Develop Installation Restoration Design Technical Guidance Remediation Alternatives Data Draft May 21, 1996 Requests for this document shall be referred to: Commander, U.S. Army Armament Research Development & Engineering Center Industrial Ecology Center ATTN: AMSTA-AR-ET, Building 172 Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000 Contract No. DAAA21-93-C-0046 Task No. N.073 CDRL No. A005 Submitted by Concurrent Technologies Corporation 1450 Scalp Avenue Johnstown, PA 15904 Table B-1. Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction Site Characteristics Site Name Site Location Soil Type Confidential Client Oakland, CA Naval Air Station; Building 538 NEX Service Station Brunswick, Maine Silty sand, sandy clay and gravel; Fine grain organic silts and clays Silty fine to medium sand BP Denison Avenue Site Cleveland, OH Village Market Silver Springs, Lyon County, NV Loading Yard, Electronic Component Manufacturing Facility Solvent Spill Connecticut Savannah River Europe Depth to Water Table Size of Site Contaminants Present Clean-up Level Achieved 8-15 ft 500 ft x 500 ft; 15 ft BG BTEX; TPH; benzene 8 ft BG 150 ft horizontally 4-20 ft vertically TPH gas(35 g/L) TPH fuel (460 g/L) BTEX & MTBE (05.3 g/L) BTEX TPH Hydrocarbons BTEX Vapor concentrations reduced from 11,000 ppmv to below 1,000 ppmv in 8 months Improving site conditions (on-going) Interfingered silt and silty clay; Sands and sandy silt Loose clayey sand/silt mixture; Stiff, rhythmic bedded clayey silt/silty clay; Dense to very dense, fine to coarse, arkosick sand Stratified sand and gravel, fine sands and silts 15-25 ft Quaternary sand and gravel, silty sands Sand, slit, clay 27 ft 36-38 ft 19 ft. 135 ft 408 ft x 300 ft; 38 ft BG 2,000 ft2; 20-30 ft BG 330 ft BG TCE DCA TCA tetrachloroethane carbon tetrachloride TCE; PCE TCE; PCE Table B-1. Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction Site Characteristics (Continued) Benzene decreased from 11,013 ppb to nondetect in 4 months; In 5 months, 1842 gallons of fuel extracted Pilot test only; 4 lb contaminants removed in 4 weeks 99.18% total reduction of VOCs in 3 months 98-43.03% TCE reduction 96.47-32.6% PCE reduction Site Name Dry Cleaning Facility Naval Air Engineering Station; Sites 16 & 17, Area C Fort Lewis, Landfill No. 4 Site Location Soil Type Depth to Water Table Fill, coarse sand, natural clay barrier Sandy with organic matter 13 ft Washington Coarse sand and gravel 40 ft Kincheloe AFB Picatinny Arsenal Kinross, Michigan Gasoline Service Station Pawtucket, RI Permeable sands Medium to coarse sand; Fine to very fine sand and silt Fine-coarse brown sand with no silt; Fine to medium gravel’ Less permeable brown/grey wellsorted, dense, fine sand Interbedded silty sand & poorly graded fine gravel, underlain by a silty clay aquitard at a depth of approx. 18 ft. BG Amcor Precast Lakehurst, NJ Ogden, Utah Size of Site Contaminants Present PCE; TCE; DCE; TPH TPH - 5-9,000 ppm at depths of 2-5 ft. 6 ft Clean-up Level Achieved 98% reduction in total VOCs after 124 days. 300 ft diameter TCE: 0.034-0.150 ppm DCE: 0.012 ppm VC: 0.0048 ppm 1,000 ft x 15,000 ft; 40 ft BG TCE 15-25 ft BG BTEX >95% reduction in 2 months 30,000 ft2 ; 18 ft. BG TPH: 51-190 Benzene: 1.3-4.7 Toluene: 2.4-9.4 Ethylbenzene: 0.782.7 Total Xylenes: 2.5-8 Naphthalene: 0.180.63 All clean-up levels achieved Pilot test only 8-12 ft 15.5-16 ft 5-11 ft. Table B-1. Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction Site Characteristics (Continued) Site Name Site Location Chicago, IL Site Chicago, IL Service Station St. Martinsville, LA Kenersville, NC Site Kenersville, NC Furniture Manufacturing Facility Conservancy Site Liberty, NC Belen, NM Soil Type Clayey surficial sediments followed by a plastic clay with a trace course grained material Clay & silty clays; stiff clay with silt; clayey silts Unconsolidated deposits of silty sand & clayey silt; some areas of fill material Silty & clay; silt & trace sand Silty sand, interfering clay layer Depth to Water Table Size of Site Contaminants Present PCE, TCE, TCA, & several other DNAPLs 10.5 ft 17.5-20 ft BG 4-10 ft 6.5 ft 8,000 ft2 2,400 2 GW 1,500 ft2 soil 33” thick Clean-up Level Achieved 75% reduction in first 4 months Dissolved phase petroleum hydrocarbons Toluene Acetone; 2-butanone; Ethylbenzene; Toluene; Xylenes BTEX; Benzene; Toluene; Xylenes 59% benzene reduction 66% toluene reduction 54% ethylbenzene reduction 49% xylene reduction Concurrent Technologies Corporation Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction nav_rem1.doc 3/20/97 Purpose: Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC), in conjunction with the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), is collecting real-life design information on remediation technologies involving Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE). The collected information will be compiled into a technical design guidance document that will indicate if a specific selected remediation technology will be effective at a given site, the design criteria that should be considered for that site, and lessons learned from past users of these technologies. The guidance document will provide the information necessary to effectively design the selected remediation technology. Point of Contact concerning questionnaire: Scott Cuppett Phone Number/E-mail: 814-269-2856/ Date entered: Date updated: I. 3/4/96 data; 3/11/96 GENERAL INFORMATION A. B. Installation Information 1. Type of Installation (e.g., Navy): 2. Facility Name: “Confidential Client” 3. Address: Oakland, CA Information Source 1. Name: Tom Brunsing, Brunsing Associates, Inc. 2. Address: 3. Phone: 707-838-3027 4. Fax: 707-838-4420 5. E-mail Address: Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction II. Page 2 SITE CHARACTERISTICS A. B. Vadose Zone 1. Soil Type: Silty sand, sandy clay, and gavel 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Gradation/Sieve Analysis: 4. Moisture Content: 5. Air Permeability: 6. Porosity: 7. Depth to Water Table: 8. Diffusivity: 8–15 ft Saturated Zone Aquifer 1 C. 1. Soil Type: Fine grain organic silts and clays 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Hydraulic Conductivity: 4. Transmissivity: 5. Hydraulic Gradient: 6. Porosity: 7. Aquifer Type: 8. Capillary Fringe Height: 7-8 ft bsg Contaminants Present 1. 2. Source of Contamination (e.g., gasoline spill): Horizontal Extent of Site: 500’X500’ 3. Vertical Extent of Site: 4. Temperature Range at Site: 15’ 40–80F leaded/unleaded gasoline UST Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 5. Contaminant Names and Concentrations in Ground Water (ppm): 6. Gasoline BTEX TPH (nondetect -9 mg/L) Benzene (nondetect - 4,400 g/L) Contaminant Names and Concentrations in the Vadose Zone (ppm): III. Page 3 TPH (10-5,000 mg/kg) Benzene ( 14-41,000 g/kg) PILOT OR BENCH SCALE TESTS A. Pilot Test 1. Goals: 2. Wells a. Purpose (e.g., injection, extraction, or monitoring): b. Pipe Type: c. Pipe Diameter: d. Depth: e. Screen Interval: f. Screen Type: g. Number and Spacing: 3. Air Sparge Pumping Rate: 4. Test Vacuum and Duration: Vacuum (psi) Duration (hrs) Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 5. B. IV. Test Results a. Optimum Sparge Pressure: b. Optimum Vacuum: c. Radius of Influence: d. Contamination Removal Rate: Bench Scale Test 1. Goals: 2. Other: Performed a bench scale test prior to equipment start-up. TECHNOLOGY DESIGN - AIR SPARGING WITH SVE Typical System Components: Air Sparge Wells (Section A) Air Sparge Pump System (Section B) Vacuum Extraction Wells (Section C) Vacuum Extraction System (Section D) Offgas System (Section E) Other: A. Air Sparge Wells 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 3. Pipe Type: Pipe Diameter: Depth: Screen Interval: Screen Type: Number and Spacing: Other: Design Tools: Page 4 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction B. 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Air Sparge Pump System 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. C. Page 5 Air Flow Rate: Operating Pressure: Operating Temperature: Steam Inclusion: Other: 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Vacuum Extraction Wells 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Pipe Type: Pipe Diameter: Depth: Screen Interval: 5–10’ Screen Type: slotted Number and Spacing: Other: 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: RSI PVC 2” 15’ 12 variable, 60 ft centers Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction D. 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: $45K $3K/month Vacuum System 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. E. Page 6 Operating Vacuum: Operating Depths/Vacuums: 15 ft (variable) Operating Mode (e.g., continuous, modulating, stepwise): Other: 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Continuous Offgas System 1. Design Goals a. b. 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. 3. Contaminant Discharge Limit: Type: Internal combustion engine & catalytic converters. Flow Through Rate: Residence Time: Other: Regulatory Provisions a. Permitting: b. Monitoring: Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction V. 4. Design Tools: 5. Remediation Hardware: 6. Capital Cost: 7. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Page 7 TECHNOLOGY PERFORMANCE A. Remediation Technology Choice 1. Other Remediation Technologies Considered for this Site: 2. excavation bio insitu Why was Air Sparging with SVE Chosen over Other Technologies? 3. B. gasoline & BTEX – shallow ground water; many site improvements and yard needed excavation options. Remediation Technologies used at this Site in addition to Air Sparging with SVE: None Operation of Air Sparging with SVE 1. Duration: 2 years (December 1993 - December 1995) 2. Other: 70% of time Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction C. Lessons Learned 1. Lessons Learned about the Operation of the Equipment: 2. 3. Must balance vacuum to ground water depth. Through March 1994, no supplemental fuel was required to operate the internal combustion engine. Why was the Technology Successful? VI. During the first 8 months of operation, vapor concentrations changed from 11,000 ppmv to below 1,000 ppmv. Through August 1994, approximately 325 gallons of gasoline were extracted and burned as fuel. Why was the Technology Unsuccessful? CONTRACT TYPE AND COSTS A. B. C. Page 8 Design of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Construction of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Operation of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: $210/month for propane + Concurrent Technologies Corporation Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction nav_rem1.doc 3/20/97 Purpose: Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC), in conjunction with the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), is collecting real-life design information on remediation technologies involving Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE). The collected information will be compiled into a technical design guidance document that will indicate if a specific selected remediation technology will be effective at a given site, the design criteria that should be considered for that site, and lessons learned from past users of these technologies. The guidance document will provide the information necessary to effectively design the selected remediation technology. Point of Contact concerning questionnaire: Heather Fennessey Phone Number/E-mail: 814-269-6479/ Date entered: Date updated: I. 4/5/96 GENERAL INFORMATION A. B. Installation Information 1. Type of Installation (e.g., Navy): Naval Air Station 2. Facility Name: Naval Air Station; Building 538 NEX Service Station 3. Address: Brunswick, Maine Information Source 1. Name: Michael S. Battle 2. Address: EA Engineering, Science, and Technology The Maple Bldg, 3 Washington Ctr. Newburgh, NY 12550 3. Phone: (914) 565-8100 4. Fax: (914) 565-9203 5. E-mail Address: Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction II. Page 2 SITE CHARACTERISTICS A. B. Vadose Zone 1. Soil Type: Silty fine to medium sand 2. Unified Soil Classification: SP 3. Gradation/Sieve Analysis: N/A 4. Moisture Content: N/A -7 5. Air Permeability: 1.5 x 10 cm2 6. Porosity: 7. Depth to Water Table: 8. Diffusivity: ~.30 ~8 ft below grade N/A Saturated Zone Aquifer 1 C. 1. Soil Type: silty f-m sand 2. Unified Soil Classification: SP 3. Hydraulic Conductivity: 8.6x10-6 cm/sec 4. Transmissivity: N/A 5. Hydraulic Gradient: 0.011 ft/ft 6. Porosity: ~0.30 7. Aquifer Type: unconfined 8. Capillary Fringe Height: Contaminants Present 1. Source of Contamination (e.g., gasoline spill): 2. Horizontal Extent of Site: ~150 ft 3. Vertical Extent of Site: 4. Temperature Range at Site: 4–20 ft 0F–100F gasoline spill Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 5. Contaminant Names and Concentrations in Ground Water (ppm): 6. TPH as gas (35 g/L) TPH as fuel oil (460 g/L) BTEX and MTBE (nondetect - 5.3 g/L) Contaminant Names and Concentrations in the Vadose Zone (ppm): III. Page 3 TPH as gas (6 g/kg) TPH as fuel oil (10 g/kg) BTEX and MTBE (1.3-2.6 g/kg) PILOT OR BENCH SCALE TESTS A. Pilot Test 1. Goals: 2. Wells Access effectiveness of remedial technologiesradius of influence, VOC removal a. Purpose (e.g., injection, extraction, or monitoring): Injection b. Pipe Type: PVC c. Pipe Diameter: 2-inch d. Depth: 7–19 ft (to top of clay unit at depth) e. Screen Interval: f. Screen Type: Above clay unit. Hi-flow PVC g. Number and Spacing: 10 total sparge wells; 30 ft radial influence spacing 2 ft screens–0.010 slot nominally 3. Air Sparge Pumping Rate: 127–183 cfm 4. Test Vacuum and Duration: 3 May–7 June 1994 Vacuum (psi) <5 psi Duration (hrs) Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 5. B. IV. Test Results a. Optimum Sparge Pressure: b. Optimum Vacuum: c. Radius of Influence: d. Contamination Removal Rate: Bench Scale Test 1. Goals: 2. Other: N/A TECHNOLOGY DESIGN - AIR SPARGING WITH SVE Typical System Components: Air Sparge Wells (Section A) Air Sparge Pump System (Section B) Vacuum Extraction Wells (Section C) Vacuum Extraction System (Section D) Offgas System (Section E) A. Air Sparge Wells 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Inject ambient air beneath zone of dissolved-phased VOC Pipe Type: PVC Pipe Diameter: 2 in Depth: 7–19 ft Screen Interval: 2 ft (i.e., 5–7 ft17–19 ft) Screen Type: Hi-flow machine slotted PVC Number and Spacing: 10 wells with 30 ft (maximum) Other: Assumed radius of influence Page 4 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction B. 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: See section VI See section VI Air Sparge Pump System 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. 165 cfm @ 4 psi Air Flow Rate: 10–20 cfm per well (5 running at once) Operating Pressure: 2–5 psi Operating Temperature: ~150F Steam Inclusion: N/A Other: In-line flow meters, gauges, pressure regulators 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: C. Page 5 M-D pneumatics 40005A positive displacement blower 5. Capital Cost: ~15 K 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: See section VI Vacuum Extraction Wells 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Recovery of VOC-laden soil vapor Pipe Type: PVC Pipe Diameter: 4 in Depth: 3–4 ft below grade Screen Interval: Lateral SVE trenches 30 – 60 ft Screen Type: 0.010-in factory slotted PVC Number and Spacing: 5 total Other: Horizontal SVE trenches due to shallow depth to ground water Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 3. Page 6 Design Tools: Regression analysis to assess radius of influence D. 