizable computer memory. Interactive Interactive input is most commonly used for building simulations that run on desktop computers. A series of input screens is used to prompt the user for information. The more sophisticated simulations have edit features, similar to a word processor, and on-board help screens to assist the user. The input process is rapid because unnecessary screens and lines of input are skipped automatically. 4.16 Interactive input has two other advantages. First, gross input errors are caught immediately. For example, if the space temperature is accidentally input as 8 deg. F or 800 deg. F, an error message appears. With fixed or free format input, this type of error may not be caught until the start of execution. Second, if default values are specified, they are immediately displayed for the user. 4.3.4 Example of Simulation Model Inputs Only a small number of data inputs need be specified for a simple and standard building. However, the complete variable listings are described to indicate the wide variety of building and operational alternatives that can be modeled. The following sections describe the input variable options for ASEAM Version 2.1. This model is a good example of a full feature desktop computer simulation model for use by engineers. Appendix B provides an abbreviated listing of the input variables for the ASEAM model. Where applicable, the name of the data input screen is indicated in the first column. The actual entry of these data into the model is done with numerous "user friendly" screens. Each screen provides a menu of the input options and available defaults. Once entered, the data are checked for reasonableness. The inputs can subsequently be altered by re-entering the screen or by using a parametric processing model. Chapter 2 of Volume 2 describes these input screens in detail. Building Load Data Inputs The building shell or loads portion of the input is typically completed first. It is divided into general building information and zone-specific information. The general building data are divided into three sections as shown on page B.2 of Appendix B. The first contains building and project identifiers, the square footage of the total building and conditioned spaces, and the number of zones. This section also contains latitude, longitude, and operating and occupancy information. The second section contains shading information, which permits the user to specify the external shading on three different types of windows. The third section permits the specification of up to four different monthly operating schedules. Pages B.3 and B.4 contain information that is completed for each building zone. The data are divided into 13 sections. The first section contains zone identification, zone area and volume, and temperature setpoints. The second section permits the specification of up to four different lighting systems for each zone. If a daylighting option is specified, the next two sections of data are completed; otherwise, they are omitted. These sections permit specification of daylighting information and dimmer or stepped control for one or more of the lighting systems specified in the second section. The next section permits specification of building occupants and the heat gains associated with them. 4.17 The next two input sequences deal with miscellaneous electrical equipment and sensible heat gains. Note that diversity factors can be specified for occupied and unoccupied conditions, as well as on a monthly basis. Sections 8 through 11 are used to specify walls, roof, windows, and doors. Each zone can be modeled with up to four types of walls and windows and up to two types of roofs and doors. Mass and color correction, area, and U value can be specified for walls and roofs. Windows can be shaded, and the infiltration of both windows and doors can be specified using a crack method. In addition, infiltration can be specified on an air change basis in the twelfth section of input. The last section deals with miscellaneous conduction losses and can be used to simulate a floor over an unheated space or a wall adjoining a freezer. This completes the building shell or loads section of the simulation input. HVAC Systems Data Inputs Secondary distribution systems input includes the zone to system assignment and the description of each system. The information shown on page B.5 of Appendix B is completed once for each building. It enables the user to define which systems are present in the building and which zones they serve. The information entered is used by the simulation to display the appropriate sections (13 total) of pages B.6 and B.7 for each system that has been identified. The first four sections deal with coils in air systems which add heating, cooling, preheating, and humidity. The type of plant is specified, as are the availability and control of the conditioning coil and the discharge temperature. The fifth section is used to specify baseboard heating systems. The sixth and seventh sections are also used for air systems to specify the fans and outdoor air control. The eighth and ninth sections are used to specify the cooling and heating of heat pumps. The tenth and eleventh sections are designed for the specification of furnaces and circulation fans. The twelfth section is used to enter information on DX systems. Note that many of these systems can be autosized and that a percentage of oversizing can be specified. The final sections are designed for user-entered values or capacities (instead of autosizing). This completes the input of building systems. Plant Equipment Data Inputs The plant input data are next. The information (shown on pages B.9 and B.10 of Appendix B), which is divided into nine sections, is filled out once per building. Only the appropriate sections are completed for a given building. The first two sections permit specification of energy types, conversion factors, costs, and miscellaneous plant energy consumption. The next four sections deal with four different types of chillers. Sections are completed for the chiller types in use in the building. Specification includes number of chillers, capacity, design COP, unloading and part-load ratios, and control. Note that the chillers can be autosized. The seventh section of input is for the specification of cooling towers. 4.18 The eighth and ninth sections are for the specification of domestic water systems and boilers. The input sequence permits specification of heating efficiency and parasitic and standby losses. Both plants can be autosized. This completes the plant input section of the simulation. Economics Data Input The previous data inputs were used to calculate the energy requirements of the building; whereas, the rest of the inputs are used to calculate the life cycle costs of energy conservation measures. The inputs available for Federal Building Life Cycle Costing (FBLCC) (shown on pages B.11 and B.12 of Appendix B) include seven sections. General project information can be input to describe the measures being evaluated. Capital Component Data input provides information on the initial cost of the measure, while the Cost Phasing Schedule input allows these costs to be spread over time. Replacements to Capital Components allow entry for any recurrent capital costs associated with the measure, such as lamp replacements for a lighting fixture retrofit. Operating and Maintenance costs can be entered either on a regular annual basis or an irregular basis. Finally, energy cost data and energy escalation rates can be entered. 4.4 SINGLE SIMULATION Once loads, systems, plants, and optional economic inputs are completed, a baseline simulation can be executed. Before proceeding, the user should carefully review all input variables. A great deal of information has been specified, and one small error can lead to large discrepancies in simulation results. 4.4.1 Running the Baseline Case The baseline case can now be executed. For ASEAM, the user selects the "Specifying Analysis" option. This permits selection of a single run, ECO analysis, or parametric analysis. The single run option is selected. The user can then specify the load, system, plant, and the economics files (optional) that are to be used in the run (multiple building files of each type could have been created before the simulation is run). The weather file to be used is also selected at this time. Finally, the user specifies which output reports are to be produced. The "Run Calcs" option is then selected, and the building simulation is executed. Once the run has been completed, the results should be carefully checked. If an existing building has been modeled, the energy consumption can be verified against actual bills. It may be necessary to edit the baseline files and re-execute the run. The user should have an intuitive feel for how the building uses energy. Consumption for various items such as lighting, cooling, and fans can be checked for reasonableness. Some of the limitations of building simulations are discussed in Section 4.7. 