Gordon Snelgrove Gallery Michelle Mardee Xamin Paul C. Panko

Gordon Snelgrove Gallery
Department of Art and Art History
Gallery Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:30am – 4:30pm
March 14 – 18, 2016
Reception: March 18, 7 − 10pm
Mardee Xamin Paul C. Panko
Elements of
Michelle Gagné explores the differences that exist within the universe. Cross-processed film images
tell the story of life, death and the fragility of the balance that allows them to exist (Gagné).
Mardee Xamin brings visual art together with performance art. The elements and principles of design
and dance are brilliantly combined, establishing fluid relationships that continuously relate back to the
expression of movement through print media (Kristina Parzen).
Paul C. Panko uses photography and video to illustrate how tattoos become an extension of an
individual’s sense of self and an expression of his or her media (Kristina Parzen).
These exhibitions are complimented by an interpretive pamphlet essay written by Kristina Parzen.
Special performance by Dance Ink.
Reception: Friday, March 18, 7 − 10pm
Please contact the gallery for press photos and further information
Marcus Miller, Gordon Snelgrove Gallery Director
191 Murray Bldg. University of Saskatchewan 3 Campus Dr. Saskatoon SK S7N 5A4
306-966-4208 gordon.snelgrove@usask.ca www.usask.ca/snelgrove