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: See Section VI Vacuum System 1. Design Goals: tank field soils 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. Full coverage (vacuum) across target AAS area, and old Operating Vacuum: 0–20 in vacuum per line (5 total) Operating Depths/Vacuums: 4 ft below grade, ~0.10 in H 2O Operating Mode (e.g., continuous, modulating, stepwise): Cont. Other: 500 SCFM @ 30 in H2O 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: Rotron EN12 15 HP Blower E. 5. Capital Cost: ~20 K 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Maintenance costs minimal. See section VI for operating costs. Offgas System 1. Design Goals a. b. 2. Contaminant Discharge Limit: Type: 100 lbs/day Total volatile Hydrocarbons Design Parameters a. b. c. Flow Through Rate: Residence Time: Other: 500 cfm 1,800 lb granular activated carbon vessel Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 3. V. Page 7 Regulatory Provisions a. Permitting: None required b. Monitoring: Twice/month with PID 4. Design Tools: 5. Remediation Hardware: 6. Capital Cost: 7. Operating and Maintenance Cost: ~4 K ~6–8 K/yr TECHNOLOGY PERFORMANCE A. Remediation Technology Choice 1. Other Remediation Technologies Considered for this Site: Ground water pump & treat Excavation and off-site disposal Bioremediation. 2. Why was Air Sparging with SVE Chosen over Other Technologies? 3. B. Capability of removing VOC from subsurface Minimize disruption of site Low well yields on site. Remediation Technologies used at this Site in addition to Air Sparging with SVE: N/A Operation of Air Sparging with SVE 1. Duration: 2. Other: SVE: Nov. 1993Present SVE/AAS: July 1995Present Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction C. Lessons Learned 1. Lessons Learned about the Operation of the Equipment: 2. 3. Reliable equipment Low maintenance Why was the Technology Successful? VI. Page 8 Favorable site conditions. Ongoing; but is improving soil and ground water quality. Why was the Technology Unsuccessful? N/A CONTRACT TYPE AND COSTS A. B. C. Design of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Fixed price $12,000 Construction of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Fixed price ~$110,000 Operation of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Time and materials ~$200,000 For period 11/93–6/96 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction nav_rem1.doc 3/20/97 Purpose: Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC), in conjunction with the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), is collecting real-life design information on remediation technologies involving Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE). The collected information will be compiled into a technical design guidance document that will indicate if a specific selected remediation technology will be effective at a given site, the design criteria that should be considered for that site, and lessons learned from past users of these technologies. The guidance document will provide the information necessary to effectively design the selected remediation technology. Point of Contact concerning questionnaire: Scott Cuppett Phone Number/E-mail: 814-269-2856/ Date entered: Date updated: I. 3/96 GENERAL INFORMATION A. B. Installation Information 1. Type of Installation (e.g., Navy): 2. Facility Name: 3. Address: Commercial BP Denison Avenue Site Cleveland, Ohio Information Source 1. Name: 2. Address: 3. Phone: 4. Fax: 5. E-mail Address: 6. Source: Clark, J.R., R.E. Chaudet, and R.L. Johnson. “Assessing UST Corrective Action Technologies: Lessons Learned about In Situ Air Sparging at the Denison Avenue Site, Cleveland, Ohio.” Project Summary. EPA/600/SR-95/040. March 1995. Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction II. Page 2 SITE CHARACTERISTICS A. B. Vadose Zone 1. Soil Type: Interfingered silt & silty clay 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Gradation/Sieve Analysis: 4. Moisture Content: 5. Air Permeability: 6. Porosity: 7. Depth to Water Table: 8. Diffusivity: 15–25 ft (avg = 19) Saturated Zone Aquifer 1 C. 1. Soil Type: 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Hydraulic Conductivity: 4. Transmissivity: 5. Hydraulic Gradient: 6. Porosity: 7. Aquifer Type: 8. Capillary Fringe Height: Aquifer 2 Sands and sandy silt 4–7 ft Contaminants Present 1. Source of Contamination (e.g., gasoline spill): 2. Horizontal Extent of Site: 3. Vertical Extent of Site: 4. Temperature Range at Site: UST leak Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 5. Contaminant Names and Concentrations in Ground Water (ppm): 6. Page 3 BTEX TPH Contaminant Names and Concentrations in the Vadose Zone (ppm): [HC] III. PILOT OR BENCH SCALE TESTS A. Pilot Test 1. Goals: 2. Wells a. Purpose (e.g., injection, extraction, or monitoring): b. Pipe Type: c. Pipe Diameter: d. Depth: e. Screen Interval: f. Screen Type: g. Number and Spacing: 3. Air Sparge Pumping Rate: 4. Test Vacuum and Duration: Vacuum (psi) 5. Test Results a. Optimum Sparge Pressure: b. Optimum Vacuum: Duration (hrs) Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction B. IV. c. Radius of Influence: d. Contamination Removal Rate: Bench Scale Test 1. Goals: 2. Other: TECHNOLOGY DESIGN - AIR SPARGING WITH SVE Typical System Components: Air Sparge Wells (Section A) Air Sparge Pump System (Section B) Vacuum Extraction Wells (Section C) Vacuum Extraction System (Section D) Offgas System (Section E) Other: A. Air Sparge Wells 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 3. Pipe Type: Pipe Diameter: 4” Depth: ~1–4 ft Screen Interval: .010” – 5 ft in length Screen Type: Number and Spacing: 6 Other: Design Tools: Page 4 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction B. 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Air Sparge Pump System 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. C. Page 5 Air Flow Rate: Operating Pressure: Operating Temperature: Steam Inclusion: Other: 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Vacuum Extraction Wells 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 3. Used to remove HC from vadose zone when neg. pressure is applied. Pipe Type: 40 PVC – .010” gaps Pipe Diameter: 4” Depth: Screen Interval: Screen Type: Number and Spacing: 2 Other: Design Tools: Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction D. 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Vacuum System 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. E. Operating Vacuum: Operating Depths/Vacuums: Operating Mode (e.g., continuous, modulating, stepwise): Other: 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Offgas System 1. Design Goals a. b. 2. Contaminant Discharge Limit: Type: Design Parameters a. b. c. Flow Through Rate: Residence Time: Other: Page 6 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 3. V. Regulatory Provisions a. Permitting: b. Monitoring: 4. Design Tools: 5. Remediation Hardware: 6. Capital Cost: 7. Operating and Maintenance Cost: TECHNOLOGY PERFORMANCE A. B. Remediation Technology Choice 1. Other Remediation Technologies Considered for this Site: 2. Why was Air Sparging with SVE Chosen over Other Technologies? 3. Remediation Technologies used at this Site in addition to Air Sparging with SVE: Operation of Air Sparging with SVE 1. Duration: 2. Other: 2 years Page 7 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction C. Lessons Learned 1. Lessons Learned about the Operation of the Equipment: 2. Why was the Technology Successful? 3. Why was the Technology Unsuccessful? VI. The difficult interpretation of the data resulting in the placement of wells has a major impact on the performance data collected. BTEX cannot be the sole indicator of performance Additional insight through DO and pressure, contaminant indicator. CONTRACT TYPE AND COSTS A. B. C. Page 8 Design of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Construction of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Operation of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Concurrent Technologies Corporation Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction nav_rem1.doc 3/20/97 Purpose: Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC), in conjunction with the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), is collecting real-life design information on remediation technologies involving Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE). The collected information will be compiled into a technical design guidance document that will indicate if a specific selected remediation technology will be effective at a given site, the design criteria that should be considered for that site, and lessons learned from past users of these technologies. The guidance document will provide the information necessary to effectively design the selected remediation technology. Point of Contact concerning questionnaire: Scott Cuppett Phone Number/E-mail: 814-269-2856/ Date entered: Date updated: I. 2/96 GENERAL INFORMATION A. B. Installation Information 1. Type of Installation (e.g., Navy): Commercial 2. Facility Name: Village Market (gas station/convenience store) 3. Address: Silver Springs, Lyon County, Nevada Information Source 1. Name: 2. Address: 3. Phone: 4. Fax: 5. E-mail Address: 6. Source: Henkle & Associates. “A Synoptic Review of Project Located in Silver Springs, Lyon County, Nevada.” Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction II. Page 2 SITE CHARACTERISTICS A. B. Vadose Zone 1. Soil Type: Loose clayey sand silt mixture to 5-8 ft.; then stiff, rhythmic bedded clayey silt/silty clay to 20-25 ft. 2. Unified Soil Classification: SM/SC; ML/CL 3. Gradation/Sieve Analysis: 4. Moisture Content: 5. Air Permeability: 6. Porosity: 7. Depth to Water Table: 8. Diffusivity: 36-38 ft. Saturated Zone Aquifer 1 C. 1. Soil Type: 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Hydraulic Conductivity: 4. Transmissivity: 5. Hydraulic Gradient: 6. Porosity: 7. Aquifer Type: 8. Capillary Fringe Height: Aquifer 2 Dense to very dense, fine to coarse, arkosic sand (40-45 ft.) .01 ft/ft Contaminants Present 1. 2. Source of Contamination (e.g., gasoline spill): Horizontal Extent of Site: 400 ft x 300 ft. 3. Vertical Extent of Site: 4. Temperature Range at Site: 38 ft. 10-100 oF UST diesel and gasoline leaks Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 4a. Annual Precipitation: 5. Contaminant Names and Concentrations in Ground Water (ppm): 6. III. Page 3 4 inches Benzene 11,103 ppb Toluene 1,000 ppb Xylenes 2,248 ppb Ethyl Benzene 213 ppb Contaminant Names and Concentrations in the Vadose Zone (ppm): Sand Silt Gasoline Plume 26,617 75 Diesel 38,456 131 PILOT OR BENCH SCALE TESTS A. Pilot Test 1. Goals: 2. Wells a. Purpose (e.g., injection, extraction, or monitoring): b. Pipe Type: c. Pipe Diameter: d. Depth: e. Screen Interval: f. Screen Type: g. Number and Spacing: 3. Air Sparge Pumping Rate: 4. Test Vacuum and Duration: Vacuum (psi) Duration (hrs) Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 5. B. IV. Test Results a. Optimum Sparge Pressure: b. Optimum Vacuum: c. Radius of Influence: d. Contamination Removal Rate: Bench Scale Test 1. Goals: 2. Other: TECHNOLOGY DESIGN - AIR SPARGING WITH SVE Typical System Components: Air Sparge Wells (Section A) Air Sparge Pump System (Section B) Vacuum Extraction Wells (Section C) Vacuum Extraction System (Section D) Offgas System (Section E) Other: A. Air Sparge Wells 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Pipe Type: PVC Pipe Diameter: Depth: Screen Interval: 2’ below water table Screen Type: Number and Spacing: 10 Other: Page 4 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction B. 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: RSI S.A.V.E.™ II System $70,146 (includes installation) $3.46/hr (includes maint/tech support/nrg consumpt) Air Sparge Pump System 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. C. Page 5 Air Flow Rate: Operating Pressure: Operating Temperature: Steam Inclusion: Other: Powered by internal combustion engine 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: RSI S.A.V.E.™ II System Vacuum Extraction Wells 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Pipe Type: PVC Pipe Diameter: Depth: Screen Interval: Screen Type: Number and Spacing: Other: 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 2” 8 RSI S.A.V.E.™ II System Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction D. 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Vacuum System 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. E. Page 6 Operating Vacuum: Operating Depths/Vacuums: Operating Mode (e.g., continuous, modulating, stepwise): Other: Powered by internal combustion engine 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: RSI S.A.V.E.™ II System Offgas System 1. Design Goals a. b. 2. Contaminant Discharge Limit: 0.6 lb total VOCs/hr. Type: Internal combustion engine Design Parameters a. b. c. Flow Through Rate: Residence Time: Other: Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 3. Page 7 Regulatory Provisions a. Permitting: During operation, remained well below the limit of 0.6 lbs total VOC/hr. b. Monitoring: At beginning, had to monitor monthly. Because of remediation results, cut back to quarterly. V. 4. Design Tools: 5. Remediation Hardware: 6. Capital Cost: 7. Operating and Maintenance Cost: RSI S.A.V.E.™ II System TECHNOLOGY PERFORMANCE A. Remediation Technology Choice 1. Other Remediation Technologies Considered for this Site: 2. Pump and treat Why was Air Sparging with SVE Chosen over Other Technologies? 3. Remediation Technologies used at this Site in addition to Air Sparging with SVE: B. Chosen after extensive literature review and feasibility study. Good for remediating vadose zone sands & groundwater plume. Excavation/thermal remediation. Operation of Air Sparging with SVE 1. Duration: 2. Other: January 1994 - Early 1995 (projected) good Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction C. Lessons Learned 1. Lessons Learned about the Operation of the Equipment: 2. 3. Cone of depression formed after 1 month. Why was the Technology Successful? VI. Page 8 Benzene decreased from 11,013 ppb to nondetect in 4 months. In 5 months, 1,842 gallons of fuel extracted. Why was the Technology Unsuccessful? CONTRACT TYPE AND COSTS A. B. C. Design of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Construction of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Fixed $70,176 (capital, including installation) Operation of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: $3.46/hr. (including maintenance, technical support, and energy consumption) Concurrent Technologies Corporation Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction nav_rem1.doc 3/20/97 Purpose: Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC), in conjunction with the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), is collecting real-life design information on remediation technologies involving Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE). The collected information will be compiled into a technical design guidance document that will indicate if a specific selected remediation technology will be effective at a given site, the design criteria that should be considered for that site, and lessons learned from past users of these technologies. The guidance document will provide the information necessary to effectively design the selected remediation technology. Point of Contact concerning questionnaire: Scott Cuppett Phone Number/E-mail: 814-269-2856/ Date entered: Date updated: I. 3/96 GENERAL INFORMATION A. Installation Information 1. Type of Installation (e.g., Navy): 2. Facility Name: Loading Yard, Electronic Component Manufacturing Facility Address: Connecticut 3. B. Commercial Information Source 1. Name: 2. Address: 3. Phone: 4. Fax: 5. E-mail Address: 6. Source: Martin, Linda M., Richard J. Sarnelli, and Matthew T. Walsh. “Pilot Scale Evaluation of Groundwater Air Sparging: Site-Specific Advantages and Limitations.” Vadose Zone Remediation and Air Sparging. pp. 318-327. Source: Johnson, R.L., P.C. Johnson, D.B. McWhorter, R.E. Hinchee, and I. Goodman. “An Overview of In Situ Air Sparging.” GWMR. Fall 1993. pp 127-133. 