4.19 4.4.2 Changing Inputs for ECOs Once the user is confident that a good baseline run has been executed, various ECOs can be analyzed. Some types of simulation methodologies are not appropriate for all the types of ECOs that can be analyzed. Table 4.1 summarizes the applicability of three simulation methods to the major ECOs. Note that some types of ECOs cannot be simulated well by any methodology. For example, simulation of a vestibule requires the user to guess the infiltration through a door before and after the installation of the vestibule. While the "guess" may be an educated one, the infiltration cannot be specified as precisely as a wall U-factor or a lighting load in watts/ft2. Some items, such as demand reduction, require the use of an hourly method. Furthermore, not all of the models using a given methodology can address all ECOs specified. The user should have a good idea of the ECOs to be analyzed before selecting a simulation model. Some care should be taken in selecting and grouping ECOs for analysis. Some ECOs such as domestic water heating and lighting do not interact. They can both be modeled in the same ECO run, and the energy savings of each item discretely determined. Other ECOs do interact. Increased roof insulation will reduce the savings achieved by night setback. A reduction in lighting level increases heating energy consumption and decreases cooling energy consumption. Thus, ECOs that interact may have to be analyzed separately and then in combination. Unfortunately, the number of possible ECO combinations grows exponentially with the number of ECOs being analyzed. To run three ECOs alone and in all possible combinations requires seven discrete computer runs. For ten ECOs, 1023 runs would be required. One approach is to run each ECO, then select only the most promising combinations of ECOs for combined analysis. If large numbers of analyses are required, a parametric processor should be used. This is discussed in Section 4.5. To run ECOs, the base case input files must be edited. For some simulations, such as DOE-2, the user must find the line(s) of code in the input file to be edited, make the changes, and save the file under a different file name. The ECO is executed by performing a run using the new files. In other simulations, such as ASEAM, the process is automated. When using ASEAM, the user selects the ECO option under data input. A series of menus permits the user to select load, system, and plant ECO types. For each ECO selected, a description can be entered. The specific inputs that must then be changed are displayed on the screen for editing. Once all ECO inputs have been entered, the user selects the "Specifying Analysis" option to set up the simulation runs. The ECOs can be run individually or in user-specified combinations. As previously noted, it is often appropriate to run ECOs individually before selecting combinations for analysis. Up to 40 ECOs can be specified at once and run in a batch mode. The user should first ensure that disk space is adequate to store all of the output files that will result. The ASEAM output reports available when using the parametric or ECO run mode are more limited because of the potentially large number of runs executed. 4.20 TABLE 4.1. Applicability of Simulation Methods to ECO Analyses Simulation Method ──────────────────── Degree ECO TYPE Day Bin Hourly ──────────────────────────────────────────────── ────── ────── ────── Reduce space heating and cooling operating hours Poor Good Good Reduce ventilation system operating hours Poor Good Good Reduce water heating system operating hours Good Good Good Reduce equipment operating hours Fair Good Good Adjust space temperature and humidity settings Fair Good Good Reduce conduction through building surfaces Fair Good Good Water vapor barriers Poor Fair Fair Color and texture changes of building surfaces Poor Fair Good Multiple glazing Fair Good Good Movable insulation Fair Good Good Window tinting and shading Poor Fair Good Infiltration and air flow through windows Poor Fair Fair Revolving doors and vestibules Fair Fair Fair Reduce ventilation Fair Good Good Reduce indoor pollution Poor Poor Poor Air cleaners Fair Fair Fair Improve chiller efficiency Poor Fair Fair Improve boiler or furnace efficiency Poor Fair Fair Improve air conditioner or heat pump efficiency Poor Fair Fair Reduce energy for tempering air supply Poor Good Good Energy-efficient cooling systems Poor Fair Fair Attic ventilation Poor Good Good Reduce distribution system losses Poor Fair Fair Reduce system flow rates Poor Fair Fair Reduce system resistance Poor Fair Fair Reduce hot water loads Good Good Good Reduce hot water heating system losses Fair Fair Fair Energy-efficient water heating systems Fair Fair/Good Fair/Good Reduce illumination requirements Fair Fair/Good Fair/Good Retrofit energy-efficient lighting systems Fair Good Good Use daylighting Poor Fair/Good Good Reduce power system losses Fair Fair Fair Use energy-efficient motors Fair Good Good Reduce peak power demand Poor Fair Good Use energy management and control systems Poor Good Good Demand limiting control Poor Poor Fair/Good Heat reclaim systems Poor Fair/Good Fair/Good 4.21 4.4.3 Comparing Output for Effect of ECOs The effect of implementing a given ECO, or combinations of ECOs, can be determined by comparing output reports from the ECO run against those produced in the base case run. It is helpful if the user has some idea of what to expect when an ECO is simulated. For example, additional roof insulation will decrease the building heating load. However, if the building has large internal heat gains, the cooling load may increase, rather than decrease. The user should also determine if the percentage of change in energy consumption is realistic. 4.5 PARAMETRIC ANALYSES If the user wishes to examine the effects of incremental changes in a given building parameter, or several building parameters in combination, a parametric analysis can be specified. A parametric analysis permits the efficient input and execution of a series of simulations. 4.5.1 Evaluating Parametric Combinations of ECO Variables In the parametric analysis mode, a series of input variables can be changed. For example, in ASEAM, the parametric processor can sequentially evaluate up to 10 separate values for up to 20 variables. For each variable, either a new value or the percentage change from the original value is specified. If a life cycle cost analysis is desired, a cost is entered for each value as well. The ASEAM parametric processor produces several output report files. The first file is a matrix of user-specified input variables, which compose the changes in each run. The second file is a user-specified matrix of output variables for each run. Other output files contain monthly energy consumption, zone peak loads, and life cycle costing summaries, if desired. The output consists of summary matrix tables, rather than the full complement of output reports available in a standard ECO simulation. Once the optimum combination of variables has been determined parametrically, the user may find it desirable to execute a standard ECO simulation for that case. 4.5.2 Variables That Can Be Changed The 20 input variables that can be changed in a parametric simulation using ASEAM are selected from the list in Appendix C (pages C.2 through C.6). The choices permit changes in most input variables. Items that cannot be changed include zoning, areas of building surfaces, and system and plant assignments. ASEAM also permits the selection of up to 20 output variables from the list on pages C.9 and C.10 of Appendix C. These are energy consumption variables by fuel type, by system or plant, or by heating mode. 4.22 4.5.3 Limitations on Variables Although the ASEAM parametric processor has been designed to execute as efficiently as possible, a run may take several minutes. It is advisable to time one run and determine in advance how long it will take to execute all of the runs to be specified. For example, if each run takes five minutes, and 180 runs are desired, 15 hours will be required to complete the run sequence. 4.6 INTERPRETING RESULTS The results of a building simulation analysis are summarized in the output reports. These consist of energy usage reports and (optional) economics reports. The type and level of detail presented in the simulation reports should be considered when a building simulation methodology is selected. The following two sections contain discussions of energy usage and economic output reports, using ASEAM as an example. 4.6.1 Changes in Energy Use The energy use reports should be examined first. Obviously, the energy simulation must be verified as accurate or the economic analysis will be meaningless. ASEAM can produce a wide variety of reports that the user can examine to interpret results. In an ECO analysis, the revised analysis reports are compared with the baseline simulation reports to determine changes in energy usage. The most comprehensive output report is the building end use or BEPS report, as shown in Table 4.2. This is a summary of building energy consumption by use category, fuel type, Btu, and cost. This report is used to determine the total energy and dollar savings of an ECO, as well as the categories in which the savings occurred. To check the results presented by this report, the user should examine the more detailed reports. Examples of these follow. Table 4.3 is an example of a loads report. It is a tabulation of the peak heating and cooling loads by component. If an item such as roof insulation were changed, this table could be used to check the roof conduction load manually at two extreme climate conditions, thereby assuring the user that the simulation program is performing as expected. Table 4.4 is a sample of a systems output report for a variable-airvolume (VAV) reheat system. The plant loads of the system for occupied hours in January, February, and March are shown. The report can be scanned to check the months and outside air temperatures when the various systems' loads