Research Center Report Graduation Policies For the Class of 2009 DEFINING READINESS State has defined college readiness How college readiness is defined HIGH SCHOOL COMPLETION CREDENTIALS State has defined work readiness K-12 workreadiness definition is different from How work readiness college is defined readiness Total number of credits required to earn standard diploma Standard diploma options Advanced recognition for exceeding standard requirements Focus for advanced recognition ✔ academic, CTE ✔ academic ✔ academic ALABAMA ✔ skills 24.0 standard, CTE ALASKA ✔ standards 21.0 standard ✔ standards 20.0 standard ARKANSAS ✔ courses, standards, tests ✔ courses, standards, tests 22.0 standard CALIFORNIA ✔ courses ✔ standards 13.0 standard ARIZONA ✔ COLORADO standard 20.0 standard DELAWARE 22.0 standard DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 23.5 standard CONNECTICUT ✔ in progress skills 24.0 standard ✔ academic, CTE 22.0 college prep, CTE ✔ academic, CTE HAWAII 22.0 standard ✔ academic IDAHO 21.0 standard 16.0 standard 20.0 standard ✔ academic standard ✔ local option FLORIDA in progress in progress GEORGIA in progress ✔ skills, standards ILLINOIS INDIANA ✔ courses, standards, tests ✔ courses, standards, tests IOWA ✔ standards, tests ✔ standards KENTUCKY ✔ courses, skills, standards, tests LOUISIANA in progress MAINE in progress KANSAS MARYLAND 21.0 standard 22.0 standard ✔ academic, CTE in progress 23.0 standard ✔ academic, CTE in progress 16.0 standard 21.0 in progress ✔ courses MASSACHUSETTS ✔ ✔ skills, standards standard ✔ local option ✔ standards standard ✔ academic courses, skills, standards, tests standard standards ✔ academic MICHIGAN ✔ courses, standards ✔ MINNESOTA ✔ standards ✔ MISSISSIPPI ✔ skills 21.5 standard 21.0 standard MISSOURI in progress ✔ standards 22.0 standard MONTANA in progress ✔ standards 20.0 standard 200 credit hours1 standard 22.5 standard, CTE ✔ academic standards 19.75 standard ✔ local option NEBRASKA NEVADA NEW HAMPSHIRE ✔ NEW JERSEY ✔ courses, standards ✔ courses, skills, standards 22.0 standard NEW MEXICO ✔ courses, standards, tests ✔ courses, standards, tests 23.0 standard NEW YORK ✔ courses, standards, tests ✔ courses, standards, tests 22.0 standard ✔ academic, CTE 20.0 standard ✔ academic 21.0 standard 20.0 NORTH CAROLINA in progress in progress NORTH DAKOTA ✔ OHIO ✔ skills OKLAHOMA ✔ courses, standards, tests OREGON in progress PENNSYLVANIA ✔ RHODE ISLAND in progress SOUTH CAROLINA ✔ standards standards standard ✔ academic, CTE ✔ standards, tests 23.0 standard ✔ academic ✔ standards 22.0 standard ✔ standards ✔ academic ✔ academic ✔ academic ✔ academic, CTE ✔ academic standard in progress courses, skills, standards ✔ courses, tests ✔ SOUTH DAKOTA TENNESSEE ✔ courses, skills TEXAS ✔ skills, standards ✔ skills, standards ✔ UTAH VERMONT VIRGINIA WASHINGTON WEST VIRGINIA WISCONSIN ✔ standards ✔ courses, skills, tests in progress WYOMING U.S. standard 24.0 standard 22.0 standard 20.0 standard 24.0 standard 15.0 standard 20.0 standard ✔ skills, standards 22.0 standard ✔ skills, standards 19.0 standard ✔ courses, skills, tests 24.0 standard 13.0 standard 13.0 standard ✔ in progress -- 20 20.0 28 5 20.72 • CTE refers to career and technical education. • Exit-exam subjects tested: E=English (includes writing), M=Mathematics, S=Science, H=History/Social Studies, and T=Technology SOURCE: For information on indicator definitions and sources, see Page 38. 