6a. Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction II. Page 2 SITE CHARACTERISTICS A. B. Vadose Zone 1. Soil Type: Stratified sand and gravel 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Gradation/Sieve Analysis: 4. Moisture Content: 5. Air Permeability: 6. Porosity: 7. Depth to Water Table: 8. Diffusivity: 19 ft. Saturated Zone Aquifer 1 C. 1. Soil Type: Fine sands and silts 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Hydraulic Conductivity: 4. Transmissivity: 5. Hydraulic Gradient: 6. Porosity: 7. Aquifer Type: 8. Capillary Fringe Height: 0.0001-0.005 ft/ft Contaminants Present 1. Source of Contamination (e.g., gasoline spill): 2. Horizontal Extent of Site: 2,000 ft2 3. Vertical Extent of Site: 4. Temperature Range at Site: 20-30 ft. below grade Aquifer 2 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 5. Contaminant Names and Concentrations in Ground Water (ppm): 6. trichloroethene (TCE) - 0.76-11.0 mg/L also detected; 1,1-dichloroethane (DCA); 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCA); tetrachloroethane; and carbon tetrachloride Contaminant Names and Concentrations in the Vadose Zone (ppm): III. Page 3 TCE 0.63-3.9 ppm Xylenes 4,000 ppm PILOT OR BENCH SCALE TESTS A. Pilot Test 1. Goals: To evaluate the effectiveness in remediating saturated zone soils contaminated with VOCs which are impacting ground water quality. To determine full-scale operating parameters. 2. Wells a. Purpose b. Pipe Type: 40 PVC c. Pipe Diameter: 1.5” d. Depth: 2-3 ft. above table) e. Screen Interval: 3. 4. Extraction Injection 25–40 ft 40 PVC 2” 15–17 ft (5 ft. section approx. water 2 ft. section between f. Screen Type: g. Number and Spacing: h. Other: 7-20 ft. below water table Threaded flush joint Threaded flush joint screen (10 slot) screen (20 slot) 7, 15-20 ft. apart 2 Riser with silica to 1 ft. Riser with silica to 1 ft. above screen above screen Air Sparge Pumping Rate: 5-10 cfm/well 70 cfm at 15-20 at 15-60 psi inches of water Test Vacuum and Duration: Vacuum (psi) Duration (hrs) Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 5. B. IV. Page 4 Test Results a. Optimum Sparge Pressure: b. Optimum Vacuum: c. Radius of Influence: d. Contamination Removal Rate: e. Other: 40’ radius of pilot study area 1,000 lb vapor phase activated carbon bed used. Bench Scale Test 1. Goals: 2. Other: TECHNOLOGY DESIGN - AIR SPARGING WITH SVE Typical System Components: Air Sparge Wells (Section A) Air Sparge Pump System (Section B) Vacuum Extraction Wells (Section C) Vacuum Extraction System (Section D) Offgas System (Section E) Other: A. Air Sparge Wells 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. 4 lb./4 weeks Pipe Type: Pipe Diameter: Depth: Screen Interval: Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction e. f. g. B. C. Screen Type: Number and Spacing: Other: 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Air Sparge Pump System 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters 3. a. Air Flow Rate: b. Operating Pressure: c. Operating Temperature: d. Steam Inclusion: e. Other: Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Vacuum Extraction Wells 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Pipe Type: Pipe Diameter: Depth: Screen Interval: Screen Type: Number and Spacing: Other: Page 5 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction D. 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Vacuum System 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. E. Operating Vacuum: Operating Depths/Vacuums: Operating Mode (e.g., continuous, modulating, stepwise): Other: 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Offgas System 1. Design Goals a. b. 2. Contaminant Discharge Limit: Type: Activated carbon Design Parameters a. b. c. Flow Through Rate: Residence Time: Other: Page 6 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 3. V. Regulatory Provisions a. Permitting: b. Monitoring: 4. Design Tools: 5. Remediation Hardware: 6. Capital Cost: 7. Operating and Maintenance Cost: TECHNOLOGY PERFORMANCE A. Remediation Technology Choice 1. Other Remediation Technologies Considered for this Site: 2. Ground water pump and treat Dewatering and excavation Bioremediation Why was Air Sparging with SVE Chosen over Other Technologies? 3. B. Cost effective; time restraints Literature review and practical experience Cesidual contamination in shallow staurated zone soils Remediation Technologies used at this Site in addition to Air Sparging with SVE: Operation of Air Sparging with SVE 1. Duration: 2. Other: 4 weeks, continuous Page 7 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction C. Lessons Learned 1. Lessons Learned about the Operation of the Equipment: VI. Additional sparging/extraction wells needed to control lateral migration Effectively mobilized VOC contamination within shallow saturated zone soils; however, air flow was limited in vertical direction becasue of lithography. 2. Why was the Technology Successful? 3. Why was the Technology Unsuccessful? CONTRACT TYPE AND COSTS A. B. C. D. Page 8 Design of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: $82,000 (design and installation) Construction of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: $33,000 (equipment) Operation of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Pilot Study Cost: $25,000 (lab analysis, etc.) $140,000 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction nav_rem1.doc 3/20/97 Purpose: Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC), in conjunction with the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), is collecting real-life design information on remediation technologies involving Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE). The collected information will be compiled into a technical design guidance document that will indicate if a specific selected remediation technology will be effective at a given site, the design criteria that should be considered for that site, and lessons learned from past users of these technologies. The guidance document will provide the information necessary to effectively design the selected remediation technology. Point of Contact concerning questionnaire: Heather Fennessey Phone Number/E-mail: 814-269-6479/ Date entered: Date updated: I. 3/5/96 data GENERAL INFORMATION A. B. Installation Information 1. Type of Installation (e.g., Navy): 2. Facility Name: 3. Address: Solvent spill Europe Information Source 1. Name: 2. Address: 3. Phone: 4. Fax: 5. E-mail Address: 6. Source: 7. Additional Information Available From: Middeton, A.C., D. Hiller .“In Situ Aeration of Ground Water – A Technical Overview.” Presented at a Conference on Prevention & Treatment of Soil & Ground Water in the Petroleum Refinery & Distribution Industry, Montreal, Quebec, Oct 16–17, 1990. EPA/600/R-92/173. September 1992. Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction II. Page 2 SITE CHARACTERISTICS A. B. Vadose Zone 1. Soil Type: Quaternary sand & gravel (110 ft thick) 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Gradation/Sieve Analysis: 4. Moisture Content: 5. Air Permeability: 6. Porosity: 7. Depth to Water Table: 8. Diffusivity: 27 ft from floor of building Saturated Zone Aquifer 1 C. Aquifer 2 Quaternary sand & gravel to 110 feet; silty sands from 44–47 ft 1. Soil Type: 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Hydraulic Conductivity: 4. Transmissivity: 5. Hydraulic Gradient: 6. Porosity: 7. Aquifer Type: 8. Capillary Fringe Height: Contaminants Present 1. Source of Contamination (e.g., gasoline spill): 2. Horizontal Extent of Site: 3. Vertical Extent of Site: 4. Temperature Range at Site: Solvent spill Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 5. Contaminant Names and Concentrations in Ground Water (ppm): 6. TCE, PCE Total VOCs–33 ppm Contaminant Names and Concentrations in the Vadose Zone (ppm): III. Page 3 TCE – 2,800 mg/kg PCE – 64 mg/kg PILOT OR BENCH SCALE TESTS A. Pilot Test 1. Goals: 2. Wells a. Purpose (e.g., injection, extraction, or monitoring): b. Pipe Type: c. Pipe Diameter: d. Depth: e. Screen Interval: f. Screen Type: g. Number and Spacing: 3. Air Sparge Pumping Rate: 4. Test Vacuum and Duration: Vacuum (psi) Duration (hrs) Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 5. B. IV. Test Results a. Optimum Sparge Pressure: b. Optimum Vacuum: c. Radius of Influence: d. Contamination Removal Rate: Bench Scale Test 1. Goals: 2. Other: TECHNOLOGY DESIGN - AIR SPARGING WITH SVE Typical System Components: Air Sparge Wells (Section A) Air Sparge Pump System (Section B) Vacuum Extraction Wells (Section C) Vacuum Extraction System (Section D) Offgas System (Section E) Other: A. Air Sparge Wells 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Pipe Type: Pipe Diameter: Depth: 37 ft Screen Interval: Screen Type: Number and Spacing: 5 Other: Page 4 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction B. 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Air Sparge Pump System 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. C. Page 5 Air Flow Rate: 30 cfm (about 6 cfm/pipe) Operating Pressure: Operating Temperature: Steam Inclusion: Other: 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Vacuum Extraction Wells 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Pipe Type: Pipe Diameter: Depth: Screen Interval: Screen Type: Number and Spacing: Other: 2 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction D. 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Vacuum System 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. E. Operating Vacuum: Operating Depths/Vacuums: Operating Mode (e.g., continuous, modulating, stepwise): Other: Extraction flow rate – 475 cfm 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Offgas System 1. Design Goals a. b. 2. Contaminant Discharge Limit: Type: Design Parameters a. b. c. Flow Through Rate: Residence Time: Other: Page 6 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 3. V. Page 7 Regulatory Provisions a. Permitting: b. Monitoring: 4. Design Tools: 5. Remediation Hardware: 6. Capital Cost: 7. Operating and Maintenance Cost: TECHNOLOGY PERFORMANCE A. Remediation Technology Choice 1. Other Remediation Technologies Considered for this Site: 2. Why was Air Sparging with SVE Chosen over Other Technologies? 3. B. Ground water pump and treat Limited success of groundwater pump and treat at this site Remediation Technologies used at this Site in addition to Air Sparging with SVE: Operation of Air Sparging with SVE 1. Duration: 3 months (air injection started after 100 days of venting, so 6 mo. total) 2. Other: A total of 800 mg/m3 increased to 10,00 mg/m3 VOC concen in exhaust air in 2 hours after aeration began Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction C. Lessons Learned 1. Lessons Learned about the Operation of the Equipment: 2. Why was the Technology Successful? 3. VI. Reduction of total VOCs from 33 ppm to 0.27 ppm in 3 months (5,100 lbs) Why was the Technology Unsuccessful? CONTRACT TYPE AND COSTS A. B. C. Design of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Construction of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Operation of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Page 8 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction nav_rem1.doc 3/20/97 Purpose: Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC), in conjunction with the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), is collecting real-life design information on remediation technologies involving Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE). The collected information will be compiled into a technical design guidance document that will indicate if a specific selected remediation technology will be effective at a given site, the design criteria that should be considered for that site, and lessons learned from past users of these technologies. The guidance document will provide the information necessary to effectively design the selected remediation technology. Point of Contact concerning questionnaire: Heather Fennessey Phone Number/E-mail: 814-269-6479/ Date entered: Date updated: I. 3/5/96 data GENERAL INFORMATION A. B. Installation Information 1. Type of Installation (e.g., Navy): 2. Facility Name: 3. Address: U.S. DOE Savannah River Information Source 1. Name: 2. Address: 3. Phone: 4. Fax: 5. E-mail Address: 6. Source: 7. Additonal Information Available From: Looney, B.B., D.S. Kaback, J.C. Corey, “Field Demonstration of Environmental Restoration Using Horizontal Wells.” Presented at Third Forum on Innovative Hazardous Waste Treatment Technologies: Domestic & International, June 11–13, 1991, Dallas, TX. EPA/600/R-92/173. September 1992. Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction II. Page 2 SITE CHARACTERISTICS A. B. Vadose Zone 1. Soil Type: Sand, silt, clay 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Gradation/Sieve Analysis: 4. Moisture Content: 5. Air Permeability: 6. Porosity: 7. Depth to Water Table: 8. Diffusivity: 135 ft Saturated Zone Aquifer 1 C. 1. Soil Type: 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Hydraulic Conductivity: 4. Transmissivity: 5. Hydraulic Gradient: 6. Porosity: 7. Aquifer Type: 8. Capillary Fringe Height: Aquifer 2 Contaminants Present 1. Source of Contamination (e.g., gasoline spill): 2. Horizontal Extent of Site: 3. Vertical Extent of Site: 4. Temperature Range at Site: Sewer line leak Highest concentration at 330 ft below grade Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 5. Contaminant Names and Concentrations in Ground Water (ppm): 6. III. Page 3 TCE PCE 0.5–1.81 ppm 0.085–0.184 ppm Contaminant Names and Concentrations in the Vadose Zone (ppm): PILOT OR BENCH SCALE TESTS A. Pilot Test 1. Goals: 2. Wells Helium tracer test to find the recovery rate between wells a. Purpose (e.g., injection, extraction, or monitoring): b. Pipe Type: c. Pipe Diameter: d. Depth: e. Screen Interval: f. Screen Type: g. Number and Spacing: 3. Air Sparge Pumping Rate: 4. Test Vacuum and Duration: Vacuum (psi) monitoring Duration (hrs) [20 wk total test duration for all pilot studies.] [Another study discovered that injecting hot air does not change the contaminant removal rate.] Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 5. Page 4 Test Results a. Optimum Sparge Pressure: b. Optimum Vacuum: c. Radius of Influence: d. Contamination Removal Rate: After 46 days, 45% of the Helium was recovered. B. IV. Bench Scale Test 1. Goals: 2. Other: TECHNOLOGY DESIGN - AIR SPARGING WITH SVE Typical System Components: Air Sparge Wells (Section A) Air Sparge Pump System (Section B) Vacuum Extraction Wells (Section C) Vacuum Extraction System (Section D) Offgas System (Section E) Other: A. Air Sparge Wells 1. Design Goals: Horizontal well chosen because it would provide more surface area to treat the linear contamination 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Pipe Type: Pipe Diameter: Depth: 150–175 ft Screen Interval: Screen Type: Number and Spacing: Other: 1 horizontal, 300 ft long Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction B. 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Air Sparge Pump System 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. C. Page 5 Air Flow Rate: 165–185 cfm Operating Pressure: Operating Temperature: Steam Inclusion: Other: 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Vacuum Extraction Wells 1. Design Goals: Horiz. well chosen because it would provide more surface treat the linear contamination. 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Pipe Type: Pipe Diameter: Depth: 75 ft Screen Interval: Screen Type: Number and Spacing: Other: 1 horizontal, 205 ft long area to Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction D. 