occur. It can also be used to check the relative sizes of the loads and their variance with outside air temperature. Table 4.5 is an example of tabular ASEAM reports that can be imported into the Lotus 1-2-3 Program[a] for further manipulation or graphing. In this example, the operation of a boiler is summarized for the occupied cycle in January, February, and part of March. Table 4.5 permits the user to check the behavior of the boiler relative to efficiency and fuel consumption at every operating condition. Thus, the behavior of the simulated boiler can be thoroughly compared with that of an actual boiler. If the user desires further detail, ASEAM provides two other types of reports. However, the user must review or print them during simulation execution, as they are too voluminous to save. 4.23 TABLE 4.2. Sample ASEAM2 Building End Use Report ASEAM2 Report: BLDG-END USE Date: 04-07-1987 Sample Single Run Calculation * Heating Energy ────────────── Electric Resistance Electric Boiler Building Annual Energy by * * End Use and Fuel Type * Nat Gas (THERMS) ──────── Cooling Energy ────────────── Reciprocating Chiller Domestic Hot Water Energy ───────────────────────── Domestic HW Heater Electric (KWH) ──────── Site (MBTU) ──────── 163 87,196 0.56 297.60 18,072 61.68 420 42.05 Building Miscellaneous ────────────────────── Lights Equipment 29,409 3,259 100.37 11.12 System Miscellaneous ──────────────────── Fans 12,283 41.92 1,617 2,685 5,000 5.52 9.16 17.06 1.00 Plant Miscellaneous ──────────────────── Cooling Tower Pumping Exterior Lighting Kitchen Range Consumption Totals Unit Cost Dollar Cost Site Energy (MBTU) Source Energy (MBTU) 10 430 $0.500 $215 43.0 43.0 4.24 159,685 $0.075 $11,976 545.0 1,852.3 $12,192 588.1 1,895.4 TABLE 4.3. Sample ASEAM Loads Report Sample Single Run Calculation Loads Report File: demoLAOO Report: Peak Load Summary Space: Building Floor Area: 5,000 sq ft Time of Peak Outside Temp Glass Solar Glass Conduction Wall Conduction Roof Conduction Opaque Solar Door Conduction Misc Conduction Occupants Lights Equipment Misc Sensible Infiltration Total Total Load/Area Volume: 50,000 COOLING Apr hour = 17 87.5 deg F Sensible (BTUH) ──────── 29,365 8,336 4,095 9,750 25,226 0 0 3,275 31,972 3,840 0 17,666 ────── 133,526 26.7 cu ft HEATING Feb hour = 5 -2.5 deg F Latent (BTUH) ────── 3,040 ────── (BTUH/FTâ””2┘) Sensible (BTUH) ──────── 0 -26,719 -13,125 -31,250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -57,854 ──────── -128,948 -25.8 ─────────────────── [a] Lotus 1-2-3 is a trademark of the Lotus Development Corporation, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 4.25 TABLE 4.4. Sample ASEAM Systems Output Report ASEAM2 Report: SYS-BC-VAVR File Name: DEMO System Name: VAV Reheat System Energy Requirements (Plant Loads) Date: 04-07-1987 System Type: VAVR Sample Single Run Calculation Month Cycle <------ System Loads on Plant ------> Jan Occup Preheat Humidity Cooling Heating Baseboard Bin Bin Oper Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Midpt Hours Hours KBTUH KBTUH KBTUH KBTUH KBTUH ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 17.5 15.7 15.7 0.0 26.1 0.0 108.9 0.0 12.5 17.9 17.9 0.0 28.0 0.0 118.0 0.0 7.5 2.5 2.5 0.0 26.6 0.0 127.1 0.0 2.5 0.7 0.7 0.0 27.2 0.0 136.2 0.0 Month Cycle <------ System Loads on Plant ------> Jan Occup Preheat Humidity Cooling Heating Baseboard Bin Bin Oper Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Midpt Hours Hours KBTUH KBTUH KBTUH KBTUH KBTUH ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 57.5 2.5 2.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.7 0.0 52.5 10.4 10.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 33.0 0.0 47.5 11.1 11.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.1 0.0 42.5 13.2 13.2 0.0 4.9 0.0 58.6 0.0 37.5 31.4 31.4 0.0 17.6 0.0 69.5 0.0 32.5 33.2 33.2 0.0 19.8 0.0 79.1 0.0 27.5 35.4 35.4 0.0 22.0 0.0 88.3 0.0 22.5 27.9 27.9 0.0 23.1 0.0 97.4 0.0 17.5 9.3 9.3 0.0 29.4 0.0 106.6 0.0 12.5 8.6 8.6 0.0 31.0 0.0 115.8 0.0 7.5 8.6 8.6 0.0 31.7 0.0 124.9 0.0 2.5 7.9 7.9 0.0 31.9 0.0 134.1 0.0 -2.5 0.7 0.7 0.0 31.8 0.0 143.3 0.0 Month Cycle <------ System Loads on Plant ------> Jan Occup Preheat Humidity Cooling Heating Baseboard Bin Bin Oper Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Midpt Hours Hours KBTUH KBTUH KBTUH KBTUH KBTUH ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 67.5 4.6 4.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 62.5 5.4 5.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.5 5.7 5.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 52.5 14.3 14.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 28.1 0.0 47.5 15.4 15.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 47.2 0.0 42.5 23.9 23.9 0.0 20.8 0.0 55.2 0.0 37.5 70.7 70.7 0.0 17.6 0.0 64.6 0.0 32.5 59.3 59.3 0.0 14.7 0.0 75.3 0.0 27.5 19.3 19.3 0.0 22.0 0.0 84.4 0.0 4.26 TABLE 4.5. Sample of Tabular ASEAM Report Report Month Bin Bin Oper Heating Plant Part Load Boiler Fuel Cyc Temp Hours Hours Load Load Ratio Effic Therms ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─ PBLR 1 1 67.5 6.0 1.5 58,664 58,664 0.250 58.73 0.990 PBLR 1 1 62.5 14.0 4.0 70,486 70,486 0.289 60.64 1.160 PBLR 1 1 57.5 9.0 3.0 82,308 32,308 0.338 62.99 1.300 PBLR 1 1 52.5 5.0 1.9 94,129 94,129 0.386 62.90 1.450 PBLR 1 1 47.5 25.0 10.8 105,951 105,951 0.435 66.92 1.580 PBLR 1 1 42.5 30.0 14.5 117,773 117,773 0.484 68.52 1.710 PBLR 1 1 37.5 45.0 23.9 129,595 129.595 0.532 69.99 1.850 PBLR 1 1 32.5 65.0 37.7 141,417 141,417 0.581 71.33 1.980 PBLR 1 1 27.5 24.0 15.1 153,239 153,239 0.629 72.48 2.110 PBLR 1 1 22.5 10.0 6.7 165,060 165,060 0.678 73.40 2.240 PBLR 1 1 17.5 14.0 10.1 176,882 176,882 0.727 74.18 2.380 PBLR 1 1 12.5 1.0 0.7 188,704 135,704 0.775 74.77 2.520 PBLR 1 2 62.5 7.0 1.9 66,418 66,418 0.273 60.49 1.090 PBLR 1 2 57.5 9.0 2.8 78,240 78,240 0.321 62.47 1.250 PBLR 1 2 52.5 12.0 4.4 90,062 90,062 0.370 64.38 1.390 PBLR 1 2 47.5 29.0 12.1 101,884 101,884 0.418 66.39 1.530 PBLR 1 2 42.5 51.0 23.8 113,706 113,706 0.467 68.15 1.660 PBLR 1 2 37.5 82.0 42.3 125,527 125,527 0.516 69.61 1.800 PBLR 1 2 32.5 23.0 12.9 137,349 137,349 0.564 70.97 1.930 PBLR 1 2 27.5 11.0 6.7 149,171 149,171 0.613 72.09 2.060 PBLR 1 3 77.5 3.0 0.7 27,121 27,121 0.250 59.38 0.450 PBLR 1 3 72.5 8.0 2.0 39,065 39,065 0.250 59.43 0.650 Table 4.6 is a sample of ASEAM calculations, which can be reviewed or spot checked by the user. Reviewing this type of information on a regular basis would be impractical. However, if the user is having a problem with a particular simulation, this is one approach to identifying the problem. Alternately, the user can review the graphical output, such as that shown in Figure 4.1. The program will display every calculated condition for loads, systems, and plants. In this example, a five-zone VAV reheat system is shown. The outside air temperature is 77.5 deg., and the calculation represents the 7.1 occupied hours when this condition occurs in September. The three sets of numbers in the air duct represent the dry bulb temperature, the humidity ratio, and the enthalpy of the air. In this example, 20% outside air is mixed with return air, the air is cooled to 55 deg. F, and no reheat is required. Note the increase in air temperature when the air passes through the supply fan. Thus, the output reports of ASEAM permit a range of output review capabilities, which can be as simple as a one-page summary or as complex as a listing of nearly every calculation the program has made. 4.27 TABLE 4.6. Load Wall Wall Wall Wall Calc Cond Cond Cond Cond Z# 1 1 1 1 M# 1 1 1 1 S# 1 1 1 1 Load Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD Z# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S# HR 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 1 16 1 17 1 18 1 19 1 20 1 21 1 22 1 23 1 24 Load Roof Roof Roof Roof Calc Cond Cond Cond Cond Z# 1 1 1 1 M# 1 1 1 1 S# 1 1 1 1 Load Roof Roof Roof Roof Roof Roof Roof Roof Roof Roof Roof Roof Roof Roof Roof Roof Roof CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD CLTD Z# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S# HR 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 1 16 1 17 Sample of ASEAM Calculation U-FCT (0.100) (0.100) (0.100) (0.100) SOL# 1.2 2.2 3.2 4.2 5.2 6.2 7.2 8.2 9.2 10.2 11.2 12.2 13.2 14.2 15.2 16.2 17.2 18.2 19.2 20.2 21.2 22.2 23.2 24.2 U-FCT (0.100) (0.100) (0.100) (0.100) AREA ( 700) ( 700) ( 700) ( 700) OAT (42.5 ( 2.5 (42.5 ( 2.5 - SPC T 68.0)= 68.0)= 60.0)= 60.0)= U-FCT (0.100) (0.100) (0.100) (0.100) (0.100) (0.100) (0.100) (0.100) (0.100) (0.100) (0.100) (0.100) (0.100) (0.100) (0.100) (0.100) (0.100) (0.100) (0.100) (0.100) (0.100) (0.100) (0.100) (0.100) AREA (700) (700) (700) (700) (700) (700) (700) (700) (700) (700) (700) (700) (700) (700) (700) (700) (700) (700) (700) (700) (700) (700) (700) (700) CLTD (18.6 (16.6 (14.6 (12.6 (10.6 ( 8.8 ( 7.8 ( 6.8 ( 6.0 ( 6.2 ( 7.4 ( 9.6 (12.8 (16.8 (20.8 (24.6 (27.4 (29.0 (29.0 (28.6 (26.8 (25.6 (23.6 (21.4 AREA (900) (900) (900) (900) OAT (42.5 ( 2.5 (42.5 ( 2.5 - SOL# U-FCT 1.2 (0.100) 2.2 (0.100) 3.2 (0.100) 4.2 (0.100) 5.2 (0.100) 6.2 (0.100) 7.2 (0.100) 8.2 (0.100) 9.2 (0.100) 10.2 (0.100) 11.2 (0.100) 12.2 (0.100) 13.2 (0.100) 14.2 (0.100) 15.2 (0.100) 16.2 (0.100) 17.2 (0.100) AREA (900) (900) (900) (900) (900) (900) (900) (900) (900) (900) (900) (900) (900) (900) (900) (900) (900) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + LMC 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 - SPC T 68.0)= 68.0)= 60.0)= 60.0)= CLTD (31.2 (27.0 (22.2 (18.4 (15.4 (12.4 ( 