36 ONLINE: 24 HIGH SCHOOL EXIT EXAMS Basis for advanced recognition courses Alternative credential for not meeting all standard Basis for requirements alternative credential State finances remediation for students failing exit exams Appeals or alternative route to diploma ✔ ✔ ALABAMA ✔ ALASKA ARIZONA Subjects tested Exam based on standards for 10th grade or higher ✔ disabilities ✔ ✔ EMSH ✔ ✔ fail exit exam ✔ ✔ EM ✔ ✔ ✔ EM ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Class of 2010 ✔ ✔ EM ✔ ✔ ✔ tests tests K-12 system offers pathway leading to industry-recognized certificate or license ✔ pass proficiency test State has exit exam ARKANSAS CALIFORNIA COLORADO ✔ CONNECTICUT ✔ disabilities ✔ disabilities courses, GPA, tests ✔ disabilities, fail exit exam ✔ ✔ EM ✔ ✔ ✔ FLORIDA courses, GPA ✔ disabilities, fail exit exam ✔ ✔ EMSH ✔ ✔ ✔ GEORGIA courses, GPA ✔ disabilities ✔ ✔ EM ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ EM ✔ ✔ DELAWARE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA HAWAII IDAHO ILLINOIS courses, GPA ✔ local option ✔ INDIANA IOWA KANSAS courses, tests ✔ disabilities ✔ courses, GPA, tests ✔ disabilities, fail exit exam ✔ KENTUCKY ✔ EMSH 3 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ LOUISIANA MAINE local option ✔ disabilities ✔ ✔ EMSH ✔ ✔ ✔ MARYLAND courses, GPA, tests ✔ local option ✔ ✔ EM ✔ ✔ ✔ MASSACHUSETTS ✔ local option ✔ ✔ EM ✔ ✔ MINNESOTA ✔ EMSH ✔ MISSISSIPPI ✔ disabilities ✔ MICHIGAN ✔ ✔ courses, GPA, tests MISSOURI MONTANA NEBRASKA ✔ EMS ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ EM ✔ ✔ NEW JERSEY ✔ NEW MEXICO ✔ NEW YORK ✔ ✔ NORTH CAROLINA ✔ ✔ courses, GPA ✔ disabilities, fail exit exam ✔ local option ✔ local option ✔ NEW HAMPSHIRE ✔ fail exit exam ✔ ✔ EMSH tests ✔ disabilities ✔ ✔ EMSH courses, GPA ✔ disabilities, fail exit exam ✔ EMT EMSH ✔ ✔ ✔ NORTH DAKOTA courses, GPA, tests ✔ ✔ courses, GPA, tests ✔ Class of 2012 ✔ ✔ OREGON ✔ ✔ disabilities PENNSYLVANIA ✔ RHODE ISLAND ✔ ✔ EM ✔ SOUTH CAROLINA SOUTH DAKOTA courses, GPA courses, tests ✔ disabilities, fail exit exam ✔ ✔ EMS ✔ ✔ local option ✔ ✔ EMSH ✔ ✔ district criteria ✔ TENNESSEE ✔ TEXAS UTAH ✔ courses, GPA, tests ✔ ✔ tests OHIO OKLAHOMA local option tests NEVADA ✔ 27 disabilities disabilities VERMONT 4 ✔ ✔ EMSH ✔ ✔ E 5 ✔ ✔ ✔ VIRGINIA ✔ ✔ ✔ WASHINGTON ✔ WEST VIRGINIA ✔ WISCONSIN WYOMING local option 38 24 20 17 21 U.S. 1. Credit hours for Nebraska are not expressed in Carnegie units. 2. Subject-specific credits for states that do not have total course-credit requirements are not listed in the total-credits column and are not reflected in the national average for total credit requirements. 3. Students must pass either the science or social studies components of the Graduation Exit Examination (GEE) to receive a standard diploma. 4. To receive a standard diploma, students must earn at least six verified credits by passing end-of-course assessments. One of these credits may be earned by passing a student-selected test in computer science, technology, career and technical education, or other areas. 5. For the graduating class of 2009, students must pass an exit exam in reading and writing, but may meet the state’s math requirement by passing its standardized math assessment or continuing to earn math credits until they graduate. EDUCATION WEEK ’S DIPLOMAS COUNT 2009 37