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Vacuum System 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. E. Operating Vacuum: 130–145 in H2O Operating Depths/Vacuums: Operating Mode (e.g., continuous, modulating, stepwise): Other: Vacuum extraction rate 935–1,020 cfm 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Offgas System 1. Design Goals a. b. 2. Contaminant Discharge Limit: Type: Design Parameters a. b. c. Flow Through Rate: Residence Time: Other: Page 6 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 3. V. Regulatory Provisions a. Permitting: b. Monitoring: 4. Design Tools: 5. Remediation Hardware: 6. Capital Cost: 7. Operating and Maintenance Cost: TECHNOLOGY PERFORMANCE A. B. Remediation Technology Choice 1. Other Remediation Technologies Considered for this Site: 2. Why was Air Sparging with SVE Chosen over Other Technologies? 3. Remediation Technologies used at this Site in addition to Air Sparging with SVE: Operation of Air Sparging with SVE 1. Duration: 2. Other: 3 months Page 7 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction C. Lessons Learned 1. Lessons Learned about the Operation of the Equipment: 2. Why was the Technology Successful? 3. VI. Reduction in contaminants: Initial (ppm) TCE 0.5–1.81 PCE 0.085–0.184 Why was the Technology Unsuccessful? CONTRACT TYPE AND COSTS A. B. C. Page 8 Design of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Construction of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Operation of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Final (ppm) 0.010–1.031 0.003–0.124 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction nav_rem1.doc 3/20/97 Purpose: Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC), in conjunction with the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), is collecting real-life design information on remediation technologies involving Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE). The collected information will be compiled into a technical design guidance document that will indicate if a specific selected remediation technology will be effective at a given site, the design criteria that should be considered for that site, and lessons learned from past users of these technologies. The guidance document will provide the information necessary to effectively design the selected remediation technology. Point of Contact concerning questionnaire: Heather Fennessey Phone Number/E-mail: 814-269-6479/ Date entered: Date updated: I. 3/4/96 data GENERAL INFORMATION A. B. Installation Information 1. Type of Installation (e.g., Navy): 2. Facility Name: 3. Address: Dry cleaning facility Information Source 1. Name: 2. Address: 3. Phone: 4. Fax: 5. E-mail Address: 6. Source: 7. Additional Information Available From: Brown, R. A., R. Fraxedas, Ground Water Tech. Inc. “Air Sparging – Extending Volatilization to Contaminated Aquifers.” Symposium on Soil Venting, Robert S. Kerr, Env. Res. Lab., Houston, TX. April 29–May 1, 1991. EPA/600/R-92/173. September 1992. Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction II. Page 2 SITE CHARACTERISTICS A. B. Vadose Zone 1. Soil Type: Fill, coarse sand; natural clay barrier 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Gradation/Sieve Analysis: 4. Moisture Content: 5. Air Permeability: 6. Porosity: 7. Depth to Water Table: 8. Diffusivity: 13 feet Saturated Zone Aquifer 1 C. 1. Soil Type: 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Hydraulic Conductivity: 4. Transmissivity: 5. Hydraulic Gradient: 6. Porosity: 7. Aquifer Type: 8. Capillary Fringe Height: Aquifer 2 Contaminants Present 1. Source of Contamination (e.g., gasoline spill): 2. Horizontal Extent of Site: 3. Vertical Extent of Site: 4. Temperature Range at Site: Leaking USTs Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 5. Contaminant Names and Concentrations in Ground Water (ppm): 6. III. Page 3 PCE TCE DCE TPH (total petroleum HCs) Total VOCs–41 ppm Contaminant Names and Concentrations in the Vadose Zone (ppm): PILOT OR BENCH SCALE TESTS A. Pilot Test 1. Goals: 2. Wells a. b. Purpose (e.g., injection, extraction, or monitoring): extraction only, and combination Pipe Type: c. Pipe Diameter: d. Depth: e. Screen Interval: f. Screen Type: g. Number and Spacing: 3. Air Sparge Pumping Rate: (see below) 4. Test Vacuum and Duration: Vacuum (psi) cfm 10 15 20 16 24 37 (injection) 3 phases: injection only, Duration (hrs) Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 5. Test Results a. Optimum Sparge Pressure: b. Optimum Vacuum: c. Radius of Influence: d. B. IV. Page 4 injection pressure RI (ft) 10 psi 15 psi 20 psi Contamination Removal Rate: Bench Scale Test 1. Goals: 2. Other: TECHNOLOGY DESIGN - AIR SPARGING WITH SVE Typical System Components: Air Sparge Wells (Section A) Air Sparge Pump System (Section B) Vacuum Extraction Wells (Section C) Vacuum Extraction System (Section D) Offgas System (Section E) Other: A. Air Sparge Wells 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Pipe Type: Pipe Diameter: Depth: 2 feet Screen Interval: Screen Type: Number and Spacing: 7 sparge only Other: 7 nested sparge/vacuum 72 76 177 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction B. 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Air Sparge Pump System 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. C. Based on results of pilot study Air Flow Rate: 225 cfm Operating Pressure: 277 inch H2O Operating Temperature: Steam Inclusion: Other: 3. Design Tools: Based on results of pilot study 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Vacuum Extraction Wells 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Pipe Type: Pipe Diameter: Depth: 8 feet Screen Interval: Screen Type: Number and Spacing: 1 extraction only Other: 7 nested sparged/vacuum Page 5 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction D. 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Vacuum System 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. E. Based on results of pilot study Operating Vacuum: 40 in H2O Operating Depths/Vacuums: Operating Mode (e.g., continuous, modulating, stepwise): Other: 500 cfm extraction flow rate 3. Design Tools: Based on results of pilot study 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Offgas System 1. Design Goals a. b. 2. Contaminant Discharge Limit: Type: GAC vapor treatment (2–1,800 lb) Design Parameters a. b. c. Flow Through Rate: Residence Time: Other: Page 6 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 3. V. Regulatory Provisions a. Permitting: b. Monitoring: 4. Design Tools: 5. Remediation Hardware: 6. Capital Cost: 7. Operating and Maintenance Cost: TECHNOLOGY PERFORMANCE A. B. Remediation Technology Choice 1. Other Remediation Technologies Considered for this Site: 2. Why was Air Sparging with SVE Chosen over Other Technologies? 3. Remediation Technologies used at this Site in addition to Air Sparging with SVE: Operation of Air Sparging with SVE 1. Duration: 4 months 2. Other: Vapor extraction system operated for 1 month prior to start-up of air sparging system Page 7 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction C. Lessons Learned 1. Lessons Learned about the Operation of the Equipment: 2. Why was the Technology Successful? In 4 months, reduced total VOCs from 41 ppm to 0.897 ppm (after 125 days, contaminant level dropped 98%) 3. VI. Why was the Technology Unsuccessful? CONTRACT TYPE AND COSTS A. B. C. Design of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Construction of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Operation of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Page 8 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction nav_rem1.doc 3/20/97 Purpose: Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC), in conjunction with the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), is collecting real-life design information on remediation technologies involving Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE). The collected information will be compiled into a technical design guidance document that will indicate if a specific selected remediation technology will be effective at a given site, the design criteria that should be considered for that site, and lessons learned from past users of these technologies. The guidance document will provide the information necessary to effectively design the selected remediation technology. Point of Contact concerning questionnaire: Heather Fennessey Phone Number/E-mail: 814-269-6479/ Date entered: Date updated: I. 2/96 GENERAL INFORMATION A. B. Installation Information 1. Type of Installation (e.g., Navy): 2. Facility Name: 3. Address: Navy Naval Air Engineering Station Lakehurst, NJ Sites 16 and 17 at Area “C” Information Source 1. Name: Joe Reiner/Mike Figura 2. Address: 3. Phone: 4. Fax: 5. E-mail Address: Public Works Engr. Dept., Code 843200 B5-2, Naval Air Engineering Station, Lakehurst, NJ 08733-5069 (908) 323-2612 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction II. Page 2 SITE CHARACTERISTICS A. B. Vadose Zone 1. Soil Type: Sandy with organic matter 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Gradation/Sieve Analysis: 4. Moisture Content: 5. Air Permeability: 6. Porosity: 7. Depth to Water Table: 8. Diffusivity: 6 feet Saturated Zone Aquifer 1 C. 1. Soil Type: 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Hydraulic Conductivity: 4. Transmissivity: 5. Hydraulic Gradient: 6. Porosity: 7. Aquifer Type: 8. Capillary Fringe Height: Aquifer 2 Contaminants Present 1. Source of Contamination (e.g., gasoline spill): 2. Horizontal Extent of Site: 3. Vertical Extent of Site: 4. Temperature Range at Site: Fuel farm Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 5. Contaminant Names and Concentrations in Ground Water (ppm): 6. Contaminant Names and Concentrations in the Vadose Zone (ppm): III. Page 3 TPH ranging from 5 to 9,000 ppm at depths of 2 to 5 feet PILOT OR BENCH SCALE TESTS A. Pilot Test 1. Goals: 2. Wells a. Purpose (e.g., injection, extraction, or monitoring): b. Pipe Type: c. Pipe Diameter: d. Depth: e. Screen Interval: f. Screen Type: g. Number and Spacing: 3. Air Sparge Pumping Rate: 4. Test Vacuum and Duration: Vacuum (psi) 5. Test Results a. Optimum Sparge Pressure: Duration (hrs) Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction B. IV. b. Optimum Vacuum: c. Radius of Influence: d. Contamination Removal Rate: Bench Scale Test 1. Goals: 2. Other: TECHNOLOGY DESIGN - AIR SPARGING WITH SVE Typical System Components: Air Sparge Wells (Section A) Air Sparge Pump System (Section B) Vacuum Extraction Wells (Section C) Vacuum Extraction System (Section D) Offgas System (Section E) Other: A. Air Sparge Wells 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Pipe Type: Pipe Diameter: Depth: Screen Interval: Screen Type: Number and Spacing: Other: Page 4 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction B. 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Air Sparge Pump System 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. C. Air Flow Rate: Operating Pressure: Operating Temperature: Steam Inclusion: Other: 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Vacuum Extraction Wells 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 3. Horizontal PVC pipe placed in shallow trenches Pipe Type: PVC schedule 40 Pipe Diameter: 4 inch Depth: Screen Interval: Screen Type: Number and Spacing: Other: Design Tools: Page 5 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction D. 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Vacuum System 1. Design Goals: Combination extraction and bioventing system which will be automated and run continuously. 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. E. Page 6 Operating Vacuum: Operating Depths/Vacuums: Operating Mode (e.g., continuous, modulating, stepwise): Other: Flow rate 10 to 50 scfm at 20 to 100 in water 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: Explosion proof 3 HP air blower Single phase 230V electric motor Inlet side: install pressure indicator Outlet side: install flow control and pressure relief valves, air velocity pilot tube, temperature indicator, and pressure indicator. 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Offgas System 1. Design Goals a. b. 2. Contaminant Discharge Limit: Type: Design Parameters a. b. c. Flow Through Rate: Residence Time: Other: Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 3. V. Page 7 Regulatory Provisions a. Permitting: b. Monitoring: 4. Design Tools: 5. Remediation Hardware: 6. Capital Cost: 7. Operating and Maintenance Cost: TECHNOLOGY PERFORMANCE A. B. Remediation Technology Choice 1. Other Remediation Technologies Considered for this Site: 2. Why was Air Sparging with SVE Chosen over Other Technologies? 3. Remediation Technologies used at this Site in addition to Air Sparging with SVE: System does not have air sparging capability. Consists of combination extraction and bioventing system. Operation of Air Sparging with SVE 1. Duration: 2. Other: Continuous operation Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction C. VI. Lessons Learned 1. Lessons Learned about the Operation of the Equipment: 2. Why was the Technology Successful? 3. Why was the Technology Unsuccessful? CONTRACT TYPE AND COSTS A. B. C. Design of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Construction of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Operation of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Page 8 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction nav_rem1.doc 3/20/97 Purpose: Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC), in conjunction with the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), is collecting real-life design information on remediation technologies involving Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE). The collected information will be compiled into a technical design guidance document that will indicate if a specific selected remediation technology will be effective at a given site, the design criteria that should be considered for that site, and lessons learned from past users of these technologies. The guidance document will provide the information necessary to effectively design the selected remediation technology. Point of Contact concerning questionnaire: Heather Fennessey Phone Number/E-mail: 814-269-6479/ Date entered: Date updated: I. 2/96 GENERAL INFORMATION A. B. Installation Information 1. Type of Installation (e.g., Navy): 2. Facility Name: 3. Address: Army Fort Lewis, Landfill No. 4 Washington Information Source 1. Name: William Goss 2. Address: 3. Phone: 4. Fax: 5. E-mail Address: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 4735 E. Marginal Way S., Seattle, WA 98124-2255 (206) 764-3711 (206) 764-6795 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction II. Page 2 SITE CHARACTERISTICS A. Vadose Zone 1. Soil Type: Coarse sand and gravel 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Gradation/Sieve Analysis: 4. Moisture Content: 5. Air Permeablity: High (estimate 37 darcies vertical and 370 darcies horizontal) B. 6. Porosity: High 7. Depth to Water Table: 8. Diffusivity: 40 feet Saturated Zone Aquifer 1 C. 1. Soil Type: Sand-gravel 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Hydraulic Conductivity: 4. Transmissivity: 5. Hydraulic Gradient: 6. Porosity: 7. Aquifer Type: 8. Capillary Fringe Height: 9. Thickness 10. Groundwater velocity: 700 ft/day 0.0015 ft/ft Assumed effective and total = 30% Unconfined 120 feet 3.5 ft/day Contaminants Present 1. Source of Contamination (e.g., gasoline spill): 2. Horizontal Extent of Site: 300 ft diameter 3. Vertical Extent of Site: Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction III. Page 3 High 64.6F (July); Low 39.1F (January) 4. Temperature Range at Site: 5. Contaminant Names and Concentrations in Ground Water (ppm): TCE 0.034–0.150 DCE 0.012 VC 0.0048 5a. Retardation Factors 6. Contaminant Names and Concentrations in the Vadose Zone (ppm): TCE = 3 PILOT OR BENCH SCALE TESTS A. Pilot Test 1. Goals: 2. Wells 3. a. Purpose (e.g., injection, extraction, or monitoring): b. Pipe Type: c. Pipe Diameter: d. Depth: e. Screen Interval: f. Screen Type: g. Number and Spacing: Air Sparge Pumping Rate: 4. Test upper portion of upper aquifer Injected gas: 8 psi at 150F Rate: 36 cfm 42 cfm entering vadose zone (calculated) Test Vacuum and Duration: Vacuum (psi) Extraction rate: 110 cfm Duration (hrs) Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 5. B. IV. Page 4 Test Results a. Optimum Sparge Pressure: b. Optimum Vacuum: c. Radius of Influence: d. Contamination Removal Rate: Sparge - 25 ft. (dissolved oxygen analysis) Bench Scale Test 1. Goals: 2. Other: TECHNOLOGY DESIGN - AIR SPARGING WITH SVE Typical System Components: Air Sparge Wells (Section A) Air Sparge Pump System (Section B) Vacuum Extraction Wells (Section C) Vacuum Extraction System (Section D) Offgas System (Section E) Other: A. VC Cleanup Levels TCE 0.005 ppm 0.001 ppm Air Sparge Wells 1. 