9.6 ( 7.8 ( 7.2 ( 8.6 (12.0 (17.2 (23.4 (30.4 (37.2 (43.2 (48.8 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + WALL LOAD -1,785 -4,585 -1,225 -4,025 LMC -19 -19 -19 -19 -19 -19 -19 -19 -19 -19 -19 -19 -19 -19 -19 -19 -19 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) COL C CLTD LD (0.83)= 1,313 (0.83)= 1,197 (0.83)= 1,081 (0.83)= 965 (0.83)= 848 (0.83)= 744 (0.83)= 686 (0.83)= 628 (0.83)= 581 (0.83)= 593 (0.83)= 662 (0.83)= 790 (0.83)= 976 (0.83)= 1,208 (0.83)= 1,441 (0.83)= 1,661 (0.83)= 1,824 (0.83)= 1,917 (0.83)= 1,917 (0.83)= 1,894 (0.83)= 1,790 (0.83)= 1,720 (0.83)= 1,604 (0.83)= 1,476 BIN LOAD -2,295 -5,895 -1,575 -5,175 - 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) ACCUM WALL -1,785 -4,585 -1,225 -4,025 ACC LD 1,313 1,197 1,081 965 848 744 686 623 581 593 662 790 976 1,208 1,441 1,661 1,824 1,917 1,917 1,894 1,790 1,720 1,604 1,476 ACCUM LOAD -2,295 -5,895 -1,575 -5,175 COL C CLTD LD ACC LD (1.00)= 468 1,782 (1.00)= 90 1,287 (1.00)= -342 739 (1.00)= -684 281 (1.00)= -954 -105 (1.00)= -1,224 -480 (1.00)= -1,476 -790 (1.00)= -1,638 -1,010 (1.00)= -1,692 -1,111 (1.00)= -1,566 -974 (1.00)= -1,260 -598 (1.00)= -793 -3 (1.00)= -235 741 (1.00)= 395 1,604 (1.00)= 1,007 2,448 (1.00)= 1,547 3,209 (1.00)= 2,052 3,876 Roof CLTD Roof CLTD Roof CLTD 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 18 1 19 1 20 18.2 (0.100) (900) (52.4 + -19 - 7) (1.00)= 19.2 (0.100) (900) (54.0 + -19 - 7) (1.00)= 20.2 (0.100) (900) (53.4 + -19 - 7) (1.00)= 4.28 2,376 2,520 2,466 4,293 4,437 4,360 4.6.2 Calculating Payback and Using Life Cycle Costing The simplest representation of payback is the simple payback period, the installed capital cost divided by the value of energy saved per year. However, the payback period is affected by many other factors such as taxes, the time value of money, maintenance, and energy escalation rates. Life cycle costing programs are used to account for these factors. Two separate life cycle costing programs have been integrated into ASEAM: o Federal Building Life Cycle Cost Program (FBLCC) o National Bureau of Standards Life Cycle Cost Program (NBSLCC). The first program has been designed specifically for federal buildings and incorporates financial assumptions appropriate for federal facilities. The second program should be used for non-federal buildings. The input data files for these programs are created in a similar fashion to the load, system, and plant input files. The two economic programs require different inputs and their files cannot be interchanged. Both economic analyses have been integrated into ASEAM such that they can be executed in conjunction with the energy analysis. 4.29 4.7 LIMITATIONS OF SIMULATIONS A building simulation is a representation of how a real building functions. Simulations are effective tools for use in the building design and retrofit process. However, they must be applied and interpreted with care. In most cases, accurate energy prediction is possible; however, there are limitations that can lead to inaccurate results. The following is a list of some of these limitations. 4.7.1 General Limitations Not all building parameters can be firmly specified. Some parameters can be specified only on the basis of engineering judgment or experience with the building. For example, a lighting system designed at 1.9 watts/ft2 instead of 2.5 watts/ft2 is a parameter that can be precisely determined. The fact that the lights are operated 10 hours per day, 5 days per week, is an educated guess. Experience may show that an automated boiler blowdown system improves boiler efficiency by, say, 4%. The actual savings in a particular application may vary. This specification is based on engineering judgment and has nothing to do with the accuracy of the simulation. Building operational schedules and setpoints have a significant impact on energy usage but are seldom precisely known. Furthermore, future conditions must be assumed, although they may vary substantially. The impact of the human factor on energy consumption cannot be over-emphasized. The energy usage of two identical buildings has been found to vary by as much as 40% to 50%. In one instance, the cleaning crew was assumed to use minimal lighting when cleaning the building. In practice, the crew turned on every light in the building when it began cleaning and turned the lights off in completed areas. The result was that building lighting was operated 75% more than anticipated. This human factor affected lighting power consumption, cooling loads, and relamping intervals. In another case, six cooks were asked to prepare three meals per day for seven days; the meals and the electric ranges were identical. Energy use varied by as much as 3.4 kWh/day to 5.1 kWh/day. Thus, the practices of the cooks are probably more significant than the efficiency of a given electric range. 4.7.2 Loads Limitations Climate can vary +/- 15% from year to year. The local climate can also vary with respect to the nearest available meteorological station. Because of the effect of climate on building energy use, it is important to use typical meteorological year (TMY) weather data to evaluate the long-term performance of energy conservation measures. 4.30 The thermal conductivity of exterior walls and ceilings is often difficult to determine for existing buildings. Shortcuts or variances with "as-built" construction document specifications for insulation are frequent. Physical inspection, judgment, and/or testing is needed to select the appropriate levels. When the space temperature is set at 68 deg. F, the simulation represents the entire zone as being heated to 68 deg. F. In the building, the HVAC equipment maintains the thermostat at 68 deg. F. Thus the simulation will not account for increased energy consumption as a result of improper thermostat placement. Most simulation models cannot account for internal temperature variations that result from the location of supply ducts, interzonal heat transfer, HVAC systems that compete with each other, return duct locations that cause short cycling, and movable partitions that restrict air movement. Furthermore, the thermostats may be adjusted to achieve minimal comfort levels in the coolest or warmest spaces, thereby overheating or overcooling other spaces. One or two building employees may work nights or weekends. To accommodate them, the fan, thermostat, and lighting schedules of a whole wing of a building may be altered. The effect of space conditioning and lighting energy needs would be significant. Lights in glass vestibules may be assumed to be off during the day, when in fact they are left on. The vestibule heater may be assumed to be set at 55 deg. F, but may actually run continually. Inner vestibule doors may be blocked open; outer doors left open on mild days. Some items are difficult to model or measure accurately. One of the most significant is the amount of air exchange with the outdoors. While default values are provided, they may be inappropriate to determine the absolute energy requirements. Internal heat gains generated by lights and other equipment have a large impact on building loads. While the capacity of most of this equipment can be estimated, the number of hours per day or week that the equipment operates is often a guess. For this reason, the DOE and others are submetering building energy use to develop empirical profiles of equipment usage. 4.7.3 Systems Limitations The performance of most HVAC equipment will vary; five identical heat pumps rated at a COP of 2.5 may, when tested individually, actually operate at a COP of from 2.3 to 2.7. A building simulation assumes a closed damper is, in fact, closed; in reality, most air dampers leak. A damper that is 2% open may let in 8% to 10% outside air. Most building simulations make no allowance for controls that are out of calibration or linkages that are stuck or disconnected. This limitation can be particularly severe for large and complex control systems because of the increasing number of possible failures that may escape notice. 4.31 4.7.4 Plant Limitations The simulation assumes equipment functions as designed. In one instance, the manufacturer claimed a chiller used 25% of the rated power at 15% load. Upon investigation, the unit was found to draw 40% power at 15% load. HVAC systems and controls are often selected on a bid basis. The equipment actually supplied will vary from design. For example, a building may have a peak cooling load of 80 tons, and a chiller is specified by the engineer at 100 tons. The low-bid manufacturer does not make a 100-ton chiller and, instead, bids a 110-ton chiller. Furthermore, the compressor unloading stops may be different than those simulated. Thus, the chiller will have a completely different part-load performance curve than is assumed in the simulation. Chillers and boilers are typically cleaned annually. Their performance gradually degrades from the day they start up until the day they are cleaned. Oil burner nozzles may be changed annually, but they wear gradually over the course of a heating season. Most building simulations do not account for this. 4.8 THE FUTURE OF ENERGY SIMULATIONS Present-day energy use simulation methods are based largely upon thermodynamics and engineering theory of how buildings should operate. Before any simulation is relied upon, every attempt should be made to check the simulation's accuracy by comparing its results with available measured data. As more empirical data on building energy performance are obtained and studied, theoretical approaches should be tested and refined to converge with and apply additional empirical evidence. It may also be practical in the near future to apply empirically based models or sophisticated expert systems to the determination of building energy flows and conservation potentials. These models may be based upon a set of diagnostic tests for a particular building, experimental results, or large databases containing the measured performance of similar buildings and energy conservation measures. As additional measured data are made available to the research community, the state-of-the-art of building energy simulation will advance. When coupled with the increasing sophistication of desktop computers and users, these data may encourage a new era of energy use analysis based upon measurements, thereby removing some of the present uncertainties associated with key assumptions of the theoretical approaches now in use. 4.32 5.0 REFERENCES American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE). 