2. Design Goals: Placed perpendicular to direction of ground water flow and in vicinity of TCE highs. Cycle wells to insure contaminated ground water does not flow around wells. Not run during summer season due to low levels of TCE detected. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. Pipe Type: PVC schedule 80 Pipe Diameter: 2 in Depth: 50 ft Screen Interval: 45 to 50 ft Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction e. f. g. B. Page 5 Screen Type: 0.01 in slot, schedule 40 PVC Number and Spacing: 5 wells at 50 ft spacing Other: 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Air Sparge Pump System 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. Air Flow Rate: 45 cfm injection well Operating Pressure: 0.9993 atm Operating Temperature: Steam Inclusion: Other: Design Tools: ! " # 3. C. 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Vacuum Extraction Wells 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters Extraction rate of 85 cfm per well; wells are staggered to cover larger area and minimize stagnation zones; run year round. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Pipe Type: PVC schedule 80 Pipe Diameter: 4 in Depth: 30 ft Screen Interval: 20 to 30 ft BGS Screen Type: 0.01 in slot, schedule 40 PVC Number and Spacing: 6 on 50 ft centers Other: Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction D. 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Vacuum System 1. Design Goals: Remove minimum of 1 vadose zone pore volume per day contaminated soil) 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. E. Page 6 Operating Vacuum: 1.5 in/well Operating Depths/Vacuums: Operating Mode (e.g., continuous, modulating, stepwise): Other: 3. Design Tools: Air – 3D Model 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Offgas System 1. Design Goals a. b. 2. Contaminant Discharge Limit: Type: Design Parameters a. b. c. Flow Through Rate: Residence Time: Other: (for TCE Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 3. V. Regulatory Provisions a. Permitting: b. Monitoring: 4. Design Tools: 5. Remediation Hardware: 6. Capital Cost: 7. Operating and Maintenance Cost: TECHNOLOGY PERFORMANCE A. Remediation Technology Choice 1. Other Remediation Technologies Considered for this Site: 2. Why was Air Sparging with SVE Chosen over Other Technologies? 3. Remediation Technologies used at this Site in addition to Air Sparging with SVE: Page 7 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction B. C. Operation of Air Sparging with SVE 1. Duration: 2. Other: Lessons Learned 1. Lessons Learned about the Operation of the Equipment: 2. 3. Important to place SVE screened interval where the contaminant is likely located. Strategic placement of valves in the piping system help account for the heterogeneous nature of the site. Why was the Technology Successful? VI. Used passive injection wells (screened in vadose zone and open to atmosphere. They increased vadose velocities and reduced stagnation zones.) Why was the Technology Unsuccessful? CONTRACT TYPE AND COSTS A. B. C. Page 8 Design of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Construction of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Operation of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Concurrent Technologies Corporation Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction nav_rem1.doc 3/20/97 Purpose: Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC), in conjunction with the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), is collecting real-life design information on remediation technologies involving Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE). The collected information will be compiled into a technical design guidance document that will indicate if a specific selected remediation technology will be effective at a given site, the design criteria that should be considered for that site, and lessons learned from past users of these technologies. The guidance document will provide the information necessary to effectively design the selected remediation technology. Point of Contact concerning questionnaire: Phone Number/E-mail: Date entered: Date updated: I. Heather Fennessey 814-269-6479/ 2/96 GENERAL INFORMATION A. B. Installation Information 1. Type of Installation (e.g., Navy): 2. Facility Name: 3. Address: Former Air Force Base Kincheloe Air Force Base Kinross, Michigan Information Source 1. Name: Mary Katherine O’Mara 2. Address: 3. Phone: 4. Fax: 5. E-mail Address: US Army COE Buffalo District, 1776 Niagara St., Buffalo, NY 14207-3199 (716) 879-4417 (716) 879-4355 mary.k.o’ Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction II. Page 2 SITE CHARACTERISTICS A. B. Vadose Zone 1. Soil Type: Permeable sands 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Gradation/Sieve Analysis: 4. Moisture Content: 5. Air Permeability: 6. Porosity: 7. Depth to Water Table: 8. Diffusivity: Saturated Zone Aquifer 1 C. 1. Soil Type: 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Hydraulic Conductivity: 4. Transmissivity: 5. Hydraulic Gradient: 6. Porosity: 7. Aquifer Type: 8. Capillary Fringe Height: Aquifer 2 permeable sands Contaminants Present 1. Source of Contamination (e.g., gasoline spill): 2. Horizontal Extent of Site: 3. Vertical Extent of Site: 4. Temperature Range at Site: Fire training area Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction III. Page 3 5. Contaminant Names and Concentrations in Ground Water (ppm): 6. Contaminant Names and Concentrations in the Vadose Zone (ppm): PILOT OR BENCH SCALE TESTS A. Pilot Test 1. Goals: 2. Wells Six months long term SVE/IAS Pilot test a. Purpose b. Pipe Type: Injection Extraction PVC schedule 40 (galvanized steel) c. Pipe Diameter: 6 in (3/4 in) d. Depth: (90 ft) e. Screen Interval: 25 to 55 feet (35 ft below water table) f. Screen Type: 0.04 in slot (3/4 in SS pressure nozzle) g. Number and Spacing: 3. Air Sparge Pumping Rate: 25 cfm at 17 psia 4. Test Vacuum and Duration: 4a. Other: Vacuum (psi) Duration (hrs) Install a 2 in butterfly-valve to restrict flow out of vent well. Install a pressure gauge between the valve and the well. SVE System Blower: 2.5 HP EG&G Rotron DR505 CD58 regenerative, 160 cfm at 15 in water pressure. Vacuum side has moisture separator and air filter. Air sparge compressor regulated by an Allen Bradley controller pressure side contains gate valves, an air dryer, pressure gauge, and pressure relief valve. SVE will vent to a 1,000 lb vapor-phase carbon vessel. Discharge is reinjected into vadose zone. Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 5. B. IV. Page 4 Test Results a. Optimum Sparge Pressure: b. Optimum Vacuum: c. Radius of Influence: d. Contamination Removal Rate: 200 ft Bench Scale Test 1. Goals: 2. Other: TECHNOLOGY DESIGN - AIR SPARGING WITH SVE Typical System Components: Air Sparge Wells (Section A) Air Sparge Pump System (Section B) Vacuum Extraction Wells (Section C) Vacuum Extraction System (Section D) Offgas System (Section E) Other: A. Air Sparge Wells 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Pipe Type: Pipe Diameter: Depth: Screen Interval: Screen Type: Number and Spacing: Other: Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction B. 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Air Sparge Pump System 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. C. Air Flow Rate: Operating Pressure: Operating Temperature: Steam Inclusion: Other: 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Vacuum Extraction Wells 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Pipe Type: Pipe Diameter: Depth: Screen Interval: Screen Type: Number and Spacing: Other: Page 5 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction D. 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Vacuum System 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. E. Operating Vacuum: Operating Depths/Vacuums: Operating Mode (e.g., continuous, modulating, stepwise): Other: 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Offgas System 1. Design Goals a. b. 2. Contaminant Discharge Limit: Type: Design Parameters a. b. c. Flow Through Rate: Residence Time: Other: Page 6 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 3. V. Regulatory Provisions a. Permitting: b. Monitoring: 4. Design Tools: 5. Remediation Hardware: 6. Capital Cost: 7. Operating and Maintenance Cost: TECHNOLOGY PERFORMANCE A. Remediation Technology Choice 1. Other Remediation Technologies Considered for this Site: 2. Why was Air Sparging with SVE Chosen over Other Technologies? 3. Remediation Technologies used at this Site in addition to Air Sparging with SVE: Page 7 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction B. C. VI. Operation of Air Sparging with SVE 1. Duration: 2. Other: Lessons Learned 1. Lessons Learned about the Operation of the Equipment: 2. Why was the Technology Successful? 3. Why was the Technology Unsuccessful? CONTRACT TYPE AND COSTS A. B. C. Design of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Construction of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Operation of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Page 8 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction nav_rem1.doc 3/20/97 Purpose: Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC), in conjunction with the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), is collecting real-life design information on remediation technologies involving Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE). The collected information will be compiled into a technical design guidance document that will indicate if a specific selected remediation technology will be effective at a given site, the design criteria that should be considered for that site, and lessons learned from past users of these technologies. The guidance document will provide the information necessary to effectively design the selected remediation technology. Point of Contact concerning questionnaire: Scott W. Cuppett Phone Number/E-mail: 814-269-2856/ Date entered: Date updated: I. 5/96 SITE VISIT GENERAL INFORMATION A. B. Installation Information 1. Type of Installation (e.g., Navy): 2. Facility Name: 3. Address: Army Picatinny Arsenal Information Source 1. Name: 2. Address: 3. Jeff Fischer USGS New Jersey Disrtict Office Water Resources Division Mountain View Office Park 810 Bear Tavern Rd., Suite 206 West Trenton, NJ 08628 Phone:609-771-3953 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction II. Page 2 SITE CHARACTERISTICS A. B. Vadose Zone 1. Soil Type: Medium to coarse sand 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Gradation/Sieve Analysis: 4. Moisture Content: 5. Air Permeability: 6. Porosity: 7. Depth to Water Table: 8. Diffusivity: 10-30% 8-12 ft. Saturated Zone Aquifer 1 C. 1. Soil Type: 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Hydraulic Conductivity: 4. Transmissivity: 5. Hydraulic Gradient: 6. Porosity: 7. Aquifer Type: 8. Capillary Fringe Height: Aquifer 2 Fine to very fine sand and silt 5-20 ft/day 0.002 ft/ft Sand Contaminants Present 1. Source of Contamination (e.g., gasoline spill): 2. Horizontal Extent of Site: 1,000 x 15,000 ft. 3. Vertical Extent of Site: 4. Temperature Range at Site: approx. 40ft. approx. 45oF Degreasing operations Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 5. Contaminant Names and Concentrations in Ground Water (ppm): 6. III. Page 3 TCE - 25 ppm Contaminant Names and Concentrations in the Vadose Zone (ppm): PILOT OR BENCH SCALE TESTS A. Pilot Test - ONLY 1. Goals: 2. Wells a. Purpose (e.g., injection, extraction, or monitoring): b. Pipe Type: c. Pipe Diameter: d. Depth: e. Screen Interval: f. Screen Type: g. Number and Spacing: 3. Air Sparge Pumping Rate: 4. Test Vacuum and Duration: Vacuum (psi) Duration (hrs) Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 5. B. IV. Page 4 Test Results a. Optimum Sparge Pressure: b. Optimum Vacuum: c. Radius of Influence: d. Contamination Removal Rate: Bench Scale Test 1. Goals: 2. Other: TECHNOLOGY DESIGN - AIR SPARGING WITH SVE Typical System Components: Air Sparge Wells (Section A) Air Sparge Pump System (Section B) Vacuum Extraction Wells (Section C) Vacuum Extraction System (Section D) Offgas System (Section E) Other: A. Air Sparge Wells 1. Design Goals: Well in zone of highest contamination. 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Pipe Type: Steel Pipe Diameter: 2 inch Depth: 57-59 ft. 48-50 ft. Screen Interval: 2 ft. Screen Type: Wire wrapped Number and Spacing: 3, 3 ft. apart Other: 40-42 ft. Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction B. 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Air velocity transducers pressure gauges. Air Sparge Pump System 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. C. Page 5 Air Flow Rate: 5-10 cfm Operating Pressure: 15-35 psi Operating Temperature: 45oF Steam Inclusion: Other: Methane for biodegradation 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: $4K Vacuum Extraction Wells 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Capture all air going down. Pipe Type: PVC Pipe Diameter: 2” Depth: 9 ft. Screen Interval: 9-11 ft. Screen Type: Wire wrapped PVC Number and Spacing: 9 at 30 ft. apart Other: Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction D. 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Vacuum System 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. E. Page 6 20-80 cfm Operating Vacuum: 10 in water Operating Depths/Vacuums: 0.5 psi Operating Mode (e.g., continuous, modulating, stepwise): Other: 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: 6 months $6K Offgas System 1. Design Goals a. b. 2. Contaminant Discharge Limit: Type: Calgon GAC < 1 lb/hr TCE Design Parameters a. Flow Through Rate: b. c. Residence Time: Other: 80-100 cfm; 50 cfm per two parrallel canisters Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 3. V. Page 7 Regulatory Provisions a. Permitting: b. Monitoring: < 1 lb/hr. of TCE 4. Design Tools: Calgon GAC 5. Remediation Hardware: 6. Capital Cost: 7. Operating and Maintenance Cost: TECHNOLOGY PERFORMANCE A. Remediation Technology Choice 1. Other Remediation Technologies Considered for this Site: 2. Surfactant use, contaminant stuck to sediment. Why was Air Sparging with SVE Chosen over Other Technologies? 3. B. C. Methane Remediation Technologies used at this Site in addition to Air Sparging with SVE: Groundwater pump and treat with air stripping. Operation of Air Sparging with SVE 1. Duration: 2. Other: Lessons Learned 1 year Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 1. Lessons Learned about the Operation of the Equipment: Information based on pilot scale tests. VI. 2. Why was the Technology Successful? 3. Why was the Technology Unsuccessful? CONTRACT TYPE AND COSTS A. B. C. Design of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: USGS Construction of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: USGS $35-40K (equipment) Operation of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: USGS $10K annual Page 8 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction nav_rem1.doc 3/20/97 Purpose: Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC), in conjunction with the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), is collecting real-life design information on remediation technologies involving Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE). The collected information will be compiled into a technical design guidance document that will indicate if a specific selected remediation technology will be effective at a given site, the design criteria that should be considered for that site, and lessons learned from past users of these technologies. The guidance document will provide the information necessary to effectively design the selected remediation technology. Point of Contact concerning questionnaire: Heather Fennessey Phone Number/E-mail: 814-269-6479/ Date entered: Date updated: I. 3/4/96 GENERAL INFORMATION A. B. Installation Information 1. Type of Installation (e.g., Navy): Commercial 2. Facility Name: Gasoline Service Station 3. Address: Pawtucket, RI Information Source 1. Name: 2. Address: 3. Phone: 4. Fax: 5. E-mail Address: 6. Source: Marley, Michael C. Vapex Environmental Technologies, Inc. “Air Sparging in Conjunction with Vapor Extraction for Source Removal at VOC Spill Sites.” 5th National Outdoor Action Conference on Aquifer Restoration, Groundwater Monitoring, and Geophysical Methods, Las Vegas, NV, May 1991. ALSO: EPA/600/R-92/173. September 1992. Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction II. Page 2 SITE CHARACTERISTICS A. B. Vadose Zone 1. Soil Type: Fine-coarse brown sand with no silt. 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Gradation/Sieve Analysis: 4. Moisture Content: 5. Air Permeability: 6. Porosity: 7. Depth to Water Table: 8. Diffusivity: 15.5-16 ft. (seasonal fluctuation of 3 ft.) Saturated Zone Aquifer 1 Aquifer 2 1. Soil Type: 5-15% fine-medium gravel extending from 19-20 ft. below grade; then less permeable brown/grey well-sorted, dense, fine sand C. 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Hydraulic Conductivity: 4. Transmissivity: 5. Hydraulic Gradient: 6. Porosity: 7. Aquifer Type: 8. Capillary Fringe Height: Contaminants Present 1. Source of Contamination (e.g., gasoline spill): 2. Horizontal Extent of Site: 3. Vertical Extent of Site: 4. Temperature Range at Site: 15-25 ft. below grade Gasoline spill Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 5. Contaminant Names and Concentrations in Ground Water (ppm): 6. BTEX - up to 38 ppm in 1987; 29 ppm in 1989 at start-up of air sparging with SVE system. Contaminant Names and Concentrations in the Vadose Zone (ppm): III. Page 3 Non-detectable PILOT OR BENCH SCALE TESTS A. Pilot Test 1. Goals: 2. Wells Determine the design parameters. a. Purpose (e.g., injection, extraction, or monitoring): b. Pipe Type: c. Pipe Diameter: d. Depth: e. Screen Interval: f. Screen Type: g. Number and Spacing: 3 monitoring points Injection 18-20 ft. below grade 2 test air injection wells approx. 40 ft. apart; 3. Air Sparge Pumping Rate: 100 cfm extraction; 10-20 cfm injection 4. Test Vacuum and Duration: Vacuum (psi) Duration (hrs) Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 5. B. IV. Page 4 Test Results a. Optimum Sparge Pressure: b. Optimum Vacuum: c. Radius of Influence: d. Contamination Removal Rate: 5 ft. 300 ppm by volume Bench Scale Test 1. Goals: 2. Other: TECHNOLOGY DESIGN - AIR SPARGING WITH SVE Typical System Components: Air Sparge Wells (Section A) Air Sparge Pump System (Section B) Vacuum Extraction Wells (Section C) Vacuum Extraction System (Section D) Offgas System (Section E) Other: A. Air Sparge Wells 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Pipe Type: Pipe Diameter: Depth: 18-20 ft. for shallows; 25-27 ft. for deep Screen Interval: Screen Type: Number and Spacing: 7 shallow; 6 deep Other: 3 hours on, 9 hours off Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction B. 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Designed as a result of pilot study. Air Sparge Pump System 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. C. Page 5 Air Flow Rate: 3-6 cfm for shallow; 2-6 cfm for deep Operating Pressure: 28-55” water for shallow; 166-222” water for deep Operating Temperature: Steam Inclusion: Other: Deep wells 6 hours on, 6 hours off 3. Design Tools: designed as a result of the pilot study. 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Vacuum Extraction Wells 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Pipe Type: Pipe Diameter: Depth: Screen Interval: Screen Type: Number and Spacing: Other: 2 or 6 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction D. 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Designed as a result of the pilot study. Vacuum System 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. E. Page 6 Operating Vacuum: 6-8 psi Operating Depths/Vacuums: Operating Mode (e.g., continuous, modulating, stepwise): Other: 2-6 cfm extraction on flow rate (6 hrs on/6 hrs off) 3. Design Tools: Designed as a result of the pilot study. 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Offgas System 1. Design Goals a. b. 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. 3. Contaminant Discharge Limit: Type: Flow Through Rate: Residence Time: Other: Regulatory Provisions pulsed Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction V. a. Permitting: b. Monitoring: 4. Design Tools: 5. Remediation Hardware: 6. Capital Cost: 7. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Page 7 TECHNOLOGY PERFORMANCE A. Remediation Technology Choice 1. Other Remediation Technologies Considered for this Site: 2. Groundwater pump and treat used from 1985-1989. However, contaminants also existed below the water table level. Why was Air Sparging with SVE Chosen over Other Technologies? 3. B. C. Limited success of groundwater pump and treat at this site (inadequate to meet closure criteria). Can treat contaminants below the waste table; time restraints; cost/benefit analysis. Remediation Technologies used at this Site in addition to Air Sparging with SVE: Ground water pump and treat Operation of Air Sparging with SVE 1. Duration: 2. Other: Lessons Learned 2 months (May 21-July 14, 1990) Maintained a volume injection/extraction ratio of 5:1. Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 1. Lessons Learned about the Operation of the Equipment: 2. VI. Aeration did not seem to effect aquifer characteristics (e.g. pH, redox potential) Why was the Technology Successful? 3. BTEX reduction 21 ppm to < 1 ppm in 2 months (well below the established closure criteria) 5-10 lbs. gasoline removed from groundwater and soils in 60 days. Within 2-3 weeks, the cleanup goal (of 10 ppm BTEX) was reached. Why was the Technology Unsuccessful? CONTRACT TYPE AND COSTS A. B. C. Page 8 Design of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Construction of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Operation of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Concurrent Technologies Corporation Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction nav_rem1.doc 3/20/97 Purpose: Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC), in conjunction with the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), is collecting real-life design information on remediation technologies involving Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE). The collected information will be compiled into a technical design guidance document that will indicate if a specific selected remediation technology will be effective at a given site, the design criteria that should be considered for that site, and lessons learned from past users of these technologies. The guidance document will provide the information necessary to effectively design the selected remediation technology. Point of Contact concerning questionnaire: Phone Number/E-mail: Date entered: Date updated: I. Heather Fennessey 814-269-6479/ 2/23/96 Data 2/26/96 GENERAL INFORMATION A. B. Installation Information 1. Type of Installation (e.g., Navy): 2. Facility Name: 3. Address: commercial Amcor Precast Ogden, Utah Information Source 1. Name: Todd Schrauf, Wasatch Environmental, Inc. 2. Address: 2251B West California Ave. Salt Lake City, Utah 84104 3. Phone: 801-972-8400 4. Fax: 801-972-8459 5. E-mail Address: 6. Source: EPA-542-R-95-003 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction II. Page 2 SITE CHARACTERISTICS A. B. Vadose Zone 1. Soil Type: interbedded silly sand & poorly graded fine gravel 2. Unified Soil Classification: SM/GP 3. Gradation/Sieve Analysis: No data 4. Moisture Content: 5. Air Permeability: No data 6. Porosity: 7. Depth to Water Table: 8. Diffusivity: No data 20-35% 5 to 11 feet (aquifer thickness 7-13 ft) No data Saturated Zone Aquifer 1 1. Soil Type: interbedded silty sand & poorly graded fine gravel underlain by a silty clay aquitard at a depth of approximately 18 ft below ground surface 2. Unified Soil Classification: C. 3. Hydraulic Conductivity: 190 ft/day 4. Transmissivity: 5. Hydraulic Gradient: 6. Porosity: 7. Aquifer Type: Unconfined 8. Capillary Fringe Height: No data 0.004 R/D 20-35% Contaminants Present 1. Source of Contamination (e.g., gasoline spill): underground storage tank leaks 2. Horizontal Extent of Site: 30,000 ft2 Diesel & gasoline fuel Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 3. Vertical Extent of Site: 4. Temperature Range at Site: 5. Contaminant Names and Concentrations in Ground Water (ppm): Contaminant TPH Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total xylenes Naphthalene 6. 18 ft below ground surface 22F - 85F (58F average) Avg. Concen (mg/l) 51 1.3 2.4 Max. Concen (mg/l) 190 4.7 9.4 0.78 2.5 0.18 2.7 8.0 0.63 Contaminant Names and Concentrations in the Vadose Zone (ppm): TPH Benzene Toluene Ethylbenze Total xylenes III. Page 3 555 1,600 2.0 1.4 7.8 2.5 5.7 37 19 110 PILOT OR BENCH SCALE TESTS A. Pilot Test 1. Goals: 2. Wells Not performed (Not required with DOC System) a. Purpose (e.g., injection, extraction, or monitoring): b. Pipe Type: c. Pipe Diameter: d. Depth: e. Screen Interval: f. Screen Type: g. Number and Spacing: 3. Air Sparge Pumping Rate: 4. Test Vacuum and Duration: Vacuum (psi) Duration (hrs) Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 5. B. IV. Page 4 Test Results a. Optimum Sparge Pressure: b. Optimum Vacuum: c. Radius of Influence: d. Contamination Removal Rate: Bench Scale Test 1. Goals: 2. Other: TECHNOLOGY DESIGN - AIR SPARGING WITH SVE Technology: In situ Density Driven Ground Water sparging and SVE: System has 3 comp: GW sparging system, GW recirculation system, & SVE system GW sparging was principal rem. method; SVE was used locally A. Air Sparge Wells 1. Design Goals: Remove petroleum hydrocarbons using (1) aerobic degradation & (2) in situ air stripping 2. Design Parameters a. Pipe Type: 40 PVC flush-coupled well casing b. Pipe Diameter: 4 inch c. Depth: 18 feet d. Screen Interval: screened from 5 - 17½ feet e. Screen Type: 0.01-inch slotted (intake); 0.02-inch (exhaust) f. Number and Spacing: g. Other: 12 wells Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 3. 4. 5. 6. B. Design Tools: Remediation Hardware: Capital Cost: $16,000 for 3 extraction, 13 sparging, and 6 monitoring Operating and Maintenance Cost: wells Air Sparge Pump System 1. Design Goals: extraction wells 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. C. Page 5 Provide air for DOC wells and air drive pumps for GW Design Parameters a. Air Flow Rate: 60-100 scfh/sparge well b. Operating Pressure: 4.0 to 7.0 psi depending on water level (at wellhead) c. Operating Temperature: Ambient (air heated by compressor) d. Steam Inclusion: e. Other: Air was injected at base of well via 3/8-inch diameter tubing plastic Design Tools: Remediation Hardware: Capital Cost: $26,800 air compressor & control trailer Operating and Maintenance Cost: Vacuum Extraction Wells 1. Design Goals: Locally protect against volalilized hydrocarbons created by the air stripping process from entering neighboring office buildings 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. 3. Pipe Type: schedule 40 PVC Pipe Diameter: 4” Depth: 17 feet Screen Interval: 4-17 ft (converted GW extraction wells) Screen Type: 0.01 inch slotted screen Number and Spacing: 3 vertical, adjacent to GW extraction wells g. Other: Design Tools: Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction D. E. 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Page 6 See A5 Vacuum System 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. Operating Vacuum: b. Operating Depths/Vacuums: c. Operating Mode (e.g., continuous, modulating, stepwise): d. Soil Vapor Extraction Rate: 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: 70-90 scfm Offgas System - Vapor from extraction wells was discharged to atmosphere 1. 2. Design Goals a. Contaminant Discharge Limit: b. Type: Design Parameters a. Flow Through Rate: b. Residence Time: c. Other: Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 3. Page 7 Regulatory Provisions a. Permitting: No air discharge permit was required because air emissions were below de minimis standards of the Utah Division of Air Quality b. Monitoring: Collect air samples from venting emissions stack & laboratory analysis for TPH (total petroleum hydrocarbons) and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene, and naphthalene (BTEXN)-Weekly for first two months; monthly thereafter 4. Design Tools: 5. Remediation Hardware: 6. Capital Cost: 7. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Also: 3 downgradient extraction (pumping) wells installed to a depth of 20 ft & 1 upgradient injection galley (former tank excavation backfilled with pea gravel); GW extraction rate @ 10 gpm V. TECHNOLOGY PERFORMANCE A. Remediation Technology Choice 1. Other Remediation Technologies Considered for this Site: None 2. Why was Air Sparging with SVE Chosen over Other Technologies? Cost effective/Suitable site conditions/Need for rapid cleanup SVE chosen for protection from vapor migration into building only 3. B. Remediation Technologies used at this Site in addition to Air Sparging with SVE: GW recirculation for plume containment (i.e. extraction and reinjection at source w/o surface treatment) Operation of Air Sparging with SVE 1. Duration: March 1992-September 1993 (11 mo. for all contaminants except naphthalene 18 mo. for naphthalene) 2. Other: Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction C. Page 8 Lessons Learned 1. Lessons Learned about the Operation of the Equipment: Max. sparging well air flow & GW wellborne circulation rates are dependent on well diameter, depth to GW, & the hydraulic conductivity of the formation. Therefore, longer remediation times or a greater number of sparging wells may be required in lower permeability formations. 2. Why was the Technology Successful? The cleanup goals were achieved for all contaminants of concern in both soil (Soil - TPH - 30 mg/kg; Benzene - 0.2 mg/kg; Toluene - 100 1,000 mg/kg; Naphthalene - 2.0 mg/kg) (GW - BTEX & mg/kg; Xylenes naphthalene to below MCLs). Site resampled one year after system shut down and dissolved concentrations were below levels at shutdown (i.e. no rebound in dissolved levels). 