1986. A Bibliography of Available Computer Programs in the Area of Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration. 1791 Tullie Circle, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia. Energy Information Administration (EIA). 1987. Residential Energy Consumption Survey: Consumption and Expenditures, April 1984 through March 1985. DOE/EIA-0321(84), Energy Information Administration, Office of Energy Markets and End Use, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. Energy Information Administration (EIA). 1988. Nonresidential Buildings Energy Consumption Survey: Characteristics of Commercial Buildings, 1986. DOE/EIA-0246(86), Energy Information Administration, Office of Energy Markets and End Use, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. Energy Energy tures, Energy Information Administration (EIA). 1989. Nonresidential Buildings Consumption Survey: Commercial Buildings Consumption and Expendi1986. DOE/EIA-0318(86), Energy Information Administration, Office of Markets and End Use, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. Ruegg, R. T. 1980. Life-Cycle Costing Manual for the Federal Energy Management Programs. NBS Handbook 135, National Bureau of Standards, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). DOE/CE-0115/4, Washington, D.C. 1983. Federal Ten Year Buildings Plan. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). 1988. Energy Conservation Multi-Year Plan, 1990-1994. U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Conservation, Washington, D.C. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). DOE/BET-89/1, Washington, D.C. 1989. Buildings Energy Technology. U.S. General Services Administration (GSA). 1988a. Summary Report of Real Property Leased by the United States Throughout the World as of September, 1987. General Services Administration, Public Buildings SErvice, Washington, D.C. U.S. General Services Administration (GSA). 1988b. Summary Report of Real Property Owned by the United States Throughout the World as of September 30, 1987. General Services Administration, Public Buildings Service, Washington, D.C. 5.1 NEXTRECORD APPENDIX A INFORMATION TO BE GATHERED DURING AUDITS Appendix A consists of two tables containing information to be gathered during audits. Table A.1 contains information that should be gathered during the preliminary audit of a building and is divided into the following four categories: overall facility information, information on major energy-using systems/equipment, the types of systems/equipment contained in the building, and energy billing data. Table A.2 contains information that should be gathered during the building audit and is divided into the following five data categories: building envelope/shell, HVAC systems, lighting and electrical systems, central plant systems, and weather. A discussion of these audits is contained in Chapter 3. TABLE A.1. Information to be Gathered During Preliminary Audit OVERALL FACILITY INFORMATION @ Floor area of building (ft2) and of different functional parts (e.g. offices, warehouses, etc.) @ Volume of building (ft3) and of different functional part @ Age of building (date of construction, remodels, additions and descriptions of changes @ Blueprints of architectural, mechanical, and electrical systems @ Lighting types, amount, and operating schedule (interior and exterior) @ Insulation levels (type, amount, location) @ Building operating hours (seasonal, weekly, holiday changes) @ Occupancy (seasonal, daily, weekly changes) @ Any planned changes to the building MAJOR ENERGY-USING SYSTEMS/EQUIPMENT INFORMATION @ Type, size, design, specs, age, etc. TABLE A.1. @ (contd) Fuel used for heating, cooling, and water heating @ Location noted on blueprints @ Operating hours and schedules @ Control schemes or equipment used TYPES OF SYSTEMS/EQUIPMENT TO BE CONSIDERED @ HVAC distribution systems @ Heating systems (boiler, furnace, heat pump) @ Cooling systems (chiller, cooling tower, air conditioner) @ Water heater @ Freezer/refrigeration compressors @ Auxiliary Equipment (pumps, fans, etc.) @ Other systems (food service, laundry, computers) ENERGY BILLING DATA @ For all types of energy used (electricity, natural gas, oil, steam, etc.) @ For as many years as possible @ In as much detail as possible @ Per unit cost (including any changes in cost per season, time-of-day, etc.) @ Demand changes A.2 NEXTRECORD TABLE A.2. Information to be Gathered During Building Audit BUILDING ENVELOPE/SHELL @ Floor area @ Number of zones and zone identification @ Area by zone @ Thermostat schedules and setpoints @ Occupancy schedules @ Sensible and latent heat gain from people @ Exterior walls (materials of construction) @ Roof @ Windows (type, area, weatherstripping, etc.) @ Shading and overhangs @ Doors (type, area, etc.) @ Underground walls @ Miscellaneous conduction (e.g., freezer walls) @ Insulation (type, location, area, etc.) @ Infiltration HVAC DATA The data required is for both distribution systems and unitary equipment (e.g. heat pumps). @ System label and type @ Zone assignments to systems @ Heat source for systems (plant type) @ Cooling source for systems (plant type) A.3NEXTRECORD TABLE A.2. (contd) @ System availability and schedules @ System specific information as required such as: - deck temperatures - controls - outside air and damper control - humidification - preheat and reheat - fan power and flow rate - loop temperature - backup heating @ Unitary system information as required such as: - design COPs for air conditioners and heat pumps - efficiency and parasitic losses for furnaces - unloading ratios for DX cooling systems LIGHTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS Most of this information is per zone @ Lighting levels (watts/ft2, footcandles) @ Control scheme for lights (switches, schedules) @ Location of fixtures @ Type and size of lights (fluorescent, incandescent, etc.) @ Motors (Type, HP, amperage, etc.) @ Location and condition of transformers and switch boxes @ Power factor of building (if applicable) CENTRAL PLANT SYSTEMS This includes specifications of the primary energy-using systems such as boilers, chillers, cooling towers, circulating pumps, and water heating systems. A.4 NEXTRECORD TABLE A.2. @ (contd) Boiler specifications such as: - fuel usage and cost - number of units - capacity - design efficiency - controls - minimum part load ratio - boiler pump kW - standby/parasitic losses @ Cooling plant specifications such as: - fuel usage and cost - number of units - capacity - design COPs - controls - unloading and part load ratios - water temperatures and flow rates - load management system specifications - pump kW's @ Cooling tower specifications such as: - heat rejection capacity - number of cells - fan kW per cell - water temperatures and flow rates - pump kW's - approach temperature - controls @ Domestic water specifications such as: - fuel usage and cost - heating capacity - average usage - inlet and supply temperatures - circulation pump kW and scheduling - design efficiency - standby losses WEATHER DATA The auditor should select an available weather station which most closely corresponds to the location of the building being analyzed. @ Air temperature (average daily and monthly) A.5 NEXTRECORD @ Relative humidity or humidity ratio @ Wind speed @ Wind direction @ Insolation or cloud cover @ Average heating and cooling degree days (if average temperatures are not available). A.6 NEXTRECORD APPENDIX B SIMULATION MODEL INPUTS FOR ASEAM VERSION 2.1 Appendix B is an abbreviated listing of the input variables for ASEAM Version 2.1. The actual entry of the data into the model is done with numerous "user friendly" screens. Each screen provides a menu of input options and available defaults. The input forms are divided into the following four data types: building load data (loads), HVAC systems data (systems), plant equipment data (plant), and economics data (Federal Building Life Cycle Costing - FBLCC). B.1 ASEAM LOADS INPUT FORMS (ABBREVIATED) Bldg/Project Bldg/Project Bldg/Project Bldg/Project Bldg/Project Bldg/Project Bldg/Project Bldg/Project Building File Name Building Name Project Number Building Address Building Type Bldg/Project Bldg/Project Bldg/Project Bldg/Project Bldg/Project Bldg/Project Bldg/Project Bldg/Project Bldg/Project Bldg/Project Bldg/Project (The following two screens apply to the entire building) Shading Shading Shading Shading Shading Shading Shading Shading Shading Shading Shading Shading Shading Shading Shading Shading Window Model Name (or 'NA') Window Width Window Height Overhang Depth Top of Window to Overhang Overhang extension beyond left edge of window Overhang extension beyond right edge of window Depth of vert projection at end of overhang Depth of left fin Left fin extension above top of window Distance from left edge of window to left fin Dist from left fin bottom to bottom of window Depth of right fin Right fin extension above top of window Dist from right edge of window to right fin Dist from right fin bottom to bottom of window Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Sch Sch Sch Sch Sch Sch Sch Sch Sch Sch Sch Sch Sch B.2 Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone label Zone function (Opt) Zone area Zone volume (or) Floor to ceiling height Summer occupied temperature setpoint Winter occupied temperature setpoint Winter unoccupied temperature setpoint Lighting Lighting Lighting Lighting Lighting Lighting Lighting Lighting Lighting Lighting Lighting Lighting Lighting Lighting Function name (or 'NA') Average function area (ft) Installed watts/ft (times) Percent of function area (or) Total installed watts Daylighting (Y/N) Controlite filename (if appl) Lighting system type (Opt) Percent light heat to space (%) 'A' classification 'B' classification Diversity Factor Occupied Diversity Factor Unoccupied Monthly Diversity Factor Table # Daylighting Daylighting Daylighting Daylighting Daylighting Daylighting Daylighting Daylighting Daylighting Daylighting Daylighting Daylighting Daylighting Daylighting Function name (or 'NA') Window orientation (N,NW,etc) Ground reflectance (%) Typical room window area (ft2) Glass visible transmittance (%) Room depth from window (ft) Room length (ft) Ceiling height (ft) Wall reflectance (%) Present footcandles in space Design footcandles for space Sensor location Percent of lights controlled Control type ('D'im or 'S'tep) _ _ _ Dayl-Controls Function name (or 'NA') Dayl-Controls For Dimming Control Only Minimum FC maintained by lights Dayl-Controls % of total power at min FC (%) Dayl-Controls Dayl-Controls For Stepped Control Only Number of Steps (max=4) Dayl-Controls Step 1 artificial FC Dayl-Controls Step 1 lighting watts Dayl-Controls Step 2 artificial FC Dayl-Controls Step 2 lighting watts Dayl-Controls Step 3 artificial FC Dayl-Controls Step 3 lighting watts Dayl-Controls Step 4 artificial FC Dayl-Controls Step 4 lighting watts Dayl-Controls People People People People Number of people in zone (or) Square feet per person BTUH load per person Diversity Factor Occupied - B.3 Sensible Unoccupied ASEAM LOADS INPUT FORMS (ABBREVIATED) Misc Misc Misc Misc Misc Misc Misc Misc Elect Elect Elect Elect Elect Elect Elect Elect Electric equipment name (or 'NA') Installed watts/ft (times) Percent of zone area (or) Total installed watts Hooded (Y/N) Diversity Factor Occupied Diversity Factor Unoccupied Monthly Diversity Factor Table Number Misc Misc Misc Misc Misc Misc Misc Misc Sens Sens Sens Sens Sens Sens Sens Sens Load source name (or 'NA') Installed BTUH/ft (times) Percent of zone area (or) Total installed BTUH Hooded (Y/N) Diversity Factor Occupied Diversity Factor Unoccupied Monthly Diversity Factor Table Number Zone # Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Name (or 'NA') Wall Orient (N,NE,etc) Area (ft) U-Factor (BTUH/ft-) Wall Construction Group Color Correction Roof Roof Roof Roof Roof Roof Name (or 'NA') Area (ft) U-Factor (BTUH/ft-) Roof Construction Code Color Correction Susp Ceil Plenum (Y/N) Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Name (or 'NA') Window orient (N,NE,etc Fenestration area (ft) Shading coefficient U-Factor (BTUH/ft-) Space mass code Crack length (lin ft) Leakage coefficient Window shading model # Percent window area Door Door Door Door Door Name (or 'NA') Area (ft) U-Factor (BTUH/ft-) Crack length (lin ft) Leakage coefficient Infiltration Infiltration Occupied air change rate Unoccupied air change rate air changes per hour air changes per hour Mist Mist Mist Mist Misc Name (or Area (ft) U-Factor Reference Reference F) F) Conduct Conduct Conduct Conduct Conduct 'NA') (BTUH/ft-) temperature at design summer temperature at design winter B-4 ASEAM2 SYSTEMS INPUT FORM (ABBREVIATED) Total number of systems System # System 1=DDMZ 9=BB 2=cVRH lO=FURN Zone Number Zone Label System Type Label 3=VAVR ll=UH System 4=CBVAV 12=HV Types 5=SZRH 6=FCU 13=WAC Heating Cooling System # NOTE - THE ZONE NUMBERS AND LABELS (AS DEFINED IN LOADS INPUT) WILL BE PRINTED HERE B.5 l=WSHP 8=AAHP Heating ONLY System # Cooling ONLY System #. System # ASEAM2 SYSTEMS INPUT FORM (ABBREVIATED) Heating coil plant type (Use Codes Below) 5=Furn O=None l=Boiler 2=Elect Resist 3=Dist Heat 4=DB Chiller Outside temperature above which heating is off Heating available beginning month # Heating available ending month # Design heating coil discharge temperature (DDMZ ONLY) Discriminator Control (Y/N) Outside temperature at maximum hot deck temperature (DDMZ ONLY) (DDMZ ONLY) Maximum hot deck temperature Outside temperature at minimum hot deck temperature (DDMZ ONLY) (DDMZ ONLY) Minimum hot deck temperature Cooling coil plant type (see codes below) O=None l=DX 2=Centrifugal 3=Absorption 4=District Cooling 5=Double Bundle 6=Cooling Tower (WSHP only) 7=Reciprocating Outside temperature below which cooling is off Cooling available beginning month # Cooling available ending month # Design cooling coil discharge temperature Discriminator control (Y/N) Maximum cooling coil discharge temperature Preheat coil plant type (Use Heating Codes 0 - 3) Outside temperature above which preheat is off Preheat available beginning month # Preheat available ending month # Design preheat coil discharge temperature Humidification plant type (Use Heating Codes 0 - 3) Outside temperature above which humidification is off Humidification available beginning month # Humidification available ending month # Humidification available during unoccupied cycle (Y/N) Minimum relative humidity maintained Baseboard plant type (Use Heating Codes 0 - 3) Outside temperature above which baseboard is off Baseboard available beginning month # Baseboard available ending month # Baseboard control type (l=thermostatic 2=OA reset) Percent of design heating load satisfied at design winter Percent of design heating load satisfied at balance temp Total supply fan power required (blank=default) (or) Supply fan power per 1000 CFM Supply fan temperature rise (blank=default) Total return fan power required (blank=default) (or) Return fan power per 1000 CFM Return fan temperature rise (blank=default) (VAV) Minimum percent of design air volume-when heating (VAV) Air volume control method (l=Speed 2=Discharge 3=Inlet) Occupied cycle fan control method (1=On Continuously 2=Cycles) Unoccupied cycle fan control method (l=On Continuously 2=Cycles) Outside air damper control method (see codes below) 3=Dry Bulb l=No Outside Air 2=Fixed Dampers Minimum percent outside air intake Dry bulb switchover temperature 8.6 B.6 ---- 4=Enthalpy ASEAM2 SYSTEMS INPUT FORM (ABBREVIATED) System # (Heat Pump and Window Air Conditioner only) Zonal total cooling capacity method (l=User Entered 2=Autosized) (if autosized) Percent of design total load satisfied Zonal sensible cooling capacity method (l=User Entered 2=Autosized) (if autosized) Percent of design sensible load satisfied Design coefficient of performance Outside temperature at minimum fluid loop temperature Minimum fluid loop temperature Outside temperature at maximum fluid loop temperature Maximum fluid loop temperature Zonal heating capacity method (l=User Entered 2=Autosized) (if autosized) Percent of max heat pump load satisfied AAHP backup heating source (l=Furnace 2=Electric Resistance) Outside temperature below which backup heating is on Zonal electric resistance backup heating capacity method (l=Capacities Entered by Zone 2=Autosized) (if autosized) Percent of design heating load satisfied Design heating coefficient of performance Furnace fuel source (see codes below) l=Electric 2=Natural Gas 3=#2 Oil 4=#4 Oil 5=#6 Oil Furnace capacity (blank=autosize) (if autosized) Percent of design load satisfied Furnace efficiency at design load Losses as percent of design load (at design load) Losses as percent of design load (at no load) Pilot gas annual consumption Zonal (if Zonal (if air volume method (l=User Entered 2=Autosized) autosized) Percent of design default air flow fan power method (l=User Entered 2=Autosized) autosized) Percent of design default fan KW DX total cooling capacity (blank=autosized) (if autosized) Percent of design total load satisfied Design coefficient of performance Minimum unloading ratio (% of, capacity) Minimum hot gas bypass ratio (% of capacity) Condenser fan KW (blank=default) Outside temperature below which condenser fan is off Loads Zone # Zone Name or Label Zone CFM Zone Fan KW NOTE - THE ZONE NUMBER AND LABEL FOR EACH ZONE ASSIGNED TO THIS SYSTEM IS PRINTED HERE B.7 Zone Tot Zone Sen Zone HP Clg Cap Clg Cap Htg Cap (Tons) (Tons) (Tons) Zone HP Bkup Htg Cap (KW) ASEAM2 PLANT INPUT FORMS Fuel Type Electricity Natural Gas #2 Oil #4 Oil #6 Oil Dist Heating Dist Cooling Energy Units KWH Therms Gallons Gallons Gallons MBTU MBTU Label for Miscellaneous Energy Consumption Fuel Code 1 2 3 4 5 Unit Cost $ / Unit (ABBREVIATED) Conversion Factors (BTU/Unit) Source Site Fuel Units (See Codes Below) Fuel Type Natural Gas Oil Electricity Dist Heating Dist Cooling B.8 Annual Consumption in Energy Units Energy Units therms gallons KWH MBTU MBTU ASEAM2 PLANT INPUT FORMS (ABBREVIATED) Type 1 Type 2 tons % Centrifugal