3. VI. GW & Why was the Technology Unsuccessful? CONTRACT TYPE AND COSTS A. B. Design of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: see (B) see (B) Construction of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Fixed price $156,950 (including drill/install wells & sparging system, start-up, management) C. Operation of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Fixed price $62,750 annually (including electricity, maintenance, monitoring) project Concurrent Technologies Corporation Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction nav_rem1.doc 3/20/97 Purpose: Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC), in conjunction with the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), is collecting real-life design information on remediation technologies involving Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE). The collected information will be compiled into a technical design guidance document that will indicate if a specific selected remediation technology will be effective at a given site, the design criteria that should be considered for that site, and lessons learned from past users of these technologies. The guidance document will provide the information necessary to effectively design the selected remediation technology. Point of Contact concerning questionnaire: Heather Fennessey Phone Number/E-mail: 814-269-6479/ Date entered: Date updated: I. 2/27/96 GENERAL INFORMATION A. B. Installation Information 1. Type of Installation (e.g., Navy): 2. Facility Name: 3. Address: commercial Chicago, Illinois (site is west of Chicago) Information Source 1. Name: No contact identified 2. Address: 3. Phone: 4. Fax: 5. E-mail Address: 6. Literature Source: Barrera, John A. Four Seasons Environmental, Inc. “Air Sparging and Vapor Extraction as a Means of Removing Chlorinated and BTEX Compounds in Complex Ground Water Conditions.” Superfund XIV Conference & Exhibition. Nov 30-Dec 1, 1993. Case Study 1. Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction II. Page 2 SITE CHARACTERISTICS A. Vadose Zone 1. Soil Type: Clayey surficial sediments followed by a plastic clay with course grained material B. 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Gradation/Sieve Analysis: 4. Moisture Content: 5. Air Permeability: 6. Porosity: 7. Depth to Water Table: 8. Diffusivity: Saturated Zone Aquifer 1 C. 1. Soil Type: Same as A1 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Hydraulic Conductivity: 4. Transmissivity: 5. Hydraulic Gradient: 6. Porosity: 7. Aquifer Type: 8. Capillary Fringe Height: Contaminants Present 1. Source of Contamination (e.g., gasoline spill): (construction machinery washing chemicals) 2. Horizontal Extent of Site: 3. Vertical Extent of Site: 4. Temperature Range at Site: Abandoned Sump trace Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 5. Page 3 Contaminant Names and Concentrations in Ground Water (ppm): Target VOCs: PCE, TCE, TCA, and several other DNAPLs Concentrations over 5,000 mg/l 6. Contaminant Names and Concentrations in the Vadose Zone (ppm): PCE, TCE, TCA, and several other DNAPLs III. PILOT OR BENCH SCALE TESTS A. Pilot Test 1. Goals: Evaluate efficacy of air sparging at this site and then evaluate air sparging w/SVE 2. Wells a. Purpose (e.g., injection, extraction, or monitoring): b. Pipe Type: c. Pipe Diameter: d. Depth: e. Screen Interval: f. Screen Type: g. Number and Spacing: 3. Air Sparge Pumping Rate: 4. Test Vacuum and Duration: Vacuum (psi) Duration (hrs) Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 5. B. IV. Page 4 Test Results a. Optimum Sparge Pressure: b. Optimum Vacuum: c. Radius of Influence: d. Contamination Removal Rate: Bench Scale Test 1. Goals: 2. Other: TECHNOLOGY DESIGN - AIR SPARGING WITH SVE Typical System Components: Air Sparge Wells (Section A) Air Sparge Pump System (Section B) Vacuum Extraction Wells (Section C) Vacuum Extraction System (Section D) Offgas System (Section E) Other: A. Air Sparge Wells 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Pipe Type: Pipe Diameter: Depth: Screen Interval: Screen Type: Number and Spacing: Other: 9 wells Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction B. 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Air Sparge Pump System 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. C. Page 5 Air Flow Rate: 200 CFM (10 H.P. blower) Operating Pressure: Operating Temperature: Steam Inclusion: N/A Other: 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Vacuum Extraction Wells 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 3. Pipe Type: Pipe Diameter: Depth: Screen Interval: Screen Type: Number and Spacing: Other: Design Tools: 5 wells Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction D. 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Vacuum System 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. E. Page 6 Operating Vacuum: Operating Depths/Vacuums: Operating Mode (e.g., continuous, modulating, stepwise): Other: A 15 HP 1,000 CFM blower for vacuum extraction was 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Offgas System 1. Design Goals a. b. 2. Contaminant Discharge Limit: Type: Design Parameters a. b. c. Flow Through Rate: Residence Time: Other: used. Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 3. V. Regulatory Provisions a. Permitting: b. Monitoring: 4. Design Tools: 5. Remediation Hardware: 6. Capital Cost: 7. Operating and Maintenance Cost: TECHNOLOGY PERFORMANCE A. Remediation Technology Choice 1. Other Remediation Technologies Considered for this Site: Traditional GW pump & treat 2. Why was Air Sparging with SVE Chosen over Other Technologies? Time restraints (GW pump & treat would have taken several years) 3. B. Remediation Technologies used at this Site in addition to Air Sparging with SVE: None Operation of Air Sparging with SVE 1. Duration: 2. Other: 11/92 until at least 12/93 Page 7 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction C. Page 8 Lessons Learned 1. Lessons Learned about the Operation of the Equipment: Initial Dissolved Oxygen (DO) levels increased followed by a moderate reduction after 35 days. (suggests oxygen utilization or enhanced biodegradation) Maximum “bubble radius” was 30 feet SVE “capture rate” to sparge “injection rate” = 10:1 Air sparging with SVE effectively removes DNAPLs 2. Why was the Technology Successful? The combined air sparging & vapor extraction system removed over 100 lb VOCs in the first 30 days 3. VI. 75% VOC reduction in first 4 months Why was the Technology Unsuccessful? CONTRACT TYPE AND COSTS A. B. C. D. Design of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Construction of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Operation of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Cost: Under $190,000 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction nav_rem1.doc 3/20/97 Purpose: Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC), in conjunction with the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), is collecting real-life design information on remediation technologies involving Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE). The collected information will be compiled into a technical design guidance document that will indicate if a specific selected remediation technology will be effective at a given site, the design criteria that should be considered for that site, and lessons learned from past users of these technologies. The guidance document will provide the information necessary to effectively design the selected remediation technology. Point of Contact concerning questionnaire: Heather Fennessey Phone Number/E-mail: 814-269-6479/ Date entered: Date updated: I. 2/27/96 GENERAL INFORMATION A. B. Installation Information 1. Type of Installation (e.g., Navy): 2. Facility Name: 3. Address: commercial Service Station St. Martinsville, Louisiana Information Source 1. Name: No contact identified 2. Address: 3. Phone: 4. Fax: 5. E-mail Address: 6. Literature Source: Barrera, John A. Four Seasons Env., Inc. “Air Sparging & Vapor Extraction as a means of Removing Chlorinated & BTEX Compounds in Complex Ground Water Conditions” Superfund XIV Conference. & Exhibition. Nov. 30 - Dec. 1, 1993. Case Study 2. Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction II. Page 2 SITE CHARACTERISTICS A. Vadose Zone 1. Soil Type: Upper 15 ft. - clay & silty clays 15 ft - 17 ft - stiff clay with silt B. 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Gradation/Sieve Analysis: 4. Moisture Content: 5. Air Permeability: 6. Porosity: 7. Depth to Water Table: 8. Diffusivity: 10.5 feet (“seasonably high” water table) Saturated Zone Aquifer 1 C. 1. Soil Type: 16 - 18 ft clayey silts 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Hydraulic Conductivity: 4. Transmissivity: 5. Hydraulic Gradient: 6. Porosity: 7. Aquifer Type: 8. Capillary Fringe Height: 10-5 - 10-4 cm/sec 0.04 feet/feet Contaminants Present 1. Source of Contamination (e.g., gasoline spill): 2. Horizontal Extent of Site: 3. Vertical Extent of Site: 4. Temperature Range at Site: UST leak Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 5. Page 3 Contaminant Names and Concentrations in Ground Water (ppm): Dissolved phase petroleum hydrocarbons (peak concentration monitored = 88,688 ppb) 6. III. Contaminant Names and Concentrations in the Vadose Zone (ppm): PILOT OR BENCH SCALE TESTS A. Pilot Test (start-up test) 1. Goals: balance air injection to extraction ratio approximate the “bubble” influence 2. Wells a. Purpose (e.g., injection, extraction, or monitoring): b. Pipe Type: c. Pipe Diameter: d. Depth: e. Screen Interval: f. Screen Type: g. Number and Spacing: 3. Air Sparge Pumping Rate: 4. Test Vacuum and Duration: Vacuum (psi) Duration (hrs) 4 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 5. B. IV. Page 4 Test Results a. Optimum Sparge Pressure: b. Optimum Vacuum: c. Radius of Influence: d. Contamination Removal Rate: Bench Scale Test 1. Goals: 2. Other: TECHNOLOGY DESIGN - AIR SPARGING WITH SVE Typical System Components: Air Sparge Wells (Section A) Air Sparge Pump System (Section B) Vacuum Extraction Wells (Section C) Vacuum Extraction System (Section D) Offgas System (Section E) Other: A. Air Sparge Wells 1. Design Goals: Measure air sparging impact on perched GW or aquifier by measuring potentiometric surface changes, dissolved oxygen, BOD, pH, specific conductivity, and temperature 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. Pipe Type: Pipe Diameter: 2 inches Depth: 20-24 feet below grade Screen Interval: Screen Type: Number and Spacing: 16 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction B. Page 5 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Air Sparge Pump System 1. Design Goals: Manage air injection/vapor extraction ratio to avoid impact 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. C. Air Flow Rate: 8 CFM (10 HP) Operating Pressure: 4.5 PSIG/Well Operating Temperature: Steam Inclusion: N/A 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Vacuum Extraction Wells 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. 3. Pipe Type: Pipe Diameter: Depth: 9 ft below grade Screen Interval: Screen Type: Number and Spacing: 8 horizontal wells Design Tools: off-site Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction D. 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Vacuum System 1. Design Goals: see B1 Calculate VOC export rates from saturated zone to unsaturated zone by vapor extraction off-gas analysis 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. E. Page 6 Operating Vacuum: 2” Hg/well Operating Depths/Vacuums: Operating Mode (e.g., continuous, modulating, stepwise): Other: 15 HP 500 CFM (operated @ 429 CFM) 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Offgas System 1. Design Goals a. b. 2. Contaminant Discharge Limit: Type: Design Parameters a. b. Flow Through Rate: Residence Time: Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 3. V. Regulatory Provisions a. Permitting: b. Monitoring: 4. Design Tools: 5. Remediation Hardware: 6. Capital Cost: 7. Operating and Maintenance Cost: TECHNOLOGY PERFORMANCE A. B. Remediation Technology Choice 1. Other Remediation Technologies Considered for this Site: 2. Why was Air Sparging with SVE Chosen over Other Technologies? 3. Remediation Technologies used at this Site in addition to Air Sparging with SVE: Operation of Air Sparging with SVE 1. Duration: 2. Other: 7/93 to at least 12/93 (was expected to run for 15 months) Page 7 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction C. Page 8 Lessons Learned 1. Lessons Learned about the Operation of the Equipment: Vacuum system only operated for first 14 days - off-gas concen = 710 ppm total VOC (BTEX & TPH). Next, air sparging activated with vacuum system - VOC output increased to over 2,600 ppm. (81 lb/day vs. 270 lb/day) 2. Low DO readings suggest moderate O2 utilization & increased biological activity Why was the Technology Successful? (Not complete as of publication) 3. VI. Why was the Technology Unsuccessful? CONTRACT TYPE AND COSTS A. B. C. D. Design of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Construction of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Operation of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Cost: Under $130,000 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction nav_rem1.doc 3/20/97 Purpose: Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC), in conjunction with the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), is collecting real-life design information on remediation technologies involving Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE). The collected information will be compiled into a technical design guidance document that will indicate if a specific selected remediation technology will be effective at a given site, the design criteria that should be considered for that site, and lessons learned from past users of these technologies. The guidance document will provide the information necessary to effectively design the selected remediation technology. Point of Contact concerning questionnaire: Heather Fennessey Phone Number/E-mail: 814-269-6479/ Date entered: Date updated: I. 2/27/96 GENERAL INFORMATION A. B. Installation Information 1. Type of Installation (e.g., Navy): 2. Facility Name: 3. Address: commercial Kernersville, North Carolina Information Source 1. Name: No contact identified 2. Address: 3. Phone: 4. Fax: 5. E-mail Address: 6. Literature Source: Barrera, John A. Four Seasons Env., Inc. “Air Sparging and Vapor Extraction as a Means of Removing Chlorinated BTEX Compounds in Complex Ground Water Conditions.” Superfund XIV Conf & Exhibition. Nov. 30 - Dec. 1, 1993. Case Study 3. Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction II. Page 2 SITE CHARACTERISTICS A. Vadose Zone 1. Soil Type: Upper 20-25 ft. - unconsolidated deposits of silty sand & clayey silt; some areas of fill material B. 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Gradation/Sieve Analysis: 4. Moisture Content: 5. Air Permeability: low to moderate 6. Porosity: 7. Depth to Water Table: 8. Diffusivity: 17.5 - 20 ft. below grade Saturated Zone Aquifer 1 C. 1. Soil Type: 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Hydraulic Conductivity: 4. Transmissivity: 5. Hydraulic Gradient: 6. Porosity: 7. Aquifer Type: 8. Capillary Fringe Height: Contaminants Present 1. Source of Contamination (e.g., gasoline spill): 2. Horizontal Extent of Site: 8,000 square feet 3. Vertical Extent of Site: transfer line & UST leaks Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction Page 3 4. Temperature Range at Site: 5. Contaminant Names and Concentrations in Ground Water (ppm): toluene - over 1,000 ppm 6. Contaminant Names and Concentrations in the Vadose Zone (ppm): toluene - over 1,000 ppm III. PILOT OR BENCH SCALE TESTS A. Pilot Test 1. Goals: Determine efficacy of SVE by means of vapor extraction w/a patented technique (VACU-PILE™) 2. Develop full-scale strategy & proposed operating parameters Wells a. Purpose (e.g., injection, extraction, or monitoring): b. Pipe Type: c. Pipe Diameter: d. Depth: e. Screen Interval: f. Screen Type: g. Number and Spacing: 3. Air Sparge Pumping Rate: 4. Test Vacuum and Duration: Vacuum (psi) Duration (hrs) Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 5. Page 4 Test Results a. Optimum Sparge Pressure: b. Optimum Vacuum: c. Radius of Influence: Greater than 20 - feet in cohesive, clayey soils d. Contamination Removal Rate: e. Other: No residual soil is produced during installation, avoiding disposal (especially for RCRA wastes) B. IV. Bench Scale Test 1. Goals: 2. Other: TECHNOLOGY DESIGN - AIR SPARGING WITH SVE Typical System Components: Air Sparge Wells (Section A) Air Sparge Pump System (Section B) Vacuum Extraction Wells (Section C) Vacuum Extraction System (Section D) Offgas System (Section E) Other: A. Air Sparge Wells 1. Design Goals: Overall objective: Recover toluene in the aqueous & vapor phase both physically and biologically 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. Pipe Type: Pipe Diameter: Depth: Screen Interval: Screen Type: Number and Spacing: up to 6 wells Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction B. 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Air Sparge Pump System 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. C. Air Flow Rate: Operating Pressure: Operating Temperature: Steam Inclusion: N/A Other: 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Vacuum Extraction Wells 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. Pipe Type: Pipe Diameter: Depth: Screen Interval: Screen Type: Number and Spacing: up to 9 VAC-U-PILE units (2 ft wide, 17 ft long, 2 inches of void space) Page 5 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction D. 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Vacuum System 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. E. Operating Vacuum: Operating Depths/Vacuums: Operating Mode (e.g., continuous, modulating, stepwise): Other: 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Offgas System 1. Design Goals a. b. 2. Contaminant Discharge Limit: Type: Design Parameters a. b. Flow Through Rate: Residence Time: Page 6 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 3. V. Regulatory Provisions a. Permitting: b. Monitoring: 4. Design Tools: 5. Remediation Hardware: 6. Capital Cost: 7. Operating and Maintenance Cost: TECHNOLOGY PERFORMANCE A. Remediation Technology Choice 1. Other Remediation Technologies Considered for this Site: Conventional pump and treat system 2. Why was Air Sparging with SVE Chosen over Other Technologies? Viable option; results of pilot test; used with pump & treat to improve effectiveness 3. B. Remediation Technologies used at this Site in addition to Air Sparging with SVE: Ground water pump & treat system with air stripping Operation of Air Sparging with SVE 1. Duration: 2. Other: 8/93 until at least 12/93 Estimated 14 months to achieve 2 ppm toluene cleanup goal Page 7 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction C. Lessons Learned 1. Lessons Learned about the Operation of the Equipment: 2. Why was the Technology Successful? 3. Why was the Technology Unsuccessful? VI. Installation was difficult due to underground utilities, structures, and USTs CONTRACT TYPE AND COSTS A. B. C. D. Design of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Construction of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Operation of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Cost: Under $150,000 Page 8 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction nav_rem1.doc 3/20/97 Purpose: Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC), in conjunction with the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), is collecting real-life design information on remediation technologies involving Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE). The collected information will be compiled into a technical design guidance document that will indicate if a specific selected remediation technology will be effective at a given site, the design criteria that should be considered for that site, and lessons learned from past users of these technologies. The guidance document will provide the information necessary to effectively design the selected remediation technology. Point of Contact concerning questionnaire: Heather Fennessey Phone Number/E-mail: 814-269-6479/ Date entered: Date updated: I. 2/27/96 GENERAL INFORMATION A. B. Installation Information 1. Type of Installation (e.g., Navy): 2. Facility Name: 3. Address: commercial Furniture Manufacturing Facility Liberty, North Carolina Information Source 1. Name: No contact identified 2. Address: 3. Phone: 4. Fax: 5. E-mail Address: 6. Literature Source: Barrera, John A. Four Seasons Env., Inc. “Air Sparging and Vapor Extraction as a Means of Removing Chlorinated BTEX Compounds in Complex Ground Water Conditions.” Superfund XIV Conf & Exhibition. Nov. 30 - Dec. 1, 1993. Case Study 4 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction II. Page 2 SITE CHARACTERISTICS A. Vadose Zone 1. Soil Type: silt & clay 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Gradation/Sieve Analysis: 4. Moisture Content: 5. Air Permeability: 6. Porosity: 7. Depth to Water Table: 4-6 feet during winter & spring as low as 10 feet during summer 8. B. Diffusivity: Saturated Zone Aquifer 1 C. 1. Soil Type: silt & trace sand 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Hydraulic Conductivity: 4. Transmissivity: 5. Hydraulic Gradient: 6. Porosity: 7. Aquifer Type: 8. Capillary Fringe Height: 1 x 10-4 cm/sec Contaminants Present 1. Source of Contamination (e.g., gasoline spill): drum leaks in storage area 2. Horizontal Extent of Site: 2,400 ft2 GW 1,500 ft2 soil 3. Vertical Extent of Site: Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction Page 3 4. Temperature Range at Site: 5. Contaminant Names and Concentrations in Ground Water (ppm): VOCs (e.g. acetone, 2-butanone, ethylbenzene, toluene, and xylenes) 6. Contaminant Names and Concentrations in the Vadose Zone (ppm): VOCs (e.g. see 5) in excess of 100,000 ppb in at least one location Primary Assessment: Acetone - 30 ppm 2 Butanone - 11 ppm Toluene - 52 ppm Ethylbenzene - 8 ppm III. PILOT OR BENCH SCALE TESTS A. Pilot Test 1. Goals: 2. Wells a. Purpose (e.g., injection, extraction, or monitoring): b. Pipe Type: c. Pipe Diameter: d. Depth: e. Screen Interval: f. Screen Type: g. Number and Spacing: 3. Air Sparge Pumping Rate: 4. Test Vacuum and Duration: Vacuum (psi) Duration (hrs) Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 5. B. IV. Page 4 Test Results a. Optimum Sparge Pressure: b. Optimum Vacuum: c. Radius of Influence: d. Contamination Removal Rate: Bench Scale Test 1. Goals: 2. Other: TECHNOLOGY DESIGN - AIR SPARGING WITH SVE Typical System Components: Air Sparge Wells (Section A) Air Sparge Pump System (Section B) Vacuum Extraction Wells (Section C) Vacuum Extraction System (Section D) Offgas System (Section E) Other: A. Air Sparge Wells 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. VOC removal Pipe Type: Pipe Diameter: Depth: 10 ft. below grade Screen Interval: 2.5 ft. screen positioned to intersect 7.5 -10 Screen Type: Number and Spacing: 7 ft. depth Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction B. 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Air Sparge Pump System 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. C. Air Flow Rate: capable of up to 100 CFM cumulative Operating Pressure: up to 5 PSIG Operating Temperature: Steam Inclusion: Other: 5 HP Blower 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Vacuum Extraction Wells 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. VOC removal Pipe Type: Pipe Diameter: Depth: less than 3 ft below grade Screen Interval: Screen Type: Number and Spacing: horizontal (due to shallow GW conditions); 8 trench wells Page 5 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction D. 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Vacuum System 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. E. Operating Vacuum: 4” HG Operating Depths/Vacuums: Operating Mode (e.g., continuous, modulating, stepwise): Other: 10 HP, 250 CFM blower 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Offgas System 1. Design Goals a. b. 2. Contaminant Discharge Limit: Type: Design Parameters a. b. c. Flow Through Rate: Residence Time: Other: Page 6 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 3. V. Regulatory Provisions a. Permitting: b. Monitoring: 4. Design Tools: 5. Remediation Hardware: 6. Capital Cost: 7. Operating and Maintenance Cost: TECHNOLOGY PERFORMANCE A. Remediation Technology Choice 1. Other Remediation Technologies Considered for this Site: pump & treat bioremediation 2. Why was Air Sparging with SVE Chosen over Other Technologies? most viable & cost - effective cleanup option remediates GW & soil simultaneously 3. B. Remediation Technologies used at this Site in addition to Air Sparging with SVE: Above ground (“ex situ”) vapor extraction system Operation of Air Sparging with SVE 1. Duration: 2. Other: May 1993 until at least Dec 1993 (operates continuously) Page 7 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction C. Page 8 Lessons Learned 1. Lessons Learned about the Operation of the Equipment: Maximum “bubble radius” was 12 feet SVE “capture rate” to sparge “injection rate” = 8:1 2. Why was the Technology Successful? Air sparging with SVE effectively removes dissolved phase VOCs 3. Why was the Technology Unsuccessful? Main obstacles: shallow watertable, heterogeneous soils, soluble target VOCs, & irregular topography (due to nearby creek) Only removed 25 lbs VOCs in first 120 days (low yield is likely due to shallow water conditions) VI. CONTRACT TYPE AND COSTS A. B. C. Design of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Under $90,000 for design & installation Construction of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Operation of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Concurrent Technologies Corporation Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction nav_rem1.doc 3/20/97 Purpose: Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC), in conjunction with the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), is collecting real-life design information on remediation technologies involving Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE). The collected information will be compiled into a technical design guidance document that will indicate if a specific selected remediation technology will be effective at a given site, the design criteria that should be considered for that site, and lessons learned from past users of these technologies. The guidance document will provide the information necessary to effectively design the selected remediation technology. Point of Contact concerning questionnaire: Heather Fennessey Phone Number/E-mail: 814-269-6479/ Date entered: Date updated: I. 3/4/96 data GENERAL INFORMATION A. B. Installation Information 1. Type of Installation (e.g., Navy): 2. Facility Name: 3. Address: Conservancy site Belen, New Mexico Information Source 1. Name: No contact identified 2. Address: 3. Phone: 4. Fax: 5. E-mail Address: 6. Source: EPA/600/R-92/179 Sept. 1992 7. Additional information available from: Billings & Associates, 1991. Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction II. Page 2 SITE CHARACTERISTICS A. B. C. Vadose Zone 1. Soil Type: silty sand, interfering clay layer 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Gradation/Sieve Analysis: 4. Moisture Content: 5. Air Permeability: 6. Porosity: 7. Depth to Water Table: 8. Diffusivity: 6.5 feet Saturated Zone Aquifer 1 Aquifer 2 Source of Contamination (e.g., gasoline spill): 6,500 gal gasoline 1. Soil Type: 2. Unified Soil Classification: 3. Hydraulic Conductivity: 4. Transmissivity: 5. Hydraulic Gradient: 6. Porosity: 7. Aquifer Type: 8. Capillary Fringe Height: Contaminants Present 1. from UST 2. Horizontal Extent of Site: 3. Vertical Extent of Site: 4. Temperature Range at Site: 33 inches thick leak Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 5. Page 3 Contaminant Names and Concentrations in Ground Water (ppm): BTEX Benzene 3-6 ppm 6. III. Contaminant Names and Concentrations in the Vadose Zone (ppm): PILOT OR BENCH SCALE TESTS A. Pilot Test 1. Goals: 2. Wells a. Purpose (e.g., injection, extraction, or monitoring): b. Pipe Type: c. Pipe Diameter: d. Depth: e. Screen Interval: f. Screen Type: g. Number and Spacing: 3. Air Sparge Pumping Rate: 4. Test Vacuum and Duration: Vacuum (psi) Duration (hrs) Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 5. B. IV. Page 4 Test Results a. Optimum Sparge Pressure: b. Optimum Vacuum: c. Radius of Influence: d. Contamination Removal Rate: Bench Scale Test 1. Goals: 2. Other: TECHNOLOGY DESIGN - AIR SPARGING WITH SVE Typical System Components: Air Sparge Wells (Section A) Air Sparge Pump System (Section B) Vacuum Extraction Wells (Section C) Vacuum Extraction System (Section D) Offgas System (Section E) Other: A. Air Sparge Wells 1. Design Goals: Radially installed wells around source of contamination to minimize migration of contamination plume 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Pipe Type: PVC Pipe Diameter: 2 inch Depth: Screen Interval: Screen Type: Number and Spacing: 35 Other: Nested injection wells; Solvent-welded pipe used in addition to PVC pipe Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction B. 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Air Sparge Pump System 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. Air Flow Rate: b. Operating Pressure: c. Operating Temperature: d. Steam Inclusion: e. Other: Several blowers installed in parallel systems with manifolds networks for operational flexibility C. Page 5 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Vacuum Extraction Wells 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Pipe Type: Pipe Diameter: Depth: Screen Interval: Screen Type: Number and Spacing: 35 Other: nested extraction wells & piping Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction D. 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Vacuum System 1. Design Goals: 2. Design Parameters a. Operating Vacuum: b. Operating Depths/Vacuums: c. Operating Mode (e.g., continuous, modulating, stepwise): d. Other: Several pumps installed in parallel systems with manifolds networks for operational flexibility E. Page 6 3. Design Tools: 4. Remediation Hardware: 5. Capital Cost: 6. Operating and Maintenance Cost: Offgas System 1. Design Goals a. b. 2. Contaminant Discharge Limit: Type: Design Parameters a. b. c. Flow Through Rate: Residence Time: Other: & piping Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction 3. V. Regulatory Provisions a. Permitting: b. Monitoring: 4. Design Tools: 5. Remediation Hardware: 6. Capital Cost: 7. Operating and Maintenance Cost: TECHNOLOGY PERFORMANCE A. B. Remediation Technology Choice 1. Other Remediation Technologies Considered for this Site: 2. Why was Air Sparging with SVE Chosen over Other Technologies? 3. Remediation Technologies used at this Site in addition to Air Sparging with SVE: Operation of Air Sparging with SVE 1. Duration: 2. Other: Estimated 2.5 year duration to meet clean-up criteria Page 7 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction C. Lessons Learned 1. Lessons Learned about the Operation of the Equipment: 2. Why was the Technology Successful? 59% reduction in benzene after 5 months 66% reduction in toluene after 5 months 54% reduction in ethylbenzene after 5 months 49% reduction in xylenes after 5 months 3. VI. Why was the Technology Unsuccessful? CONTRACT TYPE AND COSTS A. B. C. Design of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Construction of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Operation of System 1. Contract Type: 2. Cost: Page 8 Concurrent Technologies Corporation Remediation Survey Air Sparging with Soil Vapor Extraction Page 9