chiller cooling capacity (per chiller) (or) Percent design load satisfied per chiller Number of chillers of this capacity Design coefficient of performance Minimum unloading ratio (% of capacity) Minimum part load ratio (% of capacity) Load management/operation (l-always on 2=as needed) Chilled water temperature at design load Chilled water temperature at minimum load Chilled water flow (blank=autosized) Chilled water pump KW (blank=autosized) Type 1 Type 2 tons % Absorption chiller cooling capacity (per chiller) (or) Percent design load satisfied per chiller Number of chillers of this capacity Heat input energy source (l=Boiler 2=Dist Heat) Design coefficient of performance Minimum part load ratio (% of capacity) Number of absorption stages Load management/operation (l=always on 2=as needed) Chilled water temperature at design load Chilled water temperature at minimum load Chilled water flow (blank=autosized) Chilled water pump KW (blank=autosized) F F gpm Kw Type 1 Type 2 tons % Double Bundle chiller cooling capacity (per chiller) (or) Percent design load satisfied per chiller Number of chillers of this capacity Design coefficient of performance Minimum unloading ratio (% of cap - clg mode) Minimum unloading ratio (% of cap - htg mode) Minimum part load ratio (% of capacity) Load management/operation (l=always on 2=as needed) Chilled water temperature at design load Chilled water temperature at minimum load Chilled water flow (blank=autosized) Chilled water pump KW (blank=autosized) Design heat recovery temperature 2=Dist Htg) Heat recovery backup (l=Boiler Type 1 Reciprocating chiller cooling capacity (per chiller) (or) Percent design load satisfied per chiller Number of chillers of this capacity Design coefficient of performance Minimum unloading ratio (% of capacity) Minimum part load ratio (% of capacity) Load management/operation (l=always on 2=as needed) Chilled water temperature at design load Chilled water temperature at minimum load Chilled water flow (blank=autosized) Chilled water pump KW (blank=autosized) B.9 Type 2 ASEAM2 PLANT INPUT FORMS (ABBREVIATED) Cooling tower total heat rejection capacity (or) Percent of design heat rejection load satisfied Number of tower cells (blank=autosized) Fan KW per cell (blank=autosized) Number of fan speeds (1 or 2) Approach temperature Condenser water temperature at design load Condenser water temperature at minimum load Condenser water flow rate (blank=autosized) Condenser water pump KW (blank=autosized) DHW Energy Source (O=None l=Elec 2=Gas 3=Oil 4=Blr (if oil) Oil Type (2 or 4 or 6) (if gas) Annual pilot consumption Domestic Hot Water Heating Capacity (blank=autosized) (if autosized) Peak hourly DHW usage Average hourly DHW usage - occupied cycle Average hourly DHW usage - unoccupied cycle Domestic hot water supply temperature DHW inlet temperature - design summer DHW inlet temperature - design winter Circulating pump KW - occupied cycle Circulating pump KW - unoccupied cycle Design DHW heating efficiency DHW losses - occupied cycle DHW losses - unoccupied cycle Boiler Energy Source (l=Elect 2=Nat Gas 3=Oil) (if oil) Oil type (2 or 4 or 6) (if gas) Annual pilot consumption Boiler heating capacity (per boiler) (or) % max heating load satisfied (per boiler) Number of boilers with this capacity Load management/operation (l=always on 2=as needed) 2=calc) Boiler efficiency method (l=user entered Design boiler efficiency (if user entered) (if calc) Combustion air temperature (if calc) Stack temperature (if calc) Air-Fuel ratio Minimum part load operating ratio (% of capacity) Boiler pump KW (blank=autosized) Boiler losses - percent of capacity Boiler losses - percent of load B.10 5=Dist) FBLCC Input Forms PROJECT INFORMATION Project Title: LCC Analysis Type 1 = Energy Conservation or Renewable Energy Projects (NBS 135) 2 = Non-Energy Related Projects (OMB Circular A-94) Study Period (Years) Occupancy Year (e.g. 1987) DOE Region (1-11) Building Type 1 = Residental 2 = Commercial 3 = Industrial - CAPITAL COMPONENTS DATA Capital Component (repeat for each capital component) Component # Component Name (or 'NA') Initial Cost of Component (dollars) Initial Conservation-Related Cost Expected Component Life (Years) - Use '999' for Land Average Escalation Rate During Planning/Construction Period Average Escalation Rate During Occupancy Resale Value Factor (Percent of Initial Cost) COST PHASING SCHEDULE BY YEAR OF PLANNING/CONSTRUCTION PERIOD AND AT OCCUPANCY Capital Component (repeat for each capital Component # Enter Percentage of Cost for Each Year ( 1987 ) Planning/Construction Year 1 Planning/Construction Year 2 ( 1988 ) At Occupancy ( 1989 ) component) % % 100.00 REPLACEMENTS TO CAPITAL COMPONENTS Capital Component Component # (repeat for each capital component) Replacements to Capital Component B.11 FBLCC Input Forms OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Annually Recurring Costs Annual Recurring Cost (Base-Year Dollars) Average Annual Rate of Increase (%) Non-Annually Recurring Costs Number of Non-Annually Recurring Costs Average Annual Rate of Increase (%) Energy Type Code l=Electricity 2=Distillate Fuel Oil 3=Residual Fuel Oil 4=Natural Gas S=Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) 6 = Coal Annual Consumption (MBTU) Price per MBTU (Use F8 for DOE default) Demand (or other) Charge Price Escalation Method 1 = User Entered 2 = Defaulted Average Annual Rate of Increase (%) During Plan/Construction - --------- --------- --------- ENERGY ESCALATION (repeat for each fuel type) Fuel Type # Number of Discrete Time Intervals # Dur Annual Yrs Rate % ------------ # Dur Annual Yrs Rate % ------------ # Dur Annual Yrs Rate % ------------ B.12 # Dur Annual Yrs Rate % ------------ # Dur Annual Yrs Rate % ------------ APPENDIX C PARAMETRIC INPUT AND OUTPUT VARIABLE LIST FOR ASEAM VERSION 2.1 Appendix C is a listing of the input variables that can be selected to be changed in a parametric simulation using ASEAM Version 2.1. Up to 20 of these input variables can be changed for parametric run. Also included in Appendix C is a listing of the output variables that can be selected to be determined using the parametric program. Again, up to 20 output variables can be selected for parametric run. C.1 Parametric Input Variable List Input Variable Variable Description Notes Entry Remarks Number of Variable Number Type Type ==================3========================================================== Loads Orientation Adjustment Loads Weather Data Type Loads Weather Data Filename Loads Solar Data Filename Loads Starting Hour for Occupancy Loads Loads Loads Occupied Hours/Day Summer Stat Start Month # Summer Stat Ending Month # NOT ASSIGNED NOT ASSIGNED Loads Loads Loads Summer Stat Setpoint Winter Stat Setpoint (OCC) Winter Stat Setpoint (UNOCC) NOT ASSIGNED Wall U-Factor Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads NOT ASSIGNED Roof U-Factor NOT ASSIGNED Window U-Factor Window Shading Coef N Window Leak Coefficient Window Shading Model # NOT ASSIGNED Daylighting Glass Transmittance Daylighting Wall Reflectance Daylighting Present FC Daylighting Design FC Daylighting Sensor Location Daylighting Control Type NOT ASSIGNED NOT ASSIGNED Daylighting Min FC Maintained Daylighting Min % Power at Min FC NOT ASSIGNED NOT ASSIGNED Div Div Div Div Factor Factor Factor Factor - People Lights Lights Lights N (OCC) 1 (OCC) 2 (OCC) 3 (OCC) C.2 N (to 100) Loads Div Factor - Lights 4 (OCC) Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Div Div Div Div Div Factor Factor Factor Factor Factor - Equip 1 (OCC) Equip 2 (OCC) Misc Sens 1 (OCC) Misc Sens 2 (OCC) People (UNOCC) Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Div Div Div Div Div Factor Factor Factor Factor Factor - Lights 1 (UNOCC) Lights 2 (UNOCC) Lights 3 (UNOCC) Lights 4 (UNOCC) Equip 1 (UNOCC) Loads Loads Loads Div Factor - Equip 2 (UNOCC) Div Factor - Mist Sens 1 (UNDCC) Div Factor - Mist Sens 2 (UNOCC) NOT ASSIGNED Door U-Factor N (to 100) Door Leak Coef NOT ASSIGNED Occupied Air Change Rate Unoccupied Air Change Rate NOT ASSIGNED N Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads N N N Misc Cond U-Factor Misc Cond Ref Temp at Des Sum Misc Cond Ref Temp at Des Win NOT ASSIGNED Lighting - Total Watts N (deg F) N (deg F) N Lighting - Watts/ft2 Lighting - Percent Heat to Space NOT ASSIGNED Number of People Square Feet per person NOT ASSIGNED Misc Elect - Total Watts Misc Elect - Watts/ft2 NOT ASSIGNED Misc Sensible - Total BTUH Misc Sensible - BTUH/ft2 NOT ASSIGNED Ext Shading - Overhang depth Ext Shading - Recess depth NOT ASSIGNED NOT NOT NOT NOT ASSIGNED ASSIGNED ASSIGNED ASSIGNED C..3 See Notes See Notes N (to 100) N N N N 9 N N 10 11 N See Notes N See Notes 85 Systems TOA Heating Off Systems Systems Systems Systems Systems Maximum Heating Temp Discriminator Control-HTG (DDMZ) TOA at Maximum Hot Deck Tern (DDMZ) Maximum Hot Deck Temp (DDMZ) TOA at Minimum Hot Deck Temp (DDMZ) Systems Minimum Hot Deck Temp (DDMZ) NOT ASSIGNED TOA Cooling On Minimum Supply Temp CLG Discriminator Control - Cooling Systems Systems Systems Systems Systems Systems 101 102 103 104 105 Systems Systems Systems Systems 12 Max Cooling Supply Temp (Disc) NOT ASSIGNED TOA Preheat Off Design Preheat Discharge Temp NOT ASSIGNED TOA Humidification Off (OCC) Winter Relative Humidity (%) NOT ASSIGNED TOA Baseboard Off Baseboard Control Method 106 107 108 109 110 Systems Systems Systems Systems Percent Load Satisfied - Des Win Percent Load Satisfied - Min Load NOT ASSIGNED Total Supply Fan KW Supply Fan KW/lOOO CFM 111 112 113 114 115 Systems Systems Systems Systems Systems Supply Fan Heat Total Return Fan KW Return Fan KW/lOOO CFM Return Fan Heat Minimum Percent Flow (VAV) 116 117 118 119 Systems Systems Systems 120 Systems Fan Control Method (VAV) Fan Operating Method (OCC) Fan Operating Method (UNOCC) NOT ASSIGNED Outside Air Control Method (OCC) 121 122 123 124 125 Systems Systems Systems Systems Systems Min Percent Outside Dry Bulb Switchover Outside Air Control Min Percent Outside Dry Bulb Switchover 15 16 16 Air (OCC) Temp (OCC) Method (UNOCC) Air (UNOCC) Temp (UNOCC) 126 127 128 21 C.4 N 129 130 Systems Systems Furnace % Load Satisfied (auto) Furnace Efficiency (%) (to 100) (to 100) 131 132 133 134 135 Systems Systems Systems Furnace Off Loss - % at Des Win Furnace Off Loss - % at Min Load Furnace Pilot Consumption (therms) NOT ASSIGNED NOT ASSIGNED (to 100) (to 100) annual # 136 137 138 139 140 Systems Systems Systems Systems Systems HP/WAC HP/WAC HP/WAC WSHP WSHP - 141 142 143 144 145 Systems Systems WSHP - TOA at Max Flu id Temp WSHP - Max Fluid Temp NOT ASSIGNED NOT ASSIGNED HP - % Heating Load Satisfied 146 147 148 149 150 Systems Systems Systems Systems Systems - % Total Load Satisfied - % Sensible Load Satisfied - COP Cooling TOA at Min Flu i d Temp Min Fluid Temp HP - TOA Heat Pump HTG Off (AAHP) HP - % Load Satisfied - Backup HTG HP - COP (Heating) NOT ASSIGNED Percent Design Air Flow (Central) 151 152 153 154 155 Systems 156 157 158 159 160 Systems Systems S W ; Plant DX - Min Hot Gas Bypass Ratio DX - Condenser Fan KW DX - TOA Condenser Fan Off DHW Capacity DHW Occupied Cycle Average Usage 161 162 163 164 165 Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant DHW Unoccupied Cycle Average Usage DHW Efficiency (percent) DHW Occupied Cycle Losses DHW Unoccupied Cycle Losses Chiller Cooling Capacity (tons) 166 167 168 169 170 Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Chiller Chiller Chiller Chiller Chiller 171 172 173 Plant Chiller Design Heat Ret Temp (DB) NOT ASSIGNED NOT ASSIGNED Systems Systems Systems Percent Design Zonal Fan KW (Un it) NOT ASSIGNED DX - % Total CLG Load Satisfied DX - COP DX - Minimum Unloading Ratio N (deg F) N (deg F) 22 N (to 100) 22 N N N (deg F) (to 100) 22 N (to 100) 22 N (to 100) 22 N (to 100) N (to 100) (to 100) (Gal/Hr) N N N 24 N4 25 % Max Load Satisfied COP Unloading Ratio Min Part Load Ratio Unloading Ratio (Heating-DB) N C.5 N N N N 174 175 Plant NOT ASSIGNED Cooling Tower - % Load Satisfied 25 N (to 100) 176 177 178 179 180 Plant Plant Plant Cooling Tower - Number Cells Cooling Tower - # Fan Speeds NOT ASSIGNED NOT ASSIGNED Boiler - Heat Capacity (KBTUH) 181 182 183 184 185 Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Boiler Boiler Boiler Boiler Boiler 186 187 188 189 190 Plant Boiler NOT NOT NOT NOT Min Unloading Ratio ASSIGNED ASSIGNED ASSIGNED ASSIGNED N (to 100) 191 192 193 194 195 Loads Loads Loads Loads Building Building Building Daylight NOT Latitude Longitude Time Zone Savings Time ASSIGNED N (deg) N (deg) 196 197 198 199 200 Loads Systems Plant LCC - % Heat Load Satisfied Efficiency Combustion Air Temp Stack Temp Air-Fuel Ratio N2 N2 24 N 25 NOT ASSIGNED Loads Input Filename Systems Input Filename Plant Input Filename LCC Input Filename C (Y or N) C C C C (Use (Use (Use (Use F8) F8) F8) F8) Notes: Entry Type - 'N' represents a numeric input 'N2' represents a numeric input using the 'new value' method for changing 'C' represents a character input There are no error checks for valid input values. 1 Orientation Adjustment - Enter a number from 1 to 7 that corresponds to the amount of clockwise rotation in increments of 45 degrees. For example, if you enter "2" (indicating a 90 degree rotation), all south orientations entered in the base input file will become west orientations for the calculations. If no rotation is desired, enter either 0 or 8.^T 2 Weather Data Type - Enter one of the following: 1- ASHRAE Bin Weather (filename extension - '.awd') 2 - Battelle Bin Weather (filename extension - '.bwd') 3 - DOD Bin Weather (filename extension - '.dwd') C.6 3 Bin and Solar Weather Filenames - Enter the eight character weather file name. These data files must also be stored on your data disk. See also the notes on (2) above. 4 Starting Hour for Occupancy - Enter integer value from 1 to 24 5 Occupied Hours/Day - Enter one of the following - 8, 10, 12, 14, or 16. Any other entry is invalid. 6 Daylighting - Note that all THREE daylighting functions will be changed by this entry. The sensor location should be one of the following: 1 - Max location (closest to window) 2 - Mid location 3 - Min location (farthest from window) The daylighting control type should be entered as either 'D' for dimming or 'S' for stepped control. Note that capital letters should be used. 7 Diversity Factors - ALL zones diversity factors will be changed. This entry should be in percent (e.g. 70, not .7) 8 Infiltration Air Change Rate - Since the parametric processor changes all zones to this value, you may want to select the first method (multiply base value by percent) for changing this variable. By using this method, the interior zones (assuming no infiltration) would not be changed. 9 Miscellaneous Loads - the BTUH value is positive for heat gains and negative for heat losses. 10 Overhang depth - this entry is in inches. See notes on (11) below. ALL three exterior shading models will be changed. 11 Recess depth - this entry is in inches. This will change three base case entries simultaneously - the left, right, AND overhang depth. 12 Discriminator Control - The character entry should either be 'Y' or 'N' . Capital letters must be used. 13 Minimum Supply Temp - if you have selected 'autosizing' for the system air flow, changing this value may change the system sizing. 14 Maximum Cooling Supply Temp - used only if discriminator control is used in the cooling mode 15 Baseboard Control Method - enter one of the following 1 - Thermostatic Control 2 - Baseboard heating reset by outside air temperature 16 Fan KW - this entry has precedence over the 'KW/1000 CFM' entry 17 Fan Control Method (VAV) - use one of the following: 1 - Variable Speed 2 - Discharge Dampers C.7 3 - Inlet Vanes Any other entry is invalid. 18 Fan Operating Method (Occupied Cycle only) - this entry only applies to systems that are 'zonal' (systems that normally cycle day and night). This entry does not affect the central systems such as CVRH, DDMZ, VAV, HV, SZRHi Use one of the following: 1 - On Continuously 2 - Cycles with Load 19 Fan Operating Method (Unoccupied Cycle only) - this entry only applies to all systems. Use the 1 or 2 code described in note (18) above. 20 Outside Air Control Method - use one of the following codes: 1 - No Outside Air 2- Fixed Percent Outside Air 3 - Dry Bulb Economizer 4 - Enthalpy Economizer 21 Entered Capacity - this entry has precedence over the autosizing option. 22 Autosizing - only used if autosizing is selected 23 TOA Heat Pump Heating Off - for Air/Air Heat Pump Only. When the outside air temperature is below this value, backup heating is used. 24 Plant Capacity - enter value per unit (e.g. if two chillers or boilers are specified in the base file, entry the capacity of each chiller or boiler - not the combined capacity) 25 Plant Capacity (autosizing) - enter percent of,maximum load per unit (e.g.) if two chillers or boilers are specified in the base file, entrY the percent capacity of each chiller or boiler - not the combined capacity ) C.8 Parametric Output Variables OUTPUT VARIABLE DESCRIPTION UNITS VARIABLE TYPE NUMBER VAR!:BLE =================================================================== Heating Energy Electric Resistance KWH Heating Energy Heat Pump KWH Heating Energy Gas Boiler therms Heating Energy Oil Boiler gal Heating Energy Electric Boiler KWH Heating Heating Heating Heating Cooling Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy District Heating Gas Furnace Oil Furnace Electric Furnace Direct Expansion MBTU therms gal KWH KWH Cooling Cooling Cooling Cooling Cooling Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Centrifugal Chiller Absorption Chiller District Cooling Double Bundle Chiller Reciprocating Chiller KWH KWH MBTU KWH KWH Cooling Energy Cooling Energy DHW Energy DHW Energy DHW Energy Window A/C Units Heat Pump Domestic HW Heater Domestic HW Heater Domestic HW Heater KWH KWH therms gal KWH DHW Energy Building Misc. Building Misc. Building Misc. System Misc. Domestic HW Heater Lights Equipment Miscellaneous Fans MBTU KWH KWH KWH KWH Not Assigned Cooling Tower Plant Misc. Plant Misc. Pumping Not Assigned Monthly Gas Consumption Monthly Oil Consumption Monthly Electric Consumption Monthly District Heating Consumption Monthly District Cooling Consumption (See Note Below) Peak Loads Report Not Not Not Not Assigned Assigned Assigned Assigned Total Gas Consumption C.9 KWH KWH therms gal KWH MBTU MBTU therms 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 52 53 54 56 57 58 59 Not Assigned Not Not Not Not Assigned Assigned Assigned Assigned Not Not Not Not Assigned Assigned Assigned Assigned Not Not Not Not Assigned Assigned Assigned Assigned Total Total Total Total Oil Consumption Electrical Cons District Heating District Cooling gal KWH MBTU MBTU Total Energy Cost Total Site Energy MBTU Total Source Energy MBTU NOTE - Output variable numbers 30 to 35 are used to store monthly consumption and zone peak loads analysis. An separate output file for these results is generated at the end of the calculations. This file can be imported into LOTUS with the template. C.10